ACPHS 2012 President's Report

Page 18

Resident Expert Michael P. Kane, Pharm.D., FCCP, BCPS, BCACP, Professor


rowing up in New York’s Southern Tier,

The Endocrine Group, students also gain experience with

Michael Kane excelled at three things—

a host of other disorders including high blood pressure,

math, science, and baseball. Figuring

high cholesterol, cardiovascular issues, obesity, osteoar-

that the major leagues were a longshot,

thritis, and depression.

he followed the recommendation of his

“People with endocrine disorders tend to present with

11th grade guidance counselor who suggested he consider

an array of signs and symptoms, depending on the under-

a career in pharmacy.

lying disorder,” Dr. Kane says. “When you hear patients

It turned out to be excellent advice for this graduate

describe their symptoms or meet with them in person, you

of the ACPHS Class of 1984. Dr. Kane, who specializes in

never forget it. When you see them again a few weeks later,

endocrinology, with a focus on diabetes and osteoporosis,

after they have initiated therapy, you are able to witness

has taught at the College for 25 years. He also practices

firsthand the effectiveness of that therapy and how it

at The Endocrine Group in Albany, where he works with

helped them feel so much better. It provides an excellent

clinicians and precepts pharmacy students and postgradu-

learning opportunity.”

ate residents. In the classroom, Dr. Kane facilitates two integrated

Pharmacy graduates who have completed year-long residencies with Dr. Kane have embarked upon a wide

problem-solving workshops for Pharm.D. students that are

range of career paths. Some have taken academic positions

designed to develop skills related to critical thinking and

with colleges or universities; several have chosen positions

teamwork – “skills that students will take with them into

in hospitals or other clinically oriented environments; two

their fourth professional year rotations and then out in to

practice in community pharmacies; and one of the earliest

practice,” he notes.

graduates of the residency program now runs a Diabetes

The Endocrine Group includes 11 private practice endocrinologists and 12 nurse practitioners and physician

Center in a Northern New York pharmacy. Recently, Dr. Kane was awarded his 18th research grant

assistants, and treats approximately 1,200 patients a week.

since arriving at The Endocrine Group, a $45,000 grant

Pharmacy students and residents who train with Dr. Kane

from Bristol-Myers Squibb to study the effectiveness of

receive a total immersion experience in clinical practice.

the drug Bydureon (approved January 2012) for treating

“By completing a rotation or a residency at The Endo-

diabetes patients. He foresees opportunities for additional

crine Group, students and residents learn the complexities

investigations as a result of the continuing rise in Type 2

of endocrine management, especially diabetes. They also

diabetes. According to a 2012 study by the U.S. Centers

learn general internal medicine management and gain

for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the incidence

a deeper understanding of the many therapies we have

of Type 2 diabetes in the United States has increased an

available,” he says.

average of 82% from 1995 to 2010.

Dr. Kane’s students are directly involved in helping

“Unfortunately, the need for new diabetes treatments

counsel patients considering various options for the man-

is not going away,” says Dr. Kane. “The 12th class of drug

agement of osteoporosis, diabetes, and other endocrine

for diabetes treatment was just approved this past spring,

and internal medicine disorders. Since Type 2 diabetes

and the research will not be slowing down any time soon.

keeps company with so many other disease states, and

There is still plenty of work to be done.”

because many patients’ primary care providers are at


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