French Cinepanorama 2011

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Forewords 前言

The French Cinepanorama of the Alliance française celebrates its 40th year this year, which makes it the longest running film festival in Hong Kong. Is there a secret to this longevity? Over the years, the French Cinepanorama has remained an open and unbiased showcase of French cinema. This year again, the programme illustrates the diversity the festival has based its success on. From comedy to drama, from animations to documentary films, the French Cinepanorama has remained accessible to all audiences and has portrayed a more vivid and accurate image of France, far beyond the usual clichés. The festival has always worked in a close relationship with local film distributors. Without their support, there would be no premieres or guest stars and over the years, they have been a valuable source of advice. This year’s festival brings to Hong Kong a lineup of the most recent films, some of which premiered in the latest Cannes Festival. I would like to mention Polisse of French Director Maiwenn which received the Grand Jury Prize. Supported by a strong cast of actors, this much-awaited box-office hit tackles sensitive themes and is a clear example of the cinema’s ability to explore new genres. Cinema is about life and its extremes. And whether you prefer the darkest shades of film noir or the lightest tones of comedy, I am confident you will easily find your own personal favourite in this year’s programme. I wish you all “bon festival”!

香港法國文化協會主辦的法國電影節今年慶祝第四十屆舉辦, 是香港最長壽的電影節。 要維持長壽的資歷究竟有何秘訣呢? 一直以來,法國電影節本着開放和持平的態度介紹法國的電影 製作。今年的節目再一次證明這電影節之所以受歡迎是因為 節目多元化。法國電影節的選片由喜劇到劇情片,動畫到紀錄 片應有盡有,迎合了各種口味的觀眾,並擺脫了固有的形象, 生動和準確地將法國展現眼前。 法國電影節一直與本地的電影發行機構緊密合作。若果沒有他 們的支持,便沒有隆重首映這環節或嘉賓明星出席,況且,在過去多年來他們亦為電影節提供 了很多寶貴的意見。 今年,電影節為香港的觀眾帶來一系列陣容龐大的新片,當中有部份曾在本屆康城國際電影節 中首映。 其中值得一提的是奪得本年度康城電影節的評審團大獎,由馬伊雲導演的《青少年警隊》。這 部演員陣容強大、萬眾期待的賣座電影講述一些敏感的題材,正好證明了電影仍有探索新類別 的潛能。 電影是有關生命和生命的極限。無論閣下喜歡的是晦暗的黑色電影或是調子輕鬆的喜劇,本人 都想信閣下很容易在今年的節目表中找到自己心水電影。 祝大家觀影愉快! Arnaud Barthélémy Consul General France in Hong Kong and Macao 法國駐香港及澳門總領事

This year’s edition of the Alliance française’s French Cinepanorama is a celebration of 今年,香港法國文化協會舉辦的法國電影節同時是慶祝一連串 anniversaries. 的週年紀念。 The first I will mention is our own... the French Film Festival is now in its 40th year which 首先是我們自己的…… 法國電影節今年第四十屆,是香港歷史 makes it the longest running film festival in Hong Kong. To mark the occasion, we are 最悠久的電影節。為紀念這特別的時刻,我們為本地的影迷獻 bringing to Hong Kong a wide range of recent releases to share the best of French 上一系列題材各有不同的最新法國電影。不少於四十部電影分 cinema with local film lovers. No fewer than 40 films will be shown in 100 screenings at 別在六間電影院共放映一百場次。 six cinemas. To complement the Festival, the exhibition Méliès, Magician of the Cinema from the 為了配合電影節,將同期舉辦由一個法國電影資料館提供,有 Cinematheque française is coming to Hong Kong. Here again, celebration is in the air 關法國魔幻電影大師梅里耶斯的展覽。這展覽同時亦是慶祝這 as 2011 marks the 150th anniversary of the artist’s birth in Paris. 位電影大師在巴黎誕生的一百五十週年紀念。 A former magician, Georges Méliès is often referred to as the father of special effects, 原本是魔術師的佐治梅里耶斯常常被譽為特別效果之父,他是一個有着無限創意和高度技術的 a kind of “cinemagician” with immense creativity and technical skills. The exhibition 「魔幻電影大師」。展覽以一趟虛擬之旅帶參觀者探索他位於蒙特勒伊的電影工作室,並揭示 explores his Montreuil studio through a virtual tour and unveils his fantasy universe. 他的幻想世界。 To continue the tribute to Méliès, his famous film A Trip to the Moon originally filmed in 1902 and restored by the Fondation Technicolor will be shown in a short film 此外,為繼續向梅里耶斯致敬,將於電影節期間假香港太空館放映之短片精選的環節中介紹 programme at the Space Museum. This new version – with music by French pop band 他一九○二年拍攝,由Fondation Technicolor修復的《月球之旅》之彩色版本。這新版本 — AIR – was first shown at the Cannes film festival last May. 配樂由法國著名流行樂隊AIR創作 — 於今年五月的康城國際電影節首次與公眾見面。 We are also delighted to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Hong Kong City Hall 我們也非常高興有份參與慶祝香港大會堂的五十週年紀念,法國電影節的大部份電影都是在這 where many of the screenings will be held. When it first opened its doors, City Hall represented the first local modern venue dedicated to cultural performances and 兒放映。當大會堂初落成的時候,它是本地第一個專為文娛表演和展覽活動而設的現代化場 exhibitions. It has since provided a setting for a stellar cast of artists and musicians. It 地。從那時開始,大會堂為無數星級的藝術家和音樂家提供了表演場地。它亦是法國電影節的 has been a regular supporter of the French Cinepanorama and enabled numerous films 長期合作夥伴,無數法國電影亦因此得以放映。香港法國文化協會非常榮幸能與大會堂保持長 to be shown. The Alliance française is proud to have had a long and close association 久和親密的合作關係。我們在此謹祝大會堂五十週年誌慶。 with the City Hall. We wish it a very happy 50th anniversary. Mr. Justice Robert Ribeiro


President, Alliance francaise de Hong Kong 香港法國文化協會 主席

As a leading insurance company in France, Groupama Gan has been operating in 在法國具領導地位的保險公司Groupama Gan已活躍於香港 Hong Kong for over 15 years and provides general insurance protection to individuals, 十五年,為個人、專業人士和機構提供一般的保險服務。 professionals and institutions. Groupama Gan就社會和文化問題作出了長遠的承諾,這與 Groupama Gan has a long-term commitment to social and cultural issues which are consistent with the group’s core values. Preserving heritage is at the core of 本集團的核心價值正好是一致的。保險公司的主要角色是確保 an insurance company’s roles. It is in this spirit that the Group promotes an active 遺產得以保存。本集團本着這精神,並透過Groupama Gan commitment by supporting cinematography through the Groupama Gan Foundation 電影基金會積極地致力促進電影工業。 for Cinema. 自一九八七年起,Groupama Gan電影基金會活躍於兩方面, Since 1987, the Groupama Gan Foundation has been active on two fronts, namely, that of guardian of the world’s cinematographic heritage and promoter of contemporary 一方面是擔當世界電影遺產的守護者,另一方面積極促進當代 電影的製作、發行和放映。 cinema in the areas of production, distribution and exhibition. This year, we are delighted to present one of the most ambitious projects ever in film 今年,我們很高興向香港的公眾介紹電影史上其中一個最龐大的修復計劃:佐治梅里耶斯的 restoration history, led jointly by the Groupama Gan Foundation for Cinema and the 《月球之旅》之彩色版,這計劃由Groupama Gan電影基金會和Technicolor Foundation共同 Technicolor Foundation: the color version of A Trip to the Moon by George Melies. 領導。 It is a great privilege to showcase this masterpiece, along with a touring exhibition at 能有機會放映這部傑作並同時假大會堂舉辦一個巡迴展覽作為慶祝這位電影人誕生一百五十 the Hong Kong City Hall celebrating the 150th anniversary of the film maker. With a passionate belief in the power of film to unite cultures and generations, we are 週年紀念是極大的殊榮。 deeply honoured to support the 40th French Cinepanorama, which strengthens and 我們堅信電影有聯繫不同文化和年代的能力,我們非常榮幸支持第四十屆法國電影節,並透過 cements our longstanding relationship with the Alliance Francaise more than ever, 電影這媒介加強和鞏固我們與香港法國文化協會長期的合作關係。 through the medium of cinema. Mai-An Levy-Bruhl Marketing Manager Groupama Gan Hong Kong

Amundi Hong Kong Limited is proud, this year again, to be a Gold Sponsor of the 40th French Cinepanorama, which has established itself over the years as a rich, diverse and very successful festival. Amundi offers a comprehensive range of products, covering all asset classes and all the main currencies, in more than 30 countries. Being one of the world market leaders in asset management sets the highest standards in terms of performance, transparency, and the long-term strategy for our business. As a leader Amundi also carries great responsibility and calls for exemplary conduct in the asset management industry. Amundi seeks to play an active role in promoting progress and in shaping its environment. In partnership with leading companies and bodies, Amundi selects projects in the field of economic solidarity, social business and development aid and brings its knowledge of financial engineering to bear in arranging their finance. We strongly believe that such cultural events are essential expressions of the vitality of the Hong Kong community and we wish to extend our gratitude to our clients, staff and friends for their invaluable support to the activities of Amundi Group in Hong Kong and beyond. Amundi, heading towards its 30th anniversary of presence in Hong Kong, is delighted to have this opportunity to share some of the most exciting films from France with the Hong Kong audience and wishes all of you a very memorable festival.

法國電影節今年已是第四十個年頭在港舉辦,多年來為觀眾帶 來多元及優秀的法國電影,深受大眾歡迎,是城中一項盛事。 今年,東方匯理資產管理香港有限公司很榮幸能再次擔任此盛 事的黃金贊助商。 東方匯理提供全面性的投資產品,產品覆蓋全方位的資產類別 及所有主要貨幣,業務遍及環球三十多個國家。作為資產管理 環球領導者之一,我們在表現、透明度及長遠策略方面都定立 了最高的規格。 作為業界的翹楚,東方匯理肩負了重大的責任,一直致力改進 及優化社會環境,以為業界樹立榜樣。集團會與其他公司和機構合作,推動及發展社會經濟互 助(Economic solidarity)、社會企業(Social business)及發展援助(Development aid)項 目,並為這些項目提供財務管理方面的服務。 我們深信這樣的文化活動絕對能展現出香港的活力,亦非常感謝所有客戶、員工及朋友們對 我們集團長久以來的支持。 東方匯理即將在香港踏入第三十個週年紀念,我們興幸能有此機會與香港觀眾分享法國最優越 的電影,並僅祝各位有一個非常難忘的節日。 Thierry Mequillet Chief Executive Officer, North Asia Amundi Hong Kong Limited 東方匯理資產管理香港有限公司 行政總裁 – 北亞區


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About the a m a r o n a p French Cine The Alliance française de Hong Kong has been showing the latest and best of French cinema in Hong Kong for 40 years. The French film festival has been held regularly each year in December since 1972 and is the oldest film festival in Hong Kong. The festival, with its current name French Cinepanorama, adopted in 1976, has introduced hundreds of new films and young directors to the Hong Kong public, including the directors of the French “Nouvelle Vague” (new wave), which has had a deep impact on avantgarde films in Hong Kong. Year after year, the French Cinepanorama has showcased the constant dynamism of French cinema through a wide range of entertainment and artistic endeavor. While well-established filmmakers are regularly invited to the festival, the French Cinepanorama is also hungry for new talent, and has brought art-house cinema to a mainstream audience, and public acclaim.


The forthcoming 40th French Cinepanorama will be presented from November 24 to December 11 2011 and will offer Hong Kong audiences the latest and best of French cinema. As usual, the selection will encompass a wide palette of styles from feature motion pictures to documentaries, short films but also long features animations films. Cinephiles will again have the opportunity to see a range of original and fascinating works from France, including a retrospective about the famous director Claude Chabrol. To mark the 40th anniversary, the festival will present a special programme, an exhibition and a selection of films from the Magician of the Cinema, Georges Méliès.

一年復一年,法國電影節以各式各樣富娛樂性及藝術性的電影製作來展示法國電影的無 盡創意和活力。電影節一方面經常邀請具知名度的電影人來港,但對電影界的新才俊亦 十分渴求,並且將藝術電影介紹給主流觀眾認識,且獲一致的好評。

This year again — thanks to our close relationship with Hong Kong film distributors — the festival will host gala premieres. We also enjoy the official support of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) and Unifrance (the agency for the promotion of French cinema worldwide). The 40th French Cinepanorama is also proud to be included within the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Hong Kong City Hall, which has hosted the festival for 40 years. Since its creation, the French Cinepanorama has kept on growing year after year to become one of the most popular and groundbreaking film festivals in Hong Kong. It attracted around 11,000 people last year and we are dedicated to making sure the 2011 festival is another great success, full of discovery, surprise and emotion.

自一九七二年起,法國電影節定期每年舉辦,是香港歷史最悠久的電影節。French Cinepanorama 這名稱於一九七六年起採用,至今已向香港觀眾介紹過數以百計的電影 新作和新晉導演,當中包括對香港前衛電影有深遠影響的法國電影「新浪潮」的導演。

即將到來的第四十屆法國電影節由2011年11月24日至12月11日將會向香港的觀眾介紹 法國的最新電影製作。一如以往,選映的片種包羅萬有,由劇情片到紀錄片,短片到動 畫長片。愛好電影的朋友再次有機會欣賞一系列創新和引人入勝的法國電影,今年還 包括著名導演哥羅迪查布洛的電影回顧。為了紀念第四十屆這重要的時刻,電影節特別 舉辦一個展覽介紹法國魔幻電影大師佐治梅里耶斯和一系列他的電影。 今年再一次要感謝我們與本地電影發行機構的良好關係,讓我們能為多部電影作隆重首 映。我們也很高興獲康樂及文化事務署及法國電影聯盟(一個專門推廣法國電影的世界 性機構)的鼎力支持。第四十屆法國電影節很榮幸成為香港大會堂五十週年誌慶的節目 之一,法國電影節在大會堂已舉辦了四十年。 自創辦以來,法國電影節的規模一年比一年重要,時至今日,它已成為香港其中一個最 受歡迎和最富創意的電影節。去年吸引入場的觀眾約一萬一千人次,我們將盡力確保今 年的電影節的成績更輝煌,更加充滿新意和驚喜。


Contents 目錄

GEORGES MÉLIÈS, I PRESUME? 我想,是佐治梅里耶斯吧? Exhibition: Méliès, Magician of the Cinema 法國魔幻電影大師梅里耶斯回顧展 A Trip to the Moon 月球之旅 (Voyage dans la lune)


GALA PREMIERES 隆重首映 A Happy Event 快樂孕記 (Un heureux événement) The Monk (Le Moine) Sarah’s Key 隔世心鎖 (Elle s’appelait Sarah) Straight Line (La Ligne droite)

13 13 14 14

PANORAMA 2011 2011年法國電影一覽 Poliss 青少年警隊 (Polisse) The Moon Child 月亮之子 (La Permission de minuit) A Better Life 更美好的人生 (Une vie meilleure) Beloved 摯愛 (Les Bien-aimés) Pater 天啊! (Pater) Service Entrance 頂樓的女人 (Les Femmes du 6e étage) Romantics Anonymous 愛情的完美配方 (Les Emotifs anonymes) The Art of Love 愛的藝術 (L’Art d’aimer) The Names of Love 愛的名字 (Le Nom des gens) Smugglers’ Songs 曼德蘭之歌 (Les Chants de Mandrin) Early One Morning 某日早上 (De bon matin) The Source 珍愛泉源 (La Source des femmes) Holidays by the Sea 海濱假期 (Ni à vendre, ni à louer)

17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23

ANIMATIONS 精選動畫 Tales of the Night 夜之物語 (Les Contes de la nuit) The Rabbi’s Cat 拉比隻貓 (Le Chat du Rabbin)

25 25

FIRST WORK, FOCUS ON NEW FRENCH DIRECTORS 法國導演新生代 — 處女新作 Angèle and Tony 安琪兒與東尼 (Angèle et Tony) Borderline 一宗高純度的案件 (Une pure affaire) My Little Princess 我的小公主 ((My Little Princess)) Bachelor’s Days Are Over 你哭甚麼? (Pourquoi tu pleures ?) White Square 白色方塊 (Carré blanc) 17 Girls 十七少女事件簿 (17 filles)


27 27 28 28 29 29

Claude Chabrol: A Passion for Cinema 哥羅迪查布洛:情繫電影 Handsome Serge 美男子 (Le Beau Serge) Inspector Lavardin 醋雞探長 (Inspecteur Lavardin) Story of Women 女人韻事 (Une affaire de femmes) Hell 情獄 (L’Enfer) Betty 貝蒂 (Betty) A Judgement in Stone 冷酷祭典 (La Cérémonie) The Flower of Evil 豪門孽殺 (La Fleur du mal) The Girl Cut in Two 雙面嬌娃 (La Fille coupée en deux)

33 34 34 35 35 36 36 37 37

DOCUMENTARY SERIES 紀錄片系列 Commissariat 警署 (Commissariat) Into Our Own Hands 掌握 (Entre nos mains) Fragments of a Revolution 革命的片段 (Fragments d’une révolution) The Ballad of Genesis and Lady Jaye Genesis與Lady Jaye之愛的舞曲

39 39 40 40

SHORT FILMS SELECTION 短片精選 Live Action 實境 Leave Not a Cloud Behind 不留下半片彩雲 Still Standing 站立的人 (Un homme debout) The Water Tower Player 儲水箱的演奏者 (Le Joueur de citernes) Winter Fog 冬蛙 (Grenouille d’hiver) Carrying Men 搬人 (Porteur d’hommes) I Could Be Your Grandmother 我可能是你的祖母 (Je pourrais être votre grand-mère)

43 43 43 43 43 43

Animation 動畫 Barking Island 悲慘狗故事 (Chienne d’histoire) Ropes 被捆綁的女子 (La Femme à cordes) Fossil Memory 化石記憶 (Mémoire fossile) Beiroot 貝魯特 (Deyrouth) Hubert, the Man With the Candies 糖果男許拔 (Hubert, l’homme aux bonbons) The Silence Beneath the Bark 樹皮底下的寂靜 (Le Silence sous l’écorce) Specky Four-Eyes 四隻眼 (Cul de bouteille)

44 44 44 44 44 44 44

Ticketing Information 購票須知 Film Schedule 放映時間表

46 48

, s è i l é M s George ? e m u s e r IP

? 吧 斯 耶 里 梅 我想,是佐治

Photo non date - © Colle

ction Lobster Films

ce film derstandably so, sin be a film-maker. Un le interest in his family’s to d ne sti de t no s litt time. Showing tion to Georges Méliès wa did not exist at the ly turned his atten ving mo and cinema simply g business, Georges Méliès quick ing ter fal st the fir shoe manufacturin nment and magic, and discovered whatever was necessary tai the world of enter he determinedly set out to perfect of his inventions have , er images. Fascinated emerging technique, and a numb the first fully equipped d w, ne ne s sig thi de e he nc a: va to ad cinem e; produced the on the history of es for the first tim lying) and he ag im g left a lasting mark vin mo ed story-board uting, multip cinema studio; he (appearing, disappearing, substit order to strengthen its in ts first special effec e of the first to have edited a film extreme agitation, as the on of t ub era do an ut in s tho all thi is wi He accomplished narrative structure. being born. m s wa try cinema indus ns en d- to -e nd , fro lle d his prod uc tio ing all the facets of ro nt co he , tre ea e th brac Be ing a ma n of th enery, actors to film projection, em s also the first to create sc choreography to was rapidly structuring itself. He wa showed his films in and a profession which ated exclusively to cinema, which director of international a dic an organisation de ll as a brand, Star Film. He became like his peers, he did not we un as d e, An . nc ps Fra ste ich is first outside ema was taking its reconstructions. Wh how” “s renown, just as cin but imaginary worlds or historical of a , ted the cinem seek to film reality is often credited with having inven s liè Mé es org Ge y wh 未誕生。 and entertainment. 為影片和電影在當時仍

。這其實不難理解,因 並發現了早 便注定要成為電影人的 力投向娛樂和魔術界, 佐治梅里耶斯並非出生 不大,沒多久便將注意 興趣 生意 盡一切努力 製造 心要 皮鞋 ,決 技術得以發揚光大 梅里耶斯對繼承家族的 興趣,為了使這種新興 的電影工 大感 完善 對此 設備 。他 一間 影像 期搖晃不定的移動 久的印記:他設計了第 了永 留下 史上 人,還 電影 多個發明更在 消失、替代、增加)的 予以改善,而之後他的 製作特別效果(出現、 一個 ;第 ,當 事板 動盪 上故 動影像配 這一切他是在一個極之 作室;他是第一個為移 構而剪輯影片的人。而 事結 強敘 為加 最早 一個 有,他毫無疑問是其中 時代中完成的。 段的 芽階 在萌 一手包辦了這 業還 電影 掌握了整個製作過程, 演員到影片放映等親自 景, 到場 這機構將自己 編排 透過 片的 ,他 設的機構之創辦人 戲劇界出身的他,由影 他也是首間專為電影而 的第一步的 面。 出它 個層 始邁 每一 業開 業的 電影 個正逐漸成形的行 r Film)電影公司。當 Sta 際( 了星 ,而是一個 成立 他同時亦 電影並不是要表達現實 的電影在國內外發行, 同行不同的地方是他的 其他 他與 的發明者。 。而 電影 導演 名的 譽為是「表演」和娛樂 時候,他成為了國際知 為何佐治梅里耶斯常被 釋了 這解 史。 構歷 天馬行空的世界或是重

Exhibition: Méliès, Magician of the Cinema 法國魔幻電影大師梅里耶斯回顧展 Magic & Cinema Méliès bought the theatre owned by Robert-Houdin, an illusionist he admires and whose automates he collected. He staged largescale illusions and magnificent playlets which actually prefigured his own special effects films. He purchased his first camera in London (1896), made his first films, and screened them in his theatre.

The Méliès studio in Montreuil In 1897, Georges Méliès had a film studio built in Montreuil, the first glass-enclosed studio designed specifically for cinema shoots. He invented the fantastical and magical genres in cinema.

He brought grand entertainment to cinema. The drawings of his studios are shown in the exhibition, along with the initial diagrams of Conquest of the Pole (1912), the most complex film that Méliès shot in his studio.

Méliès’ fantastic universe Special effects films were popular with the public in the 1900s. Posters, programs, archives items, drawings, costumes and projections were used to create the atmosphere for A Trip to the Moon, Méliès’ best-known film (1902) as well as other films depicting “fantastic voyages”. However, the rapid emergence of a cinema industry, put an end to Méliès’ trips to fantasy land.

An exhibition produced by The French Cinematheque (La Cinémathèque française) • Curator: Laurent Mannoni 25 November - 14 December • 11 am - 8 pm • Hong Kong City Hall Exhibition Hall Exhibition Opening: 24 November 2011 • 6 pm 展覽由法國電影資料館策劃 • 策展人:Laurent Mannoni 2011年11月25日至12月14日 • 上午11時至晚上8時 • 香港大會堂 展覽廳 展覽會開幕禮:2011年11月24日 • 下午六時

L’Homme à la tête en caoutchouc, Georges Méliès, c. 1930 © ADAGP, Paris 2008

Le Voyage dans la Lune. En plein dans l’œil !! (9ème tableau) © ADAGP, Paris 2008

「魔幻」與「電影」 梅里耶斯收購了一間由Robert-Houdin擁有的劇院。Robert-Houdin是梅里耶斯仰慕的一位魔 術師,他還收藏了不少這位魔術師的自動化器械。梅里耶斯在劇院中上演大型的魔術表演和精 彩的短劇,這些短劇實際上是預先放映他自己製作的特別效果影片。一八九六年他在倫敦購買 了他的第一台攝影機來製作他最早期的影片,然後在自己的劇院中放映。

位於蒙特勒伊的梅里耶斯工作室 一八九七年,佐治梅里耶斯在蒙特勒伊建造了一間電影工作室,這是首間特別為拍攝電影而設 計,用玻璃作為間隔的工作室。他是神奇及魔幻電影類別的始創人。

Autoportrait caricaturé. © ADAGP, Paris 2008

Le Voyage dans la lune. © ADAGP, Paris 2008

他為電影帶來了史無前例的娛樂性。這次展覽除了展出他的電影工作室之設計圖外,也展出 影片《征服北極》(一九一二年)的原始圖樣,這是梅里耶斯在工作室內拍攝的影片中最複雜 的一部。

梅里耶斯那天馬行空的世界 特別效果影片在一九○○年代十分受歡迎。展覽場地利用海報、節目表、檔案項目、圖畫、戲 服和放映短片來營造梅里耶斯的影片《月球之旅》(一九○二年)以及其他描寫「奇幻旅程」的 影片中所描寫的氣氛。 然而,電影業的迅速發展為梅里耶斯的奇幻國度之旅劃上了句號。





About Groupama Gan Foundation for Cinema Founded in 1987, the Groupama Gan Foundation for the Cinema is today one of the key private partners for French films. It has accompanied 140 filmmakers in making their first feature film, thanks to project grants. Today its support is re cognised as a mark of quality. The Foundation also promotes more than 30 film festivals in France and around the world. Jointly with the Technicolor Foundation for Cinema Heritage, it restored Selvi Boylum al Yazmalim by Atif Yilmaz within a yearly restoration of Turkish classics, Pierre Etaix’s films in 2010 and, of course A Trip to the Moon, in color, by Georges Méliès in 2011.

About Technicolor Foundation for Cinema Heritage Created in 2006, The Technicolor Foundation for Cinema Heritage is a non-profit entity, acting in the field of preservation and promotion of film heritage.The Technicolor Foundation operates worldwide according three main directions: preserve but also highlight cinema heritage and finally train and sensitize everyone who can play a part in the safeguard of film heritage. Each year, one of the objectives of this foundation is also to restore a key title of the international cinema heritage in order to better raise the audience’s awareness about the importance of film heritage and about the risks endangered by films when not properly safeguarded.

s e r e i m e r P Gala 隆重首映

“She drove me into a corner, then forced me to go beyond my limits. She made me 「她把我迫進了死角,不斷地挑戰我的極限。她令我經歷所有最歇斯底里的情緒:愛、犧牲、 confront the absolute: love, sacrifice, tenderness, abandonment. She dislocated me, 心軟、捨棄。她攪亂了我所有的生活,把我變成了另一個人。為什麼沒有人警告我?為什麼從 transformed me. Why didn’t anyone warn me? Why doesn’t anyone ever talk about this?” 來沒有人將真相說出來?」 《快樂孕記》是一段屬於母親的最貼心,誠懇,毫無禁忌的告白。 A Happy Event, or an intimate view of motherhood, sincere and with no taboos. Barbara, a young graduate student, is madly in love with her boyfriend Nicolas and 芭芭拉是一個年輕的大學生,她和男友尼古拉斯正陷入瘋狂的熱戀,同時為了趕交畢業論文而 deep into writing her thesis when she learns she is pregnant. Reeling from the initial 忙得天昏地暗,卻在這時發現自己懷了身孕。當她從震驚中恢復過來,芭芭拉開始遊走於興奮 和恐懼的情緒之間。 shock, Barbara alternates between excitement and trepidation. Once her baby is born, everything becomes alarmingly real. She’s faced with a helpless 自女兒出生後,一切都變成令芭芭拉異常焦慮的現實,她面對着一個百份百無助的小生命, little being who needs everything from her – love most of all. But despite the support of 要源源不絕供給一個嬰兒的所需 ─ 特別是「愛」。即使身邊的人,包括一心一意支持她的伴 those around her, including that of her devoted partner, Barbara struggles to connect 侶,都不斷地給予她支持,芭芭拉仍感到難以適應這個母親的身份。 with her child.

A Happy Event 快樂孕記 (Un heureux événement)

2010 • Color 彩色 • 110 min France 法國 • Dramatic comedy 溫情喜劇 In French with English & Chinese subtitles 法語對白,中、英文字幕 Director 導演: Rémi Bezançon Cast 演員:Louise Bourgoin, Pio Marmai, Josiane Balasko

24/11 HK City Hall

9/12 AMC Pacific Place

The rise and fall of a Capuchin Monk in 17th century Madrid. Abandoned as a baby on the steps of a monastery and raised in strict Capuchin fashion, Ambrosio has become the most famous preacher in the country. While large crowds from all over the country come to hear his mesmerizing sermons, he’s also bitterly envied for his success by certain fellow monks. Convinced of his virtue and righteousness, Brother Ambrosio thinks he is immune to temptation... Until obscure events start terrorizing the monastery. Could they be connected to the unexpected arrival of Valerio, an apprentice monk who has the miraculous gift to relieve Ambrosio’s splitting headaches and hides his disfigured face under a wax mask? Adapted from the eponymous cult classic Gothic novel.

電影改編自十八世紀經典同名黑暗歌德式小說《The Monk》。Ambrosio襁褓時就被遺棄在西 班牙馬德里的方濟各教會門前,被教會收留並養育成人,長大後成為一名國內名氣最高的傳教 士,每天都有來自西班牙各地的信眾特地前來聽他佈道。同時,他的卓越成就亦惹起一些弟兄 眼紅。 一直受嚴謹教會教育的Ambrosio擁有堅強信念,認為自己能對所有誘惑免疫,直至他遇上擁 有能美麗而又擁有神奇能力的Valerio。同時,修道院發生了一連串駭人聽聞的事件,裡面人心 惶惶,而這些惡運,又似乎與Valerio有奇怪的聯繫…… 一個神聖的地方,被黑暗的人性和誘 惑籠罩,看似堅定不移的信仰,能否掩住Ambrosio扭曲的真實面孔?

The Monk (Le Moine)

2010 • Color 彩色 • 101 min France 法國 • Thriller 驚慄片 In French with English & Chinese subtitles 法語對白,中、英文字幕 Director 導演:Dominik Moll Cast 演員:Vincent Cassel, Déborah François, Joséphine Japy

26/11 AMC Pacific Place

6/12 PALACE ifc


Sarah’s Key 隔世心鎖 (Elle s’appelait Sarah)

2010 • Color 彩色 • 111 min France 法國 • Drama / War 戰爭劇情片 In French with English & Chinese subtitles 法語對白,中、英文字幕 Director 導演: Gilles Paquet-Brenner Cast 演員:Kristin Scott Thomas, Mélusine Mayance, Niels Arestrup

Paris, July 1942: Sarah, a ten-year-old girl, is taken with her parents by the French police as they go door-to-door arresting Jewish families in the middle of the night. Desperate to protect her younger brother, Sarah locks him in a bedroom cupboard – their secret hiding place – and promises to come back for him as soon as they are released. Sixty seven years later: Sarah’s story intertwines with that of Julia Jarmond, an American journalist investigating the roundup. In her research, Julia stumbles onto a trail of secrets that link her to Sarah, and to questions about her own romantic future.

一九四二年歐洲捲起納粹浪潮,法國亦不能幸免,巴黎有過萬名猶太人被警察拘捕送往集中 營,孩子被迫與父母分離,部份更被分批屠殺。 Sarah一家亦難逃一劫,十一歲的Sarah為保護幼弟免被警察拘捕,將他鎖在房間小秘室中。 最終Sarah與家人被送往集中營,可是她一直緊握着小秘室的鑰匙希望可回家拯救弟弟。 時光飛轉,Julia在巴黎雜誌社當記者,並委派報道當年法國政府圍捕猶太人的歷史專題。她驚 覺自己身為巴黎人,對這一段歷史一無所知,及後更發現丈夫的祖家,原來與Sarah一家有着 連帶關係!Julia一步一步揭開Sarah成長秘密,同時她發覺自己亦墮入Sarah的經歷,令這個 迷失的都市人帶來衝擊。

25/11, 2/12 AMC Pacific Place

Straight Line (La Ligne droite)

2010 • Color 彩色 • 98 min France 法國 • Drama 劇情片 In French with English & Chinese subtitles 法語對白,中、英文字幕 Director 導演:Régis Wargnier Cast 演員:Rachida Brakni, Cyril Descours, Clémentine Célarié

After five years in jail, Leila is free again. Yannick, a young athlete, recently lost his sight in a car crash. The only discipline in which he can compete is running, but he must race tethered to a guide. Before she went to prison, Leila was an elite athlete. She will be Yannick’s eyes. Leila keeps quiet about her past. Sick of the sympathy of his family and friends, Yannick welcomes her silence. Training and preparing to race helps them both rebuild their lives. There are past events that won’t let go, and present feelings and emotions that bring upheaval and a new direction. But you have to keep running and battling, down the straight to the line.


5/12 PALACE ifc

10/12 AMC Pacific Place

前綠茵健兒Leila過了五年鐵窗生活後終於重獲自由,巧遇剛在車禍中失明的年輕運動員 Yannick。Yannick失明後,唯一可以競技的項目只剩下賽跑,而他必須尋覓一雙「代睛」才能 圓夢。Leila的出現正好是天掉下來的大好機會。Leila對自己的過去隻字不提,兩人相對時常默 默無言。不過,Yannick因厭倦家人朋友予以憐憫同情,所以他對Leila的沉默反而感到舒心。 兩個活在世界邊緣的人在準備比賽之間,慢慢重建各自的嶄新人生。 只可惜,縱然他們如何樂觀懷抱希望,過去的夢魘原來一直如影隨形夾在他們之間。過去遺下 的陰霾,此刻不能自我的情感,為他們的生命引發起掀天動地的衝擊……

1 1 0 2 a m a Panor 覽 一 影 電 國 法 2011年

The daily grind for the cops of the Police Department’s Juvenile Protection Unit – taking in child molesters, busting underage pickpockets and chewing over relationship issues at lunch; interrogating abusive parents, taking statements from children, confronting the excesses of teen sexuality, enjoying solidarity with colleagues and laughing uncontrollably at the most unthinkable moments. Knowing the worst exists and living with it. How do these cops balance their private lives and the reality they confront every working day? By opting to transform this fiction into a mockumentary, Maïwenn delivers an intense, striking film filled with disturbing truths. Through its cast of characters, Maïwenn presents multiple perspectives on what it means to be a cop and finely incorporates a number of sub-plots to the main story, thanks to a solid screenplay and energetic direction. This brutally realistic film is a punch to the face. 2011 Cannes International Film Festival — Grand Jury Prize

青少年警隊日常的工作包括拘捕孌童癖者,逮捕少年扒手及在午餐時與同事大吐夫婦關係的苦 水,還有偵訊虐待兒童的父母,為兒童落口供,處理青少年過度旺盛的性慾,享受同事之間的 團結互助,以及在最不恰當的時刻失聲大笑。這些警察都知道要作最壞的打算。他們怎樣從私 人生活和每日工作所面對的現實中取得平衡呢? 導演馬伊雲將一個虛構故事搖身一變,拍攝了這部似真似假的紀錄片。導演透過片中一系列的 人物來提供更多的角度讓我們了解警察的工作,再加上戲劇性濃厚的劇本和活潑的導演手法, 本片以殘酷的現實向我們迎頭痛擊。

2011年康城國際電影節 ─ 評審團大獎


青少年警隊 (Polisse) 2010 • Color 彩色 • 127 min France 法國 • Drama 劇情片 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Maïwenn 馬伊雲 Cast 演員: Marina Foïs, Joey Starr, Karin Viard 瑪蓮娜福伊、祖伊施達、卡漢維亞

27/11 AMC Pacific Place

4/12, 8/12 PALACE ifc

It’s an unusual friendship, considering that David is 50 and Romain is 13. David, a professor of dermatology passionate about his profession, has been treating Romain and operating on him since he was two years old. Afflicted with a rare genetic disorder, Romain must be protected from daylight. He is a “moon child”. It seems that nothing could separate them, until one day David is granted an unexpected transfer. The day of separation draws nearer, bringing new challenges for each of them to face. Delphine Gleize’s extraordinarily dry direction infused with surprising breaks in tone manages to defuse the sense of pathos. The director goes beyond the agreed relationship between a son and a surrogate father, between an adolescent ready to bite into life because his days are numbered and the brilliant physician who is unable to cope with everyday life. In this film, the most mature characters are not necessarily the oldest. The resulting film speaks eloquently of the loneliness of individual lives and the need for others.

本片講述五十歲的大衛與只有十三歲的羅曼這兩人之間的一段不尋常的友誼。大衛是一個對職 業充滿熱誠的皮膚科病理學教授,他自羅曼兩歲起便開始擔任他的主治醫生。羅曼患有一種罕 見的遺傳缺陷,必須避免接觸日光,是人稱的「月亮之子」。看來應該沒有甚麼能讓他們分開 的,直至有日大衛突然接獲調任的通知。隨着分離的日子逐漸逼近,他們兩人均要各自面對一 些新的挑戰。 導演德爾芬格萊思藉着乾淨利落的導演手法的和出人意表的變調來避免讓影片流於過份煽情。 她透過片中兩名主角 — 因為知道自己命不長久而準備燃點生命的少年和無法應付日常生活的 大醫生 — 之間的一段情如父子的關係來講述孤獨的人生和對他人的需要。在這部片中,年紀 較長的未必一定就是較成熟。

The Moon Child 月亮之子 (La Permission de minuit)

2010 • Color 彩色 • 110 min France - Belgique 法國 - 比利時 • Drama 劇情片 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Delphine Gleize 德爾芬格萊思 Cast 演員: Vincent Lindon, Quentin Challal, Emmanuelle Devos 雲遜林頓、君坦查拉、伊曼妞德芙

28/11, 11/12 AMC Pacific Place

2/12 Broadway Cinematheque


A Better Life 更美好的人生 (Une vie meilleure)

2011 • Color 彩色 • 110 min France / Canada 法國 / 加拿大 • Drama 劇情片 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Cédric Kahn 西迪克卡恩 Cast 演員:Guillaume Canet, Leïla Bekhti 紀堯姆康奈、莉娜貝格蒂

Yann, a cook, and Nadia, a waitress and mother of 9-year-old boy, decide to risk everything on the purchase of a restaurant. With plenty of talent, energy, love and dreams, but no finance of their own, they find themselves pushed into a jungle of financing and bank loans that quickly overwhelms them. To bail them out, Nadia has to take a job in Canada, while Yann is forced to stay behind to save the restaurant. Together, he and the boy confront a relentless avalanche of creditors, an uncaring system and the daily grind from which there is no respite… From Paris to Saint-Denis, from Sables d’Olonne to Canada, the film describes the relentless social meltdown of Yann, a young cook, and his girlfriend, Nadia who become caught in a downward spiral of over indebtedness. Motivated by a deep sense of urgency within the current economic context, Cédric Kahn confirms his strength as a director and his ability to elicit breathtaking performances from actors. 2011 Toronto International Film Festival

25/11 HK City Hall

廚師阿恩和已有一個九歲兒子的女侍應娜迪亞決定冒險購買一間餐廳。他們有的是才華、活 力、愛情和夢想,但卻缺乏資金。為了融資,他們向銀行貸款,沒多久便墮進如無底深潭的財 務困境中。為了擺脫困境,娜迪亞到加拿大工作,阿恩被迫留下挽救餐廳。在一個冷漠無情的 制度下,他與娜迪亞的兒子每日面對眾多的債權人無以為繼…… 繼影片《悔恨》之後,西迪克卡恩改變戲路,拍攝了這部達頓兄弟式的社會劇情片。故事由巴 黎發展到加拿大,描寫年輕廚師阿恩及他的女朋友娜迪亞,一名年輕母親兩人因債務而墮進永 無翻身之日的危機中。 西迪克卡恩有感於現今社會所面對的經濟危機之迫切性,因而拍了這部感人的電影。


4/12, 10/12 PALACE ifc

Beloved 摯愛 (Les Bien-aimés)

2011 • Color 彩色 • 135 min France 法國 • Romance / Musical 愛情音樂劇 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Christophe Honoré 基斯杜化安諾希 Cast 演員:Catherine Deneuve, Chiara Mastroianni, Ludivine Sagnier 嘉芙蓮丹露、琪亞拉馬斯杜安尼、露迪雲仙妮亞

From Paris in the sixties to 21st century London, Madeleine and her daughter Vera waltz in and out of the lives of the men they love. But not every era allows us to love blithely and lightheartedly. How are we to resist the sands of time that attack our deepest feelings? Straddling the lines between musical comedy, romance and family portrait, Christophe Honoré presents a poignant film infused with a great sense of melancholy that deals with the loss of light heartedness, symbolized here by the transition between the 1960’s and the 2000’s. The director again surrounded himself with his favourite actors (Louis Garrel, Chiara Mastroianni, Ludivine Sagnier) and has crafted a magnificent role for Catherine Deneuve. There is also a nod to the cinema of yore, that of Truffaut and Demy, with which the director has an avowed affinity. 2011 Cannes International Film Festival – Closing-Night Film


4/12 Broadway Cinematheque

9/12 AMC Pacific Place

由上世紀六十年代的巴黎到二十一世紀的倫敦,瑪德蓮和她的女兒維拉一直周旋於她們所愛的 男人的生命中。 但並不是每個時代都容許我們漫不經心和輕輕鬆鬆地談戀愛的。 我們如何能抵擋時間洪流對我們最深刻的感情之侵蝕呢? 這是一部音樂劇,亦是愛情片和描寫家庭眾生相的電影,導演基斯杜化安諾希在這部淒美感人 電影中透過由六十年代過渡到二○○○年來象徵無憂無慮的日子經已遠去。基斯杜化安諾希 除了請來嘉芙蓮丹露演繹一個精彩的角色外,其餘的角色都是由他最喜愛的一班演員演繹:如 路易加希、琪亞拉馬斯杜安尼、露迪雲仙妮亞。在片中我們也有機會一睹昔日杜魯福和丹美的 電影,安諾希自言他的風格是受到這兩位著名導演的影響。

2011年康城國際電影節 ─ 閉幕電影

11/12 PALACE ifc

Over the course of a year they met and filmed each other. The filmmaker and the actor, the 整整一年的時間他們二人常常見面,一見面就互相拍攝。他們一個是導演一個是演員;一個是 president and his first minister, Alain Cavalier and Vincent Lindon. In Pater, you’ll see them 總統一個是總理;他們是阿倫卡華利亞和雲遜林頓。這部電影就是這樣誕生了。在《天啊!》 both as they are in real life and in a story they concocted together. Is all just for fun, or in the 中,觀眾同時會見到現實生活中的阿倫卡華利亞和雲遜林頓以及在一個由他們構想出來的故事 service of absurdity, where the lines blur between their personal history and the story itself? The same unanswerable question pervades the entire film is: what is presented true or not? 中的阿倫卡華利亞和雲遜林頓。究竟哪是真哪是假?他們自己的故事和故事本身之間的分界線 Billed as “one of the most bizarre films ever shown at Cannes”, Pater surprises even the 已變得模糊。而整部電影中一直瀰漫着這個問題:是真還是假的? most discerning connoisseurs of Alain Cavalier’s body of work. The director has indeed 《天啊!》被譽為「康城電影節有史以來最奇怪的電影之一」,甚至阿倫卡華利亞最忠實的擁躉 opted for a political approach to making political cinema, with wholly original sharpness and 也對這部電影感到意外。對導演本人而言,他是要以一種從未有過的尖銳和辛辣的手法慎重地 caustic humour, whether in his depictions of the film-making process or the presidential 拍攝一部政治電影。導演藉着將演員和政治家放在同一個層面上來揭示這些職權中共同的模糊 campaign. By placing actors and politicians on the same level, Cavalier reveals the shared 性,並以有趣的方法來同時使它們明朗化。 ambiguity of these professions and sheds light on both in a compelling way. 2011年康城國際電影節 ─ 參賽電影 2011 Cannes International film Festival – Official Competition

Pater 天啊! (Pater)

2011 • Color 彩色 • 105 min France 法國 • Docu-fiction 紀錄-虛構片 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Alain Cavalier 阿倫卡華利亞 Cast 演員: Vincent Lindon, Alain Cavalier 雲遜林頓、阿倫卡華利亞

27/11 HK City Hall

4/12 AMC Pacific Place

8/12 Broadway Cinematheque

Paris, 1960. Jean-Louis Joubert lives a peaceful yet boring bourgeois existence with his wife, a perfect socialite, his children in a boarding school and his finance office. The family has their world turned upside down when exuberant Spanish maids move into their building’s sixth floor, the servant’s quarters. Teresa, Carmen, Dolorès, Concepciòn and her niece Maria who just arrived from Burgos. Jean-Louis will unexpectedly bond with them, especially with Maria. She is young, pretty and full of joy. This“utopian”comedy is delicately written with a tranquil pace and describes with humour and accuracy the social milieu of Spanish immigrants and the bourgeoisie during the Gaullist era. The film combines entertainment and social reflection. The excellent acting in this fable is yet another confirmation of the talents of Fabrice Luchini and Sandrine Kiberlain, whose screen presences embody restraint and subtlety. 2011 Berlin International Film Festival – Out of Competition

六十年代的巴黎。尚路易與妻子過着寧靜和刻板的中產階級生活,妻子是十足十的社交名媛, 孩子在寄宿學校唸書,他有自己股票行。然而,這個家庭的生活卻因一群快樂的西班牙女傭搬 到他們公寓六樓的僕人宿舍居住而弄得天翻地覆。這班婦女是泰莉莎、卡門、多羅希,還有康 姨及她剛從布爾戈斯到來的侄女瑪莉亞。尚路易無意中與她們結為朋友,尤其是與瑪莉亞特別 要好。她美麗年青又充滿歡樂。 本片以細膩風趣但又平實準確的手法描寫戴高樂時代的西班牙移民階層和資產階級。這部「烏 托邦」式的喜劇糅合了娛樂性和社會反思。法布里斯盧治尼與桑德蓮基伯蘭在這部寓言式的電 影中克制和細膩的演出再次證實他們的才華。

2011年柏林國際影展 ─ 非參賽電影

Service Entrance 頂樓的女人 (Les Femmes du 6e étage)

2010 • Color 彩色 • 106 min France 法國 • Comedy 喜劇 In French and Spanish with English subtitles 法語及西班牙語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Philippe Le Guay 菲力普萊桂爾 Cast 演員:Fabrice Luchini, Sandrine Kiberlain 法布里斯盧治尼、桑德蓮基伯蘭

25/11, 28/11 HK City Hall

2/12 PALACE ifc

11/12 AMC Pacific Place


Romantics Anonymous 愛情的完美配方 (Les Emotifs anonymes) 2010 • Color 彩色 • 80 min France 法國 • Comedy / Romance 愛情喜劇 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Jean-Pierre Améris 尚彼耶阿梅希 Cast 演員: Benoit Poelvoorde, Isabelle Carré 賓諾瓦寶洛禾迪、伊莎貝嘉希

Jean-René, the boss of a chocolate factory, and Angélique, a talented chocolate maker, are two highly emotional people. Their shared passion for chocolate brings them together and they both fall in love with each other, without daring to let on. Unfortunately, their pathological timidity tends to keep them apart. But they’ll overcome their lack of self-confidence, at the risk of revealing their feelings. Romantics Anonymous constantly straddles the line between tenderness and humour and features a captivating soundtrack (Julia and Angus Stone). It does more than simply provide a nice cinematic moment; it captivates hearts and fills them with precious human warmth. The interplay between Benoit Poelvoorde and Isabelle Carré (nominated for the 2011 César for Best Actress) is infused with great emotion.

26/11 HK City Hall

30/11 AMC Pacific Place

尚雷里是一家巧克力工廠的老闆,安祖莉是一名出色的員工,兩人都有情緒障礙的困擾。因為 兩人對巧克力的熱情,讓彼此互生好感,卻因為過份膽怯而不敢表達愛意。最後,兩人為了克 服情緒障礙,就算洩露自己真實的情感也在所不惜。 《愛情的完美配方》不斷徘徊於溫情和幽默之間。它不單提供了一段愉快的觀影時刻,更抓住 了觀眾的心,使內心充滿了溫情。賓諾瓦寶洛禾迪和伊莎貝嘉希(獲提名2011年凱撒獎最佳 女演員)這兩位演員之間的互動充滿了感情。

7/12 Broadway Cinematheque

The Art of Love 愛的藝術 (L’Art d’aimer)

2011 • Color 彩色 • 85 min France 法國 • Romance 愛情片 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演: Emmanuel Mouret 伊曼紐爾梅希 Cast 演員: François Cluzet, Judith Godrèche, Julie Depardieu 弗朗索瓦克魯瑟、茱迪哥德雷殊、茱莉狄帕度

At that precise moment when we fall in love, there is a distinctive piece of music that resonates within each of us. It is different for everyone and can arise at unexpected times. A common feature of Mouret’s entire directorial body of work is an ensemble film approach to the topic of love as told through a multitude of characters, couples, friends and lovers. Over the half-dozen storylines (featuring performances by François Cluzet, Judith Godrèche and others) – some of which intersect and others not – Emmanuel Mouret has delivered a fine, lively, elegant and charming comedy. Critics have long discussed Mouret’s work in terms of the influences of Eric Rohmer, François Truffaut and Woody Allen. As his career progresses, it is becoming apparent that his style is becoming even more singular and that his films bear only a resemblance to those made by Mouret himself.


25/11, 30/11 HK City Hall

11/12 AMC Pacific Place

當我們墮入愛河的那一刻,我們會聽到一種特別的音樂。這音樂每個人都不同,並可能會在毫 無心理準備的時候出現。 由多個故事組成的《愛的藝術》與伊曼紐爾梅希的所有作品有着共同的特點,就是透過眾多的 人物、夫妻、朋友、戀人來描寫愛情。這位導演以六個互相有關或獨立的故事(演員包括弗朗 索瓦克魯瑟、艾樂蒂納維埃、帕絲卡娜雅比洛、羅朗史托加、茱迪哥德雷殊……)組成了一部 優雅感人的精彩電影。長期以來,人們一直說梅希的電影受伊力盧馬、杜魯福和活地阿倫的影 響。然而,我們從他的電影中陸逐發現他不停地顯露出自己的特色,而且,時至今天,他的電 影已完全是屬於自己的風格。

Young extrovert Bahia Benmahmoud lives by this classic motto: “Make love, not war”. In order to convert them to her cause, she sleeps with her political enemies – which means a lot of men, because every conservative is her enemy. So far, she’s gotten good results. Until she meets Arthur Martin, 40-something. She figures that with such a common name, he’s bound to be a real conservative and thus hard to convert. Yet, names are treacherous and things aren’t always what they seem. Bahia and Arthur are as different as two people can be, but when they fall in love, sparks fly... This romantic comedy is infused with corrosive humour and deals with sensitive issues such as the relationship with one’s roots and sense of national identity. This is a political and social film that presents a very accurate depiction of France’s current climate, while remaining funny and entertaining. Of special note is the participation of Lionel Jospin, the French Prime Minister from 1997 to 2002. 2011 César for Best Actress – Sara Forestier

芭爾雅是一名性格外向的年輕女子,她的座右銘是:「要愛,不要戰爭」。她可以為了讓政敵 改變立場而毫不猶豫地與他們上床 — 這意味着很多的男人,因為大致來說,所有保守黨的人 都是她的敵人。到目前為止,她的成績都很理想。直至她遇上了四十多歲的阿瑟馬田。她心想 一個名字這樣普通的人肯定是個不容易改變立場的保守黨員。然而名字可以作假,外表亦可以 騙人。芭爾雅和阿瑟是南轅北轍的兩個人,但當他們墮入愛河時卻是火花四射…… 這部尖酸幽默的愛情喜劇涉及一些敏感的題目,例如我們如何處理自己的籍貫和國籍身份之間 的關係。這是一部政治和社會意識強烈的電影,它以風趣和娛樂性的方式準確地揭露我們國家 的狀況。值得一提的是法國前總理若斯潘(Lionel Jospin)有份參與演出。

2011年凱撒獎 ─ 最佳女演員:莎哈福雷絲捷

The Names of Love 愛的名字 (Le Nom des gens)

2009 • Color 彩色 • 104 min France 法國 • Comedy 喜劇 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Michel Leclerc 米瑞雷格 Cast 演員: Sara Forestier, Jacques Gamblin 莎哈福雷絲捷、積克甘伯蘭

26/11 HK City Hall

3/12 Broadway Cinematheque

6/12 AMC Pacific Place

After the execution of Louis Mandrin, a famous outlaw and mid-18th century folk hero, his companions decide to take the risk of another campaign in France’s southern provinces. Under the protection of heavily armed comrades, they set up illegal markets outside rural villages, where they sell tobacco, fabrics and precious goods. They write songs in Mandrin's honour, print them and distribute them to the King's lowliest subjects… For his fourth film, the ever-surprising Rabah Ameur-Zaïmeche appropriates the mythic life of Louis Mandrin, a sort of French Robin Hood. In Smugglers’ Songs, the director has taken the opportunity to tackle a number of very current political issues through the wild escapades of Mandrin and his companions. The film is particularly evocative of the host of twentieth and twenty-first century rebels – including the most recent ones. Despite the film’s historical setting, the director is actually telling a story that speaks to the present and to the current state of society. 2011 Jean Vigo Prize

罪犯路易曼德蘭被視為十八世紀的民間英雄,當他被執行死刑後,他的同伴決定冒險到法國南 部省份進行另一次活動。在全副武裝的同志保護下,他們在農村以外設立一些非法市場,專門 售賣煙草、紡織品和貴重物品。他們還撰寫歌謠來歌頌曼德蘭,並將歌詞印製成單張四處派給 國王陛下最底層的子民…… 哈巴阿莫-西爾梅借曼德蘭,一個如法國版羅賓漢的傳奇人物的故事來拍攝他的第四部長片。 這位導演透過片中鄉民暴亂的行為來探討當前的各種政治問題,特別是二十和二十一世紀的 動亂,包括了最近期發生的多次暴動事件。因為導演其實是希望透過這些歷史事跡來和我們 講述當前和現行的社會實況。


Smugglers’ Songs 曼德蘭之歌 (Les Chants de Mandrin)

2010 • Color 彩色 • 93 min France 法國 • History 歷史劇情片 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Rabah Ameur-Zaïmeche 哈巴阿莫-西爾梅舒 Cast 演員:Rabah Ameur-zaïmeche, Christian Milia-Darmezin, Jacques Nolot 哈巴阿莫-西爾梅舒、沙廉米利亞達敏山、積克奴路

29/11 AMC Pacific Place

5/12 Broadway Cinematheque


Early One Morning 某日早上 (De bon matin)

2011 • Color 彩色 • 91 min France / Belgium 法國 / 比利時 • Drama 劇情片 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Jean-Marc Moutout 尚馬克穆陶 Cast 演員:Jean-Pierre Darroussin, Xavier Beauvois 尚彼耶達浩山、沙菲爾保華

Monday morning. 50-year-old Paul Wertret goes to the International Bank of Commerce and Finance, where he is business manager. He arrives, as usual, at eight o’clock. He enters a conference room, takes out a gun and shoots two of his superiors. Then he locks himself in his office. While waiting for the police to arrive, this man, who'd gone by unnoticed up until then, relives parts of his life and the events that led him to commit his act. This film is reminiscent of the Joel Schumacher film Falling Down starring Michael Douglas. Inspired by a true story that occurred in Switzerland in 2004, Early One Morning recounts the life of Paul and his relentless fall from grace to the point of no return. What could possibly drive a man who is decent in all respects to commit such an act? The poignant drama is an austere and oppressive critique of the business world which raises important questions with regards to human nature and contemporary society.

26/11 HK City Hall

3/12 PALACE ifc

星期一早上,五十歲的保羅如常八點正抵達國際商業信貸銀行。他是銀行的業務經理。他進入 會議室,拿出手槍射殺其中兩名上司。然後他將自己反鎖在辦公室內。在等待警察到來的期 間,這名一直以來被人忽視的男子重新審視他的部份生活和一些導致他殺人的事件。 本片使人聯想到由米高德格拉斯主演,祖舒密查的電影《怒火風暴》。故事的靈感來自二○○四 年發生在瑞士的一件真人真事,《某日早上》述說保羅的故事和他如何從高處跌下的不歸路。 是甚麼促使一個各方面都很好的人犯下如此惡行呢?這部凄美的電影是對商業世界作出嚴苛的 批判。

10/12 AMC Pacific Place

The Source 珍愛泉源 (La Source des femmes)

2010 • Color 彩色 • 136 min France / Italy / Belgium / Marocco 法國 / 意大利 / 比利時 / 摩洛哥 Comedy 喜劇 In Arabic with English subtitles 阿拉伯語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演: Radu Mihaileanu 哈度米埃利阿路 Cast 演員:Leïla Bekhti, Hafsia Herzi 莉娜貝格蒂、雅芙西亞埃西

The story takes place in current times, in a small village somewhere between North Africa and the Middle East. The local women fetch water from a mountaintop spring, clambering up the rocky path beneath the blazing sun. They’ve been doing this since the beginning of time. Leila, a young bride, urges the women to launch a love strike: no more cuddling, no more sex until the men run water into the village. Radu Mihaileanu offers up a touching and funny plea for feminism. The Source straddles the lines between militant comedy (the subject matter is reminiscent of Aristophanes’ classic, Lysistrata), oriental fables (the 1001 Nights are quoted extensively) and drama in this examination of the status of women in the Arab world. The film puts its young actresses (Leila Bekhti, Hafsia Herzi and Sabrina Ouazani) to the forefront and positively shines with their presence, thus confirming the breadth of their talent. 2011 Cannes International Film Festival – Official Competition


27/11 HK City Hall

5/12 AMC Pacific Place

故事發生在現今某個位於北非和中東之間的的阿拉伯小村莊。長久以來,村內都是女人在猛烈 的陽光下攀過岩石路徑到山頂上的水源挑水的。從外地嫁到村莊的莉娜鼓吹全村女人發動床第 抗議,要求改由男人去挑水,男人們若不從,就不給予任何親密接觸。 導演哈度米埃利阿路獻給我們一部維護女權,惹笑感人的電影。這部電影的主題使人聯想起阿 里斯多芬妮的經典作品《利西翠妲》及一些東方的故事如《一千零一夜》,導演主要是探討阿 拉伯國家婦女的狀況。幾位年輕女演員莉娜貝格蒂、雅芙西亞埃西和莎翩娜瓦姍妮的精湛演出 讓這部電影更加奪目。

2011年康城國際電影節 ─ 參賽電影

Are you a father, retiree, nudist, punk or an umbrella sales representative? Whether you are hitch-hiking, or love feeling the wind rush through your hair in your convertible or driving pedal to the metal in your unlicensed car, make your way to the Atlantic Coast! Many activities await you: golf, kite flying, scrabble, drawing classes and sadomasochism sessions. There is no shortage of fantastic dating opportunities! Pascal Rabaté is now first and foremost recognized as a key figure in the world of comics. His first series, Les Pieds dedans (1992-1995) is a relentless autopsy of the baseness of human beings. Pascal Rabaté is a master of pacing and technique (he has created black and white, wash and colour comics) and has explored a wide range of worlds over his artistic career. His talent was first recognized by critics and readers alike thanks to his Ibicus series, a dreamlike adaptation of the Alexis Tolstoy novel. Since 2006, he has directed two feature films: Cavaliers faciles and Les petits ruisseaux.

無論你是一家之主、退休人士、愛好天體者、髮型古怪的阿punk或雨傘推銷員;無論是搭便 車、駕駛開篷跑車或無牌超速駕駛的人,都歡迎來到大西洋海岸! 將有無數的活動等待你參與:哥爾夫、滑浪、拼字遊戲、素描課程、施虐-受虐的療程。還可 展望美麗的約會。 帕斯卡哈伯堤被公認為是當今漫畫界一位不容忽視的人物。他的第一輯漫畫系列《Les Pieds dedans》(1992-1995)以嚴苛的調子解剖人性的卑劣。帕斯卡哈伯堤完全掌握了漫畫的節奏 和技術,並以黑白、水彩和顏色繪畫,而各式各樣完全不同的世界亦隨着他的作品逐一展現人 前。憑着改編Alexis Tolstoï的小說而成的漫畫系列《Ibicus》讓他的才華受到公眾的賞識。自 二○○六年起他製作了兩部長片:《Cavaliers faciles》和《Les petits ruisseaux》。

Holidays by the Sea 海濱假期 (Ni à vendre, ni à louer)

2010 • Color 彩色 • 77 min France 法國 • Comedy 喜劇 No dialogue 沒有對白 Director 導演:Pascal Rabaté 帕斯卡哈伯堤 Cast 演員: Jacques Gamblin, Maria de Medeiros, François Damiens 積克甘伯蘭、瑪莉亞特梅蒂羅絲、弗朗索瓦達米安

26/11 HK City Hall

7/12 AMC Pacific Place

10/12 PALACE ifc

s n o i t a m i An 精選動畫

Every evening, a girl, a boy, and an old technician get together in a small movie theatre. Although the theatre no longer seems to be operating, it is full of wonders. The three friends invent, draw, dress up, and become characters in any story they feel like telling during one magical night when everything is possible. There are witches and fairies, powerful kings and stable boys, werewolves and beautiful, cruel ladies, cathedrals and sequins, cities of gold and dark forests, harmonies of vast choirs and the spells of a single drum, devastating malice and triumphant innocence. Bathed in sublime, shimmering colours, this series of six tales featuring characters animated in the style of shadow puppetry is a constant visual delight. The creator of Kirikou once again delights us with his first 3D film treatment, that certainly does not disappoint. This film is screened in 2D version.

每晚,一個女孩,一個男孩和一名老技師在一間小戲院中相聚。雖然戲院看來仍已經停業,但 仍有很多令人嚮往的事物。在某個任何事都可以發生的神奇的晚上,這三個朋友一起創作故 事、繪製和扮演任何一個故事中的人物。這些故事中有女巫和仙子,偉大的國王和馬童,人狼 和殘酷的美女,大教堂和土耳其錢幣,黃金之城和黑森林,龐大的合唱團和單鼓奏出的魔咒, 具毀滅性的惡意和純潔戰勝一切等千奇百怪的情節。 這部色彩艷麗,極具視覺享受,風格如皮影戲的動畫是由六個故事組成。這是米修奧薛路首次 製作3D動畫,這位《嘰哩咕與女巫》的作者再次帶給我們新的驚喜。 本片是以2D放映。

Tales of the Night 夜之物語 (Les Contes de la nuit)

2010 • Color 彩色 • 84 min France 法國 • Animation-Children 兒童動畫 (from 3 years old 適合三歲或以上的觀眾) In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Michel Ocelot 米修奧薛路

27/11, 30/11 HK City Hall

4/12 Broadway Cinematheque

Algiers, 1920s. Rabbi Sfar has more than one problem. His beautiful daughter is becoming a teenager and above all, his parrot-killing cat has just started talking! The delivery of a box from Russia further complicates things when a painter is discovered inside, more dead than alive. He is on a quest for a hidden tribe and its mythical city in Africa. Convinced that the city exists, he sets off on an incredible adventure, taking with him the Rabbi, his cat, a wise old Arab Sheikh and an eccentric Russian millionaire. Sfar’s style and vision carries a universal message of tolerance, in this highly original, beautifully crafted film, celebrating a joyful and multi-colourful return to hand-drawn 2D.

一九二○年代的阿爾及爾。拉比Sfar的問題不只一個。他可愛的女兒正踏入青春期,加上他那 隻專愛殺鸚鵡的貓突然開口說話!而當他從一個由蘇聯寄來的箱子內發現一個淹淹一息的畫家 時問題變得更複雜。這名畫家正在尋找一個隱秘的非洲部落和它傳說中的城市。他堅信這城市 的存在,於是帶着拉比和他的貓,一個充滿智慧的阿拉伯酋長和一個古怪的俄羅斯百萬富翁開 始一段奇異的旅程。 祖安斯華在這部極富創意和製作精美的影片中採用的風格和視野傳遞了一個世界共融的信息, 我們很高興再次有機會欣賞色彩豐富的手繪2D動畫。

The Rabbi’s Cat 拉比隻貓 (Le Chat du Rabbin)

2009 • Color 彩色 • 100 min France 法國 • Animation 動畫 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演: Joan Sfar, Antoine Delesvaux 祖安斯華、安東德利和

30/11 HK City Hall

3/12 PALACE ifc

8/12 AMC Pacific Place


First WnoewrkFrench Directors Focus on

作 新 女 處 — 代 生 法國導演新

The setting: A fishing port in Normandy. Angèle has just been released from prison and has good reasons to build a new life when her path crosses with that of Tony, a fisherman looking for love. Despite his desire for her, Tony keeps his distance. Angela seeks him out, but Tony insists on observing her. He cannot believe that this woman, this far too beautiful, far too disconcerting being, could be there for him... Alix Delaporte has made a physical, naturalistic and tender film in the spirit of English society films. Within a strong social context where the consequences of the 2008 economic crisis are tragically present, Alix Delaporte manages to explore the intricacies of this unlikely love story full of hope that brings together the beautiful tormented soul and the gruff, surly loner. Awarded the Prix Michel D’Omano for best directorial debut at the most recent Festival de Deauville.

法國諾曼第的一個漁港。剛出獄的安琪兒結識了正在尋找情感出處的漁夫東尼之後,一心以為 可以重建新的生活。 東尼雖然對安琪兒有愛意,但卻時常有意躲避,對她若即若離。安琪兒想方設法盡一切機會接 近東尼。東尼從旁觀察她,認為她太漂亮、太令人難以捉摸,不相信她真的適合自己…… 導演艾力士杜拉波特以拍攝一部如英國社會電影的形式攝製了這部自然和溫馨的電影。艾力 士杜拉波特成功地利用二○○八年經濟危機影響下的社會作背景來探討一名易受傷害的美麗 女子和一名性格孤癖及有點兒粗野的男人之間的一段曲折,難以令人相信又充滿希望的愛情 故事。


Angèle and Tony

安琪兒與東尼 (Angèle et Tony)

2010 • Color 彩色 • 87 min France 法國 • Drama 劇情片 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Alix Delaporte 艾力士杜拉波特 Cast 演員:Clotilde Hesme, Grégory Gadebois 露薏絲艾絲芯、格哥利加德布瓦

29/11 HK City Hall

2/12 Broadway Cinematheque

8/12 PALACE ifc

David Pelame is in his forties. He has been married to Christine long enough to have 四十多歲的大衛與姬絲丁結婚多年,大衛已忘記了兩人從前曾經深愛着對方,他的孩子已長大 forgotten that they once loved each other, his two children look down on him and he 成人,而他的工作只是一名可有可無的抄寫員而不是他夢想中著名律師樓的合伙大律師。換言 never achieved his dream of becoming the general partner of a renowned law firm, instead becoming a paper-chaser handling menial tasks. In short, David’s life is not the 之,大衛的生活乏善足陳。但某個聖誕夜,大衛無意中發現一個裝滿海洛英的手提箱和一部記 stuff dreams are made of. But one Christmas Eve, David finds a suitcase full of cocaine 憶卡被顧客的來電塞爆了的手提電話。大衛以為找到了重過新生的方法。若果我們能給他任何 and a telephone filled to the brim with telephone calls from customers. David thinks 意見?…… 就是叫他三思而後行。 that he has found a way to restart his life. A good piece of advice to give him would be to first think twice. 在這部尖酸又輕微不道德的影片中 — 不難使人聯想到美國的兩套電視劇集《單身毒媽》 In this incisive and gently amoral comedy, which is reminiscent of the American series (Weeds)及《絕命毒師》(Breaking Bad)— 導演亞力山大哥夫巧妙地打出一張社會牌,描寫 Weeds and Breaking Bad, Alexandre Coffre skilfully plays the social card, painting the 向來被社會忽略的中層家庭的夫婦。情節巧妙,劇本出色,再加上精彩的剪接效果,《一宗高 sad portrait of this unloved member of the middle class. In light of the fine writing, the intelligence of the script, and a sharp sense of plot, Borderline is set to be one of the 純度的案件》肯定是今年最成功的喜劇之一。 most successful comedies of the year.


一宗高純度的案件 (Une pure affaire) 2010 • Color 彩色 • 88 min France 法國 • Comedy 喜劇 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Alexandre Coffre 亞力山大哥夫 Cast 演員: François Damiens, Pascale Arbillot 弗朗索瓦達米安、帕絲卡娜雅比洛

29/11 HK City Hall

26/11, 10/12 AMC Pacific Place


My Little Princess 我的小公主 (My Little Princess)

2011 • Color 彩色 • 105 min France 法國 • Drama 劇情片 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Eva Ionesco 伊娃尤涅斯科 Cast 演員: Isabelle Huppert, Anamaria Vartolomei 伊莎貝雨蓓、安娜瑪莉亞華桃露薇

Hannah and Violetta are a couple out of the ordinary: the elusive mother and the little girl in search of maternal love, the whimsical artist and the model in spite of herself. When Hannah asks her daughter if she wants to be her model, everything in Violetta’s life changes, who until then had lived with her loving grandmother. She goes from experiencing a banal childhood to becoming the muse of trendy Parisian society... Eva Ionesco tells her own story in the style of a cruel fairy tale. The film is buoyed by the unclassifiable Isabelle Huppert, who portrays an exceptional sort of soft malevolence and false thoughtlessness, and by the young Anamaria Vartolomei, who is the revelation of this film. My Little Princess goes beyond the mother-daughter relationship to reflect on just what can be done in the name of art.

28/11 HK City Hall

3/12 Broadway Cinematheque

漢娜和維奧莉達是一對與別不同的母女:一個難以捉摸的母親和一個渴望母愛的女孩;一名知 名的攝影師和一個並非甘心情願的模特兒。當漢娜問她的女兒是否願意作她的攝影模特兒的時 候,本來一直與溫柔的祖母一起生活的維奧莉達的生活完全改變了。 由一名普通的兒童變成了巴黎時尚圈中人的繆斯…… 伊娃尤涅斯科以一個殘酷的故事來述說自己的個人故事。透過出類拔萃的伊莎貝雨蓓將漢娜那 別具用心的溫柔和虛情假意的關心演繹得淋漓盡致,以及年輕的安娜瑪莉亞華桃露薇的精彩演 出,《我的公主》除了揭示了母女的關係外,也反映了人們可以利用藝術的名義而不惜一切。

7/12 PALACE ifc

Bachelor’s Days Are Over 你哭甚麼? (Pourquoi tu pleures ?)

2010 • Color 彩色 • 99 min France 法國 • Comedy 劇情片 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Katia Lewkowicz 嘉蒂亞萊高域士 Cast 演員: Benjamin Biolay, Emmanuelle Devos, Nicole Garcia 班哲明比奧利、艾曼妞德芙、妮歌嘉西亞

A few days before his wedding, a young man who is not used to making decisions finds himself forced to make choices that affect everything. In the face of his fiancée, in the face of his in-laws whose language he does not understand, in the face of the woman he has just met, in the face of his sister, his mother, his friends and even his fellow workers on a stalled construction site, how can he solve all of the problems that he would have hoped to avoid? Will he choose marriage or love, family history or future married life, flowers or sweets? Bachelors’ Days Are Over is Benjamin Biolay’s first major role, who here reveals his full range as both an actor and a musician – Biolay composed the soundtrack to the film. The trio formed by Biolay, Emmanuelle Devos and Nicole Garcia is irresistible and the palpable affinity between the actors is one of the film’s great strengths.


27/11 HK City Hall

3/12 AMC Pacific Place

一名年輕男子還有幾日就要結婚了,從來不習慣自己揸主意的他突然發現一切都要自己作出決 定。要面對他的未婚妻,面對未婚妻那些言語不通的家人,面對剛認識的那一個人,面對他的 姐姐、母親、朋友甚至他的地盤工人,怎樣去解決這一切他想逃避的問題呢?婚姻或激情、家 族的承傳或未來的婚姻…… 一切一切都將成為過去。 班哲明比奧利在《你哭甚麼?》中首次擔綱演出。這部電影證明了他是一位出色的演員和音樂 人,因為影片的原創音樂亦是由他作曲。他與艾曼妞德芙和妮歌嘉西亞這三人組合可說是魅力 無可抵擋,而本片的強大吸引力之一就是演員之間那可圈可點的默契。

9/12 PALACE ifc

Philippe and Marie are two orphans who grow up together in a dehumanized world. Twenty years later, they are a married couple. Philippe is a cold, implacable executive. Marie looks on helplessly as they become strangers to each other. Their destinies change irrevocably when Marie decides to defy the system to preserve what remains of their love. How far will they go to continue to exist as a couple, alone against everyone else? The debut feature by Jean-Baptiste Léonetti contains elements of social drama, speculative science fiction and psychological thriller, but ultimately defies categorization. Taking a minimalist, cold, dry, violent approach, this film describes a dehumanized and totalitarian dystopia, where there is no place for feelings. The director uses this futuristic allegory to level potent social criticism against the current neo-liberal climate and chillingly observes its repercussions. This atypical and uncompromising film invariably evokes strong feelings on the part of viewers on account of both its substance and its form. 2011 Toronto International Film Festival

在一個殘酷無情的世界中,同樣是孤兒的菲力和瑪莉一起長大。二十年後,他們結了婚。菲力 是一個冷漠無情的管理人員。瑪莉無力挽回地看着二人的關係逐漸變得像陌生人一般。為了維 護他們僅餘的愛情,瑪莉决定違抗制度。為了能繼續生活在一起,要對抗所有的人,勢單力薄 的他們會如何不惜一切呢? 尚巴蒂斯特利安勒提的這部處女作不受任何標簽的局限,是一部介乎於社會劇、科幻電影和心 理驚慄片。本片以簡約、冷漠和暴力的手法描寫一個剝奪了一切感情,殘酷和極權的世界。導 演透過這個未來主義的寓言對當前社會的新自由主義作出猛烈的抨擊和冷靜的分析。這部另 類和毫不妥協的電影無論是內容或形式都不容忽視。


White Square 白色方塊 (Carré blanc)

2010 • Color 彩色 • 77 min France 法國 • Thriller / Sci-Fi 科幻驚慄片 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Jean-Baptiste Leonetti 尚巴蒂斯特利安勒提 Cast 演員: Sami Bouajila, Julie Gayet 森美布雅吉娜、茱莉迦葉

1/12 Broadway Cinematheque

8/12 AMC Pacific Place

11/12 PALACE ifc

In a small seaside town, seventeen girls from the same school jointly decide to do something that is seen as both unexpected and incomprehensible to the boys and adults around them: they all decide to get pregnant at the same time. This film is inspired by actual events that occurred in 2008 in the United States. The filmmakers avoid the classic pitfalls of most films that are based on a true story by choosing to take up the perspective of the adolescent girls and their accompanying light, fresh and carefree tone. They paint a portrait of adolescence and the impatient urge for independence, freedom and responsibility. In conjunction with the impeccable work of their young actresses, the pair of film directors has made a bright, cheerful, smart and complex film on the passage from adolescence to adulthood.

沿海的一條小鄉村內,在同一所中學就讀的十七名少女一起作出了一個令人意想不到以及令 所有男生和成年人想破頭也想不明白的決定:她們決定同一時間懷孕。本片的創作靈感來自 二○○八年美國的一則社會新聞。 為免讓影片好像一般的社會新聞,這兩位女導演選擇以那些女孩子的角度,並以年輕人輕鬆、 新鮮和無憂無慮的調子來拍攝這部電影。她們描寫青少年人急於爭取獨立自主、自由和責任的 願望。在一群無可挑剔的年輕女演員的協助下,梅艾伊古蘭和德芬古蘭這兩位女導演製作了一 部輕鬆明快,但以複雜巧妙的手法描寫青春期過渡到成年人期間的心路歷程的電影。

17 Girls

十七少女事件簿 (17 filles)

2011 • Color 彩色 • 87 min France 法國 • Dramedy 溫情喜劇 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Muriel, Delphine Coulin 梅艾伊、德芬古蘭 Cast 演員:Louise Grinberg, Noémie Lvovsky 路易絲格林拔、努艾薇盧夫斯基

2/12 PALACE ifc

5/12 Broadway Cinematheque

10/12 AMC Pacific Place


l o r b a h C Claude e v i t c e p s Retro

顧 回 影 電 洛 布 查 哥羅迪

Claude Chabrol: A Passion for Cinema 哥羅迪查布洛:情繫電影

“Claude Chabrol was the very incarnation of joie de vivre. I find it impossible to imagine 「哥羅迪查布洛正是生命的喜樂之化身。無論甚麼時候他都從未提過死亡,所以我很難想象他 that he is gone, at no time whatsoever had he spoken about death. He had this love 已離開我們。他對食物有一種狂熱,他喜歡和人分享,他能令你歡笑,他擁有一切,他熟悉電 of food and sharing, he made you laugh, he had it all, he knew film history, he was 影的歷史,他充滿熱誠和童真,也充滿歡笑和喜樂。」 — 謝勒狄帕度 passionate and child-like, and he has laughter as well as joy.” – Gerard Depardieu Nothing could be closer to the truth than these few words spoken by Gerard Depardieu in reaction to Chabrol’s death on Sunday, September 12, 2010. Gerard Depardieu was an actor in Bellamy, Chabrol’s last feature film, released in 2009. This film demonstrates one of the many facets of Chabrol’s cinema, located within the literary tradition of Balzac, Flaubert and Mauriac, to which he felt he belonged. But Claude Chabrol was one of the foremost pioneers of New Wave. He wrote in Cahiers du Cinema from 1952 to 1957 with Francois Truffaut and Jacques Rivette. Using his small inheritance, he directed his first feature film, Handsome Serge, recognized as a cornerstone New Wave film. It was awarded the Jean Vigo Prize and was crowned with critical and popular success. He continued to make experimental films, most notably one of his best, most innovative films, Les bonnes femmes, made in 1960. He then moved away from the movement to develop his own personal voice.

沒有什麼比謝勒狄帕度在二○一○年九月十二日獲悉查布洛死亡的消息後所說的這幾句話更 真確的了。謝勒狄帕度是查布洛於二○○九年推出的最後一部電影《貝拉米犯罪事件簿》的 男主角。這部電影展示了查布洛的電影諸多面貌的其中一面,他的電影紮根於巴爾扎克、福樓 拜和莫里哀的文學傳統。但查布洛是法國電影新浪潮其中一位最重要的先驅。他與杜魯福和 積克李維特一起由一九五二年至一九五七年為《電影手冊》寫作。他利用承繼得來少少的遺產 拍攝了他的第一部長片《美男子》,這部被視為是電影新浪潮的基石的電影獲頒發尚維高獎, 並大獲影評人和觀眾的欣賞。他不停製作實驗電影,尤其是他一九六○年製作的《四美圖》更 是他最精彩和最創新之作。之後,他脫離了新浪潮的行列,繼續發展自己的風格。 對很多人來說,他是記載二十世紀法國資產階級和外省生活的人。他的電影往往以未破解的 罪案作前提,並以激烈尖酸的手法揭示資產階層的缺點:他們的愚蠢、貪念和小心眼…… 他 曾這樣說道:「我痛恨資產階級,可我卻是其中的一份子。這就是我想報復的理由。」

To many, he is the chronicler of 20th century French bourgeois and provincial life. His films often have as their premise an unsolved crime and are tinged with fierce, 查布洛發掘了伊莎貝雨蓓的演戲天份,她擅長演出他那些黑暗,性格隱晦的角式。在查布洛 caustic humour that reveals the shortcomings of the bourgeoisie: its stupidity, 逝世的當天晚上,她對他有這樣的描述: greed, pettiness... “I hate the bourgeoisie but I am in fact part of it. That’s why I seek revenge.” he said, in one of his sensational statements for which he was so famous. 「他有一種包含了冷漠,很多時都很搞笑和觀望的內在性格。」「我永遠不會忘記他的人道 Isabelle Huppert, whose talent Chabrol helped to reveal and who played his darkest, more ambiguous characters was able to perceive and embody this obscure aspect of Chabrol. On the evening of his death, she offered up the following descriptions of him: “He had an inner character that blended coldness, often drollness and an observational quality.” “I will remember him as displaying a form of humanism.” “He had all the trappings of being a simple man, that’s what he looked like, but there was in fact within him something opaque and mysterious.” “We would often make jokes about how he said he had no ego.” Interview published in Libération, December 12, 2010

主義。」「他的派頭像一個簡單的人,這也是他予人的感覺,但其實他內裡有些不為人知和 神秘的東西。」「我們常常開玩笑說他沒有自尊。」 * 二○一○年十二月十二日刊登在《自由日報》的訪問。


Handsome Serge 美男子 (Le Beau Serge)

1958 • B&W 黑白 • 93 min • France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Cast 演員: Jean-Claude Brialy, Gérard Blain, Bernadette Lafont 尚葛羅得比亞利、謝勒白安、珮娜達拉福

François, a student in Paris, returns to his childhood village of Sardent to recover from an illness. His friend Serge has become an alcoholic wreck of a man since his wife gave birth to a child with Down syndrome. Serge is all the more miserable and despicable since he found out that his wife is pregnant again. François wants to save Serge at all costs. Inspired by Alfred Hitchcock’s Shadow of a Doubt, Handsome Serge marks the beginning of Claude Chabrol’s career, who was then a young critic for Cahiers du Cinema. The film won the prize for Best Director at the Locarno Film Festival in 1958 and the Prix Jean Vigo in 1959. It was made outdoors using a small team and several non-professional actors and is considered by many to be the manifesto of the New Wave movement, although Chabrol himself distanced himself from the movement over the course of his career.

25/11 AMC Pacific Place

到巴黎唸書的方士華在療養期間再次回到童年時居住的鄉村。他的童年好友沙治因為妻子誕下 一個患了唐氏綜合症的孩子而終日借酒消愁。而當他的妻子再度懷孕時,沙治更難過,變得更 令人不能忍受。 方士華無論如何,不惜一切也要拯救沙治。 靈感來自希治閣的《辣手摧花》,《美男子》為哥羅迪查布洛贏得了一九五八年盧卡諾電影節 的最佳導演獎及一九五九年的尚維高獎,它標誌着哥羅迪查布洛出色的導演生涯之起步點。查 布洛只用了一個小團隊在戶外拍攝了這部片,而且採用的大部份都是非專業演員,後來被很多 人視為是電影新浪潮的表現,然而,查布洛在其職業生涯中卻逐漸脫離了這種電影風格。

28/11 HK Film Archive

Inspector Lavardin © Micheline Pelletier

醋雞探長 (Inspecteur Lavardin)

1986 • Color 彩色 • 100 min • France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Cast 演員: Jean Poiret, Jean-Claude Brialy, Bernadette Lafont 尚布瓦雷、謝勒白安、珮娜達拉福

On a beach in Brittany, the naked body of Raoul Mons, a distinguished Catholic writer who has just banned a blasphemous play, is found with the word “Pig” written in red on his buttocks. Helen becomes a widow for the second time since her first husband was lost at sea. Her childhood sweetheart, Inspector Lavardin, is in charge of the investigation. Building on the commercial and critical success of Poulet au vinaigre, Claude Chabrol continues with a new adventure featuring Jean Lavardin, one of Jean Poiret’s best roles, who is irresistible as the mocking, cynical, amoral and manipulative police officer. The mix between a detective story and film noir is palpable in this film where Chabrol uses different styles to magnify his storyline and reveal a fair number of surprises. The film is also an opportunity for Chabrol to once again explore two of his favourite themes: small provincial towns and family.


29/11 HK Film Archive

7/12 Broadway Cinematheque

著名天主教作家蒙斯成功阻止了一齣褻瀆神的戲劇上演後沒多久便被人發現裸體陳屍於法國西 部布列塔尼的一處海邊,屁股上還被人用紅油寫上「豬肉」一詞。這次是死者的妻子海倫第二 次作未亡人,她的前夫同樣也是葬身大海。負責偵辦此案的探長拉華丁是她的初戀情人。 繼《醋勁小雞》大受歡迎後,哥羅迪查布洛再次講述探長拉華丁的事跡。男主角尚布瓦雷在片 中演活了一個愛挖苦、憤世嫉俗、不道德又充滿心計的人。本片的故事結構糅合了偵探故事和 黑色電影的元素,查布洛透過不同的手法來加強影片的戲劇性和營造驚人的效果。查布洛藉這 部電影再次探討兩個他特別關注心的題目:外省的小城鎮和家庭。

This film recounts how the guilty conscience of Vichy France was salved by sentencing Mary “the Abortionist” to death and executing her. Marie-Louise Giraud had performed abortions and in addition rented rooms to prostitutes. On July 31, 1943, she became one of the last women to be executed in France. After having worked together in Violette Nozière, the famous duo of ChabrolHuppert joined forces again for this film, another portrait of a woman who becomes an incarnation of evil in the eyes of the French justice system. Instead of a monster, Chabrol presents a humble shopkeeper whose dreams of achieving social success and respectability lead her to disgrace. Through this portrait of a woman who wants to escape poverty, the film-maker levels a merciless critique of France under Pétain’s leadership, along with its ranks of traitors who were named as judges sworn to protect the nation’s honour. 3 Césars, including Best Actress for Isabelle Huppert and Best Director.

納粹時期法國的維希政府因為將瑪莉判處死刑而減輕了他們的良心不安。瑪莉(Marie-Louise Giraud)因為替人非法墮胎及把房間分租給妓女而在一九四三年七月三十一日被送上斷頭台。 成為法國最後被判處這種極刑的女性之一。 繼《Violette Nozière》後,查布洛─雨蓓這對著名的組合在《女人韻事》中再度攜手,把一名 被法國司法制度視為罪惡化身的女子的形像搬上銀幕。然而,查布洛讓我們看到的卻不是一個 恐怖的人物,而是一名小商人因為希望改善生活狀況和受人尊重而最終導致身敗名裂。導演 透過這名一心想要擺脫貧窮的女子的故事來強烈抨擊貝當元帥領導下的法國和他手下的一批 賣國賊。


Story of Women 女人韻事 (Une affaire de femmes)

30/11, 10/12 HK Film Archive

© Jacques Prayer

1988 • Color 彩色 • 110 min • France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Cast 演員: Isabelle Huppert, François Cluzet, Marie Trintignant 伊莎貝雨蓓、弗朗索瓦克魯瑟、瑪莉杜南寧

6/12 Broadway Cinematheque

Paul buys Hôtel du Lac, weds the lovely Nelly and will soon be the head of a little family and a thriving business. He presents every outward sign of success. Yet something is wrong. A strange restlessness seizes Paul. He begins to carefully monitor his wife’s behaviour. Isn’t she too pretty? Does she overly seek to please? Soon, Paul, ravaged by jealously, surprises Nelly and one of his clients, Martineau, on an island. As the months pass, he loses his footing and descends into madness... This scenario of excessive jealousy on the part of a husband vis-à-vis his wife is adapted from one of Henri-George Clouzot’s unfinished projects. While Chabrol does use the initial story framework, he enriches it with a number of his favourite themes (the provincial bourgeoisie, family, deceptive appearances). François Cluzet and Emmanuelle Béart brilliantly embody the couple who had everything they needed to be happy but end up self-destructing.

保羅的湖畔旅館落成,又娶了美麗可人的妮莉,小倆口開心地迎接新生活,旅館客似雲來, 一切看來都十分美好。然而,好景不常。保羅的精神狀態逐漸不穩定。他開始暗地裡監視妻子 的一切行為舉止。她是不是打扮得太靚呢?她需要對人這麼熱情嗎?一日,在極度嫉妒的心理 影響下,保羅撞見妮莉和一名男住客在一個島上。之後的幾個月,保羅的妄想症愈來愈嚴重, 導致最終完全失控…… 這個講述一名丈夫對妻子產生過度嫉妒的劇本是查布洛將電影大師亨利-佐治克魯索當年未能 完成的作品《Inferno》重拍。雖然查布洛重用了原來的情節,但他在情節中加入了一些他偏愛 的主題(外省的資產階級、家庭、虛有其表的人)而變得更精彩。弗朗索瓦克魯瑟和伊曼妞比雅 這兩位演員演技精湛,將一對本應擁有一切快樂但最終卻走上自我毀滅之路的夫妻活現銀幕上。


27/11 AMC Pacific Place

2/12 HK Film Archive

© Jérémie Nassif

情獄 (L’Enfer)

1994 • Color 彩色 • 100 min • France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Cast 演員:Emmanuelle Béart, François Cluzet 伊曼妞比雅、弗朗索瓦克魯瑟


Betty © DR/MK2

貝蒂 (Betty)

1992 • Color 彩色 • 103 min • France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Cast 演員:Marie Trintignant, Stéphane Audran 瑪莉杜南寧、史提芬奧特朗

Betty is drinking alone in a bar. Far too much, in fact. A doctor leads her to a remote bar-hotel named “The Hole”. Betty meets Laure, the mistress of the bar’s manager, and Laure moves into a luxurious hotel in Versailles. The two women talk. Betty tells her life story: her marriage to an heir apparent from Lyon’s bourgeoisie, her boredom, the contract that was imposed on her, alcohol, downward spiral. Betty is the second adaptation by Claude Chabrol of a Georges Simenon novel, after Les Fantômes du chapelier (1982). Just as in Story of Women, this feature film focuses on a strong female character. Chabrol skilfully portrays a woman with a troubled soul who allows herself to drift into a sea of alcohol... The director plays with the relationship between his character’s objectivity and subjectivity. By employing forward and backward tracking shots and through the use of mise-en-abyme by way of flashbacks, he films the despair of his heroine with a rare level of intensity. The film also revisits another theme dear to the director: the critique of bourgeois society.

2/12 HK Film Archive

貝蒂獨自一人到酒吧買醉。不勝酒力下被一名醫生帶到一家遠離市區的旅館。貝蒂結識了旅館 老板的情婦羅姨。羅姨帶貝蒂到她居住的高級酒店,二人互吐心聲。貝蒂講述她與一名里昂望 族的繼承人之婚姻關係,她的苦悶,丈夫強逼她簽的婚前協議書,還有她的酗酒和墮落。 《貝蒂》是哥羅迪查布洛繼《製帽師的幽魂》後第二次以Georges Simenon的小說改編而成的 電影。正如《女人韻事》一樣,這部電影主要是描寫一個色彩強烈的女性角色。查布洛細膩地 描寫一個容易受傷害的女性藉酒精來麻醉自己…… 導演巧妙地利用了主角性格上的主觀和客 觀之間的對立關係。隨着情節的來回和倒敘揭露了女主角的悲苦境況和極度絕望。此外,導演 在這部電影中再次講述另一個他所關心的主題:對資產階級的批判。

8/12 Broadway Cinematheque

A Judgement in Stone 冷酷祭典 (La Cérémonie)

© Jérémie Nassif

1995 • Color 彩色 • 111 min • France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Cast 演員:Isabelle Huppert, Sandrine Bonnaire 伊莎貝雨蓓、桑德蓮博納尼

The Lelièvre family lives in a mansion near a village in Brittany. Sophie, the new 新來的蘇菲表現得非常熱心、順從、隨和,令李家對這位女傭非常滿意。不久蘇菲認識了在村 household maid, works efficiently but is a bit strange. She becomes friends with Jane, 裡郵政局工作的阿珍,二人成為好友。阿珍與蘇菲都曾經殺過人,但沒有被判罪。蘇菲的態度 the envious and curious village postmistress. Their alliance becomes one that is wildly 越來越目中無人,更因勒索東主而被李家解僱。蘇菲心有不甘,一夜,她帶同幫兇,潛入李家 revolutionary, beyond good and evil, which will ultimately trigger a series of dramatic 報復。 events. Considered one of the director’s masterpieces, A Judgement in Stone paints an 《冷酷祭典》被視為是查布洛的經典作品之一,他以使人震撼的手法講述一個有關女性(美艷 eloquent portrait of women (featuring the magnificent duo of Huppert-Bonnaire) and 雙娃:雨蓓與博納妮)和階級觀念(資產階級於平民的對比)的故事。查布洛透過描寫這兩個 class (the bourgeoisie as opposed to the working class). Chabrol depicts the codes 階層之間的準則和關係來解釋片中兩名主角的行為和舉止。他準確地描繪了兩名共犯想要報復 and the relationships between these two worlds to explain the actions of his two main characters. He films the inexorable longing for social revenge of the two associates 社會的心態,並透過她們的故事來揭露這令人毛骨悚然的儀式背後的理由是因為法國社會階層 and through their story reveals the social inequality in French society and the class 的不平等和階級鬥爭。 struggle as raison d’être for this macabre ceremony. 1996年凱撒及雷米爾獎 — 最佳女演員:伊莎貝雨蓓 César and Lumière Prize in 1996 for Isabelle Huppert in the Best Actress category


29/11 AMC Pacific Place

3/12, 10/12 HK Film Archive

After four years of exile in the United States, François, the prodigal son is back among the clan of Charpin-Vasseur, an esteemed Bordeaux lineage. He joyfully re-connects with his cousin, Michèle, for whom he is smitten. He easily re-assumes his place in the imposing ancestral home, where three generations while away the days. Or so it seems. Because the family’s previously uniform aura of respectability begins to crack when a tract digging up old family skeletons disrupts Anne Charpin-Vasseur bid for the mayor’s office. The publication revisits the trial of Aunt Line, the oldest, suspected of having murdered her collaborationist father in 1945, and Anne’s remarriage to her brother-in-law, Gérard, François’ father... The crime drama is brilliantly framed by Chabrol’s direction and is transformed into a political metaphor. Chabrol puts his finger on a process that manages to find solace in the father’s infamy, an idea which has a historical echo through references to wartime collaboration.

經過四年在美國的放蕩生活,浪子方士華返回波爾多的家族懷抱。他很高興再次見到他心愛的 繼姊米雪。在莊嚴宏偉,三代一起寧靜地(至少在表面上)生活的祖屋中,方士華很容易便重 拾從前的生活習慣。繼母要選市長,其政敵為打擊這家族,公開了大戰時期的一宗奇案。當中 涉及方士華那年邁姑母與家族成員間的血債。方士華從而追溯自己的家族史,揭開了三代人各 自的秘密…… 導演查布洛以他一貫的手法藉這齣心理及政治劇來揭示一個家族的真實面目,揭露各人的過去 以及競選的醜陋,這個家庭過去為取得商業利益,曾與納粹黨有着不見得光的合作。

The Flower of Evil 豪門孽殺 (La Fleur du mal)

27/11 AMC Pacific Place

© Jérémie Nassif

2001 • Color 彩色 • 104 min • France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Cast 演員: Nathalie Baye, Benoît Magimel 妮妲莉比爾、賓諾瓦馬吉梅

3/12, 11/12 HK Film Archive

A young woman who wants to achieve success in life and whose influence seduces those around her, falls for a prestigious but perverse writer, and marries a young unbalanced billionaire. In this hyper-realistic tragi-comedy, Chabrol once again points a disapproving finger at the provincial bourgeoisie and hypocrites... A sardonic tale of duality filtered-through class differences, The Girl Cut in Two heads toward a deft denouement via Claude Chabrol’s trademark black humour. The script was inspired by the New York murder of architect Stanford White in 1906.

年輕貌美的嘉碧非常積極進取,身邊的人都被她的魅力吸引。她愛上了一名玩世不恭、崇尚性 自由的知名老作家,後來又嫁給了保羅,一位年輕但情緒不穩定的百萬富翁。保羅對嘉碧極之 迷戀,因而忽視了嘉碧對他是否有感情,可能是他認為感情會逐漸培養出來。當他最終意識到 嘉碧的心仍然留在一個她得不到的人的身上時,保羅的絕望已到了失控的地步…… 在這部極度超現實的悲劇中,查布洛再次針對外省的資產階級和假道學的人…… 《雙面嬌娃》 最後以查布洛一貫黑色幽默的手法巧妙地劃上句號。本片的劇本之創作靈感來自一九○六年 紐約建築師被謀殺的事件。

The Girl Cut in Two 雙面嬌娃 (La Fille coupée en deux)

2006 • Color 彩色 • 115 min • France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Cast 演員:Ludivine Sagnier, Benoît Magimel, François Berléand 露迪雲仙妮亞、賓諾瓦馬吉梅、弗朗索瓦伯利昂瑟

1/12 Broadway Cinematheque

4/12, 11/12 HK Film Archive


s e i r e S y r a Document 紀錄片系列

In France, a police station is the stage for a face to face encounter between the police and the city’s inhabitants. Via the prism of the police institution, Commissariat paints the portrait of a city and its population. The tales of damaged lives are often underpinned by the question of love and a lack of love. For several weeks, Virgil Vernier and Ilan Klipper filmed the life of the police station in Elbeuf, a city near Rouen. From hearings of plaintiffs to interventions in the field, the pair captured on the spot the encounters between the citizen and their police, sometimes for the better, often for the worse.

在法國,警局是警察與居民正面接觸的舞台。《警署》透過警察機構的廣角鏡描繪一座城市及 其居民。那些誤入歧途的人的故事往往是源於愛或缺乏愛。 紀錄片導演伊安琪聶伯和維吉華尼耶花了幾個星期的時間到位於魯昂附近的城市埃爾伯夫的警 察局內拍攝警察每日的活動。由錄取投訴人的口供到現場執行任務,這兩位導演將市民與警察 接觸所產生互動即時用鏡頭捕捉起來,這些互動有時是良好的但惡劣的時候居多。

Commissariat 警署 (Commissariat)

2010 • Color 彩色 • 89 min • France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Ilan Klipper, Virgil Vernier 伊安琪聶伯、維吉華尼耶

2/12, 9/12 HK Space Museum

When their lingerie factory goes bankrupt, the employees attempt to take it over by forming a cooperative. As their project takes shape, they come up against their boss and the reality of the marketplace. Their little enterprise becomes a theater where, in an impish tone, fundamental economic and social issues are played out amidst the bras and panties. Out of their adventure and struggles together comes a new-found freedom. An engaging documentary full of people with varying viewpoints set against a backdrop of bras, panties and cardboard boxes, the latest documentary by Mariana Otéro offers a lot of drama and little bit of comedy as one roots for the workers.

面對工作的內衣廠快將倒閉,一班員工嘗試將工廠以合作社的形式繼續營運。但除了製做內衣 褲外,最基本要解決的卻是經濟和社會的問題。他們從這次集體經驗中發現了一種新的自由。 導演瑪莉安那奧泰羅用一個本來嚴肅的題材拍攝了這部既具政治意識又富戲劇性,既幽默又傷 感的珍貴的紀錄片。這是一部引人入勝,特別為工人喝彩的紀錄片。

Into Our Own Hands 掌握 (Entre nos mains)

2010 • Color 彩色 • 88 min • France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Mariana Otéro 瑪莉安那奧泰羅

26/11, 4/12 HK Space Museum


Fragments of a Revolution 革命的片段 (Fragments d’une révolution) 2011 • Color 彩色 • 57 min • France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Anonym 匿名

Iran, June 12, 2009. Denouncing “massive fraud” in the presidential elections, hundreds of thousands of Iranians took to the streets to express their discontent. At a time when local journalists were muzzled and foreign journalists expelled, the ensuing violent confrontations were visible to the entire world filmed by anonymous demonstrators. For a full year, Iranians living abroad followed the “green revolution” via Internet. Using anonymous amateur footage, images produced by the government, reflections and sentiments exchanged by email and official speeches, they tried to put together from a distance their own account of events. This film is one of these accounts.

伊朗,二○○九年六月十二日。總統選舉被揭發「大規模的欺詐」,數十萬的伊朗人走上街頭 表達他們的不滿。正當當地的記者被禁聲,外國記者被驅逐出境的時候,隨之而來的暴力對抗 卻被匿名的示威者拍攝下來,讓整個世界清楚看到到事件的經過。整整一年長,住在國外的伊 朗人透過互聯網報導「綠色革命」的消息。從匿名人士拍攝的片段、政府發放的影像、經由電 子郵件交換的思想和感受以及官方的發言中他們試圖從遠方將伊朗所發生的事件組合起來。本 片就是這些報告之一。

26/11, 2/12 HK Space Museum

The Ballad of Genesis and Lady Jaye Genesis與Lady Jaye之愛的舞曲

2011 • Color 彩色 • 72 min • France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Marie Losier 瑪莉盧西耶

Genesis P. Orridge has been one of the most innovative and influential figures in music and fine art for the last 30 years. A link between the pre- and post-punk eras, he is the founder of the legendary groups COUM Transmissions, Throbbing Gristle and Psychic TV. Celebrated by critics and art historians as a progenitor of “industrial music”, his innovations and live performances have transformed the character of rock and electronic music. Defying artistic boundaries, Genesis has re-defined his art as a challenge to the limits of biology. In 2000, Genesis began a series of sex reassignment surgeries in order to more closely resemble his love, Lady Jaye (née Jacqueline Breyer), who remained his wife and artistic partner for nearly 15 years. It was the ultimate act of devotion, and Genesis’s most risky, ambitious, and subversive performance to date. Marie Losier brings to us the most intimate details of Genesis’s extraordinary, uncanny world. In warm and intimate images captured handheld, Losier crafts a labyrinthine miseen-scene of interviews, home movies, and performance footage. Louis Marcorelles Prize 2011 (Cinéma du réel)


3/12, 9/12 HK Space Museum

Genesis P-Orridge是近三十年來樂壇和美術界其中一位最具影響力的人物。他是著名藝術團 體COUM Transmissions、Throbbing Gristle和Psychic TV的創辦人,是punk時代前後之間的 連接人。被藝評家和歷史學家譽為工業之聲的始祖,他的前衛行動劇場改變了搖滾和電子音樂 的特質。 Genesis無視藝術領域的界限,為他的藝術重新定位來挑戰生物學的極限。二○○○年, Genesis為了能與長達十五載的妻子兼藝術合作夥伴Lady Jaye更相似而開始進行一連串變性手 術。這是Genesis迄今為止最危險,最具野心和顛覆的表現,是他對愛情的終極奉獻。 瑪莉盧西耶公開了Genesis那非凡的和不可思議的世界中一些最私密的細節。盧西耶用手提攝 錄機拍攝一些溫馨親密的影像,加上現場訪問、家庭錄影和表演的片段剪輯成這部紀錄片。


n o i t c e l e S s Short Film 短片精選

Live Action 實境 (136’) Each session will be preceded by a screening of the restored version of Georges Méliès’ A Trip to the Moon (Voyage dans la lune). (See page 10)


All films are in French with English subtitles.

Winter Fog 冬蛙 (Grenouille d’hiver) 2011 • 17’30” • Scope Director 導演:Slony

Benjamin is a wine grape grower whose wife has died in his arms following a long illness. He only sees one way out: death. However when a young Japanese woman arrives to taste his wine specifically, she prompts him to gently grieve his wife through a series of series of symbols and intercultural exchanges.


Leave Not a Cloud Behind 不留下半片彩雲 2010 • 7’15” • 1.85 Director 導演:Pablo Gonzalez

Christopher is in a coma and is dreaming. He meets other dreamers who teach him to control his dreams. He falls in love with Mariana, who then disappears suddenly. She is an insomniac who is unable to fall asleep to be with her lover.

葡萄種植者Benjamin的太太久病不癒,他看着她在 自己的臂彎中嚥下最後一口氣。對他來說只有一個 出路:死亡。然而,一名專程到來品嘗他出產的餐 酒的年輕的日本女子透過一系列具象徵意義的符號和兩種文化的交流帶他渡過哀傷的時刻。

昏迷中的Christopher 不停地做夢。在夢中他遇到 其他正在做夢的人,他們教他如何控制夢想。他愛 上了瑪莉安娜,後者突然消失。瑪莉安娜是一名失 眠者,睡不着便不能再見她的情人。

Carrying Men 搬人 (Porteur d’hommes) 2010 • 30’02” • 2.35 Director 導演:Antarès Bassis

In Franck’s family, the moving profession is passed down from father to son. They love boxes and a job well done. But one day, Frank declares that he wants to do something else. He wants to be useful. He no longer wants to use his muscles to carry boxes, but people instead.

Still Standing 站立的人 (Un homme debout) 2011 • 29’30” • 1.85 Director 導演:Foued Mansour

A man returns to his hometown after many years of absence. His return attracts the hostility of those who once were part of his everyday life and who interpret this return as a new provocation. 一名離家數年的男子重新回到出生的小城市。他的 回來引起了往日與他日常生活關係密切的人的反 感,他們覺得他這次回來是對他們作出新的挑釁。

在Franck的家族中,由父親到兒子都是搬運工人。 大家都熱愛紙箱和做好份內的工作。有日,Franck 忽然決定要做別的工作。他要做有用的人。他的肌 用,他不想再用來搬紙箱,他要用來搬人。

I Could Be Your Grandmother 我可能是你的祖母 (Je pourrais être votre grand-mère) The Water Tower Player 儲水箱的演奏者 (Le Joueur de citernes) 2010 • 14’27” • 1.85 Director 導演:Emmanuel Gorinstein

2010 • 19’30” • Scope Director導演:Bernard Tanguy

On the rooftops of New York City, an old man lives alone. Every day, he repairs the tanks that inhabit its upper reaches and who are his sole companions. He tunes them to make them produce strange sounds. When the wind caresses them, they unleash veritable concerts of sound, to which he responds with his violin.

A young business lawyer finds that the old Romanian homeless lady below his dwelling looks like his grandmother. One night, he makes her a cardboard sign that reads ‘I could be your grandmother’. Passers-by suddenly become very generous towards her. Other homeless people also ask for a sign. The young man is soon overwhelmed by the demand.

一名老翁孤獨地住在紐約的天台上。他每日到處修 理安裝在大廈天台上的儲水箱,這些水箱是他唯一 的同伴。他使它們協調並發出奇異的聲音,這些水 箱在微風的輕撫下,並由他的小提琴作伴奏,一同奏出美妙的音樂。

一名年青律師發現他家樓下的一名露宿的老婦很像 他的祖母。有一晚,他用紙板為她製作了一個寫上了「我可能是你的祖母」的標誌。路過的行 人突然間對她變得非常慷慨。其他的露宿者也要求他製作標誌。太多的要求讓這名年青很快便 感到吃不消。

27/11, 4/12 HK Space Museum


Animation 動畫 (105’) Each session will be preceded by a screening of the restored version of Georges Méliès’ A Trip to the Moon (Voyage dans la lune). (See page 10)


All films are in French with English subtitles. 全部影片法語對白並附有英文字幕。

Barking Island 悲慘狗故事 (Chienne d’histoire) 2010 • 15’ • 1.66 Director 導演:Serge Avédikian

most part die of hunger and thirst.

Constantinople, 1910. Too many dogs are roaming the city streets. The newly established government, under the influence of a Western social model, seeks advice from European experts on how to get rid of them, before finally deciding on its own to deport thirty thousand dogs to a deserted island off the city. Through the twofold perspective of a bitch that has just given birth to a litter and the policeman who catches her, we follow the forced exile of these dogs, which will for the

Beiroot 貝魯特 (Deyrouth)

2010 • 17’ • 1.85 • Director 導演:Chloé Mazlo

Summer of 2006. Paris, France. Chloé is waiting for the day of her departure for Beirut. She has decided to celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of her parents’ arrival in France by visiting Lebanon, just as they had done to escape war, only in reverse. This trip was to be an opportunity for her to discover the country and to try to resolve the challenges she faced related to identity. Ironically, a new war breaks out just days before her departure. 二○○六年夏天。法國巴黎。Chloé等待出發到貝 魯特去。她决定前往黎巴嫩作為慶祝她的父母抵達法國三十年週年紀念。就像當年他們為了逃 避戰爭所作的一切,只不過這次是相反的方向。這次的旅程讓她有機會認識這個國家,同時亦 可藉此解決她對自己身份認知的問題。但諷刺地,在她出發的前幾天戰爭爆發了。

Hubert, the Man With the Candies 糖果男許拔 (Hubert, l’homme aux bonbons) 2009 • 8’30” • 1.85 • Director 導演:Marie Paccou

The true story of a man who was looking for love. 一個尋找真愛的男人的真實故事。

一九一○年的君士坦丁堡。市內有太多的狗隻在街上流浪。新成立的政府受西方社會模式的影 響,首先向歐洲的專家尋求解决方法,後來獨自決定將三萬隻狗運到一個遠離城市的荒島上。 這部短片透過一隻剛誕下小狗的母狗和捕捉牠的警察的雙重目光來跟進這些狗隻被流放後大部 份死於飢餓或缺水的情況。

Ropes 被捆綁的女子 (La Femme à cordes) 2010 • 15’13” • 1.66 Director 導演:Vladimir Mavounia-Kouka

Sébastien, a young man of twenty, enters a small theatre on the advice of a stranger. Gogol invites him to watch his show. The latter likes to bully a woman before a spellbound audience. Sébastien intervenes, without knowing the rules of the game. 年約二十多歲的Sébastien在一個陌生男子的指示 下進入一間小劇院。Gogol邀請Sébastien欣賞他的 節目。他喜歡在受驚嚇的觀眾面前虐待女子。不懂 遊戲規則的Sébastien上前干預。

Fossil Memory 化石記憶 (Mémoire fossile)

2009 • 10’ • 1.85 Director 導演:Anne-Laure Totaro & Arnaud Demuynck

A young boy discovers the life history of his grandfather, a former miner, through a stethoscope. From within the house where the old man is dying of silicosis, the child embarks on an audio and visual journey back in time. It is for him an initiatory experience, from which will emerge a sense of history and a desire for memory. 一名少年透過一個醫生的聽筒發現祖父做煤礦工人 時的生活。老人死於矽肺病,少年在祖父死前居住 的屋內進行一次聲音和視覺的回遡之旅。從這經驗中讓他產生了關心歷史和記憶的意欲。


26/11, 4/12 HK Space Museum

The Silence Beneath the Bark 樹皮底下的寂靜 (Le Silence sous l’écorce)

2009 • 11’08” • 1.85 • Director導演:Joanna Lurie

In a gigantic forest covered with a great white cloak, strange little creatures discover the snow. They find its whiteness very beautiful and very fascinating. The snow carries them through an intoxicating, joyful whirlwind to encounter strange phenomena. A nocturnal tale bursting with tenderness. 在一座被白雪遮蓋的巨型森林中,各種奇形怪狀的 小生物對雪白無瑕的雪感到十分好奇。面對這奇異 的現象牠們快樂得像瘋子般。一個充滿溫馨的夜的 故事。

Specky Four-Eyes 四隻眼 (Cul de bouteille) 2010 • 9’ • 1.85 • Director導演:Jean-Claude Rozec

What terrible news! Arnaud is profoundly nearsighted and must wear glasses. And not just any glasses: an ugly frame that weighs down on his ears and pinches his nose, with lenses so thick that his eyes look like two little black dots. Arnaud hates these awful spectacles and much prefers the fuzzy, protean world of his near-sightedness. This world is populated by monsters, unicorns and other chimera that appear whenever his fertile imagination sees fit. 一個不幸的消息:深度近視的Arnaud必須配戴眼鏡。而且不是任何的眼鏡:是一副極之老套、 勾耳夾鼻、鏡片超厚的眼鏡。Arnaud不喜歡這副好像望遠鏡的眼鏡,他比較喜歡他近視眼所看 到的那個朦朧和千變萬化的世界,當中隨着他豐富的想像力會出現一些怪物、獨角獸和怪獸。

n o i t a m r o f n Ticketing I 購票須知


5 Edinburgh Place, Central, Hong Kong 香港中環愛丁堡廣場5號


50 Lei King Road, Sai Wan Ho, Hong Kong 香港西灣河鯉景道50號


10 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon 九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道10號

Tickets available from 4 November 2011 onwards at URBTIX outlets 門票由2011年11月4日起於城市電腦售票處發售 Tickets 票價: $55 $50 $45 $40

Regular price 正價 Broadway Cinematheque VIP member (Maximum 2 tickets per screening) 百老匯電影中心VIP會員(每場限購票兩張) Full time students, senior citizens aged 60 or above, people with disabilities, Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) recipients 全日制學生、60歲或以上高齡人士、殘疾人士及綜合社會保障援助受惠人 Alliance française membership cardholders (maximum 2 tickets per screening) 香港法國文化協會會員卡持有人(每場限購票兩張)

Special Package 特惠套票: $225:

For 5 tickets of any five screenings 任選五場不同場次

Ticketing Enquiries 票務查詢:2734 9009 | Credit Card Telephone Booking 信用卡電話訂票 : 2111 5999 | Internet Booking 網上訂票 : Programme Enquiries 節目查詢:2527 7825 Websites 網址 : | Remarks 備註: - Box Office of the Hong Kong Space Museum only sells tickets of films to be screened at Hong Kong Space Museum. 香港太空館票房只發售於該館放映之電影場次門票。 - Internet Booking is not available for Alliance française membership cardholders and Broadway Cinematheque VIP members. Handling fee for Internet and credit card telephone booking is HK$6.5 per ticket, up to a maximun of HK$20 per order. 網上訂票不設香港法國文化協會會員卡持有人及百老匯電影中心會員優惠,請直接到各城市電腦售票處購票。網上購票或信用卡電話購票每張手續費HK$6.5,最多每次不超過HK$20。


PALACE ifc |

Podium L1, IFC Mall, 8 Finance Street, Central 香港中環金融街8號國際金融中心商場一樓

Tickets available at the box office and ATM at the cinema from 4 November 2011 由2011年11月4日起親臨票房或自動售票機購買 Tickets 票價: $75 $65 $63

Regular price 正價 Alliance française membership cardholders (maximum 2 tickets per screening) 香港法國文化協會會員卡持有人(每場限購票兩張) Broadway Cinematheque VIP member (Maximum 2 tickets per screening) 百老匯電影中心VIP會員(每場限購票兩張)

Phone Ticketing 電話購票:2388 3188 | Online Ticketing 網上購票 | Enquiry Hotline 查詢熱線:2388 6268 Remarks 備註: $6 handling fee will be charged on each ticket purchased online or by phone 網上及電話購票均會收取每張$6手續費


Level 1, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway Road, Hong Kong 香港皇后大道88號太古廣場一樓

Tickets available at the box office and ATM at the cinema from 4 November 2011 由2011年11月4日起親臨票房或自動售票機購買 Tickets 票價: $75 $65

Regular price 正價 Alliance française membership cardholders (maximum 2 tickets per screening) 香港法國文化協會會員卡持有人(每場限購票兩張)

Phone Ticketing 電話購票:2265 8933 | Online Ticketing 網上購票: | Enquiry Hotline: 2265 8933 Remarks 備註: $6 handling fee will be charged on each ticket purchased online or by phone 網上及電話購票均會收取每張$6手續費


Prosperous Garden, 3 Public Square Street, KLN (Yaumatei MTR-Exit C) 九龍油麻地眾坊街3號駿發花園(地鐵油麻地站C出口)

Tickets available at the box office and ATM at the cinema from 4 November 2011 由2011年11月4日起親臨票房或自動售票機購買 Tickets 票價: $60 $50 $48

Regular price 正價 Alliance française membership cardholders (maximum 2 tickets per screening) 香港法國文化協會會員卡持有人(每場限購票兩張) Broadway Cinematheque VIP member (Maximum 2 tickets per screening) 百老匯電影中心VIP會員(每場限購票兩張)

Phone Ticketing 電話購票:2388 3188 | Online Ticketing 網上購票 | Enquiry Hotline 查詢熱線:2388 0002 Remarks 備註: $6 handling fee will be charged on each ticket purchased online or by phone 網上及電話購票均會收取每張$6手續費

Special Notes: At the time of this program goes to print, some of the films have not been submitted to the Television and Entertainment Licensing Authority. In the event that a film is subsequently classified as Category III, refunds will be made to ticket holders under 18 years old from 12-16 December 2011 at the Alliance Française de Hong Kong, 2/F, 123 Hennessy Road, Wanchai. The contents of the programme do not represent the views of the presenter. The presenter reserves the right to change the programme and the schedule should unavoidable circumstances make it necessary. 注意事項:本節目表付印時,部份影片未經影視及娛樂事務管理處檢查。將來如有影片被分類為第三級者,未滿18歲的持票人可由2011年12月12至16日到灣仔軒尼詩道123號2樓法國文化協會辦理退票手續。 本節目的內容並不反映主辦機構及贊助者的意見。如遇特殊情況,主辦機構保留更換節目或時間的權利。


e l u d e h c S m Fil


放映時間表 Date

Theatre, Hong Kong City Hall

Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive

Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Space Museum


香港大會堂 劇院

香港電影資料館 電影院

香港太空館 演講廳

24/11 7:30 pm A Trip to the Moon 月球之旅 (16’) + A Happy Event 快樂孕記 (110’) Thu (四)

25/11 Fri (五)

3:00 pm Service Entrance 頂樓的女人 (106’) 7:00 pm A Better Life 更美好的人生 (110’) 9:30 pm The Art of Love 愛的藝術 (85’)

26/11 Sat (六)

1:00 pm 3:30 pm 7:00 pm 9:00 pm

Early One Morning 某日早上 (91’) 2:00 pm The Names of Love 愛的名字 (104’) Holidays by the Sea 海濱假期 (77’) 5:00 pm Romantics Anonymous 愛情的完美配方 (80’) 7:30 pm

27/11 Sun (日)

10:00 am 1:00 pm 3:30 pm 7:00 pm

Tales of the Night 夜之物語 (84’) 8:00 pm A Trip to the Moon 月球之旅 (16’) + Pater 天啊 ! (105’ ) Short Film : Live Action 短片精選:實境 (118’14”) Bachelor’s Days Are Over 你哭甚麼? (99’) The Source 珍愛泉源 (136’)

28/11 Mon (一)

7:00 pm My Little Princess 我的小公主 (105’) 9:30 pm Service Entrance 頂樓的女人 (106’)

29/11 Tue (二)

7:00 pm Borderline 一宗高純度的案件 (88’) 8:00 pm Inspector Lavardin 醋雞探長 (100’) 9:00 pm Angèle and Tony 安琪兒與東尼 (87’)

30/11 Wed (三)

4:00 pm Tales of the Night 夜之物語 (84’) 7:00 pm The Art of Love 愛的藝術 (85’) 9:00 pm The Rabbi’s Cat 拉比隻貓 (100’)

A Trip to the Moon 月球之旅 (16’) + Short Film : Animation 短片精選:動畫 (85’51”) Fragments of A Revolution 革命的片段 (57’) Into Our Own Hands 掌握 (88’)

8:00 pm Handsome Serge 美男子 (93’)

8:00 pm Story of Women 女人韻事 (110’)

1/12 Thu (四) 2/12 7:00 pm Betty 貝蒂 (103’) 7:00 pm Commissariat 警署 (89’) Fri (五) 9:30 pm Hell 情獄 (100’) 9:00 pm Fragments of A Revolution 革命的片段 (57’) 3/12 Sat (六)

2:00 pm A Judgement in Stone 冷酷祭典 (111’) 8:00 pm The Ballad of Genesis and Lady Jaye 4:30 pm The Flower of Evil 豪門孽殺 (104’) Genesis與Lady Jaye之愛的舞曲 (72’)

4/12 8:00 pm The Girl Cut in Two 雙面嬌娃 (115’) 2:00 pm Sun (日) 4:30 pm 7:30 pm 5/12 Mon (一)

Into Our Own Hands 掌握 (88’) A Trip to the Moon 月球之旅 (16’) + Short Film : Animation 短片精選:動畫 (85’51”) A Trip to the Moon 月球之旅 (16’) + Short Film : Live Action 短片精選:實境 (118’14”)

6/12 Tue (二) 7/12 Wed (三) 8/12 Thu (四)

9/12 7:00 pm Commissariat 警署 (89’) Fri (五) 9:00 pm The Ballad of Genesis and Lady Jaye Genesis與Lady Jaye之愛的舞曲 (72’)

10/12 2:00 pm Story of Women 女人韻事 (110’) Sat (六) 4:30 pm A Judgement in Stone 冷酷祭典 (111’)


11/12 5:00 pm The Flower of Evil 豪門孽殺 (104’) Sun (日) 7:30 pm The Girl Cut in Two 雙面嬌娃 (115’)




Broadway Cinematheque

AMC Pacific Place


7:40 pm Sarah’s Key (111’) 9:50 pm Handsome Serge 美男子 (93’) 7:50 pm The Monk (101’) 9:50 pm Borderline 一宗高純度的案件 (88’) 5:40 pm Hell 情獄 (100’) 7:25 pm Polisse 青少年警隊 (127’) 9:50 pm The Flower of Evil 豪門孽殺 (104’) 9:50 pm The Moon Child 月亮之子 (110’) 7:45 pm A Judgement in Stone 冷酷祭典 (111’) 9:50 pm Smugglers’ Songs 曼德蘭之歌 (93’) 8:00 pm Romantics Anonymous 愛情的完美配方 (80’)

8:10 pm White Square 白色方塊 (77’) 9:45 pm The Girl Cut in Two 雙面嬌娃 (115’)

8:05 pm 17 Girls 十七少女事件簿 (87’) 9:50 pm Sarah’s Key (111’) 9:50 pm Service Entrance 頂樓的女人 (106’)

8:05 pm Angèle and Tony 安琪兒與東尼 (87’) 9:50 pm The Moon Child 月亮之子 (110’)

2:00 pm The Rabbi’s Cat 拉比隻貓 (100’) 9:50 pm Bachelor’s Days Are Over 你哭甚麼? (99’) 9:50 pm Early One Morning 某日早上(91’)

7:50 pm The Names of Love 愛的名字 (104’) 9:50 pm My Little Princess 我的小公主 (105’)

7:30 pm Polisse 青少年警隊 (127’) 9:50 pm Pater 天啊! (105’) 9:55 pm A Better Life 更美好的人生 (112’)

8:05 pm Tales of the Night 夜之物語 (84’) 9:45 pm Beloved 摯愛(135’)

9:50 pm Straight Line (98’) 9:50 pm The Source 珍愛泉源 (136’)

8:00 pm Smugglers’ Songs 曼德蘭之歌 (93’) 9:45 pm 17 Girls 十七少女事件簿 (87’)

9:50 pm The Monk (101’)

9:50 pm The Names of Love 愛的名字 (104’)

9:50 pm Story of Women 女人韻事 (110’)

9:50 pm My Little Princess 我的小公主 (105’)

9:50 pm Holidays by the Sea 海濱假期 (77’)

8:00 pm Romantics Anonymous 愛情的完美配方 (80’) 9:35 pm Inspector Lavardin 醋雞探長 (100’)

7:35 pm Polisse 青少年警隊 (127’) 10:00 pm Angèle and Tony 安琪兒與東尼 (87’)

7:55 pm The Rabbi’s Cat 拉比隻貓 (100’) 9:50 pm White Square 白色方塊 (77’)

7:50 pm Betty 貝蒂 (103’) 9:50 pm Pater 天啊! (105’)

9:50 pm Bachelor’s Days Are Over 你哭甚麼?(99’)

7:20 pm Beloved 摯愛 (135’) 9:50 pm A Happy Event 快樂孕記 (110’)

8:10 pm Holidays by the Sea 海濱假期 (77’) 9:50 pm A Better Life 更美好的人生 (112’)

4:25 pm 6:10 pm 8:05 pm 9:50 pm

Borderline 一宗高純度的案件 (88’) Straight Line (98’) Early One Morning 某日早上(91’) 17 Girls 十七少女事件簿 (87’)

7:30 pm Beloved 摯愛(135’) 10:00 pm White Square 白色方塊 (77’)

6:05 pm The Art of Love 愛的藝術 (85’) 7:45 pm Service Entrance 頂樓的女人 (106’) 9:50 pm The Moon Child 月亮之子 (110’)


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