WNC Parent February

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artist’s muse

What should I do with all of this art?! By Ginger Huebner WNC Parent columnist

Artwork piles up quickly when kids are in school, and you can’t save it all. But you can save some of it, either in its true form or digitally. GINGER HUEBNER/SPECIAL TO WNC PARENT


A friend recently asked me how I have stored my children’s artwork over the years. It is a great question, and like many parents, I have a hard time tossing what comes home or what is created at home. My current methods are in no way perfect, and I have accepted the challenge of finding other ideas. Here are my findings. You must be selective in what artwork you keep. One method to help with this is to allow a pile of work to grow over a month’s time. At the end of the month, look through it with your child. Let them decide what they would like to keep. Then, narrow it down one more time by asking them to pick their top 10

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