ICMLG 2013 Proceedings of the International Conference on Management, Leadership and Governance

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Dan-Maniu DuĹ&#x;e, Carmen-Sonia DuĹ&#x;e and Cristina FeniĹ&#x;er "The correct information of those interested about the real results obtained and the actions taken to improve the quality of education" "Informing the academic community about the progress made by each team" Box 2. Statements regarding the interpersonal roles drawn from management plans "The regular consulting of the interested parties about the increase of the organization process efficiency" "Developing the cooperation relations with institutions of higher education and research in the country and abroad" "As university president, I will fairly and sincerely represent the interests of the university in the national and international cooperation plans" "As manager of the academic activities I will be a team player and I will rely on the cooperation with the pro-rectors, the president of the senate and its specialized committees" "I reckon that the university president ought to be an actor who acts for the good of the university as a whole. He is not supposed to be a referee in the fight between departments or faculties as between winners and losers, but a coach wisely placing all the players in a team, bringing out the very best of each of them." "The university president will be in regular contact and in a cooperation relationship with the university senate, in compliance with all the rules related to the responsibilities of each structure" "The role of the university president is to unify on the principle of efficient true fellowship and trust, all components of the academic institution around one idea: taking consciously responsibility for these vital obligations for the entire community and promoting a participatory management by consulting all responsible entities." "Balanced delegating and clarifying the roles of the team members and their duties and responsibilities" Box 3. Statements regarding the decision roles extracted from management plans "The ability to accept conflict situations and a wide availability in conflict management" "Correctly identifying the resources necessary for the activities of the "Human Resources" Office "Applying a management efficient in the administration and management of the university resources" "Based on a consensus built on transparent debates, developing and implementing a policy of fair redistribution of the financial resources" "The extra-budgetary financial resources will be assigned to the organizational sub-entities through the activity of which they were achieved, the university retaining only a certain percentage for the administrative central expenses" "Involvement in the decision-making process of the various management structures, of the teachers, administrative staff and students'' Analyzing the 10 managerial roles in the management program texts we notice that the most common references are to the role of spokesperson (22 statements) and to the role of monitor (20 statements), both of them from the information roles category. In what concerns the frequency, there follow the decisional roles.


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