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WELCOME TO ISSUE¹11 OF SWEAT It’s officially the second half of 2011 & summer is practically here! So for you to enjoy we present some of the most gorgeous artwork, photography & people to read on the plane, train, bus & backseat of whatever transport you choose to get to your destination.

CONTENTS CONTENTS ARTWORK vintage logo COVER & THE GIRLS by Grace Hamilton SUCK IT & SEE REVIEW by Jess Bunyan & George Watson SKELETAL by Mark Charlesworth PHOTOGRAPHY & INTERVIEW by Billie Turner

GRACE HAMILTON Based in Hertfordshire, UK, artist Grace Hamilton spends her days “drawing pretty girls with sad faces and beautiful clothes”, finding inspiration from vintage postcards, books, icons and the fashion photography of greats like Tim Walker. Some of her latest work has looked at the idea of fairy tales like sleeping beauty, as well as a series for Audrey Grace Boutique of portraits of perhaps the epitome of the girls she specialises in portraying; Grace Kelly and Audrey Hepburn. There is a damaged quality to her girls and Hamilton describes how she aims to “create a sense that each girl is captured in the middle of her own love story”, and really isn’t that what everyone looks for in portraits of beautiful girls? There is a strength and innocence there enhanced by her delicate painterly style. In the images here created for SWEAT we find her in the mist of lyrical inspiration from bands like The Decemberists and Fleetwood Mac. The vintage collages only add to enhance the story behind what might be missed in a fleeting song. And that is what Hamilton does so beautifully, puts a whole story behind a girl, a phrase or an image, that was there all along but the viewer may have missed as they flicked through pages in a magazine, or let a song drift over them. For more Grace head to her blog: or buy her work on etsy:

SUCK IT AND SEE Despite it having been leaked months before we’re meant to have heard it, Arctic Monkey’s fourth album was still waited for with all the anticipation a band of their calibre deserves. As always it’s been met with harsh opinions from those that hold the early albums in a kind of untouchable, holy space reserved for only the most worshipped of bands, and those who appreciate their constant decision to evolve and grow, even if it moves away from their original winning formula. Here we asked two people, a hardcore fan and an AM virgin to review the album from both sides of the fence.


When I heard the single Don’t Sit Down Jess Bunyan ‘Cause I’ve Moved Your Chair I have to say that my heart broke in two. All the poetic elegance of the stories Alex Turner’s words used to tell had been reduced to random drug fuelled sound bites. I was not impressed. In fact there’s a line in the title track, “I poured my aching heart into a pop song, I couldn’t get the hang of poetry” which is so ironic it almost hurts. Anyway, I had vowed not to buy the album until my friend tricked me into listening to it and I have to say it was played another 10 times that day. There are low points, Brick By Brick doesn’t sound like them at all. But there are also major high points like one of my personal favourites, Love Is A Lazerquest. The second half of the album speaks to me more, even though it’s everything that doesn’t sound like the Arctic Monkeys I once whole heartedly loved. In the end, if this was a new band it would be a great album. Instead - for them - it’s an alright one.


I wouldn’t say I’m the only George Watson person in the world who hasn’t listened to an Arctic Monkeys album in it’s entirety, but I’d have to say that I’m probably a rarity. My first thought when I saw Suck It And See was the odd titles, I mean, The Hellcat Spangled Shalalala and Piledriver Waltz? I wasn’t sure if I admired or hated them. I decided the former after listening through the whole thing. Reckless Serenade hooked me in with the guitar and the first line, and although there is as a whole a little too much of that seventies hallucinogenic whiney guitar for my personal liking, they’re so tight that often you can just brush over that. It slows down on the second half of the album, but it’s clearly so the lyrics can talk a little louder which isn’t always a bad thing. I’m actually pleasently surprised about how genuinely talented they are, along with them being quite good pop songs. Maybe I should succumb to the masses and purchase myself those first albums...

At just 16 the way Billie Turner sees the world through her lens is truly extraordinary and unique. The portraits of her friends show real warmth both towards her subject and her craft. The composition is new, the feeling light hearted and the effect quite arresting.

BILLIE TURNER So to get to the heart of what makes her tick and just what makes her photos so perfect we here at SWEAT decided to catch up with her for some brand new photos and an interview just for you. Hope you enjoy!

So is photography your first love? If not, what is? Oh wow, that’s a hard one. I have quite a few interests and I juggle my time with them all. I love writing a lot and have always had a real passion for acting. I’m very art-based, you won’t find me doing anything academic in the future that’s for sure. But I have only properly got into taking my own photos during the past two years I’d say, getting my first proper camera last December. I have grown completely obsessed with photography. But my first love, I couldn’t really say. What inspires you? I am very nature based when it comes to art. When I paint or create I usually find myself going towards the idea of the link between people and nature. I like the unpredictably of leaves and the dramatic shapes you can capture in photography. With my camera I like to take photos from things that are happening around me,

catching moments in a fraction of a second. My friends are what influence a lot of my photos. When there’s lots of excitement around I am on the ball trying to instil the atmosphere in an image; it helps that they are all so naturally photogenic too. We all tend to go on photo shoots in our spare time- usually for various different art projectswhich are always fun. Otherwise when I’m on my own I sometimes go and get inspired by scenery or objects in my bedroom. I try my best to take photos everyday. Which photographers/artists do you look up to? I like the whole idea of art having distinct symbolism and deeper meaning. Metaphorical art intrigues me. Slinkachu’s “Little people in the city” project fascinates me. I love Frida Kahlo’s work, her way of expressing “pain through art” using dark imagery is brilliant!

Do you have a favourite photo that you’ve taken? I don’t think I do no, but if I were to choose one it would probably be a photo I took in Berlin. It is an image of two elbows from two of my friends in front of a mirror. It’s quite a soft simple image but in an unusual way, to me it represents friendship from a different perspective.

“It represents friendship from a different perspective.”

What do you look for in a good subject to photograph? In portraiture for a good photograph, atmosphere is key. I look for expression and find focusing on smaller areas of the face rather than the whole picture brings a new life to a photo. Natural beauty in genuine happiness is probably the most exciting subject, it becomes special when the outcome is as spontaneous as the idea of photographing it. What are you on to next? I am all set to take my camera on all sorts of adventures before I start college; camping mostly so expect lots of warm sunny photos on my website. More specifically I am planning a fairly large photo shoot involving lots of people, glitter, powder paint and silly string being thrown around-which is exciting. But for now I’m just going to see where life takes me.

Hot or cold? My feet are always cold but I have a warm heart. I’d rather be hot at night. There’s something horrible about being cold and not being able to warm up. It takes me a while to get hot tempered but when I do I try and keep it cool. I like the indecisive temperature of the colour green-its in theory a cold colour but in nature it brings out a greater warmth. Describe yourself in one word. Ambitious

For more Billie Turner Visit her tumblr:

SWEAT ISSUE Âą11 website: contact:

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