Enthrall Winter Issue

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In The Issue...

The Usual... Letter From The Editor, Page 4 The Editor’s Pick, Page 5 Enthrall’s Guide To Websurfing, Page 10 Harriett Crocker, Page 12 Pretty Colors, Page 18 Christmas Gift Ideas, Page 26 Money Madness!, Page 29 What He Likes About You, Page 30 Skip This, Eat That!, Page 33 New Year Resolutions, Page 36

Fashion and Beauty... The Trendsetter, Page 6 The Accessorizer, Page 8

Odds & Ends... Mixing It Up, Page 34 Making A Difference, Page 35

Head Editor Joelle Arner

Photographers Joelle Arner Moriah Arterberry

Art Design Spencer Photography

Make-Up Laura Fierce

Fashion Editors Madeleine Mulder Joelle Arner

  I love the holidays. There’s just something electrifying about the celebrations that go on and the giving that takes place everywhere you go. And this holiday season Enthrall’s team has worked long hours to bring you the best holiday issue you can find. It’s filled with everything from Christmas gift ideas for your friends and family, to our very first photoshoot filled with fun outfits for you to try out on your own. And our cover girl, Shannon McIntosh, is absolutely inspiring. But, this holiday season I hope you find joy in giving to those who have less. There are lots of material things that can give you happiness, but the greatest joy is seeing someone else’s eyes light up at what you’ve done for them. So, happy holidays and long-lasting memories to one and to all.

Joelle (:


Editor’s Pick

Every winter I pull out my furry boots and comfy scarf and hunt down the best deals of the season. Of course, I love Black Friday when you get that head start on the holiday gifts, but sometimes I just like browsing to get an idea of what’s in style. And when I find a good deal, that’s even better. But, the best deal for me has a formula: Looks good + It keeps you warm + Good price = BARGAIN! If you find something using that equation, you’ve found a bargain for sure. What’s your favorite shopping formula? Scarf: H&M $18, www.hm.com Boots: Forever 21, $37, www.forever21.com Shoulder Bag: Modcloth, $70, www.modcloth.com

Who is she? Name: Breanne Age: 20 Blog: www.flattery.ca Hometown: Winnipeg, MB Favorite Brands: I love my boyfriend’s brand, Acid Reign. It’s a new independent brand just starting out!

Favorite Style: A mixture of vintage and modern. I love vintage shoes, skirts and satchels, but I also love mixing those things with items that have more modern fit or style.

: Favorite Stores

Inspirations: Right now, anything autumn. I love seeing crunchy leaves, pumpkins, rain, and knit things. I also browse lookbook.nu for inspiration and ideas!

Fashion Must-Have: Lace up booties

I Cannot Leave Home Without…: My cell phone and wallet. Heels


Oversized Bag


Hair Accessories





Name Brands


Lip Gloss

All-Time Favorite Outfit: Make-up Favorites: For liquid liner, Almay liner always seems to be the most reliable and easy to use for me.

For some reason I just loved this outfit of mine because: a.) It expresses my love for mustard, b.) Who knew you could mix mustard and ketchup without looking like a big sloppy condiment?




The Earmuffs are always cool, but when they’re earbuds too? That’s just awesome right there.


By: Madeleine Mulde

American Eagle, www.ae.com, $20

Make your laptop sparkle with this laptop case from Macy’s. Bling bling! Macy’s, www.macys.com, $25

Nail Polish is always fun to use, but these bright holiday colors will have you in the holiday spirit all the time. H&M, www.hm.com, $8

Everyone needs mittens, and who could resist these? Their color and design will go with anything. American Eagle, www.ae.com, $16

Boots are key during the cold weather, and these are made of leather and fur to secure you extra warmth. American Eagle, www.ae.com, $80



These socks are comfy and cute! Wear them with your boots and warm sweater dress for an extra comfy look. H&M, www.hm.com, $10

Feather extensions have been in the know for months, and they’re perfect to add a little spice to your winter wardrobe. Wear them anywhere for a new look.

Everyone likes a cozy hat in the winter. With the thick knitting and the long flaps to cover your ears, this hat is a winner. American Eagle, www.ae.com, $30

Charlotte Russe, www.charlotterusse.com, $5

Use these fashionable cosmetic bag and blotting papers when you’re travelling. They’re the cutest travel accessories for the best prices imaginable. Forever 21, www.forever21.com, $5

Enthrall’s Guide to Websurfing There’s a ton of different websites out there, but sometimes it’s hard to find something you really like. With these website suggestions, there’s something for everyone. By: Joelle Arner

Anything Goes (www.pinterest.com)

Pinterest is all about what you’re interested in. You can make different boards and “pin” what you like onto them. Inspirational quotes, fashion ideas, craft DIY’s, you name it. If you see something you like, all you have to do is pin it and then you have something to refer to later when you need something to inspire you or make you smile.

The Music Chick (www.tunecore.com)

This is the music artist’s dream. With tunecore.com, you get to make your own album and sell it online with 100% royalties. It’s perfect if you have an in-home studio!

Photo Editing made easy (www.picnik.com)

Have you ever had a photo that needed editing, but you couldn’t find a photo editing software you like (for free)? Ta-da! Picnik is a free photo editing site programmed in a way that makes it easy for you to edit your photos. All you have to do is upload your picture, and then choose from the large variety of options to edit your photo. It doesn’t get better than that.

The Ultimate Blogger (www.abeautifulmess.typepad.com) If you haven’t met Elsie Larson yet, you’re missing out on a lot. Elsie channels everything she loves into her blog, A Beautiful Mess. There’s something new every day so it never gets old. You learn everything from how to turn a photo into a painting, to being inspired by her fresh outfit posts (How to wear a dress eight ways? That’s impressive). With Elsie, everything is interesting, and everything is definitely beautiful.

Personality quiz (www.webifyme.org)

Webifyme.org is a personality quiz. But, what’s so cool about it is when you’re done taking the quiz, the software generates a collage for you based on your answers. When you scroll over the different objects, it tells you a personality trait you have and how it relates to the object. Pretty cool stuff if you ask me.

Clicking it up a notch

(www.clickitupanotch.com) Courtney offers tips on photography and challenges you to challenge yourself with your work. Her site is full of inspiring photographs and information that will make your photos speak volumes.

Easy Access Photo-booth (www.laphotocabine..fr)

It can be fun to take goofy pictures with your friends in a photobooth at the mall, but sometimes it can hurt your piggy bank. With Photo Cabine, you can take the same pictures with your friends using your computer, and then print as many off as you want, for free! Now, that’s the way to go.



She may be a race car driver, but there’s more to her than just the sport. She has a big heart, a real personality, and you can tell just by talking to her that she’s one of the nicest people you’ll ever meet. But, when we say she’s driven, we mean it. At 22, Shannon McIntosh has been racing practically her whole life. The future Indycar driver has been in the game for seventeen years and has won over one hundred races, showing guys left and right that she has what it takes. You may recognize her from Seventeen’s Pretty Amazing Contest. She was one of the five finalists (out of 35,000 entries!) who made it into their October Issue. With all of the recent publicity, it would be easy for Shannon to let it go to her head, but it doesn’t. “It was actually very humbling.” She said in our interview. This is one of the things that makes her so admirable. She doesn’t care what people think or say about her, she just follows her heart and doesn’t let it get to her head. You know when you talk to her that she’s real and genuine. Launching into the racing game at the age of five, it started out just for fun. But it wasn’t long before Shannon knew this was what she wanted to do in life (“After winning my first race, I never looked back!”). And she hasn’t. “A few years ago the fans dubbed me “Miss Excitement” because of my driving style.” She said, “I have always been a racer at heart so you could expect to see me coming from the back of the field and making lots of passes for an “exciting” performance.” I expect she won’t just be coming around the back of the field on the racing track, but possibly even on the Hollywood scene. Shannon has a heart of gold and determination to match. With that kind of combination, she’ll be setting a pace that will challenge the best of race car drivers.

What makes racing so exciting for you?

What do you like to do when you’re not racing?

The competitive aspect of racing is the best part for me. I have always loved challenging myself and racing in a competitive series allows me to put myself to the test each and every time I get on the race track and that is what drives me.

Although it’s part of my job because racing is very physically demanding, working out and training is a part of my personal life/leisure too. I am into CrossFit and train at CrossFit9 in St. Petersburg, Florida. I also love hot yoga, running and boxing.

What was it like for you to be on of Seventeen’s finalists in their Pretty Amazing Contest?

Do you see yourself racing against Dale Earnhardt or Danica Patrick in the near future?

It was actually very humbling. It was such a huge opportunity and to be one of the five out of 35,000 who entered was surreal. From the exposure it gave me, to the photoshoot, to the entire week in NYC, it was a time and experience that I’ll never forget!

It’s hard to say. I think it would be exciting as my original goal was the Nascar route. Since opportunities have opened for me in Indycar racing, I’ve chosen to pursue that at this time but only time will tell where I end up! How do you get ready for a race? Do you have a special workout or routine?

Were you excited to meet Miranda Cosgrove? Yes, I was excited to meet Miranda. I’ve never been one to get star struck, but I’ve always been fascinated by celebrities and was curious what she’d be like. It’s so awesome to me when big celebrities remain humble and down to earth and Miranda was just that. She was very real and sweet so it was very cool to witness that first hand.

On the day of my races I am sure to have a good breakfast – preferably eggs, wheat toast and some fruit. I like to listen to music, go over data and video footage and usually try to keep myself pretty calm and focused before a race. Growing up, did you find yourself hanging out with guys more than girls? Always. I have always been girly but not so much a “girls-girl”. Most of the time, I have gotten along best with guys because they are more apt to understand the life I live in a male-dominated industry. It’s very hard to connect with people who really don’t understand the passion that I eat, breath, sleep and that is racing!

Shannon at Seventeen’s Pretty Amazing Contest

If you weren’t in the racing profession, what would you be doing instead? I would probably be doing something entrepreneurial in business and marketing. My love and knowledge for business and marketing is what has helped me secure sponsorship for racing and I’m sure that I’d be pursuing something along the same lines although I don’t like to think about not racing!

Do you have any insecurities? Of course, I think we all do. I tend to care about what people think about me more than I should or (Continued on Page 34)

“It’s important to focus on being the best that we can and doing the right things …”

  Just because winter can be “blah” doesn’t mean you have to be—here’s some fun ideas that will amp up your winter wardrobe.

Play up your outfits with neutral colors or add a pop of color with a pair of stylish pumps.

Casual Sundays are the best time to show off your comfortable (but trendy at the same time) side. Jeans are never a bad thing, and boots with fur make an outfit seem cozy. When you’re comfortable, you’re more at ease to be yourself.

Pairing a leather jacket with dark washed denim and knee high velvet boots makes an outfit edgy and chic.

Pairing a pair of leather rocker-chick heels with an Aztec jumpsuit makes an outfit feel comfortable and tough at the same time.

Need a simple but elegant outfit for that New Years celebration coming up? Champagne colors always have an elegant vibe to them. And a furry throw brings everything together for a glamorous effect.

Christmas Gift Ideas Everyone loves a thoughtful present for special occasions. With these creative gift ideas, there’s something for everyone in your circle. By: Madeleine Mulder

The Best Friend

The Brother:

Friendship Bracelet

Favorite Movie

Clothes based on favorite movies

Compile a bunch of memories and make them into a book


Shoes for special occasions

A list of quotes that describe friendship

Snow globe from a place that is significant

That one board game he's always locked his eyes on


His favorite video games


Concert tickets

A new sled

"Best Brother" coffee mug


Phone cover/case

The Sister:


The camera she's always wanted

Concert tickets

A personalized picture frame

Matching shirts


Favorite accessories

Gift cards

New bag


Fashionable Winter jacket



Make up bag

His favorite watch

His favorite cologne

Buy a new set of "cool" gadgets he's into

New wallet

A new grill



Accessories that match his favorite sport

A new alarm clock

A Kindle


Warm clothing for the cold weather (scarves, jackets)

Christmas ornaments

Paint a picture, write a card

Hand made recipe book

Knit clothing

Slippers for home


A new radio

Paintings of her favorite scenery

Mother and Daughter letter book



The Boyfriend:


A jersey stating his favorite team and sport


New sunglasses

Movies to watch with him

Gift cards

New pair of Headphones

A personalized CD mix

Custom guitar picks

The best way to save money during the holidays is to designate how you’re going to spend your time and money. Take the following tips and find your creative spirit!

By: Brittany Baugher

Customized creativity: Think of the person you want to present a gift to. What is their personality, are they earth conscious, do they like to garden, cook, clean, organize, play sports? Tailor your gift to fit a certain function in their life. There’s nothing worse than receiving an unnecessary nick-knack from Aunt Karen, only to later feel a pang of guilt as you put it in the donation box. If one of your recipients is into basketball, purchase a nice water bottle and put energy gels, flavored hydration packets, or other sports related items inside. Not only is this functional, your friend will remember your generosity all throughout the year!

Creative Wrapping Paper: What do magazine advertisements, Sunday Comic strips, Algebra homework scratch paper, and colored duct tape have in common? All can be creatively used to wrap a present.

Creative Gift Tags: Gift tags can be made from photographs for a personal touch! Instead of spending money on wrapping paper, you can save money by using these ideas.

Creative Eco-Friendly Presents:

Gift Ideas To make at home:

If your friend likes Reese's Pieces cereal, ask her to save an empty box for you…an odd request, but you can use the box to create a personalized folder she can use. Look up patterns and materials online, there are numerous creative crafts you can tailor to each of your friends interests. Not only does this show thoughtfulness, but also attentiveness to your friends.

Cookies, pies, fruit preserves, brownies, baked treats are not only easy to make in large batches, but also fun to prepare for your friends.

Homemade candles: Purchase a craft

Now, go have fun being creative and generous this holiday season. <3 <3

kit and make multiple presents from one purchase! 

A coupon book. Design a coupon book for your parents, Include chores, massages, and other favors you’re willing to do throughout the following year.

What He Likes About You It’s a question that has been nagging girls for centuries—what do guys like in girls? We think of all the ways to grab his attention, but really, it might be easier than we think. By: Kayla Rodriguez

Luke, 16

Turn Offs:

What I Look For In A Girl: Cute, loving, not too serious, creative, loves exploring, having fun, smart, friendly, cares about how she looks and acts but not excessively, easy to talk to, not shy, slightly geeky

Too Much Make-up, Swearing Excessively, Unadventurous

Most Important Quality: “Someone who is loving and caring”

“What's the most important quality? If they're Christian, and have a personal relationship with God. “

Nelson, 24 Major Turn Offs:

Girls with tattoos, and lots of body piercings, girls that drink, and use bad language. I can see maybe one piercing in your ears, and maybe the nose. Not more than a total of two piercings.

What I look for in a girl: What their relationship is with God. If they like to be outdoors, or if they would rather stay inside all day. Somebody I can do things with outside like: going horseback riding, camping, canoeing, hiking in the mountains, four wheeling, off-roading, going to rodeos with me, pretty much anything outdoors, unless its raining, or other nasty weather.

Drew, 18 My Ideal Girl:

Someone who can love me for who i am, not something she wants me to be.

What I Look For In A Girl: A girl who is kind and caring but that sticks up for whats right, a girl who is somewhat fashionable, someone who loves to watch movies and the same music i like, someone who can hopefully cook because i would starve by myself, good humor and a clean personality.

Most important quality:

Turn Offs:

Someone who puts God first definitely.

Girls who wear way too much makeup, girls who throw fits, girls who have many piercings and tattoos, girls who are afraid to eat in front of me. Look for in a girl: 1. Good relationship with God (MUST). 2. Sense of humor/can make me laugh (BIG plus). 3. Similar interests as me. 4. Slightly athletic and doesn't hate basketball too much (I'm a big basketball fan, so she'd have to kind of get used to that...) 5. Isn't afraid to communicate how she feels (definitely needs to be a communicator... VERY important: Guys don't always understand ladies, so sometimes you just have to give them a little nudge in the right direction...)

Ideal girl: “Somebody who I can be myself with and that loves me for who I am and not just what I can do.�

Luke, 16 The Most Important Quality: The most important quality would be her relationship with God. Most of the other stuff doesn't really mean much if that's not there... If I mesh with a girl in those two departments, and she and God are on the same page, we're usually headed in the right direction.

Turn Offs: If she's: 1. too independent 2. Bossy 3. Arrogant/cocky, 4. Doesn't have a sense of humor 5. Cares too much about what other people think about how she looks/acts, rather than on what God/her family/close friends think about her.

Turn Offs: Harry, 16

Drinking, doing drugs, boastful, and not exemplifying God in their life.

Ideal Girl:

My ideal girl is a girl who is smart, rational, independent, and most of all someone who puts God first in her life

“The most important quality for me would be if they put God before anything, even the relationship, because we all know that God loves us more on anyone on this earth.”

You’re Enthralling… Just the way you are. Pass it on—share a compliment with the girl you sit next to in homeroom. Make people smile by being the first to smile at them. People need to hear that they’re loved, so pass it on.

Skip This, Eat That! As Christmas rolls upon us and our families start making all of the wonderful seasonal dishes, you begin to smell the sweet aromas of pumpkin, cinnamon, and nutmeg, you’re going to want to fill yourself with all the delightful comfort food. But this holiday season instead of feeling five pounds heavier, you can feel light as a feather and guilt free by choosing to eat these healthier alternatives. By: Megan Weems

Snacks: -Mixed Nuts handful (170 cal) instead of Three assorted chocolates (280 cal) -Veggie tray (85 cal) instead of Potato chips and dip (180 cals)

Sides: -Baked sweet potato with cinnamon applesauce (150 cal) instead of Candied yams (237 cal) -Fresh fruit (75 cal) instead of Sweetened fruit salads(220 cal) -Fresh veggies with dip (85 cal) instead of Mac n cheese (310 cal)

Entrees: -Vegetable soup(145 cal per cup) instead of Cheesy potato soup (260 cal per cup)

Bread: -Whole wheat roll (125 cal) instead of White roll (160 cal)

Beverage: -Apple cider (180 per cup) instead of hot chocolate (350 cal per cup)

Dessert: - Baked apples with sprinkled cinnamon(270 cal) instead of 1 slice traditional Apple Pie(411 cal)

(Continued from Page 14) I’d like to. It’s important to focus on being the best that we can and doing the right things and if someone isn’t happy with it, it’s only hurting us to continue harping on what others opinions are. Being a perfectionist makes it tough to be pleased when others may not be thrilled or impressed with you whether its your opinion, actions, performance or something else. Does being in the racing profession mean you’re a tomboy? Nope, definitely not. I have always been girly and feminine but definitely have to be able to hang with the guys so being tough is a must. I have always said that if I didn’t get into racing when I was five, at this point in life, I’d probably think racing was silly and just cars going around in circles. But it sure is way more than that! Have you had any freak accidents happen? I’ve been very fortunate. Race car drivers know the risk and danger of racing, and ‘wrecking’ is a part of the sport, but there have been many measures taken to assure the greatest safety possible and I’m very confident every time I get into a race car. What keeps you going? I’m very driven by my competitive nature. I also am motivated by challenges or doubts of others. When you’re chasing a dream that is quite ambitious, many will doubt or at least question your goals. Those types of situations make me even more driven to accomplish all of my goals. Who is your celebrity role model? Alex Scott from Alex's Lemonade Stand is a true hero to me. Before her first birthday, she was diagnosed with cancer. At 4, while she was still fighting cancer, she started a lemonade stand to raise money for her hospital to help other children like herself. Alex held a yearly lemonade stand and raised over $1 million before she passed at the age of 8. I'm inspired by the determination and courage that Alex had and her organization stands close to my heart.



Up So Demi Lovato's CD Unbroken came out a couple months ago in September with 15 new songs. A lot of people think that this was Demi's breakout, and has really helped her with the rehab situation, being able to get back on her feet. I think that her songs say something special about her. Take 'Skyscraper', which is basically saying that no matter what you do, you will always rise up again, and you won't back down. The amount of fans because of this song has increased by hundreds. But is there a change in Demi's attitude now that she has a new album, and is out of rehab? Yes there is. It says something about her character. I think that to listeners, it's assuring to know that she's okay, and will be able to pick herself up whatever the situation is. The reason i like this CD, is because, as Harrison Ford once said, “We all have big changes in our lives that are more or less a second chance.”

Making A Difference By: Joelle Arner Leora Friedman is a nineteen year old college student studying at Princeton University in New Jersey. From Baltimore, MD, the young adult is the CEO and Founder of a non -profit organization called Music is Medicine. Over the phone, she told us what it’s like, and how it all began. When she was in highschool, at just sixteen, her and her sister began thinking of things to do outside of school. “We wanted to find a way to play music and do good in our community” she said. So they thought of playing music at the local hospital. It was a hit and it stuck. They wrote songs with the kids—“...we’ll write about unicorns…”— and give them something to smile about. When she got to college, it wasn’t long before everyone knew about her outreach and wanted to get involved. “They were so passionate and inspired that it inspired me more” she said. Every summer she volunteers with Disney going around to different children’s hospitals. She’s even pulled some celebrities into the mix. Drew Sealey (You may know him as the guy who wrote the songs for High School Musical), joined her in MuscisMed’s Donate A Song Project, which will hopefully debut in January of 2012. Drew wrote a song for a 13-year old girl named Brooke called “Fly”. “It’s about her, about strength…” Leora spills. They even made a music video for it. “He’s a really down to earth guy and you could tell that he was just inspired by it all.” All of the proceeds earned from the project will go towards child cancer research at John Hopkins. When asked if she gets a lot of fan mail, she said “Since Seventeen...I’ve gotten a lot of fan mail.” (She was recently featured in Seventeen’s December/January Issue.) One of her favorite emails is from a 13-year old girl whose mom is battling cancer. The

song is titled “Champion”. “It almost made me cry,” she said, “That really stuck with me.” And the memories? When she was asked if she had a favorite, all she could say at first was “Oooh, a ton, let me think a minute.” And then she shared a story that happened last summer. She was singing for the kids and there was a little girl wearing a pink tutu with a tiara. She was sitting down listening to Leora sing and when Leora was done, the little girl stood up, handed Leora her tiara, and said “You get to be the princess now.” It touched Leora in a really special way, “It was so sweet!” she said. The hospitals welcome her with open arms. They’re “very receptive because the music makes the patients happy.” And how couldn’t it? Leora makes the kids’ day when she visits them. And seeing the kids happy makes her happy. I think she sums it up the best when she says “We can’t cure them, but we can use our talents.”

Leora singing at a Children’s Hospital

Drew Sealey with Brooke

New Year Resolutions Making My List And Checking It Twice By: Joelle Arner


very year after Christmas, people start talking about their resolutions for the new year. It’s a big deal for some and not so much for others. They make a whole long list of goals they want to accomplish, and I bet you that there are some repeats on more than one list from the previous years. They put things on there like lose weight, work out more, eat healthier, etc. Usually I don’t really make a list, but this year I’ve decided to. It goes something like this:

And, like most everyone else, I’m going to work hard to make sure I accomplish everything on my list. Of course cutting out the dairy, that might be kind of hard...but I’m game to try. But, even though people make all of these really good resolutions, there’s one thing that most people don’t think to include. It’s not something that people really think about with their busy schedules and all of the entertainment that surrounds them. But, it’s something that will help them live a happier life, and that’s a guarantee. It’s simple, really. Spend more time with Jesus. That’s it! If you spend more time with Jesus by just reading some of those “text messages” he sends you in the Bible, or just talking to Him about what’s happening in life, you will feel so much better.

With all of the activities that crowd our schedules, it can seem like there’s nowhere to fit Him in, but all it takes is a couple of minutes a day to read a verse or two. Jesus says “Come to Me, all who are weary, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28. All you have to do is go to Him. He’s already held out His hand, now it’s up to you if you want to take it or not. This holiday season, I hope you not only rejoice in the joy of giving, but in the joy of Jesus’ love for you. When you hear the Christmas story, don’t just brush it off as a yearly tradition. Actually think about it. God didn’t have to send His Son in human form, but He did because He knew that that would be the best way to reach us. His resolution is to develop a loving relationship with us. What’s your resolution?

“Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” Luke 4:4

“Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.” James 4:8

“For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light...finding out what is acceptable to the Lord.” Ephesians 5:8, 10

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