Increase Intuition, Ritual Series

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IX Magick Solitude The Seeker of Truth, Seeker of Enlightenment IX The Seeker of Truth, Seeker of Enlightenment, Magick Solitude; this tarot card can connote aspects of healing and recovery, particularly the kind that happens over time. In that regard, is a mature and wiser version of, I The Magician. IX The Hermit card represents the “withdrawal from events to introspect and gather strength. Seeking the inner voice or calling upon vision from within. A wise and understanding person who will offer knowing guidance. It is a card of personal experience and thoughtful XIV Temperance. This magnificent number (Roman Numeral) represents the astrological sign of Virgo but its light shines brightly from XVII The Stars, XVIII The Moon, XIX The Sun and the unification of the physical and spiritual worlds. Tarot rituals focus attention to these particular tarot cards as well as on their deeper meanings. Dedicated to contemplation, to finding the truth and enlightenment. Magick Solitude Rituals >


©2021 World Of Tarot® Created at World Of Tarot Studios Published By Alchemist Publishing LLC PO Box 772, Southern Pines, NC 28388


Magick Solitude

A very strange book; a grimoire, which contains rituals for doing magick from around 1600 holds a small manuscript containing 47 rituals. The texts are collected using runes, magickal Icelandic symbols and Latin. It can certainly be said that this magick of medieval times is a most important book. The ritual in this booklet is comprised of extractions from the grimoire, tarot and astrology. It succinctly gives you the most powerful ritual you can make to achieve desired results. The whole booklet is a powerful amulet in itself so when you possess this booklet you possess magick. And, if you do possess it, it is because it called to you.


The Magnetic Art Ritual - Increase Intuition Ars Magnesia, (The Magnetic Art) was a book on magnetism. Ars Magnesia also discussed how the powers of magnetism could be used to illustrate the miracles of the Bible. The power of the magnet symbolized the divine authority of the Holy Trinity, the secular authority of an emperor, king, and prince, and the spiritual authority of priest, bishop, and preacher. The great art of light and shadow, the marvelous light and shadow in the world is such a complex nature, and its strength and its effects reveal ideals. The ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning is intuition. To use this tool effectively requires either long and disciplined action. Performing the ritual here is an edge in honing this skill to its fullest. Ritual Time needed: 10 minutes per day until you are able to read any given situation or person accurately within seconds. *Warning! This can become scary because you may think you are wrong due to the information you receive so quickly but, acknowledge it without doubt. It will become second nature. You don’t have to convey to anyone what you are picking up about them but you will know how to proceed (or not) with them whether it be partnership, friendship or anything else. You can perform this ritual anywhere you wish but for the best effects do this while you are alone and can focus and envision your desired outcome. Perform The Magnetic Art Ritual - Increase Intuition • You need a Tibetan quartz crystal that you are drawn to. • Hold in your left hand until you feel a warmth. • With your right hand over your heart while seeing in your mind’s eye what you desire, whisper 7 times:

Tibetan Quartz Crystal

“My intuition awaken. Activate my power for what I want and need at any time I say so.”

Read: The Seven Hermetic Principles (next page). Tibetan Quartz Necklace

The Seven Hermetic Principles of The Kybalion - √ø∑Dubs Ancient Hermetic gnostics passed down a crucial set of principles which describe how reality works. This operation manual to the inner workings of the universe was espoused by the ‘thrice-great’ Hermes Trismegistus well before the time of Moses, and echoed in the writings of philosophers of today and times past. The Principles of Truth are Seven; he who knows these, possesses the Magic Key before whose touch all the Doors of the

Temple fly open. The Seven Hermetic Principles, upon which the entire Hermetic Philosophy is based, are as follows: 1. The Principle of Mentalism. 2. The Principle of Correspondence. 3. The Principle of Vibration. 4. The Principle of Polarity. 5. The Principle of Rhythm. 6. The Principle of Cause and Effect. 7. The Principle of Gender.

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