2014 Digital Comms Manager Pack

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Australian Indigenous Mentoring Experience

Staff Recruitment Pack Digital Communications Manager

AIME provides a structured dynamic educational program that connects volunteer university students in a one-on-one mentoring relationship with Indigenous high school kids. AIME dramatically improves the chances of Indigenous kids finishing school, and provides education and development for all people connected with the Program. The objective of AIME is to see all Indigenous kids finish school at the same rate as every Australian child.


What’s in this Pack !

Player Profile


Position Description


Learning and Development information


AIME Salary Structure

Key Dates to Remember



30 September 2013 – Applications Open


25 October 2013 – Applications Close (Midnight)


13 January 2014 – Employment Starts at AIME

Player Card Digital Communications Manager Profile A real social networker. This person likes to share the word and the word is success. With the skills to harness all forms of media, internal and external, they get AIME’s message across in a targeted meaningful fashion.


Understanding the power of words as well as the power of education in changing the world, this warrior of the written word keeps a sharpened pencil and a finely tuned keyboard handy at all times. Their ability to see the story within, and bring it out, is one of this player’s secrets. Yet secrets are not their usual M.O. The whole team knows that if they want to get the message out, to share the successes and shine the spotlight then this is the go to person.


Team Role

$66,000 p.a.

Reporting to the Media Director this player is the Clark Kent to our Perry White. They source tales, write stories, publish and distribute stories via AIME’s newsletters and the publications of our stakeholders. If something is happening at AIME they are on it and they know just where and who to broadcast it from and to.


+ Learning & Development Package

Ever been told “Don’t spend work time on Facebook”? Not this person; they are AIME’s facebook and twitter champ. They excel in expanding our following and in turn the message that Indigenous = Success. Together with the Media Director they form the AIME Cheer Squad. They inspire the team to go hard whilst simultaneously whipping the crowd into a frenzy.

PO SITIO N DESCRIPTIO N: Digital Com m unications M anager

Position Details Reports to

Media Director

Number of staff to manage


Key relationships

Communications Director, Web Designer, Graphic Designer, Media Liaison and Internal Communications Manager, Program Unit

Location of role (predominantly)

AIME HQ in Redfern

M ain Purpose of the Role

To#connect#the#wider#community#with#the#AIME#Program#and#create#brand#awareness#for#AIME#across# all#digital#media#platforms#including#social#media#(Facebook,#Twitter,#Instagram#and#YouTube)#and# direct#mail# M ain Responsibilities − − − − − − −

Manage&all&AIME’s&social&media&campaigns&(including&fundraising)&and&day9to9day&social&media&activities&including& responding&to&and&monitoring&engagement.& Write&and&implement&AIME’s&overall&digital&communications&strategy&including&individual&strategies&and&promotional& timelines&for&each&of&AIME’s&campaigns.&& Assist&Ambassador&Manager&to&manage&and&maintain&positive&ambassador&relationships&in&the&online&space&via&social& media&channels.& Manage&AIME’s&internal&image&database&via&Flickr.&Includes&encouraging&and&guiding&internal&staff&to&contribute&to&and& utilize&the&database.& Manage&AIME’s&direct&mailing&schedule&and&database.&Includes&managing&and&growing&email&subscriptions&via& Salesforce&and&Vertical&Response.& Oversee&AIME’s&crisis&management&plan&for&social&media& Support&with&the&development&of&AIME&Website&content&

K now ledge, Skills & Experience − − − −

− − − − − − − − −

Possesses&strong&knowledge&and&experience&in&the&tenets&of&traditional&marketing.&& Demonstrates&creativity&and&documented&immersion&in&Social&Media.&& Exhibits&the&ability&to&jump&from&the&creative&side&of&marketing&to&analytical&side:&Ability&to&demonstrate&why&their& ideas&are&analytically&sound.& Displays&in9depth&knowledge&and&understanding&of&Social&Media&platforms&and&their&respective&participants&(Facebook,& Twitter,&YouTube,&Instagram,&Pinterest&and&LinkedIn&etc.)&and&how&each&platform&can&be&used&to&AIME’s&benefit&in& different&scenarios.& Excellent&writing&and&language&skills.& Basic&understanding&of&Photoshop&&&Illustrator&& Basic&understanding&of&web&design& Displays&ability&to&effectively&communicate&information&and&ideas&in&written&and&video&format.&& Is&a&Team&player&with&the&confidence&to&take&the&lead&and&guide&other&employees&when&necessary.&(ie:&content& development,&creation&and&editing&of&content,&and&online&reputation&management).& Demonstrates&killer&customer&service&and&relationship&building&skills&with&a&great&ability&to&identify&potential&negative& or&crisis&situation&and&apply&conflict&resolution&principles&to&mitigate&issues.&& Proficient&skills&in&Salesforce&and&Vertical&Response&email&platform.&& Knowledge&and&ability&to&use&the&Adobe&creative&suite.&& A&solid&understanding&of&Indigenous&Australia&and&passionate&supporter&of&the&AIME&Program&and&Indigenous&success.

Learning & Development Strategy 2012 – 2013!

AIME is proud to offer a dynamic environment of learning and development for its staff. AIME is committed to building Australia’s future leaders – Indigenous and non-Indigenous – and providing an environment that brings all of these future leaders together to deliver the highest quality, most effective mentoring program available to Indigenous high school kids across our nation; so they can finish school at the same rate as every Australia child.

AIM E Learning & Developm ent K ey Program s – Touch-points – Initiatives 1.

AIME Staff Camps, AIME Quarterlies & Learning and Development Days 14 days where the whole team comes together in Sydney to touch base each quarter, to reflect, regroup and refine our skills and focus for the next stage. At the quarterly touch-points the AIME Team attends workshops run by some of Australia’s leading organizations including Google, Coca Cola, Telstra, Origin Energy, and Indigenous and non-Indigenous leaders. Themes include: Leadership, Management, Communication, Team Synergy, Culture and many more.


AIME Professional Mentoring and Leadership Program Our commitment to mentoring also extends to our staff who connect with their own Professional Mentor for 5-6 months of the year. It’s a chance for AIME to connect our staff with some of Australia’s current leaders, to grow and learn from their experience, and to then feed it back into our day-to-day work. The following, are an example of the calibre of people who have been involved as Professional Mentors with AIME: Chris Sarra (Executive Director, Stronger Smarter Institute), Adam Spencer (ABC Radio), Greg Hutchinson (Executive Partner, Bain & Company), Marion Potts (Artistic Director, Malthouse Theatre), Chris Boys (General Manager, Support Services Team, Social Ventures Australia), and many more.!


Study and Development Leave Each AIME staff member will receive an extra 5 days of leave that can be directed towards the staff member’s development. It may mean that some staff choose to complete a course, others may wish to do some reading or writing, others may simply take the time to experience new perspectives through conferences or festivals. Staff simply apply for the extra leave, and then can use the pay for those 5 days of study and development leave and direct it towards something they want to do.


Cultural Leave Each staff member will also receive 3 days of cultural leave each year. Basically this was brought in to give all of our staff, Indigenous and non-Indigenous, the chance to build their connection with Indigenous Australia. For many of our Indigenous staff it's a chance to get back home, to learn language, or maybe even to go to another blackfella's country and learn from their experience. Then for our non-Indigenous staff, it's a chance to really build that connect point around what it means to be Australian, a chance to maybe volunteer for another Indigenous organisation, or head off with an Indigenous AIME staff member to their country, or attend festivals such as Garma. A strong connection to Indigenous Australia makes us all much richer in terms of our history, identity and sense of belonging as Australians


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AIME Salary Structure! Staff Wage Progression The following information should be read in conjunction with the notes that are listed on the next page


Role Type



Administrative Assistant

Entry Level


Program Coordinator/ Program Manager

Entry Level


Program Coordinator/Program Manager HPU Manager Corporate Communications Manager Ambassador Manager Party Liaison Communications Manager Website Manager Graphic Designer

3 years experience


Centre Manager

3 years experience


Program Director Team Manager

4 years Experience


Head of Unit Senior level Management

5 years experience

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3





























































Service Bonus (paid at commencement of your contract) Salary sacrifice can provide Tax Free Dollars for those able to direct them to ATO approved expenses, which as a guide, can result in an additional $4,500.00 per year ‘in your pocket’ depending upon your package.

Year 4

2,000 4,500



Year 5

Year 6

5,000 4,500


Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

10,000 4,500



15, 4,500




This%table%indicates%wage%levels,%which%have%been%set%out%under%broadly%defined%Qualification%Guidelines%based%on%a%combination%of%educational%attainment,%skills%levels%and%experience%in%the%field.%%Pay?rise%increments%fall%on%e anniversary%of%the%date%you%commenced%work%with%AIME,%and%increase%by%4%%each%year%%?%this%increase%is%above%CPI.%%Please&note:%from%year%3%to%year%4%there%is%a%10%%increase.% The%figures%quoted%in%the%table%include%your%Superannuation%component.%

It%should%also%be%noted%that%Management%and%the%Board%of%Directors%reserve%the%right%to%offer%increases%in%salary%or%remuneration%on%a%case?by?case%basis%and%may%also%offer%Contracts%of%Employment%to%individuals%who%may%sit outside%the%listed%Qualification%Guidelines.%

If%you%have%a%pay%rise%earlier%in%your%performance%cycle%you%may%be%put%on%another%cycle%as%opposed%to%the%award%wage%structure.%Eg.%if%you%were%on%40K%and%you%then%were%bumped%to%55K%6%months%before,%instead%of%receivin your%bonus%for%the%end%of%that%year,%you%have%6%months%where%you%are%paid%more%then%you%expected.%Eg.%7.5K%cash%from%salary%coming%forward%compared%to%a%2K%bonus% %

Using an experienced Program Manager role as an example, this is what the annual gross wage plus Service Bonuses would look like over a 10-year period of working at AIME: Please note with addition of the Salary Sacrifice opportunity the below figures would have a further amount added due to an adjustment to your tax free threshold. Service Bonus years are issued at the beginning of the years highlighted in yellow.

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Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4 (10%)

Year 5

Year 6

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10











! AIME reviews its salary packaging each year.

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Training & Development (Permanent Staff)

Yr 3

Yr 4

Yr 5

Yr 6

Yr 7

Yr 8

Yr 9

Yr 10

5 Days p.a. (does not accrue)











The AIME Institute, quarterly national learning and development days held, for all permanent staff, in Sydney.

Up to 17 Days per year *











Yr 1

Yr 2

Yr 3

Yr 4

Yr 5

Yr 6

Yr 7

Yr 8

Yr 9

Yr 10











Yr 1

Yr 2

Yr 3

Yr 4

Yr 5

Yr 6

Yr 7

Yr 8

Yr 9

Yr 10











Yr 1

Yr 2

Yr 3

Yr 4

Yr 5

Yr 6

Yr 7

Yr 8

Yr 9

Yr 10











Cultural Leave (Permanent Staff) To attend Indigenous learning experiences, conferences, festivals, and build & share cultural knowledge.

To take time to dedicate yourself to another charity of your choice.


Yr 2

Study & Development Leave

3 Days p.a. (does not accrue)

Legend Leave (Permanent Staff)

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Yr 1

1 Days p.a. (does not accrue)

Chance to break a world record (Permanent Staff) Every December we try to break a world record for the biggest swimwear parade whilst raising money at our annual Strut the Street event in Sydney

1 Days p.a. (does not accrue)


! ! ! !

Allowances (Criteria applies)






Motor Vehicle

! ! ! !

1,000 – 2,000

Relocation (negotiable)

Xmas Leave (All Staff) 2 days leave during the Xmas New Year period on top of annual leave entitlements




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