WNC Parent May 2011

Page 22

kids’ voices

A special day with Mom

With Mother’s Day coming up on May 8, we asked fifth-graders at Black Mountain Elementary School to describe a special memory of time spent one-on-one with their moms. Here’s what students in Jessica Autrey, Ivy Helms and Teresa Spring’s classes told staff writer Barbara Blake. “I had an awesome day with my mother back when we lived in Georgia, when I was only 5. First, we ordered pizza. I told funny preschool stories, and my mother made me laugh. We took two strips of our napkins and made accordions. Next we went to get our nails done. Mama got her nails painted clear, and I wondered why she chose such a plain color. I got my nails painted bright neon blue. I felt like my role model, Cinderella. To end the day, we went to Publix, my favorite store around. On the way back home I fell asleep. It was one of my favorite days with my mother. I think I will remember it for at least two years.” Grace Hunnicutt


“I was jumping on my trampoline and my mom had the sprinkler set up under the trampoline, and when I started jumping she turned on the sprinkler and I got soaked. So then I got the water hose and started spraying her with it, and that is when the water war started. We stocked up on water balloons and water guns, and I got to nail her with a water balloon right to the back of the head, and it was brutal combat. But then she had a bunch of balloons and made a very nice sneak attack like a ninja around the corner and hit me right in the back. (Eventually, the water war was over.)” Kincaid McGee

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