2014 december

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南腔北调· LifeStyle


2014 年十二月号 总第 370 期


Provence Rosé Bottled Sunlight

Christmas Adventures l Colombian Bounty l Paris Match l Home Away From Home l Happy Pills

5 大个性目的地 5 家特色度假酒店


Christmas Adventures 人民币 40 元 CN41-1046/J 港币 50 元


Design Art Fashion Hotels Travel

LifeStyle 1



LifeStyle 3

Editor’s Note

请关注我们的官方微博: 新浪微博 lifestyle 品味生活

The December cover is a shot of actor Takeshi Kaneshiro

Renting is Cool

Chumps buy houses. Think of people you know. The more international, sophis-

ticated ones live in rented properties near the center of town, while the stiffer, less fun people probably drive back to a distant condominium in a high-rise or a “villa” that they paid dearly for but would be hard-pressed to rent out for a good price.

There are many cities in the world where you should spend a year. If you’re

lucky, you’ll make it to a few. Settling down and getting to know a place is much

more meaningful than being a tourist. Practically speaking, those in more interesting jobs rarely stay put. We are nomads who must rent: only true oligarchs

租房才是明智之选 现在傻瓜才买房。看看你所认识的人,越国际化、越精 明的人往往租住在市中心周边,而呆板无趣的人就极可能用 不菲的价格买下较为偏远的高楼里的一个“小格子”,每天 开车来回,也很难以一个好价格把房子租出去。 全球有很多城市值得你呆上一年的时间去品味。如果你 够幸运的话,可以体验一二。在当地安顿下来,慢慢了解这 个地方,远比做观光客来得更有意义。说得更实际一点,那 些工作相对有趣的人很少把自己“困”在一个地方,他们是 当今“居无定所”的游牧一族,不得不租房住。只有寡头们 才会在每一个迷人的城市置家,但是那些崭新的豪华寓所很 少能展现出各个城市的魅力。 不管是上海、北京、伦敦还是柏林,位于城中最古怪、 最具特色的社区的房子都是比较昂贵的。大部分人都没有足 够的财力或是权限能在北京的胡同买一个四合院,但这却是 北京最独特、最有趣的居住之所,上海原法租界的里弄住宅 也有异曲同工之妙。 即使人们不是经常换个地方生活,就算在同一个城市, 换工作也是很难避免的。一旦买了房,人们再找工作不得不 考虑房屋的地理位置和上下班的通勤距离,而不是工作适用 性,但租客们则经常在一个城市里体验不同的社区生活。 租房是一种生活方式。买房呢,从另一方面说,它是投 资回报,是安全感,同时它符合社会期望。如果你买的房子 质量不好,或者不够吸引人,而且不管你怎么装修都好不到 哪儿去,恐怕没有人想去拜访,因为太远了,串门这种事情 最好步行范围内比较好。以小时计的通勤距离以及周边千篇 一律的“家”都会让人无法忍受,很抱歉我这么说。 当然某些人不得不买房子,可是他得懂装修,会挑最好 的家具,还能让维修人员随叫随到。不管是购房者还是房东, 都应该是高素质人群。 可能有些人还是不得不选择住宅开发项目和郊区,这意 味着没有步行范围内的时尚餐厅、咖啡馆和百货店。不过冷 静的人总会在市中心租住。



buy a home in every great city. And their brand-new luxury condos are rarely inhabited.

Whether it’s Shanghai, Beijing, London, or Berlin, the real estate in the most

eccentric, distinctive neighborhoods is rarely affordable. Most people probably don’t have the resources or the commitment to buy a courtyard in Beijing’s

hutongs. Nonetheless this type of accommodation is the most interesting and

distinctive on offer. The same goes for the kind of real estate stock of the French concession of Shanghai.

Even people who aren’t frequently switching their city of residence are likely

to switch jobs within the same city. Buying a house gives little control over the length of a commute and can force us to select jobs based more on their location

than their suitability. Renters often get to experience several neighborhoods of a metropolis while living there.

Renting is for lifestyle. Buying a home, on the other hand, is a decision to be

boring. It’s about getting a return on investment, feeling secure, and conforming

to the expectations of society. Sorry to say this, what you’re buying is often not

high quality or attractive and the way you decorate it will not improve things. Nobody wants to visit you because it’s too far and there’s nothing nice to walk to

in your neighborhood. Hour-long commutes and a home identical to thousands around it is not a nice lifestyle..

Of course someone has to buy those houses, but it should be the experts: the

people who understand renovations, how to pick the best furniture, and who have maintenance men on call. Homebuyers - landlords - should be high-quality.

Someone might have to make the vast expanse of residential developments

and suburbs habitable - meaning stylish restaurants cafés grocery stores and,

above all, walkability. But the cool, creative people will be jostling with plutocrats to rent in city centers all around the globe. Nels M.N. Frye 费志远 Editor-in-Chief

LifeStyle 5

DECember 038




014 冬日专属家具

058 金城武:岁月静好,荣宠不惊

22 22 Edition Design 的“时令家具”让冬 季居室暖融融

走过青葱岁月的“男神”如今俨然一杯历 久弥新的香茗,显得愈发纯粹透彻

016 环保木质手表

068 黄扉:行走在梦想的天空

力行环保的 Matoa 推出了可回收木质手表 系列

她游走于音乐、绘画等不同艺术领域,留 下一个又一个令人惊艳的足迹



022 软木之国的软木屋

074 明天的家外之家

“软木之国”葡萄牙中西部城镇莱里亚的 软木独户住宅堪称地景艺术

在假日房屋租赁公司大行其道的今天,传 统酒店业的未来在哪里?

032 混搭宗师塞缪尔

092 中式面点:巧夺天工最美心

20 世纪混搭设计鼻祖亨利·塞缪尔开创了 联合当代艺术家共同设计家具的先河

北京民族饭店中式面点在北京 APEC 会议 期间吸尽眼球,成为一道亮丽的风景

098 普罗旺斯醉桃红


浪漫薰衣紫并不是普罗旺斯魅力的全部, 魅惑浅桃红才是这片南法缤纷之地永不凋 谢的美丽

038 圣诞奇遇大不同 圣诞节也可以与亲朋好友在成都围坐火 锅、去北方滑雪并探索城堡,或者在泰国 安安静静地冥想,或者干脆一路向南追逐 阳光……




LifeStyle 7


092 Curated


014 Winter Wonderland

058 Takeshi Kaneshiro: Years of Honor and Courage

22 22 Edition Design has a selection of fancy pieces to bring seasonal character to any interior

Some things get better with age; they need to be savored, given time to mature into their full flavor; as with wine, as with Takeshi Kaneshiro

016 Time for Indonesian Style

Matoa offers a state-of-the-art organic recycled wood-waste watch collection with an emphasis of displaying its Indonesian manufacture

068 Walking in the Clouds

Huang Fei has worked in different areas of the arts, from music to painting, leaving one stunning footprint after another


022 Cork House


A cork cased house in Portugal

074 Home Away From Home

032 Paris Match

A new look at hospitality – alternatives to hotels

Seminal French decorator Henri Samuel and his collaborators

092 Heritage Chinese Pastry: Culinary Perfection


038 Christmas Adventures

This Christmas, why not eat hotpot in Chengdu, explore a Northern castle, hit the ski slopes, medite in Thailand, or just head south for sunshine?

Columns 096 WineClub 120 LifeStyle Focus 128 Fabulous




VIP guests of the APEC Conference testified themselves after their encounter with the many delicious varieties on offer at the Minzhu Hotel’s restaurant

098 Provence Rosé: Bottled Sunlight

When it comes to wine, romantic tones of lavender and pale pink characterize the colorful charm of Provence, the lovely coastal region of southern France

LifeStyle 9

DECember 2014

Design Art Fashion Hotels Travel

国际刊号 ISSN 1003-2711 发行范围 Advertising License 广告经营许可证 Supervisory Board 主管、主办 Publishing House 编辑出版 President 社长 Publisher 出版人

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EDITORIAL DIVISION 编辑部 Editor-in-Chief 执行主编 Deputy Editor-in-Chief 执行副主编 Editorial Director 编辑总监 Editors 编辑 Assistant Editor 助理编辑 Chief Graphic Designer 美术总监 Assistant Graphic Designer 助理美术编辑 Taipei Correspondent 驻台北记者

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费志远 Nels Frye 彭小乐 Evan Peng 张宇婕 Yuki Zhang 卓 睿 Jacob Dreyer 应 捷 Jeffrey Ying 刘 洋 Liu Yang 杨慧彬 Yang Huibin 李学维 Wayne Li 孙旭阳 Sun Xuyang 吴聿书 Samuel Wu

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10 LifeStyle

高盛律师 手机:139 1017 3268

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LifeStyle 11

12 LifeStyle

每月,LifeStyle 杂志将给您奉上来自全球的最新流行前沿资讯。 LifeStyle selects the most captivating people, places and things from around the world.


Desirables / P.14 潮地

Destinations / P.18

22 22 Edition Design 推出的冬日专属家具 Mobius strip-like chandelier, by 22 22 Edition Design

LifeStyle 13




Winter Wonderland 时装有春夏秋冬之分,家具似乎也不例外。随着冬日的临 近,22 22 Edition Design 推出一系列应季家具,从独角兽铸型 的灯、像莫比乌斯带的黑枝形吊灯到能立刻让休息室空间变得 生动起来的涡旋形黑铁凳,不一而足。不管是传统经典款还是 先锋前卫款,都十分夺人眼球。 As winter approaches, 22 22 Edition Design has a selection of fancy

pieces to bring seasonal character to any interior. Manufactured in France, these items range from the traditional to the avant-garde, such as a cast-iron unicorn or a Mobius strip-like black chandelier. A swirly black iron bench would add dimension to any foyer.

14 LifeStyle


Hot Wheels

以设计法拉利和兰博基尼多款超跑而闻名于世的宾尼法利纳公 司最近发布一款奢华复古自行车,其灵感源自上世纪三四十年代的 经典复古汽车。自行车的把手和鞍座均由编织纹皮革打造,让人联 想到宾尼法利纳 1936 年限量版 Lancia Astura Bocca 的内饰;车身采 用核桃木与钢材质相结合的设计,内敛优雅,尽显大家风范。该款 自行车限量 30 辆,售价从 6000 欧元(裸版)到 9000 欧元(电动版) 不等,由意大利老牌自行车定制厂商 43 Milano 精心打造。 Manufactured by 43 Milano, the “Pininfarina Fuoriserie” was inspired

by the brand’s 1930s and 40s designs such as the Carrozzeria Pinin Farina.

Featuring a chromed steel frame adorned with a walnut briar-root coating,

the bike’s heritage is referenced in the leather-clad handlebars and in the seat, dressed in the same fabric used for the interior of Pininfarina’s limited edition 1936 Lancia Astura Bocca model. Just 30 of the bikes will be produced and

prices start at €6,000 for the “naked” version and €9,000 for the motorized edition.

LifeStyle 15




Time for Indonesian Style 力行环保的 Matoa 已经成功跻身为印度 尼西亚第一环保手表品牌。正如其标榜的“自 然符号”那样,Matoa 推出了一个可回收木质 手表系列,重点展示本国的生产工艺,从印 尼顶级望加锡黑檀木到稀有松凯木都有使用。 这些手表不仅设计创意时尚俱佳,且完美融 入自然审美情趣。目前该系列手表共有 6 款, 分别采用印尼岛屿名字来命名,如弗洛勒斯、 松巴、吉利、罗特等。 Matoa has successfully promoted itself as the

first Indonesian signature Eco watch brand. With its slogan Sign of Nature, Matoa offers a state-of-the-

art organic recycled wood-waste watch collection

with an emphasis of displaying its Indonesian manufacture, from the natural high quality waves

of Makassar Ebony to the rare species of Sungkai

wood- all species indigenous to Indonesia. A time

keeper creation that is not only stylish and original but also blends in harmony with the nature’s

aesthetics, Matoa now come in seven models; Flores, Sumba, Rote, Karo, Gili, Jalak- with each model’s name representing one of the islands of Indonesia.

16 LifeStyle


Grandmaster Chime 为纪念品牌创立 175 周年,百达翡丽推出价值 250 万瑞郎的史上 最复杂腕表——大师弦音 Ref.5175 纪念腕表。该款手表采用典型维多 利亚风格玫瑰金表壳设计,是百达翡丽首款不分正反的双面腕表,两面 均可佩戴。拥有 20 项复杂功能的大师弦音纪念腕表全球限量七枚,其 中一枚藏于百达翡丽博物馆永久展出,而公开发售的六枚也早已被其忠 实拥趸收入囊中。 To top off their 175th anniversary Patek Philippe has introduced its most

complex wristwatch to date, the Grandmaster Chime Ref.5175. A rather Victorian looking engraved gold case protects the massive movement with a similarly ornate double-sided dial. The watch houses 20 different complications and is limited to an edition of seven pieces, one of which will be displayed at the Patek Philippe Museum. The other six have already been reserved by long-serving Patek collectors at the estimated price of 2,500,000 CHF.

LifeStyle 17




Pradasphere 普拉达品牌体验展“普拉达星球”首次亮相香港。进入位于香港中环四号码头 顶层的展厅,参观者将有幸一睹 30 年来的 60 件普拉达经典之作,此外还有箱包、 鞋类和用料的特别展。值得一提的是展厅中的放映厅循环播放着普拉达与世界各 地著名艺术家合作的短片,不仅有法国大师级导演罗曼·波兰斯基,还有美国电影导 演兼编剧韦斯·安德森和中国当代最受国际瞩目的影像艺术家杨福东的作品。此外, 还展示了与荷兰建筑师雷姆·库哈斯、瑞士赫尔佐格和德梅隆建筑事务所在建筑领 域的合作成果。 The Pradasphere event, a brand experience exploring the Prada universe, has arrived

in Hong Kong. Situated on top of Central Ferry Pier 4 on the city’s harbor overlooking

Kowloon, the custom-built structure will cover the entire roof of the pier. Inside, visitors

will be able to examine 60 complete looks from the last 30 years of the brand’s collections, with extra focus on bags, shoes and materials. There will also be an archive of collections

with images and videos created in collaboration with auteurs like Roman Polanski and Wes Anderson, Ridley Scott and Yang Fudong; it will also show off architectural collaborations with Rem Koolhaas and Herzog & de Meuron.

18 LifeStyle


Tom of London 伦敦哈罗德百货公司上个月迎来“脊椎动物设计师”汤姆·迪克森的 新作“汤姆·迪克森三明治餐吧”。这家 152 平米的咖啡厅以伦敦俱乐部室 内惯用的经典深绿、深蓝、深红为主色,其中黄铜吊灯、软包椅和大理石 餐桌等设计元素都源自设计师以往的作品。设计师打造出一个品尝各类 传统英式茶点的美食天堂。 Tom Dixon Sandwich, which opened last month at Harrod’s department store

serves various types of the traditional British tea-time snack. The cafe is furnished

with pieces from the designer’s range. These include brass lighting fixtures, upholstered club chairs and marble-covered tables. Tom Dixon Studio says “The

152-square-meter space takes inspiration from classic London club interiors using hues such as deep green, dark blue and rich burgundy”.

LifeStyle 19




Your Private Hair Salon

当然,Show Salon 同样为普通客人提 供相当优异的服务,专业造型师会根据每一 位顾客的不同特点和需求,打造出最贴合气 质、彰显个性的精彩一面。而独具匠心的装 潢设计以及精心挑选的休闲小食,带来的则 是无微不至的贴心与舒适。 Located on at the corner of Xinle Road and

Huaihai Road, Show salon has been open for six

years. Xinle road, which the old Russian church, with the plane trees… escaping from the busy traffic

of Huaihai Road, the avenue is among Shanghai’s most elegant. As to the salon itself, the interior design is simple but unique, with numerous vintage

and industrial elements. The salon is located in a renovated Western villa, of the style for which

Shanghai is famous; yes, here you are in the center of a world city. Show’s team of stylists is very

professional, each one of them trained in the finest schools; Shi Xiu, director of the team, is a specialist in the latest Western fashions.

Show salon is known for its low profile and

professionalism, which is the reason why numerous

celebrities choose to get their hair done here. Apart from the customers, only Show staff can access

service history and purchase records, keeping your

information absolutely safe. There will never be any embarrassing indiscretions or leaks, as the numerous high profile customers know and appreciate.

Show salon provides outstanding service for the

general public as well. Professional stylists will

create a perfect you according to your personal style and preferred look. The lovely decoration

and delicious snacks will make you feel light and relaxed. See you on Xinle road…

No.8 Xinle Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai Tel: 021 5403 9008

位于上海新乐路上的 Show Salon,开业

至今已经有 6 个年头了。种满法式梧桐的小 路紧邻着繁华热闹的淮海路,却又在闹中取 静中多了几分贵族气息与浪漫情调。整店装 修风格简约而独特,老上海洋房的万种风情 经过改建,多了些许复古、工业元素,大方 又不失温馨。Show Salon 团队成员个个都是 造型精英,队长石秀更是一等一的好手,尤

其擅长以欧美简约风格为主的私人造型定制。 Show Salon 的低调与专业向来为顾客 所称道,尽管许多知名艺人与社会名流都是 该店的主顾,但对于顾客资料的保密工作, 从来都是格外细心。顾客订购的任何产品和 消费记录都只限于顾客本人、设计师和其他 店内队员知晓,绝对不会产生由于信息泄露 而造成的不必要的烦恼。

20 LifeStyle



开启世界各地建筑与室内设计灵感之旅。 A visual tour of practical and aesthetic buildings and interiors around the world.


Structure / P.22 设计师

Designer / P.32

“软木之国”的软木独户住宅 A cork cased house in Portugal

LifeStyle 21






“软木之国”葡萄牙中西部城镇莱里亚的 这座软木独户住宅不仅与自然景观融为一体, 而且还成为这片区域的地景艺术。 A cork cased house in Portugal Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Fernando Guerra FG+SG

22 LifeStyle

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24 LifeStyle

葡萄牙莱里亚的这座软木屋由 Conaminar Arquitectos 设计,其建筑面积很大,且只有一层, 从建筑东面的主入口方向看,你几乎无法发现一座住宅的存在。凹陷的斜坡延伸至隐蔽的房 屋入口或绿色屋顶,使得整个住宅完全融入周围环境之中。铺满碎石和石块的斜坡地面和墙 壁成为建筑所在地区域环境的拓展,也使这座软木屋成为这片区域的地景艺术。 软木屋西侧的几何线条比较明晰,设计意图也更加直观明显。一个序列的空间形成建筑 内一个个封闭却与外部相通的私人空间(洗手间、橱柜和衣柜),同时又与开放式房间设计 巧妙融合。以向外凸出的中心区为轴线,可以将软木屋内的生活区域和私人空间区隔开来。 这个区域内的池子和混凝土墙壁与周边景观和谐统一,池水如镜子般倒映出矩形的轮廓,还 反射着由此透进的外部光线。 令人称奇的是这座住宅的北、南、西三面均以软木覆盖。软木舒适独特的质感不仅使建 筑与周边的自然风光融为一体,更为混凝土结构的建筑有效提供保暖。葡萄牙的软木产量占 世界总产量的一半以上,出口位居世界第一,因而有“软木王国”之称。这样看来,在莱里 亚建这样的一座软木屋也在情理之中。

LifeStyle 25

室内设计 Interior 建筑 Structure

26 LifeStyle

Designed by Conaminar Arquitectos The Hill Cork House is a single-family dwelling located in Leiria.

With a large area, it develops itself into a single story although its environmental impact is reduced. In the

main area, on the East faรงade, there is no perception of the existence of the house: a discreetly hidden set of

ramps goes to the entrance or to the green-roof, which make the house merge with the landscape. On these ramps, the floor and walls are covered with gravel and stone, making this part of the house an extension of the environment, almost an architectural equivalent of Land Art.

On the opposite faรงade, in the West, the geometry is more clear and the intent more evident. A sequence

of voids and plain volumes allows the inner organization of the private closed spaces (toilets, closet and

wardrobes) coordinated with the openness of the rooms many of which have exterior views. A central volume

stands out in the faรงade as an axis that divides the living area from the more private area of the house. This

area contains a pool and its interior surface, erected in concrete, maintains a close relationship with the landscape: the shapes and the light coming from outside are reflected in the water of this rectangle, as in a mirror.

Perhaps most strikingly, a cork skin covers the entire North, South and West exterior surfaces of the house,

as if the building had been enveloped by its natural surroundings. Beyond the effective natural thermal insulation provided for the concrete structure, the sensorial properties of this unique material make this

architectural object pleasant to the touch. Cork is also an appropriate material since Portugal is well known for its cork industry.

LifeStyle 27




Colombian Bounty 造型别致的自由广场在麦德林闪亮登场,给这座哥伦比亚第二大城注入新的活力。 Medellin and its sparkling new Plaza de la Libertad Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Sergio Gómez, David Puerta

提起哥伦比亚的麦德林,人们立马想到的是叱咤风云的大毒枭巴勃罗·埃斯科瓦尔,而绝不是什么建筑复 兴。埃斯科瓦尔所进行的贩毒、谋杀等犯罪活动让多国政府困扰不已,也让麦德林成为当时世界上“最不安全” 的城市。不过他也会以金钱和礼物扶助贫民,享有“大善人”的称号。随着埃斯科瓦尔的倒台,麦德林的发 展曾一度停滞不前,而颇具讽刺意味的是埃斯科瓦尔也刺激了这座城市经济的增长。近年来,麦德林的新兴 产业发展势头良好。这一次将人们的眼光引向麦德林的恰恰就是建筑——由本地公司 Toroposada Arquitectos 与 OPUS 合作完成的自由广场项目,在第 24 届哥伦比亚建筑双年展上拔得头筹。 该项目折射出了政府组织机构以及地理、生物和文化的多样性。工作团队首先从当地的环境与独特的气 候条件入手,赋予作品本身热带的身份特征,并且巧妙运用现代建筑的形式再诠释麦德林的传统建筑元素, 如天井、露台、阳台和桥等,将它们完美地融入办公大楼里,同时各种绿色植物装置被并入城市空间。哥伦 比亚繁茂多样的植物与人类如此“亲密接触”,实属典范。 自由广场项目一期包含一个 1.5 万平米、建在 3 层都市基座上的公共区域,还有两座公共管理机构塔楼(现 分别为安蒂奥基亚省政府办公室和市长办公室)。除此之外,两栋呈现互补性的建筑也相当抢眼,一栋为哥 伦比亚重量级新闻电视台 Teleantioquia 的装置设施以及制片区,另一栋则包含了为文化中心配备的剧场。而将 来酒店的入驻将会显著提升二期项目的服务品质。

28 LifeStyle

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Medellin is

more associated with the reign of Pablo Escobar - notorious cocaine kingpin - than architectural revitalization.

However, that is exactly what is happening in this Colombian city. After Escobar’s downfall, Medellin stagnated - ironically

Escobar provided a lot of economic stimulus in the city - but in recent years the city has seen a growth of new industries and

development. The Plaza de la Libertad designed by local firms Toroposada Arquitectos + OPUS is one such area where new work has taken place. It also won first place at the XXIV Colombian Architecture Biennale 2014.

This project arose from a reflection on government bureaucracies and their geographical, biological and cultural diversity. This

project incorporates traditional architectural elements from the city of Medellin such as patios, terraces, bridges and balconies, and adapts them in a contemporary manner appropriate to an office building. It is also an invitation to use a citywide model that

incorporates vegetation into its urban spaces and represents a society that coexists with the bountiful verdancy of the Colombian environment.

The first stage consists of 15,000 square meters of public space in a three-level urban plinth. There are also two institutional

towers that currently contain decentralized offices for the Government of Antioquia and the Mayor’s Office; and, alongside these, two complementary buildings: the first of these the installations for Teleantioquia, a public TV channel, and its production areas,

and the second contains the auditorium for the Cultural Center, a space for cultural activities to complement the institutions in the sector. In the future, a second stage will incorporate a hotel, a horizontal piece that will finalize proposed urban plan.

30 LifeStyle

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Paris Match 身为 20 世纪混搭设计的鼻祖, 亨利·塞缪尔开创了联合当代艺术家 共同设计家具的先河。 Seminal French decorator Henri Samuel and his collaborators Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Demisch Danant

纽约戴米斯科和戴南特画廊推出“巴黎混搭:亨利·塞缪尔和他的艺术 家朋友们(1968-1977)”展览,深入展示了这位来自法国的国际级设计大 师委托他的艺术家朋友们打造的一系列家具物品,其中不乏塞萨尔、弗朗 索瓦·阿勒、迭戈·贾科梅蒂以及法国雕塑家菲利普·伊其理和法国画家、雕 塑家盖·德·胡蒙的大作。被誉为混搭设计鼻祖的塞缪尔开创了联合当代艺 术家共同设计家具的先河。他非凡的才华为最终形成“塞缪尔风格”奠定 了基础,也挑战了当时室内设计领域盛行的资产阶级“匹配”理念。 上世纪 60 年代后期至 70 年代中期,法国迎来了一个新的艺术设计时 代。各个领域都涌现出大胆的创意设计,体现了艺术家们对打破陈规和体 验不同媒介形式的渴望。艺术家和工业设计师们结成了诸如 Atelier A 等各 类组织,在新的社会环境下开展创作实验,通过运用新材料、幽默和对日 常生活物品的创新设计挑战现代设计的原始定义。此次展览便提供了了解 这些变革的绝佳机会。 塞萨尔的一系列作品是展览中的一大亮点,包括 Expansion Table(1977) 和 Expansion Lamp(1976)。在这些作品中,塞萨尔采用巴洛克式创作方 法将其著名的 Expansion 系列雕塑升级为具有实用功能的设计作品。这件 配有黄金青铜烟灰缸的小桌灯充分体现出创作者将功能与创意融为一体和 在液体和固体之间寻求一种平衡的独到之处,且该作品从未在巴黎之外的 地方展出过。值得一提的还有另外几位名家的杰作:塞缪尔于 1969 年委 托阿勒为他家设计的一款罕见的树脂黄铜烛台;菲利普·伊其理的参展作品 是塞缪尔曾使用过的一套金属家具的一部分;而盖·德·胡蒙的经典代表作 Table Nuage (Cloud Table)则是塞缪尔于 1971 年委托其设计的缩版树脂 金属作品。 此次展出的作品不仅限于这些艺术家与塞缪尔在家具设计方面的创 作,其在设计史上的重要意义也都与后者的远见卓识密不可分。这些具有 历史意义的佳作、古董和无与伦比的色彩搭配都在塞缪尔设计的巴黎圣奥 诺雷街的酒店一一呈现,同时也体现了 1970 年代法国风尚的高度。塞缪 尔是 20 世纪无可争议的室内设计大师,也是第一个真正意义上的混搭专家, 巧妙地将历史与当代元素融合于室内设计的方方面面。塞缪尔承担了许多 重要人物委托的设计项目,如罗斯柴尔德家族、范德比尔特家族、萨德汝 丁·阿伽·汗王子以及所罗门公司领导人约翰·古弗兰和时装大师华伦天奴等。 塞缪尔凭借其对历史设计的独特审美和广博学识以及联合同时代法国艺术

Candlelabra by César

32 LifeStyle


Sane Jouane Rocking Chair and Ottoman

Expansion Table and Lamp by CĂŠsar

LifeStyle 33



At view at New York’s Demisch Danant is Paris Match: Henri Samuel and the

Artists He Commissioned, 1968-1977, an exhibition exploring the legendary decorator and international tastemaker’s unique engagement with French fine artists through the furniture and functional objects he commissioned in the 1970s from such figures as

César, Francois Arnal, Philippe Hiquily, Guy de Rougemont, and Diego Giacometti. Acclaimed as one of the first experts in mixing design genres and periods, Samuel was also one of the very first to invite contemporary artists to making furnishings. His remarkable talent for unexpected juxtapositions became the keystone of “the Samuel

style” and his eclectic sophistication challenged the prevailing bourgeois notion of “matching” interiors.

The period between the late 1960s and mid-1970s witnessed the emergence of a new

era of design and artistic expression in France. It was an exciting moment marked by leaps of creative daring in every field, and rich with an eagerness to know and experience

different mediums and forms of expression beyond the old, accepted boundaries. Artists and industrial designers formed collectives like Atelier A, and reflected a new social context characterized by experimentation; they challenged the definitions of modern

design by incorporating new materials, humor, and spirit in the creation of objects of daily life. Paris Match offers a window onto this period of change and shifting tastes.

Among the highlights of Paris Match will be several major works by César, including

the Expansion Table (1977) and Expansion Lamp (1976), both in bronze. In these

works, César applied the nearly baroque approach of his famed Expansion sculptures to functional works of design. Small tabletop objects, including golden bronze ashtrays never exhibited outside of Paris, will also reveal César’s ability to engage function at a small scale on his own terms with objects that appear to hover between liquid and solid. Expansion Murale by César

Also on view in Paris Match will be an exceptional, rare Plexiglas and brass gueridon

by Francois Arnal, commissioned by Henri Samuel in 1969. This object compliments a smoked version of a Plexiglas console by Arnal that Samuel commissioned for his own

apartment. Philippe Hiquily is represented in the exhibition by a low table in steel (c.

1970) that was part of a group of metal furniture pieces Henri Samuel used in his clients’ interiors and his own home. Also on view will be Guy de Rougemont’s iconic Table

Nuage (Cloud Table), commissioned by Samuel in 1971 and produced as a small edition

with variations in Plexiglas and metal. The Table Nuage was the centerpiece of the living room in Samuel’s Paris apartment.

The artists presented in Paris Match did not limit their explorations into furniture

exclusively to collaborations with Henri Samuel. However, their significant contributions to design history are inextricably linked to Samuel’s visionary patronage and daring

taste. In juxtaposition with the exceptional historical pieces, antiques, and peerless color palettes of Samuel’s legendary Parisian hotel particulier in rue Faubourg Saint-Honoré, these unusual objects came to exemplify the height of French style of the 1970s.

Tastemaker, patron, and impresario Henri Samuel (1904–1996) was one of the first

true experts in mixing design genres and among the very first decorators to commission contemporary artists to create functional objects for interiors. Masterfully juxtaposing

historical and contemporary references within his interiors, Samuel designed spaces and scenarios for an international and sophisticated clientele, including the Rothschilds, the

Vanderbilts, Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan, Susan and John Gutfreund, and the couturier Valentino. He achieved renown for his eclectic aesthetic vision and extensive knowledge of historical design, and for commissioning furniture from French artists of his day.

Gueridon Table by Francois Arnal

34 LifeStyle

Cloud Table by Guy de Rougemont

LifeStyle 35


Structure News 贝诺赢得绿地 GIC 国际设计竞赛

Benoy Wins International Design Competition for Greenland GIC

集建筑、总体规划、室内及平面设计为一体的贝诺建筑 设计公司,前不久赢得绿地 GIC 成都中央广场综合体项目国 际设计邀请竞赛。贝诺获任担纲该发展计划的总体规划及建 筑设计,其中包括五栋住宅塔楼、三栋商业塔楼、服务式公寓、 酒店及户外商业步行街。据悉,该项目位于成都二环路与科 华中路交接处,将成为西部金融中心的又一重要地标。绿地 集团早前先后标得六块独立地块,组成这个总面积达 86000 平米的项目总址。 Benoy, the award-winning firm of Masterplanners, Architects, Interior

and Graphic Designers, has won the international design competition for Greenland Group’s high-profile mixed-use development, Greenland GIC, in Chengdu’s city centre. Shortlisted and eventually announced

the winner, Benoy has been appointed the full scope as Masterplanner

and Architect for the ambitious scheme which will combine five residential towers, three commercial towers, serviced apartments, hotel,

retail podium and outdoor pedestrian shopping street. Located at the intersection of the Second Ring Road and Kehua Middle Road, the scheme will form a significant addition to Western China’s important

economic centre. Greenland Group recently purchased six separate plots

of land to form the 86,000m2 site in Chengdu on which the development will be built.


An Ice Model of La Sagrada Familia

继去年世界最大冰穹完工之后,来自荷兰埃因霍芬理工 大学的一队学生又要将西班牙建筑大师安东尼奥·高迪的杰作 圣家大教堂打造成高 40 米、比例为 1:4 的冰模型。由于采用 导热率极低的复合材料“派克瑞特”,因此不用担心这座教 堂会很快融化。这种材料的强度接近混凝土,同时主办方还 用木纤维对模型进行加固支撑, “木纤维将形成一个木质层, 使冰不易融化,这种经过加工的冰比普通的冰坚固 3 倍,堪 比钢铁。”让人惊叹的是,整个工程 3 周即可完工。 A team of students from Eindhoven University are to build a forty

metre high model of Antonio Gaudí’s Sagrada Familia. The project, which follows the completion of the world’s biggest ice dome last

year, will be constructed from pykrete and reinforced with wood fibres. Impressively, the 1:4 scale model will be built in only three weeks. Thin

layers of water and snow will be sprayed onto large, inflated molds. The

pykrete (water mixed with sawdust) will be immediately absorbed by the snow before freezing. According to the organisers, “the wood fiber content makes the material three times as strong as normal ice, and it’s also a lot tougher.”

36 LifeStyle

别致找寻值得格外关注,特色内容专门为您料理。 Special finds deserve special attention. We serve you the main dish of each month at its best.


Christmas Adventures / P.38

大连一方城堡豪华精选酒店 The Castle Hotel, A Luxury Collection Hotel, Dalian

LifeStyle 37



Christmas A

38 LifeStyle


又是一年圣诞来!对于某 些人来说,这仅仅是一 个传统节日:家人团聚、 圣诞布丁、圣诞树下的礼 物……但是对于那些充满 冒险基因的人来说,蜗居 在家简直就是浪费时间。 圣诞节也可以与亲朋好友 在成都围坐火锅、去北方 滑雪并探索城堡,或者在 泰国安安静静地冥想,或 者干脆一路向南追逐阳光 ……圣诞年年有,今年大 不同!

Adventures It’s that time of year again; Christmas is coming, and for some people, a traditional holiday is in order; family, a Christmas pudding, presents under the tree… But for the more adventurous among us, the holiday is a chance to launch out on a new adventure. If you have time with your loved ones, why waste it in the same apartment you spend the rest of your life in, when you could be eating hotpot in Chengdu, exploring a Northern castle, hitting the ski slopes, meditating in Thailand, or just heading south for sunshine? Christmas comes but once a year; let’s make it memorable this time around. Editor: Mollie Snyder, Liu Yang

LifeStyle 39


Feature 并不是所有城市都能被称为天府之国的。偏居西南的成都历史 悠久,可以追溯到公元前 4 世纪,它远离那些经济蓬勃发展的沿海 城市,但比之却毫不逊色。引人入胜的现代化建筑、世界闻名的美食、 秀丽的自然风光、摇摆的夜生活以及保存完好的传统文化,成都一 个都不缺,它正成为亚洲最让人心动的城市之一。 成都瑞吉酒店紧邻天府广场和春熙路,坐拥古城标志性的绝佳 地段,周边诸多景点环绕。这里的圣诞节温暖华美又不失浪漫,最


A Stylish City on the Rise

适合与特别的人共度。想象一下,圣诞树如果换成城外竹林里的修竹, 圣诞大餐里的火鸡用成都火锅替代,会有怎样的效果呢?成都瑞吉 酒店是发现魅力成都的最佳起点之一。如果你想探索本地传统风俗 文化,酒店工作人员有无穷的建议和点子。把行李放到房间安顿好后, 当然要先祭五脏庙。既然来到联合国教科文组织授予的亚洲首个世 界“美食之都”,就不要错过举世闻名的辛辣之味——足以让你将 冬日的寒意抛到九霄云外!在成都蜀锦织绣博物馆参观时,记得找 个导游,这样你能更好地理解那些让人啧啧称奇的巧夺天工,而到 了号称“中国白酒第一坊”的水井坊博物馆,一定要品品原汁原味 的本土佳酿,看看是否也如本地人那样透着一股火辣劲儿。位于成 都郊区的大熊猫繁育研究基地则可让你的身心与大自然来一次亲密 接触。该研究基地是全球最大的大熊猫人工圈养种群,拥有一百多 只大熊猫,在世界上享有很高的声誉。建议上午抵达,因为这个时 候大熊猫们最为活跃。下午回到城里,如果天色还早,不如去老城 区找找茶馆吧。 如果你对成都建筑历史感兴趣的话,那你一定会尽兴而归。包 括青羊宫在内的各大寺庙遍布成都,向人们诉说着这座城市璀璨丰 富的历史和底蕴。青羊宫始建于周朝,是中国最著名的道教宫观之一。 其他著名大型建筑还包括占地 8 万平米的宝光寺和拥有 300 尊佛像、 珍贵文物及宜人茶室的文殊院,此外拥有保存完好的清朝建筑的黄 龙溪古镇可让你尽情探索一番成都历史。 如果略嫌圣诞气氛不够的话,可以试试成都瑞吉酒店的平安夜 晚餐,享受一杯热可可或者温暖的圣诞葡萄酒,节味瞬间飙升。 Not all provincial capitals are created equal. Chengdu is far from the

booming cities of the coast, but with amazing modern architecture, worldfamous cuisine, beautiful scenery, swinging nightlife and impeccably preserved traditions, it is one of the most exciting cities in Asia today.

Rich with a history dating back to the fourth century B.C., it is also

known as “The city of abundance,” and The St. Regis Chengdu is strategically situated in the heart of its ancient city, surrounded by endless attractions. At its best, Christmas is warm and luxuriant, a time for sharing

time with the people who are special to you; but why not mix it up a bit? The bamboo forests of the forests outside of town can be your Christmas

tree, Chengdu’s delicious hotpot replacing your Christmas goose, and the memories you’ll make with your loved one will be the best holiday gift

you could ever give. The St. Regis, meanwhile, really is the ideal base

to discover Chengdu - the staff have tons of amazing recommendations

for newcomers who want to explore the local culture, called “Aficionado

packages.” Once you’re settled in, head out for some of the famous spicy cuisine - Chengdu is the first Asian city to be recognized for gastronomy

by UNESCO, and there’s nothing like Chengdu-style spice to take off the

winter chill. Take a private guided tour through Chengdu’s Brocade and Embroidery Museum, drink some of the local firewater at the Shujing Fang

40 LifeStyle

Museum - China’s first baijiu distillery, go to the nearby nature Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, with its over 100 giant pandas -

we recommend visiting in the morning, when the pandas are most active. When you get back to town, stroll the old town in search of teahouses, or

if its already nighttime, sample some of your baijiu before you head out to check out the vibrant local night scene.

Don’t forget to explore Chengdu’s rich architectural history- you’ll

want to make a stop at the Qingyang Taoist Temple. Built during the Zhou

dynasty, it is one of the most celebrated Taoist temples in China. Other notable edifices include the beautifully ornate Baoguang - Divine Light Temple, which covers 80,000 square meters, and the Wenshu Monastery, a

serene complex with 300 Buddha statues, precious relics, and a charming teahouse. Additionally, a visit to Huanglongxi Ancient Town - home to

magnificently preserved Qing dynasty buildings - provides an evocative immersion into Chengdu’s past.

If you’re feeling the need for a bit more Yuletide spirit, book yourself a

seat at the regal Christmas Eve Dinner offered by the St. Regis; or enjoy a hot chocolate, mulled wine, or other festive holiday pick-me-up.

If you haven’t been to Chengdu before, it’s time to book your ticket

now for a Christmas so spicy, you’ll never forget it. www.starwoodhotels.com/stregis

LifeStyle 41


Feature 一提到圣诞节,有些人脑海里浮现的是 欧洲腹地的森林,装饰着蜡烛的圣诞树、唱 诗班,还有人们的欢呼声……如果你今年在 中国过圣诞,没有哪里会比大连一方城堡豪 华精选酒店更让你感觉像到了德国的新天鹅 堡了。酒店的最终落成是一个不小的工程, 毕竟这可是一座城堡。当你经过蜿蜒曲折的


The Castle by the Sea

山路,终于踏进富丽堂皇的酒店大堂,来到 国王级别的客房时,你感觉自己走入了童话 里的世界。俯瞰着星海湾和波光粼粼的黄海 胜景,你简直想一直呆到新年才好。当然了, 你可以一头扎进这座迷人的城市,寻觅其闻 名全国的海鲜,还有保存完好的古建筑。在 大连,俄式、德式等欧洲风格的建筑不在少数, 所以一座城堡倒也不显得突兀。沿着海岸线 走,不难发现一些新兴的艺术画廊,比如“蛋 生空间”,WAI 建筑事务所刚在这里办过展览。 大连一方城堡豪华精选酒店绝对是中国最具 特色的酒店之一,壮丽的城堡,再衬上蓝天 碧海,浪漫至极。 For some, Christmas summons visions of the

forests at the heart of Europe and the traditions

that emanated from these deep, dark Mitteleuropa

homelands. Trees bedecked with candles, choirs singing, good cheer all round; you could do worse than to spend Christmas in China’s answer to

Neuschwanstein. Work on Dalian’s Castle hotel

took years- after all, it is a castle, and feels like

one. You’ll feel positively regal as you ascend the winding driveway up to the palatial lobby, and

check into rooms fit for a king. The views of the

ocean beating against the shore are truly beautiful;

you might want to extend your stay through New

Year’s Eve and gaze into a blue, blue sky; the light pop of your champagne cork will be muffled

by the sound of the waves. Of course, you could

always head into town for the famous seafood, check out the historically preserved architecturea castle in Dalian actually makes perfect sense, as the city is rich in Russian, German, and European

styles- or swing along the coastline to some of the up-and-coming art galleries- we like Dansheng Space, where our friends at WAI Architecture

recently had a show. To be honest, though, the

castle is so grand, you might not want to leave

at all; savor the experience of one of China’s most distinctive hotels, where sea meets sky. The

best of Europe’s past is right at your fingertips in Dalian’s Castle Hotel.


42 LifeStyle

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Lost in Chiang Mai 随着圣诞节的来临,天气也越来越冷,皮肤越来越干燥, 该如何焕发新生?追逐热力阳光一路南下,带上轻便短衣 裤和亚麻质地衣物直奔清迈,去往那个让人神往的、温暖 的微笑之国吧。这里沿袭着正宗浓郁的佛教文化,还有芳 香四溢的美味佳肴和品种繁多的热带水果,虽然与圣诞节 有点风马牛不相及,清迈的僧侣与圣诞老人长相也相差甚 远,但不管你自何处奔赴而来,都能忘却俗世一切压力和 疲惫,重拾所有美好情愫。再没有比清迈黛兰塔维度假酒 店更适合遁世的地方了,风景如画的稻田、热带阔叶林和 具有异国情调的种植园融为一体。这里自成一国,坐拥园 林和白色的兰纳建筑,俨然一座世外桃源。冥想、泰式按 摩、骑大象、徒步,看日出日落,甜腻绵软的泰语和殷勤 周到的待客之道似乎让人卸下了所有疲惫和压力,平静一 如深邃幽蓝的池水。某些旅行目的地会让一个人幻化新生, 由里至外,清迈会是其中之一。

44 LifeStyle

LifeStyle 45



It’s getting colder and colder, your skin is starting to feel dry

and itchy, and those long nights in the office are starting to take

their toll. It’s time to recharge; pack some light shorts and linen shirts and head to Chiang Mai, warm all year, with amazing cuisine, and one of the most authentic Buddhist cultures in the

world. Christmas is a great time to unplug from the world with its stresses and busyness, remember the values of charity, kindness

and compassion; the Buddhist monks of Chiang Mai might look different from Santa Claus, but some values are universal. You’ll need a place to stay while you’re meditating- so why not relax in

the Dhara Dhevi Chiang Mai, surrounded by exotic tropical plants and distinctive white-painted Lanna architecture? Meditating, getting massages, riding elephants, hiking through the beautiful

landscapes, hearing the dulcet tones of the Thai language embrace

you with its trademark courtesy, watching the warming sun rise, set, rise, set… how many days have you been here again? Your

body, purified of pollutants and stress; your mind, as tranquil as a

still, deep blue pond; your soul, feeling lighter and lighter; it’s not

just anywhere that your vacation will make you a better person, but Chiang Mai might be it. Recharge your energy, get your chi in order, and reboot your karma in this tropical paradise. www.dharadhevi.com

46 LifeStyle

LifeStyle 47


Feature 对许多人来说,最理想的度假胜地一定是海滩。入 住蓝湾绿城威斯汀度假酒店便是一个不错的选择,适合 与爱人共度美好时光,让记忆驻留这一刻。清水湾距离 三亚不远,乃避世首选之地,更跳脱了一般度假区的嘈 杂烦乱。在这里可以体验许多有趣的活动:下海游泳、 捡贝壳、晒太阳、水上运动、沙滩排球比赛,或是在鉴 湖·蓝湾高尔夫球会高标准的球场上打一轮高尔夫,抑或


Island Paradise

到南平、高峰、红蟹体验一把温泉,还可以去附近的陵 水苏维埃政府旧址、南霸天农场、龙王庙和三昧寺看看。 陵水地处北回归线以南,气候属热带岛屿性季风气 候,遍布瀑布、山脉、湖泊。在这里适合亲子游的选择 也很多,比如椰子岛、土福湾、南湾猴岛、吊罗山国家 森林公园和小妹湖都是不错的选择。值得一提的是海南 岛的象征,也是中国名山之一,被国际旅游组织列为 A 级旅游点的五指山。该山位于海南岛中部,峰峦起伏成 锯齿状,形似五指,故得名。当然,还有冒险旅行家的 首选——万泉河漂流。充实的一天结束后,品尝一顿海 南海鲜大餐,真是再好不过了。结束愉快的假期,登上 返程的航班,你定会焕发无限活力。 Let’s face it: for many of us, the ideal vacation is still

the beach. Check in to the The Westin Blue Bay Resort-

with its focus on wellness, Westin is always a good choice for times when we need to step back from it all and make

memories with our loved ones. Here in Qingshui Bay, close to Sanya while still offering an escape from the busy resort feel, there’s always a lot to do: rejuvenate with a swim in the sea, collect shells, soak up the sunshine, enjoy water

sports, or join in a game of beach volleyball. Play a round of golf on one of the numerous and highly-esteemed golf

courses sprinkled throughout the island- we recommend

Jian Lake Golf Course- or take a relaxing, therapeutic soak in one of the nearby hot springs - Nanping, Gaofeng, and Hongxie. For a glimpse at local culture, view the nearby

Soviet Government Building, the Farmers’ Committee, the Nanbatian Farm, the Dragon King Temple, and the Sanwei Temple.

Get the kids and spend an energetic day exploring

the sites. Lingshui is home to several wonderful scenic

spots featuring rainforests, waterfalls, mountains, and lakes. Notable nature areas include Tufu Bay, Yezi Island,

Xiangshui Bay, Nanwan Monkey Island, Diaoluo Mountain,

and Xiaomei Lake.Take an excursion to the center of the island for an invigorating trek on Hainan’s highest mountain, Wuzhi (“Five Finger Mountain”). Adventurous travelers can ride a raft down the rapids of Wanquan River. After a day

of activities, gather with others and savor a delicious meal highlighted by some of Hainan’s fresh seafood, including

its renowned crab. When you’re finally getting on the plane heading back home, you’ll feel as good as new. www.starwoodhotels.com/resorts

48 LifeStyle

LifeStyle 49




Hit the Slopes

如果你还是对白色圣诞节情有独钟,那么密苑云顶乐园 绝对是为你而设计的。虽然从北京出发仅需三个小时的车程, 但所谓“密”苑绝对名副其实,这里完全感受不到都市里的 熙攘与喧嚣。俗话说,“冬天动一动,少闹一场病;冬天懒 一懒,多喝药一碗”,滑雪是在低温、空气新鲜、风景优美 的大自然中进行,无疑是冬天最好的户外运动。穿着帅帅的 滑雪服,先在坡顶哈出几口白气,然后雪杖一撑,就从雪道 上翩飞而下,划过一道彩色的光迹,伴着几声偶尔的尖叫, 瞬间只记得那白茫茫的一片,忘记了生活工作中所有的不快。 即使摔倒也觉得过瘾!这里的雪道数量多达 35 条,不管是 刚刚开始学习滑雪的 Newbie 还是不断精进的中流砥柱、骨 灰级发烧友,都能在这里找到属于自己的征服之感。如果带 孩子来,这里简直是孩子们的天堂,在专业教练的带领下, 孩子们可以在愉快、安全的“探险”中,慢慢地掌握滑雪技 能,喜欢上滑雪。 滑了一天,肯定会觉得饥肠辘辘,这里完善的配套实施 一定不会让你失望,酒店、餐厅和酒吧等一应俱全。云顶大 酒店是完全实现了 ski-in & ski-out 的五星级酒店,并且坐拥 雪山雪景的壮丽景致。值得一提的是密苑云顶乐园的秘制炭 火烤羊排,不光外形诱人,在口感上,羊排烤得外焦里嫩, 没有膻味,非常可口,堪称一绝。还有一个雅致的地方,轻 音曼妙、素香怡人,可以考虑享受一下 SPA 的水润滋养, 也是给自己的圣诞礼物哦。

50 LifeStyle

LifeStyle 51



If you’re still dreaming of a white Christmas, the Genting Secret

Garden might be the right place for you. It’s only three hours from Beijing, but the idyllic winter wonderland couldn’t feel more tranquil.

With the crystal-clear blue skies of the North China plain above you, swaddle yourself in a stylish snowsuit and breathe in deeply before you launch down the hills as fast as you can, snow flying all around you. It feels like that all the stress of the city blows away with the wind, and

even tumbles can’t ruin your good mood. Christmas is all about sharing

experiences with your family, of course; luckily, Genting offers 35 slopes and is a great place for kids to learn how to ski for the first time, with slopes ranging from gentle beginner hills to thrilling, challenging mountains for professionals.

When you’re starting to feel tired, a variety of facilities of recreation

will be waiting for you, from an indoor swimming pool to a health retreat and more. Is there anything better after a day of skiing, muscles sore with the thrill of acceleration, than coming back to a warm bath to

sooth your body? Genting Grand Hotel is a completely ski-in & ski-out five-star hotel and features breathtaking snow views.

Get the family all together for a special Christmas that you’ll never

forget, surrounded by snowy mountains, loved ones, and great food-

after a long day, you can savor the flavors of grilled lamb chops in

winter, scorched outside but tender inside. Pamper yourself with a spa treatment as a Christmas gift!

52 LifeStyle


LifeStyle 53



送给 Ta 的圣诞奢礼

Holiday Luxury Gift Guide 2014 温暖的炉火、喜庆的音乐、精致的装饰品和美味的食物, 圣诞假期的标配已几近完美,怎么能少了节日礼物? LifeStyle 为你的 Ta 奉上最贵重的圣诞礼物。 Warm fires, festive music, picturesque decorations, delicious food. The perfect setting for the upcoming holiday season. Only fair that they are accompanied by the finest luxurious holiday gifts this Christmas. Take a look at LifeStyle’s guide to the very best lavish gifts for him and her this holiday. Editor: Mollie Snyder

Shinola 的 Runwell 城市单车 The Runwell by Shinola Detriot

源自不朽的法式 Porteur 自行车风尚,Runwell 自行车将经典城市 风格与实用性完美融合,精心设计出适合城市骑行与通勤需要的完 美车型。把这件经久耐用的“美国制造”加入你的节日礼物清单吧。 当它在圣诞树下闪耀时,亲朋一定会为之赞叹。shinola.com 售价 2950 美元。 Inspired by the enduring French style of Porteur bicycles, The Runwell

delivers a classic blend of urban style and practicality. Meticulously

designed to yield the best characteristics of a lugged steel frame and fork, the members of Shinola engineered The Runwell to handle predictably and smoothly for city riding, commuting and errand running. The sleek model

would look immaculate under your glistening Christmas tree. The classic

and enduring style of The Runwell’s American-made frame and fork makes is truly a unique and worthy voice in the crowd. This bicycle could be the perfect addition to your Christmas wish list. Retail: $2,950 USD Available at shinola.com

凯利·威尔斯特勒经典 Little Kiss 摆件 Classic Little Kiss by Kelly Wearstler

经典 Little Kiss 摆件多由各种半宝石制成。 这款性感且极具代表性的家居装饰品绝对能 为你的餐桌增色不少。什么礼物能比手工制 作的礼物更珍贵?永恒别致的大理石之吻定 能提升空间的豪华感。kellywearstler.com 售价 995 美元。 The Classic Little Kiss, is made from a variety

of semi precious stones and is inspired by classic sculpture and figural form. This sexy and iconic home accessory is a sultry accent for your vanity or dining table. What better gift to give than the handcrafted, timeless and chic marble kiss. It

simply elevates the sense of luxury to any space.

Retail : $995 USD Available at kellywearstler. com

54 LifeStyle

Brics 的 Bellagio 万向轮旅行箱 Bellagio Spinner Trunk by Bric’s Milano

Bellagio 万向轮旅行箱是采用全新轻质耐用 材 料 打 造 的 经 典 款 旅 行 箱, 不 仅 极 具 功 能 性,也实现了与独特外形设计的完美融合。 优雅实用,潮人必备。送这款旅行箱做圣诞 礼物定会让 Ta 明年的假期出行更加完美。 bricstore.com 售价 595 美元。

雷朋 Erika 红色天鹅绒太阳镜 RayBan Erika Velvet in Red Mirror

这款飞行员眼镜采用大胆的颜色、反光镜 片和柔软似天鹅绒的前框,是这个冬天搭配 任何造型的完美饰品。Erika 太阳镜首次采用 天鹅绒处理技术,红色反光镜片覆过热氧化 物涂层,制成反射镜镀膜,能够吸收更多光线, 减少眩光,可谓是一款无法抗拒的必备单品。 ray-ban.com 售价 135 美元。

The Bellagio Spinner Trunk features

a classic iconic silhouette redesigned using new lightweight, durable,

materials to make it the perfect

combination of form and function.

Ray-Ban Erika Velvet sunglasses are a must have

This elegant, yet functional travel bag

item this holiday season. This unique and fashion-

includes all the practical function and

forward pair of sunglasses features pilot lenses

modern amenities demanded by today’s

and velvet frames for that chic winter look. These

stylish traveler. The Spinner Trunk is

sunglasses are the hottest trend in velvet material.

the perfect present to make that next

The red-mirrored lenses reduce glare for even

vacation even more special. Retail:

greater visual comfort and a unique yet stylish

$595 USD Available at bricstore.com

look. $135 USD Available at ray-ban.com

Proper Coffee 的 Imperial Drip 咖啡机

Holland & Holland 路虎

Imperial Drip by Proper Coffee

来自英国的顶级 SUV 品牌路虎携当地猎枪制造厂商 Holland & Holland 打造了一台极致奢华 的联名车款,配套搭载 334 马力 4.4 升 SDV8 柴油机或 503 马力 5.0 升增压 V8 发动机,采用法 国胡桃木装饰,扶手上还有手工雕刻纹样。后座两名乘客可调节座椅,欣赏电视节目,还可通 过简单按下按钮来打开或收回胡桃木制桌板。该款车型每年仅生产 40 台,所以现在就赶快行 动吧。收到一辆 SUV 作为独家圣诞礼物,夫复何求?订购价 224000 美元。

以每分钟 35 滴的速度,耗时 12 小时,冲 泡一杯口感顺滑浑厚的冰滴咖啡,会是何等 妙事。因大部分咖啡多采取热水冲煮,这令 咖啡释放出酸涩味;而 Imperial Drip 采取冰 滴萃取法得到的别具风格的冰滴咖啡,自然 出类拔萃。propercoffee.co 预订价 299 美元。 With 35 drips per minute: The process of making

coffee with the Imperial Drip takes up to 12 hours at a recommend 35 drips per minute rate.

The final coffee made with some of the best 3rd

wave coffee brands produces a sweet, flavorful coffee that has a nice caffeine kick without the

acidity common to a hot-brew method. $299 USD

Range Rover by Holland & Holland

Land Rover’s Special Vehicle Operations and sporting rifle maker Holland & Holland have come

together to create the ultimate luxury SUV. Only 40 Holland & Holland Range Rovers will be built a

year, so if you want in on the most exclusive gift of the year, now is your last chance. The beautiful engine is powered by either the 334bhp 4.4-litre SDV8 diesel, or the 503bhp 5.0-litre Supercharged V8.

The center and rear consoles are finished in hand-matched French Walnut veneer; even the door handles feature hand engravings. In the rear two passengers can recline in front of individual televisions, and simply press a button to activate or retract matching walnut tables. What more could you want in an SUV this holiday season? Retail: $224,000 USD Available on special order only

Available for Pre-order now at propercoffee.co

LifeStyle 55

56 LifeStyle

品味优雅,鉴赏尊贵! Savour luxury, fashion, art, music and the minds that create it.

金城武: 岁月静好,荣宠不惊

Takeshi Kaneshiro: Years of Honor and Courage / P.58

伦敦 Eros Press 公司出版的文化作品 Eros Press Publications and artists’ limited edition prints

LifeStyle 57

Takeshi K Y e a r s

58 LifeStyle

o f

H o n o

金 岁月静好荣宠不惊




a n d

C o u r a g e

在影片《太平轮》里,他是军医,在后方目睹一幕幕乱世浮生。 生活中,他会在奈良公园摸梅花鹿,在台东的树下喝茶…… 如今,陪我们走过青葱岁月的“男神”,在岁月的沉淀下, 犹如一杯历久弥新的香茗,显得愈发纯粹透彻。 “The Crossing” features a medic witnessing scenes of chaos in the rear front of the Japanese war, interspersed with moments of beauty: the deer in Nara Park, the steam rising from a cup of tea… all the way to the present day, purified by experience and time. Text: Kelly Hao

LifeStyle 59

60 LifeStyle

有些事物,须经过漫长的时光,才能让 味道绵长柔美,譬如酒和茶;有些人亦如是, 譬如金城武。岁月是公平的,它会在每个人 身上留下自己的印迹,不过这事落在金城武 身上,却倒未必是件坏事。经过岁月的积淀, 时间所赋予他的不仅是更胜从前的潇洒俊朗, 更有那一份如香茗般的柔和与纯粹。 还记得刚出道时的金城武吗?二十岁出 头,鲜嫩青涩,帅气迷人的笑容中透着一丝 腼腆。浑身散发出一股阳光活力小子的味道。 他曾一度红遍大江南北,是许多人心中的亚 洲头号“男神”。但也有很多人看来,金城 武不过是凭着美貌进入娱乐圈的又一人而已, 因此“帅气”、“有型”、“天生好命”这 些字眼总能与他挂钩。但于金城武自己而言, 外貌和暂时的名气都不过是转瞬即逝的绚烂








水平离“歌手”差距似乎明显……在他心中, 最热衷的还是演戏。而中日混血,多元化的 国际背景和经历,便是金城武发展演艺事业 的最佳利器,让金城武成为了亚洲最炙手可 热的男明星。渐渐活跃于荧屏之上的他似乎 被人们看到了一些更深处的东西,人们开始

对话金城武 这几年你接拍的影视工作很少,是什么原因让你接拍了这部电影呢? 以前就听吴宇森导演提过这个片子的构想,觉得很好。吴宇森的电影,我没有理由不接。





也并没有止步于此,依旧坚守着自己的追求。 三十岁之后,凭着强大的可塑性以及经

上刚刚讲的文化背景,好像自己都可以办得到。加上剧本写得很好,笔功太厉害了,我真的很 佩服。”

过岁月所淬炼出的不可多得的成熟男人的魅 力,他在电影的道路上开始越走越稳,金城




杜琪峰、 陈可辛、张艺谋、吴宇森……金城


武已不再是当年那个在摄像机前曾紧张到 NG


二十多次的小伙,他开始逐渐确立了自己的 演绎风格,为我们带来了一部又一部颇受好












久违的“心动”的感觉。金城武也坦言,有 吸引力的剧本和角色定位,再加上如此优秀












LifeStyle 61

62 LifeStyle

LifeStyle 63

64 LifeStyle

Some things, wines and teas, get better with

age; they need to be savored, given time to mature into their full flavor; as with wine, as with

Takeshi Kaneshiro. After years of standing in the background, it’s his time to shine now; not only

is he more chic and handsome than ever, he’s also more pure and soft; truly a thespian.

Remember Takeshi way back then? In his early

twenties, he was fresh, sentimental, handsome,

charming and had a smile that revealed a hint of

shyness; youthful and boyish, he brought sunshine with him wherever he went. He was popular from north to south; for many, truly, Asia’s Apollonian

youth. Takeshi Kaneshiro was a natural fit for

the entertainment industry; words like “cool,” “stylish,” “it boy,” and so on were always

associated with him. And yet Takeshi always regarded his fame with a bemused smile; fame

and success are nothing but fleeting gorgeous fireworks, but a work of art is like guiding star

in the sky. It wasn’t easy for him to get where he was; whether running errands for magazines,

being a singer, or other odd jobs… for him, acting was always his passion. A Sino-Japanese mestizo, Takeshi’s diversified international background and

experience has always been his biggest asset. Bit

one of Asia’s hottest male stars. With time, people


work. No longer merely eye candy, his fans saw

These past few years, you haven’t been acting much; what made you want to act in “The Crossing”?

huge stage of fame, Takeshi never lost himself.

opportunity I had to take. I wanted to leave opportunities to young actors; it’s important to know when

only matured, starting to work with directors

the Japanese military. I used the three languages interchangeably in the film, which was an amazing

by bit, he found himself on the way to becoming started to notice more profound elements to his

depths of passion within his soulful eyes. On the Thirty is a milestone for everyone; Takeshi

like Wong Kar-Wai, Peter Chan, Zhang Yimou, and John Woo. No longer a teenybopper pinup,

Takeshi began to establish his own interpretation

John Woo had mentioned the idea of the film to me; I loved working with him, and it was an

to leave the stage; but this film seemed special. The character I play, Yan Zekun, is Taiwanese but in experience. The depth of cultural background and the well-written script makes this a project that I’m very proud to have been involved with.

of acting style, acting in numerous acclaimed

Was Yan Zekun a difficult character to act?

of this triumph until now; John Woo insisted

between these languages. However, the language was the easy part; the difficulty was in immersing

work. John Woo’s “The Crossing” is the pinnacle that Takeshi was the ideal choice for the role of

Yan Zekun. After five years since the last time

In the film, my character is trapped between worlds, and languages; our filming, too, fluctuated

myself in the character and his psychological dramas.

they’d worked together, John Woo and Takeshi

“The Crossing” tells the story of three people who, starting from a similar background, had totally

collaborate. For Takeshi, an attractive script and

love as expressed in the film?

knew they needed to find another chance to role combined with an amazing director made

different lives, experiencing all of the joys and sorrows of the war era. How do you see the concept of The cultural situation of that time, although dominated by the Japanese, is full of contradictions. In

“The Crossing” the chance of a lifetime.

the end, whether Taiwanese or Japanese, we live within this history to this day; the education brought by

with his personality evolving from from

Stuck between two cultures and worlds, it’s exceedingly difficult to situate oneself and one’s cultural

Time passes so quickly; in his early forties,

sentimental tenderness to calm and refined

avuncularity, Takeshi has adopted a low-key lifestyle. Neither arrogant nor proud, Takeshi lives in the world while leaving a light footprint; polite,

calm, and very Zen. In chatting with him, silence

the Japanese colonizers structured a society, but occasionally this structure felt tight and uncomfortable. identity.

In the process of filming, do you ever introduce your own ideas? For example, if you don’t agree with some parts of the script or actions attributed to your character, do you try to rewrite them?

Yes. Sometimes if I think it doesn’t work, I proposed something to the director. Most of the time, he

told as much as his words. For all of us who have

agreed that I was right. Usually, actors are chess pieces, manipulated by the director, but this leaves little

we have grown up with this beautiful thespian,

can’t change the overall situation- that’s for the director to choose. So I communicated my feelings to

loved him since day one, his eccentricities charm; and will never abandon him in our hearts.

room for art. As an actor, I can put myself in a role and either give it depth or different contours, but I the director, but ultimately the authority was his.

LifeStyle 65




The Business of Culture 萨米・贾利利,来自伦敦的文化产业经理人, 与 LifeStyle 畅谈传统文化与现代化之间的相互影响。 Sami Jalili, London intellectual impresario, spoke to LifeStyle about the interplay between traditional culture and modernity. Editor: Jacob Dreyer

Eros Press Publications and artists’ limited edition prints

你自己的文化传统是什么?文化传承在你身上是怎样体现的? 我本人就是一个多元文化的综合体,有些特质十分明显,有些又很模糊。可能过去的真的没有那么重要了。我的 母语是英语,接受的也是纯正的英式教育,深受英国文化的熏陶。这种内化就体现在我应用这一切的过程中,之于我 也更简单。我可以像旁观者一样记述一切,把自己置身其外,以观照的态度来体验事物。 文化、遗产与奢侈品牌之间是怎样的关系? 其间的联系几乎贯穿了整个现代史,与资本主义的发展及其对阶级阶层的划分十分契合。承担对品味和遗产的责 任的一代人已经渐渐被深谙智能化知识和策略的一代人所取代。现在,遗产是可以伪造的。优质品牌本应通过遗产传 承下去,但现在这一切很容易就买得到。 一个正处在经济大变革中的国家是否能够保留自己的传统? 英国正统文化及其审美特征都随着时间的流逝而渐渐模糊。如果英国能做到在保留传统特点和规范的同时,还能 保持活力,人们也就不关心究竟是怎样实现的了。 说说你在 Eros 的工作吧。为什么要办这样一个出版公司?还有什么其他项目? 三年前我创办了 Eros,当时就想做点与众不同的东西,结果还是融入伦敦出版发展的大潮中,但我们特立独行的 初衷始终未变。我们吸引了许多世界级的优秀艺术家进行创作,作品出版后获得的收益又给年轻作家们提供了出版支持。 也许我们找到了一种把艺术家和作家联系在一起的新途径,使其能够为彼此提供支持。

66 LifeStyle

What is your own cultural heritage, and how do you access/ experience this heritage?

I’m a mutt, really. The product of a variety of cultures and

classes, some clearly documented, others more vague. Perhaps

it means that the weight of dead generations doesn’t weigh like such a nightmare. I have the Anglophone tradition at my disposal;

I’ve been through the British system, culturally and educationally. How do I experience it? I experience it in as much as I use it, as

a narrative, but maybe I find that easier because I can stand back from it.

What is the relationship between heritage/culture/patrimoine, and brands - particularly luxury brands?

That relationship has evolved over the course of modern history,

largely in line with developments in capitalism, and their effects on class identity. The old guardian classes, with their responsibilities towards taste and heritage, have gradually been displaced by

intellectual and strategic ones. In their hands heritage can be fabricated. Brands of superior quality may be handed down through patrimony, but these days they’re just as easily bought new in order to suggest receipt of it.

Can a country that is at the center of the processes of economic change retain its own heritage?

The British have seen the aesthetic of their staple typology slip

from their grasp over the course of some time. If Britain remains

capable of preserving heritage while also remaining dynamic so beautifully, then many will not care how it does so.

Tell us about your own work at Eros, your motivation in starting such a press, and any other projects you have going on.

I started Eros Press three years ago, with the idea of producing a

journal that was simply unlike anything else available at the time.

It turned out that we were part of a greater movement in Londonbased print publishing, but that ideal of uniqueness was never forgotten. This has allowed us to attract some of the best artists in

the world to produce editions for us, the proceeds of which go into publishing books by great young writers. We seem to have found a way to bring artist and writers together to support each other.

Eros Press publications and artists’ limited edition prints are available from erosjournal.co.uk

LifeStyle 67


Profile 黄扉是一个永不停步的追梦人。多年 来,她游走于音乐、绘画等不同艺术 领域,留下了一个又一个令人惊艳的 足迹。而她最新一次的“追梦之旅”, 开始于距离地球 54 万公里的浩瀚 太空。 Huang Fei dreams without end. Over the years, she has worked in different areas of the arts, from music to painting, leaving one stunning footprint after another. Her latest “Dream Tour” began 540,000 kilometers away from planet Earth. Editor: Evan Peng

2014 年 10 月 24 日,中国首个再入返回式飞 行试验器顺利升空。随舱搭载的“中国梦音乐芯 片”存储了歌唱家彭丽媛等十位国内顶尖艺术家 的作品。其中,“中国三大男高音”戴玉强、魏松、 莫华伦演唱的歌曲《我像雪花天上来》也赫然在 列。推动“中国三大男高音”参与此次“飞天行动” 的幕后推手之一,正是黄扉。 2011 年,作为制作人和经纪人,黄扉与著名 歌唱家戴玉强、魏松、莫华伦联袂创立“中国三 大男高音”品牌。三年来,“中国三大男高音” 先后在全球各地成功举办数十场音乐会,赢得国 内外观众高度赞扬,成为继“世界三大男高音” 帕瓦罗蒂、多明戈、卡雷拉斯之后全球最活跃的 男高音演唱组合之一。2012 年, “中国三大男高音” 应邀参加英国皇家综艺晚会 100 周年盛典演出,

黄扉: 行走在梦想的天空

Walking in the Clouds

获得英国女王全场唯一的“亮灯致意”,并被多 明戈誉为“真正属于世界的好声音”,同时向英 联邦国家 1.5 亿观众全程转播,实现了几代中国声 乐人的夙愿。 不过,黄扉的梦想远不止于此。2013 年 5 月, 她与三高团队联合中国首钢集团,推出了全球首 个工业遗址实景音乐会品牌“铁色记忆”。今年 5 月,她为戴玉强及著名小提琴演奏家吕思清“量 身定制”了国内首个“声琴二重唱”音乐会品牌“弦 歌双杰”。9 月 3 日我国首个“中国人民抗日战争 胜利纪念日”当晚,她又策划推出了中国三大男 高音“抗战”万人音乐会,被新华社、人民日报 等主流媒体誉为“国内首部大型抗战声乐史诗”。 经过黄扉的不懈努力,“中国三大男高音”逐渐 发展成为拥有众多子品牌的高端文化品牌集群, 而她也成了国内演艺经纪圈“红人”之一。

68 LifeStyle

invited to attend the 100th anniversary party of the

Royal Variety Show Festival, singing to an audience which included the Queen of England and Placido Domingo.The rest of the countries’ 150 million

viewers watched the broadcast from home to witness the Chinese Dream realized as opera music.

Huang Fei’s dream was only getting started. In

May 2013, she and the team, together with China Shougang Group, launched the world’s first branded

concert venue in a post-industrial site, called “A Memory of Iron.” In May 2013, she got the famous

violinists Lu Siqing and Dai Yuqiang to join in some truly innovative performances. On September 3rd,

China’s first “Chinese People’s Anti-Japanese War

Victory Day” was held. That night, she launched the China Three Tenors “War” concert, which obtained coverage from Xinhua, People’s Faily, and other

domestic media. The war epic as sung by the China Three Tenors was deeply moving to many, and they

became famous in the process. Nowadays, they are

在当代艺术界,黄扉这个名字同样具有很强的号召力。前不久落幕的 APEC 领导人会议期间,北京商报社在会议区域的红亭举办了一场名为《美 丽家园》的绘画作品展,吸引了众多与会国家代表及媒体的关注。作为主要 策展人之一,她仅仅用了几天时间,就邀请到 50 余位国内著名艺术家,用题 材多样、风格迥异的精品画作,将“家园”这一人类永恒的生命主题演绎得 活色生香。 事实上,早在 2007 年,黄扉就一手创办了国内首个专注于当代艺术推 广的都市类报纸《北京商报·中国当代艺术周刊》。后来,她又和朋友在北京 798 艺术区建起了自己的“盛世天空美术馆”。几年来,她走遍了国内各大 艺术家群落,先后为数百位中外艺术名家组织媒体推荐、举办专题展览,很 多优秀青年艺术家也在她的帮助下崭露头角、一跃成为收藏市场的宠儿。如今, 她的这一“刊”一“馆”已成为了解中国当代艺术最新动态的重要窗口。 从报纸主编、策展人、画廊老板到演艺经纪人、影视剧制作人……黄扉 的人生轨迹就像一道流动的五线谱,纷繁变幻、流光溢彩。而光彩背后,是 一份“以梦为马”的执着。在黄扉看来,人生就是一段追逐梦想的旅程,她 的使命就是用中国最优秀的艺术,向世界展示当代中国人的生活与梦想。眼下, 她正在筹划很多新的项目,例如全球最大的网络声乐慕课、百老汇风格的时 代音乐剧等等。更加美丽的梦想旅程,正在前方等待着她。 October 24, 2014, China’s first rocket ship test had a successful launch. Equipped

with tanks, “The Chinese Dream Music Chip” includes some of China’s most beautiful music, including songs by Peng Liyuan and domestic top ten artists.

Included is the “China Three Tenors” Dai Yuqiang, Wei Song, and Warren Mok song, “I like the snow from heaven”. The “Chinese Three Tenors” are well-deserving of their interstellar celebrity.

In 2011, Huang Fei brought together famous singers Dai Yuqiang, Wei Song,

and Warren Mok and assumed a position as producer and manager for the China Three Tenors brand. In three short years, the China Three Tenors has successfully

held dozens of concerts around the world, won high praise from audiences at home and abroad, and taken a place alongside the original Three Tenors as one of the

world’s most iconic male opera singing trios. In 2012, the China Three Tenors were

an integral part of China’s music scene.

In the contemporary art world, Huang Fei’s

name has a strong appeal. During the APEC leaders’ meeting, the Beijing Business Daily

held a painting exhibition called “China, our beautiful home,” attracting the attention of many

participating countries and media representatives. A main curator, she only took a few days to invite

more than 50 domestic famous artists, with diverse subject matter and different styles of paintings. The

Chinese homeland is a dream of eternal life, evoked masterfully by the artists that she selected.

In fact, as early as 2007, Huang Fei single-

handedly was brought contemporary art to the fore, writing about it in the Beijing Business Daily’s Contemporary Art Supplement. Later, she and a

friend founded the Sky Spirit Art Gallery in Beijing’s 798 Art District. In recent years, she has traveled

to visit major artists domestically, and has helped hundreds of Chinese and foreign artists to organize media collaborations and exhibitions. Many of

the best young artists today know her as a fairy

godmother. Her perspective on contemporary art is critical to understand ongoing developments.

From newspaper editor to curator, gallery owner

to impresario and television drama producer, Huang

Fei’s life path is forever flowing. The brilliant gleam she leaves in her wake is the reflection of her beautiful dream. Chasing her dream, she has

discovered herself in her meditations on Chinese contemporary art, showing the world the hopes and

dreams of the Chinese people. Her new projects, from music, to the stage, to the art world, are unfolding as we speak, as she travels on the ineffable path of culture.

LifeStyle 69


一袭白纱,一个坚定的眼神,两只紧握 的双手,一句简单的“我愿意”,在面朝大海, 春暖花开的地方给你一座幸福守护岛。 坐落于珍珠海岸清水湾的海南雅居乐莱 佛士酒店的婚礼堂——典雅亭,无愧为海南 最具浪漫气息的沙滩婚礼礼堂。纯白的建筑 如天使的翅膀矗立在沙滩边,两段翘起尖耸 的屋顶仿佛挥舞的羽翼,环绕四周的景观水 池在入夜后亮起盏盏星灯,与夜空中的星星 交相辉映,如同一个安静的守护天使,等待 为一对对新人祈祷祝福。面积超过 300 平米 的典雅亭采用全木装饰,自然而庄重,两边 及屋顶的透明玻璃将自然光线恰到好处地投 射入亭内。最令人心动的莫过于直面大海的 几何形全透明窗户,将绿意盎然的婚礼草坪、 会唱歌的洁白沙滩及南中国海的壮阔景象尽 收眼底。 一生一次的美丽容颜,静静等候庄严神 圣的那一刻,位于礼堂一层的梳妆室和配套 整理区域为新人打造细致入微的私享空间, 更有一条神秘通道通往礼堂。这一路点滴回 忆涌上心头,欢笑、哭泣、吵闹,只觉时间 的罗盘慢慢倒回,感叹中静静站在面前的那 个人,只想给你全部的幸福。 在全海景别墅或套房中尽情享受只属于 两人的浪漫空间,烛光,香槟,玫瑰花,还 有一份特别的珍爱礼物,只为心中的你。无 数次想象着牵起你的手,在梦想中的完美之 地承诺一生,在亲友们的祝福中见证幸福时 刻。走过花海铺满的小径,迎着和煦的阳光, 呼吸青草的香气,打着赤脚在沙滩嬉戏,或 者一起种下一枝只属于彼此的连理树,悉心 照顾,生根发芽,如同我们的爱情。 海南雅居乐莱佛士酒店设有 299 间格调 高雅的客房及套房,最小面积达 80 平米, 冠居海南。客房设计的灵感来自巴厘岛和海 南独特的民族风情,并将先进的科技与房间 设施完美结合。每间客房的私人阳台均可欣 赏到醉人海景或高尔夫球场的绝美景致。32 栋精致私人别墅紧邻海滩,具有极高的私密 度及尊贵感。每栋均设私人泳池及花园,住 客更可尊享仅限别墅客人使用的豪华会所, 尽情享用私人晚宴、SPA 以及酒廊等设施。

70 LifeStyle


Sun, Beach and a Private Romance! The duplex beachfront pavilion at Raffles Hainan is a uniquely romantic venue for beach weddings, ban-

quets and anniversary celebrations. The whole facility looks just like an angel’s white wings, and is located

right at the beachfront. The lights around the pool are turned on when the sun sets, showing a real romance together with stars in the sky, like a guardian angel waiting silently to bless all the world’s couples in love. The inner space is over 300 sqm, decorated with lovely wooden furniture, offering an impression both natural and solemn. The side and roof are rendered in glass, allowing the sunshine to pour inside the room. The most

magnificent view is the side facing straight towards the ocean, where greenery and beaches join together with the blue South China Sea.

For the most important and divine moment of one’s life, the dressing room and preparation area at the

ground floor of the pavilion, where staff will build a private and quiet space for the bride. There’s also a mys-

terious tunnel heading forward to the pavilion’s stage, letting you recall all of the happiness, and sweet moments that the couple has shared ogether.

Enjoy a private romance in our suite or villa with champagne, flowers and a candlelit dinner, and one spe-

cial treasured gift, intended for your promised one. Imagine holding hands with your love and making a commitment with the blessings of your relatives, walking through an alley overspread with petals, surrounded by sunshine, breathing in the smell of grass, playing in the sand, or planting a love tree together.

Raffles Hainan features 299 elegant guestrooms and suites, starting at 80 sqm – the largest in Sanya. Each

room enjoys magnificent ocean and golf course views from the private balcony. Offering even greater levels of privacy and exclusivity, 32 exquisitely appointed Private Villas are located by the beach. Each offers a private pool and garden, and access to a private Clubhouse which offers a restaurant, gym, library and a relaxation lounge.

Clearwater Bay Avenue, Yingzhou Town, Lingshui County, Hainan Tel: 0898 8338 9888


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LifeStyle 71

Promotion Tianjin Railway Station. Blending the history and

traditions of the East with luxury and modernity of the West, the new property promises to deliver the distinctive “Pan Pacific” brand of hospitality

through a wide range of elegant accommodation choices, diverse culinary delights, versatile event

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Perfectly meeting the needs of both short-term and extended-stay travellers, the Pan Pacific Tianjin

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either a city or river view, and 30 well-appointed serviced suites with full kitchenette and laundry facilities.

Designed by internationally acclaimed Singapore

architectural firm DP Architects and Hong Kong-

based interior design house Cheng Chung Designs,

the property has adopted the use of soothing Pacific


Pacific “Wind” 天津是中国北方最大的港口城市,乘坐 高铁 30 分钟即可抵达首都北京,也是进入北 京的主要海港和门户。作为工业和金融活动 的重要枢纽,300 多家 500 强企业已落户于此。 凭借丰富的历史建筑、文化遗迹和异域美食, 天津吸引了众多游客。 天津泛太平洋大酒店作为综合用途开发 项目“海河华鼎”的重要组成部分,坐落于 风光秀丽的海河河畔,地处红桥、南开和河 北三个重要商业区的交汇处,距离天津滨海 国际机场只有 40 分钟车程,到天津火车站仅 需 10 分钟。酒店竭力让宾客体验泛太平洋品 牌独有的好客之道,例如提供各式各样的高 级客房、丰富多样的美食、功能齐全的活动 空间和私密的个人服务,这些设施和服务无 不体现着生机勃勃的地方文化。为满足短住 宾客和长住宾客的不同需求,酒店设有 289 间客房,精心设计的房间内皆可观看街景或 河景,另有 30 套设备齐全的高级服务公寓, 均配有设施完善的小厨房和洗衣机。 东方的历史传统与西方的奢华现代在此 相互交融。享誉全球的新加坡缔博建筑师事 务所和香港郑中设计事务所联手打造,运用 了营造安静效果的太平洋金色、蓝色和灰色 色调,并选用具有朴实质感的木质和石质材 料。客房墙面上的装饰艺术品也体现了天津 城内的各式特色建筑风格。 凭借为宾客提供的令人兴奋的丰盛佳肴, 天津泛太平洋大酒店已准备好成为天津餐饮 行业的领导者。帕西菲嘉西餐厅全天供应亚 洲和太平洋美食;著名的“泛太平洋”中餐

72 LifeStyle

厅海天楼为宾客奉上经典粤菜和天津地方菜; 在面馆可以品尝到高品质美食;在环境优雅 的大堂休闲吧则可以在饮酒吃小食的同时, 进行一场轻松的谈话或商务会面。 酒店设有一个商务中心、带有内部会议 室的太平洋俱乐部、10 间功能灵活的会议室 (总面积达 750 余平米),所有客房均可连 接免费无线网络。宽敞的太平洋宴会厅面积 为 640 平米,配备了先进的视听设备。酒店 还拥有一支经验丰富的团队,随时准备为各 类活动提供定制服务,并提供舞台布置服务, 为宾客打造难忘的婚礼或宴会。 宾客想放松解压的话,可以充分利用酒 店娱乐休闲设施,包括专属太平洋俱乐部休 息室、免费自行车租赁服务、室内调温泳池、 一流的健身中心和 i-Spa 水疗等。 The largest coastal city in northern China, Tianjin

is about 30 minutes by high-speed train from Beijing and is a major seaport and gateway to the Chinese

capital. Home to some 300 Fortune 500 companies, it has become an important hub for industrial and financial activity. The city’s historic architecture,

cultural monuments and exotic cuisine are some of its main tourism draws.

Part of a mixed-use development, The Esplanade,

Pan Pacific Tianjin is situated along the banks of the

scenic Haihe River and is at the intersection of the key commercial districts of Hongqiao, Nankai and Hebei. It is a 40-minute drive from Tianjin Binhai International Airport and 10 minutes away from

hues of gold, blue and grey, as well as earthy

textures of wood and stone.Meanwhile, the art pieces on the guestrooms’ walls reflect the various architectural styles that can be found across Tianjin.

With its exciting menu of culinary offerings,

Pan Pacific Tianjin is all set to establish itself as a leading player in the city’s dining scene. Selections

include the all-day dining restaurant Pacifica which

serves Asian and Pacific-inspired cuisine; signature “Pan Pacific” Chinese restaurant Hai Tien Lo that presents Cantonese classics and local specialties;

a Noodle Bar for a quick-fix quality meal; and the elegant Lobby Lounge that provides a conducive

setting for casual and business meetings over drinks and light bites.

The property’s strategic location in the heart of

the city and extensive range of meeting facilities makes it the ideal venue for events of every kind.

In-house business and meeting solutions comprise a Business Centre, Pacific Club with a private

meeting room, 10 flexible meeting rooms with a total floor space over 750 square meters, as well

as complimentary Wi-Fi access in all guestrooms. The expansive 640 square-meter Pacific Ballroom, equipped with advanced audio-visual technology

and supported by a team of knowledgeable Pan Pacific associates who stand ready to provide customized event services, also help set the stage for a memorable wedding or banquet experience.

To r e l a x a n d u n w i n d , g u e s t s c a n e n j o y

recreational facilities such as the exclusive Pacific Club Lounge, complimentary bicycle rental, an

indoor temperature controlled swimming pool, stateof-the-art fitness centre and Escape by i-Spa. No. 1 Zhang Zi Zhong Road, Hong Qiao District, Tianjin, Tel: 022 5863 8888

有关酒店、旅行、美食及新鲜体验的 Travel, gourmet, and leisure from around

一切享乐。 the globe.


Hotel / P.74 人物

Profile / P.90 美食美客

Foodie / P.92 旅游

Travel / P.98

全球奢华精品酒店私人住宅 Private Residences, SLH

LifeStyle 73


Home Away From Home

在假日房屋租赁 公司大行其道的今天, 传统酒店业的未来在哪里? A new look at hospitality - alternatives to hotels Editor: Mollie Snyder

A HomeAway property that provides a breathtaking view of the sea.

74 LifeStyle

想象一下,某天你坐在电脑前,开 始为一次激动人心的旅行做准备:订机 票,找住的地方。从传统意义上来说, “住的地方”只能是酒店。然而随着现 代信息及网络技术的发展,人们的要求 越来越高,个性化住宿体验可不是一间 看起来不错的房间就能满足的,酒店也 不再是唯一选择:泰国海岸的度假别墅、 上海艺术味十足的全家公寓、印度尼西 亚充满异域风情的山庄……只需在网上 完成操作,你想要的一切都触手可及。 这些都是酒店之外的选择,它们也有可 能是酒店市场的未来。现如今,一批提 供假日房屋租赁的公司大行其道,甚至 让传统酒店业发生了翻天覆地的变化, 如安纳塔拉、优帕克、空中食宿、全球 奢华精品酒店私人住宅、HomeAway 等。 由住客制定规则的时代开始了,怎么住? 怎么玩?一切皆是无限可能! Imagine you are sitting in front of your

computer planning a trip. Your first instinct

is to find a flight, and your second is a place to stay. Traditionally, when one travels that

“place to stay” is a hotel. However innovative

new entrants are challenging this model, using internet technologies, responding to new

demands, and customizing stays for today’s guest- who are in search of an experience, not just a nice room. A hotel is no longer your only option. Imagine staying in a completely

exclusive villa off the coast of Thailand,

or perhaps a state of the art three bedroom

apartment with room for the whole family in Shanghai. Envision a warm bed in an exotic

villa in Indonesia, all yours with the touch of a button. These are the new alternatives

to hotels, the future of hospitality. With the evolution of companies such as Anantara,

HomeAway, YoPark, airbnb and Private Residences the hospitality industry is being

flipped upside down. You make the rules now. Your hospitality selections and potential travel destinations are infinite.

LifeStyle 75

The TreeHouse Loft in Hong Kong, Cone of airbnb’s amazing listings in the city



选择五花八门 + 价格无需发愁 年轻一代的旅行者追逐全新体验,他们还是“技术通”,空中食宿可能是他们愿意“冒险” 的选择之一:初到一个陌生的城市,除了自己的旅行背包和手机,你什么都没有,但空中食宿 能帮你找到心仪的住处,给你独一无二的旅行经历,更重要的是,丰俭由人,你不需要为价格 发愁。 空中食宿已成立 6 年,期间 2000 多万人通过空中食宿在全球 190 个国家的 34000 多个城 市流动。它的服务模式让客户人数以前所未有的速度增长着,其成功的最大原因之一是线上平 台的巧妙运用,包括手机。用户不仅能根据自己的预算找到绝佳的住宿地,还可以提高闲置资 源利用率,从而获得收益,同时向全世界展示自己的“家”,欢迎大家加入该投宿文化圈。 空中食宿网站上的选择五花八门,总能出乎你的意料,这点让它在诸多竞争对手中脱颖而 出。想要找上海里弄老房子、法国城堡、波利尼西亚岛屿?空中食宿帮你量身定做属于你自己 的旅行,一切如你所需。 空中食宿在亚洲的住宿选择能让你尝试更加原汁原味的多元文化,房东会为你推荐餐饮好 去处和文娱活动。这些是在任何一本旅行指南上都找不到的,而传统酒店更是难望其项背。

76 LifeStyle

A cultural get-away, A residence in Bali, Indonesia by Airbnb

The young traveler, in search of the extraordinary, well connected to technology, and open to new experiences might venture into the world of airbnb, a form of

shelter that has revitalized the hospitality industry. With airbnb, you can arrive in a mysterious city with nothing but your backpack and a cellphone and successfully find a place to stay, a unique travel experience and a price point that fits your budget. In other words, airbnb is for the trustworthy, and the adventurous looking for a comfortable and reliable hospitality experience at the right price.

The six-year-old hospitality site has had over just over 20 million guests stay in over 34 thousand cities in 190 countries. Its customer service model has allowed

its users to grow faster than ever. One of the main reasons it has been so successful is the skillful use of online platforms, including mobile phones. Users can not

only find amazing places to stay on a budget, but also capitalize on their own homes by showcasing them to the world and inviting people into the culture of their community.

What makes airbnb different from its competitors is the huge variety of options it offers. Want to stay in a traditional Shanghai lane house, a French chateau, a

Polynesian island? airbnb lets you customize your travel plans to fit your needs.

Airbnb’s listings in Asia give visitors a much more authentic cultural experience while traveling than a hotel could ever provide. The local host can offer

recommendations for dining, leisure and cultural activities that you can’t find in a tour book.

A look inside airbnb’s designer loft listing in Bankok, Thailand

LifeStyle 77

The vast grounds of HomeAway’s Yellow Mountain property in the stunning province of Anhui, China.


完美假日家园 + 极佳私密性

HomeAway 是一个线上的假日房屋租赁市场,在 190 多个国家有超过 100 万处登记在册的 假日出租住房(需付费),用户访问量极大。拥有房源的房东或者地产经理可以在上面做宣传, 他们提供量身定制的假日家园和度假体验,私密性极佳,价格方面又比传统酒店实惠得多。 与竞争对手不同,HomeAway 对在其网站上新发布的房源信息有选择性地进行审查,避 免出现欺诈和违法行为,力争为游客提供准确和可靠的信息。由于对游客的需求高度关注, HomeAway 能就各房源提供逾 75 种不同的个人标准,确保游客五花八门的需求得以实现,而 它向游客提供的服务都是免费的。 HomeAway 在西方国家风靡已久,现在正大步在亚洲扩张。毕竟根据全球旅游业权威研究 机构 PhoCusWright 的数据,到 2030 年左右东北亚地区有望成为全球下一个最佳目的地。如果 你和家人想获得有品质保证的完美假期,不妨试试 HomeAway。

78 LifeStyle

HomeAway, Inc. is an online marketplace for vacation rental properties, home to over one million paid listings of vacation rental homes in 190 countries. With

HomeAway, owners and property managers give travelers an exclusive selection of vacation homes offering memorable experiences and benefits, including more

room to relax and added privacy, often for much less than the cost of a traditional hotel. The company has a strong presence online, making it easy for vacation rental owners and property managers to advertise their properties and manage bookings.

What makes HomeAway different is its exclusive selection of properties that are overseen by the travel experts at Andrew Harper, one of the most respected

voices in luxury travel. By paying attention to the consumer, they are able provide over 75 different individual criteria on their properties to ensure you are getting what you asked for. There are no booking fees associated with these services.

Homeaway has long been popular in the West, but is expanding in Asia quickly. After all, according to travel research firm PhoCusWright, by 2030, North East

Asia is expected to be the most visited destination in the world. If you and your family want a perfect vacation get-away curated by trusted brands, HomeAway might be the perfect solution.

Overlook a magnificent view at HomeAway’s residence in sunny Dali, China.

Royalty meets hospitality, a look inside a listing from HomeAway in Beijing, China

LifeStyle 79

Private Residences presents completely isolate and breath-taking Chaba Villa in Thailand

全球奢华精品酒店 私人住宅

Private Residences by SLH 私密 + 自由 + 灵活

对于追求极高私隐性,并且设施和服务都要量身打造的游客来说,全球奢华精品酒店(SLH) 的私人住宅不失为一个绝佳的选择。而所谓量身打造,意味着没有其他游客打扰、没有用餐的 各项限制、没有着装要求,更不需要等位。 SLH 私人住宅的客人享受的是私密、自由和灵活,每位客人都有自己的管家或礼宾人员以 及私人厨师。旗下成员酒店除了独具个性和魅力,饱含当地特色,还要在各个方面都能提供最 高标准服务。SLH 制定了非常严格的考核标准,开发出一支精锐的国际业务开发团队,团队的 成员飞到世界各地精心挑选当地最出色且独特的酒店,保证顾客在任何一家加盟酒店都能获得 始终如一的高品质体验。 与自助式租赁不同,SLH 的私人住宅有自己的餐饮团队和设施,客人们能自行决定菜单以 及何时何地用餐,真正做到独一无二!

80 LifeStyle

The immaculate living room inside the Viceroy Villa in Bali, Indonesia.

Private Residences is an attractive option for consumers who are looking for ultra-exclusivity, not just of the living space, but the surrounding facilities and services

that are all tailored to the guest’s needs. You get the character that comes with the interior design of a boutique hotel, and complete privacy, meaning: no other guests,

no dining rules, no dress codes and no waiting. The guests of SLH are pampered with privacy, freedom and flexibility.

Private Residence gives you luxury hotel services without the sacrifice of privacy. Each guest gets their own host or concierge and a private gourmet chef. Each

property is hand-selected by the development team of SLH and only invited to join by the elite developers who have years of experience in quality assurance and in growing the portfolio of hotels.

As opposed to a self-catering rental, a Private Residence has its own catering facilities so that the guests of the villa can decide what, when, and where they eat,

and then have it delivered by a gourmet chef. This experience is truly one of a kind. If you’re in search of hospitality that allows you to guard your privacy, Private Residences might be for you.

The private and romantic Velassaru Water Suite by Private Residences in Maldives

A look inside the perfection that is the bathroom in the Viceroy Villa, Bali, Indonesia

LifeStyle 81



灵活的目的地 + 一贯的高水准服务 “安纳塔拉”一词取古代梵语中“无穷无尽”之意,喻示着“超越界限的诚挚待客之道” 这一贯穿每一次安纳塔拉度假体验的品牌核心服务理念。 安纳塔拉推出的“安纳塔拉度假会”,以独特的豪华会籍制度假会概念和灵活的积分系统, 为会员们在亚洲及世界其他地方提供完美的度假体验。传统酒店与之无法相比的是,安纳塔拉 度假会提供灵活的目的地、品牌一贯的高水准服务以及稳定性和独立性。度假会旗下的度假酒 店包括泰国普吉岛上的特色度假酒店、泰国苏梅岛和印尼巴厘岛的豪华私人别墅,以及新西兰 皇后镇、泰国曼谷、中国三亚等地的套房酒店,并且度假酒店数量还在继续增加。会员还可通 过度假会逍遥游尊享计划,入住安纳塔拉酒店、度假酒店及水疗集团旗下 30 多家酒店,且集 团旗下有更多新酒店将陆续开业。安纳塔拉度假会还与国际分时度假交换公司(RCI)合作, 让会员有机会入住全球其他几千家度假酒店,以满足不同类型的度假需求。

82 LifeStyle

Anantara Vacation Club Phuket Mai Khao is nestled between the unspoiled Mai Khao beach - Phuket’s longest beach - and the lush, verdant forests of Sirinath National Park, Anantara Vacation Club Phuket Mai Khao.

The word Anantara comes from an ancient Sanskrit word that means “without end”, symbolising the heartfelt hospitality and emphasis on the traditional Asian

values of openness that lie at the core of every Anantara experience.

An exclusive vacation club, Anantara gives you the opportunity to spend a vacation in multiple exquisite locations all over the world at a one-time fixed price- you

sign up for a plan which provides points, which can be used in any way you want, whether in Asia or world-wide. What The Anantara Vacation Club provides for

travelers and families that a hotel doesn’t is the flexibility of destinations, the certainty of luxury brand quality, and most importantly the stability of shared ownership

in an independently held real estate trust. There are properties in Phuket, Koh Samui, Bangkok, Bali, Sanya and Queenstown, as well as preferred rates at over 30 Anantara Hotels and Resorts throughout Asia and beyond. Furthermore, the club’s Global Traveller program provides access to thousands of other high-end resorts, hotels and cruises around the world, offering maximum flexibility for any type of vacation.

Three Bed AptPool-Bathroom

A beautiful living space as seen in the Phucket villa, Thailand

LifeStyle 83





星级酒店服务 + 分散型物业 优帕克致力于高品质商旅公寓租赁运营已 12 年,颠覆了传统的住宅租赁市场格局,开创 了将星级酒店服务融入分散型物业的经营模式。优帕克充分利用房产闲散资源进行整合并多次 利用,通过线下和线上融合,在继经济型酒店和服务公寓之后,成为了高品质服务式公寓服务 这种新型房屋租赁和服务商业模式的市场引领者。 优帕克提供灵活的租期、多功能公寓、市中心的优越地理位置和便利交通。宽敞的起居室、 厨房和个人家庭商务办公室,让家里每位成员都有自己的空间。 与一般五星级酒店相比,优帕克为每位消费者至少节省 30% 的开支。在其客户群中,世 界 500 强企业的高管占了较大的比例。很多忙碌的商务人士都希望在出差或外派期间,依然保 持高生活水准和体验,而对那些想给家人最好的假期,同时又不愿将就自己舒适度的人来说, 优帕克是最佳的选择。 优帕克深谙待客之道,既实现了酒店的功能,提供家一般的温馨舒适,又体现了酒店不能 体现的价格。它的服务团队品位卓绝,服务贴心,全力打造旅途上的“家”。

84 LifeStyle

YoPark is a high-class hospitality brand that has been 12 years in the making. Yopark undermines the traditional residential rental market by creating a 5-star hotel

service in luxury apartment buildings, making it the ultimate experience in hospitality and business travel apartments. They have quickly become a leading brand for high-end apartment operators.

YoPark offers flexible leases, versatile apartment options, central locations, and convenient transportation. The “hotel” rooms give you the sense of comfort while

you’re traveling by providing large living rooms, kitchens and a personal home business office. There is even room for the whole family.

Yopark also has per capita consumption expenditure that typically saves consumers at least 30% compared the average five-star hotel rooms. The customer base of

YoPark is made up of a large portion of Fortune 500 corporation business executives in China. This company is designed for the busy traveler who wants a top notch experience while on business, and for the traveler that wants to include their loved ones on a vacation without sacrificing their own comfort.

With Yopark you get the function of a hotel and the feel of a home apartment for a third of the price. YoPark’s talented staff, aristocratic spirit, luxurious living

experience and dedication to customer service tastefully represent the growing brand and commitment to a perfect lifestyle while you’re on the move.

A living room to relish in. YoPark brings you the very best of hospitality with it’s spacious and exquisitely decorated apartments.

Relax in a comfortable apartment with city views with YoPark’s beautiful high-rise apartments.

LifeStyle 85

酒店公寓市场的 “罗切斯特” The“Rochester”of the Apartment Market 在上海最美的季节, 优帕克集团董事长李静女士与 LifeStyle 畅聊优帕克的经营之道、 优帕克所倡导的生活方式以及 自己对于品味生活的理解。 During Shanghai's most beautiful season, LifeStyle magazine held an exclusive interview with Miss Li Jing, with her intellectual wisdom she shared Yopark's excellent business management style with Lifestyle, giving us a deeper understanding of the way of life advocated by Yopark.

86 LifeStyle

与所有事业成功的人士一样,优帕克集 团董事长李静女士是一位对工作充满热情, 对商业机遇高度敏锐的创业者和投资人。然 而作为一位女性,专注于事业之余,她也尽 情享受生活的馈赠,经营着属于自己的生活 方式,“自在舒心”是她的生活标签。 优帕克的运营模式有何独到之处?与其他酒 店式公寓品牌相比,其优势在哪儿? 优帕克已经有 12 年的品牌积淀,我们颠 覆了传统的住宅租赁市场格局,开创了将星 级酒店服务融入分散型物业的经营模式。完 善的资产托管方案和商旅公寓的极致体验, 让我们成长为国内领先的中高端酒店式公寓 品牌运营商。 至于优帕克的优势,我认为主要有以下 几个方面:第一,租期灵活,可按照租客需 要个性定制;第二,功能多样,我们的公寓 多位于城市 CBD,交通便利,拥有酒店客房 所不具备的大客厅、厨房等设施,既可商务 办公,又可家庭居住;第三,人均消费比一 般五星级酒店客房至少可节省 30%。简单来 说,我们实现了酒店不能实现的功能,体现 了酒店不能体现的价格。我认为,最大的优 势是“家”的体验。

作为一个事业型女性,工作之余如何经营自 己的生活?

that we provide are tailored to this market. In fact,

我每天都很开心,似乎从来都没有不开 心的事情,也许是亲人朋友和我的团队把我 保护得太好了。企业正在上升阶段,我的时 间也全部投入到工作中,因为创业需要专注, 我有责任感和使命感带领我的团队做出成绩。 我相信,只有永远比别人快半步才能做得更 好。我会按照自己内心的需求过有品位的生 活,正如我现在所做的事业一样。只有自己 崇尚品味生活,才能给他人带去有品位的产 品和服务;只有自己的居住需求达到一定的 要求,才能带给客户完美的住宿体验。

top 500 enterprises executives in China. These

Like any successful business leader, Miss Li

Jing, chairman of the Yopark Group, is enthusiastic about her work, and sensitive to business and

entrepreneurial investment opportunities. Her hard work doesn’t prevent her from leading a busy

social life. Like Yopark itself, she is independent

our customers make up a large part of the world’s include well-known domestic enterprise residents

in Shanghai and Beijing. Most of these people have relatively high requirements; a location in the business district center, a butler service, and more.

We provide all of these services with pride. This is how we have gotten our name as the “World-class Property Service”

People always ask me what image Yopark

represents. I always tell them that Yopark is like

the famous character “Rochester” from the novel

“Jane Eyre” with a humble attitude, persistence, and a strong sense of responsibility. The character represents excellent taste in a symbol of nobility.

Yo p a r k h a s b e e n b l e s s e d w i t h t h e s p i r i t o f

aristocratic honor to serve customers with a delightful living experience.

and fun.

This was a very important year for Yopark, with

How do the unique business models and practices

some future development plans?

of Yopark compare with other apartments

a lot of development and innovations, what are

This was a very important year for our business


following our expansion into the Beijing market,

优帕克的目标客户群主要是哪些?代表了怎 样一种生活方式?

We depart from the traditional pattern of the

innovation within our brand, and more. Our

就目前来说,我们主要是面向中高端客 户,这和我们提供的产品和服务有关。事实 上,我们客户中有很大一部分是世界 500 强 企业驻华高管,也有国内知名企业在沪、在 京常驻人员。他们对于居住品质要求比较高, 要在核心商务区,功能要多样化,要有管家 式服务……这些都是我们具备并且擅长的。 所以我们被誉为“国际级物业管家”。 总有人问我,有什么形象可以代表优帕

hotel services and a decentralized business model

克?我总是告诉他们,优帕克是世界名著《简 ·爱》里的罗切斯特,高贵,坚持,有责任感, 是有品位的贵族的象征。优帕克一直以贵族 式精神为客户带来尊贵的居住体验,代表了 一种有品位的生活方式。

a r e l o c a t e d i n t h e c i t y ’s C B D a r e a , s o t h a t

Yopark has been a superior brand for 12 years.

residential rental market by offering luxurious for our properties. This makes it the ultimate experience for a business travel apartment. Our brand has become the leading brand for high-end apartment providers.

Yopark stands out for the following reasons:

firstly, our lease is flexible, and tenants is

placed based on the customer’s needs. Secondly, our brand is very versatile. Our apartments

transportation is very convenient. We have hotel=style rooms with adjoining living rooms,

ex ten s io n o f o u r b u s in es s in v ar io u s w ay s , operational areas and the scale of our business

have expanded accordingly. At the end of October, YoPark and Shanghai Land Group are setting up a

subsidiary Shanghai Property Management Limited Company, giving a residential rental method

via rental-by-agent, deeply rooted on excellent community service. Its establishment will enrich

Yopark’s current product formats, but also reflect Yopark’s corporate responsibilities.

As a career-driven woman, what do you like to do in your spare time?

I am very happy every day, it seems like there’s

kitchens, and other facilities. There is even

nothing that can really make me unhappy. Perhaps

office space or a family residence. Third, our

always make me feel at ease. I'm deeply devoted

a business office, which could be used as an

据了解,今年是优帕克非常重要的一年,做 了很多开拓和创新,未来有怎样的发展计划?

consumption expenditure per capita is typically

是的,今年是公司非常重要的一年,布 局北京市场、增设 KA 大事业部、推出小区 o2o 服务、进行品牌和管理输出等,这些让 我们的企业规模和业务领域都得到很大的拓 展。就在 10 月底,优帕克联合上海地产(集 团)成立子公司上海地产优家房屋租赁管理 有限公司,以房屋代理经租为核心,深耕社 区服务领域。它的成立丰富了优帕克目前的 产品业态,也是我们企业责任感的体现。

hotel room. Compared to typical five-star hotels,

lower by at least 30% than the average five-star we offer greater services for a lesser price. The most important difference? We offer the feeling of being at home to our guests.

What is the target customer for Yopark? What kind of lifestyle does Yopark represent?

Our current customer base is made of mainly

high-end customers, and the products and services

it’s because my family, my friends, and my team to my work, and now that our business is in a critical stage, I'm busy all the time. Improving

myself and my work every day is my ultimate

goal. I follow my own inner needs to fit my

life, the same way I do with my career now. By listening to your own needs, you can bring the

same quality products and services to others, and only by meeting your own housing requirements, can you bring the perfect housing experience to your customers.

LifeStyle 87

Promotion 六朝古都南京有一处民国风情休闲街区, 就在这里的颐和路上,梧桐掩映间,便是著 名的颐和公馆。一条颐和路,半部民国史。 这里是原国民政府 1927 年定都南京后打造的 上层人士住宅区。如今繁华落尽,这里的青 砖灰瓦却依旧演绎着南京城独有的民国风情。 身处 26 栋名人旧居包围之中,住客在南 京颐和公馆可以体验到非凡的民国氛围,四 处可见的原创艺术品摆件带领人们在现代与 过去间穿梭。这里不仅有豪华双人房、豪华 单人房、公馆特色套房、公馆豪华套房,更 有别致的独栋别墅可供选择。融合了艺术韵 味的颐和公馆别墅可谓是对民国上流文化的 优雅复兴,保留了原汁原味的民国风情;别 墅内使用全实木家私,配以伊朗绿大理石, 高雅大气;陈列的名家真迹和纯手工天青釉 茶海则展现了隽永情怀;私房菜馆一墅一席, 平添一份温情。入住颐和公馆便是体验一次 难忘的文化之旅,拥有一段属于自己的“民 国往事”。 这里融合经典与创新的愿夏庐与冬饮庐 餐厅更是别具特色。在民国特色宴会包间摆 一桌民国盛宴——传统民国宴、新派民国宴、 民国名人宴、民国素食宴,不一而足。新鲜 有机食材呈现正宗美味,专属私人菜单更为 宾客带来一段美妙的民国美食记忆。 来到南京颐和公馆,选一个房间或一栋 别墅。在这个远离城市喧嚣的地方,用一种 独特的方式去体验一份别样的闲逸。


Get Drawn into a Picture of Old Times Yihe Road is redolent of memories from The Republic of China. This area is an important historical and

cultural block, built for the upper classes during Republican era when Nanjing was capital, starting in 1927. As times pass, people change. Stroll down Yihe road and you’ll feel the past 70 years of Nanjing’s history

radiate from the solemn black bricks and gray tiles.

Nestled beneath the Marble Tree Alley in Nanjing, The Yihe Mansions Nanjing recalls the memories of

the Republican era. Experience the historic atmosphere and design by staying in the luxurious estates of

former business and military leaders of that time. Embrace the meeting of past and present by enjoying the

original artifacts and artworks around you. You can choose from the Deluxe Double Room, Deluxe Single Room, YIHE Specialty Suite, YIHE Deluxe Suite, or the privacy and seclusion of a villa. Blue bricks, white

walls; every detail is set to capture the essence of architecture and art. The residential villas are an elegant

renaissance revival of upper-class culture and retain the original amorous feelings of The Republic of China.

Yihe Mansions Villas are furnished with traditional styles of wooden furniture and elegant Iranian green marble, while being decorated decorated by original artworks and equipped with pure handcrafted azure

glaze tea sets. By visiting the Yihe Mansions, guests will enjoy an unforgettable experience of culture and exclusivity, and make the history of Republican China your own.

The Yuanxia and Dongyin Mansions feature authentic “Republic of China” period Chinese delicacies,

including classic, historic and innovative selections on menus, enough to entice even the most discerning palates. The private dining room is furnished with chairs and sofas, with antique art being given pride of place. Chefs focus on freshness and organic ingredients with recipes handed down from past generations.

Revive your dreams of the past in exclusiveness, secluded from the omnipresent “buzz” of the City of

Nanjing. Taking a Room, a VIP Suite or even a whole Villa and enjoying the culture of The Republic of China, guests will get drawn into a picture of old times. No.3 Jiangsu Rd. Nanjing City, Jiangsu Tel: 025 8486 8888

88 LifeStyle


Always a Great Stay 可俯瞰天鹅湖美景的合肥绿地福朋酒店 为你带来一如既往的美妙入住体验。 With fantastic views of Swan Lake, Four Points by Sheraton Hefei, Shushan will bring you a great experience during your stay.

Hefei, the capital of Anhui Province, is a city built around

Chaohu Lake. Hefei’s history, culture, natural scenery and

passion fuses together to become a place that is convenient, innovative, and charming. Conveniently located within the

Hefei New Municipal and Cultural District, and boasting

outstanding lake views, Four Points by Sheraton Hefei, Shushan is surrounded by office buildings, shopping malls, restaurants, and entertainment options. What’s more, the

Hefei Municipal Government, Hefei Olympic Sports Center, Hefei Grand Theater, and Anhui Broadcast and Television

Center can all be easily reached. Downtown is just 6

“大湖名城”合肥,怀拥巢湖,荟萃江南灵秀,人文与自然相得益彰, 是一座充满活力的城市。毗邻合肥市政府,可俯瞰天鹅湖美景的合肥绿地福 朋酒店便位于城市新的政治、商业、文化中心——合肥市政务文化新区,周 围办公大楼、购物中心、餐厅和娱乐场所林立。酒店距合肥市中心也仅 6 公里, 距新桥国际机场仅 35 公里,从合肥火车站搭乘高铁仅需一个小时即可抵达 南京。 除拥有 270 间美妙舒适的套客房和总面积达 1635 平米的设备先进的会 议空间外,酒店内的餐厅也值得一提。宜客乐标帜餐厅供应丰盛多样的国际 美味;徽菜中的山珍野味和川菜里的麻辣鲜香在创意无限的聚味中餐厅巧妙 融合;彩香日餐厅则提供最潮流的日本料理和正宗日式铁板烧。当然,可与 美食比肩的便是各类能够放松身心的娱乐活动了。住客可前往酒店的室内泳 池尽情畅游,或在健身中心挥洒汗水。 践行环保的合肥绿地福朋酒店不仅致力于为住客提供宾至如归的美妙享 受,更注重通过瓶装水替代、再生环保用品等绿色无忧会议解决方案的细节, 在更大范围内倡导环保。在环保问题日益严峻的今天,合肥绿地福朋酒店已 经从理念上走在了行业前列。

kilometers away, Hefei Xinqiao International Airport (HFE) is 35 kilometers away, and it takes only an hour to reach Nanjing via high-speed train from the Hefei Railway Station.

Settle into one of 270 comfortable guest rooms; you’ll

find that everything a guest needs will be satisfied at Four Points by Sheraton Hefei, Shushan. After a night’s peaceful rest in the room, the meeting and function space, a spacious 1,635 square meters, makes event planning easy. The hotel’s

catering is also outstanding. The Eatery is an all-day dining signature restaurant offering a wonderful combination of

Asian and international cuisines. China Spice is a place where Anhui, Sichuan and Cantonese styles of cuisine

merge together and integrate with each other. SAIKA is a

place where traditions and styles meet, offering fashionable

Japanese cuisine and the most authentic Teppanyaki. After a

long day, guests can splash around in the indoor pool or work out in the fitness center.

The signature Sustainable Meeting Practices including

bottled water substitution and recycled conference amenities,

eco-friendly gestures which make Four Points by Sheraton Hefei, Shushan stand out. The hotel advises guests on travelling by public transportation in order to reduce domestic

pollution. To host an environmental friendly event, you can’t do better than the Four Points by Sheraton Hefei, Shushan. 298 Qianshan Road, Shushan District, Hefei, Anhui Tel: 0551 6521 8888

LifeStyle 89



山城摩登绿洲 In a Modern Day Oasis 重庆解放碑威斯汀酒店不仅是 全球第 200 家威斯汀酒店,而且 还是中国西南地区首家威斯汀 品牌旗舰店及城中最高酒店。 总经理诗诺琳·史密斯女士与 LifeStyle 聊火锅、聊山城美景、 聊她的酒店生涯。 Carolyn Smith opened the Westin Chongqing - the 200th Westin internationally. We talked with her about hotpot, Chongqing river views, and a lifetime spent in hospitality.

and immediately was drawn in by the great

Editor: Jacob Dreyer

relationship between the guest and the host. I’ve

dynamism here. When I was offered an

opportunity in Shenzhen in 2008, I was very happy to accept it, and the adventure has led me

through Guangzhou and now to Chongqing. It’s very different from my native New Zealand, but I’ve quickly grown to love it.

What defines hospitality for you? What drew you to the industry, and what has kept you there?

I started working on the finance side for a hotel

owner in Auckland back in 1986, and switched

into a more direct hotel management role in

1995, so I’ve seen all sides of the business. For me, hospitality is about human relationships; the had many amazing experiences over the course

of my career; it’s such a multifaceted job that I’ll never get bored of it.

是什么原因让你来中国?能说说你喜欢的 地方、食物以及在重庆认识的有趣的人吗? 在中国过得怎么样? 2000 年,我第一次来中国。那次是来 参加一个会议,但我一踏上这片土地就被 吸引住了。2008 年,我有了一个去深圳工 作的机会。我当时高兴得跳了起来,欣然 接受了,之后又去过广州。现在我又来到 了重庆。我是新西兰人,这里的一切和我 们国家完全不同,但我很快就适应并爱上 了这里。 你怎么看待酒店行业?为什么选择做这一 行? 我从 1986 年开始在奥克兰帮一个酒店 业主做财务方面的工作,到了 1995 年开始 直接参与酒店管理方面的工作。所以这个 行业的方方面面我基本都了解。对我来说, 酒店业的核心是处理人与人之间的关系, 即酒店经营者和住客间的关系。这些年的 职业生涯中我有很多令人惊奇的经历。酒 店工作永远不会让人感到无趣。

为三个品牌的酒店工作过。我爱威斯汀, 因为威斯汀品牌强调“健康”。来到重庆 的威斯汀对待健康问题同样严肃认真,凭 借其独特的“营养美味、酣然好梦、妙趣 玩乐、活力运动、高效工作、舒畅身心” 六大健康元素,为宾客提供卓尔不凡的威 斯汀活力之旅。融合自然设计元素的重庆 解放碑威斯汀酒店已被打造成山城的一片 绿洲。 重庆解放碑威斯汀酒店究竟能为客人带来 多少惊喜呢? 我们的酒店十分独特——雄居重庆申 基金融广场 34 层至 55 层,栖身城市之巅, 刷新山城酒店新高的同时,还提供了群山 环绕间无与伦比的嘉陵江、长江交汇美景。 酒店有 336 间客房和两家餐厅,其中位于 53 至 54 层的锦肴轩特色餐厅提供养生火锅, 食客可以边品味当地特色美食,边欣赏迷 人的城景和动人的两江景致。

自从 1999 年加盟喜达屋集团以来,我

90 LifeStyle

what makes the Westin stand out?

I’ve been with Starwood since 1999, working

across three different brands; I love the Westin

for its emphasis on wellness. At the Westin

Chongqing, we take wellness very seriously, and find that this message resounds with local

customers, for whom the work/life balance is

very important. We see our hotel as a modern day oasis, with natural design elements - a flexible and functional property.

Tell us about the Westin Chongqing and what

guests there can expect.

Chongqing is known as the “mountain city,”

and our hotel has a unique location - we’re occupy the top 20 floors of a 55 floor building.

Our guests have unparalleled views of where the Jialing and Yangtze rivers meet, and of the city

and the mountains which surround it. With 336

What brought you to China? Can you tell us

rooms, 2 restaurants (including a hotpot restaurant

in Chongqing - and about your experiences in

specialty along with amazing views).

about your favorites places, foods, and people

你曾有过不同品牌酒店工作经历。威斯汀 靠什么脱颖而出?

You’ve worked with different hotel brands;

China thus far?

I first came to China in 2000 for a conference,

on the 53rd floor where guests can savor the local



优惠 平安夜 Package One Christmas Eve 2014.12.24 蓝调浪漫平安夜 @ 知味标帜餐厅 软饮、果汁、气泡酒及进口红酒畅饮 人民币 398 元净价 / 位 人民币 199 元净价 /3-12 岁儿童 娱乐活动 现场表演嘉宾互动 抽奖活动 Christmas Eve Buffet Dinner@Seasonal Tastes Free flow of soft drinks, juices, sparkling wine and imported red wine RMB398 net/person RMB199 net/child aged 3-12 years Entertainment Live Interaction Lucky Draw


蓝调浪漫 优惠 Package Two Romantic Blue


Christmas in Romantic Blue 舟山是中国唯一一座由群岛组成的地级城市,舟山朱家尖绿城威斯汀度假酒店位于舟山群 岛的第五大岛——朱家尖,可饱览普陀区海滩的壮丽美景。这座田园风情的度假幽居坐落在葱 郁密林与波光粼粼的东海之间,拥有世界一流的完备设施与细致周到的威斯汀品牌服务理念。 得天独厚的傍海位置、舒适宜人的客房与别墅寓所、独具匠心的餐饮选择连同其他休闲设施, 为每位客人缔造无与伦比的个性化活力体验。 Situated in the East China Sea, in Zhejiang Province, Zhoushan is China’s largest archipelago and the

only prefecture-level city consisting solely of islands. The Westin Zhujiajian Resort, Zhoushan overlooks

仅需人民币 1288 元,即可开启十全十美的完 美圣诞之旅 浪漫套餐包含: 双人平安夜自助晚餐 豪华海景客房一晚入住房券一张 ( 含次日双人自助早餐 ) Romantic Christmas package starts from RMB1288. Create the most ever lovely Christmas memory here. Christmas package includes: Christmas Eve buffet dinner for two persons A room voucher entitles one night stay in a Deluxe Seaview Room with breakfast up to two persons

the beach in the Putuo District on Zhujiajian, the fifth-largest of Zhoushan’s islands. Set between dense forests and the sparkling East China Sea, the hotel features world-class facilities and Westin hospitality. Careful attention is paid to the most important elements of your stay to ensure each visit leaves you ex-

ceptionally well rested, well-nourished and well cared for. An enviable beachfront location, inviting guest

rooms and villas, innovative dining options and other leisure facilities let you create your own renewing experience.

1288 Jiari Road, Zhujiajian, Zhoushan, Zhejiang Tel: 0580 603 8888

适用条件及条款: Terms and Conditions 需提前预定,敬请致电 0580 603 8888 或发送邮件至 reservation.zhujiajian@westin.com。 此优惠不适用于团队且不能与其他优惠或推广活动 同时使用。 此优惠所含房券有效期自 2014 年 11 月 11 日起至 2015 年 1 月 31 日止。晚餐券仅适用于 2014 年 12 月 24 日知味标帜餐厅平安夜自助晚餐。 舟山朱家尖绿城威斯汀度假酒店保留对优惠推广的 所有权利。 Advance reservation is required, please contact 86 580 603 8888 or send email to reservation.zhujiajian@ westin.com. This offer is not applicable to groups or to be combined with other offers or promotions. This offer contained room voucher valid from November 11th, 2014 to January 31st, 2015. The buffet dinner voucher is only valid on December 24th, 2014 in Seasonal Tastes. The Westin Zhujiajian Resort, Zhoushan reserves the right to discontinue this offer.

LifeStyle 91


刻的印象,其中中式面点以独特的奇趣与美味赢 得了各国贵宾与 APEC 太太团们的一致青睐。 为 APEC 会议供应中式面点的是首旅集团旗 下餐饮板块的北京民族饭店。民族饭店的服务团 队不仅圆满地完成了 APEC 接待服务任务,同时 用精湛的面点技艺与出色的服务水平,成为世界 聚焦的亮点。而民族饭店推出的“象形面点”也 成为了一道亮丽的风景。此次由曾荣获国际烹饪 艺术大师称号、全国烹饪技能大赛金牌等奖项的 面点大师赵会连精心制作,根据场合和客人的实 际需求,不仅在造型上巧思妙想,更充分地兼顾 了营养配比与热量控制,一个个栩栩如生的核桃、 玉米、枣子、萝卜……伴随着扑鼻的香气,让各 国贵宾们品尝到美味的同时,也为这份精美创意 与大师的超高技艺赞不绝口。 此次推出的“象形面点”是中式面点制作中

Chinese Pastry: Culinary Perfection

刚 刚 结 束 的 2014 年 亚 太 经 济 合 作 组 织 (APEC)领导人非正式会议给所有人都留下了深

中式面点 巧夺天工最美心


一个独具特点的品种。面点师们通过灵巧的双手 , 给普通的面点增加了感染力和食用价值,不仅能 增加食客们的食欲,勾起人们记忆深处的一丝童 趣,更为中国饮食文化增添了一份别样的趣味和 色彩…… The 2014 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation

(APEC) Leadership Conference has just ended, leaving

everyone with a deep impression and an unforgettable

experience. With its unique characteristics and delicate

taste, Chinese style pastries quickly was nominated by

guests as being one of the most unique experiences of the APEC summit.

The Minzhu Hotel’s restaurant was the perfect

place for foreign friends to dive face-first into

the delicious world of Chinese pastries. Not only

delicious to the taste, but pleasing to the eye, Chinese

pastries often come with stories tied to China’s long and unique history. In accordance with traditional

Chinese nutritional practices, pastries aren’t just sweet indulgences, but can have health benefits, with calories under control; natural ingredients such as walnuts, corn, dates, and carrots brings a healthy crunch to

accompany delicious flavors. In fact, the true savor of Chinese pastries isn’t just in banal sweetness, but in

the way that they evoke China’s long past, illuminating

stories and memories, recalling landscapes and heroesmaking it an ideal treat to share with visiting guests.

“Figurine pastries” are Chinese pastries made with a

variety of unique characteristic forms, often in the shapes of fruit or animals. Skilled pastries This adds an appeal and playfulness to already delicious pastries; not only whetting our appetites, but offering an accessible entry point into the stories and legends of Chinese history.

92 LifeStyle

中 华 美 食 历 来 在 世 界 享 有 盛 誉, 作 为其中之一的中式面点这次可谓在 APEC 会议期间吸尽各国贵宾的眼球, 成为一道亮丽的风景。首旅集团旗下 的北京民族饭店此次精心准备的象形 面点,让人们在赞叹面点师们精湛技 艺的同时,更是从美食中深深感受到 了中国的创造精神。 Chinese cuisine has always been famous all around the world. Chinese pastries can be described as an icon of the cuisine, as VIP guests of the APEC Conference testified themselves after their encounter with the many delicious varieties on offer at the Minzhu Hotel’s restaurant. After exhausting days of hard work, the pastries really hit the spot; it’s hard to deny that a cake with Chinese tea is one of the most beautiful landscapes that Beijing has to offer the weary traveler. The culinary mastery of the chefs came through very clearly in the form of these amazing gourmet creations. Text: Kelly Hao


Walnut Shortbread 形真而味美,核桃酥可谓是一绝。表皮用可 可粉和面粉共同制成,再烙上核桃的印痕, 就成了核桃一样的色泽和表皮。内里精心制 作的五仁馅儿配上黄油的酥脆,这道面点可 谓创意新颖、形象生动,轻咬一小块儿,入 口松酥干香,令人印象深刻。 These delicious walnut cakes are a must-have dessert. The outer layer is made from a mixture

of cocoa powder and flour, and topped off with a walnut emblem, resembling a walnut in skin

and color. The inner part is rich with nut stuffing and butter crisp. Walnut cakes are a simple, but resoundingly satisfying pleasure.


Honey Jujube Pastry 初见只觉造型可爱,实则是最考验面点师傅 刀工的一道中式甜点哦。和面过程中,要将 面饼一层层叠起来,差不多有二三十层,再 从立面仔细将褶边的面皮切下来,这样才能 确保外皮的厚薄是均匀的,在炸制的过程中 才能保证枣酥的型与味的质量。繁杂的工序 之后,入口时的香甜才能更浓郁。 Judging by appearance, this cake looks cute and small, but it is actually one of the biggest challenges

for the Chinese pastry chef. Layered in two or

three stacks of dough, it’s ruffled on the outer skin to ensure that the thickness of every layer is equal. The date shape and taste can be observed in the

frying process. After this complicated process is finally resolved, a delicious cake takes form.

LifeStyle 93




Garlic-Shaped Steamed Stuffed Buns 看见这道菜,会不会觉得心中阳光又多了一寸?一颗颗饱满 的白胖小子乖乖静立盘中,如果不近距离观察,一定会以为 是真的大蒜!在这个冬日,这道面点包含了多少养生健康在 里面,油菜、香菇、胡萝卜做馅心,口味咸鲜,保证美味的 同时又减少了不必要的脂肪摄入,此时美味怎舍得让人停 箸? Wouldn’t your heart brighten when you see a plate of dumplings? Little white dumplings steaming in the air are enough to warm up

anyone. The name comes from their appearance; if seen from afar, you might think they look like garlic. In winter, this contains a

healthy stuffing of Chinese cabbage, mushrooms, and carrots. This dish is guaranteed to be delicious while not being overburdened by fat and salt.







Lantern Pastry

Purple Sweet Potatoes with Mangosteens





Festive red lanterns can be described as representative of the Chinese aesthetic. The red

The healthy and delicious Sweet Potato Mangosteen is made fron high-

dividing out the layers like a millefeuille, the inside is filled with taro stuffing. The dough

leaf petals, creating a sumptuous and romantic pastry. How can we not

red lanterns signpost a future happiness.

is glutinously sweet. The delicious scent and color complement each

lantern cake’s outer layer is made using a mix of sugar and seaweed for dough. Carefully

quality purple potato flour and complemented by fresh vibrant green

is fried into crispy perfection. Like a glowing red lantern on a frosty winter night, these

love this? With a strong coconut scent, the sweet potato mangoesteen

94 LifeStyle

other, making for a combination that is truly unforgettable!


Pear Pastry 用健康营养的南瓜汁制成的面皮儿,透漏着 一股淡淡的清香,再用甜美多汁的橘子做内 馅,水果的口感,南瓜的营养与象形面点的 完美结合真是一大亮点!这道面点不仅让你 大开眼界,满足你的味蕾,吃起来时那一抹 幽幽的南瓜香气更是让人魂牵梦萦。 The outer layer of this cake is made of pumpkin-

meal, revealing a hint of fresh fragrance, perfumed by citrus peel. The orange flavors combine with

the pumpkin in the shape of a pear, offering a truly satisfying little snack.

LifeStyle 95



“快乐的季节又到了”,一 定要为酒友、家人和爱侣奉上美 酒佳酿作为应季礼品。选择礼物 最简单的标准就是回顾这一年来 每个人的表现,但即使某些人表 现不够好,也请算上他们一份吧。 做好预算,再来看看礼物清单。


Christmas Wines Sure to Please Friends, Family and Lovers

送爱人 送爱人,必须是一等一的好酒。每个人的口味不同,所以最好的并不一定是最贵的,你 只要投其所好就好了。如果你爱的人喜欢温润甜美的红酒,可以考虑选择贝灵哲纳帕谷 2010 年赤霞珠这类来自南澳大利亚传奇酒庄贝灵哲,融合梅洛、品丽珠、小维多的赤霞珠,市价 约为每瓶 420 至 450 元。如果你爱的人喜欢口感丰富浓厚的深色红酒,最好还带点泥土或摩 卡香气,或饮后舌尖长留小葡萄干、绿橄榄、小青瓜、肉豆蔻、果仁糖等味道,那么来自南 澳产区的圣亨利设拉子 2009 年干红葡萄酒是最完美的礼物,市价约为每瓶 755 至 925 元。 赠至亲 与家人交换圣诞礼物,可以送他们一瓶好酒。根据关系的亲疏远近来选择不同的美酒自 然是没错,但我还要再一次强调,好酒毋需昂贵,因为家人之间的亲情是无法用价格来衡量的。 我推荐两款来自南澳的葡萄酒:2012 年奔富 BIN2 设拉子慕合怀特干红(每瓶约为 300 至 350 元)、2011 年禾富黄牌赤霞珠干红(每瓶约为 180 至 210 元)。奔富 BIN2 本已是设拉子中 的精品,再加上慕合怀特的馥郁风味、成熟的单宁,会令品酒者的味蕾无比满足。这款酒适 合送给常喝好酒以及真正懂得欣赏复合口味美酒的家人。禾富黄牌赤霞珠适合初涉红酒的人, 其口味也偏清淡。 馈好友 每逢佳节,自然不能忘了身边的朋友和那些服务过我们的人。无论他身穿正装还是衣着 朴素,都可以送他一瓶 2012 年贝灵哲创始者庄园加本力苏维翁干红葡萄酒——赤霞珠混合小 西拉和品丽珠,兼具香辛与浓厚红浆果的加州味道,每瓶约为 175 至 210 元。是的,我知道 你在想什么,那些为你服务的人可能喝不习惯高级红酒,但这不重要,毕竟他们曾为你带来 幸福快乐的感觉。送一瓶好的红酒作为圣诞礼物,足显你对他们的尊重,也是对他们为了给 家人提供更好的生活条件而毫无怨言地工作的褒奖。当一名服务员具备了品评美酒的能力, 他会珍视你送他的这份礼物,还会骄傲地与人分享,并告诉一同享用的人这瓶美酒是一位十 分特别的朋友送他的。

96 LifeStyle

Wine Gifting for Friends and Those Who Serve

“T’is the season to be jolly” everybody, so be


sure to wine gift all your wine loving friends, family

and lovers with the best wines you can afford. The easiest way to do your best by everyone you intend

Of course, we must remember our friends and

to wine gift is to decide who’s been good and who’s

Wine Gifting Immediate Family and Relatives

wine gift, decide how much money you are willing

you are in the habit of exchanging Christmas gifts,

generous allowance for plenty of Christmas stocking

gift premium red wines, but not the most expensive,

been bad. Once you know all whom you intend to

to budget for wine giving, including of course, a coals for all those who don’t deserve your patronage

over the holidays. Once you have accounted for the cost of coal, it’s time to spread around what remains for the benefit of all on your good and perhaps even devilishly “naughty” list (who may have afforded you Heavenly delights from head to toe).

Wine Gifting Lovers Who Have Been Naughty & Nice

They say that one’s romantic love relationship is

only as meaningful as one’s most recent encounter

with the beloved, so to insure superior romantic

relations be sure you gift your partner(s) with premium red wine(s) you know they appreciate.

And because palates vary so widely, the best

selection is not necessarily the most expensive red you can purchase with your budget, but rather one

that from past experience you know your partner

As for family, immediate and close with whom

depending on the nature of your relationship, again, because with family, it is always the thought that counts, rather than the pedigree of the wine. Two wines I recommend are the 2012 Penfolds Bin 2

(Shiraz & Mourvedre) from South Australia at about RMB300-350 per bottle; and the 2011 Wolf

Blass Yellow Label Cabernet Sauvignon from South Australia at about RMB180-210 per bottle. The

Bin 2 is a great Shiraz; while the Mourvedre adds complex, savory notes to the aromatics with ripe

tannins that satisfy the palate. This wine is for your family who drink premium wine regularly and who will genuinely appreciate the many complexities

those who serve us, whether in traditional Morning Suit or of humble street attire, for “Service is the

Highest Calling”. For friends and servants of every

description a wine that will always be appreciated is the 2012 Beringer Founders’ Estate Cabernet

Sauvignon, mostly Cabernet Sauvignon with a delightful blend of Petite Sirah and Cabernet Franc to

insure additional spice and structure and compliment

the intense red berry flavors in this perennial favorite from California. The cost is about RMB175-210 per bottle. Yes, I know what you’re thinking, those who serve you may not be accustomed to quaffing

premium red wines, but that is not the point: give

those who help to brighten your day as nice a gift as

this and you show them the respect they wish they could enjoy from all of those for whom they labor

without complaint, so that their families might have a better life. Of course, you never know when a

that set it apart from most premium wines. The Wolf

servant has a respectable palate, who will save your

just learning the joys of premium wines and whose

that this beautiful bottle of wine was a gift from a

Blass Yellow Label is perfect for your family that are

palates are only becoming accustomed to drier, full flavored wines of integrity.

wine gift for a very special occasion, proudly sharing very special friend. I am Red Owl, ever vigilant, over

& out.

enjoys immensely. So, if your partner prefers

soft, luscious, complex red wines with medium body, you should consider wines such as the 2010

Beringer Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon, which is mostly Cabernet Sauvignon, blended with Merlot, Cabernet Franc and Petit Verdot from the Beringer

reserve vineyards in Napa Valley. The cost is around RMB420-450 per bottle at your favorite wine shop

of market. But if your partner(s) like deep, plum red, rich, plush red wines with soft, earthy, mochalike characters and red-curranted fruits with green

olive and green melon, nutmeg, praline and a host of

other subtle nuances that linger on the palate before cascading down your throat for a truly magnificent after taste, then the 2009 St Henri Shiraz, which is mostly Shiraz blended with Cabernet Sauvignon

from South Australia is the perfect gift at about RMB755-925 per bottle.

田博华,公益创业家,社会公益组织 FTA 领导人。该组织以最小的运营开支争取最大限度地帮助美国及亚太地区需要帮助 的人们,并致力于通过直接的人道主义援助来减轻他们的困苦,此外还以直接干预和慈善捐赠的形式帮助柬埔寨和泰国的 贫困家庭和个人。目前 FTA 在泰国曼谷和柬埔寨金边设有办事处。

Fred Tibbitts, Jr. heads a Social Entrepreneurship operated as an NGo, Fred Tibbitts & Associates or "FTA", keeping all expenses to a minimum and donating all profits to those less fortunate in Asia Pacific and the United States. FTA is committed to easing the suffering of those less fortunate. In addition, FTA does direct intervention, charity relief for individual, very poor families in Cambodia and Thailand. FTA has offices at Bangkok, Thailand; and Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

LifeStyle 97



98 LifeStyle

浪漫薰衣紫并不是普罗旺斯魅力的全部, 魅惑浅桃红才是这片南法缤纷之地永不凋谢 的美丽。跟随 LifeStyle 来一趟普罗旺斯 桃红之旅,醉在慵懒的时光里。 Inspired by Peter Mayle’s “Encore Provence,” we’ve wanted to visit Provence for some time now. When it comes to wine, romantic tones of lavender and pale pink characterize the colorful charm of Provence, the lovely coastal region of southern France. Our LifeStyle editor cruised around the Riviera in search of the finest of pink potions.

Provence 普罗旺斯醉桃红 Rosé Bottled Sunlight Text: Evan Peng Photos: CIVP & respective chateaus

也许是中了彼得・梅尔的毒,我对他在《重 返普罗旺斯》这本旅游散文集中所作的判断是那 么的深信不疑——普罗旺斯是世界上不用做任何 事情,就可以玩得非常开心的地方。九月底,当 我们在普罗旺斯一些酒庄的葡萄园、有机菜园、 橄榄园和果园走马观花时,这里的一切对我的诱 惑果真那般强烈。温煦的阳光,迷人的地中海, 山谷上空飘荡的平和宁静的气氛,更是让我们这 样的外来游客“裹足不前”。 此时的普罗旺斯,虽然少了薰衣草的点缀, 但是葡萄熟了,清透芬芳的桃红葡萄酒让人心都 醉了。如果没到访过这些酒庄,恐怕你永远不会 理解“桃红葡萄酒已经成为普罗旺斯独特的生活 方式”这句话的真正含义。南法乡村生活的慵懒 和桃红乐趣,真是人见人羡的奢侈品。 As September drew to a close, we caught the last rays

of summer in Provençal vineyards, organic vegetable gardens, olive groves, orchards; everywhere lush and

tempting, a garden of Eden where one can discover

oneself. The warmth of the sun beaming down on the Mediterranean coast: how better to enjoy this than with a

carafe or two in the unpretentious rural atmosphere of a vineyard?

A bit of lavender embellishment allows grapes to

ripen; the fragrant pink wine of Provence sets one heart

free. If you haven’t visited a winery in person, I’m afraid you’ll never be able to imagine the emotion and sunshine that goes into each bottle. Southern France is truly the place for a luxurious rural escape.

LifeStyle 99


Travel 桃红之王,桃红魅惑 The King of Pink Charm: Chateau d’Esclans 蝶之兰的盛名似乎无需赘述。据说在圣特罗佩,蝶之兰头牌桃红“佳露” 是亿万富翁超级游艇派对必不可少的佳酿。它独特的优雅更是受到法国贵族的 疯狂追捧。这款售价超过 100 欧元的顶级桃红每年限量 18000 瓶,被著名酒评 家杰西丝・罗宾逊和罗伯特・帕克赞为“世间罕见的桃红葡萄酒美酿”。 在蝶之兰酒庄 19 世纪托斯卡纳风格的宅邸,没见着大名鼎鼎的庄主萨 沙・荔仙(法国“葡萄酒教皇”亚力西斯・荔仙之子)不能不说是个遗憾,不 过我们邂逅了主人的金毛犬。两条迎来送往过无数贵客、人见人爱的健壮狗狗, 卖萌撒娇自有一套。我有点好奇,狗狗鼻尖成天被酒香熏染,它们更喜欢果香 清新、余味适中的“天使密语”还是口感丰富饱满、以浓郁悠长的黄油和矿物 质香收尾的“兰柯”? If you’re ready to go for a more luxury option, Chateau d’Esclans Garrus Rosé Wine is

definitely an essential part of the billionaire yacht parties in St. Tropez. Only 18,000 bottles are produced per year, priced at over 100 Euros per bottle; it’s worth every drop though, with high ratings from noted wine connoisseurs such as Jancis Robinson and Robert Parker.

Strolling through the 19th century Tuscan-style Chateau d’Esclans, we sadly did not

meet the local lord, Sacha Lichine (heir to France’s “wine pope” Alexis Lichine), but we

did meet his Golden Retrievers. The two dogs bounded up to us, joyous and friendly;

accustomed as these animals are to the scent of fine wines, I found myself wondering: would dogs selecting wine prefer a more fruity bouquet, or a rich butter and mineral scent? Tel: +33 (0)4 94 60 40 40


蝶之兰酒庄大名鼎鼎的庄主萨沙・荔仙 Sacha Lichine, the owner of Chateau d’Esclans

艾斯卡乐,田园之乐 Provincial Pleasures in L’Escarelle 瓦蓝的天空下,依山而建的艾斯卡乐葡萄园里果实累累,眼前的景致让我不由自主地端起相机猛拍一气。“酒标上的山形图案就来 源于那座山。整个庄园有 1000 公顷,其中葡萄园占地 100 公顷。我们酿造的葡萄酒中 80% 都是桃红。”酒庄的新掌门人指着不远处的 山峰介绍说。稍稍移步高处,葱郁秀美的山林、碧蓝的私家泳池跃入眼前。房前屋后,鸟语花香,幽静宜人。阳光透过树梢洒在户外品 酒桌上,十余种澄澈剔透的桃红酒一字排开,当真是酒不醉人人自醉! 品完酒之后,主人还特意邀我们上山看他圈养的数十只可爱的驴子和“神兽”羊驼,场面那叫一个欢乐。艾斯卡乐酒庄俨然是一座 低调华丽的开心农场。 A stunningly blue sky is the backdrop for an impromptu concert at a hillside vineyard, a bucolic paradise; I can’t help but reach for my camera to capture

this dazzling scenery. “The mountainous pattern on the labels comes from the geography of the estate, possessing 1000 acres - 100 of which are reserved

solely for vineyards. Our wines are 80% rosé,” explained the new owner of the Chateau as I nodded, dazed by the heat of the sun. The sun shined through the trees onto the tasting tables, where we discovered a dozen different kinds of amazing rosé lined up for tastings. The afternoon stretched into a twilight filled with revelry and laughter, as we drank the cup of brotherhood.

After the wine tasting, the owner invited us up the hill to see the dozens of cute donkeys and alpacas he owns frolicking merrily; the scene was most

pleasing. The Chateau de I’Escarelle is charming in the extreme. Tel: +33 (0)4 94 69 09 98

100 LifeStyle


不一样的天堂,不一样的庄园 In the Chateau Paradise 清晨,雨后的天堂酒庄葡萄园散发着成熟葡萄的果香和泥土混合的 味道。由于正处采摘期,我们有幸目睹了西拉和歌海娜葡萄最丰硕的脸 庞。酒庄传讯部经理马琳・吉拉德,一个长辫过腰、脸若桃红的金发美眉, 在葡萄园踩了一脚半湿泥土,非常热情地告诉我们:“普罗旺斯艾克斯 丘产的桃红酒果味很独特,喝着感觉就是不一样。仔细闻闻,果香比花 香更明显。桃红酒液香气怡人,细腻柔滑,要经过一整个冬天,到春天 才能开启,尤其适合搭配地中海菜系和亚洲菜系。”我们听后会心一笑。 也许在普罗旺斯找到餐酒搭配达人并不困难,他们几乎个个都能开 班授课,关键是如何才能碰上一位既有知识又非常热情,还愿意分享快 乐的达人。除了普罗旺斯酒农对葡萄酒的那份挚爱,在马琳身上,我似 乎看到了一种在平淡的生活中寻找乐趣的能力。 After a light rain, the air filled with the fragrant delicate scent of ripening grapes

and nourishing soils at the Chateau Paradis. Since it was the harvest time of the year, we were lucky to observe Shiraz and Grenache wine grapes at peak ripeness.

The communications manager of the chateau, Marine Gayrard, with beautiful long

blond braids spilling over her waist, stepped out onto the half-dried vineyard soil and enthusiastically exclaimed, “The fruity scent of Coteaux d'Aix-en-Provence rosé

wine is very unique, you just know when you drink it. If you smell carefully, the fruit scent is actually stronger than the flower scent. Rosé wine’s scent is really pleasant, delicate and smooth at the same time. Open a bottle when spring begins, after a full phase of winter, and enjoy it with Mediterranean or Asian cuisine.” We all smiled as we listened to her.

Finding a wine-pairing expert in Provence is not hard at all, many even open

classes and courses, the most important thing is to find a knowledgeable wine expert that is not only very enthusiastic but is also warm-hearted when it comes to sharing their winery expertise. More than a farmer’s true passion of wine, Marine made us feel the simple joy of life.

Tel: +33 (0)4 42 54 09 43


普罗旺斯式悠慢,罗莱夏朵式奢适 Luxury at the Relais Chateau 这座隐匿在森林中的静谧酒庄似乎有一种别具一格的风 韵,处处流露出普罗旺斯式的悠闲散慢,而罗莱夏朵旗下的五 星级精品酒店、米其林星级餐厅又呈现出与众不同的奢适与精 致。那天的酒庄午餐,除了泰赫桃红是当仁不让的主角,作陪 的出口销售经理维克托・巴尔都还叫女服务生拿来一瓶酒庄自 产的橄榄油,他略带自豪地介绍道:“餐厅蔬菜很多都是自家 菜园种的,自产橄榄油供应酒庄餐厅有富余,多出来的对外出售。 你懂的!”我们学他那样撕下一小块面包,用拇指压出一个小 坑,然后将橄榄油倒入面包坑,闻闻橄榄油的香味,吸进嘴里, 在喉头打几个圈咽下。吃完沾满橄榄油的面包,还要吸吮拇指。 德班酒庄酿造的葡萄酒曾在世界著名葡萄酒大赛中获得 三十多个奖项。值得一提的是,在酒瓶设计上,德班可以说是 下足了功夫。品鉴中心陈列着数十款葡萄酒,酒瓶外观靓丽有型, 相当吸睛,是集瓶控们不可抗拒的诱惑。 Hidden in the depth of the forest, this chateau offers a special charm

of tranquility. You can feel the leisurely lifestyle of Provence at its every corner. Relais & Château’s five-star boutique hotel with its Michelinaward restaurant gives a special sense of refined luxury. As we were

enjoying a traditional lunch accompanied by a glass of the classic favorite, Terres de Berne Rosé wine, the export sales manager, Victor

Bardou had the waitress bring over a bottle of olive oil made in the chateau. He explained, “The vegetables served in our restaurant mostly

came from our very own garden. Our olive oil is also made in-house, an excellent product of our winery restaurant that we distribute throughout

Provence and other parts of France. You’ll soon see why.” We grabbed

some bread and mopped up some olive oil to savor the taste, until he

suggested we make a small hole in the bread to pour olive oil in; this technique accentuates the fragrance. Even after a heavy lunch, we still couldn’t stop ourselves from trying more.

Chateau de Berne has won over thirty awards at different world-

famous wine competitions. It is worth mentioning that, de Berne’s wine

bottle design can be quite stunning to the eye. There are dozen types of wines displayed in the wine tasting center. The bottles’ beautiful appearance and eye-catching design are irresistible for wine-bottle collectors and enthusiasts. Tel: +33 (0)4 94 60 43 60


LifeStyle 101



在浮华之中酿造朴实 A Traditional Vineyard in the Lap of Luxury 蔚蓝海岸西端的圣特罗佩拥有法国最迷人的海滩,是全球明星富豪 趋之若鹜的浮华之地。虽然已过旅游旺季,小城街巷中充满好奇心的游 客还是随处可见。不过我好奇的是,坐落于此的庞佩洛纳酒庄的酿酒师、 同时身为庄主女儿的玛丽・帕斯考德,到底是怎样的一个人?那天她特 意放下酒窖里的活儿赶过来。一件暗色连帽开襟卫衣,一双酿酒防护鞋, 脸上挂着朴实的笑容,一看就知道是个不善言辞且憨厚能干的人。我告 诉玛丽,这次来普罗旺斯之前,和大多数中国人一样,我只知道普罗旺 斯是薰衣草的代名词。她听了以后笑了,“普罗旺斯是薰衣草的故乡, 也是法国最古老的桃红葡萄酒产区。我们这一带流传着一句谚语:薰衣 草只是普罗旺斯美丽的衣裳,葡萄酒才是普罗旺斯的血液。” 离开酒庄之前,我与玛丽合了影,并问了她最后一个问题:身为资 深酿酒师,对于挑选桃红葡萄酒有哪些建议?“不要被桃红色诱了,要 在颜色和上口之间找到一种平衡,所以你得先尝尝,再挑选适合自己的 酒款。”她想了想,认真地说。 Saint Tropez, located in the west part of the Cote d’Azur, is home to the most

beautiful beaches in France. It is famous for luxury, glamor and celebrities. Even

with the tourist season long past, the alleys of town were still full of tourists wandering around. We didn’t come for the celebrities, though, but to explore the

best-kept local secret, the local Chateau de Pampelonne, and heiress and winemaker Marie Pascaud. That day she herself rushed down from the winery cellars to greet us. With her dark-hooded cardigan, a pair of wine protective shoes, and a simple

smile on her face, we immediately knew that she was a humble person, taciturn but

still comfortable around new people. I told Marie that before I arrived in Provence I was also like other Chinese people-when it came to Provence, the words “Purple

Lavender” were the only thing that came up to my mind. She smiled as she heard my words. She said, “Provence is the homeland of lavender, but is also the oldest rosé wine region of France. We have a local saying: “Lavender is Provence’s beautiful adornment, but rosé wine is the blood of Provence.”

Before leaving the winery, I asked Marie one last question after we took

photographs together, namely “As a senior winemaker, do you have any suggestions

for selecting rosé wine?” Her detailed response was “Don’t be tricked by the color of rosé wine, but check the balance between the color and the taste. Tasting is necessary before you select the perfect wine for you.” Tel: +33 (0)4 94 56 32 04


面朝大海,圣洁永驻 Facing the Sea, Sacred for Eternity 顶着最有故事的酒庄的美名,圣罗斯琳酒庄算得上是普罗 旺斯葡萄酒旅游必去之地。七百多年前,这个酒庄所在地是一 个女修道院,当时的院长罗斯琳怀有虔诚的宗教感情,被当地 人称为“圣洁的化身”。罗斯琳的圣体如今被放置在教堂的水 晶棺里供人们长期瞻仰。酒庄内还有由教皇若望二十二世于 14 世纪建立的葡萄园以及被夏卡尔、贾科梅蒂等大师艺术作品环 绕的市镇小教堂。每年酒庄都会举办好几个文化节事活动,就 看你能不能赶上了。 圣罗斯琳酒庄是地处瓦尔省中心地带为数不多的面朝大海 的酒庄,葡萄种植受到海洋性气候影响,葡萄酒酸度平衡恰到 好处。如果偏爱清爽型桃红,一定要在酒庄买一瓶罗斯琳珍宝 桃红带回去。 With its historical name, Chateau Sainte Roséline is regarded as one

of the most prestigious must-visit sites for those on a Provence wine

tour. Seven hundred years ago, this winery location was a nunnery.

At that time, the headmaster, Roséline, harboured extremely devout religious feelings, and was known locally as the “holy incarnation.”

Nowadays, her body is placed in a glass coffin in the church for people to visit on pilgrimages. The chateau also keeps a vineyard that was

established by Pope Jean XXII in the 14 century, along with some

artworks of famous artists such as Marc Chagall, Alberto Giacometti,

and more. Every year, the chateau shares this rich cultural heritage in local festivals, drawing throngs of visitors to the chapels of the town.

Located in the heart of the Var, Chateau Sainte Roséline faces the sea,

and consequently grape cultivation receives a lot of oceanic influence,

resulting in the wine’s perfect acidity balance. If you fancy of a bottle of

refreshing rosé wine, be sure to purchase a bottle of Perle de Roséline to take home.

Tel: +33 (0)4 94 99 50 30

102 LifeStyle


58 岁,开启葡萄酒人生 The Wine Way of Life Begins at the age of Fifty-eight 用“人如其酒”来形容杰奎琳・吉乔特也许再合适不过。8 年前,58 岁的 她卖掉巴黎的药房,到普罗旺斯买下圣塞尔酒庄,开启了自己的酿酒人生。葡 萄园位于圣维多利亚山丘南面,充足的日照加上白色岩石的反射光增强了光合 作用,有利于提高葡萄品质。当地的石灰岩土壤也为出产的葡萄酒增添了某种 特别的风味。这位目光祥和、举止优雅的女庄主如此评价自己的桃红葡萄酒—— 非常容易上口!她酿造的美酒也同她本人一样,优雅细腻,平易近人。 “酿造、品尝葡萄酒是一个享受的过程,就像鉴赏生活。”杰奎琳说自 己追求的是一种精神的愉悦、精神的享受。如今她的付出已然得到沉甸甸的回 报。“生活需要改变,行动让改变发生,到了一定时候它就会让你领略生活的 乐趣。” Like a fine wine, Jacqueline Guichot improved with age. Eight years ago, at the age of

fifty-eight, she sold her pharmacy in Paris and came to Provence to purchase the Domaine de Saint Ser, beginning her wine way of life. With vineyards located on the southern part

of St. Victoria Mountain, there is always plenty of sunshine, which helps to improve the grape quality. Perhaps the local limestone-based soil also contributes to the wine’s unique

flavours. “Easy to drink” is how the elegant proprietress describes her wines. Her attitude to wine matches her personality; elegant and delicate, while remaining approachable for everyone.

“Brewing and tasting wine is a process that must be shared, just like an appreciation for

life,” she said, adding that her main pursuit in life is joy, and ways to share it. “Life can change in unexpected ways. At some point, you’ll taste the true joy of life.” Tel: +33 (0)4 42 66 30 81


有机,有爱,有美酒 When There is Organic Love, There Will be Good Wine 去年夏天,在伦敦举行的全球桃红葡萄酒盲品会上,两款来自普罗斯旺的桃红酒获得了全场最高分,其中一款就是麓贝酒庄出品的 “麓贝的秘密”。麓贝脱颖而出的秘密何在?这其实早已是公开的秘密。“给予土地最大的爱与关怀,从而酿造出这片土地所带给你的 最好的葡萄酒⋯⋯”这是麓贝庄主的座右铭。酒庄属于英国 JCB 公司董事局主席安东尼 • 班福德爵士。这位推广环保型耕作方式的大 使将有机耕作重新带回到这片欧洲最美丽的地中海自然保护区域,保证了酒庄的可持续发展。 身处神灵庇佑的贝纳特海岸的核心位置,麓贝葡萄树享受着阳光和海风的爱抚,从藤上到杯中,它们完美地糅合了地理和气候因素, 而葡萄酒完美地展现了酒庄对它们无微不至的照顾。 Last summer, during a blind Rosé wine tasting conference that was held in London, two types of Provence’s Rosé wines were awarded with the highest

score, among them Chateau Léoube’s Secret de Léoube. So what’s the secret of Chateau Léoube? Actually, it’s quite simple: “To produce the best from what the land can give you with great affection and care…” This is the owners motto. Sir Anthony Bamford, the British chairman of JCB and an ambassador for

environmentally friendly farming methods, came to promote the importance of organic farming methods in Europe’s most beautiful nature reserves bordering the Mediterranean regions, in order to ensure sustainable winery developments in the future.

With its blissful central location along the Bénat coast, the grape trees of Chateau Léoube are blessed by the sun and the sea breeze. Its perfect blend of

geographical and climatic factors and the perfect wine product results truly show the quality of the Chateau and the amount of care they put towards the environment.

Tel: +33 (0)4 94 64 80 03


LifeStyle 103



桃红之美, 尽在普罗旺斯

清爽 罗斯琳珍宝桃红 The Fresh Perle de Roséline

The Beauty of Provençal Rosé Wine 4 款来自法国普罗旺斯酒庄的顶级桃红佳酿 呈现无法抵挡的桃红魅力! 4 top wines from Provence - enjoy the pink pleasure!

不要被桃红色诱了, 要在颜色和上口之间找到一种平衡,所以你得先尝尝, 再挑选适合自己的酒款。

选酒如同酿酒,也是一门艺术。 庞佩洛纳酒庄女酿酒师玛丽・帕斯考德分享了她的选酒心得。

甘甜 诺瓦桃红 The Sweet Carte Noire

圣罗斯琳酒庄有着深厚的历史底蕴,不仅景色清 新美丽,而且还是一个颇有名望的朝拜圣地。这 款桃红由神索、歌海娜、西拉酿造而成,澄澈透明, 具有樱桃、柚子等水果以及英式糖果的复合香气, 清新爽口,属于清爽型的普罗旺斯桃红葡萄酒。 Chateau de Sainte Roséline has a deep historical heritage,

bringing not only beautiful scenery, but also being a

rather prestigious place of worship. Rosé wine varietals including Cinsault, Grenache, and Syrah are brewed with

clarity and transparency, with cherry, grapefruit and other fruit flavors. The complex melange results in Provençal rosé wine at its very best.

优雅 麓贝的秘密 The Elegant Secret de Léoube 麓贝酒庄地处沿海,土壤混合着片岩和黏土, 特有的环境条件使得酿造出的葡萄酒具有与 众不同的风格。这款桃红采用 3 种经典葡萄 40%歌海娜、40%神索和 20%赤霞珠精心酿 造而成。酒体精致、清透,颜色明亮。带有 淡淡的花香,口感饱满优雅。 Chateau Léoube is located in the coastal area, and

普罗旺斯丘包含从马赛到尼斯中间的蔚蓝海 岸。1964 年,圣特罗佩的大师们第一次聚集, 并开始他们的酿酒项目。从那以后,其高品 质产品享誉法国乃至全世界。这款桃红带有 清新的红色浆果和甘草的风味,口感融洽, 细腻优雅,还带一点点甘甜的回味。法式鱼 肉汤、乳蛋饼、前餐、咖哩蔬菜、羊肉、烘 烤鱼均可搭配。

the soil’s clay mix and the unique environmental

conditions of the region has resulted in a distinctive style of the vineyard’s products. This vintage uses three classic choices of grapes; the blend is 40% Grenache,

40% Cinsault and 20% Cabernet Sauvignon, carefully blended. This fine wine has a clear bright color, and is rich in floral taste, full of elegance.

Cotes de Provence is spread all over between

Marseille and the Côte d’Azur of Nice. In the year 1964, Saint-Tropez’s wine connoisseurs gathered for

the first time to begin their own wine program. From then on it has produced high-quality products and world-renowned French wines. This type of wine

is full of a fresh berry taste and rich sweetness. It’s

great paired to bouillabaise, quiche, vegetable curry, lamb, and baked fish.

经典 蝶之兰天使密语 The Classic “Whispering Angel” 有人说蝶之兰颠覆了世界对桃红葡萄洒的认识, 这家酒庄的风头可想而知。蝶之兰“天使密语” 堪称普罗旺斯桃红葡萄酒的经典酒款之一,由侯 尔、歌海娜、神索、西拉和堤布宏酿造而成。该 款桃红具有成熟红色水果的香气,夹杂着淡淡的 矿物质味和花香,最后留下清新的草莓香。适合 搭配烧烤羊排、开胃菜等。

Don’t be tricked by the color of rosé wine, but check the balance between the color and the taste. Tasting is necessary before you select the perfect wine for you.

Some people say that Chateau d’Esclans has subverted

The wine selection process is also a form of art. Chateau de Pampelonne’s premier winemaker and connoisseur Marie Pascaud shared with LifeStyle her expertise in choosing a rosé wine.

touch of mineral and floral scent and completed by a

104 LifeStyle

the world’s views of rosé wines. The limelight that

this chateau has been put under is easy to understand. Chateau d’Esclans’ “Whispering Angel” is considered

as one of Provence’s classics, consisting of Rolle, Grenache, Cinsault, Syrah and Tibouren grapes with a

delightful strawberry fragrance at last. It is a great match with grilled lamb chops, or as an apertif.

据说法国的葡萄酒文化起源于两千多年前的 普罗旺斯地区。 是的,普罗旺斯的庄园历史学家们认为, 法国葡萄酒文化发源于 2600 多年前的普罗旺 斯地区。普罗旺斯可以说是法国葡萄园的摇 篮。这里的桃红葡萄酒是世界上已知最古老 的葡萄酒。数个世纪以来,桃红葡萄酒在法 国南方地区一直备受推崇,是午间小酌、海 边休闲、节日聚会及其他各种场合的助兴佳 酿。人们对桃红葡萄酒的浓烈兴趣早已融入 地域文化中。实际上,法国桃红葡萄酒目前 在法国市场销量远远大于干白葡萄酒。

LifeStyle 对话法国普罗旺斯 葡萄酒行业协会出口部 市场传讯经理 瓦雷利・勒龙女士 Q&A with Valérie Lelong, Export Marketing & Communication Manager of CIVP

为什么说普罗旺斯桃红葡萄酒拥有无法模仿 的特质? 作为桃红葡萄酒的发源地,普罗旺斯有着 得天独厚的地理条件,比如每年日照长达 2900 小时、极其干燥的密斯脱拉风、贫瘠且排水良 好的土壤。普罗旺斯的酒农们把桃红葡萄酒酿 造得活泼而灵动,让它拥有无法模仿的特质: 口感清新、明快、干爽,果香馥郁,透亮清澈, 并且达到圆润和清爽之间的细微平衡。 为什么呈浅桃红色? 真正的桃红葡萄酒不是干红和干白葡萄 酒的兑合物,而是用红色或者黑色、紫色葡 萄酿造而成的。桃红葡萄酒的酿造非常复杂, 葡萄皮与葡萄汁发酵的时间较为短暂,粉红 色的葡萄汁被滤出,与葡萄皮分离。普罗旺 斯桃红葡萄酒拥有很独特的颜色,从浅桃红 色到比橙红或粉红更深的颜色,酒裙清澈而 明亮,给人带来视觉上的愉悦。 普罗旺斯桃红葡萄酒为何在中国市场走红? 普罗旺斯桃红葡萄酒自 2006 年进入中国 市场以来,受到越来越多年轻女性及白领人 群的青睐,销量增长了 570%。我想这跟普罗 旺斯桃红葡萄酒的品质是分不开的,当然也 跟消费者越来越认同地中海式生活方式、干 型桃红葡萄酒的多功能性以及其适合与各种 食物搭配的特性有直接关系。 It is said that French wine culture was originated in the Provence region two thousand years ago.

Yes, Provence’s winery historians believe that

the French wine culture originated 2600 years ago

in the Provence region. Provence can be said to be the “cradle” of French vineyards. The rosé wine of Provence is one of the world’s oldest known wines. For centuries, rosé wine from the south of France

has been highly respected, it is a midday drink, perfect for beach recreation, fun festival celebrations

and various other occasions. Strong interest in wine has been a part of the local culture. Rosé wine sales in the local French market are currently far greater than those of dry white wine.


Provence’s rosé wine figures

* 普罗旺斯法定产区葡萄酒年产量约为 1.6 亿瓶,其 中桃红葡萄酒占 88.5%。 * 普罗旺斯是法国最大的法定产区级(AOC)桃红 葡萄酒产区,今年桃红葡萄酒产量高达 1.41 亿瓶, 占法国总产量的 40% 和世界总产量的 5%,这让 普罗旺斯成为世界范围内的桃红葡萄酒领头羊。 * 自 2006 年起,中国成为普罗旺斯葡萄酒新的进口 国,普罗旺斯桃红葡萄酒的销量从 2010 年的 2 万 瓶增加到 2013 年的 10.5 万瓶。 * Provence AOC annual production is about 160 million bottles of wine, Rosé Wine accounts for 88.5%. * Provence is France’s largest AOC level rosé wine region, wine bottle production is up to 141 million, accounting for 40% of France’s total production and 5% of world production, which makes Provence the worldwide rosé wine leader. * Since 2006, China has begun importing wine from Provence; sales of Provence’s rosé wine went from 20,000 bottles in 2010 to 105,000 bottles in 2013.

Why is it said that rosé wines of Provence have inimitable qualities?

The birthplace of rosé wine, Provence has unique

geographic conditions, including up to 2900 hours of sunshine per year, the extremely dry Mistral winds, and well-drained soil. Provence’s rosé wine farmers

create a lively and agile wine which has inimitable

qualities: fresh, clear, dry, fruity, it’s truly hard to match. It is very hard to achieve the fine balance between mineral freshness and fruity roundness that we are able to produce here.

Where does rosé get its color from?

Real rosé Wine is not simply a mix of dry red

wine and dry white wine. Actually it is a mix of

red, black and purple grapes. Rosé wine making is very complex. The grape skin and grape juice fermentation time is relatively short. During this

process the grape juice is filtered out and separated

from the grape skins. Provence rosé has a very unique color, ranging from pale pink to a deep orange color, and the wine is clear and bright, which makes it stunning to look at.

Why is Provence’s rosé wine so popular in the Chinese market?

In 2006, Provence rosé entered the Chinese

market. It is favored by more and more young women and white-collar workers, with sales increased by up to 570% as wine education

continues. I think this is because the quality of Provence rosé wines are indisputable, and also

because the consumers increasingly recognize the versatility of the Mediterranean lifestyle. A dry pink

wine allows them to have a direct relationship with this lifestyle.

LifeStyle 105


冬日上选: 暖心滋养火锅

Best Choice in Winter 随着生活质量的提高,人们的饮食习惯逐渐趋向于以追求健康为主,而 不仅仅停留在简单的味道上。火锅的少油低盐便是这一追求的最好体现。从 2014 年 12 月 1 日开始,位于北京朝阳悠唐皇冠假日酒店六层的 C6 咖啡厅将 推出滋养火锅。寒冷的冬季,带上朋友或家人来 C6 咖啡厅品尝百余种国际 美食,点上一锅秘制浓汤滋养火锅,锅中煮着新鲜的食材,腾腾的热气驱走 寒意,即滋养又暖心。 吃火锅讲究先喝汤,酒店行政总厨裴永凭借多年的烹饪经验,精心研制 出秘制汤底,一碗暖汤下肚,起到的是健脾开胃和滋补养身的双重作用。滋 养火锅特选内蒙古羔羊肉,其肉肥而不腻,鲜而久香。用涮过肉的鲜汤涮特 供酒店的新鲜蔬菜和菌菇类食材,定会让你在饱腹的同时,体味到别样的新 鲜和滋养。鲜榨蔬菜汁和鲜榨果汁一直是自助餐桌上每桌必点的佐餐佳饮。 在吃火锅的同时,点上一杯鲜榨果蔬汁,润肺清火,减轻肠胃负担,把火锅 的健康吃到极致。厨艺精湛的厨师在宽敞的开放式厨房为宾客奉上各种美味, 体验一次令人愉悦的美食之旅。 除了美食,北京朝阳悠唐皇冠假日酒店优越的地理位置也吸引着源源不 绝的宾客。酒店位于北京中央商务区,紧邻外交部、第一使馆区、三里屯酒 吧街和秀水街,步行 5 分钟即可到达朝阳门地铁站,距离首都国际机场仅 30 分钟车程。与酒店相连的悠唐生活广场,可提供舒适的购物及影院等休闲娱 乐设施,不仅能满足商旅客人的需要,更便于一般客人购物娱乐。一流的客房、 便利的交通环境、高品质的服务,使得北京朝阳悠唐皇冠假日酒店成为客人 的下榻首选。 As tastes become more sophisticated, people begin to prefer healthy, organic foods,

with friends and family to try international cuisines or just enjoy hotpot, prepared with our secret recipe. Our fresh ingredients boiled in soup will bring warmth to everyone.

Executive Chef Pei Yong has years of experience in cooking,

and carefully developed the secret soup for the hotpot which is as

nutritious as it is tasty. Carefully selected Inner Mongolian lamb with sweet meat is lean, not greasy in the least. Fresh vegetables

and aromatic mushrooms come after the fresh mutton, completely sating your hunger. Fruit and vegetable juice is the perfect match for hotpot buffet. Cooks working in the spacious open kitchen love to bring guests on a pleasant gourmet tour.

In addition to food, Crowne Plaza Beijing Chaoyang U-Town

also has a superior location which attracts guests from everywhere.

The hotel is located in Beijing’s central business district, adjacent

to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as being in close

proximity to the first embassy district, Sanlitun and Xiushui. It only takes 5 minutes for guests to walk to the nearest subway station,

and 30 minutes is adequate to arrive at the capital international airport by car. The interconnected shopping mall U-Town provides all kinds of entertaining facilities. Crowne Plaza Beijing Chaoyang U-Town can not only meet the needs of business travelers, but also

general guests with their first-class guest rooms, convenient traffic environment, high quality service and healthy food.

not just ones packing a big flavor. Hotpot with reduced oil and salt is a great way to

combine your favorite foods with healthy lifestyles. Winter is here; hotpot is on your mind; starting from December 1, 2013, Crowne Plaza Beijing Chaoyang U-Town will launch the hotpot season at the C6 café. In this cold winter, this is the place to meet up

106 LifeStyle

No. 3 Sanfeng North Area Chaoyang District Beijing Tel: 010 5909 6688

美 食、 奔 牛 节 和 超 级 跑 车, 你 能 把 它 们联系起来吗?奔牛节发源地潘普洛纳的精 致美味与英伦极致跑车工艺华丽邂逅,一场 别开生面的高端生活帷幕缓缓揭开,这就是 MVSA 西班牙餐厅。 银基汽车销售服务有限公司与欧皇上海 酒店餐饮管理顾问公司从世界各地精选 4 家 国际餐饮品牌,为中国一线城市的高端消费 人群带来细腻、高品质的服务,让人们通过 地道美食感受各国的传统民俗风情。4 家餐饮 品牌分别是来自西班牙前三大银行集团 Caixa 旗下酒庄的 Taninia、萨莉亚酒庄旗下的私 人 MVSA 酒庄餐厅,西班牙米其林一星餐厅 Molino de Urdániz,东京半世纪名店黑茶屋 Kurochaya 以及美国连续 4 年取得米其林一星 级荣耀的 Alexander’s Steakhouse 牛排馆。 MVSA 餐厅起源于西班牙奔牛节之都潘 普洛纳,这里公元 1591 年时便有了奔牛节, 现在每年 7 月仍会举行为期一周的盛大奔牛 节, 这 项 年 度 盛 事 也 被 称 为“ 勇 敢 者 的 游 戏”。继台北 MVSA 之后,创立于 1953 年 的 MVSA 餐厅带着这份充满勇敢与冒险精神 的舌尖美味来到上海,提供专属定制的精心 服务,营造私人尊享的高端用餐环境,倾力 打造视觉、听觉、味觉全方位的感官体验, 展现传统与创新交融共舞的西班牙独特精 髓。MVSA 的执行主厨维克托·伯萨尔以及主 厨安多尼·加尔松都曾在本国的米其林一星 El Molino de Urdániz 餐厅和 Europa 餐厅工作过。 传统番茄冷汤配帝王蟹肉和香脆可口、鲜嫩 多汁的烤乳猪等都是这里的招牌菜。 MVSA 餐厅致力打造“品质精英私人会 所”,训练有素的团队为超跑俱乐部会员及 客户提供专享服务。客人一饱炫酷超跑眼福 后,便可品尝最地道的西班牙美食。MVSA 的奔放与热情、银基汽车的速度与激情于此 赋予了东方新贵别样的生活注解与意义。


MVSA: Flavor Of Pamplona

Tapas, stampeding bulls, and racecars- what do they all have in common? The high life of the Iberian

peninsula, full of sun, great wine and food, beautiful people, and intriguing culture, has found a home in Shanghai- voila, the MVSA Spanish restaurant.

Ingenious Auto and Royal Leo Hotel & Restaurant Management Company have worked together in

China’s first-tier cities to bring high-end consumers delicate and high quality culinary experiences. With food and beverages sourced from the finest Spanish brands, you’ll be eating the same food found in some

of the best restaurants in the world, including the Michelin-starred Molino de Urdániz, not to mention fine restaurants in Japan, the United States, and Europe.

The MVSA restaurant originated in Pamplona- the city famous for the Running of the Bulls. Founded in

1953, MVSA is opening a new branch in Shanghai, following the success of a branch in Taipei, carefully tailoring services to the needs of the local market without compromising on quality or authenticity. The goal was to make a dining experience to engage with all of the senses- a unique blend of tradition and innovation, inspired by Spanish dance. MVSA head chef Victor Berzal and chef Andoni Garzon have both previously worked in Michelin-starred restaurants - El Molino de Urdániz and Europa, respectively. Traditional cold tomato soup with crab imperial, crisp roast suckling pig, and other Spanish classics are signature dishes here.

The MVSA restaurant is committed to creating a “quality elite private club,” with well-trained teams

providing members and customers excellent services. It is here, and only here, where you can taste the

most authentic Spanish cuisine. MVSA’s enthusiasm, speed, and passion gives a different kind of beauty to Shanghai life.

1279 Puming Road, Pudong District, Shanghai Tel: 021 61046777-808 Opening Hours: 17:30-23:00

LifeStyle 107


温情暖意尽在 MRL·萌

Ultracozy: At the MRL Restaurant

MRL·萌餐厅隐藏在北京最繁华的 CBD 商区,门脸 却是如此低调从容,置身其中,你会惊叹在喧嚣的商区 竟会有这样一片闹中取静、不受凡尘打扰的舒适用餐地。 也正因此,MRL·萌成为了 CBD 的世外桃源。许多第一 次偶然间撞到这里的人,都陆续对这家餐厅产生了浓厚 的兴趣。 在 MRL·萌,你不仅可以享受到隐秘的私人空间, 更能品尝到最具特色的菜式。随季节更替,菜品也不同。 今年秋冬菜单里最暖意融融的就是 MRL·萌首推的“火 火锅锅”火锅系列。MRL·萌厨师们凭借多年料理经验, 结合心得精心打造出独特滋补汤底,黄油鸡煲汤底的 浓香将会带给你不一样的味觉感受。厨师们精心选用 供应期有限的稀有时令食材,烹调出多款令人垂涎的 滋味美食。 寒冷的冬日,无论是温暖小聚,抑或是丰盛大餐, MRL·萌期待为你带来全新的视觉和味蕾超体验。 The MRL Restaurant is cleverly hidden in the CBD of Bei-

jing’s most bustling business district. In the eye of the storm, the restaurant manages to keep a quiet, low-key and calm environ-

ment. You will be amazed that such tranquility is situated in the midst of the great behemoth metropolis. Transcending the urban, the MRL is the CBD realized as paradise.

In the MRL, an ultracozy personal space is the setting in

which exquisite cuisines are unveiled. This fall and winter menu

features “Huohuoguoguo Hotpot”, a flavor capable of activating memories of a life you may never have actually experienced.

The chef at MRL brings years of experience in carefully crafting

“火火锅锅”系列 整只黄油鸡煲汤熬制的汤底,配以特别 挑选的美国西冷牛排肉及来自台湾的美味鱼 丸,更有应季的 15 种有机时令鲜蔬,新鲜健 康。香浓的火锅,搭配美味可口的冷菜,还 有特制的北方面点,给你更多的选择。 The “Huohuoguoguo Hotpot” series includes

whole butter chicken soup accompanied by specially

selected US Sirloin beef, delicious fish from Taiwan, and 15 kinds of organic seasonal fresh vegetables. The fragrant hotpot combined with delicious cold

dishes, as well as specialties from the Chinese north, come together to give you many dining choices.

meals, creating a unique gustatory experience. The nourishing

butter chicken soup realizes the color “yellow” in a culinary syn-

esthesia. Yes; MRL chefs sort through rare supplies of seasonal ingredients to create an unforgettable experience of flavor.

As the cold bluster of winter gathers over the city, MRL of-

fers a cozy nook into which one may escape.

108 LifeStyle

1/F, Millennium Apartment Building 6, No.7 East Third Ring Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing Tel: 010 8588 2668

MoRELLATo 大中华区代言人马苏见面会隆重举办 意大利时尚首饰及腕表品牌 MoRELLATo(莫瑞拉托)前 不久在北京视觉经典美术馆举行了大中华区代言人见面会暨 2014 秋冬新品媒体预览会。MoRELLATo 品牌首席执行官 Massimo Carraro 先生亲临此次盛会,携手品牌大中华区首位代言人、当红 影星马苏小姐,共同见证了“马苏特别版陶瓷系列”腕表及配饰 的荣耀上市,向到场嘉宾展示了浪漫优雅、生动个性的意大利秋 冬新时尚。 能否与我们分享下为何结缘 MORELLATO 品牌? 去年曾经合作过一个慈善项目,首先让我感觉到这是个充满 “爱”的品牌。同时,在与品牌首席执行官 Massimo Carraro 先 生的交流中,了解到 MoRELLATo 品牌的历史和内涵,这是个 有故事的品牌。我很喜欢。 你平时偏爱怎样风格的珠宝?在搭配上有怎样的小窍门? 能让整体造型有一个重点,能突显自己的特色。喜欢有颜色 的配饰,如玫瑰金色等,很容易搭配,而且可以马上让你在灰暗 的秋冬季出彩。 全新秋冬系列中,你个人最喜爱哪一款?为什么? 当然是我与 MoRELLATo 合作推出的马苏特别版陶瓷系列 了。这个系列选材特别,陶瓷非常优雅细腻,我希望以此来展现 一个女人的多样性,比如优雅和个性兼具,这也是作为女性最应 长存的风格。

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英国当代艺术家达明安·赫斯特曾说:“药丸是无以 伦比的微小形式,充满简约美学意蕴,吸引人们去购买 ……它们取自大地的花花草草,服下之后你会感觉好很多, 会变得神清气爽,变得健康美丽。” 2014 年 10 月 9 日至 11 月 15 日,伦敦保罗·施托尔珀 画廊推出达明安·赫斯特的新展览“Schizophrenogenesis”。 赫斯特一直对艺术与科学之间的联系很感兴趣,常常在自 己的作品中注入医学的元素,比如药品、药橱和药片等。 此次展览着重表现的是药片的简约美学,继续呈现赫斯特 对人类与科学及制药工业之间的联系的研究。 展览标题是一行 3 米长、由不同颜色霓虹灯展示的 字母“Schizophrenogenesis”,既是警告标识,也是灯标, 吸引观众步入探索,然后他们会看到一面墙上挂着 30 幅 丝网印画(“The Cure”),每幅画面分别丝印了一个糖 果般的双色药丸,相应的雕塑作品则贯穿其中;14 个巨 型树脂药片,每个药片都有 30 厘米长,并有 10 个小药片 作品相伴其旁,色彩诱人。 各种药瓶、药箱、安瓿、针筒、手术刀等被放大比 例制成雕塑、装置艺术,组成了爱丽丝梦游的奇幻之境, 其中最大的作品近一米半高,进一步展示了赫斯特对当代 信仰系统的不断研究以及宗教、爱、艺术和医学之间的联 系。作品的大小比例只是艺术家应用的众多手段之一,以 分析制药工业的审美自信。 赫斯特 1965 年生于布里斯托尔,在利兹长大。1984 年, 他移居伦敦,曾在建筑公司工作,后来获得伦敦大学金史 密斯学院美术学学士学位。1988 年他策划了群展《冻结》, 这被公认为是其事业的起点,也是新一代英国艺术家崛起 的起点。 上世纪 80 年代后期,赫斯特曾用装置艺术、雕塑和 绘画探索艺术、生命和死亡之间的复杂关系。他解释说: “艺术就是和生活有关系,除了这些,艺术什么也不是。” 他通过创作一系列作品,包括将鲨鱼悬泡在甲醛溶液中的 作品《一些活着的人心中死亡的自然不可能性》(1991) 和头颅镶嵌着 8601 颗无瑕疵钻石的作品《为了上帝的爱》 (2007),对当代信仰系统发起调查和挑战,并且深入剖 析了人类经验中的不确定性。 Damien Hirst states: “Pills are a brilliant little form, better

than any minimalist art. They’re all designed to make you

buy them... they come out of flowers, plants, things from the

ground, and they make you feel good, you know, to just have a pill, to feel beauty.”

Predominantly based upon the minimalist aesthetic of the

medicinal pill, the works on display act as a continuation

of Hirst’s life-long investigation into our almost-spiritual

relationship with the rigors of science and the pharmaceutical industry.

A three meter neon sign reading ‘Schizophrenogenesis’,

each letter in a different color, lights the space. Both a warning

110 LifeStyle


Happy Pills 达明安・赫斯特伦敦新展展现药片中的简约美学。 Damien Hirst’s new installation at the Paul Stopler Gallery Editor: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Damien Hirst

sign and a beacon, the work entices the viewer into the gallery, where they are confronted

by ‘The Cure’; a wall of thirty silkscreen prints, each depicting a two-color pill set against

vibrant backgrounds of pop-candy colors. Corresponding sculptural works fill the space;

fourteen hugely enlarged resin pills, each measuring thirty centimeters long, as well as ten smaller pills, rendered in an array of seductive, immaculate colors.

Sculptures of medicine bottles, pharmaceutical boxes, ampoules, syringes, a scalpel, and

drug packaging that all play with concepts of scale – the tallest measuring nearly one and

a half meters – combine to form an Alice in Wonderland playground of pharmaceuticals

which further Hirst’s enduring exploration of contemporary belief systems; religion, love, art and medicine. The manipulation of scale is just one of the techniques employed by the artist to analyzes the confident aesthetic of the pharmaceutical industry.

Damien Hirst was born in 1965 in Bristol and grew up in Leeds. In 1984 he moved

to London, where he worked in construction before studying for a BA in Fine Art at Goldsmiths College from 1986 to 1989. Whilst in his second year, he conceived and curated a group exhibition entitled ‘Freeze’. The show is commonly acknowledged to

have been the launching point not only for Hirst, but for a generation of the British artists popularly known as the YBA’s.

Since the late 1980s, Hirst has used a varied practice of installation, sculpture, painting

and drawing to explore the complex relationships between art, life and death, explaining: “Art’s about life and it can’t really be about anything else... there isn’t anything else.”

Through work that includes the iconic shark in formaldehyde, ‘The Physical Impossibility

of Death in the Mind of Someone Living’ (1991) and ‘For the Love of God’ (2007), a platinum cast of a skull set with 8,601 flawless pavé-set diamonds, he investigates and

challenges contemporary belief systems, and dissects the uncertainties at the heart of human experience.

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Entertainment News

《番茄不简单》:梦想不打烊! Tomato Remarkable: Dreams illuminate forever 《番茄不简单》原名《小伙子的蔬果店》, 故事原型在韩国是一件广为人知的真人 真事,讲述了上世纪 90 年代,男主人公 从 30 平米的小蔬菜摊起家,一手创立遍 布韩国各地的蔬菜连锁店的故事。与通 常音乐剧常见的爱情主题不同,这出音 乐剧是一个纯友谊的励志故事,五个不 同背景性格的男青年通过在蔬果店贩售 快乐的过程各自解开内心的茫然,找到 自己。在这部以励志健康为主线的音乐 剧中,有机不止是主人公追求的生活方 式,更是剧中人物对于蔬菜水果的选择 标准。同时剧中会使用到大量真正新鲜 的水果、番茄与观众一起互动。 音乐剧《番茄不简单》是亚洲联创继中 文版音乐剧《妈妈咪呀!》《猫》之后, 推出的精品小剧场音乐剧,剧中结合年 轻人的生活和思想现状,加之音乐剧演 员们不俗的舞台表现功力,称得上是一 出“麻雀虽小,五脏俱全”的优质音乐 剧作品。

112 LifeStyle

“Tomatoes Aren’t Simple” comes from “Our

Vegetable Shop,” a well-known true story from

South Korea. In the 1990s, a young man became a

tycoon, starting with a 30 square meter vegetable shop and eventually building a national chain of vegetable stores. A musical comedy, there are

romantic components as well. The musical is an

inspirational story of true friendship, featuring five

young men from different backgrounds coming of age in the vegetable business. Through the process of selling happiness and experiencing their identity,

they find themselves and grow up. The organic lifestyle extends beyond the vegetable market into a quest for a simpler, more wholesome life. The

performance uses real fruits and vegetables, giving a juicy fresh flavor.

With six consecutive years of being staged in

Korea, the story might seem simple, but truly strikes

时间:2014.12.16-2015.01.11 地点:北京护国寺西区剧场 票价:80/100/160/280

a chord. The charming story will give you a break from busy daily life; it may seem simple, but you’ll leave the theater moved.


演 出

唱给你的歌 - 2014 韩红北京 跨年演唱会 岁末的欢聚正步步临近,你的心只待 一整晚的金曲派对到来 ! 记忆中所有的 好时光,都会是——“唱给你的歌”。 无论你是 60 后还是 70 后、80 后观众, 现场都有“你的菜”。本次演唱会将 打造一场集体怀旧盛宴,用陪伴你我 成长的歌声来完成对青春时代的缅怀。 韩红将用温暖的声音,为那些拥有同 样成长经历的人们带来对过往时光的 音乐追忆。 时间:2014.12.31 地点:北京首都体育馆 票价:380/580/880/1280

2015 北京新年音乐会(1996-2014)- 俄罗斯国家交响乐团 北京新年音乐会在全球范围内享有盛誉,自 1996-2004 这 19 年来一直坚持“名家、 名团、名曲”和“国际水准、中国气派、北京特色、节日气氛”的品牌创意理念, 是目前国内历史最长、影响力最大、知名度最高、最具国际影响力的新年音乐会。 曾荣获“柴可夫斯基大赛”金奖的世界著名指挥大师米哈伊尔·普雷特涅夫和世 界十五大交响乐团之一的俄罗斯国家交响乐团将为您带来这场视听盛宴。第 19 届北京新年音乐会即将盛大上演!年底登陆人民大会堂万人大礼堂! 时间:2014.12.31 晚 19:30 地点:北京人民大会堂 票价:180/380/680/980/1580/1980/2680/VIP 1600(680X3)/1600(980X2) 订票电话:400 610 3721

李云迪 - 王者幻想跨年交响音乐会 你和肖邦之间只有一个李云迪。时隔一年,中国最具偶像气质的钢琴王子李云迪,带 着他最新的钢琴大碟《王者幻想》回到北京工人体育馆,开启炫丽华美的跨年夜交响 篇章。李云迪的出现,不仅仅将音乐普及到大众的生活之中,更是要用他的个人魅力、 积极形象和国际影响力让更多的人爱上音乐、享受音乐。用演奏会的形式将古典音乐 以视听语言展现出来,伴随着现场的灯光变换,温暖如舒曼,流畅如贝多芬,激情如 李斯特……色彩与声音的叠加,让古典音乐走向大众。 时间:2014.12.31 地点:北京工人体育馆

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Entertainment News

《寻找初恋》: 只要甜蜜,拒绝孤单

Finding Destiny: Only Sweetness, No Loneliness “三人行”的爱情故事,一不小心就会被演成苦情、虐心的 传统戏码,但《寻找初恋》的主创团队另辟蹊径,力图用轻松、 欢快的方式来表达年轻人的爱情观念,希望通过这部戏,为观众 带去满满的正能量。 《寻找初恋》改编自韩国著名音乐剧《寻找金钟旭》,剧中 的女主角对“初恋男友”念念不忘,她想通过男主角的“初恋事务所” 找到自己失散多年的“初恋男友”,于是男女主角便踏上了这段 未知的“寻找”旅程。主创团队保留了韩国原版音乐剧的故事框 架和角色设置,但他们对戏中人物的性格和部分情节,还是做了 一些本土化的修改,为的就是更接地气,也更符合我国观众的文 化理念和审美需求。 欢乐温馨的剧情、悦耳动听的音乐以及演员精彩出色的表演, 一个让人们又哭又笑的爱情故事,节奏紧凑一波三折,既有小清 新的浪漫情调,又前卫时尚的潮感十足,《寻找初恋》并不是一 部适合独自观看的音乐剧。如果看,请带上重要的人一起看。因 为场内只有甜蜜,拒绝孤单。

The love triangle is by now a familiar story, but in “looking for love,” the

creative team went in another direction, using relaxed, cheerful expressions

to freshen up the concept of young love and hope, bringing the audience positive energy.

“Looking for love” is adapted from the famous Korean musical “Looking

for Jin Zhongxu”. The heroine from the play is obsessed with finding a

boyfriend, and she teams up with a male friend to find one. The two of

them set off together in an attempt to find “the one” for her. In adapting the

play for China, the creative team retained the original Korean musical story

framework and role settings, but they modified the characters personalities and part of the plot. The location is changed to make it more down to earth,

but also more in line with our audience’s cultural philosophy and aesthetic needs.

The happy intimate story, melodious music and the outstanding

performances will make you both laugh and cry. The plot is fast paced and compelling, fresh and romantic, and extremely chic. Whatever you do, don’t watch it by yourself- bring your own lover to share the romantic moment.

时间:2015.1.18-2015.02.14 地点:北京护国寺西区剧场 票价:60/100/160/260

114 LifeStyle


演 出

《离婚》、《我这一辈子》 文学大师老舍先生京味儿幽默开山之作 《离婚》与中篇小说扛鼎之作《我这一 辈子》本次将通过话剧的形式带您重温 老舍经典。由优秀的中生代实力派编导、 演员方旭主演,最大限度的保留原著的 文学特质,将老舍式幽默发挥到淋漓尽 致。当老舍先生的京味小说搬上话剧舞 台,地道的京腔京韵带你重回当年的北 平城,再现京华风华气脉。这不是一个 人的演出,独角戏也可以群星灿烂。 时间:2014.12.3-12.14 地点:北京鼓楼西剧场 票价:50/100/120/180/280/300(180X2) /400(280X2)

小野丽莎 2015 北京演唱会 时尚杂志这样形容,一段完美的休闲下午茶必备三个条件:一个幽雅的咖啡馆, 一杯暖意融融的香咖啡,再来一段小野丽莎……她的歌声成为酒店、西餐厅、 咖啡馆的情调标签,她是众多“小资”最为推崇的歌手,她是芭莎诺瓦曲风的 代表。融合了巴西桑巴音乐与美国西海岸酷派爵士的全新音乐形态,听起来轻 柔舒适,像情人的呢喃细语,慵懒而甜美。这是一种只属于爱,鲜花和欢笑的 心灵音乐。 时间:2015.1.1 地点:北京工人体育馆 票价:180/280/480/680/880/1280/1000(680X2)

《一步登天》 费嘉诚是一个年轻的玻璃外墙清洁工,他野心勃勃,又渴望不劳而获,他一直在钻研 一本叫做《如何不用努力就在事业上取得成功》的职场圣经。按照书中“秘籍”,嘉 诚玩儿转职场法则,一路过关斩将,不仅混进了公司高层,还收获了漂亮女秘书的爱情。 但是,就在一步登天的最后一刻,意想不到的危机突然降临……如何不用努力就在职 场上取得成功?一部音乐剧教会你!百老汇传奇巨匠心血之作,白领必看职场宝典! 时间:2015.1.9-2.8 地点:北京世纪剧院 票价:77/100/177/180/280/380/419/580/880/1080/900 (580X2)/1360(880X2)/1600(1080X2)

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第五届洲际酒店集团上海地区 “希望杯慈善高尔夫精英赛”落幕 The 5th IHG Shanghai Cluster Hope Classic Charity Golf Tournament Held 11 月 6 日,第五届洲际酒店集团上海地区“希望杯慈善高尔夫精英赛”在上海博而地高尔夫俱乐部完美落幕。此次活动总计募集到人民币 30 万元,这些善款将全部捐赠给希望工程,用于“同洲共际希望小学”的建设。洲际酒店集团一直都在为改善中国贫困地区青少年的教育环境 作出不懈的努力。 On November 6th 2014, the 5th InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG) Shanghai Cluster Hope Classic Charity Golf Tournament was successfully held at the

Shanghai Birdie Golf Club, which raised RMB 300,000 in total for Project Hope. As the first international hotel cooperating with Project Hope, IHG aims to build IHG Hope Schools that provide children in poverty-stricken areas with the opportunity for a better education.

苏州金鸡湖凯宾斯基大酒店第二届慈善晚宴举行 Kempinski Hotel Suzhou Hosts Second Annual Charity Ball

11 月 9 日,苏州金鸡湖凯宾斯基大酒店 第二届慈善晚宴于酒店大宴会厅举行,超过 200 位社会爱心人士和爱心企业家出席并慷慨 解囊。本届慈善晚宴由苏州金鸡湖凯宾斯基 大酒店及城际内湖杯帆船赛组委会主办,香 港智行基金会协办。作为一项持续性的年度 顶级慈善盛会,今年的主题是“绿野仙踪”。 活动当晚共为艾滋遗孤筹得善款 15 万余元, 将全部用于改善华中地区艾滋病患者遗孤的 生活及学习。 On November 9th 2014, the second annual

charity ball was held in the Grand Ballroom of the

Kempinski Hotel Suzhou and the Lake Cup Regatta Committee, together with the Chi Heng Foundation.

This annual event was organised to support children whose families have been impacted by AIDS. This year, the event was attended by more than 200 of Suzhou and Shanghai’s affluent and influential patrons and over RMB 150,000 was raised.

116 LifeStyle

喜来登计划新增 5 家酒店

Sheraton Set to Open Five More Hotels in China

金秋十月,喜达屋酒店与度假酒店国际集 团在其新酒店推荐全国路演中宣布,旗下全球 最具知名度的酒店品牌喜来登计划在未来半年 内在中国地区新增 5 家酒店,另有 38 家酒店在 开业筹备中。目前喜来登在中国已开业的酒店 达到 64 家,进一步巩固其在中国作为高端酒店 国际品牌的领先实力,并积极推动喜达屋在华 发展步伐。 1985 年,北京喜来登长城饭店落户北京, 喜来登成为首个进入中国的国际酒店品牌。自 此,在中国地区近三分之一的喜来登酒店相继 成为新兴市场的开拓者,成功地以首家国际高 端酒店品牌的身份进驻当地市场。如今喜来登 已成为大中华区最大的国际高端酒店品牌。作

On October 21, Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. announced during a national

media roadshow that its global powerhouse Sheraton Hotels & Resorts plans to open five more hotels in China over the next six months, with 38 more in the pipeline. With 64 existing hotels, Sheraton is dominates the upscale market in Greater China and has led Starwood’s growth here.

Starwood was the first international hotel chain to enter China when the historic The Great Wall

Sheraton Hotel Beijing was established in 1985. Since then, one-third of newly opened Sheraton hotels and resorts have been the first international upper upscale hotels in burgeoning urban

locations across China. Today, Sheraton has grown to become Greater China’s largest international

upper upscale hotel brand. The global icon is set to continue its robust growth in strategic key and

emerging markets, with the debut of the Sheraton brand in emerging markets of first tier cities in China or key gateway cities including Qingdao, Wuhan, Zhengzhou and Shanghai. So far this year, Sheraton has opened two hotels in China alone: Sheraton Qingdao Licang Hotel in April

and Sheraton Changde Wuling Hotel in August. In addition, Sheraton Zhengzhou Hotel, Sheraton Shanghai Jiading Hotel, Sheraton Zhuhai Hotel, Sheraton Xishuangbanna Hotel and Sheraton

Wuhan Hankou Hotel are due to open by April 2015, reflecting the brand’s aggressive growth primarily in the country’s secondary and tertiary markets.

为全球酒店标杆,喜来登持续保持其在战略重 点市场及新兴市场的发展势头,陆续进驻中国 一线城市的新兴市场及国际口岸,其中包括青 岛、武汉、郑州和上海。喜来登今年已在华新 开两家酒店,分别为 4 月开业的青岛李沧绿城 喜来登酒店、8 月开业的常德武陵天济喜来登 酒店。而郑州美盛喜来登酒店、上海嘉定喜来 登酒店、珠海华发喜来登酒店、西双版纳云投 喜来登酒店和武汉汉口泛海喜来登酒店也将于 2015 年 4 月前相继开业,充分彰显品牌在中国 二三线城市的发展活力。

LifeStyle 117



FTA 北美地区年度晚宴举办

FTA NYC Fall North America Awards Dinner

长尼古拉斯·哈吉斯颁发了 2014 FTA 酒店大奖 “卓越教育家奖”。凯悦酒店及度假村美洲 区运营高级副总裁斯蒂芬·布拉克本获得“北 美地区卓越管理者奖”。 The Twenty-Third Annual FTA NYC Fall North

America Awards Dinner, held in the Wall Street

area of Manhattan, New York City on Tuesday 11 November for the 60 attending hospitality

industry seniors, was a great success. Fred Tibbitts, President & CEO of Fred Tibbitts & Associates, Inc.

welcomed the guests and asked everyone to be more compassionate for those less fortunate. Nicholas

Hadgis, Dean of the School of Hospitality Management at Widener University received the

11 月 11 日,知名品酒顾问公司田博华及 联营公司(FTA)于纽约曼哈顿区成功举办了

2014 FTA Hospitality Award for Excellence as an Educator, presented by Rocco Angelo, Associate Dean & E.M. Statler Professor, School of Hotel

第 23 届北美地区秋季颁奖晚宴,60 位酒店业

& Tourism Management, Florida International

精英应邀出席。FTA 领导人田博华与到场的

2014 FTA Hospitality Award for Excellence as an

各位嘉宾一一会面,并鼓励大家继续为慈善 事业做出自己的贡献。美国佛罗里达国际大 学酒店与旅游管理学院副院长、E·M·斯塔特 勒教授安吉洛向威得恩大学酒店管理学院院

上海宝格丽酒店将于 2015 年迎宾

Fourth Bulgari Hotel to Open in Shanghai by 2015

University. Fred Tibbitts, Jr. then presented the Operator – North America to Stephen Blackburne, Senior Vice President, Americas, Hyatt Hotels &

Resorts. The night was a true success- see you next year!

戴宝格丽珠宝,还是住宝格丽酒店?这 是个问题。继米兰、巴厘岛、伦敦宝格丽酒 店之后,宝格丽中国首家酒店计划于 2015 年 开业。酒店坐落于被誉为“上海黄金湾”的 苏河湾(上海最著名的历史风貌保护区之一), 共设 120 间客房与套房。其进驻的这栋大楼 由世界顶级建筑设计团队 Foster+Partners 担纲 规划和设计,内部设计则由著名建筑事务所 Antonio Citterio Patricia Viel and Partners 为宝 格丽量身打造。据悉,酒店将建造一个屋顶 泳池、歌舞厅和 21600 平方英尺的顶级奢华 水疗中心。 Bulgari Hotels & Resorts will open a new hotel

in Shanghai in 2015. The new hotel, to be located

in a riverside complex in the artistic district of Suhe Creek, and will be the fourth for the luxury hospitality group, a joint venture between Italian

jeweler Bulgari and Marriott International. The

120-room Bulgari hotel in Shanghai will be located

on the upper 12 floors of a 40-storey building designed by London-based architectural firm Foster

+ Partners. Some of the amenities at the new luxury property will include a rooftop swimming pool, a

ballroom and a 21,600-square-foot spa. To date, the

Bulgari Hotels & Resorts group has properties in London, Milan and Bali.

118 LifeStyle


InterContinental Changsha Grand Opening Ceremony

10 月 12 日,“湖湘水·洲际行”长沙北 辰洲际酒店开幕盛典隆重举行。湖南省及长 沙市工商企业界领导、北辰集团领导、洲际 酒店集团高层、酒店客户代表、省市新闻媒 体记者等近 400 人出席了此次开业盛典。作 为北辰集团牵手洲际酒店集团在中国的又一 次成功典范,长沙北辰洲际酒店填补了湖南 国际超五星级酒店品牌的空白,重新定义了 长沙高端酒店行业新标杆。 With the theme “Essence of Hu Xiang Water·A

Journey with InterContinental,” the Grand Opening Ceremony of the InterContinental Changsha was

held on October 12, 2014. Nearly four hundred business elites as well as journalists from Hunan

attended the opening ceremony. The InterContinental Changsha, invested by Beijing North Star and

managed by InterContinental Hotels Group, is the

newest international super five-star hotel in Hunan province. The opening of the InterContinental

Changsha signifies a successful cooperation between

its partners and has redefined the landscape of highend international five-star hotels in Hunan.

LifeStyle 119

LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... 法国朗格多克法定产区葡萄酒 媒体晚宴在京举行 Languedoc AOC Media Dinner 2014 Held in Beijing 11 月 5 日晚,法国朗格多克法定产区葡 萄酒监管委员会携手多家国内葡萄酒经 销商于北京福楼法餐厅举办媒体晚宴。主 办方精心挑选多款朗格多克红白葡萄酒, 与福楼法餐厅的美食进行绝妙的搭配,来 宾们在浓郁的地中海氛围中感受南部佳 酿的风采。作为法国地理标志葡萄酒的第 一产区,2013 年朗格多克产区有近 2950 万瓶葡萄酒销往世界各地,中国已成为其 葡萄酒海外销量增长最快的国家之一。

“源”味瑞士冬季假期推广拉开序幕 The Launch of Swiss Winter Tourism Promotion Campaign 京城首家精修国际礼仪体验概念店开幕 Belhotel International Etiquette Training Center Opens in Beijing 11 月 15 日,国内第一家真正意义上的精修国际礼仪培训中心瑞雅礼仪进行了空 间新装开业后的第一次媒体招待会,这也是瑞雅礼仪首次主动面向公众公开亮相。 新装后的瑞雅礼仪是一个集合高品质生活方式体验与购买、文化沙龙以及精修国 际礼仪培训于一体的新概念中心。空间分为上下两层:楼下为体验概念店,店内 陈列了 Sara 和 Rebecca 从国外引介回的各式世界高品质品牌以及国内外大师级当 代艺术品等;楼上为培训和沙龙空间,可以容纳 20-30 位嘉宾在这里进行知识的 分享讨论,也可举行各式小型活动,如舞会、私人画展等。

2015 上海酒店工程与设计 展览会将举办 2015 Shanghai Hotels Engineering and Design Exhibition to be held

“心经肉跳”童振刚巡回 美术展圆满举办 “The Heart of the Matter” exhibition held at Today Art Museum, Beijing

2015 上海酒店工程与设计展览会携手亚 洲规模最大的上海国际酒店用品博览会 将于明年 3 月 30 日至 4 月 2 日在上海新 国际博览中心隆重开幕。展会根据终端买 家的采购需求,规划了酒店建筑、酒店工 程、酒店设计三大主题展区,集中高端环 保材料,旨在为酒店、会所、度假村等商 业空间的筹建、改建项目提供设计与工程 整体解决方案,为行业买家提供从酒店筹 建、设计、建造到装饰的一站式解决方案。

“心经肉跳”童振刚巡回美术展在北京今 日美术馆圆满举办。著名批评家栗宪庭、 学术主持王鲁湘、策展人徐刚、投资方代 表郭宏伟、今日美术馆馆长高鹏等嘉宾莅 临出席活动。展览主要集中展出这些年他 书写《心经》的感悟,开创出以画为书法、 书法为造像的新式风格。接下来这批作品 要送到第三站巡回展地点加拿大,届时将 会有更多人目睹到童振刚的艺术作品,与 他共同迎来关于生命的“心”时代。

普罗旺斯粉红派对惊艳上海滩 Provence Pink Party 2014 10 月 30 日晚,法国普罗旺斯粉红派对在 上海奢居会惊艳登场,众多参加 2014 地 中海国际葡萄酒及烈酒亚洲展的嘉宾应 邀出席。作为世界级干型桃红葡萄酒的 领头羊,普罗旺斯是唯一专注于桃红葡 萄酒的产区。一款款口感清新、色泽鲜 亮的桃红葡萄酒让来宾们完美体验“桃 红之美,尽在普罗旺斯”,同时充分感 受普罗旺斯的浪漫情怀和葡萄酒文化。

120 LifeStyle

11 月 6 日,瑞士国家旅游局在北京嘉里 大酒店举行“150 年倾力打造,‘源’味 瑞士冬季假期”发布会。今年恰逢瑞士开 展冬季旅游 150 周年。一个半世纪以来, 壮丽的自然雪景、优越的雪地条件使瑞士 的冬季始终保持活力。据悉,2013/14 冬 季中国游客在瑞士山区停留超过 130000 夜次,同比增长 33.1%。瑞士旅游业界高 度重视中国冬季旅游市场,期待更多中国 游客在白雪覆盖的高山滑雪场感受瑞士 冬季之美。

戴森推出新款抗污染真空吸尘器 Dyson Vacuum Cleaners Introduce Anti-Pollution Product 在戴森科学家与内部微生物实验室的共 同努力下,戴森成功研发了一款能去除 PM0.3 微粒的真空吸尘器。此款吸尘器能 高效捕捉大小相当于 PM2.5 颗粒 1/7 的微 尘颗粒,微尘去除率高达 99.99%。因为 这一卓越性能,戴森研发的所有圆筒型吸 尘器均获得了英国过敏症协会和瑞士过 敏症中心的认证,成为过敏和哮喘患者的 理想之选。

捷波朗搏驰无线智能运动 耳机新品发布 Jabra Sport Pulse Wireless Headphones New Release

Pedder Red2014 秋冬全新 Long Boot 系列发布 Pedder Red2014 Autumn/Winter Long Boot New Release

来自丹麦的世界著名蓝牙免提通讯和音频 解决方案领导品牌捷波朗前不久在北京发 布全球首款入耳式心率监测智能运动耳机 捷波朗搏驰无线。该款耳机是全球首款集 成心率监测器的智能运动耳机,其心率监 测准确度可以达到医用级水平。捷波朗为 这款耳机专门开发了 Jabra Sport Life 应用 程序,使用者可以通过简单的操作达到计 划训练、分析训练以及语音指导的目的。

来自香港的潮流鞋履品牌 Pedder Red 秉承 其独特的创新设计理念,推出 2014 秋冬 系列鞋款以及包袋,完美打造自信女性 潮流造型。本季 Pedder Red 推出的 Long Boot 系列,让平底和低跟的长筒靴在复 古中附上了时髦的标签,简洁的黑色长靴 融入的拼接元素, 不仅增添经典中性范儿, 还更加方便穿着,凸显个性魅力。

济南索菲特银座大饭店: 任命弗兰克·路易先生为总经理 Sofitel Jinan Silver Plaza: Mr. Franck G.P. Louis, General Manager

烟台万达文华酒店: 任命董军先生为总经理 Wanda Vista Yantai: Mr. Jesper Dong, General Manager

天津瑞吉金融街酒店: 任命 Martin L. Leclerc 先生为总经理 The St. Regis Tianjin: Mr. Martin L. Leclerc, General Manager

厦门磐基皇冠假日酒店: 任命苏浩先生为总经理 Crowne Plaza Paragon Xiamen: Mr. Bjorn Su, General Manager

上海红塔豪华精选酒店: 任命韩方先生为总经理 The Hongta Hotel Shanghai: Mr. Alex Han, General Manager

福州香格里拉大酒店: 任命柯朗飞先生为总经理 Shangri-La Hotel, Fuzhou: Mr. Philippe Kronberg, General Manager

都喜富都酒店集团: 任命颜福才先生为中国区运营及 酒店开业总经理 Dusit Fudu: Mr. Peter Gan, General Manager of Operations and Hotel Openings

云南西双版纳云投喜来登酒店: 任命董玉坤女士为市场销售总监 Sheraton Xishuangbanna: Miss Yuki Dong, Director of Sales & Marketing

Dusit Fudu Hotels and Resortsis pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Peter Gan as General Manager - Operations and Hotel Openings of Dusit Fudu Hotels and Resorts. Mr. Gan possesses extensive hotel experience with over 30 years in the hospitality industry, most notably in operations and marketing management.

Miss Yuki Dong has been appointed the Director of Sales and Marketing of the Sheraton Xishuangbanna Hotel. Miss Dong has more than 14 years’ hotel work experience in Accor, InterContinental Hotel & Resorts, Dalian Wanda Group and Starwood Hotel & Resorts Worldwide Inc. As a leader of the team, Miss Dong will lead her team of Sheraton Xishuangbanna hotel, the first Sheraton international brand in Yunnan to build the first choice of tourists.

天津帝旺凯悦酒店: 任命薄涛先生为餐饮部总监 Hyatt Regency Tianjin East: Mr. Alpha Bo, Director of Food and Beverage

上海浦东丽思卡尔顿酒店: 任命甘德诺先生为行政总厨 The Ritz-Carlton Shanghai, Pudong: Mr. Sandro Gamba, Executive Chef

Mr. Franck G.P. Louis, originally from France, boasts more than 20 years of hotel management experience in high-profile international hotel chains in France, Polynesian, Spain, Japan, Thailand and China. A seasoned hotelier, Mr. Louis brings with him a wealth of hotel management experience from various leading hotel groups and he is dedicated to providing the French elegance service to every guest at Sofitel Jinan Silver Plaza.

The St. Regis Tianjinis delighted to announce the appointment of Mr. Martin L. Leclerc as General Manager. Mr. Martin L. Leclerc is a Canadian and European dual citizen. During his 2 decades plus within hospitality industry, Mr. Leclerc has been a General Manager for 15 years and held esteemed positions for hotels in premier destinations in various international hotel chains, including Fairmont Hotels & Resorts.

Alex Han has taken up the new responsibility as General Manager of The Hongta Hotel, A Luxury Collection Hotel, Shanghai effective from November 10, 2014. Affiliated with Starwood Hotels and Resorts since 1997, Alex has held an array of executive management positions within the company throughout a number of cities including Wuxi, Shenyang, Kunming, Chengdu, Suzhou and Jinan.

Mr Alpha Bo has been appointed Director of Food and Beverage of Hyatt Regency Tianjin East. Alpha started his career with Hyatt in 2001 and in the past thirteen years has held a series of management positions with increasing responsibility, not only at Hyatt Regency Xi’an, but also at Grand Hyatt Shenzhen and Hyatt Regency Guiyang. Before joining Hyatt Regency Tianjin East, Alpha worked as Director of Food and Beverage at Hyatt Regency Guiyang.

Jesper Dong has recently been appointed as General Manager of Wanda Vista Yantai by Wanda Hotels& Resorts. Jesper Dong has rich experience in both Hotel openings and operations and previously held leadership positions at Wanda Le Méridien Qingdao, Wanda Westin Hefei, Wanda Hyatt Regency Jinan and Wanda Vista Quanzhou. His hospitality experience make him an invaluable asset to the hotel and great leader to the team.

Mr. Bjorn Su has been appointed as General Manager of Crowne Plaza Paragon Xiamen. Mr. Su has over 24 years of experience with leading International Hotels and Boutique Hotel via Finance Director, Executive Assistant Manager and General Manager.

Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts announces the appointment of Mr. Philippe Kronberg as general manager of Shangri-La Hotel, Fuzhou. In this role, he will oversee hotel operations and lead the team in delivering quality and exceptional guest experiences at this property. A French national, Mr. Kronberg is fluent in English, French and German. Prior to this appointment, his 19-year experience spans several five-star international hotel groups.

The Ritz-Carlton Shanghai, Pudong, is pleased to welcome Sandro Gamba as Executive Chef. Before joining in The Ritz-Carlton Shanghai, Pudong, Gamba was in charge of sixteen restaurants at the Emirates Palace Hotel in Abu Dhabi. Gamba has also been awarded nominations for Best American New Chef at the 2001 Food and Wine Magazine Awards and One of the World’s Best Chefs by the American Academy of Hospitality Sciences in 1999.


LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... 天津帝旺凯悦酒店: 圣诞狂欢,大礼来袭! Hyatt Regency Tianjin East: Celebrate Christmas with Hyatt

Enjoy your Christmas holiday at Hyatt Regency Tianjin East! Meal choices go from traditional turkey to succulent seafood such as lobster, abalone and tuna. Other highlights for include a wonderful show, a complimentary gift and a lucky drawing for prizes.This event will be held December 24th, 2014, 5:30 pm – 9:30 pm, CNY 788 per person. Tel: +86 22 2457 1234

郑州绿地 JW 万豪酒店: 推出周末早午餐 JW Marriott Zhengzhou: Sunday Brunch 北京丽都皇冠假日酒店:龙虾主题早午餐 Crowne Plaza Beijing Lido: Sunday Brunch at Matrix

The Crowne Plaza Beijing Lido should be your new brunch destination. Lobster, seafood, dessert and a wide range of delicacies will set a new standard for Sunday Brunch; a kid’s corner with an on-site nanny and entertainment activities is available as well. RMB 388488 per person. Free for kids below 6 years old. Prices are subject to 15% service charge. Brunch is held between the hours of 11:30 am-3:00 pm every Sunday. Tel: +86 10 8443 6228

上海红塔豪华精选酒店: 冬日温馨圣诞季 Shanghai Hongta Luxury Collection Hotel: A Cozy Christmas

Christmas is approaching fast so bring your family and friends together to the Shanghai Hongta Luxury Collection Hotel during this winter Christmas season. Danieli's Italian Restaurant handsome chef Marco Santagata will present you their carefully prepared five-style "Christmas Dinner Package." RMB 328. Tel: +86 21 5050 4567 ext 6370

The fine dining signature restaurant “The Grill” now offers Sunday brunch from 11:30 to 14:30 at RMB 298+15% service charge per person. Every Sunday Chef Roy crafts a different and unique 4-course set brunch with free flow of Ketel One Vodka Martinis and Bloody Mary. Enjoy the heights of indulgence with your family at The Grill. Tel: +86 371 8707 8230

北京丽晶酒店金宝 99 餐厅: 圣诞夜海鲜盛筵 Regent Beijing: Christmas Eve Seafood Buffet at Jinbao 99

This Christmas, join us for an extensive menu at only RMB 688* per person without alcohol, or RMB 888* per person with. The menu features fresh oysters, sushi & sashimis, goose liver, lobster bisque, suckling pig, turkey and other Christmas fine dishes.Pre-bookings before Monday December 22nd can: buy 4 get 1 free! Prices are subject to 15% service charge. Tel: +86 10 8522 1888 ext 3823

上海豫园万丽酒店:蟹味十足 Renaissance Shanghai Yu Garden Hotel: Hairy Crab Season

Crab is undoubtedly the season’s most anticipated delicacy! This month Crab lovers are in for a treat. China Bistro, on the 3rd Floor of Renaissance Shanghai Yu Garden Hotel is featuring a wide array of crab dishes prepared in a variety of tantalizing ways. Tel: +86 21 2321 8977

上海龙之梦大酒店:圣诞狂欢 The Longemont Shanghai: Buon Natale!

Walk into Amici to be transported to the culinary heart of Italy, where you will indulge in authentic Italian cuisine with a modern touch. Fine wines and authentic Italian cuisine set the tone. Prices include 2 glasses of import wine per person. Valid on December 24, 2014 for dinner only. RMB 528 net per person or RMB 988 net per couple. Dinner is served from 17:30-22:30. Tel: +86 21 6115 9988 ext 8630

122 LifeStyle

北京富力万丽酒店:暖意圣诞 Renaissance Beijing Capital Hotel: Discover Christmas at the Renaissance

Along with the joy of this festive season, experience the most authentic Christmas at the Renaissance Beijing Capital Hotel. Select your favorite dining offers or gift items, enjoy a scrumptious dinner buffet with live seafood and lobster at BLD café, or a 5-course exquisite set dinner at Fratelli’s Fresh Italian Restaurant. Combine all this with a cocktail party at R Lounge, and this day will definitely delight all your five senses! Tel: +86 10 5863 8223


苏州建屋豪生全套房酒店: 中式点心午餐套餐 Howard Johnson All Suites Hotel Suzhou: Dim Sum Lunch Set Menu

Experience a wide selection of dim sum, all hand selected to satisfy your gastronomical experience. At the Dim Sum lunch each person can arbitrary choose three kinds of dim sum, one syrup, one staple food, one daily soup and fresh vegetables. RMB68 per person Tel: +86 512 6298 6666 ext 6617

北京紫金丽亭酒店:圣诞节点灯仪式 Park Plaza Beijing West: Lighting Ceremony of Christmas

Park Plaza Beijing West will hold a lighting ceremony of Christmas on December 5th 2014, and ring the bell of Paprika Hidden Objects at the same time. The hotel will bring about the cerebral palsy children’s art exhibition along with them and pleasant Christmas carol, for the purpose of delivering business responsibility and engaging in compassion. Let’s light the hope of love and burst the shine of Christmas into bloom. Tel: +86 10 6813 0088

上海巴黎春天新世界酒店: 邀您一起献爱心,迎圣诞 New World Shanghai: Holiday Celebration through Giving

New World Shanghai Hotel will feature a “Tree of Joy”, a four-metre-tall Christmas tree, in the lobby during the holiday season, where guests can make a donation and have their name imprinted on the tree. Each weekend beginning 22 November to 27 December from 2:30 to 5 p.m., Guests can enjoy the live jazz performances with an afternoon tea buffet for CNY88 per person. Tel: +86 21 6240 8888 ext 8815

FRHI 酒店集团:在亚太及其他地区大举扩张 FRHI Hotels & Resorts: Aggressive Expansion in Asia Pacific

FRHI Hotels & Resorts, a leading luxury hotel management company that operates more than 110 hotels under the Raffles, Fairmont and Swissôtel brands, will boost its portfolio by 50 percent. The most rapid expansion is expected to take place in China, with properties including a Raffles in Shenzhen, six Fairmonts (in Chengdu, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Zhengzhou, Nanning and Taiyuan), and four Swissôtels (in Chengdu, Changsha, Sanya and Hangzhou). www.frhi.com

博舍:全新都会风尚酒店亮相成都 The Temple House: A New Intriguing Urban Hotel in Chengdu

Following the successful launch of The Opposite House in Beijing and The Upper House in Hong Kong, Swire Hotels is set to unveil its third House, The Temple House, in Chengdu in the first quarter of2015.The hotel will be located in the heart of the city, within the Sino-Ocean Taikoo Li Chengdu, a project jointly developed by Sino-Ocean Land andSwire Properties. Tel: +86 28 6636 9999

呼和浩特香格里拉大酒店: 香格里拉住宿超值返现惠冬季 Shangri-La Hotel, Huhhot: “Valued Pay Back”Room Promotion

This winter, Shangri-La Hotel, Huhhot offers a special “Valued Pay Back” room promotion. From 10 October 2014 to 31 March 31 2015, guests who book room rates starting at Rmb1,088 can pamper themselves with the a number of discounts, credits, and rewards. Contact us to find out which reward is right for you! Tel: +86 471 332 8888

上海世茂皇家艾美酒店:新年夜街头派对 Le Royal Meridian Shanghai : New Year’s Eve Block Party

Le Royal Meridien Shanghai is unveiling the sensational New Year’s Eve Block Party at its renowed 789 Nanjing Lu Bar + Lounge at the top floor of the hotel, inviting guests to explode into the New Year with a grand celebration. Originally from New York, “Block Party” is the ultimate street take-over, where all neighbourhood residents congregate and celebrate together. Tel: +86 21 3318 9999 ext 8070

北京五洲皇冠国际酒店: 当爱丽丝遇到圣诞老人 V-Continent Beijing Parkview Wuzhou Hotel: When Alice Met Santa Claus

When Alice met Santa Claus, what might happen? Executive Chef Mr. Li Bihui has just returned from Dubai to offer all manner of delicacies, Christmas turkey, steak, and Arabic specialties, not to mention a global variety of delicious mouth-watering desserts. Come for a Christmas feast! Tel: +86 10 84982288 ext 7140 / 7204


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Pocket Full of Change 亨利·格雷夫斯超级复杂功能怀表是 1933 年百达翡丽为纽约银行家亨利·格雷夫斯定做的金 怀表。这款纯手工打造的怀表身负 24 项复杂功能,在今年的日内瓦苏富比钟表拍卖场上打破自 己创造的拍卖价格纪录,以 2440 万美元稳居世界最昂贵同时也是最复杂手表的宝座。1999 年, 世界级收藏家、卡塔尔王室成员谢赫·沙特·宾·默罕默德·阿勒萨尼曾以 1100 万美元购得此表,也 一度刷新拍卖纪录。 The most complicated pocket watch in the world has been sold at auction for a record $24.4 million. The Henry Graves Supercomplication timepiece, made by the Swiss watchmaker Patek Philippe in 1933 for the prominent banker Henry Graves, was sold at Sotheby’s in Switzerland. The watch features 24 complications all made without the aid of computers. The sale smashed the world record for the most expensive watch ever sold at auction, which was previously held by the same watch. In 1999, it was sold to Sheikh Saud Bin Mohammed Bin Ali Al-Thani of the Qatari royal family, for $11 million.

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2014 年十二月号 总第 370 期


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