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DOT DOT DOT For The Love Of

Shane O’Driscoll and Ivor Noyek

I fell in love with…nicely designed things from an early age, and they continue to inspire. I love the feeling of…a new piece of music that kicks a bad day in the balls, and has you drumming at your desk.

I would love to be…front-row for Pearl Jam. I love the sound of…drums. For The Love Of…everybody!

I love the colour of…the sea and Pantone 187 C.

Love makes me…stay late in the studio, too late sometimes.

I would love to go…live in Barcelona.

Love is….the smell of a freshly printed book.

I would love to be a fly on the wall of…Stefan Sagmeister’s studio in New York.

Love can….take you away from your daily day.

I would love to know…where Martin Hansson was looking.

Love needs….attention. Love grows....friendship. FTLO is a platform for both emerging and established Irish creative talents to showcase their work together in one accessible and contemporary environment. FTLO will be getting involved in Offset October 1st-3rd, Grand canal Theatre, Dublin. Watch this space

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