Akwa Ibom State Economic Summit and Investment Expo 2012

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Economic Summit Investment Expo Registration Package 03 – 04 August 2012

Houston, Texas

Join us as we celebrate 25 years of growth and development in Akwa Ibom State

Contents 02

Welcome Letter


Investor's Corner


Who We Are


Our Initiatives


For your Information


Organizational Structure


Program Outline - Friday, August 03, 2012


Progam Outline - Saturday, August 4, 2012


Welcome to Houston


For Your Stay


Registration Form


Hotel Reservation Request Form


Advertisements & Sponsorships



Clement F. Ikpatt AIDN President


Dear Summit A,endee: Founded by visionaries to serve as a global networking pla;orm for Akwa Ibom ci?zens in the Diaspora, the Akwa Ibom Diaspora Network (AIDN) con?nues to establish its unique iden?ty by progressively contribu?ng to the mul?-­‐faceted development of Akwa Ibom State and advancement of its people. As a result of our posi?on and impact, we have become a catalyst for posi?ve changes not only in the communi?es of our membership, but toward the sustainable development of our State and country. In 2011, AIDN launched its annual Summit series in Houston, Texas, USA, with a hugely successful event graced by His Excellency Gov. Godswill Akpabio, First Lady Obongawan Ekae,e U. Akpabio, and hundreds of Akwa Ibom State ci?zens a,ending from all over the world. Now, in our second year, AIDN con?nues with its established tradi?on of excellence and spirit of valuable contribu?ons by bringing together the leadership and people of Akwa Ibom state for the Economic Summit and Investment Expo holding in Houston, Texas on August 03 - 04, 2012. We expect several international delegations, state and federal officials, as well as leaders in the public and private sectors to attend for the purpose of networking and sharing information on the latest government industrialization policies and strategies for development. In convening for this year's Summit, themed "Moving Akwa Ibom Forward", we are mindful of roles that the Diaspora ci?zens must play toward actualizing the industrializa?on policy of the Gov. Godswill Akpabio administra?on. Members of the AIDN, like other patrio?c ci?zens and friends of Akwa Ibom State, are passionate stakeholders fully invested in all aspects of state building. We are determined to contribute our quota in ways that will boost economic investments in Akwa Ibom State, especially with the goal of providing employment opportuni?es for the people. During the Summit, we will expand our networking pla;orm to embrace corporate ci?zens of the state as well as poten?al investors from different parts of the world. While providing a conducive environment for all a,endees to par?cipate in dynamic forums and panel discussions about major issues rela?ng to economic development of Akwa Ibom State, we promise that you will obtain all relevant informa?on to help you understand and explore investment opportuni?es in the State. Business corpora?ons and other ins?tu?ons are welcome to exhibit their products or services at the Summit. On behalf of the AIDN Global Secretariat and membership, I invite and welcome you to par?cipate in this year's Summit. Join me and thousands of Akwa Ibomites in the Diaspora, as well as those visi?ng from Nigeria and other parts of the world, to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the crea?on of our State. Our Silver Jubilee celebra?on will take place in a family-­‐oriented environment for all Nigerians and friends of Akwa Ibom State. There will be a variety of cultural displays and award ceremonies and other ac?vi?es.


Prof. Felix M. Edoho Chairman of Global Planning Committee

Akwa Ibom Diaspora Network – “Moving Akwa Ibom Forward”

Dear Business Representa?ve: I am the AIDN Vice President for Research. We are pleased to have you come and fully par?cipate in the Akwa Ibom State Economic Summit & Investment Expo 2012. The event will a,ract various dignitaries and Akwa Ibom State ci?zens throughout the world. Also, we will u?lize the opportunity to celebrate the Silver Jubilee of the crea?on of Akwa Ibom State. Themed Moving Akwa Ibom Forward, the summit aims to highlight the role of transforma?onal leadership in driving industrializa?on as well as establishing and sustaining Akwa Ibom State as a buoyant regional hub of economic development in Nigeria. During the past few years, the current administra?on has worked ?relessly to build enviable industrial infrastructure and create enabling environment for sustainable development of the state. The Houston summit will be a major economic event that will highlight investment opportuni?es and promote public-­‐private partnership to speedily galvanize the industrializa?on of Akwa Ibom State, which is on the verge of take-­‐off. Other highlights of the event include presenta?ons on the newly adopted statewide industrializa?on policy of the government. Several mul?na?onal corpora?ons and financial ins?tu?ons from the United States and Canada are expected to a,end. Par?cipa?ng industrialists, investors, and firms will have opportuni?es to set up booths and provide informa?on on their products and services. As a business representa?ve, you will receive documents and packages rela?ng to investment opportuni?es in Akwa Ibom State. You will also have the opportuni?es to interact with the government officials and discuss your investment interests. There are incredible opportuni?es and welcoming atmosphere for capital investment in all industrial sectors in Akwa Ibom State. Consequently, we invite you to come and explore and take advantage of the golden opportunity afforded by the Economic Summit and Investment expo to interact and network with corporate leaders and public officials. Here are some reasons and incen?ves for you to consider inves?ng in Akwa Ibom State: 1.  Government's policy thrust is to encourage private sector led industrializa?on for purposes of s?mula?ng the expansion of domes?c produc?on of goods and services, crea?ng employment and promo?ng a technology driven economy. 2.  Land: The government guarantees prompt alloca?on of plots for industrial developments, commercial, agricultural and residen?al estates. Cer?ficates of Occupancy for such plots of land will be approved within a few weeks. Land is rent free during construc?on of factory premises. 3.  Export Processing Zone: three years tax holiday; repatria?on of foreign capital investment with accompanying capital apprecia?on. Unrestricted remi,ances of profits and dividends earned by foreign investors in the Export Promo?on Zone (EPZ). 4.  No import or export licenses and up to 100% ownership of enterprise in the zone. 5.  No quotas on products to ECC and USA. EPZ goods are en?tled to preferen?al tariff in the EEC. 6.  The State government has invested heavily in social infrastructure. Major road network have been constructed with dual carriage to ease transporta?on, work has been completed on the Independent Power Plant to boost electricity and GSM telecommunica?ons is available everywhere across the State. 7.  Business Advisory and Promo?on Clinic is available within and outside Nigeria. We look forward to your a,endance, knowing that your ac?ve par?cipa?on will be both invaluable and most memorable. You can reach me at vpresearch@akwaibomdiaspora.net.


Who We Are Welcome to the Akwa Ibom State Economic Summit and Investment Expo 2012, holding in Houston, Texas and London, England. Take a moment to read about our organiza?on -­‐ our vision and mission statements, ini?a?ves and organiza?onal structure. AIDN is a poli?cal, non-­‐profit, service and social entrepreneurship organiza?on. It is an organiza?on open to all Akwa Ibom ci?zens living outside Nigeria irrespec?ve of color, creed, gender, or poli?cal preference. As a people of a common heritage and des?ny, Akwa Ibom ci?zens in the Diaspora have moral obliga?ons to contribute toward sustainable development in their homeland and a responsibility to collec?vely assist in improving quality of life indexes of Akwa Ibom people both in and out of the State. We have, therefore, taken up the responsibility to tap into and develop our human and other resources for sustainable development of Akwa Ibom State and for the advancement of our people. With determina?on, solidarity and unity, irrespec?ve of our social or poli?cal differences, we will exercise our inalienable right to control our own des?ny. In order to improve the welfare and well-­‐being of our people, we are resolved to provide support to Akwa Ibom State and local governments, by giving sugges?ons and encouragement where necessary, in order to help promote the effec?ve governance and sustainable development of our State. Addi?onally, we are determined to safeguard and consolidate the integrity of our statehood within Nigeria, resis?ng discrimina?on, marginaliza?on or domina?on in any form manifest while giving legi?mate support to the federal government.

Our Vision & Mission Vision: An organiza?on where Akwa Ibomites in the interna?onal community can effec?vely develop and harness their resources toward sustainable development of Akwa Ibom State and the advancement of its people. Mission: To provide a global and mul?-­‐faceted network pla;orm for Akwa Ibom ci?zens so that they can collaborate through investments, economics, poli?cs and other public policy ini?a?ves that add value to Akwa Ibom State and its people.


Committees AIDN has fiqeen Standing Commi,ees whose ac?vi?es are coordinated by the Central Working Commi,ee. The Standing Commi,ees are as follows: Agro Industries; Business & Investments; Communica?ons; Educa?on; Environment; Health; Legal & Cons?tu?onal Affairs; Mobiliza?on, Rules & Ethics; Poli?cal Ac?on; Public U?li?es; Research (Think Tank); Special Projects; Urban Planning; Welfare & Rehabilita?on; and Women and Youth. On behalf of the AIDN Global Secretariat, I thank you for suppor?ng our great and purpose driven organiza?on. I seize this opportunity to welcome old members and invite new ones to join. There are many roles and opportuni?es within our organiza?on for members to engage in meaningful community services.

Our Initiatives Godswill Akpabio Leadership Conference (GALC) AIDN believes that Chief Dr. Godswill Akpabio has demonstrated exemplary leadership and is a na?onal asset des?ned to fundamentally change the status of Akwa Ibom State and Nigeria. As a result, the Global Secretariat (GS) unanimously approved the founding of the Godswill Akpabio Leadership Conference (GALC) series on democra?c governance and transforma?onal leadership in Africa. The GALC will feature a series of lectures, workshops, and academic presenta?ons by notable and accomplished global and Nigerian Leaders. Akwa Ibom Medical Exchange (AIME) AIDN is developing a database of health professionals who are prac?cing in various countries throughout the

Akwa Ibom Diaspora Network – “Moving Akwa Ibom Forward”

world, and who are willing to provide volunteer medical services to Akwa Ibom State for short periods of working visits to various hospitals and health centers. The aim of these visits is for the professionals to exchange ideas and work collabora?vely with their counterparts in Akwa Ibom State toward improving health systems and services in the State. Technology Transfer (TECHTRAN) In an effort to support the widely publicized and commendable industrializa?on policy of Akwa Ibom State, the AIDN has set up a task force to iden?fy and facilitate the engagement of viable foreign investors willing to do business in Akwa Ibom State. AIDN plans to fully par?cipate in planned industrializa?on and host economic summits in Akwa Ibom State and key ci?es across the world. IBOM DIASPORA TRUST (IDT) IDT is a limited liability company set up by AIDN and registered in Nigeria at the Corporate Affairs Council. Rolling out, IDT will engage in consultancy, industrial produc?on, and a variety of services managed according to the global best prac?ces. The company is expected to add tremendous value to the ongoing industrializa?on policy framework of the State government and return profits for shareholders. As the trail blazer set to become a na?onal model for the Diaspora-­‐government business partnerships and for serving the people, AIDN understands the wide range of challenges, expecta?ons, and responsibili?es associated with a new company. IDT officers are equipped to meet those challenges and responsibili?es, having combined years of professional experiences with the best management prac?ces and opera?onal styles to guarantee high profits and social responsibili?es while doing business as a way of life.



Ms. Mary Umoh VP, Communications


I am Ms. Mary Umoh, Vice President Communica?ons, with the primary responsibili?es of coordina?ng all aspects of informa?on management for the AIDN. These include raising awareness, branding, and promo?ng the image and ac?vi?es of the network. With the global structure of AIDN comes the challenges of ensuring that informa?on is suitably communicated to members, partners and stake holders in a ?mely, professional, secure, and fit-­‐ for-­‐purpose manner. I work with every organ of the AIDN to ensure that appropriate informa?on circula?on and communica?on strategies are used to enhance the progress and global presence of the Network. By merit and the phenomenal success of its maiden global summit in 2011, AIDN has established itself as the pace serng Diaspora organiza?on commi,ed to magnifying dividends offered by the Akwa Ibom State government's uncommon transforma?on agenda, while helping to deliver sustainable development for all Akwa Ibom indigenes. Since that summit, we have been inundated by very encouraging and posi?ve inquiries, sugges?ons, offers of partnership and resources. We are very grateful to all who believe in us and have become our partners! Building on the success of our last summit, requests from stakeholders and indeed in working to achieve our stated vision, we are moving forward in great strides to convene the Akwa Ibom State Economic Summit and Investment Expo 2012 in Europe and the United States of America. These are very extensive economic, business, and investment summits open to all progressive indigenes and friends of Akwa Ibom State, foreign businesses that have ‘eagle’ eyes for excellent business and investment opportuni?es, and indeed any individual or organiza?on wan?ng to explore and par?cipate in the industrializa?on of the State. Irrespec?ve of your loca?on in the world, there is an AIDN execu?ve close by for you to make an ini?al contact and inquiry. We have policies and procedures implemented to ensure the confiden?ality of your personal data and indeed any other informa?on you may wish to disclose to AIDN. For membership inquiries about AIDN, please send an email to secretariat@akwaibomdiaspora.net. I welcome all par?cipants to the Summit, especially all delega?ons and corporate representa?ves from Nigeria and other parts of the world. We value your sugges?ons and comments that can help us to grow bigger, stronger, and to serve our communi?es be,er. Send them to me at vpcommunica?ons@akwaibomdiaspora.net.


Akwa Ibom Diaspora Network – “Moving Akwa Ibom Forward”

The AIDN is organized and administered through the following bodies: THE GLOBAL SECRETARIAT The President is the head of the organiza?on. The Vice Presidents depu?ze for the president in their respec?ve offices. The Secretary General has the responsibility of the internal administra?on of the AIDN. THE PRESIDENTIAL ADVISORY COUNCIL The Presiden?al Advisory Council comprises the AIDN President, Secretary General, Vice Presidents, advisers, Deputy Secretary General and the Secretary to the Central Working Commi,ee. This body has the advisory responsibility for the organiza?on. Barr. Uduak Ukpeh Secretary General THE CENTRAL WORKING COMMITTEE (CWC) The Global Secretariat, one representa?ve from each Zone, chairpersons and secretaries of commi,ees and Zonal Vice Presidents form the Central Working Commi,ee. Chairmanship of the CWC rotates annually among commi,ee chairpersons. The main duty of the CWC is to ensure the effec?veness of the various commi,ees of the organiza?on. AREA COORDINATORS To mobilize membership in AIDN, branches are formed in major ci?es and countries all over the world. Each coordinator works very closely with the Zonal Vice President and maintains a current register of AIDN members in his or her Area. Areas are created as needed and so far the following have been established: Jacksonville, FL; New York, NY; Nashville, TN; S/Francisco, CA; Los Angeles, CA; Atlanta, GA; Las Vegas, NV; Oslo, Norway; Dublin, Ireland; Edinburgh, Scotland; London, England; Houston, TX; Oregon/S. Washington, OR; Chicago, IL; New Jersey, USA; Phoenix, AZ; Rome, Italy; Frankfurt, Germany and Ottawa, Canada. AIDN CONGRESS Members of the Global Secretariat, the Central Working Commi,ee (CWC), and the Area Coordinators form the Congress chaired by the President. The AIDN Congress shall be the highest decision making body of the organiza?on. THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY The General Assembly mee?ng holds annually where ordinary members can par?cipate in the work of the AIDN. Any member may par?cipate in the General Assembly mee?ng. The Global Secretariat determines the nature of the General Assembly with regards to whether it shall be at a physical loca?on, or via teleconference. There shall be no membership par?cipa?on by proxy. ZONES & AREAS AIDN has five zones namely: Africa, Asia, Canada and South America, Europe and United States. Each zone, coordinated by a Vice President, has Areas geographically mapped out for administra?ve convenience.




Conference RegistraVon

8:00am – 12:00pm

Azalea Grand Foyer

Welcome and Opening Ceremony President of AIDN

8:45am – 9:00am

Azalea 1, 2, 3

PresentaVon Topic: Investment Poten?als of Akwa Ibom State Presenter:

10:00am – 10:45am

Azalea 1, 2, 3

Panel Discussion Chair: Topic: Establishing sustainable development models for the Niger Delta Panelists: AIDN, AKIIPOC, AKSG, BANK, BRACED, CBN, EXXON Mobil, FED Govt., Julius Berger or Another, NDDC

10:45am – 11:00am

Azalea 1, 2, 3

Luncheon Luncheon Speaker:

10:00am – 1:00pm

Keynote Speaker H.E. Gov. Godswill Akpabio, CON Topic: The Role of Transforma?onal Leadership in Economic Development

2:00pm – 3:00pm

Azalea 1, 2, 3

DisVnguished Guest Speaker Topic: Promo?ng Foreign Direct Investments in Nigeria

3:00pm – 4:00pm

Azalea 1, 2, 3



Corporate Banquet

7:00pm – 9:00pm

Azalea Ballroom

Investment Expo (ExhibiVon)

9:00am – 5:00pm

Azalea Grand Foyer

Wisteria Ballroom

PROGRAM OUTLINE SATURDAY, AUGUST 4, 2012 Conference RegistraVon

9:00am – 12:00pm

Azalea Grand Foyer

DisVnguished Speaker

9:30am – 10:00am

Azalea Ballroom

Keynote Speaker Topic: Poli?cal Economy of Leadership in Africa

10:00am – 10:45am

Azalea Ballroom


10:45am – 11:00am

Roundtable Discussion on TransformaVonal Leadership Chairman:

10:00am – 1:00pm

Luncheon Luncheon Speaker: Luncheon Speaker:

1:00pm – 2:30pm


2:30pm – 3:00pm

Leadership Forum (Town Hall MeeVng) Host: Dis?nguished Guest Speaker: All dignitaries, guest and Nigerians in the Diaspora

7:00pm – 10:00pm



Silver Jubilee CelebraVon & Gala Night Dis?nguished Guest Speaker: Presenta?on of Awards: Vote of Thanks: HE Chief Godswill Akpabio, CON

7:00pm – 10:00pm

Investment Expo (Exhibi?on)

9:00am – 3:00pm

Azalea Grand Foyer

10:30am – 1:30pm

Azalea Grand Foyer

Azalea Ballroom

Azalea Grand Foyer

Azalea Ballroom

SUNDAY, AUGUST 5, 2012 Special 25th Anniversary InterdenominaVonal Service Officia?ng Clergy:

Akwa Ibom Diaspora Network – “Moving Akwa Ibom Forward”

Azalea Ballroom


Welcome to


–Host City


I welcome you to the great City of Houston, Texas. As an a,endee of the AKWA IBOM STATE ECONOMIC SUMMIT AND INVESTMENT EXPO 2012, we want your stay in the city to be safe and comfortable. Please, keep the following telephone numbers handy as you may need them during your visit to Houston, Texas: Mrs. Iniobong Ikpe: +1 713-­‐835-­‐6795; Mrs. Caroline Ebong: +1 940-­‐707-­‐9569; Ms. Mary Umoh: +44 170-­‐845-­‐1636.

The Wes?n – The Venue

All events start promptly at The WesVn Houston Memorial City, 945 Gessner Road, Houston, Texas 77024. The hotel's main telephone number is: +1-­‐281-­‐501-­‐4300. See Program of Events for details. Lunch and dinner will be provided for registered a,endees only on both days of the event. Breakfast vouchers are available for hotel guests at a discounted rate of $10.

Reserva?on & Parking

If you have not already reserved your room, please do so immediately. You will need a valid ID (your passport or Drivers License) and credit card in order to check in at the hotel's front desk. If you need to stay for a few more addi?onal nights, note that the group daily rate of $92.00 applies up to Sunday, August 05, 2012. Call the Hotel front desk or contact +1 713-­‐256-­‐5929 if you need to extend your stay. If you are driving to the venue, you may use the hotel's valet parking service at $7.00 per day.

Mrs. Iniobong Ikpe Chairwoman, Events & Activities Committee

…FOR YOUR STAY Courtesy Shu,le to Airport

We will pick you up and drop you off at any of the two Houston Airports. Call Prof. Ezekiel E,e at +1 208-­‐284-­‐6409 or Hope Umana, Esq at +1 301-­‐661-­‐4222 with all related informa?on such as your arrival/departure date and ?me, flight and terminal informa?on. You may also send your i?nerary by email to secretariat@akwaibomdiaspora.net.

Emergency Medical Assistance

In case of any serious medical emergency, call 9-­‐1-­‐1 for assistance. If you have health related ques?ons, you may contact Dr. Moses Udoh at +1 803-­‐608-­‐8452.

Event Staff

For your personal safety at all ?mes, there will be uniformed and plain clothes Houston Police Department officers closely monitoring the event. Also, AIDN Event Staff will be available and easily iden?fied throughout the hotel to answer all ques?ons and provide you with assistance.

Local Area and African Restaurant

The hotel is adjacent to the famous Memorial City Mall with over 100 shopping and restaurant outlets. If you want to eat in a local African restaurant, call +1 713-­‐835-­‐6795 for assistance.

Local Weather Average high temperature during the weekend of August 3-­‐4, 2011 is 34.0°C (93.5°F). It may feel warmer and humid. Do not pack heavy or warm clothing for this trip to Houston, Texas.

How to Call Nigeria

Dial 011234 before the telephone number you are calling. When you need to purchase a pre-­‐paid phone or calling card, assistance will be available at the hotel to provide services. Contact any Event Staff (not the Hotel front desk) for assistance.

Akwa Ibom Diaspora Network – “Moving Akwa Ibom Forward”



ATTENDEE INFORMATION (Please complete form below)

DATE: ____________________

NAME: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ TITLE: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ORGANIZATION / COMPANY: __________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________________________________________ PHONE: ______________________ FAX: ______________________ EMAIL: ___________________________________ PLEASE CHECK APPROPRIATE TITLE ☐ AIDN Member (Ac?ve) ☐ AIDN Member (Non-­‐Ac?ve)

☐ Government Official

☐ Corporate (Sponsor)

☐ General A,endee

☐ Corporate (Non-­‐Sponsor)


AIDN Member

EARLY REGISTRATION (Before July 31, 2012)


















Government Official Corporate

General A,endee

Summit packages include all mee?ngs, materials and meals (lunch and dinner). Summit materials will be distributed at the registra?on desk beginning on Friday, August 03, 2012. All pre-­‐registra?ons must be postmarked July 31, 2012 and electronically paid for at www.akwaibomdiaspora.net. Aqer that day, please register on-­‐site at venue of the Summit. Cancella?on Policy: All cancella?ons must be in wri?ng. No refunds aqer August 01, 2012. Fax your completed RegistraVon Form to: +1-­‐302-­‐444-­‐8063


Request Form

ATTENDEE INFORMATION (Please complete form below)

DATE: __________________________

ARRIVAL DATE: ___________________________________ DEPARTURE DATE: __________________________________ GUEST NAME: ______________________________________________________________________________________ PHONE: __________________________________ EMAIL: __________________________________________________ ORGANIZATION / COMPANY: __________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________________________________________


☐ King Size ☐ 2 Doubles ☐ Suite ☐ Smoking ☐ Non-­‐Smoking Number of Guests: __________________ Number of Rooms: _____________________


☐ AMEX ☐ Mastercard ☐ Visa ☐ Discover Direct Bill: _____________

Credit Card Number: _______________________________________ Expira?on Date: ___________________________ Rate Requested: _________________________________ Cancella?on Policy: __________________________________ Special Request: ____________________________________________________________________________________

Requested By: _________________________________________________________________________________ Approved By: _______________________________________ Confirma?on No: ___________________________ Date Entered: ___________________________________ By: __________________________________________

Fax your completed Request Form to: +1-­‐302-­‐444-­‐8063 Online registra?on is preferred and secure at: www.akwaibomdiaspora.net

ADS & SPONSORSHIPS I am Prof. Ekere J. Essien, Director of the University of Houston Ins?tute of Community Health and a Vice President of the AIDN. I hope you share with our vision for the sustainable development of Akwa Ibom State and for the all round empowerment of its ci?zens. That vision compels us to develop ways by which the Diaspora ci?zens can provide various measures and levels of support to the Akwa Ibom State and local governments in order to improve the welfare of our people. AIDN has established an Economic Research and Development Fund (ERDF) for purposes of developing modern and curng edge economic business models, entrepreneurial training programs and other economic empowerment tools needed for sustainable development and for making Akwa Ibom State a strong hub of economic growth in Nigeria. I humbly ask you to become a proud sponsor of the ERDF and to place your adver?sement in our Summit brochure. Funds raised from you or your corpora?on will enable us remain on the frontier of modern economic research and development, such that will help to empower small and medium scale businesses across Akwa Ibom State, while also helping to create employment apportunities and improve the quality of living standards in our communities. If you have any question or comment, please contact me directly at vpfinance@akwaibomdiaspora.net. Thank you!

Prof. Ekere J. Essien Vice President

ADVERTISEMENT RATES Inner front, Outer/Inner back cover




Not cover sides, Inner pages
















₦765,000.00 $5,000.00 £3,150.00

Free full page advert in all events brochures, business or any other advert on website for one year.


₦459,000.00 $3,000.00 £1,890.00

Free half page business or any other advert in AIDN brochure/website for six months.


₦306,000.00 $2,000.00 £1,260.00

Free quarter page business or any other advert in AIDN event brochures, link on website for there months.


₦230,000.00 $1,500.00 £945.00

Free quarter page advert in the AIDN event brochure.

To place your advert in the event brochure, or to become a sponsor, please contact secretariat@akwaibomdiaspora.net 14

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