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Dedicated to all the students of class 3C, and class 4D , Bluebells School, New Delhi and their wonderful theatre teacher, Beatrice.

“Give a person a fish and they eat for a day. Teach a person to fish and they eat for a lifetime.�

Contents Activity Flow

Character Building

Things you need

Seeing and observing


Narrative Building



Spontaneous Reactions




KWL Charts Discussions Associations and Connections Freeing yourself Connecting Body and Drawing Experimenting with mediums Real life project

ACTIVITY FLOW Making them draw large

Interdisciplinary, Transdisciplinary Methods

(also improves hand-eye cordination)


Overcoming the fear of right and wrong

Word asscociations and connections To increase understanding and stimulate advanced imagination

Air Earth


Focussing on the most difficult element : Air “We cannot see or touch air, we can only feel air.� Writing your own stories

Understanding through feelng and imagination

Situation Building

Mapping your imagination (in the from of a drawing)

Body (viewed as a medium of expression) To design appropriate activities, (context, age appropritae)


Having a display on this theme (transforming the classroom)

Final stage of the process.

(impact on the child)

Evaluation of learning

Working with Newspaper and the body Experimenting with different forms and mediums Enactment versus experience

With your own body

(character is personal.)

Music and Drawing replaced by Dialogue Music is an important tool. It gives a flow and emotion to your theme. We decided to use music and percussion as a tool to express. We did not fix upon any tune but asked the childern to play spontaneously feeling the movement. We used very unusual instruments and even encouraged them to use their voices to enhance and support the feeling. We also encouraged them to create their own musical instruments with found material. We depicted various emotions and climaxes with music.

Expressing good and bad qualities through drawing


Sounds and Nature. To listen and experience the elements

How does Mr. Water walk? What happens when water gets angry?



A new group called the Humans was added to understand the relationship with an outsider. Also to have a perspective from both sides of the fence.

Role Playing

“Going back to the drawing board.”

(translaiting visualisations and drawings into sets)

Enactment v/s Experience


“Inverting the gaze”

(understanding concept from all possible perspectives.)

Most memorable and enjoyable

Things you need

Things you need Pencils Paint Brushes ( 7,8,9,10 and 12) Thick Crayons Large sheets of paper (Imperial size) A4 and A3 sheets of paper Paint tubes Lots of newspaper Gum and celo tape Scissors Eraser and sharpner Know How (Manual for the workshops)



Using visuals as a tool is very important, as you can immediately understand the way a child thinks and expresses. After every session or when you think that the children are not grasping the theme of the class, ask them to draw what they have understood and felt, without imposing your own ideas on them. Ask them to draw what they like or dislike. Ask them to put up a display of their work in class, thus transforming the classroom into their theme space.

Freeing Yourself


Since there was no good or bad, right or wrong in the sessions, it was a relief for the children that they were not

getting graded.


Srishti School of Art Design and Technology

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