Weight Loss, Osteoarthritis And Orthopedic Surgery

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Weight Loss, Osteoarthritis And Orthopedic Surgery

The obesity epidemic in America is well documented, as is the impact that being overweight can have on aspects of health, causing conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure and stroke. However the impact of obesity on musculoskeletal health is just as significant. Obesity affects our bones. Being overweight adds more pressure to our bones and muscles, as they have to work harder to do even simple actions, like walking up the stairs. It is thought that this additional pressure can cause joint problems, such as osteoarthritis, which lead to individuals requiring orthopedic surgery. Additionally, being overweight after orthopedic surgery can significantly reduce the risks of post-operative complications, as well as increasing the recovery time and the effectiveness of the surgery. Every Pound Counts One 2013 report on orthopedic surgery recommends that surgeons advise overweight patients to lose weight prior to their surgery, in order to maximize outcomes. Losing weight may seem difficult to people who have limited mobility due to damaged joints from conditions such as osteoarthritis. However, every single pound counts. The way our body weight is distributed means that for each pound a patient loses, the compressive load on the knee will reduce by around 4 lbs. So if a patient loses just 7 lbs., the load on their knee joints is lightened by 28 pounds. Weight Loss Surgery before Orthopedic Surgery Some patients who struggle to lose weight may opt for weight loss surgery prior to their orthopedic surgery. This can help in two ways: Preventing or Easing Osteoarthritis The significant weight loss that results from weight loss surgery can ease the strain put on the joints of individuals with osteoarthritis. This weight loss can ease the symptoms of osteoarthritis, delay the need for orthopedic surgery and, even, in some cases, prevent the need for joint replacement. Low impact swimming before and after surgery can also help to improve muscle strength, giving additional support to damaged joints. Reducing Risks of Orthopedic Surgery

By losing weight through weight loss surgery prior to joint replacement, individuals can dramatically reduce the risks of undergoing surgery. Losing weight will also improve the time it takes for the patient to recover from orthopedic surgery, as well as increasing general health and fitness, which will prevent further damage to joints in the future. It is not always easy to lose weight, particularly if you are suffering from symptoms of osteoarthritis, such as limited joint mobility and pain. But by taking steps to lose weight and become more active before orthopedic surgery can help you to prepare for the surgery, make you respond better to your joint replacement procedure and keep you fitter, healthier and happier, for longer.

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