AEI National Student Magazine: Spring 2014

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experiences with the rest of the Architectural Engineering community. •

Since our start in November 2012, President: Worcester Polytechnic Veronica Institute’s (WPI) Rivero Gorrin Architectural Engineering Institute Advisor: Chapter has expanded Leffi Ceweto provide its members Malloy with opportunities to learn about the many disciplines of Architectural Engineering. In April, a few members attended the 2013 Architectural Engineering Conference at Pennsylvania State University. This past month, a larger group of students were able to visit the Fraunhofer Labs in Boston and see new energy-efficient systems in practice. Our chapter has also been able to host multiple guest speakers who have spoken on topics ranging from acoustics to building envelope design. We are excited to continue to increase opportunities for our members and share some of our 30 Spring 2014

Guest Lecture Series This academic year, the Worcester Polytechnic Institute’s chapter has hosted three guest speakers, each speaker focused on a different field related to architectural engineering. Among these speakers was Christopher Storch, a senior consultant in Cavanaugh Tocci Associates, specializing in the areas of architectural acoustics, noise and vibration control, and environmental noise abatement. Through case studies of concert hall acoustics, Mr. Storch described the role of acoustic consultants in building concert halls from design phase to completion of the building. Another lecture was about Envelope Design by Niklas W. Vigener, P.E., LEED AP, a Senior Principal and Group Head with Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Inc. Guest Lecturer: Dr. Kurt Roth, Director of the Building Energy Technologies Group at the Fraunhofer Center for Sustainable Energy Systems Dr. Roth came to WPI in late September to lecture on Building Energy Technologies R&D and the 5 Channel Center “Living Lab.” The presentation focused on the different systems incorporated into the new office for the Boston Fraunhofer Center for Sustainable Energy Systems. This new office, located in a renovated 50,000 square foot historic building in Boston’s Fort Point Channel district, includes a building management system (BMS) that can monitor and control energy systems for optimal comfort, efficiency, and economy.

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