About the Garden 2022 Winter Magazine

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Your local gardening advice for Australian gardens


2022 | ISSUE 101



The Serenity Prayer

Winter 2022


Issue 101

At your local - In season plants - Flowers - Foliage - Heirloom veggies Just add water Winter roses Winter harvest

4 6 7 8 10 12

On the table - recipes Chicken green curry 14 Crispy fried brussel sprouts 14 Pork meatball & vege soup 15 Centipede or millipede Bad weeds - bindii About winter - Flowers - Edibles - rhubarb - Dirt Doctor - Root rot - Climatic zones

Let nothing disturb thee. Let nothing affright thee Who has God. Wants for nothing. All things pass God alone suffices. God never changes. (St Teresa of Jesus) Patience gains all.

Just add water p8

16 16

Front cover image: David Austin ‘Dame Judi Dench’ - Treloar Rose

Managing Director: Conway Searle Contributors: Ashley Searle, Jillian Coomb, Kim Syrus, Treloar Roses. Magazine Manager: Alana Searle Design & Layout: Alana Searle ATG Group Co-ordinator & Advertising: Jason Searle About the Garden is published seasonally by About the Garden Pty. Ltd. ABN 21 076 919 992 • 4914 D’Aguilar Highway, Kilcoy or P.O. Box 70, Kilcoy Qld. 4515 Ph: (07) 5422 3090 atg@aboutthegarden.com.au

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God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time; Enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it; Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will; That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him Forever in the next. Amen. Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths. Proverbs 3, 5-6

Winter roses p10

The material appearing in About the Garden is subject to copyright. Other than as permitted by the Copyright Act, no part of this magazine may be reproduced without the permission of the publishers. No responsibility is accepted by About the Garden Pty. Ltd. for the accuracy of information contained in the text, illustrations or advertisements. Although believed to be accurately and correctly sourced, thereof disclaims any liability against itself, editor/s or employees arising from any person acting on the material herein. The opinions expressed in the magazine, or by contributors, do not necessarily represent the views of the publisher. ©Copyright 2022 About the Garden Pty. Ltd.

About the Garden Magazine is proudly produced from sustainable resources.

For better home grown fruit, vegetables & herbs Dig in a fully organic fertiliser




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25cmH 35cmW


60cmH 80cmW

‘Raspberry’ Nemesia ‘Sunsatia®+’ newly bred annual varieties provide vivid, luminescent colour, ideal for containers in modern sunny gardens and outdoor living areas. They produce more flowers on an excellent branching habit, larger blooms, and flower with vigour, giving the plants longer flowering time during the cooler months than traditional varieties. Plant in full sun, but protect from hot winds, to develop their stunning colour for many months. Keep the soil moist with good drainage. Recharge flowering with an application of Searles Recharge Flower & Fruit Ultimate Fertiliser once a season. To prolong flowering, trim back the old flower heads after the flush. They are not frost tolerant. We have seen little insect damage and other diseases are minimal. page 04 | About the garden magazine

Part of the award-winning Fantasy Flowers® collection, this fast growing, dwarf beauty, ‘Peace Baby’ is right at home in mixed borders and rockeries. Outstanding displays for containers and small garden spaces. Its divine pale blooms with prominent purple stamens last for many months, ‘Peace Baby’ is an easycare evergreen suitable for cool and tropical gardens. Summer watering is encouraged through dry periods for better flower performance. Images & information on this page courtesy of www.pma.com.au

Images & information on this page courtesy of www.pma.com.au

Native to Australia, Hardenbergia ‘White Out’ is a hardy, fastgrowing evergreen climber suitable for full sun locations. With delicate sprays of pure white, pea-shaped flowers adorning the plant from mid-winter through to mid-spring they create a beautiful contrast with ‘White Out’s’ attractive lime green foliage.



Crassula Buddha’s Temple This is a collector’s succulent and grows very slowly, so you could pop it in your favourite pot and it would not need to be replanted. It has tightly stacked grey leaves and resembles a temple. A natural piece of art in your studio, on your desk, or wherever you need that touch of tranquillity.

Crassula Campfire Crassula ‘Campfire’ is a sizzling standout, this succulent will impress during the cooler winter months with its vibrant red tipped foliage. Dainty sprays of white flowers delicately appear like wispy smoke during summer to autumn.

Crassula Capitella This is an interesting architectural plant with layered, ruby, triangular leaves. A striking spreading succulent, it really has that wow factor! You’ll find it’ll definitely draw attention with its hypnotic structure and intense colour which is amplified in the winter months. Crassula images & information on this page courtesy of www.instylesucculents.com.au


30cmH 30cmW

In warmer areas, Bidens ‘Mini Bee’ flower right through the year, flowering larger and longer than other varieties available. Bidens ‘Mini Bee’ light up the garden with their flame bicoloured yellow and orange flowers. Their ‘mini’ growing habit make them ideal for front garden displays, mass plantings, filler and spillers, plus potted and hanging displays. Bidens grow best in full sun in nutrientrich, free draining soil. For potted colour, plant in Searles Platinum Potting Mix. Prune back lightly if any branches become too leggy. This plant makes a statement in frost free gardens. Keep soil moist and liquid feed every two weeks with Searles Flourish Flowers & Foliage Soluble Plant Food to aid flowering. About the garden magazine | page 05


50 to 100cmH

A stand out foliage plant for a bright indirect sunlit position indoors or outdoors in a shady spot. The correct lighting will produce better leaf and flower colour. Keep soil slightly moist and well drained, but don’t overwater which can lead to fungal problems or root rot. Plant in Searles Indoor Potting Mix, which will provide indoor plants with the right soil structure for strong plant growth.

Stan Neale is very passionate about gardening. He asked his daug hter-inlaw, Marie, to purc hase a Boston macho fe rn for his patio. After po tting it up in Searles Terra rium & Fern Specialty Mix , and 12 months later, look at the results, so massive ! Thanks Stan & Mar ie for sending in the photo .

Stromanthe -tricolour

Features dark green leaves with white variegations and pink/red undersides. Ideal for indoor foliage colour in an indirect sunlit position or as an outdoor shade-loving plant. Keep in a warm, frost free spot. Red flowers develop above its foliage in summer and autumn. Keep soil moist but well drained. 50 to 100cm H.

‘Satin’ Pothos

(Scindapsus pictus) Ideal indoor trailing plant featuring striking large leaves splashed with silver botches. Position in warm spot, in indirect sunlight. Liquid feed once a month with Searles Flourish Indoor & Greening Soluble Plant Food.

page 06 | About the garden magazine


Poinsettias are marvellous plants with magnificent bright red displays that last all through winter, perfect for ‘Christmas in July’ celebrations. It is actually the Poinsettia bracts that produce the marvellous red displays, their flowers are rather insignificant in comparison. Wait until spring when flowering has finished to give them a good prune and then a feed with Searles Recharge Flower & Fruit Ultimate Fertiliser. Plant it in full sun for best flowering.

Capturing the beauty of heirloom vegetables, Cauliflower ‘Sicily Purple’ features stunning vibrantly coloured violet heads encased in large blue-green leaves. An Italian heirloom grown not only for its colourful florets, but also its mildly sweet and nutty flavour, this variety is popular for use in raw salads or preserved and pickled to showcase its stunning colour. Cauliflower ‘Sicily Purple’ can also be lightly steamed, unfortunately, the colour does fade on cooking, but the cauliflower is no less tasty. Ideal for growing through the cooler months, the purple colouring, while attractive to gardeners and chefs, is less attractive to brassica pests including cabbage moth and cabbage white butterfly. Easy to grow and great for garden beginners.

Tuscan Black Kale ‘Cavolo Nero’ is derived from the original seed strain sourced from Italy. An heirloom kale handed down through generations of Italian gardeners, Tuscan Kale grows exceptionally well in most Australian climates and is, in fact, the most heat tolerant member of the Brassica family (which means you can pretty much grow this reliable crop all year round). Outer leaves can be harvested regularly, allowing the plant to grow taller and produce fresh new leaves continuously from the top. New plants should be planted every 2-3 months to ensure a continual harvest. Suitable for roasting into kale chips, braising in butter or finely chopping for salads, this superfood is a super addition to the winter garden.

There are many plants that are so easily grown simply by putting the cutting in a bottle or glass jar and just add water. We all have known or been told of the devil’s ivy that was grown in a wine bottle and traversed the rooms via the window frames and stretched for metres. The hardest part was emptying the wine bottle to do this. The two things to keep in mind are how to take the cutting and what plants to select. When you take the cutting make sure you cut the stem just below the node or leaf. That is the growing point in the cutting, if you cut just above the node, you will notice that the stem dies back to where the next node begins. In some cases, the die back goes past the next node and the plant dies. It is less stress on the plant to make the cutting about the size of a pencil or 20 cm. You always have the exception to the rule such as African violets who have no node to cut back to and it is simply the stem with the leaf attached. The second thing to consider is not all plants grow this way but it is exciting to trial this method.

From front to back:

Fiddle Leaf Fig & Umbrella plant, Mini Monstera and Rosemary. page 08 | About the garden magazine

Once you have placed the cutting in the water make sure you put it in a well lit position, but not direct sunlight. Cut off most of the leaves, this is because leaving only three leaves, assists the

Mini monstera cutting

Plants for a water existence Some cuttings that tend to do well from cuttings are;

When taking cuttings, cut just below the node or leaf where the new growth will start.


plant in its initial shock. If the leaf is large (such as a fiddle leaf fig) cut the leaves in half to help reduce the shock. Remember the plant does not have any roots to supply water and so while it is adapting to the new growing conditions you need to minimize the amount of leaf surface for transpiration. Change the water every three to five days to keep it fresh, and while doing this look for any pests that may have been unnoticed on the cutting. Within a few weeks you will notice the roots start to develop and the cutting starting to stretch out and new leaves emerging. Once the roots have developed you need only top up the water as necessary. If the water container is in direct sunlight you may need to watch out for algae developing. If this occurs then the water needs to be replaced every three to five days and move the bottle out of direct sunlight. Once the cutting has developed additional roots and leaves you will need to consider fertilising. A water-soluble fertiliser is needed, such as a half strength solution of SeaMax Fish and Kelp mixed with water and placed in an atomizer to spray on the leaves. Be aware this may cause some staining of surrounding furniture and so once a month, move them into the laundry tub to rinse any dust off the leaves and freshen up the water. After that you can spray them with the fertiliser mixture. After spray has dried, move plant back to its original position.

• Syngonium • Philodendron • African violets • Rosemary • Devils’ ivy or pothos • Jade plants • Fiddle leaf figs • Rubber trees (Ficus) • Dwarf umbrella plants • Coleus • Vegetables: Celery, leek, onions, garlic, fennel & bok choy bases

Celery, leeks and carrots are fun to watch sprouting to leaf in water vessels.

About the garden magazine | page 09

‘Dame Judi Dench’ David Austin - Bush Rose

‘Dame Judi Dench’ - David Austin - Bush rose. A beautiful rose; the blooms are a particularly rich shade of apricot-orange, paling prettily towards the edges. The striking, red-tipped buds gradually open to reveal large informal rosettes, each with ruffled petals and a button eye. They are very resistant to rain damage and the petals drop neatly. There is a lightmedium tea scent. A very healthy shrub, it produces strong, arching stems which, over time, form an attractive mound of blooms. Named after one of Britain’s most beloved stars of stage and screen. ‘New Papa Meilland®’ - Meiceazar. What better way to honour the original ‘Papa Meilland®’ than this stunning new rose from the Meilland® family. ‘New Papa Meilland®’ has classic deep velvet red perfectly formed blooms each with a strong fragrance that begs to be sniffed. Producing flowers continuously throughout the growing season, you can cut and enjoy the blooms inside as well. Hardy and healthy, here is a red rose to delight in garden or pot. page 10 | About the garden magazine

‘New Papa Meilland®’ Meiceazar


1.1mH 1.2mW



‘Mona Lisa®’ - Meilyxir. Each dark red petal filled bloom is a work of art. Perfectly formed, the mild fragrant flowers are produced in continuous clusters throughout the growing season adding a welcome splash of colour and style to any garden. Wonderfully happy and healthy, the deep green glossy foliage frames the blooms beautifully. Mona Lisa® is a masterpiece rose for garden and pot alike. ‘Vanessa Bell’ - David Austin - Bush rose. Pink-tinged buds open to medium sized cups held in large clusters. Pale yellow, paling to white at the edges; each has a rich yellow eye. The fragrance is similar to green tea with aspects of lemon and honey. It forms a bushy, upright shrub. Named for the artist, designer and founder member of the Bloomsbury Group – sister of the writer, Virginia Woolf.

For a care-free rose garden, choose a variety well suited to your local climate, plant size for your desired position in the garden or potted displays, and consider how much sunlight it will need for optimal growth. Roses are hungry feeders and don’t like to compete with other plants for nutrients and air space, so give them plenty of room to grow and a weed free environment. SIZE

‘Mona Lisa ’ ®


Roses are being constantly bred to improve their most desirable qualities - habit, health, flowering, resistance to pests and diseases and perfume - so the newest cultivars are almost certain to give you less trouble, not to mention the money you can save on corrective measures.


Replacing old rose bushes every 3-5 years is recommended to maintain the best health, vigour and flowering.

Prepare bare-rooted roses for planting • Remove bare-rooted stems from packaging and soak overnight in a bucket of water.


• Prepare garden beds by digging into existing soil, 5 IN 1 Organic Fertiliser or use Searles Fruit, Citrus & Rose Specialty Mix for pot plantings.

1.2mH 1mW

‘Vanessa Bell’ David Austin - Bush


This magnificent floribunda has been named for Transplant Australia as a symbol of thanks and gratitude. It has clusters of fully petalled blooms that have a most desirable mauve colour, along with a delicate fragrance and dark leaves. SIZE

1.2m tall

‘Thank you’

Transplant Australia

on their journey back to health.

For more information on Transplant Australia, visit www.transplant.org.au Only available in 90cm standards. Order early.

When backfilling, wiggle the tree and water the roots to help remove any air pockets. Don’t plant too deep. The tree needs to be at the same depth as it was in its original position. Look for a slight change in colouration on the base of the stem for an indication of the original soil line. Loosely stake it until established. • Watering - roses will stay healthier, grow strongly and flower more freely if they are watered regularly and deeply. • Roses that flower repetitively are heavy feeders. Alternate feeding roses with Searles Flourish Soluble Plant Food & SeaMax Fish & Kelp every fortnight. • Mulch well - help to conserve moisture, keep roots cool and feed the soil. • Spray roses with Searles Rose Pro at the first sign of pests and diseases. • Regularly prune spent roses to encourage more growth and compact habit. When pruning be sure to cut out dead, diseased and very importantly, old growth.

Young beetroot leaves are edible and extremely nutritious. Use them in a salad in place of lettuce with a little dressing.

Plant sprouts in late autumn and early winter to ensure that the plants mature during the coldest months of the year. Brussels sprouts are unsuitable to grow in frost-free areas. Drainage and sunshine are the prerequisites for these useful and delicious winter vegetables. They need plenty of space around each plant to enable the sprouts to ripen, so do not crowd them in with other vegetables. They also enjoy a touch of frost, so they can be planted in low lying areas that receive regular winter chill, providing these are well drained. Brussels sprouts prefer a slightly alkaline soil, so if yours is more acid than pH 6.5 apply lime. Dig in 5 IN 1 Organic Fertiliser to feed their large appetites. Feed developing plants with SeaMax® Fish & Kelp on a fortnightly basis. Keep the soil weed free and consistently moist. Mature plants can grow to over 1m and need to be well anchored in the soil. If necessary, hill the soil up gently around each stem to provide additional support as they grow. Remove some of the lower foliage to concentrate the plants’ growth energy into the budding sprouts and to enable air and light to reach them as they develop. Caterpillars of the cabbage white butterfly and aphids are the main pests of Brussels sprouts. Spray them with Searles Bug Beater. Fungal disease can be avoided by growing the plants in a very well drained and sunny position, and spacing them generously to allow for ample air circulation. Sprouts taste sweetest once they have been frosted. They are ready to harvest when they are slightly smaller than a golf ball and firm to the touch, and should be gathered before they get too large and burst. Most varieties ripen from the bottom upwards and should be picked accordingly. The fresh, young leaves can also be harvested and eaten like cabbage. page 12 | About the garden magazine

Of course, colour doesn’t always stop with flowers. Colour can be found in the most unexpected of places and this is where some heritage vegetable cultivars such as Rainbow chard (Silverbeet) can be enjoyed. Rainbow Chard is a nutritious source of vitamins and minerals and with an evergrowing interest in productive gardens, this will lighten up your veggie patch. Rainbow chard is a fun way of growing healthy, edible plants that both children and adults alike can literally ‘sink their teeth into’ and make a nice change from the usual green and white forms commonly used. Most silverbeet enjoy a well tilled soil that has been enriched with Searles Cow Manure and a little dolomite. Compact varieties can be grown in large containers. Regular watering is needed for thick leaves to be produced and a sweeter taste. They can be grown equally well from seed or seedlings. The outside leaves can be harvested for many months while allowing for the younger leaves to come through in the centre of the plants.

Broccoli loves the cold season. It needs good drainage and plenty of sunlight, although late maturing varieties may prefer some shade to protect them from sudden heat in late spring. The harvest period can be extended by planting a few different varieties that mature at different times. Prepare the soil to a depth of at least 30cm, digging in plenty of 5 IN 1 Organic Fertiliser. Sweeten with garden lime if your soil is acidic. If planting seed, thin out the two weakest seedlings later. Each seedling should have a central bud or growing tip — discard any without.

What is the difference between broccoli and broccolini?

Broccolini was developed as a hybrid of broccoli and Chinese broccoli in Japan. Broccolini looks similar to broccoli, but has a much smaller head and longer stem. Though broccoli and broccolini have very similar flavours, broccolini is slightly sweeter and more tender to eat, some liking it to asparagus.

Plant leeks and spring onions in winter to ensure that they grow during cold weather and mature as the temperature heats up. In cooler and temperate climates spring onions, scallions and shallots can also be planted in early spring. Leeks and spring onions can tolerate fairly poor soils but develop better if they are planted in soil which has been heavily fertilised and well composted the season before. They prefer a neutral soil with a pH of around 6.5, so acid soils should be sweetened with lime, a fortnight before planting. When preparing the bed, dig in 5 IN 1 Organic Fertiliser throughout the soil three weeks before and remove any lumps or weeds. For both pots and gardens plant in Searles Herb & Vegetable Specialty Mix. Germinating shoots should be protected from hot sun for a couple of days after emerging, and thinned out once they are large enough to handle. The ‘thinnings’ can either be transplanted elsewhere or used in cooking immediately.

Keep broccoli moist and weedfree. Harvest when the heads are still green and compact (they’re too old once they turn yellowish with flowers starting to open). To harvest, cut off the head along with about 10cm of stalk and a few leaves. Two smaller, but more tender heads will grow in its place. Remove cabbage white caterpillar and spray aphids with Searles Bug Beater.

Hand weed between the plants as they grow, taking care not to disturb the delicate roots. Do not cover roots with extra soil as they break through the surface, because this will rot them. Maintain even soil moisture levels but do not over-water. Thrips cause white spotting of the foliage and can be combated with companion planting or spraying with an organic spray, Searles Ecofend Natural Solutions Vegetable & Garden. Harvest when they reach their desired width. When harvesting pull each individual plant from the roots gently so as not to disturb the roots of the other plants left in the ground for later use. About the garden magazine | page 13

simple recipes made from garden kitchen produce

If you don’t like Brussels sprouts, this morish recipe will change your mind. page 14 | About the garden magazine

Olive oil 1/2 onion, finely chopped 5 garlic cloves, crushed Brussels spouts, halved Handful almonds, roughly chopped Cranberries Salt and black pepper


Sauté onions in liberal amount of olive oil until caramelised. Add garlic for 30 seconds. Transfer mix to separate bowl. On a high heat, add brussels sprouts to the pan, flat side down first until charred, then turn until cooked. Toss onions and garlic back into pan. Add almonds, salt and cranberries


Serve hot with grated parmesan cheese.

Easy, throw together curry dish to keep you warm and full during the winter months.

1 tbsp oil 1 onion, sliced 1/4 cup green curry paste 1 cup chicken stock 400ml can coconut milk 2 cups barbecued chicken, shredded 1/2 cup broccoli florets 1/2 cup pumpkin, cubed 1/4 cup coriander leaves Cashews, roughly cut Rice, to serve


Heat oil in a large saucepan on high. Cook onion for 2-3 minutes, until tender. Blend in curry paste and cook for 1 minute until fragrant. Stir in stock and coconut milk. Bring to the boil and reduce heat to simmer, covered for 10 minutes. Stir in chicken, broccoli and pumpkin. Simmer, uncovered for a further 2-3 minutes, until pumpkin softens. Remove from heat.


Stir through coriander leaves and cashews and serve with rice.

15 cups water 1 tbsp salt 6-8 medium potatoes, cubed 3 medium carrots, thinly sliced 3 tbsp olive oil 2 leeks, sliced thinly 2 large sticks of celery, finely diced 2 tbsp dill black pepper

Ingredients for meatballs: 1kg ground pork 1/2 onion, finely diced Curry powder 1 tsp Tuscan seasoning 1/2 tsp ground black pepper 2 tsp salt 1 large egg


Combine water, salt and potatoes in a large soup pot, bring to a boil and cook 10 minutes. Add in carrots. Combine well in the bowl, pork, rest of onion, curry powder, Tuscan seasoning, pepper, salt and egg. Roll tablespoon of meatball mix into balls. Add to soup pot and cook for a least 10 minutes or until meatballs float to the surface. In a high heat pan, heat olive oil and sauté celery and leek until soft and golden. Add vegetables to the soup pot. Just before serving season soup with dill, pepper and more salt.

www.aboutthegarden.com.au About the garden magazine | page 15


A quick way to tell the difference between a millipede and a centipede is to look at the legs. No, not to count them, but to see if the legs are sticking out from the body. If you can see legs poking out then it is a centipede. A millipede has legs that are less visible and hidden below its’ body. Another visible difference is that a centipede has just one set of legs per body segment, while the millipede has two sets of legs per body segment. One last clue if you have a centipede or millipede is that a centipede will scurry away if it is disturbed and a millipede will curl up in a coil and not move. Both centipedes and millipedes belong to a group called myriapods which means ‘countless feet’ in Greek. Millipedes eat decaying plant material where centipedes eat small arthropods (insects with hard skeletons and jointed limbs) and myriapods (yes, they will eat smaller millipedes and centipedes!). Millipedes are found scurrying around the leaf litter in the garden in moist conditions, whereas centipedes prefer slightly drier conditions. Centipedes have been known to bite if handled and some people can react to the bite, where millipedes don’t bite but excrete a foul-smelling liquid which some people may react to. Either way, don’t pick them up! One of the most common millipedes at this time in Australia is the Black Portuguese millipede. They are not native to Australia but arrived in the mid-fifties and have become a common pest throughout Australia. They have a shiny black body, with a smooth surface and are often around in spring and autumn - especially after heavy rain. You can tell it is a millipede as it characteristically rolls up in a tight coil when disturbed. If your home is invaded by either centipedes or millipedes, then use an insecticide specific to killing them as they are not killed by all insecticides - unless the product states it can be used for myriapods. Their invasion will routinely be after heavy rain, when the ground is boggy and they are fleeing to drier areas, often your home. Even after moving them back to the garden they may return to the high Centipede ground, so look for the driest patch of the garden if you choose to relocate them. The invasion may last several days until the ground dries out. Australia is the home to over two thousand types of these interesting myriapods! Now when you see them coming to visit, spend some time to identify which type they are. page 16 | About the garden magazine

Winter is a time when many nuisance weeds and prickles seem to invade our home turf, causing much pain and frustration. One such major nuisance weed is the bindii. Treat now before they set seed (the painful part of the weed) and have a painfree spring lawn. The trick to stopping bindii from spreading is to spray them in winter as soon as you see them, before the prickles develop, and continue to repeat spray every 3 weeks until they are gone. Repeat spray is important as this will control weeds that have germinated after prior spraying. One excellent weed killer which kills bindii is Searles Buffalo Master. Searles Buffalo Master is a powerful spray effectively treating bindii, clover, oxalis and other common lawn weeds. Searles Buffalo Master is suitable to spray on many types of lawn including Buffalo lawns including Sir Walter and Palmetto, couch lawns including Queensland blue couch, bent, rye, kikuyu, fescue & paspalum.

For better coverage When spraying weeds, for better success add a wetting agent, such as Searles Spredmax. Searles Spredmax helps the spray to stick to the weeds, giving far better knockdown of weeds.

Support new growth with wall hooks

Designed for

indoor plants Perfect for creating your urban jungle

Help your climbers reach their potential by installing stick-on hooks to walls and tiling. This will help support growing stems. Pictured: Peperomia polybotrya ‘Raindrop’


Year after year many gardeners are devastated by the damage Possums do to buds, flowers and new growth on their roses, shrubs, trees and herbs. However for over 30 years many rose growers, both amateurs and commercial and others ‘in the know’, have used and confirmed D-TER Animal & Bird Repellent’s real success. “I have used your D-TER for 6 months now – am thrilled at the results. It’s the only product to keep Possums off our roses on our 1.5 acres.” Marion C. Vic. “D-TER has made the difference between the joy of roses and the despair of seeing them stripped by Possums and Parrots … Thousands of visitors flock to see our garden and the roses in particular in October and November each year, I am so often asked if D-TER really works, I only need to point to the wondrous display of cascading roses as proof.” Heather C. NSW. “I have used D-TER for the past 3 –5 years and found it the only one to ‘deter’ the 10,000 (sic) possums on my quarter acre block.” Myra M. Vic. “We purchased your D-TER Animal & Bird Repellent last year to reduce the activity of possums on the roof of our home. The product has been very effective…..I wish to purchase a further 1Kg jar. Neil S. NSW

Importantly, D-TER is registered for use against all animals and birds, is extremely effective in repelling them, environmentally sound; very safe, not a poison, has no withholding period and does not harm humans or the creatures.

Protect herbs, vegetables, trees and shrubs from possums, kangaroos, wallabies, rabbits, hares, bandicoots, deer, foxes and other wildlife. Protect vegetables, fruit trees, ornamentals, seedlings and buildings from cockatoos, crows, ducks, pigeons, rosellas, starlings, swallows, other birds, fruit bats and microbats. Protects homes, gardens, patios, shop fronts and paved areas from both dogs and cats or rats and mice.

Protects one plant or a whole area — perimeter &/or band sprays. Repels — without harming animals or humans. Not considered a poison — no withholding period. Easy to use — spray on. Effective when dry. Safe, Proven and Effective. Available in 100g, 1Kg & 4Kg Sizes.

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D-TER, Dept. A, PO Box 3, Oyster Bay, NSW 2225. Enquiries: Phone: (02) 9589 0703 Fax: (02) 9589 0147



For further information contact Lorac Australia Ph. 02 9589 0703 About the garden magazine | page 17

> Prune most spring flowering ornamentals early in winter. > As Camellia sasanqua finish flowering, the Camellia japonica make their debut in the winter garden. Like other camellias, the japonica is long-lived, versatile and easy-care. Plant in ‘acid-loving’ mix, Searles Azalea & Camellia Specialty Mix for pot or garden applications. > Many grevilleas are in bloom during winter. Visit your local gardening outlet for the best varieties for your area. > Plant hippeastrum bulbs for spring flowering. > Look out for winter flowering salvias. Salvia leucantha ‘White Velour’, Salvia Black and Blue, Red salvia or Salvia Splendens and Salvia purpurea are the top choices for winter colour. Happiest in full sun or semi-shade with moisture retentive soil and some tolerate cold temperatures and frost. > Plant winter flowering annuals such as pansies, violas, cyclamens, primroses and kalanchoe. Pansies & violas need good nutrition to support their profuse flowering habit, so feed them fortnightly with Searles Flourish Soluble Plant Food.

Of course some of the most striking of all succulent species to flower during the depths of winter would have to be the hybrid flowering Aloes. Many have made their way onto the market over recent years and are only now being appreciated for their amazing resilience and dramatic flowering capabilities. Available in a variety of sizes, there is a flowering aloe to suit any style and size of garden. Flowering Aloes are one of the best attractants for nectar feeding birds in the winter along with an essential source of pollen for our native stingless bee species. A full sun position suits them best with good drainage, yet they enjoy deep watering to help produce strong flowering stems.

> Winter sunlight is reduced so move indoor plants to a brighter warmer position in the house. Let the potting mix dry out before watering to reduce fungal gnats infestations and root rot diseases. Keep plants away from heaters. > Add some sweet smelling fragrance to the winter gardens by planting sweet peas, boronias, magnolias, michelias, rondeletia and jasmine. For cooler climates plant winter sweet, Hamamelis mollis, hyacinth, jonquil and daphne. > Add a Moth orchid (phalaenopsis) to your indoor sanctuary during this winter. Their distinctively arching single stem is littered with large blooms lasting for many months with minimal care. Place them in a warm bright spot away from direct sunlight and cold winter nights. Let the soil mix dry out before watering and liquid feed during flowering with Searles Flourish Orchid Booster every few weeks. > Try these winter flowering natives in your garden. Lechenaultia formosa, wattles, banksias, croweas and correas, Leptospermum ‘Cardwell’, Grevilleas, Geraldton Wax and Chrysocephalum apiculatum. > Winter flowering fuchsias look great draped over hanging baskets.

> Treat citrus for white louse scale, use Searles Lime Sulphur. > Peas grow well in winter all throughout Australia. Whether you pick a climbing or bush variety, support their growing habit by installing a trellis. Plant in compost enriched soil. Water bushes regularly at the base of the plant to promote consistent pod production and to reduce the risk of powdery mildew. Pick young and often to encourage more flowers. > Keep healthy during the winter months by planting winter salad vegetables. Cabbage can be shredded raw with other vegetables in a tangy dressing. Grate carrots for salads or dice them to add to hearty casseroles. Celery is surprisingly delicious in casseroles. They keep crisp and add another taste dimension. Fresh, raw beetroot can be grated in much the same way as carrot. Don’t forget lettuce, kale and winter herbs such as, rosemary, chives, rocket, sorrel which are in abundance now. Liquid feed with Searles Flourish Vegetable & Tomato Soluble Plant Food every fortnight to keep leafy growth strong. > Plant a lemon tree during winter. For cool climates plant ‘Meyer’ lemon variety.

Rhubarb need a period of frost to make the stems juicy and bring on stem maturity, so they grow well in temperate and cooler regions of Australia. They can be grown in warmer climates in a shadier spot. To keep the stems juicy all year round, water rhubarb regularly with long deep watering once a week and more often during summer. Infrequent watering will make the stems dry and tasteless. Always cook the stems before consuming. Leaves are not edible.

> Brussels sprouts need the cold weather, particularly frosty areas to keep their sprout buds tight. Warm days will loosen their leaves affecting their quality. > Prune gall wasp off citrus trees and burn or bin them to stop the breeding cycle. > Fig trees fruit in autumn and spring, so winter is the ideal time to prune branches to restrict their size for better handling and netting. Keep watch for any pests and diseases and treat promptly.

Sub Tropics/Tropical • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Broccoli Cauliflower Cabbage Lettuce Onions & leeks Beetroot Carrots Pumpkin Radish Sweet corn Strawberry Tomatoes Zucchini

Cooler Climate • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Broccoli Cauliflower Cabbage Leek Brussels sprouts Onions & leeks Beetroot Carrots Turnip Potatoes Radish Broad Beans English spinach & Sliver Beet

Rhubarb is a perennial vegetable, so once you plant it correctly in your garden you will be able to harvest its stems year after year. Rhubarb may take up to three years to reach maturity if grown from seed, so it is best grown from young fleshly crowns available from garden centres. Plant rhubarb crowns into well-drained soil, late autumn and early winter. Sufficient air flow around the plants will also keep diseases and fungus at bay. They love well composted soil. Dig 5 IN 1 Organic Fertiliser into the soil two weeks prior to planting for a rich healthy soil base.

Sub Tropics/Tropical • • • •

Olives Banana Avocado Citrus; kumquat, lime, mandarin, grapefruit, lemon, orange, tangelo • Pineapple • Custard apples • Apples - warm climate varieties

Cooler Climate • • • • •

Apples Grapes Olives Avocado Citrus; kumquat, lime, mandarin, grapefruit, lemon, orange, tangelo • Cherries • Pears

About the garden magazine | page 19

Rockhampton Gladstone


Hervey Bay Toowoomba Warwick


Grafton Port Macquarie

by climatic zone

> Plant hippeastrums and daylily bulbs now for spring blooms. Great time to lift and divide bulbs from last year. Plant in a sunny spot with the head of the bulb sitting above the soil line to prevent rot. > Look out for winter flowering camellia japonicas in gardening outlets. For best flowering results, plant in Searles Azalea, Camellia & Gardenia Specialty Mix. > Some winter flowering red hot pokers add splash of tall colour in gardens. Look out for Kniphofia ‘Winter Cheer’, K. sarmentosa and K. ensifolia. > Orange trumpet vine (pyrostegia venusta) flush with fiery orange flowers on their vigorous twining vine in winter right through to spring. > The colourful bracts of poinsettias and snowflake (Euphorbia leucocephala) are in full display throughout winter. > Many grevilleas flower during winter providing winter food for the wildlife. All grevilleas love full sun and dry feet. Grevilleas like a soil low in phosphorus, so plant them in Searles Native Plant Mix.

Some trees, shrubs or even pot plants can take up to 3 months to show signs of root rot (phytopthora). Signs of root rot are wilting, dieback at the tips of the branches, yellowing leaves, roots becoming mushy and eventually death. Treating early is key to the plant’s survival. Spray with Searles Root Rot, a professional-grade systemic fungicide containing Phosphorous Acid. Phosphorous Acid has been well established as a cost-effective fungicide and safe protectant for fruit trees and other ornamentals. Repeat spray may be necessary. TIP: To reduce the risk of this fungal disease, don’t overwater plants, ensure soil is well-draining and don’t let water sit in pot saucers.

> Plant chamomile, comfrey, dill, garlic bulbs, lavender, lemon balm, marjoram, mint, parsley, oregano, sage, and thyme. > Plant spinach, silver beet, lettuce and earlymaturing cabbage. Fertilise fortnightly with SeaMax® Fish & Kelp and keep the water up to them to ensure an excellent crop. > Salvias Plant cool loving vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage.

For more information for what to grow in your climatic zone visit www.aboutthegarden.com.au page 20

| About the garden magazine


Cairns Townsville Mt. Isa Longreach Carnarvon





> Plant citrus trees (oranges, lemons & limes) in Searles Fruit, Citrus & Rose Specialty Mix. Give them a deep soaking once a week. Prune dead and crowded inner branches on existing citrus trees to direct new spring growth to fruit producing branches. > The wet season is over so keep up with your watering schedule to ensure your garden still gets the moisture it needs. > Heavily cut back gingers, cannas and heliconias as flowering finishes and they enter their dormancy period. They will reshoot when temperatures warm up in late winter to early spring. > Check indoor plants for aphids and mealybugs. Spray with Searles Ecofend Vegetable & Garden Spray (Organic registered) to control and protect plants. > Feed herbs, leafy and lettuce winter vegetables fortnightly with Searles Flourish Vegetable & Tomato Soluble Plant Food to aid production. > Plant Asian greens, beetroot, carrot, coriander, chives, mint, lemongrass artichokes, kale, lettuce, radish, rocket, silverbeet spring onion and tomatoes. > Winter is a great time to prune due to the low humidity and relief from the harsh, hot conditions. > Aerate lawns with a spiked roller, garden fork or lawn aerator sandals. Follow up with an application of Searles Robust Slow Release Lawn Fertiliser to thicken the thatch to smother out winter weeds and enjoy a thick spring lawn.

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Rockhampton Gladstone



Esperance Albany


Port Augusta


Tamworth Orange


Canberra Wodonga

Rockhampton Gladstone


Hervey Bay Toowoomba Warwick


Hervey Bay

Brisbane Grafton


Port Macquarie Newcastle


Toowoomba Warwick



Port Augusta









Grafton Port Macquarie Newcastle


Canberra Wodonga



> Start looking for bindii in lawns and control with Searles Bindii & Clover Killer for Lawns before they set seed. Bindii starts growing in winter and if you kill the weed before it sets seed then you will have less bindiis for next year to contend with. > Plant winter greens such as broccoli, cauliflower, English spinach, Chinese greens, cabbage, Brussels sprouts and peas. Plant straight into Searles Herb & Vegetable Specialty Mix for 9 months feeding to produce a bumper crop. Water daily, especially leafy vegetables to keep their taste from going bitter. > Grevilleas and banksias are great choices for winter colour. Plant them in a low phosphorous soil mix, such as Searles Native Plant Specialty Mix for their special soil needs. > Citrus trees are full of ripening produce. Meyer lemons are particularly abundant growers in cooler areas. Pick regularly and if you have an oversupply give them to your neighbour or juice for an early morning breakie hit. > There is a wide range of camellia japonicas flowering in garden centres to take your pick from. Plant camellias in a specifically designed soil mix such as Searles Azalea & Camellia Specialty Mix. Perfect for planting in pots or in gardens. Michelias are closely related to magnolias and generally are evergreen compared with its relative. Frost tolerant and hardy.

> Plant bare-rooted roses, deciduous trees, shrubs and fruit trees using Searles Fruit, Citrus & Rose Specialty Mix. > For elegant winter blooms try planting hellebores. These vigorous growers tolerate poor soil types and shady conditions. They display beautifully in gardens and pots around the patio and shady nooks. For best results, feed with Searles Flourish Flowers & Foliage Soluble Plant Food. > Keep indoor potted plants away from heaters and protect outdoor potted plants from frosts by moving them into a protected area. > Visit your local nursery for the best selection of bare rooted roses, citrus trees and ornamental trees that are ideal to be planted now. > Protect from the disfiguring fungus peach leaf curl when buds are first forming on the stem. Control with Searles Copper Oxychloride. > Beetroot are ready to harvest and compliment winter soups and stews, also plant artichoke, asparagus, broad beans, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrot, cauliflower, celery, chives, curry, dill, endive, leek, lettuce, mint, onions, parsley, peas, snow peas, sage, silver beet, spinach and radish. > Plant pansies, polyanthus, poppy, primula, ranunculus, snapdragon, begonia, calendula, cineraria and violas for instant Winter colour. > Correas and crowea are in flower now welcoming birds and humans alike with their flamboyant colour.


page 22 | About the garden magazine

For more information for what to grow in your climatic zone visit

Alice Springs Rockhampton Gladstone


Moree Port Augusta

Perth Esperance Albany


Armidale Tamworth Orange

Rockhampton Gladstone

Emerald Carnarvon

Hervey Bay Toowoomba Warwick


Hervey Bay

Brisbane Grafton



Port Macquarie

Port Augusta





Canberra Wodonga



> Harvest Jerusalem artichoke now. > Consider planting arctotis, euphorbias, hardenbergias, wallflower and French lavender to add extra winter colour. > Camellia sasanquas will finish flowering mid winter, but fear not, Camellia japonicas will take its place in the flowering game and flower during winter and into spring. > With the rainy season here, watch out for mildew and blackspot on roses and ornamentals. Treat with Searles Rose Pro.




Port Macquarie

Tamworth Orange



Canberra Wodonga



> Plant deciduous trees, roses and shrubs now.


Toowoomba Warwick



> Now is the prefect time to plant deciduous trees and roses. This will set them up for a great start when spring arrives. Before planting, enrich the soil with a dose of 5 IN 1 Organic Fertiliser to feed trees and shrubs with organic nutrients and encourage healthy microbial activity. > Plant chrysanthemum, cosmos, dahlia, dianthus, everlasting daisy, gaillardia, gazania, geranium, gerbera, impatiens, kangaroo paw, marigolds, nasturtium, petunia, portulaca, rudbeckia, salvia, snapdragon, sunflower, torenia, verbena, wallflower and zinnia. Liquid feed every fortnight to promote flowering and better foliage formation.

> Asian greens, coriander and rocket love the cold. Plant chives, curry, dill, mint, parsley, sage and thyme.

> Plant winter loving herbs savoury, sorrel, sage and thyme. The great benefit of planting herbs is they suit being planted amongst any type of garden styles or grouped together for easy reach.

> Sow ageratum, alyssum, cineraria, cleome, cyclamen, forget-me-not, Iceland poppy, lobelia, lupin, marigold, pansy, petunia, phlox, primula, stock, verbena, wallflower and zinnia.

> Watch out for aphids, spider mites and scale on new branches of roses and citrus. Treat with an organic spray such as Searles Ecofend Fruit & Garden Spray.

> Fertilise developing fruit with Searles Fruit & Citrus Plant Food. Keep an eye out for scale on fruit. For an organic solution to control scale, treat with Searles Ecofend Vegetable & Fruit Spray.

> Sow artichoke, asparagus, broad bean, beetroot, broccoli, cabbage, carrot, lettuce, onion, parsnip, pea, potato, pumpkin, radish, rhubarb, silver beet and spinach. Water regularly and consistently to produce tastier and better formed vegetables.

> Mulch gardens before the heat arrives. > Winter is a great time to plant leafy and root vegetables like artichoke, asparagus, members of the brassica family (including broccoli, cauliflower, brussels spouts, cabbages, english spinach, lettuce), broad bean, carrot, onion, pea and radish.

Carrots can go into the ground now.

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Ask for Searles quality garden products at your nearest gardening outlet. www.searlesgardening.com.au

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