Sales Presentation

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Mark 148 Sales Presentation Prepared by: Sara Johnson Sales Management and Selling Dr. Richard Robinson 28 April 2009




Buyer Description In this presentation I am approaching a new client, Mary Edwards from Meal Mobile. Mary is the owner of Meal Mobile, a food delivery service catering to the Milwaukee downtown area. Meal Mobile is unique in the sense that it delivers food directly to your home, office, dorm room, etc. from places that do not necessarily offer delivery. They have a list of over 20 local restaurants you can order food from. Don’t see something you like on the list? Just ask, and Meal Mobile will do their best to satisfy your cravings. To order, simply contact meal mobile via phone, fax, or online, tell them what you’d like, then Meal Mobile places the order for you and delivers directly to where you need it. As previously stated, Meal Mobile is a new client for me. After gazing though their website, and talking with a couple of my co­workers who use Meal Mobile’s services, I have concluded Meal Mobile is a qualified prospect that can benefit greatly by promoting themselves with my company’s various publications. I have already contacted Meal Mobile and spoke with the owner, Mary Edwards, over the phone. The cold call was a success, and I obtained Mary’s email address and sent her a media kit and rate guide. I followed up with Mary a few days later by phone, giving her time to look things over and decided if she wants to pursue an active relationship with my company. Fortunately, Mary sees value in promoting her business with us, but still needs some convincing. I scheduled an appointment to meet with Mary in her office at Meal Mobile to hopefully assure her this is a solid investment. To prepare for my meeting Mary gave me a rough advertising budget to work with.

Sales Call Objectives 1. Assure Mary investing her marketing dollars with Marquette Student Media is an effective and affordable way to promote Meal Mobile to the college market. 2. Discuss with Mary the various advertising mediums Marquette Student Media offers, recommending the ones I feel will best suit Meal Mobiles personal needs. 3. Demonstrate the value of utilizing multiple mediums to ensure Mary’s message is viewed and accepted to her target market. 4. Set up a meeting to close the sale by having Mary sign a contract to advertise with Marquette Student Media all semester long. 5. Lay the foundation for a mutually beneficial relationship that will ensure success for both Meal Mobile and Marquette Student Media. 3


Marketing Plan Product In my sales presentation I will play the roll of an Account Executive (AE) representing Marquette Student Media’s Advertising Department, selling to a new client, Meal Mobile. Marquette Student Media (MSM) is essentially a student run agency. It consists of several departments such at The Marquette Tribune newspaper, Marquette Journal magazine, Marquette TV, Marquette Radio, Marquette Online Interactive, and Advertising. As an AE it is my job to sell advertising space in MSM publications. Within the Advertising Department there are 9 AEs each with their own territory. For example, part of my territory is Bars and Restaurants K­N, Professional Firms, and Convenience Stores. It is my job to find qualified prospects within these territories and approach them about the possibility of promoting themselves with SMS publications. SMS publications are read primarily by Marquette Students, as well as Marquette faculty, staff, and surrounding small businesses. Our Audience is estimated to be just shy of 14,000. Due to our niche audience, all our publications have a high readership rate of nearly 98%. Our circulation depends on the medium. The Marquette Tribune newspaper, for example, has a circulation of 7,000 and is distributed free of charge on Tuesdays and Thursdays to over 205 high traffic areas throughout the Marquette campus, local businesses, and Milwaukee’s East Side. The Marquette Journal magazine is published 2­3 times a year with a circulation of 3,000 and is distributed to the same areas as the Tribune. Price The price of advertising varies depending upon which medium the client chooses. The Tribune newspaper price depends on multiple factors including frequency, size, color, and placement within the paper. I would suggest Meal Mobile to run at least once a week, taking advantage of our Frequency discount. I would further suggest that they run on The Study Break Page, a page in the paper dedicated to crosswords, sudoku, and comics. This is prime real­estate positioning as many students look to this page to entertain themselves in class. Secured placement is guaranteed with an additional 15% of the space cost. I may also encourage Meal Mobile to use one spot color to draw attention to the ad, making it stick out among the black and white of the paper. One spot color adds an additional $90 to the total cost of the ad. Full color is an additional $270­yikes! As far as size, I would recommend various sizes. Since Meal Mobile is new to our audience, perhaps starting off with a large ad to grab attention, then transitioning to a smaller size that can appear week after week would be most appropriate. For example, starting with a full or half


5 page ad, then transitioning to a quarter page size. Finally, because Meal Mobile allows students to order food online, I would strongly suggest they have a presence online at Online ads are sold on a per monthly basis. A large banner costs $200/month, whereas a smaller banner costs $100/moth. Place Initially I will contact Meal Mobile via telephone. After exchanging emails, I will schedule an appointment to visit Meal Mobile at their location where I will conduct business with the owner, Mary, in her office. Attire is business casual. Promotion MSM utilizes two primary communication channels to promote themselves. The first is in­house ads. MSM uses their own mediums to encourage readers to advertise within the publication they’re reading. This works well for targeting bars, restaurants, student organizations, and university events. The second communication channel used to promote MSM is on behalf of the AEs. This group cold calls prospects, following up with emails and fax, and engaging in face­to­ face contact.



Sales Presentation SPIN Approach Sara arrives at Meal Mobile mid­afternoon after the lunch rush has settled down to meet with the owner, Mary Edwards. She’s completed some pre­approach mandatories, and has a rough view of what Mary is looking for. Sara walks into Meal Mobile’s office, informs the gentleman at the counter, Jason, she’s here to meet with Mary, and is escorted to Mary’s office in the back of the story. Mary: Hi Sara! It’s nice to finally meet you. Please take a seat. Sara and Mary exchange a firm handshake. Sara takes a seat across from Mary at her desk. Sara: Hi Mary, thanks for allowing me to come meet with you. Jason mentioned you are preparing to fill a large order for the Theater Arts Networking event this evening, so I won’t keep you that long. Mary: Yah, it’s the biggest order we’ve had yet this month. Things are pretty hectic around here. I know I mentioned I’d have about a half hour to chat with you, but if you can keep it to twenty that would be great. Sara: No problem. I’m glad to hear business is going well, especially in this economy. Now on the phone you mentioned you aren’t currently utilizing paid advertising mediums. How are you promoting your business? Mary: Well, we have bright yellow delivery cars that prominently display our name and number. We were also recently written up on in a feature story. Aside from that, we really rely on word of mouth. Sara: And so far, how is this strategy supporting your business objectives? Mary: We’re doing well, but I know we could do better. Sales are rather steady, and every now 6

7 and then we do get a catering request, but I would like to increase sales by really targeting college students. Within our delivery area there are five colleges and I’m not sure how to go about targeting these markets. Sara: Have you attempted to target college students at all? Mary: We tested out a promotion where students receive 15% off their total delivery cost. All they had to do was show their college ID to the delivery person. Sara: And how did you advertise this promotion? Mary: We mentioned it on our website and placed a few ads in The Onion, because it seems that publication has a younger market. Plus they have distribution on several college campuses. Sara: What result did you see? Mary: It wasn’t very effective, and the cost of advertising was ridiculous. That’s why I’m a bit hesitant to start advertising again in newspapers. Sara: I can understand your concern, and I’m confident I can suggest an effective affordable solution. But let me make sure I have a clear understanding of your situation. Meal Mobile would like to saturate the college student market in an effort to increase sales. You ran a promotion in the past, and used a single medium to inform your target. Correct? Mary: Yes. Product SELL Sequence Sara: While The Onion is a well respected publication that does have distribution across several college campuses, their readership rate is estimated to be around 20% with college students. I suggest the best way to target college students and drive up sales is to promote Meal Mobile within multiple college specific publications. These mediums are tailored specifically to a niche market and have extremely high readership rates. I brought along a hard copy of Marquette Student Media’s Media Kit. It’s the same as the one I emailed to you, but I know how nice it is to actually have one in your hands. [Sara hands Mary the Media Kit. Please note the Media Kit is the brochure that accompanies this Sales Presentation. Mary takes the Media Kit and opens it.] Sara: You’ll notice my business card is located in the inside cover. I’ve also included the most recent edition of the Marquette Tribune newspaper and Marquette Journal magazine for you to browse though. But I’d like to specifically point out “The Tribune and The Journal” tab. Sara opens the Media Kit and points to a specific page. 7


Sara: As you can see, Marquette’s official campus newspaper, The Marquette Tribune, has an audience comprised of nearly 14,000 students with 98% readership rate. It’s also distributed twice a week, every Tuesday and Thursday to over 200 high traffic areas on Marquette’s campus and surrounding small businesses. Mary: That’s quite impressive. What do your rates look like? Sara: If you flip over to the “Journal Rates and Tribune Rates” tab you’ll see our various rates. Pricing depends on a couple different factors such as frequency, size, color and placement. However, Marquette Student Media offers the lowest rates in Milwaukee, ensuring you get the most for you investment. I’m sure you’ve notice we’re significantly more affordable than The Onion, and we’re even lower than UWM. Mary: These are fairly low rates. Sara: In addition to our already low rates we offer discounts and promotions I’d be happy to discuss with you in a moment. To give you better idea of what an ad may cost, you’ll see here (Sara flips the page) we list several of our most popular ad sizes next to their cost. Keep in mind; this is the cost for a black on white ad. I’ve also marked off these sizes in the copy of The Tribune so you can see what the size looks like in the context of the paper. I suggest Meal Mobile utilize this medium as it is timely, and will quickly and consistently introduce students to your brand. [Mary flips through The Tribune, again that is included in the brochure that accompanies this Sales Presentation.] Mary: This is quite helpful. I really like the half page size. I do still have a copy of the ad we ran in The Onion, but it’s a bit smaller. I’d hate to have to pay my designer to create another ad. Service SELL Sequence Sara: That’s no problem at all. Marquette Student Media has an entire creative department staffed with experienced student graphic designers who can design, layout, and even write copy for you at no cost whatsoever. Mary: Student graphic designers? I’m sure they do nice work, but I’d prefer to have a professional create ads for Meal Mobile. Sara: If you’re concerned that the students’ abilities aren’t at the same level as a professional, I’d like you to take a look at the copy of the Marquette Journal magazine. Every element of this magazine was created and designed by students; the ads, the cover, the layout, even the photographs. I’m sure you’d agree that this work is at the same level as a professionals’. And again, our student graphic artists offer their service at no cost to our clients.


9 Mary: [Paging thought The Journal, that is included with this Sales Presentation]. This is quite impressive! I would have never thought students were capable of creating such quality work. This looks better than some things my designer has made! Sara: It’s quite amazing. If you really are interested in the half page ad size, you could email me the native file of The Onion ad, and I can have our creatives resize the ad for you so you can see what it would look like. Mary: All right, I see your email address is on your business card. Sara: Yes it is. I could also have the creatives create a few spec ads in different sizes and maybe play around with color to give you a variety of options. Mary: That sounds wonderful! How soon could we be in the paper? Sara: You can be in the paper be the end of this week if you would like. Mary: That’s fast. What about the promotions and discounts you mentioned? Price SELL Sequence Sara: Thanks for bring that back up. First lets talk discounts. Marquette Student Media offers clients a frequency discount if they choose to run an ad for eight consecutive weeks. The Frequency Discount is explained here point to rate guide. Clients can choose to run in one issue of the Tribune a week, or both. The frequency discount is greater if you opt for the latter option. If you look in the various size ads I tagged in the copy of The Tribune I brought, you’ll notice I wrote down the cost of the ad, as well as the discounted frequency cost. Mary: Looking at the tags in the Tribune Okay, I see that. This does help bring the cost down a bit. Sara: It really does. And since Meal Mobile is a new client, I would highly recommend taking advantage of the frequency rate option to ensure students are regularly reminded of your business. Mary: Do I have to run the exact same add all eight weeks? Sara: No you don’t, and I would advise against that. You don’t want your message to ware out. You want to be dynamic and constantly changing to attract students’ attention. I would suggest playing around with sizes and the use of color. Starting off with a larger size and then scaling down to a smaller size is a smart strategy. Also, securing placement within the paper is some of it’s most read sections are a sure way for students to notice your ad. Mary: What do you mean by secure placement? 9


Sara: You can reserve space within sections of The Tribune. For example, I would suggest Meal Mobile advertise in the Study Break Section. This area of the paper has comics, crossword puzzles, and sodoku, and is the first thing students turn to. Ads on this page are estimated to have a 45% higher exposure rate. To secure placement, there is a 15% placement fee of the space cost of the ad. Mary: More money, maybe that’s something I could look past. Sara: I wouldn’t look past it. While our paper does have a high readership rate, it doesn’t hurt to position yourself where you know students are looking. Perhaps securing placement certain times through out the semester when students may be more likely to use Meal Mobile is a smart choice. For example, around midterms and finals students have no time to eat let alone cook. Having a tasty meal delivered right to the library is a better alternative than the vending machine. Trust me, I speak from personal experience. Mary: You bring up a good point, Sara. Sara: I would also suggest using multiple mediums to target students. Aside from advertising in The Tribune, you may want to consider placing an ad online, linking students directly to Meal Mobile’s online order page. Our online information and rates are right here. Flips to another page in the Media Kit. Mary: I see these prices are by month. Are you offering any promotions for this medium? Sara: Actually we are, if you choose to run online for three months, the length of a semester, we’ll give you half off the third month. Would you seem interested in this medium as well? Mary: You know, I think we would. Since approximately half our orders come through online it only makes sense that we have an online presence as well. Sara: Sounds good. I’ve played around with the advertising budget you gave me over the phone last week, and was able to budget out a run schedule where Meal Mobile runs an ad in every Thursday issue of the Tribune, taking advantage of our Frequency Discount. [Sara presents a run schedule document to Mary that lists the date, sizes, and cost of each ad for the semester.] Sara: As you can see, I’ve factored in different sizes, and an online ad for the entire semester as well. You still have some budget left over that we can invest in color or placement. Mary: Wow, I’m surprised that budget carried me so far. Closing



Sara: As I said, we have the lowest rates in town allowing you to get the most for you investment. How about you email me your existing artwork from the ad you ran in The Onion. I’ll have my creatives re­create a half page ad size as well as some spec ads. Then you and I can discuss which ads you’d like to go with and we can have a contract signed by the end of the week. Mary: That sounds like a plan. How about you swing by here again on Friday with the spec ads and we can settle things then. I’d like to be in the paper by next week. Sara: That works for me. You can be in next Thursday’s issue and we’ll have you online by Monday. Mary: Great, thanks Sara, I really appreciate your help. Sara: No problem, Mary. Good luck with the catering event tonight. Both women stand up and shake hands. Sara exits.


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