Change the channel, Change your mood Speech by Arthur Byrd

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Stop, Click and Relax (Change the channel, Change your mood) Written By Arthur Byrd For A Toastmasters speech.

Delivered at the Warren Toastmasters March 8, 2014

Intro: Art Byrd is working on his Toastmasters Advanced Communicator Gold. To keep improving on his speaking skills. He is repeating the Competent Communicator manual. Today, Art is doing Project 5, Your Body Speaks. He will be talking about changing channels that can affect our moods. With, Stop, Click and Relax. Art Byrd.

This morning when you got up what did you do. Turn on the radio or TV. If it was the TV. What channel did you go to? Did you turn on the news and find out what had been going on? When you did find out what was going was it: shootings, stand offs and bad economy. Did all that make you tense? What a way to start day! Did you turn on the Weather Channel what effect did that have on you? Bad weather-bad mood Sunny- Good mood. I don’t think a lot of you put on the Comedy Central Network for some laughs to start your day. Today, I would like to talk to you about the channels that we click on and the moods that they put us in. Fellow Toastmasters and guests. There are many people who have cable or satellite TV which has hundreds of different channels like the Golf Channel, The Travel Channel and Discovery Channel and there is even a Military Channel. Each of us has a personal set of channels that make us positive or negative. One of personal channel that I have subscribe to is The Fear Channel. I was constantly worry: what is going to happen, how it is going to happen and when will it happen.

In recent years, I have been on the Fear Channel a lot. Also, The Not Enough Channel and The Am I Am Going To Die Channels. I started to drop those channels and adding channels such as the Mindfulness Channel, where I am learning to quiet my mind with small adjustments like mediation, thinking more positive thoughts and listening to motivational material on my IPod. The Gratitude Channel where I say Thank You for every thing and everyone in my life. The Elimination Channel where I eliminate things that contributed to my fear like health. Recently, I went to see my doctor for a checkup. As, I was driving to the doctor’s office, I was tuned to the Fear Channel and thinking about all the things, he would find wrong with me. When, I was sitting in the waiting room, I became calm because I Stopped, Clicked to another channel and Relaxed. As I sat with the doctor as he went over my chart. Then, he checked me out physically with his stethoscope. My heart, glands and ears. He told me that things were good except for high blood pressure and gave me some prescriptions. Now, there is no fear, but making a few adjustments. Now knowing exactly where my health stands, I stay on the Mindfulness and Calmness Channel not the Fear Channel. See, we are Human Transmission Towers, that receive and transmit channels and frequencies.

We can receive negative frequencies from human interaction. Someone can tell you how sad their life is and their words could have a negative effect on us because you feel bad for them. But, you can Stop, Click and Relax. If you want to change anything in your life, change the channel and your thoughts. If you are feeling good, negative thoughts and words are not on the same channel you are. You are the one in control of your feelings. Be grateful for what you already have and you may attract more good things. Rhonda Byrne from the book, The Secret says “Remember that your thoughts are the primary cause of everything.” Author Jack Canfield from Chicken Soup For the Soul. states “Everything you want is on the other side of fear.” I would like to leave you with a small technique that you can use when you change the channel and relax. This timer, you can get for $2.00 or less at a dollar store. It can be use to quiet your mind and heart. To start off, set it for two minutes and take small breaths in and out. Focus on the breath, not what you may be thinking of. This may help you reduce your time on the negative channels like The I’m Mad Channel, that Blank and Blank Cut Me Off In My Lane Channel and the I Want To Punch Someone Channel.

Remember, you are in control and you can Stop, Click and Relax.

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