Business :: Method Acting: A Brief Overview...

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Business :: Method Acting: A Brief Overview Method Entertainment acting refers to a technique wherein an actor draws upon their past Theater experiences and emotions to portray a character. A key benefit of this model of acting is the ability to act realistically on cue. For this reason, an actor who has been professionally trained in Method acting is highly bookable in both the film and theatre industry. Method Acting was first introduced to the United States in the early 1930s, through Lee Strasberg's formation of Group Theatre. Lee Strasberg studied Constantin Stanislavski's theories of acting under the tutelage of Richard Boleslavsky and Maria Ouspenskaya. Though Method acting has evolved since those early days, Stanislovski is still considered to be its founding father. In the US, Method Acting gained popularity and its influence on the success of Hollywood's film industry is verifiable. Over 100 Oscar winners have trained using Method Acting techniques. In the UK, however, Method acting was dismissed as being too emotional for British actors. In its stead, the technical aspects of acting were emphasized in nearly all acting schools. This accounts for the domination of Hollywood for film versus the UK's market share of the theatre industry. To this day, the majority of the acting classes London offers do not train students in Method Acting. There are only a few accredited schools in the UK that teach Method Acting. Method Acting training requires more from an actor than being able to call up past experiences at Acting will. This technique includes the finely tuned development of the actor's imagination. Though one could argue that imagination does not need to be taught because it is inherent in each of us, Method Acting classes hone the student's imagination to a level not attained in everyday life. The student will learn to use all of their senses in tandem in order to immerse themselves in their portrayal of a Entertainment character. Many of the acting classes London students attend focus solely on technical aspects of character portrayal. This method often produces a stereotypical performance based on what the actor empirically believes a character would do with their voice or body, given a set of circumstances. When an actor trains in Method Acting, the acting classes teach laser sharp channeling of honest emotion through the character. This results in the chillingly realistic performances of the highest caliber working screen actors today, including Dustin Hoffman, Robert DeNiro, Cate Blanchett, Meryl Streep and Anthony Hopkins. Actors who have learned Method Acting draw audiences into movie theatres based on their name alone. That's because ticket holders know they can rely on them to give powerful performances on a consistent basis. Directors and casting agents know it, too. The acting classes London currently offers are not likely to have teachers on staff who are trained to coach Method Acting and so the determined aspiring actor must seek out the few who do. Method Acting classes are challenging and require a synergy between a committed student and an effective teacher with a genuine desire to advance the student's career opportunities. This includes being forthcoming with praise as well as being honest with criticism when appropriate. The result will be powerful performances on demand.

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