the management review

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Th e . epor t f ound th a t 6 8 Pe r c e n t of employers were puttitrg salartesup betwee, 3 and l0 per cent, while 22 Pel cent of employerswere increasingpavby more than 10 per cenr Further in creases are expecteditr2012. with 51 per cent of rcspotrdentsplanning to increasesaiafles 3 3 p e r c e trtb v mo re b y 6 '10per c ent and , Benefits are an important benchmark of a compa.y\ Performance The HaYs r€lori found that 59 per cent of Chinese firn1ssurveyed offer health benefits Fortv nine percent offer housing while 47 provide life assuranceAround 33 per cent run Penslonschemes Th e Huds on ReP o rt fo r Q2 2 0 1 1 revealedslmilar trends Hiring is on the increase,with 77 per cent ofrespondents expectingto recruit more stafi in Q2 up

Keybusinessconcernsfor Q2 Waqe. grcwlh

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Key retentionstrategiesfor 02 27%

Increas6h lt86 PaY WorkPlac. flonbitty

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Training and dev€loPmnt!€d EwaKla




6l netcentsald thatcandldates' lorhignel denands werc salafies it haflelto making lectuittoptalent from 64 per cent this time last year.The denand is strong in all areas,but saLes p ro fes s ionalsar e p a rti c u l a rl y s o rg h t after, Nith 60 per cent of employers inrending to itrcreaseheadcount in this field. In deed, 73 P er c e n i o f re s P o trd e n !s acros! all sector said that recruiilng top talent has proven mo.e difficult during the past 12 months. The main challenge as reported by 37 per cent of companies surreyed is finding the right stafl Wjth rh i s pt es s uf e, lhe i r D th e r c o n c e rn s includedskitlshortages andincreasins salary demands. While 20 pef cent of respondentscited rismg wages as lherr key concernfor the secondhalf of 2011' 61 percentsaidthatcandidatet demands iorhigber salaies were naking itharder ro recruit top talent.

Reasonstord fiicultes r recrutngiop lalenl

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