The Akitan Winter 2022

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Farewell And so, it has come. My time on JET is coming to an end this summer and my time as the Akitan editor is coming to an end now. I never intended to be the editor. In a mood to flex my writing muscle I messaged the previous editor of the Akitan about what sort of article I could write for the next edition. Her response was that no one was going to make it and that if I wanted to take over I could do it. I seemingly did not hesitate and took the position. I always enjoyed filling vacant roles, more freedom that way. I felt out of my depth being one who never really read magazines or paid attention to design or was even in the habit of taking pictures. But I decided to give it the ol’ college try. My time as the editor has been full of ups and downs. All the sleepless nights editing, testing friendships by asking for articles and just dealing with the stress have all been a challenge, but it was all worth it. I gained so much in return. To have a glance into magazine design. Choosing themes, picking pictures, deciding how to lay out everything is truly an amazing art. To be able to contribute to The Akita JET community in some way has been really fulfilling. To a program that has given me so much, it was a pleasure to be able to give back. I have zero regrets and, in the end, made memories in magazine form that will last forever. Thank you to all the readers and contributors. This would have not been possible or worthwhile without you.

Philip Vyas

Editor and Creative Director


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