Utah Newsletter - September, 2012

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THE WAGES & WORKING CONDITIONS PROCESS IS BEGINNING, IN PREPARATION FOR THE COMMERCIALS CONTRACTS NEGOTIATIONS SAG-AFTRA Arizona/Utah 20325 N 51st Avenue, Ste. 134 Glendale AZ 85308 623-687-9977 623-362-2218 Fax utah@sagaftra.org www.sagaftra.org Co-Executive Directors: Roxanne D Chaisson roxanne.chaisson@sagaftra.org Don Livesay don.livesay@sagaftra.org This is the publication of SAG-AFTRA. The appearance of advertising in this publication neither guarantees nor implies an endorsement by SAGAFTRA of the product, service, or company or the claims made for the product in such advertising. SAG-AFTRA disclaims any liability whatsoever in connection the advertising appearing herein. Letters to the editor are always welcome from members in Arizona and Utah. They must be signed with your full name and are limited to 150 words. Letters selected may be edited for accuracy, space and clarity. Every effort will be made to preserve the author’s intended substance. This section is not available to sitting Board members. Send Letters via mail, fax or email: Letters to the Editor SAG-AFTRA Newsletter 20325 N 51st Avenue, Ste. 134 Glendale AZ 85308 Fax: 623-362-2218 Email: utah@sagaftra.org

SAG-AFTRA is pleased to announce the beginning of the Wages & Working Conditions (W&W) process in preparation for negotiation of the commercials contracts that expires March 31, 2013. Proposals for this important negotiation are developed through the involvement of members like you. Make your voice heard and participate in this very important process. Local W&W Committee Meetings — These formal meetings use the information and ideas gathered from members to create proposals for the 2013 contract negotiations. (Note: Upcoming dates for the W&W meetings in Utah will be emailed soon.) The meetings are open to all paid-up SAG-AFTRA members. Email Suggestions — Can’t make it to a committee meeting? You can still play an active part by emailing your ideas to commercialswandw@sagaftra.org. Please note that the last day for suggestions is Friday Oct. 19, 2012. All proposal recommendations will be reviewed by the Wages & Working Conditions Committee and inform the committee’s final recommendations to the SAG-AFTRA National Board. Upon completion of the national contract negotiations, we will begin the W&W process for the Arizona regional commercials contract. It’s never too early to start planning for the future, so gather your thoughts and ideas about this contract too. The code offers a discount to producers and ad agencies that hire SAG-AFTRA members in commercials that are produced and aired exclusively in Utah.. How can we improve the regional contract so more local commercials are turned into union jobs? Questions, Comments or Suggestions: Please contact Roxanne Chaisson at (623) 6879977 or roxanne.chaisson@sagaftra.org; or Don Livesay at (480) 264-7696 or don.livesay@sagaftra.org.

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