Digital Marketing Mid-term IEMI

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Digital marketing Mid-term [Sous-titre du document] 16/03/2011 IEMI Caroline Boda

1. In YOUR own words, what is the difference between traditional word-of-mouth marketing and Influence Marketing? Traditional word or mouth is based on letting people talk about your brand when they had a good experience, which will make people know about your brand through their peer’s experience about it. It’s a free way to advertise. On the contrary, Influence Marketing consists in targeting specific people that you consider are influencers, which means that these people are able to influence people in using your brand, because to them they are trustworthy people who know what they talk about. When identifying and reaching these influencers, they will talk about your brand to a whole community, which will improve your visibility, because will comment about your brand and share their experiences, and will be likely to buy your product/service. The reason why it works is that today, when people want to buy something, they ask about it to people who know about the product, or already experienced it. 2. Post a link to the article you read, in addition to the Slideshare. Higilight the key quote. How did the article expand your understanding of the assigned presentation? Support - contradict? Please be specific. I really liked this article, because it helps people who want to start Influence Marketing to understand how it works, what are the basics of it.

“ If you decide you and your firm will get into the influencer marketing game, you're going to be doing more than just throwing money at it. You will have to show up in high visibility places. You'll set yourself up as an authority and get quoted.” Its shows that influence marketing is much more that an expensive advertising campaign. You have to really be engage, analyze which places are important for you to be, and, most important, that you have to be someone people talk about, people they believe in what you said. That’s why it’s important to post innovative articles, comments, news, pictures, in order to create the buzz and be quoted. “ Identify the opinion leaders and nourish a relationship with them instead of doing a hit-and-run job that can sour the relationship with that valuable gatekeeper person forever.” It’s important to know who the people who can talk about you are because they are trust-worthy to their community. It’s all abot trust, so it’s a type of marketing that will have long time effect. It’s not a one shot advertising campaign for a new product, it’s about convincing people that you are what is god for them, and because they will be told so by peers or people they trust, it will last for long. “ You're not looking to influence a demographic. You're looking to influence very specific people. In some cases you'll give them preferential treatment at your events, on your website or at trade shows.” Take care of your influencers, because they are the one who talk about who. If their comments turn bad, it’s youir all efforts which will be ruined, so be carefull. But to me it does not mean that influencers must be better treated at the detrimental of other customers. They are all likely to talk about who. Plan on unanticipated consequences People must make the effort to visit your blog, so you'd better give them a really good incentive to come back daily or weekly. You should have an "Influencer Radar Screen" that you look at regularly

3. What is the relationship between communities and your social brand - give your insights for Slide 23.

I believe community must be part of the social brand, because, as it is said on slide 23, the community is the core of the social brand. They represent the identity of the brand’s users, because they share common interests. Communites can become bigger and bigger, which gives strength to your brand !

4. What is the relationship between Klout scores and Influence Marketing? Is a Klout score meaningful?

Klout score is supposed to tell you how much people talk about you on the internet. And influence Marketing deals essentially on influencers talking about your brand to their community. When engaged to Influence marketing, it’s important to monitor who talked about you, who was reached, what was said. It help knowing what (potential) customers think, answer them when needed, and be closer to them. But to me Klout score is too vague, because sometimes it’s better having few comments about you, but with a good quality, than being quoted many many times, but by people not so influencers, and with a doubtful quality comments about you. 5. Choose one of the two hotels below: Aloft Brussels  Create a SIM action plan Identify who your influencers are Talk to them regularly Take care of them Have them aware of your news, events…

 C;early state your objectives Your social media must be inter-connected People must be able to share them, comment them They must be attractive  Select at least 3 Social Media as tactics (no points for Facebook) Create a blog: Post regular comments, articles, news… Talk about your expertise, events happening in the city (Brussel is a very active city !), evens happening in your hotel… Your blog must be a hub, with a link to all your other Social Media accounts. Post videos, to let people know your hotel better. Post must be engaging, to influence people in commenting them. Ask them questions, Your blog must be Shareable (Facebook likes, Tweets…) Give the possibility to do news feeds to remind your followers to come back to your blog when you have a new post. Tweeter Post news, comments. Invite them to visit your blog. Tell people when an article talked about you in the media,

Invite them to special events, like afterworks, at the bar which has a very strong identity. The day after, talk about how the event was, thanks people and tell them to come back. Propose special offers to your followers Youtube The hotel already have a youtube account which I think he will use : they currently have only 8 videos. They can post videos regularly with news, documentaries about Brussels, events happening in Brussels, Events happening in the hotel… Also they can post videos about their expertises ( cocktails recipes, …)  Show how the selected Social Media have synergies These three Social Medias are complementary. Tweeter is god for quick comments, create a network thanks to followers… The blog enables you to post longer articles or pictures or videos and to link all your social media. Video is an easy tool to convey messages, it’s fun and attractive. Ith these three tools, you can talk to people on tweeter, tell them to visit your blog, and the blog yu cab post youtube videos!  Explain why you selected these specific media Blog: must be a hub. Like a spider web it must connect everyone to your other social media pages. It is shareable with other social media; you can post videos, pictures, comments… longer than on other social media. And it’s easy to use! Tweeter: number of users is booming, which gives you so many potential customers. It enable you to post quick comments, sentences, and by re tweeting, people know who follow you and can see what your told. You can also easily see you follow you, if they have a lot of followers, if they are influencing, which can help you in knowing who your influencers are. Youtube : Videos are so important in the visual aspect of a brand. It is alive, convey easily the messages you want to, and have a modern aspect. It help the guests know about the ambiance, the spirit of the hotel, and influence them a lot in their decision making process.

How will you measure the results of the Influence Marketing

Use Peer Index analyze your performance on teh internet, and gives you an idea of how weel you do in 5 areas : authority, resonance, audience, activity, and realness. It’s not only about how many people talk about you. By monitoring with Peer Index, you can improve yourself in the area in which your score is weaker. But it is important also to monitor yourself the comments, inorder to answer people and thank them in the name of the hotel.

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