Jason Hackenwerth Case Study

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Jason Hackenwerth



Instructions: All students must complete Activity 1 and Activity 2 All students must chose two (2) other activities from the options available. Students are to submit 1 Activity each Friday either transferred by iChat, email or saved onto the shareddata in the Year 10 folder. Any problems need to be discussed with your teacher prior to the due date.

1 GSW09


CONTENT Introduction ...................1


Youtube.....................3 Artworks................4


Exhibition.............6 Interview.....................7

Art talk............8 Other





Street Artist becomes new art darling in New York Jason Hackenwerth


the pop artists of the late 20th century, artist Jason Heckenwerth transforms common everyday materials and imagery in to something new. He blows up hundreds of balloons and strings them together in unusual forms to create sculptures that resembles an array of strange animals, insects or aliens.

The creatures look like a strange cross between sea invertebrates, insects, and alien monsters. When put into a setting like the Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History, hanging above the fossilised bones of dinosaurs that lived millions of years ago, they truly come to life. Their otherworldly anatomy and bright colors make them almost believable as fierce airborne predators, except that they look like so much fun it is hard to believe that anybody would be intimidated by them at all. The last way you would describe Jason’s work would be depressing. In fact, he sees to it that each installation is full of life and joy. His sculptures are not meant only to hang from the ceiling; they are also wearable. He has made and performed in huge wearable sculptures called Megamites at shows and festivals around the world. Jason’s sculptures bear a surprisingly organic look, so it seems almost logical that they

would walk around and interact freely with people. Children themselves seem to engage with the Magamites on a whole new level. Watching the videos on Jason of his balloon creations in action, it’s easy to see why his sculptures have been welcomed in galleries across the country and internationally. He injects fun and playfulness into what he does, and it is reflected in the finished product. He could easily take it the other way and highlight the decay of the youthfully rotund creatures. But the message of his art seems to be that life is short, so have fun and be youthful for as long as you can. He has exhibited his work internationally since graduating Art School in 2003. His works are playful and colourful, but like all balloons they slowly deflate over time added another dimension to his work. Hackenwerth now lives in Long Island city New York.



Article Reading and Research Task

Read the bio on the artist’s website http://jasonhackenwerth.com Read the biographical information provided. Scroll down to selected PUBLICATIONS. Read the following articles and complete the questions:

"Larger than Life" by Mike Ives - 7DTV click here 1. Why has Jason Hackenwerth been compared to Alexander Calder 2. Find an example of Calders work and include in this document "He's Lofty", St. Louis Magazine - At Home click here 1. What has the writer compare Jason Hackenwerth to? 2. How does the writer describe the works 3. Explain why they were so impressive in the space? "Ballonatics" by Aimee Levit, River Front Times click here 1. Make a list of the places in the world the artist has exhibited his work. 2. On a map of the world locate these places Sculpture Mag, Revenge of The Megadon. Peabody Museum. click here 1. How does the article suggest that Hackenwerth’s sculpture make people feel?

2. How do you believe he achieves this?

In your video document the process that you go through to construct your own insect inspired sculpture. To do this you will need to photograph or film a piece of the process each lesson. 1. Collect examples of initial sketches, including your continuous line drawings 2. Film and/or photograph the different stages of your wire experiments 3. Compose dialogue that explains the problems that you encounter and what solutions you develop. 4. Explain to your audience what you are attempting. Are you trying to capture particular gesture or a particular characteristic peculiar to your insect. How have you used the wire to show this? 5. Discuss construction techniques and illustrate how you create the different effects. Show how you join the wire, how you intend to replicate wings, legs, knees etc. 6. Evaluate your sculpture. What reaction were you attempting to create. What devices have you used in the sculpture to create this reaction.

Make me an ART STAR



Jason Hackenwerth has a youtube channel Compose a video illustrating the process of building your sculpture.




Task 1. Collate your favourite 10 or 12 artworks into a COLLAGE for display using either Pages, PhotoShop, Vuvox, Snap Collage or a another suitable tool. 2. Create a 20 question poll about the way people respond to the artworks and survey 5 people - Use the Frames as a starting point for your questions. 3. Present your results in a report.



www.boardofstudies.com.au 1.

Give a definition from the syllabus of an AUDIENCE and an ARTIST.


Discuss how the artist wants his audience to react to his works. How does he want them to feel? How does he want them to interact? Use terminology from the SUBJECTIVE FRAME


What do we normally associate balloons and balloon animals with? Make a list of situation where you would find them. What mood are people in, in these situations?

Is the artist using emotions and past experiences to influence the way people would react to these particular works? How? What FRAME does this fall under?


In a table make a list of the colours that Jason Hackenwerth seems to enjoy working with?


Add another column to this table and equate a particular emotion that you think is evoked by the use of that individual colour.



5.ARTEXHIBITION http://www.webster.edu/news/releases/jasonhackenwerth_080932.shtml

Webster University

Recent Work by New York-based Artist Jason Hackenwerth presented at Webster University’s Cecille R. Hunt Gallery


The article located at the above website is a critique of Jason Hackenwerth’s work. Read and then reflect on the following points. 1. Which of the FRAMES would you consider that the piece of writing is situated? 2. What is a Media Release? Who is it released to? Why is a media release important to an exhibition. 3. Make a list of the ADJECTIVES from the article that help to describe the works to the intended audience. 4.Discuss why it would be important for Hackenwerth to exhibit at Webster University. 5.Present your findings as a Keynote or using another Presentation tool.




Reading Skills + - TED Interview with Jason Hackenwerth. 1st Complete the questions. http://blog.ted.com/2009/02/interview_with_1.php

ACTIVITY ONE: Visit the website and read the brief interview: Consider the following Questions: 1. What problems do people encounter when they first make the decision to become an artist 2. Find a definition of METAPHOR.

then ACTIVITY TWO: Using Garageband record a PodCast of a Interview with Jason : 1. Develop a script. Construct relevant questions about both his work and the process he uses to construct them. 2. Record the interview as a PODCAST. Include images of Hackenwerth’s work to illustrate points made in the interview. 3. Make sure to include a Front Title and credits at the end.


3. Describe the metaphor that Jason Hackenwerth believes he creates with his sculptures.











Then he began doing covert installations in subway stations before moving on to make the kind of bold, sea-creature looking sculptures you see now. Along the way, Hackenwerth also made wearable sculptures -- some of them hilariously sexual in nature -- and went around the world entertaining/bugging people in them. He has videos of this on his website. Hackenwerth was down-to-earth and engaging during the lecture, refraining from intellectualizing his work much at all. Basically, he told the audience, he makes his creatures because they don't exist in the world and he wishes they did. He makes them because he likes how they look. For him, it's not about the idea behind the work, it's about visual excitement and fun. He said he doesn't like how artists spend so much energy talking about or writing about their work and not really making anything. That, he said is talking or writing, not art making. This is a welcome approach in a post post-modernist time when art is often only about ideas, offering little that's pleasing on a physical level and often leaving the audience out of the loop. Still, Hackenwerth's work is conceptually interesting because he uses balloons -- a material that isn't traditional, precious or durable. While he can preserve the work in photographs, the real thing wrinkles, deflates and is gone. Sort of like the rest of us.

ACTIVITY ART TALK: Create a script for a talk to a group of student audience members who have come to view an exhibition of your work



During his lecture on Jan. 30 Jason Hackenwerth gave a good-sized audience the quick and entertaining story of his recent rise to art fame. We learned how he got his humble start making balloon animals for his mum who worked as a clown when they lived in a mobile home. Later, when struggling as an artist using traditional approaches, he continued twisting dogs and swords to sell on the street as a way to get by.


Jeff Koons

Hans Hemert

Yayoi Kusama

Kashi Murakami

TASK: Find three (3) other artists that use materials that do not last. Research these three artists and create a presentation about their work in any format of your choosing. Incorporate graphic design aspects in the presentation of your information.



Andy Warhol




1 2 3 4


IMOVIE - Visual Diary Content

Comprehensive and thoroughly edited iMovie . Shows evidence of editing and image selection. iMovie presented in an organised manner. Images presented in iMovie format. Basic series of images presented.

Presentation TypePresents to enter text a complete design concept. Some innovative design elements shown. Presents integrated images and text. Includes images with some information. Basic information typed up using wordprocessor

Documentation Illustrates every aspect of the art-making process. Presents most aspects of the art-making process. Shows some aspects of the art-making process Some images and text used to explain process. Does not shows the basic artmaking process.

Use of Technology Selects appropriate technology and uses to full potential. Selects appropriate technology and uses some features. Selects appropriate technology but does not use to potential. Uses some characteristics of the technology selected. Uses technology available as a word-processor only.

Biographical Information Content

Comprehensive and thoroughly researched information. Shows evidence of extra research. Correct answer presented in an organised manner. Correct information. Basic or incorrect information presented.

Presentation Presents a complete design concept. Some innovative design elements shown. Presents integrated images and text. Includes images with some information. Basic information typed up using word-processor

Documentation Illustrates every aspect of the art-making process. Presents most aspects of the art-making process. Shows some aspects of the art-making process Some images and text used to explain process. Does not shows the basic artmaking process.

Use of Technology Selects appropriate technology and uses to full potential. Selects appropriate technology and uses some features. Selects appropriate technology but does not use to potential. Uses some characteristics of the technology selected. Uses technology available as a word-processor only.

Student Choice 1 Content

Comprehensive and thoroughly researched information. Shows evidence of extra research. Correct answer presented in an organised manner. Correct information. Basic or incorrect information presented.

Presentation Presents a complete design concept. Some innovative design elements shown. Presents integrated images and text. Includes images with some information. Basic information typed up using word-processor

Documentation Illustrates every aspect of the set task. Presents most aspects of the set task. Shows some aspects of the set task. Some images and text used to the task. Does not illustrate the basic task.

Use of Technology Selects appropriate technology and uses to full potential. Selects appropriate technology and uses some features. Selects appropriate technology but does not use to potential. Uses some characteristics of the technology selected. Uses technology available as a word-processor only.

Student Choice 1 Content

Comprehensive and thoroughly researched information. Shows evidence of extra research. Correct answer presented in an organised manner. Correct information. Basic or incorrect information presented.

Presentation Presents a complete design concept. Some innovative design elements shown. Presents integrated images and text. Includes images with some information. Basic information typed up using word-processor

Documentation Illustrates every aspect of the set task. Presents most aspects of the set task. Shows some aspects of the set task. Some images and text used to the task. Does not illustrate the basic task.

Use of Technology Selects appropriate technology and uses to full potential. Selects appropriate technology and uses some features. Selects appropriate technology but does not use to potential. Uses some characteristics of the technology selected. Uses technology available as a word-processor only.

Assessment Task TOTAL

Teacher’s Comment:

Teacher’s Signature:

Parent’s Signature:




1 2 3 4


Digital Textbook Content

Comprehensive and well researched e-book Interesting idea to use in the classroom. Info presented in an novel manner. Images presented in an organised format. Basic series of images presented.

Presentation Presented a complete design concept. Some innovative design elements shown. Presented integrated images and text. Included images with some information. Basic information only provided for students

Learning Motivated to learn because of new tools Presents info in fun new way. Learnt easily. Showcased new and interesting material Some info interesting but still old boring stuff Still boring old history and theory

Drawing Drawing

Excellent, fun and or interesting Important part of research for sculpture. Necessary part of process. Necessary but not much fun. Did not help with solving problems with sculpture.

Drawing Skills Extremely happy with my own drawing skills. My own skills improved considerably Drawings skills very good - improvement Drawings skills show a little improvement No improvement in drawing skills

Help for Sculpture Drawing solved all problems for sculpture. Drawing solved some problems for sculpture. Was drawing supposed to solve problems? Hardly even finished the drawing. Disliked drawing, no help at all

Use of Technology Selected appropriate technology and used to full potential. Selected appropriate technology and used some features. Some of the technology allowed for easier learning. Used cool technology but it did not enhance the learning. Used technology for the sake of using technology

Documenting Easy and suitable way to document the progress of work. Enjoyed using Digital Diary to document process of drawing. Good way to document process for visual arts. Made drawing the finished artwork difficult. Would not want to use digital diary to document again.

Sculpture Instructions

Felt totally comfortable with instructions given. Good instructions provided by the teacher. Instruction basic but adequate for task. Only the most basic of instructions given. Not enough instruction given by teacher.

Working in Wire Loved working with the wire for sculpture. Good media to use and suitable to the task. OK. Wire was alright to use. Did it’s job. Would prefer another media to use. Disliked working in wire altogether.

Use of Digital Diary Loved it, most I have ever documented an artwork Easy way to document an artwork. Same as using a VAPD, still had to write things Did not enjoy using the laptop to document. Disliked using the laptop as a digital diary.

Satisfaction with Sculpture My sculpture is excellent. I am very happy with the result. My sculpture is good, happy with how it turned outs. My sculpture is OK but would like to change a few things. My sculpture is alright. I am unhappy with many aspects. Don’t like my sculpture at all.

Unit of Work Overall Satisfaction

Thoroughly enjoyed the unit of work. Good unit of work. Good to see something different OK. Better than normal textbook unit. No big deal it was nothing special really. Who cares anyway.

Presentation of Theory Digital Activities

Use of Technology

Presented a complete design concept. Some innovative design elements shown. Presented integrated images and text. Theory is theory. It is still boring. Disliked the whole ebook concept

Selected appropriate technology and used to full potential. Selected technology and used features appropriately. Selected appropriate technology but did not assist learning use. Used technology just as a gimmick. No real value. Used technology available but made no difference.

Excellent way to engage students in learning. Presented in a novel and interesting way. Good activities. Actually learnt something. Some activities were OK but didn’t want to do it Hated it, still school work that had to be done

If you were in charge of teaching this unit what would you change? What did you like the most ? What activities did you think were poorly designed or should not be offered again? Why? Students Comment:

Unit Evaluation Mark



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