Baptist Herald-Apr 2013 Edition

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B APTIST H ERALD A PR 2013 E DITION I would like to thank all of you personally who support church camp. We hope you all are looking forward to camp this year. I am excited about the new facilities and some new activities. Our camp theme this year will be “Get a Life” (John 10:10), with our quiz over the book of John. The cost is going to be $110, which is quite a bit cheaper and being in Weir it’ll be closer for everyone. The Gould family will be there Wednesday night to minister to us in music. Bro. Aaron Polok from Meadowside will be our camp evangelist this year. Pastors, we will meet at Camp Weir on Tuesday, May 14th starting at Noon and spend the night and prepare for camp this year. All pastors are welcome to come and it will end May 15th at noon. Again, thank you all for supporting financially and prayerfully. Jeff Adams Camp Director


F ROM THE E DITOR I’m continuing the series of lessons that God the Father has taught this father… Lessons from the Father “A Sad Day and a Happy Day” We will soon be upon Good Friday. I have often wondered what “good” could be witnessed on that day. One of Cameron’s favorite stories is “A Sad Day and a Happy Day” & the story starts on that Friday when our Savior was placed on a cross. The only good I see in that day can be seen when you look at Him & then you realize how mercilessly He suffered & was beaten… and that it was for you & for me. We may not have been there screaming to “Crucify Him!”, but each one of our sins placed Him there. And yet, He chose to take that pain & give up His life’s blood… and it is each one of those drops of blood that signifies His way of saying “You’re forgiven & white as snow”. That first “Good Friday” was a sad day for so many of Jesus’ followers. And yet if they only knew or remembered, they would have simply been rejoicing in the fact that “Sunday’s Comin’”… for in that same favorite story of Cam’s, that very sad day so quickly (a few short days later) turns into a happy day. And He can tell His followers & each of us here today that we have no need to fear… “Go and tell My friends that I am alive and that they will see Me.” Hasten the day...  “A Sad Day and a Happy Day” mentioned above can be found in “Read~Aloud Bible Stories Vol. 2” by Ella K. Lindvall  Sunday’s Comin’ is an video produced by Igniter Media & can be purchased & viewed for your Easter services using the following URL: sundays-comin

C ONTACT I NFORMATION BAPTIST HERALD Adam Owen P.O. Box 218 Galena, KS 66739 Fax:620-783-1638 BMA OF KS & WESTERN MO OFFERINGS Paul Mooney P.O. Box 218 Galena, KS 66739 KOAM ENCAMPMENT OFFERINGS Adam Owen P.O. Box 218 Galena, KS 66739 BETHEL DISTRICT OFFERINGS Fred Vogel P.O. Box 75 Galena, KS 66739 KANSAS CITY DISTRICT OFFERINGS Clyde Lingelbach 436 S. Drury Kansas City, MO 64123

BAPTIST HERALD A Non-Profit Enterprise Official publication of the Baptist Missionary Association of Kansas and Western Missouri A national publication advocating world-wide missions, evangelism, benevolence, and Christian education Print subscription rate $10.00 per year in advance. Sample copies are available for the asking. Free full-color email edition also available. ADVERTISING RATES: $5.00 per column inch $50.00 one-fourth page $75.00 one-half page $100.00 full page

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CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH 9505 E. 47th St Kansas City, MO 64133 Bro. David Mullin, Pastor Hello from Calvary Missionary Baptist Church. We would like to start off by thanking the Lord for He is a wonderful Lord. We had two young men join our church recently. Scott Mattson has been playing his guitar for our morning ser-

FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH 17245 East Kentucky Rd. Independence, MO 64058 Bro. Joseph Smith, Pastor To our Brothers and Sisters in Christ from Faith Missionary Church: I would love to take this time and thank each and every one of you that attended and was a part of my dedication in February. It meant so much to my wife Tori and I that you all came out, and again thank you. We would love to share what is going on at

vices. Please keep them in your pray- that in your prayers as we see to grow for ers. We have had our shares of ups and the Lord. downs the Lord will guide us daily as we James R. Bryan seek to follow Him. We are going to be having a Community Easter Egg Hunt at Calvary Missionary Baptist Church on March 23, 2013 at 3:00 pm. Please pray as we try to reach out to the community. We would love to see several of them come to know Christ and give their hearts to the Lord. Please keep Faith we have had one more baptism and two more join by statement of faith. We are beginning to get our VBS rolled out we will be doing Lava Lava Islands that Glenview graciously had donated to the church back in 2004 we are looking forward to 20 to 25 this year for VBS. We are still doing the F.A.S.T. T.R.A.C.K. On every third Saturday we are enjoying what we are learning through this journey together. We have many exciting things still to come. Our hope through our Christ we will be able to share these victories over Satan and his army. I encourage us all to continue walk as soldiers putting on the armor God of that is found in Ephesian 6:

10-23 and standing firm against our enemy. May we always come together as one in one accord knowing that we do have the power over Satan and his legion. Pastor Joseph Smith


Date - Saturday, April 13, 2013 Place - Cornerstone Baptist Church Speakers:  Mrs. Jenae Polok Meadowside Baptist Church Pittsburg, Kansas

Mrs. Margaret Lindsey

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Missionary to Ghana, West Africa

Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (NIV) (NIV)


MEADOWSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH 1406 South Rouse Pittsburg, KS 66762 Bro. Aaron Polok, Pastor

Welcome to 2013. Let's face this new year by squaring our shoulders, lifting our heads, and saying "The Lord is my helper, I will not fear." Bro. Aaron's first message in this new year was entitled "How to Thrive in 2013", scripture reading from Phil. 3:9-17. We were challenged not to settle down, but to buckle up; not to do everything, focus on one thing; don't look back, but move forward; and don't travel alone, walk together. We observed the Lord's Supper Sunday evening January 6. It's such a special time and a wonderful way to start a new year by remembering the broken body and shed blood that was given for us. Bro. Aaron and Sis. Jenae have started a college ministry in their home on Tuesday evenings. When the class progresses and grows, the ministry will be held in our activity center. Our prayers are with this ministry and the fruits of Bro. Aaron and Sis. Jenae's labor will be an honor to our Heavenly Father. Sis. Sue Page has been showing off pictures of her new great grandson, Wyatt Andrew, born on January 4 to Sue's grandson and wife, Jesse and Katie Bright. Big sister Alyssa is a big help.

Our evening service on February 3 was a Super Service and Super Fellowship. Services begain at 5:00 p.m., followed by a Super Bowl Fellowship. There were plenty of finger foods and the game was available for anyone who wanted to watch. Basketball and table tennis were enjoyed and some were happy with the outcome of the football game while others went home disappointed that their team lost. All in all, the service was great, and it was a fun -filled evening. The men met on Saturday morning, February 9, for their monthly prayer breakfast. They stopped for several months, but are up and going again. It's good for them to join together and share prayer requests, burdens, and praises before our God. Bro. Bob Buzzard has experienced some health problems. He was hospitalized and following surgery, released to go home to recuperate. We miss him and Sis. Virginia but we know God is watching over them and in His time, they will be able to worship with us again. Our prayers are with them. We celebrated Valentine's Day with a spaghetti dinner following morning service on February 17. This is a special fund raiser by our youth to help with expenses to S.O.A.R. and/or church camp. We want to thank the adults who sponsored our youth, and to all our youth who helped, whether it

was decorating, cooking, serving or cleaning up. We were privileged to have a local trio known as "The Three Baritones" sing for us during the afternoon. Thanks to Bros. Aaron, Guy, and Andrew for surprising us. Sis. Jenae is starting a ladies Bible study in her home on Thursday evening, February 21, for six consecutive weeks. It is the Beth Moore study on the Book of James. We are eagerly looking forward to this study and to our fellowship together. We are thankful for our faithful and for the visitors God has provided. It's good to join together in God's house each week to praise and honor Him. Until next time . . . Sharon Evans Reporter


“Wax on, wax off”

Building spiritual muscles one experience at a time

Scott Attebery

In the 1984 film “The Karate Kid,” an enthusiastic karate student is disappointed when his first lesson involves cleaning and waxing his master’s car. Day after day, Daniel questions the point of laborious tasks such as sanding a wood floor, refinishing a fence and painting Mr. Miyagi’s house. But when Mr. Miyagi finally begins to teach him karate moves, Daniel is amazed to discover he has developed muscle memory ideal for his new knowledge of karate.

Pastors and leaders wanting to disciple other believers could learn from Mr. Miyagi’s example, because it is the same method of teaching that Jesus used to train his disciples. Jesus took advantage of daily opportunities to lay foundations for learning before telling his disciples what He wanted them to know. He taught the 12 to rely upon God’s provision by involving them in feeding the 5,000. He condemned racism and imparted a vision for missions by introducing them to the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well. He taught them the cost of serving as He washed their feet. He used the imagery of fishing nets and fields of harvest to teach them about ministry. Only after they had observed him at work and participated in his ministry did He begin to explain everything to them. At that point, they were fertile soil for everything he wanted them to understand. In the western world, we teach first, and then do. But this is backward from the example Jesus set for us. Weekly Bible studies may be theologically sound, but lectures alone rarely bear the fruit of life transformation. They simply produce on-time note-takers who know how to speak a Christian dialect. Real-life experiences allow people to develop to the point that they can absorb abstract thinking. For a disciple to fully understand what is being taught, they need an opportunity to see it or experience it first. After that, for the rest of their life, they are tuned in abstractly. Over a lifetime, a disciple’s increasing maturity will enable him to think about spiritual concepts more abstractly and be less dependent upon concrete methods of learning. The knowledge he/she has accumulated in the past develops his/her ability to process information in the future.

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