The Holy Quran: English Translation of the Meaning And Commentary

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For the iniquity of the Jews We made unlawful for them 667 Certain (foods) good and wholesome Which had been lawful for them;And that they hindered many From Allah's Way;161. That they took usury, Though they were forbidden; And that they devoured Men's wealth wrongfully;We have prepared for those Among them who reject Faith A grievous chastisement. But those among them Who arc well-grounded In knowledge, And the Believers, Believe in what hath been Revealed to thee and what was Revealed before thee: And (especially) those Who establish regular prayer And pay Zakat And believe in Allah And in the Last Day: To them shall We soon Give a great reward. SECfION 23. 163. We have sent thee Inspiration, as We sent it To Noah and the Messengersf16ll

667. Cf. vi. 146. The ceremonial law of the Jews forbade the eating of the nesh of the camel. mbhit and hare (Leviticus xi. 4路6). and Ihe flll of oxen, sheep, and goats (Leviticus vii. 23). and was in olher respects very strict. 668. First we have a general stalement: thai inspiration was sent to many Mcsscngcrs, and the inspiration was of the same kind as that sent 10 the Prophet Muttammmad. for Allah's Mcssage is one. Note that Whlll is spoken of here is Inspiration. not necessarily a Book. Every nation or group of people had a mes.~enger: x. 47. Somc of thcse mcsscngcrs have been mentioned by name in the Qur'an, and somc not: iv. 164.

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