Creative Crafting June 2011

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JUNE 2011

CREATIVE CRAFTING By Crafters for Crafters

Issue 11



Anna - The Crystal Lady

Avril - Sprinkles Sparkles

Page 7

Page 37

Senior Features Writer

Zoe - Top Floor Treasures Gemma - Beads Unlimited

Tasha - Madam Salami Katie - Japan Crafts

Look out for our Summer issue on

Get creative with your crafting! Your Creative Team

Anna - Editor

Diane - Senior Feature Writer

Avril - Technical Editor

Don’t forget that you can advertise your craft business in Creative Crafting magazine.

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Creative Crafting is an Avanna Publication

ON OUR COVER Zen Handmade Electric Guitar by RockyMountainSounds


Visit our website for more information or email us for a copy of our media pack.

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1st August 2011

So grab a coffee, put your feet up and have a good read, don’t forget to tell your friends and if you have a website why not embed a copy of the magazine to share with others.


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afted Handcr ng Weddi l Specia For media packs please email

All of our links and adverts are fully clickable!

You may also notice that we have moved the directory from the very front, this too will be undergoing big changes next issue, we think you will like them. ;-)


Dianne - Heartmade Gifts


Ch e

Claire - Elderberry Arts


Followers on Facebook will have heard that we are planning a big revamp for our August issue, we’d love lots of you to be involved so get in touch if you can help out with articles, projects, ideas etc.


Tracey - Wowthankyou

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Feature Writers Tina - In the Garden

We have some fantastic features and projects for you this time, knitting, doodling, gifts, you name it! Not forgetting our regular features too.


Welcome to our fantastic June Issue!


Diane - Peggy’s Knits

Technical Editor

In this Issue ...... 38 34

37 Quick Craft Ideas Fancy trying something new? Quick craft suggestions from The Crystal Lady.

7 Crystal Magic


Regular Features 47 Crafters Directory The best place to go when you are looking for that special handcrafted item.

A selection of handcrafted gemstone products selected by our Crystal Lady.

18 Crafty News and Views Interesting snippets of craft news and important updates.

Recipes 32 Giant Marshmallow

26 Online Street .. Best Picks A wonderful selection of handcrafted items, handpicked by Sprinkles Sparkles.

11 Weird and Wonderful Crafts Discover unusual and forgotten crafts with The Crystal Lady. This issue we find out about Zen Doodling or Doodle Art.

46 Budget & Luxury Sprinkles Sparkles finds more craft items from both ends of the price scale.

Cheesecake Madam Salami has a tasty treat for us.

Special Features 19 Why we need to be crafty! Tracey from Wow Thank You finds out why we absolutely must craft.


29 Spring Clean your Crafting Business The Crystal Lady offers some ideas on how to ride out the recession.

34 Japan Crafts Katie explores the fascinating world of Japanese Crafting.

22 Tina in the Garden Another visit with our favourite green fingered friend.




8 36


Another wonderful jewellery project with Gemma from Beads Unlimited.

TPF Faerie Wear

36 Knit a Sunglasses Case for Fathers Day.


Another topical project form Knitting Queen, Diane from Peggy’s Knits.

30 An Interview with Weird Wood David tells us of his love for recycling and crafting on the riverbank.

42 An Interview with SL Jewellery

38 Make your own Sock Teddy Claire from Elderberry Arts shares a cuddly make.


40 Make a fabric and bead Cuff

Sarah shares her inspiration for her range of Bridal Jewellery.

Another recycling make from Dianne from Heartmade Gifts.


44 Upcycled Denim Coaster

12 How to Zendoodle

A quirky Fathers Day idea from Dianne from Heartmade Gifts.

Zoe from Top Floor Treasures tutors us in the art of the Zendoodle.

15 A Teenagers Guide to Knitting Chelsey shows us that teenagers are interested in knitting too!

Perfect for your summer reading. Project by Heartmade Gifts.

28 Miracle Beads & Flowers

8 An Interview with Visit the world of the Faeries with Helen. Explore her beautiful custom fashions.

24 Upcycled bookmarks.



A mouse here could take customers to your store! Advertise with

Creative Crafting

We care about your craft business.

Mother Nature has provided us with wonderful Healing Gemstones and Minerals. For this Issue, discover the beauty of

Sunstone Na[AlSi3O8]Ca[Al2Si2O8]+Fe

Said to protect against destructive forces. Mentally - Brings out our ‘sunny side’. Pessimism, self-worth, self empowerment. Physically - Stimulates self healing. Seasonal affective disorder, cartilage problems, sore throats, stomach ulcers and general aches and pains. Chakra - Base, Sacral, Solar Plexus, cleanses all.

£14.99 Imperial Gold Aura Pendulum/ Pendant

$125 Sunstone and Swarovski Cabochon Bracelet

£11.99 Sunstone Necklace

If you would like more information about Crystal Healing Jewellery, you can contact The Crystal Lady at: or visit

£47 Sunstone, Smokey Quartz & Pearl necklace

£15 Happiness Bracelet

$70 Sunstone Rosary Necklace with Chalcedony Rose

Tell us about the lady behind TPFFAERIEWEAR My name is Helen Robinson, I'm 26, the owner of TPF Faerie Wear and I am the exclusive designer and creator of most of the pieces you can see on my website, my Etsy store and my facebook page I offer a wide variety of clothing and accessories and my range is expanding all the time. My creations appeal to a large spectrum of styles including faery, goth, cyber, pirate and even steampunk.

When did first begin creating your designs, and why? I was raised in a very creative family and my parents were potters so I spent a lot of time watching them create and travelling round to stalls with them. I have always had a keen interest for arts and crafts and spent lots of my childhood creating. I went to Art college in France but soon realized it wasn't for me. The course was more about the theory behind Art and less about the practical hands-on stuff I was interested in so I dropped out after a couple of years and went to work with my mum as a ceramic sculptor. I discovered I was actually very good at it but found it hard always comparing my work to my mum's 30 years experience. I left home at 18 and moved back to England where i spent a few years not really knowing what to do with myself really... I did a bit of bar work and waitressing and even had a really cool job as a follow spot operator that I loved. But i could never hold any job down for very long. I tried to go self employed a couple of times but lacked the self discipline required to follow it through. I met my partner Steve who is a professional photographer a few years back and we started TPF Images&Arts, the other side of our business that offers editorial photography for events, band promotion, model portfolios etc... I discovered how great working for yourself was and that encouraged to to stick at it and make it work. Our son Kyte was born end of 2007. I was a full time stay at home mum till he was 1 but felt I needed to express my creativity more than in just helping edit photos etc... I also wanted to stay at home with Kyte though. I couldn't go back to clay because it is very much not compatible with small children so i started altering and decorating some of my clothes. TPF Faerie Wear was born and once I had started nothing could stop me! I started with tutus and pixie pockets and within a year had taught myself a whole new bunch of tricks. My range of clothing and accessories is rapidly expanding and i love learning new techniques all the time. I also enjoy taking on some larger, more challenging one off projects too.

What is it that you enjoy about your work? I enjoy the freedom of being my own boss and being able to spend time with my son. Working from home means you can wander off, play in the garden, make a cup of tea, take the washing out then come straight back to it whenever you want so you don't get bored because you can take a break whenever you want. I love the direct contact with customers, hearing their ideas, feedback and suggestions and being able to make a difference based in the idea that you can look good AND be comfortable. I also love meeting fellow crafters and being able to collaborate with some amazingly talented people. One of the main people I have worked with is Bubbles of Silly Little Pixie Creations who makes the most amazing faery wings. What is your biggest crafting achievement, and why? Now this was a tough question! There are a lot of my creations I like for a lot of different reasons but I suppose the one that stands out the most is my 'Pirate Fae' costume that subsequently inspired a painting by my all time favorite fantasy artist Myka Jelina. It was my 1st ever full costume made for an order for one of my most challenging returning customers Jez who comes up with the craziest of ideas then lets the designer in me go wild over them. I designed and made all the matching pieces of the costume then Steve photographed them beautifully for me. I was then 'immortalised' by Myka. It was an amazing feeling and getting to know her through it was fantastic. We have now become friends over the internet and I hope that one day we will be able to meet for real but until then we shall continue to stay in touch, follow each others work closely and work on more collaborations, the latest of which is my recreation of the costume in her painting 'Rhapsody'.

Other than your crafting, what else do you like to do? To be honest, crafting takes up most of my time. It's my main passion as well as my bread winner so it's way more than a full time job. When I'm not working on actual orders I'm coming up with new designs and making plans for elaborate whole costumes for festivals, fashion shows, photoshoots, fancy dress nights out etc... Any spare time I do have I like to simply spend with my little family, playing in the garden, going to the beach or cuddling up on the sofa with a good movie. :-)

What is the favourite item that you have for sale now? I have a few favorite 'buy it now' designs including my organza raggle-taggle bustles and all the different variations of my Korrigan shrugs but my ultimate favourite at the moment is the design i have just added : the 'Super Furry Deluxe Monster Hug In A Shrug'. It's wacky, snuggly, very very furry and yet still sexy. I LOVE it! Where does your inspiration come from? I have an overflowing imagination that sees shapes and colours in anything and everything around me. and this gives me more than enough material to inspire new projects :-) Do you have a favourite material to work with? My favourite materials are corduroy, silk taffeta, felt and organza. Do you have a favourite website? I have recently properly discovered and started using Etsy. I can browse for hours looking at other people's beautiful creations. It's very inspiring to see so many talented people united in one place. My list of favourites is rapidly expanding, I just wish I had the money and space to home all these terrific masterpieces. Has any person helped or supported you more than any other? I get a lot of support from a lot of people including friends, family and all my followers on my facebook page who's feedback is invaluable to me. My partner Steve is always there to support and encourage me but I guess the person who stands out above all is my mother who has been a professional ceramic artist for over 30 years ( and has always encouraged me in any crafty project I've been involved in since I was born and continues to do so now. If ever I get stuck I know I can give her a call and she will help me to the best of her abilities. Tell us a random fact about yourself! I have a slight obsession with marbles and have a HUGE glass jar full at home :-) Visit Helen and her beautiful creations at Etsy TPF Faerie Wear Website Facebook

There are a lot of different crafts to choose from. This series of articles will discover some of the more unusual and also some old world crafts that may have been almost forgotten.

The art of ‘Zen Doodling’ or ‘Doodle Art’ Now this is something that we have all done, whether we are scribbling whilst talking on the phone, or at school in a boring lesson. ( I know I did, I once covered one of my school jotters in lots of sea creatures! I was rather pleased with it if I remember). They often start off as a squiggly line, or perhaps tracing over a word or picture already on the paper but don’t they just always take on a life of their own. It has been brought to my attention that people are now ‘selling’ their doodles! How amazing is that! On a quick surf of the Internet I have been totally Wowed by the sheer quality of some of the doodles out there. It actually makes me want to grab a pencil myself and go wild. It would appear that there is some controversy as to whether it is actually an art but I say go for it, they look great and if people want to own it then why not sell it to them. Now don’t just think that doodles have to be monochrome, I have found instances of full colour doodles. They definitely look like art to me. I have found some examples for you so that you can see for yourself. Original Owl Art Drawing Swirl Art and ‘Love’


Top Floor Treasures

Zendoodle Lyre Little Lion Octagon Pen and Ink Print Virginia Kraljevic So the next time you find yourself doodling away for no reason, don’t cut it off in it’s prime. Give it life, you never know, you could be creating your own masterpiece! This article was created by

The Crystal Lady

How to Zendoodle Do you doodle while you’re on the phone? While you’re writing lists? When people ask me what I sell they look at me like I’m crazy. “How can you be selling doodles?” they ask. What they don’t realise straight away is that the doodles I sell are not like the doodles you might draw while on the phone. They are weird and wonderful works of art! I used to doodle hearts and stars and boxes, but when I came across the concept of Zentangle™ my doodles morphed into something completely different. by I don’t draw all of my doodles in the prescribed Zentangle™ way. Some of them are Zentangle™ though, so we call them Zendoodles or Zentangle-Inspired-Art. People usually only see Zendoodles, and they often comment that it looks very complex and must one of my have taken a really long time. I’m here to show you that it doesn’t have to take a long time, and it’s not as complex as it might first appear. Start with a blank piece of paper. I like to use watercolour paper or card, but the back of an envelope will do! I use professional-quality black fineliners in different nib-sizes but a felt tip is fine to start with if that’s all you have to hand. I sit and look at the paper for a while and think about how I’m going to start. How about a simple pattern to start off with:

Whilst repeating the pattern you may find yourself relaxing, almost in a Zen-like state. It clears the mind, just letting the pen go where it wants to go. Doodling in this way is a great stress-reliever!

Add in some finer details and expand upon the first pattern. Not sure what pattern to draw next? Try searching for doodle patterns or tangles on Flickr for some inspiration – there’s a whole world of doodlers out there!

Keep on adding patterns until you run out of space.

It really helps to give depth and form to your doodles if you shade them with a good pencil when you have finished doodling. Get the shading right and it can look really 3D.

And that’s it! Sometimes it’s good to have a shape to fill with doodles. You could draw around a series of round objects and fill in the spaces or perhaps draw the outline of a letter and fill that. This one is standard trading card size (3.5 x 2.5 inches) but you can go as big or as small as you like! My smallest is a 1 x 1 inch square while my biggest Zendoodles so far are A3 (approx. 17 x 12 inches – huge!) I hope lots of people will have a go at Zendoodling; I’d love to see what you create.

This article was written by Zoe Ford Top Floor Treasures

Quality Knitted Items

Peggy’s Collection Made with love and care.

Beautiful Jewellery to help you through life!

MYSTIC EARTH Have you ever thought of having a piece of Gemstone and Crystal Healing Jewellery Created ‘just for you’ Each stone matched to your needs!

The Crystal Lady at Mystic Earth can offer you this service. These pieces of unique jewellery make the perfect gift for a loved one or a much needed treat for yourself.

Teenagers Guide to Knitting I am a teenager. Yes, I listen to all the new chart music, spend time on social networking sites and all that. But I also knit. Knitting has been a favourite hobby of mine for many years and I urge more young people to try it. It can be so creative, you can make up your own patterns, make gifts for family and friends and even make yourself a sock for your mobile phone. The possibilities are endless. Whether your 9 or 90, boy or girl, it's a great hobby to have. It's something that will help teenagers learn new skills, use their imagination and, in turn, they can teach the next generation and keep this wonderful hobby going. Knitting is not taught in schools enough, when it's important for children to have a new project to focus on, enjoy and feel that sense of achievement when they finish something they have made themselves. So, teens, ready to learn a new skill? Here's how to get started‌ You Will Need: Yarn - there are lots of different colours, textures and thickness to choose from. Knitting Needles - it's a good idea to have a few pairs in different sizes, as this affects how big/small, loose or tight your finished project comes out. Notions - these are things like sewing thread, needle, tape measure, stitch counter, cable needle, buttons etc. Sewing Needles – one with a smaller eye, used for sewing fabric to your knitting for example and one with a bigger eye for sewing knitted pieces together. Notion Bag - Keep all your knitting accessories tidy in a little bag. Project Bag - Use a bigger bag for keeping yarn, patterns, knitting needles and a project in. Once you have the materials you need, you can cast on. It's good to practice casting on stitches until your ready to learn the knit (plain) and purl stitch. To Cast On: Hold needles in your hands however they feel comfortable. Make a small loop. This will be your first stitch cast on. Cast on 10 stitches, by putting the right hand needle into loop on left hand needle, wrap yarn around, down middle stitch, put right hand needle into loop and very carefully bring it through on to left hand needle and should make a stitch. Continue in this way, until there are 10 stitches on the needle. The knit stitch is similar to casting on. Knitting a scarf is a good first project. Here is a method to make a light, spring scarf. Using 10mm needles and a cool, cotton yarn in the colour of your choice, cast on 10 stitches. Knit in garter (plain) stitch until the scarf is the length you want it. Cast off.

Note: You could get a friend or relative to teach you the basic knit stitch and how to cast off or there are plenty of instructions and video tutorials on the Internet. Also, a relative can give you a few balls of yarn and a pair of needles to start you off and plenty of craft stores stock knitting materials. You might even have a local yarn shop you could go to! There are also lots of knitting patterns (some free, some for a small fee) available on the Internet. Once you have mastered the basic stitch methods you can learn techniques such as cabling, shaping (decreasing and increasing stitches) and more! Enjoy your new hobby and Happy Knitting! You can learn more at Creative Crafting -

How to make a handbag! Store your make up, phone, perfume, or anything else you carry around, in a stylish, knitted bag! You will need: Yarn/wool- in whatever colours you want, it's time to be creative! Remember that the thickness of the yarn/wool affects how big or small your bag will be. Knitting needles - the thinner the needles, the smaller the bag. The thicker the needles, the bigger the bag! So take this into account when choosing them. Sewing needle - one with a bigger “eye” for threading yarn. Scissors. Material/fabric-This is optional, for if you want to line your bag, make it stronger. If you are lining your bag you will need a sewing needle with a small “eye”, for threading cotton. Now your ready to make your bag!

Cast on 16 stitches (in colour of your choice), knit 16 rows in garter (plain) stitch, then cast (bind) off. Make another 3 squares like this, using the colours you want. Sew (with bigger needle) 2 of the squares together, to look like this: Then sew the other 2 squares together. Sew the 2 squares to the other 2 squares, to look like this: Cut your material/fabric to the size of your knitting, but a bit bigger. Fold about 2 cm of the fabric over on each side, then sew. This is called the hem and will help the fabric to not fray. Sew your material using the smaller needle to your big square. Like this:

Then fold your knitting over, so that the bumpier side is showing (called the wrong side) and sew up the sides with the big needle then turn it into the smoother (it's called the “right� side) side. Like this:

Handles: (make 2) Cast on 4 stitches, perhaps in one of the colours of your knitting. Knit in stocking stitch (knit one row, purl the next) until the handle is the length you want. If you want you could sew a name onto the bag! Or another word.

Now you can carry things in style and if someone asks where you bought the bag, you can say you made it yourself! Here are the needle sizes converted to the size numbers your country uses:

This article was written by Chelsey

Do you know of a teenager that would like to write for Creative Crafting about their craft. Are they interested in journalism and like write a feature, or a make for their portfolio? Please contact us through our contact page or email us at:

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Important Trading Standards Information for Toy Crafters. Calling all crafters, there are new laws coming into force by the Trading Standards for all items relating to children that you sell. Please all be aware of these and if in doubt please ring your local Trading Standards. Please take a look at the link below for all the details you may require. e_new_toys.php

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Winning Wednesdays on Facebook Will be replaced with a week long competion from Wednesday 8th June. Don’t miss out! ‘Like’ Creative Crafting now!

Art & Craft Market Chapel Gallery St Helens Road Ormskirk, Lancashire Saturday 11 June 2011 10am - 4pm

Have a look at the new Al Brydon Book /books/2104015 CreativeCraftingMagazine

NEW LOOK! Creative Crafting magazine is having a face lift! Keep your eyes open for our August Issue, new advertising, new layout, new writers. If you would like to be involved you can email our editorial team at: Write to Creative Crafting Magazine at articles If we publish your letter you will receive some free Advertising.

Why we need to be crafty! Why do we do what we do? It’s a good question. Some may simply turn around and in a mercenary fashion say ‘ ’. However for the majority of crafters the reasons for their trade, hobby or cottage industry goes much deeper than that. There are some who have lost jobs and feel the need to ‘produce’ and keep busy; others have illnesses and are using a hobby or interest to pull them through the day, giving purpose and a sense of achievement. Still others have given up work to raise a family and can use the freedom of crafting to fit around a busy family life and retain their sanity by doing something for themselves, which is not based around nappies, feeding and being mum or dad. No matter what your reasoning I think everyone will agree that producing something with your hands gives a fundamental satisfaction, which without exception is inside all of us. I like to think that pandering to this side of human nature is excellent therapy for the soul, giving purpose and an outlet for both creativity and curiosity, which is becoming superfluous in this modern and busy consumer society. But it’s best to talk to the designer-makers themselves and hear some interesting stories of why they gain satisfaction or pleasure in what they do and why they were drawn to their particular crafting trade in the first place. Pandy Grenville-Evans is the drive behind Princess Kitten and ’. Pandy suffers states from the outset ‘ with a serious muscle condition that is still fairly newly discovered (used to be grouped with MS before new tests) and untreatable. Pandy, who had always been such an active lady, told me “

” Pandy also told us how she started to turn her previous interest in lettering and design into a hobby and finally a crafting trade. “ ” The latest innovation for Pandy is the copic ink marker. Of this she says “ ” Randomeyes Boutique owner Karen Hollowell can’t recall the exact moment when her love of art became her business. She has been unable to work (in the traditional sense) for several years now due to depression and anxiety related mental health problems, so she got back into arts and crafts for the therapeutic benefits a couple of years ago. “

Louise Agar of Funky Treasure has increased her crafting activities since having children. Louise has two young children and one of her hobbies was producing wonderful handmade items to decorate their rooms. From there the next step was having the confidence to produce her designs for friends and then the commercial marketplace. She told us “

Paula Cassady runs Mrs Bishop’s Doggy Deli, producing fresh handmade gourmet dog treats and gifts. Paula’s call to turn a hobby into a full-time crafting business came when she was made redundant from her full time job in July 2010. She told us how her hobby first started: “

Ruth Annett of Gems Of Hope is another case where crafting has become an outlet for creative energy due to illness. Ruth was diagnosed with ME in 2009 and since then her crafting has become an essential escape. Ruth explained, “

Lesley Carr of Bearing Gifts has been in love with sewing for most of her life. She told us, “

” Her craft has become part of her life, allowing her to make wonderful friends, and make a lot of people very happy as well as turning over a few important pounds when necessary. “

” Lesley is passionate about her work and thinks that crafts people are not given the credit they deserve in the UK. “

” This is a tiny cross section of the UK crafting community. They are passionate about their craft businesses and although their reasons for doing it are varied, there is one common thread – each ones gains satisfaction in not only producing their wares but also from selling them to people who can appreciate the work and effort that has gone into each item. In the words of a certain popular wartime poster slogan, ‘Keep Crafting and Have Fun’.

Don’t forget to check out the ‘new look’

Wow Thank You site! This article was written by from

in the Garden Hi I’m Tina, Good to see you all again, and what a wonderful day you have bought with you on your visit to The Garden. As the weather is so good shall we take a walk around the garden first and then have our refreshments later , I just cannot wait to show you how everything is just so beautiful.

The Clematis has been flowering for so long and is even better than last year if that is possible.

Now please be careful as you go down the steps, there are some bluebells right in the centre, it is a little difficult but don’t they look great. This is how it is in The Garden the plants choose their place , and as they do such a good job why would I change it. The Iris is here hiding under the trees, what a gorgeous colour, and the Rhododendron, this is an old plant and was here when we came to the garden in a very poor condition ,but as you see it did survive and is very happy.

As we stand here you can just look out over part of The Garden and see all the fresh green leaves and blossom.

Last month I mentioned that the crab apple trees were in bud, well here they are in full bloom.

Well just a little walk down our leafy lane, look at the hawthorn you would think it was some exotic shrub, and it just smells so wonderful too.

Here we are at the bog, this I think is the best time as it is so green and fresh the Marsh Marigolds are out with their shining golden cups, and The Wild Iris is coming through and will soon have its own rich yellow flowers.

We will go back through the Bluebell wood, just look at the brilliant blue and the fresh green leaves, and of course the smell just out of this world, could you find a more beautiful place. This is one of our special places where my better half and I have a little rest and a welcome cup of tea when working in the garden. I don’t think that we can do that today we would never all fit on that little seat.

Now back by the wild garden and up the steps to the patio, but we must just stop and look at the Laburnum in all its golden glory.

Ready for as sit down? Me too. I will put on the kettle and oh great, some of you have bought biscuits. Chocolate ones to, well, you know I just might over indulge, just this once. So as we all enjoy our tea and biscuits, I would like to thank you all for taking the time from your busy lives to enjoy with me the peace and beauty of The Garden. See you all again soon. Your green fingered friend, ina


Hurray for Summer! Why not celebrate by treating yourself to some upcycled bookmarks for your Summer reading? So quick and simple to make, you could make some for friends too, or for your Dad as a Father's Day gift. Any long thin material will work, decorated at both ends with various objects you might find lying around the house, or outside.

Choose pretty ribbons or unusual wool: You could cut strips of material, or tear them if you like the frayed look. You could braid very thin strips together. This is an ideal project to use up some fabric scraps left over from other projects:

Or try various fabric cords,

Heartmade Gifts

You could re-use ties cut from skirts or shirts, string or fabric bag handles, or even the straps from mobile phones /cameras:

Decorate the ends with buttons, beads, gems, charms or anything else you like. Try recycling a broken necklace or odd earring. You can attach them in all kinds of ways, with minimal use of very simple tools. For example, attach an earring or pendant to the end of a skirt tie: Thread the tie through the earring/pendant and double it back on itself; wind some thread or fine wire around to secure. (If you're using wire, make sure you don't leave the ends exposed.) You could attach tiny bells to the other end with a needle and thread, although these were already attached so saved me a job!

You could knot some chunky wooden beads onto a woven cord:

Try attaching an earring to one end of a torn strip of fabric with a simple knot. Sew a big button onto the other end with a few small stitches:

You can make your bookmarks long enough to mark your page, with the decorated ends at top and bottom of your book:

Or you can make them long enough to sit in the very back page and fold over onto the page you are marking, with the ends both at the bottom:

There are endless variations of this simple project; let your imagination run wild and have fun! This article was written by Dianne from Heartmade Gifts. Join Heartmade Gifts on Facebook

Online Street Favourite finds from around the crafting community This months focus is Father’s Day. Click on the images to take you to their store! MISI

Handmade Father's day easel card - Boating Cheeky Spider £1.50

I love my Daddy Fabric Hanging Heart Daisy Chain £5.95

Chocolate Brown Jewellery Box Roberts £10.00


58mm Little Ninja Bottle Opener Keyring Metal Moo £3.99

Slippery Road Cufflinks I de Claire £15.00

Polaroid 660 Handmade Keychain Cut Copy Create £4.50


Peppermint Mechanics Soap Mitcheldean Soap Limited £3.50

Barbed Wire Silver and Leather Bracelet Chris Parry £50.00

All prices correct at the time of publication

Tan Real Leather Belt Artisan Leather £27.00

Best Picks Favourite finds from around the crafting community This months focus is Father’s Day. Click on the images to take you to their store! UGLY BE GONE

The Original His Masters Voice Clock Fizzy Popov £15.00

Pear Notepad Alljoy Design £4.20

Letters Cufflinks Romilly Norman Jewellery £50.00


The Apple of Father's Eye Amigurumi Dolls SaPlanetOriginals £23.65 ARTFIRE

Rustic Tarnished Silver Daddy Pendant Rubybliss $55.00

TV Remote Organizer Rathdrumcreekcrafts £67.83

Sock Monkey Case ChickieDees $22.00

Moustache Coffee Cups Kimay £12.45

Happy Fathers Day Fisherman Greeting Card Satellite Heart $3.50

All prices correct at the time of publication

Make this simple striking necklace using beaded Eye pins and delicate flower connectors. Gemma is inspired by everything around her, from colour and form to the materials she uses, and by using many traditional techniques with contemporary ideas she creates jewellery with her individual style.

Materials I used Beads Unlimited products in the following quantities to complete the jewellery set. Necklace 23 x flower connectors silver plated (LNKA) 11 x 6 mm miracle beads burnt orange (PLBF0621) 11 x 8 mm miracle beads burnt orange (PLBF0821) 22 x eyepins silver plated (EPSP) 2 x 5 mm jump rings silver plate (JR5SP) 1 x trigger clasp silver plated (TRGSP)

Bracelet 9 x flower connectors silver plated (LNKA) 4 x 6 mm miracle beads burnt orange (PLBF0621) 4 x 8mm miracle beads burnt orange (PLBF0821) 2 x 5 mm jump rings silver plate (JR5SP) 1 x trigger clasp silver plated (TRGSP) You will also need a pair of multi pliers (CRMT)

Step 1. Thread a 6 mm bead onto a headpin. Trim the headpin 1 cm above the bead, curl into a loop (make sure the loops face in the same direction). Attach a connector and close the loop. Step 2. Open the loop of an eyepin and join to the flower connector, close the loop.

Step 3. Thread on an 8 mm bead. Trim the eyepin 1 cm above the bead, curl into a loop and attach to another flower connector. Repeat alternating the size of the beads until your necklace is 48 cm.

Step 4. When the necklace is the desired length, attach a jump ring to each end and attach a trigger clasp to one.

Step 5. Make the bracelet in the same way.

Designed by Gemma from

an e l C g n i r p S

your crafting business.

If you are finding your craft business a little slow right now, try not to let it get you down too much. Everyone is in the same boat in the current financial situation. A lot of small crafters are giving up and calling it a day, this is a huge shame as so much work goes into creating products and marketing them. (The latter can often take more time than actually making the product in the first place). It can be extremely depressing when days/weeks/months go by without a sale but there are things that you can do to lift your spirits a bit. Look at it as a fantastic opportunity to Spring Clean your business. Ÿ Look at your current stock of products. Are any of them looking a bit tired, if possible could they perhaps be revamped into something new? Ÿ Scour the Internet and other sources looking for fresh inspiration. Create a new product line or update an old one. Ÿ Does your Website/Folksy/Etsy shop etc need a facelift? Sometimes changing a colour scheme or moving things around can work wonders when getting people to find your store. Ÿ Could your images be better, or more uniform. With a bit of time on your hands you could perfect those all important sales pictures. Ÿ Blog, twitter, Facebook. This all takes time so make use of it while you have it. Ÿ Contact previous customers and ask for Feedback. This can not only be very useful but also reminds them that you are still there and may cause them to revisit your sites. Ÿ Join groups or get together with other crafting friends, share the marketing, more blogs, Facebook pages, twitter accounts reach more people. It is very easy to feel that the world has forgotten you and it is easier to just give up. Try and remember why you were attracted to crafting in the first place, how much you enjoy creating. The vast Crafting Community will continue to support each other ready for when things take a turn for the better. One thing that I have always found is that there is always someone willing to offer a kind word and inspiration when you need it. You only have to ask.

Elbert Hubbard

This article was created by Creative Connections Social Network

The Creative Crafting Blog

The Crystal Lady

Tell us about yourself My name is David Rooke. I live and work in the Stafford area which is known as the 'Creative County', (though I am unsure how and where this saying originated from). Originally from the south east of England I moved to the Midlands about six years ago after spending many years travelling the length and breadth of the UK on my narrowboat 'Magrathea'. I decided to settle in the Midlands because of its central position in the canal network and the easy access to nearby stunning countryside like the Peak District and North Wales. I live with my partner and her children Louie 15 and Emily 6 and divide our time living on the boat and in our house in Stafford. When did you first begin crafting, and why? I first began by designing mirror frames from scrap plywood about a year ago. After spending many years in the building trade I have always been fascinated by wood as a structural material and always had a yearning to create things out of timber which were designed to be admired for the timber itself, this yearning to be creative combined with my appreciation of wood and obsessive recycling habits culminated in the formation of WeirdWood. What is your biggest crafting achievement, and why? I think this must be, being in the fortunate position of having the time and the means to do what I love, there are many people out there who are in the same position I was in years ago of wanting to express themselves in a particular way but without the time, or too many other commitments. If its size then the biggest piece I've produced so far is the mirror 'Waves Clash' at over 6ft x 3ft and a full 2 inches thick, a very tactile piece with many colours in the grain. Other than your crafting, what else do you like to do? When I'm not crafting I like to spend time on my narrowboat or get out into the national parks, when I'm not doing that I'm tending to our vegetable plot or to our chickens, you just cant beat the satisfaction and flavours of home grown produce. I've always been a country lad at heart. Do you have a favourite item that you currently have on sale? I think my favourite at the moment has to be this large egg shaped fruit / salad bowl. By slicing one layer of the plywood and setting it at right angles to the adjacent layers has added an interesting juxtaposition of grain for the eye to feast on, another work in progress is a large oval bowl where one layer has been set on its edge in a 'herring bone' style creating a mass of diagonals.

Where does your inspiration come from? Inspiration comes predominantly from the natural world, while I am out and about enjoying the countryside I am fascinated by wobbly non uniform patterns and textures formed by trees and plants, Often I will work on a piece in this environment by stopping my narrowboat in the middle of nowhere setting up my workbench and working in the sunshine, the countryside makes me feel alive and feeds the creative juices! Do you have a favourite material to work with? It is without a doubt plywood, the result of carving into this type of wood (which was originally intended to be structural ) at various angles creates amazing three dimensional patterns the stripes of each layer flowing around the piece like the contour lines on an Ordnance Survey map. Another advantage of using this material is the inherent strength engineered into it. Plywood has been made for thousands of years; the earliest known occurrence of plywood was in ancient Egypt around 3500 BC. Do you have a favourite website? At present it has to be Allan Lake sculpted furniture although he is not using plywood his unusual style is another inspiration to me, I particularly like his Earthwork desk. Also where many talented artists can be found nestled amongst an amazing community spirit, of crafters. Has any person helped or supported you more than any other? Su Stephenson my partner who keeps me encouraged and has the artistic flair and ability to put my designs down on paper before I start on a piece, she more than makes up for my artistic lack when it comes to pen and paper and has many ideas of her own which I hope to be carving in the near future. Tell us a random fact about yourself! Not too sure if this counts but I wanted to get it in anyway because its an important part of what WeirdWood is all about and that's the sustainable approach to my work, all materials for my pieces are sourced locally from waste, whether it be from skips, disused furniture, off cuts from construction and even fly tip, this is material that would otherwise have gone to land fill. Energy for the WeirdWood workshop comes from a combination of a 1kw wind turbine and solar panels backed up where necessary with a generator burning waste vegetable oil, any further wood waste is used in a wood burner providing central heating. Visit

David at!/pages/WeirdWood/230545458078


Marshmallow Tea Cake

A gigantic Marshmallow Tea cake.

You know those little chocolate covered things filled with marshmallow and stale biscuit?!! Make your very own for Father’s Day!

Ingredients 400g of biscuits - we used choc digestives 920g of chocolate - that's four, yes four of the big bars. We used milk but I guess what ever takes your fancy. 400g of marshmallows - 2 bags of the pinks n whites for us! Half a jar of jam (optional - my OH likes the jam ones!) I think seedless is best for this, we went for raspberry. Cling film or foil Butter/margarine A very big bowl Microwave Oh yes and a lot of time - this will take all day! Step 1. Melt one bar of choc approx 230g. Grease your large bowl with the margarine and line with cling film or foil. Then with the melted choc paint in all over the inside of the bowl - you can use a pastry brush but I find the back of a spoon works well to! Pop the bowl in the fridge to set hard. Once set repeat this with the second bar of chocolate. Pop in the fridge again to set. Once that's done it will look like this.

Step 2. Next up is the marshmallows. I was a bit sad and separated the pinks from the whites. I started with the pinks. In a microwavable jug, zap for no more than 40 seconds. They will all melt and go all gooey.

Step 3. Pour on top of the chocolate and leave to cool and set in the fridge. You must make sure it has completely set before going on to the next bit! Now do the same with the white marshmallows - if of course you are not sad like me you can bung all the marshmallows in together and this step is done a lot quicker!

Step 4. Again leave this to cool and set in the fridge. Next comes the jam - if you're using it. Put half a jar into a microwavable bowl and arm a little - only for about 20 seconds as jam can get very hot and this is just to make it easier to spread. Layer this on top of the set marshmallows.

Step 5. Right, now you need to crumb all those biscuits! I blended mine. At this point you should mix the biscuit crumbs with some melted butter - the idea is that you make a base like that of a cheesecake.

Step 6. Finally, melt the remaining two bars of chocolate and cover the biscuit crumbs. Put the whole lot into the fridge until completely set. We left ours over night. When it's ready, turn out onto a plate and peal off the the cling film or foil. There you have a giant marshmallow tea cake! Hooray! Written By Madam Salami

Japan has such a long and rich tradition of crafts that it’s difficult to know where to begin! Paper, silk, bamboo…simple, natural materials have been hand-crafted for centuries into items which are functional, but also beautiful. Ancient techniques are still passed down the generations and honed through a lifetime of dedication to one craft. In the West, we think of an artist as an individual, an innovator, but in Japan an artist is one who has mastered his craft to the highest level, based on the teachings of his forefathers. It’s fascinating to learn the history behind some of these crafts, for example silk painting. In the 18th century, Japan was a feudal society. Samurai were at the top, followed by peasants, artisans and, at the bottom of the pile, merchants. When Japan emerged from centuries of fighting, the samurai (warrior) class had little work, and at the same time the merchants became the wealthiest in society. So in order to curb the merchants, samurai leaders introduced sumptuary laws, forbidding merchants from wearing certain colours, embroidery etc on their kimono. To get around these laws (but still wear ostentatious clothes!), the silk painting technique yuzen was developed. Merchants had their plain kimono painted on the inside in gorgeous colours and designs, and the art of silk painting flourished. As an island, Japan has few natural resources, so craft materials are treasured and nothing is thrown away. Nature plays an important part in the making of crafts, from the crystal-clear spring water used in paper-making (done in winter when the water is coldest) to the slow-drying glue used in paper and fabric crafts, which is made from Japan’s staple crop, rice. 80% of Japan is mountainous, so bamboo is used widely in crafts as it is fast-growing, pliable and hardy. Bamboo is used to make everything from baskets to tea whisks to fans to musical instruments and much more! Because resources are so precious, the focus is on quality rather than quantity. Objects such as fans are made by a whole community; one family folds the paper, another inserts the spokes and so on. Such apparently simple (but they’re not!) skills are learnt through years of training so the resulting objects are masterpieces of craftsmanship. They may be expensive to buy, but they will last for a lifetime. Although Japan is known as an innovator of technology and gadgetry, there are some crafts which continue through necessity to be made by hand. Shibori tie dyeing, for example, cannot be replicated by machine. A hook is used to pinch tiny areas of fabric which are tied with silk thread before being dyed. When the fabric is dried and the threads removed, a unique, stretchy texture is created. The resulting fabric is used to cover a small pillow which is part of the kimono outfit. It is also possible to decorate a whole kimono with shibori, but before you start such a project you should know that it takes 2 years and approximately 100,000 knots to do this!

Following World War II, Japan modernised at a phenomenal rate and many of the traditional industries declined due to industrialisation and lack of demand. It is much rarer to find traditional craftspeople nowadays, but they do still exist and are held more dearly than ever in the hearts of the Japanese as they begin to appreciate their own culture again. Government schemes such as designating individuals (National Living Treasures), and giving people free entry to museums if they wear kimono, help to preserve and protect the unique crafts of Japan. Indeed the kimono outfit itself combines so many crafts and techniques that its renewed popularity helps sustain the handmade crafts industry. So, what if you want to try a Japanese craft but don’t fancy dedicating your whole life to learning it? Easy! Silk painting is a popular hobby in the West and there are plenty of places to learn it through workshops or books, and supplies can be found in many craft shops or online. A good kit contains everything to get started; you can then see whether you want to take it further. Kumihimo (Japanese braiding) can be done easily, cheaply and portably on a foam disc rather than the traditional wooden stand. You may be limited by the patterns you can create, but there are more than enough possibilities to make fabulous jewellery using this technique. Again, the Internet is a fabulous resource for this. Origami is well known in the West and there are thousands of free instructions and even videos online. All you need is a pack of origami paper and you’re away! It is worth investing in the proper paper, as it is perfectly square and lighter than other paper so it folds beautifully. Origami paper features authentic Japanese designs which will enhance your results greatly. Handmade washi paper is more expensive, but has an amazing texture and the designs are based on exquisite kimono patterns. Japanese fabrics are beautiful for their design and quality. A wide range of cottons and even vintage silk kimono fabrics are available. Use them for patchwork, bag making, brooches and even cards. A little goes a long way. Kits, workshops and supplies for many Japanese crafts can be found at Here you will also find links to our Facebook, Twitter and blog pages where you can learn even more about Japan’s crafts and culture. Katie Chaplin is a textile artist and expert on Japanese crafts. She travels to Japan each year and learns from teachers and friends there. In the UK, Katie gives talks and workshops on Japanese crafts and has her own range of craft kits and supplies which she sells online and at several major shows throughout the year. Private workshops are available at Katie’s studio for groups of 3 or more, for just £30 per person per day, including all materials. Written by Katie Chaplin

FATHER’S DAY SUNGLASSES CASE KNITTING PATTERN This is a great knitting pattern for a sunglasses case for Father’s Day. You can make it any colour you wish and add any extra embellishments to make it more unique and special for the person you are giving it to.

You will need: DK yarn approximately 30 grams Size 4 mm needles Darning needle

Cast on 38 stitches and work in moss stitch (row 1 - k1, p1 to end, row 2 – pl, k1). Continue until work measures approximately 7 inches or as long as you require. Next row – k1, p1, (rib pattern) continue in this pattern until the whole case measures approximately 9 inches Cast off all stitches keeping to the rib pattern. Fold the work so that the edges meet in the middle and sew up the bottom of the case and you have a great little gift to make for Father’s Day or any other occasion. Would love to see the patterns that you make from the magazine please send them into us so we can feature them in the magazine. Written by Peggy’s Knits

Fathers’ Day Sunday 19th June 2011

Mod Podge® is the original all-in-one sealer, glue, and finish. It's excellent for decoupage and is perfect for wood, paper, fabric, and other porous surfaces. This water based formula dries clear and holds tight. Mod Podge is non-toxic and cleans up with just soap and water, so it's great for kids. It protects acrylic paints, stains, fabric, and more. Gloss finish dries to a high-gloss shine.

From trawling the net it would appear that you can ‘podge’ just about anything! Furniture, shoes, you name it! Between £3 - £10



UncommonUsefuls I’ve even had a little go myself, this is a locket that I made for my mum. So if you are feeling creative, grab some paper, pictures, dried flowers, glitter etc and have a go at decoupage. ‘Gluing and Sticking’ has never been so much fun. Or you could leave it to the experts and visit some of the online stores offering beautiful products for you to purchase.

This article was created by

The Crystal Lady


n w O Your

Sock Teddy

Unsure what to make for Father’s Day this year? Why not make a Sock Teddy! What You Will Need One over the knee sock size 4 - 6 Scissors Sewing needle Large button for nose Two small buttons for eyes Embroider thread to sew on eyes and nose Berry pins or other sewing pins Approximately 100g Stuffing (If you use a dark coloured sock you may find white stuffing shows through so may prefer to use black) This toy can also be hand sewn quite easily if you don't have a machine.



Step 1. Turn your sock inside out. Lay it out flat and cut off the toe section. Step 2. Now rearrange the sock so the heel is pointing up towards you. Cut the socks width in half down the middle. Cut down about 8 inches. These will become your toys ears.



Step 3. Pin the sides together and trim off an extra material from the heel area. Step 4. Sew along your pinned line. Knot the thread ends securely and stitch them in. Trim off any excess thread.


Step 5. Turn you sock in the right way. Tie an overhand knot in each ear close to the bottom.

Elderberry Arts Step 6. Take a little less than half your stuffing 6. and form it into a round ball. Gather the sock up as if you were going to put it on as this makes it easier to get the stuffing inside. Push the stuffing ball inside. Shape the ball to create the toys head. Step 7. Unravel the gathered sock and cut off the elasticated end.



Step 8. Roll the remaining stuffing in to rough ball and push inside the sock and up to the head. Shape the body as needed but don't let the head and body join into one shape. Trim off the excess sock 3cm underneath the body.





Step 9. Fold this end over on itself so the rough cut edge is inside the toy body. Step 10. Using embroider thread sew around the inside of the body using running stitch. Only go through one layer of the sock not both so the stitches won't show on the outside. Once you've been all the way round pull the thread to gather up the bottom. Fasten off the thread and trim any excess. Step 3. Pin the sides and trim offyou an cut Step 11. Placetogether the elasticated end extra the material from and the off in step 7 around toys neck area.doesn't show by arrange so the heel cut edge tucking it underneath.

Step 12. Position the eyes and nose and sew into place. Start with the nose and then using the same length of thread pass the needle and thread through the toy on the inside to the position of the first eye, sew it into place and then repeat for the second eye. Pass the needle and thread through the toy back to the nose, knot and fasten off under the large button. Trim any excess thread. Tip - If you use berry pins you can use them to hold the buttons in place to get them positioned right. Written By Elderberry Arts

Make yourself a fashionable cuff in just half and hour, from fabric scraps and an old bead necklace, using only simple running stitch.

Fabric scraps left over from other projects (or you can recycle fabric from old clothes) Two lengths of elastic (25cms each) A broken or unwanted bead necklace (you will need about 36 beads.) If you are recycling clothing, cut along the seams and remove a large panel. Iron the panel and cut a strip approximately 8cm by 45cm. You can change the size depending on the material you use, the size of the beads and the size you want your finished cuff. Don't worry too much about cutting a perfect line and don't worry if the material frays as it all adds to the natural look (although you could sew a narrow seam if you prefer.) Attach your elastic to one end with a single knot, leaving a small length with which to tie the cuff later. Sew a line of running stitch about 1cm from the middle of your strip. Begin with a stitch under the fabric and add a bead to every other stitch (the stitches above the fabric.)

Sew a second row, keeping stitches/beads in line. (But don't worry too much about them being perfect!)

Heartmade Gifts

Gently gather the fabric by pushing the beads along the elastic. You can so this from your finished ends towards the knots, or undo the knots and work from both ends.

Knot the ends of the elastic together, measuring the cuff around your wrist to get the right size (you might find that you need to take off some beads.) You can also secure the ends of the elastic with a few stitches if you like.

My daughter suggested using it as a collar! You could probably adapt it to make a headband too. Have fun playing around with various different kinds of fabric and beads. Try layering co-ordinating or contrasting fabric. Use buttons instead of beads, or try charms.

This article was written by Dianne from Heartmade Gifts. Join Heartmade Gifts on Facebook

Write for us and promote yourself! You don't have to be very technical to write for our magazine. We will do all of the laying out for you. All we need is your content in an email and some lovely images to go with it and let us do the rest. Free advertising for your store with click through links to your sites. For more information please email

Would you like to write an article for Creative Crafting Magazine?

Tell us about yourself Hi I'm Sarah, the busy hands behind S L Jewellery! I live with my little boy and partner in the middle of the countryside where my toy filled living room by day turns into craft space by night making jewellery and wedding accessories. When did your crafting begin, and why? I have always had a passion for crafts and a desire to be my own boss with my own empire but have never quite had the confidence to take the next step. When I was pregnant with my little boy the desire and passion began to grow. After my gorgeous little boy was born it seemed to give me the confidence boost I needed to start the ball rolling. I wanted to make my little man and my family proud. What was the first item you made to sell online? My first item to sell online was by beautiful flower necklace which I made for a very special customer who has bought several items from me since and still keeps in touch. This was a commission for her wedding day and we worked together to create the piece just as she wanted it!

What is your biggest crafting achievement, and why? To be honest I feel everything I do is an achievement from making my first piece of jewellery to seeing my name and pieces being featured on other peoples sites. Everything is an achievement no matter how trivial. Other than crafting, what else do you like to do? Outside of crafting my life mainly involves lots of play with my 2 year old. He is just amazing and I love spending every second I possibly can with him before he grows up and is too cool to give mummy big kisses in public. I also love spending time with family and friends and trying to enjoy life and appreciate what I have.

Where would you like to be in 5 years? 5 years seems too far yet so close. I would love to continue my hard work, watch everything continue to grow and develop new skills and techniques. Grow my customer base and continue my dedication to my current customers. I would love to have the opportunity to visit lots more crafters and perhaps spend time with them and learn about their craft hoping to find out new treasures and learn new things. In 5 years I hope to have developed some good relationships with some boutiques and shops who will stock my items, work together and bounce business ideas of each other. Where does your inspiration come from? Inspiration is never hard to find it comes from people, places almost anything. I'm lucky that I have so many wonderful people in my life and I live in a beautiful place so I never really have to look far for inspiration. What are your favourite materials, and why? I don't have a favourite material I love all sorts of materials and love to work with materials I am skilled with and materials I am completely new to. Although I have to admit if it sparkles it does make things a little more exciting!! What is favourite shop online, that isn’t yours, and why? I just love Folksy!! It it just a pool of wonderfully talented individuals! I can just sit and marvel at the creations all day!! Has any person helped or supported you more than any other? I have the support of friends and family but would also like to mention my twitter community. There are so many wonderful businesses out there and twitter helps you meet the people behind the business name. We take about all sorts but along with this we exchange ideas, help each other promote and support new ventures. Its so exciting watching other businesses grow and it reassures you that its worth all the hard work and effort! Visit

Sarah on

Keep watching the Creative Crafting Facebook page for a chance to win this Beautiful bracelet made by S L Jewellery.

Make your Dad a coaster for Father's Day from an old pair of jeans. Perhaps you could use a favourite pair of his, which are no longer wearable because they are irreparably stained or threadbare. 1. Cut off the bottom half of one leg. Cut or tear the seams and iron the resulting panels of denim.



2. Cut or tear squares approximately 13cm. This makes a large coaster; change the size if you wish. You will need two or three pieces, depending on the weight of the denim.

3 3. Fray the edges to whatever depth you prefer, allowing for the size of an average mug. Match up the frayed edges.

4. You could turn the top piece, to line up contrasting frayed edges for a different affect.


Heartmade Gifts

5. Or you could turn over one of your pieces, so top and bottom of your finished coaster are different.

6. Decorate as you wish. You can appliquĂŠ a simple shape like a heart, or letters (perhaps DAD) using the reverse of the denim fabric. Sew on with any stitch you like; I like blanket stitch, but a simple running stitch would work too, or tiny random stitches if you find sewing straight lines difficult. 5

7. Sew your pieces of denim along all four edges with a sewing machine or by hand; a simple running stitch will be fine. (Try experimenting with different stitches and colours of thread.) Secure the ends with a single knot and use a needle to finish the threads between the pieces of denim. (Or you could use them to sew on a button or charm.)

8. So, there you are! A quick and easy (and endlessly adaptable) upcycled coaster project for Father's Day ‌ have fun!

This article was written by Dianne from Heartmade Gifts. Join Heartmade Gifts on Facebook

Budget & Luxury Chocolate 'Dad Choklet £6.00 Driftwood Barometer, Hygrometer & Thermometer Susueliza £20.00

Marvellous Dad Fathers Day Card doodlelove £2.50

Campervan Cushion crafty souls £15.00 Handpainted Personalised Fathers Day Mug Just Pottering £8.50 Personalised Vintage Scrabble Cuff Links Ellie Ellie £19.50 Coconut Marshmallow Sweet Treats £2.95 Letter Rack MijMoj £30.00 2 SETS (4 pcs) Titanic Ship & Glacier Soaps You Pick Scent/Color Vegan Vegan Sudz Shop £3.15

Sterling Silver Custom Guitar Pick lpjewelry £21.43

Lab Single Hook Adirondack Metal £6.18

Black Leather Watch Cuff Eastern Oregon Leather £15.38

By Sprinkles Sparkles All prices are correct at the time of publication

Crafter’s Directory The perfect place to find beautiful gifts

Handcrafted items are becoming a popular alternative to mass produced items. Lovingly created and often surprisingly inexpensive! Browse through our directory and click on the links to visit a world of beautiful craft shops.

Custom made Healing Jewellery ‘Just for you’

Lemonade and Lamingtons

Peggy’s Collection Made with love and care.

If you would like to be featured in our directory please visit our website.

Crafter’s Directory The perfect place to find beautiful gifts

Handcrafted items are becoming a popular alternative to mass produced items. Lovingly created and often surprisingly inexpensive! Click on the links to visit a world of beautiful craft shops.

Averilpam Design

Handcrafted one of a kind jewellery and bags.


Dawn Bevins Design

Handcrafted polymer clay art beads & treasures.


Elderberry Arts

Hand crafted unique and uncommon silver, gemstone, glass, gay and bisexual jewellery.



Gorgeous Handmade Jewellery & Greeting Cards at affordable prices.


Madam CC

Something old, Something new.


Mystic Earth

Gemstone Healing Jewellery, personal matching service available.


S L Jewellery

Beautiful handmade jewellery and wedding accessories and lots of gifts for all occasions.


Sprinkles Sparkles

Bespoke, Handmade Jewellery and Accessories.


The Jewellery Angel

Cute, Colourful and Kitsch Jewellery.


The Vintage Jewellery Box

Hand-designed vintage-inspired jewellery with a modern twist offering a fresh alternative to girls who like to wear something a bit different!


Original, bespoke, handmade craft items, gifts and crafts supplies. Paintings, cards, jewellery, knitwear, silk painting, pyrography, herb pillows, plaques, vintage twist Susan!

Neate Crafts


Painted Ghost

Handmade accessories for baby and child, home of the Bibbla!


Radiance Crystals

Bespoke Bridal and Occasion Jewellery.


Ann Chandler Originals

Unique bags and accessories in unusual fabrics, including vintage kimono silks, funky cotton prints and upcycled clothing.

If you would like to be featured in our directory please visit our website.


Crafter’s Directory The perfect place to find beautiful gifts

Handcrafted items are becoming a popular alternative to mass produced items. Lovingly created and often surprisingly inexpensive! Click on the links to visit a world of beautiful craft shops.

All things Nice

The home of unique affordable arts and crafts.

Diomo Glass

A range of Stained Glass Gifts by a Stained Glass Artist. I recycle glass to Folksy create gifts and other novel little items of interest, fun and meaning.


Beautiful floral gifts for all occasions. Sock posies are our speciality!!


Lemonade and Lamingtons

Homewares & accessories, fresh & exciting!


Madam Salami

Maker and designer of unique textile creations. Bringing a mix of geekery and the macarbe to your life.


Top Floor Treasures

Original framed art, handmade Christmas bunting & decorations, bags and cushions.


Kelso Kreations

Handmade Gifts for that special occasion.


Lemur Lady's Awesome Emporium

Handmade bags, cushions and gifts made with alternative, kitsch and gothic fabrics for people who want to stand out from the crowd.


Moody Cow Designs

Unique handmade handbags and accessories.



Ipad Covers, Purses, Handbags - Designer, & Funky Fabrics.


Turned wooden gifts, engraving and laser cutting service.


Abstract Cat Crafts

Colourful, high quality hand-dyed and hand-painted knitting yarn.


NOfkants Curios

Hand Knitted and Crocheted Unique Handbags.


Peggy’s Knits

Quality knitted items.



Artisan lampwork beads made in my kitchen studio. Commissions taken.


Japan Crafts

Craft Kits, Talks, Workshops and Textiles, Inspired by Japan.


The Little Bead Box

Beautiful Beads and Jewellery Supplies.


If you would like to be featured in our directory please visit our website.




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By Crafters for Crafters


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Don’t forget!

Valentine & Mothers Day Projects

Handcrafted Wedding Special

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To advertise in Creative Crafting or to submit an article please contact Anna at

Valentines/Mothers Day 2010



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1st August 2011

s Crafter


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Our next issue will be available to read on

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