El camino de la basura

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Keeping the track of trash in the city of Buenos Aires

Have you ever wondered where everything we throw away is taken?

Solid Waste 1- People take the trash out every day and that is a lot in our city

Garbage collection 2- The collector truck takes the trash bags.

Transference, collection and storage The waste is taken to TRANSFERENCE CENTERS, where they are loaded in larger trucks. From there the waste is taken to selection and collection centers, where they are separated and stored.

Sanitary landfills

•The waste that is not recycled goes to larger trucks called “trailers”. Then, it is taken to landfills, where it is buried.

The end The end? … not all the rubbish follows this path….. and that is part of another story.

Source: Environmental Museum – Environment protection agency-Governmentof the city of Buenos Aires

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