J with a Brush Portfolio

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ABOUT ME Born in San German, Puerto Rico in 1969, my life’s journey has been a vibrant tapestry woven with diverse and transformative experiences. Currently, I am a co-owner of a digital marketing agency specializing in the hospitality industry, a field I’ve been immersed in for nearly 35 years. Throughout my career, I’ve navigated the everevolving landscape of hospitality, building expertise and forging invaluable connections. The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic posed formidable challenges, exacerbated by the scarcity of my ADHD medications. However, in September 2021, a pivotal moment arrived when Maria, My wife of 30 years, gifted me art workshop classes. These classes proved to be life-altering, introducing me to the world of painting as a potent outlet for my ADHD. Through this medium, I found a profound means of expressing emotions and gaining deep self-insight. This transformative journey empowered me to embrace my ADHD as a superpower and to boldly share my authentic self with the world.

Mi Isla Cover Acrylic, scratching, spraying on canvas. 30h x 24w


I am profoundly grateful for the enduring passion I hold for my work and the extraordinary relationships nurtured throughout my career. Every day, I cherish the opportunity to make a meaningful impact and treasure the support and connections that have enriched my remarkable path. Over the span of more than 30 years in the travel and tourism industry, I’ve had the privilege of exploring some of the world’s most captivating and inspirational destinations. Despite the hurdles posed by my ADHD, I’ve discovered a way to channel my visions of inspiration through art workshops and countless hours of practice. I extend an invitation to you to join me as I revisit these cherished experiences, infusing them with playful tools to create unforgettable art experiences. Together, let’s embark on a journey of exploration, self-discovery, and creativity, celebrating the profound beauty that emerges from life’s unexpected twists and turns.

@jwithabrush @jwithabrush @jwithabrush

Inner Space Acrylic, scratching, spraying on canvas.


36h x 24w





BRUSHING THE MIND Unleashing Creativity through ADHD and Abstract Art

Living with ADHD can be a rollercoaster of thoughts, emotions, and impulsivity. In this exploration, we venture into the captivating world of abstract art and discover how individuals with ADHD can harness their unique neurological wiring to fuel their creative endeavors. Understanding the connection between ADHD and abstract art is the first step. We explore the shared traits, like impulsivity, hyperactivity, and out-of-the-box thinking, that bridge these seemingly distinct worlds. Learn how these characteristics can be transformed into artistic strengths. Abstract art offers the freedom of self-expression. Its open-ended nature provides the perfect canvas for ADHD individuals to let their minds roam, experiment with colors and shapes, and break free from the confines of traditional art forms. Embrace the chaos and unpredictability as you paint your way to clarity. Impulsivity, often viewed as a hindrance, becomes a catalyst for innovation in abstract art. Discover how impulsive decisions and sudden bursts of creativity lead to remarkable artistic breakthroughs. Learn to navigate the waves of impulsivity, transforming them into waves of inspiration. While focusing on a single task may be challenging for many with ADHD, the world of abstract art provides a unique brand of focus. Explore the meditative and therapeutic aspects of the artistic process, which help calm racing thoughts.

Restless Mind Acrylic, scratching, spraying on canvas. 16h x 20w

Abstract art celebrates neurodiversity and enhances the diversity of artistic expression. It fosters a more inclusive artistic community that values different perspectives and creative approaches. Beyond the canvas, abstract art’s mindset can be applied to all aspects of life. Develop skills and perspectives that benefit everyday life, from problem-solving to resilience in the face of challenges. 5

The Down Below Acrylic on canvas. 24h x 36w




COLORFUL CHAOS Exploring the ADHD-Driven Abstract Artistic Process

Within the realm of abstract art, a fascinating and often misunderstood creative process unfolds, particularly for those with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). In this chapter, we dive deep into the vibrant world of abstract art, where the very essence of ADHD, marked by impulsivity and hyperactivity, can be harnessed as a driving force for artistic innovation. Abstract art thrives on spontaneity and freedom, allowing artists to break free from the constraints of realism and delve into a world of limitless possibilities. For individuals with ADHD, this creative environment becomes an ideal playground for their restless minds. The impulsive nature of ADHD can be channeled into bold brush strokes and daring color choices, resulting in compositions that captivate the senses. In this exploration, we uncover how ADHD-driven abstract art is not just about random chaos but a calculated chaos. The process involves a delicate dance between impulsivity and intention, where bursts of inspiration are harnessed with precision. It’s a journey into the unknown, where the canvas becomes a sanctuary for untamed thoughts and emotions, each stroke revealing a part of the artist’s inner world. As we venture deeper into the colorful chaos of ADHD-driven abstract art, we’ll unravel the methods, techniques, and insights that make this artistic process a powerful outlet for self-expression and a testament to the beauty of neurodiversity.


Levels Acrylic, scratching and spraying on canvas. 23h x 36w


Futura Acrylic, scratching and spraying on canvas. 20h x 16w


Elephant Colors Acrylic on canvas. 24h x 36w

Dazed & Confused

Moku Jumbi

Acrylic, scratching and spraying on canvas.

Acrylic on canvas. 24h x 30w

20h x 16w


Lost Acrylic on canvas. 20h x 16w




ADHD, often perceived as a hindrance, has a remarkable role in fostering artistic innovation, particularly in the realm of abstract art. In this chapter, we embark on a journey through the creative landscape, shedding light on how impulsivity, a hallmark of ADHD, can be transformed into a wellspring of inspiration. The traditional view of impulsivity as disruptive overlooks its potential as a catalyst for imaginative breakthroughs. Abstract artists with ADHD harness the power of their spontaneous thoughts and actions to create artworks that defy convention. The unpredictability inherent in ADHD-driven art imbues each piece with an element of surprise, captivating both the creator and the audience. As we delve into this transformative process, we discover that the key lies in understanding when to let go and when to reign in impulsivity. This delicate balance between surrender and control results in an artistic dance that brings out the raw, unfiltered emotions and ideas unique to individuals with ADHD. The journey from impulsivity to inspiration is not a linear one; it is a dynamic, ever-evolving process that mirrors the complexities of the human mind. Through the lens of abstract art, we gain insight into the untapped potential within the ADHD brain, recognizing that what some perceive as chaos is, in reality, a wellspring of innovation and creativity waiting to be harnessed.


Blue Lines Acrylic, scratching and spraying on canvas. 36h x 24w


OG Gangster Acrylic, scratching and spraying on canvas. 12h x 9w



Feeling Zen Acrylic, scratching and spraying on canvas. 24h x 36w




FINDING FOCUS ON THE CANVAS Art as a Therapeutic Outlet for ADHD

For those living with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), navigating a world that often demands laser-like focus can be a daily struggle. In this chapter, we delve into the therapeutic potential of art, particularly abstract art, as a sanctuary where individuals with ADHD can find their unique brand of concentration and respite from the chaos of their racing thoughts. Traditional methods of achieving focus, such as medication and structured routines, can be effective, but they often come with side effects or limitations. Art offers an alternative, holistic approach that engages the mind and the senses in a calming and transformative way. The act of creating art, especially in the abstract form, requires undivided attention. Selecting colors, brush strokes, and composition demands a focus that is immersive and meditative. In the process, individuals with ADHD discover the therapeutic value of their newfound concentration, bringing a sense of order to their otherwise chaotic inner world. Moreover, art serves as a non-verbal means of emotional expression. It provides a safe space for individuals with ADHD to convey their feelings, fostering self-awareness and emotional regulation. As we explore art as a therapeutic outlet for ADHD, we uncover the profound impact it has on not only enhancing focus but also nurturing the soul and fostering a sense of inner calm amidst the whirlwind of ADHD’s challenges.

ODB Acrylic on canvas. 36h x 24w



La Isla - Puerto Rico Acrylic, scratching and spraying on canvas. 24h x 36w


Italia Acrylic, scratching and spraying on canvas. 24h x 36w


Jamaica Acrylic, scratching and spraying on canvas. 24h x 36w



THE NEURODIVERSE PALLET Abstract Art and ADHD’s Unique Perspective

In the world of abstract art, diversity of thought and perception is not only celebrated but also vital. In this chapter, we explore the concept of neurodiversity, specifically focusing on the perspective of individuals with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in the realm of abstract art. Abstract art, with its inherent openness to interpretation, becomes a canvas that beautifully captures the diverse neurological experiences of its creators. The unique perspective of those with ADHD infuses abstract artworks with unconventional ideas, bursts of energy, and untamed creativity. Neurodiversity is a recognition that the human brain is wonderfully varied. It emphasizes the value of different cognitive styles, including those associated with ADHD. In the world of abstract art, neurodiversity adds depth and complexity to the artistic discourse, enriching the art community with fresh ideas and unique viewpoints. By embracing the neurodiverse palette that individuals with ADHD bring to abstract art, we not only challenge stereotypes but also expand our understanding of human creativity. In doing so, we move towards a more inclusive and appreciative world where diverse minds are recognized as valuable contributors to the artistic tapestry of humanity.


La Llorona Acrylic, scratching and praying on canvas. 20h x 16w



Trails of Color Acrylic, scratching and spraying on canvas. 24h x 18w

Pirate Parrot Acrylic, scratching and spraying on canvas. 36h x 24w



Mind Your Words Acrylic, scratching and spraying on canvas. 24h x 30w



Levels Acrylic, scratching and spraying on canvas. 23h x 36w

BEYOND THE CANVAS How Abstract Art and ADHD Connect in Everyday Life

Abstract art is not confined to the studio; it extends into the everyday lives of individuals with ADHD, influencing their perceptions, problem-solving abilities, and resilience. In this chapter, we explore how the skills and perspectives cultivated through abstract art resonate beyond the canvas. One of the key takeaways from the abstract art process is adaptability. Individuals with ADHD, accustomed to navigating the unpredictable terrain of their own minds while creating art, develop a remarkable capacity for adaptability in their daily lives. They become adept at shifting focus, embracing change, and thinking on their feet. Problem-solving takes on a creative flair for those with ADHD, drawing on their experiences in abstract art. The ability to think outside the box and approach challenges from unconventional angles becomes a valuable asset in various aspects of life, from work to relationships. Resilience is another hallmark of the ADHD-abstract art connection. The process of creating abstract art often involves multiple attempts, embracing imperfections, and persevering through setbacks. This resilience carries over into everyday life, empowering individuals with ADHD to bounce back from difficulties and embrace life’s uncertainties. Abstract art, far from being confined to a canvas, becomes a mindset—a way of approaching and thriving in the world. As we explore how abstract art and ADHD connect in everyday life, we uncover a vibrant tapestry of creativity, adaptability, problem-solving, and resilience that enhances the daily experiences of those who embrace this unique intersection.


ODB Acrylic, scratching, spraying on canvas. Dimension: 24 x 36 inc

Love My Confusion Acrylic and scratching on canvas. 22h x 28w

Amor Sobre La Marcha Acrylic and scratching on canvas. 16h x 20w


Taking Flight Acrylic and scratching on canvas. 16h x 20w

Mix Melting 3 Acrylic, scratching, spraying on canvas. Dimension: 36 x 24 inc

Hiding Circle Acrylic, scratching, spraying on canvas. Dimension: 36 x 24 inc


Beach Life Acrylic and scratching on canvas. 24h x 36w



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