FeedFront Magazine, Issue 19

Page 17

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Darryl Davis

· Issue 19 · August 2012

by Da rryl D avis

hether you’re an advertiser, marketer or agen-

cy, the goal is trying to say the right thing at

tions would be much more likely to convert. You’ve lever-

the right time.

aged that impression you purchased and improved your

Knowing your audience demographic, their geography

chances of a conversion.

and what content they are viewing may give you some clues that drive your creative content. However, within ev-

For the Brand Marketer:

ery audience is an individual who has an opinion about

Using the same Suze Orman video as an example; has

your brand. If you know how each individual felt about

the viewer ever borrowed money from Lending Tree? If yes,

your brand you’d likely improve the probability to say the

your creative might be nostalgic tugging about the time

right thing at the right time.

when Lending Tree bailed the viewer out of a tight spot.

Interactivity enables the marketer to gather info that

Would they share their story via their social network for an

should produce a better outcome. A recent study by Dy-

incentive? If no, the creative might speak to how reliable

namic Logic and DoubleClick, found that “The Best-Per-

Lending Tree is and how easy it is to get started.

forming online video ads utilize the unique features of the web to create an interactive experience with their brands.”

For the Agency

In fact, with regard to every stage in the marketing funnel

Let’s stay with the Lending Tree example. If you’re

across most verticals, video delivered the best opportunity

the agency with the account, you’ve already got the demo-

to improve favorability for the brand.

graphics, geographics and psychology of your target audience down to a science.

For the Performance Marketer

What you don’t know is how the individual watch-

Let’s assume you’re leveraging a video around Suze

ing the Suze Orman money management video feels about

Orman’s money management expertise in a twelve minute

your brand. Ascertain information regarding awareness or

video segment. You know the audience that is watching

intent and you’ll improve your probability of driving con-

cares about their personal finance situation, is likely older


than 25, and needs some finance product to solve their

Capture that data in a cookie and you can now retar-

needs. Which one? Interactive capabilities would enable

get them with leading creative driving favorability through-

you to determine the right product by asking leading ques-

out the funnel.

tions, such as “do you know your credit score?” or, “do you own a home?”. The answers to these questions and subsequent questions will drive the offer you would propose to the viewer. The offer you suggest based on the answers to your quesDarryl Davis is the Executive Vice President of SceneChat.com.

No matter whether you’re an advertiser, marketer or agency leveraging interactive, social video technologies will help you do a better job at saying the right thing at the right time. Timing is everything!


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