Sophisticated Settings - Lifestyle May 18 2013

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May 18, 2013 - May 24, 2013, The Afro-American

Yes, we are members of the class of 2013; it’s graduation day

Rev. Gwendolyn Boyd, national president, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority and, chair of the Delta centennial planning committee

Yes, we have made it: Tynisha Sudberry, Shaunte’ Wilches, Keyria Jefferies and Tiffany Mungin


Former president Bill Clinton told more than 2,600 Howard University graduates that they should confront adversity with resilience and use their talents to transform the world. Clinton addressed the 145th Commencement Convocation at Howard University on May 11. During the ceremony, Howard bestowed 2,687 degrees, including 1,030 graduate, professional and certificate degrees and 1,675 degrees at the undergraduate level. In addition, Howard conferred 96 doctoral degrees. Howard also granted honorary doctorate degrees to Patricia McGuire, president of Trinity Washington University; Marie C. Johns, deputy administrator of the U.S. Small Business Administration and former president of Verizon Washington; entrepreneur and philanthropist Sheila C. Johnson, who also owns three professional sports franchises; and the late Jack F. Kemp, who was a Republican congressman, cabinet secretary and a member of Howard’s Board of Trustees.

Rep. Elijah Cummings speaks with his daughter, Jennifer Cummings, an alumna of Howard

Dr. Paula Whetsel Ribeau (right) and daughter L. Douglas Wilder (left) and Dr. Sidney Ribeau (right) make a special presentation to former president William Clinton, commencement speaker

Family members and friends who came from far and near to attend the commencement ceremonies

Byron Gibson, who received a degree in finance with his father, Earl Gibson

50-year alumni class members

Former Virginia Gov. L. Douglas Wilder (left), Dr. Sidney A. Ribeau, president, Howard University and A. Charles Rand, Chair of Howard’s board of directors We have now crossed a landmark in our academic lives; we are graduates!

Capt. Oghre Ikanowe, Kelechi Nwankwo, Afunrhe Oghre-Ikanowe and Lt. Oghre-Ikanowe

Photos by Rob Roberts

Among the many graduates, Dr. Janice Smith, PhD, who currently is the chief of staff at the Greater Washington Urban League

Mr. and Miss Howard University, Leovina Charles and Chinedu Okpara

May 18, 2013 - May 24, 2013, The Afro-American


Big Sisters President Charlene Cooper Boston

Model Adriene Cilbert Elias

Models showcasing the unique fashions at the event

Joe Grissom, Evelyn McIntosh and Charlene Fields

Photos by Bill Tabron

Lovely Lady Boutique model

The Big Sisters Club of Baltimore recently hosted a luncheon, Puttin’ on the Glitz, with a fashion show featuring selections from Lovely Lady Boutique of Washington, D.C. and

furs from Fur Salon of Baltimore, May 4 at the Forum Caterers in Baltimore. The club that started with twelve members was founded in 1937 by AFRO columnist Betty Murphy Moss and Bea L. Wright. It has a history of generosity, having raised funds for various organizations and activities to enhance the lives of young people.

Marian Hutchins, Linda Montgomery, Eudora Manley, Chris Cann

Jennie Miles, Barbara Cooper, Vivian Bernett and Virginia Jones

Cynthia Jones, Elizabeth Cooper, Leslie Ogumgbemi and Myrna Jackson-Cann

Jodi and Riley Johnson, Peggy Ammons and Erin Bernett

Mary Rawlings, Lynette Holly, Erma Givens, Arvin Lyons, Arvin Rawlings and Kimberly Rawlings

Eric Jefferson

Chef J.D. Howard

Doris and Bill Cooke and Verna Brogden

The Big Sisters Club of Baltimore

Chef and Mrs. Darryl Pearson

Chef Frank Collins

Gourmet Men of Distinction (Men Who Cook) was sponsored, May 5, by the National Coalition of 100 Women, Baltimore Metropolitan Chapter. The 21st annual tasting event, touted as one of Baltimore’s best, attracted volunteer chefs who brought their culinary A game and challenged each other to the quickest disappearance of their signature dishes. Proceeds from this event support advocacy programs for young women in the community including girls in gang violence, HIV/AIDS Awareness and professional mentoring Laura Morris Knight is the current president of the group whose mission is to develop leaders who will help to rebuild their communities Chef Gregg and redirect the Holland energies of younger Black people who live in those communities.

Lt. Gov Anthony Brown and Tabb Bishop

Chef Rev. Jamal Bryant and Ed Chow, Maryland Secretary of Veteran Affairs

Debbie Rock, Mary Demory, Phyllis Reese and Diane Hocker

Yolandra Johnson, Kathy Newson, Nina McFadden and Ja-Zette Marshburn

Stacie Mclaren and Sharish Parker

Chefs Tyron Cloyd, Charles Sydnor III, Thomas Jackson and Kevin Wilmer

Photos by Bill Tabron

Young chefs serve their creations

Winston Ellis

Tracy Givens, Erica Jenerette, Rebecca Rawlings Scott and the mayor’s mother, Nina Rawlings

Dep. Sec. of Veterans Affairs Richard Lane, Morgan Board of Regents member Charles W. Griffin and Baltimore City Council President Bernard Jack Young

President Emeritus Dr. Anne O. Emery

Chef Joseph Walker Chef William Lambert Attey Harper, Alexis Roggerson and Tara Brown

State Del. Shirley NathanPulliam and Thelma Daily NCNW president

J. Laws Nickens Jr.

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