Alkaline Diet Health Tips Magazine Issue 1

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Issue 1

7 Alkaline Superfoods

5 Top Tips For Vitality

Newsletter Acidity Self-Test Are You Endangering Your Health?

World’s Top Nutrition & Health Expert Yuri Elkaim On Foods That Give Us Energy


Issue 1 Editorial Hello and Welcome to the first Alkaline Diet Health Newsletter! In this issue, there’s some great information on superfoods – the types of nutritional powerhouses that are readily available at your local supermarket or green grocer and have AMAZING beneficial effects on your health and energy if eaten regularly – preferably every day. I am delighted to include an article written by one of the world’s top nutrition and health experts and author of Eating for Energy, Yuri Elkaim. Yuri has helped thousands of people just like me and you lose 10, 20, and even 30 pounds while dramatically improving their health and vitality in as little as 12 weeks (and often sooner) with the healthy alkaline eating strategies. I hope you enjoy this first issue and feel inspired to either start a more healthy alkaline diet or become super-motivated to stay alkaline and make further improvements. Laura Wilson

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Just look how colourful and attractive alkaline meals are – I made this lovely salad and took this photo in my Mum’s garden with my own fair hands by the way 

Alkaline Diet Health News - Laura Wilson



Issue 1 5 Top Tips For Vitality – Laura Wilson Here’s some excellent tips for leading a healthy life, keeping your body in good shape and feeling vital: 1 – BREATHING! Undoubtedly the most important component to human health and vitality is oxygen. Each morning take 10 deep diaphragm breaths (from the stomach) at a ratio of 5:10:20. This means that you breath in for a count of 5, hold your breath for a count of 10 (this fully oxygenates the body’s cells) and then breath out for a count of 20. Do ten of these per day. This is the single most powerful way of enhancing your body’s immune system: “Improper breathing is a common cause of ill-health. If I had to limit my advice on healthier living to just one tip, it would be simply to learn how to breathe correctly. There is no single more powerful – or more simple – daily practice to further your health and wellbeing than breath work.” (Andrew Weil, Harvard Medical Doctor and author of Health & Healing).

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2 – WATER The second most important thing we need to do for our health is to drink clean fresh water. An adult can live several weeks without food but no more than 10 days without water. Our brains are 76% water, lungs 90%, blood 80% and processes such as digestion and circulation cannot occur without it. Drink 2 litres of water each and every day to keep hydrated and ensure good bodily functioning. 3 – ESSENTIAL FATS We live in a society where we are constantly bombarded with messages from the media and product advertising which attempt to eliminate all fat from our diets. How wrong they are! Completely eliminating fat is one of the worst things you could do for your health. Essential fatty acids (Omegas 3, 6 & 9) are exactly that – essential, and deficiency symptoms include eczema, hair loss, liver and kidney malfunction, wounds that don’t heal well, female miscarriage, arthritis, stunted child-growth, increase in cholesterol, low energy, loss of co-ordination, water retention, lowered immune system…the list goes on.

Alkaline Diet Health News - Laura Wilson



Issue 1 5 Top Tips For Vitality (continued) Great food that contain essential oils are mackerel, herring, avocados, nuts and seeds and olive oil. Avoid trans fatty acids at all costs – they are killers! These are processed fats that the body cannot break down and are labelled as hydrogenated fat/oil or partially hydrogenated fats/oils on food packages. Numerous studies have shown them to double the risk of heart disease to people who eat it, so this is one fat that is fine to eliminate completely from your diet!

The consequences (pain) of not exercising include decreased lung capacity, higher risk of cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, cancer, diabetes and stroke, diminished sex-drive, low energy levels, lower self esteem and shortened life-span! Aerobic exercise does wonders for your sense of self-worth, confidence, ability to cope with everyday stresses and overall wellbeing. Plus it also gives you a good time to reconnect with yourself, reflect on things and clear your mind and it’s great fun!

4 – The power of AEROBIC ENERGY: To achieve the optimum balance of fitness (ability to perform athletic activity) and health (state in which all systems of body are working optimally), you need to train your cardiovascular system and metabolism. Research has shown that if you exercise continually over a 12-month period then you will form this positive addiction for life. Aim to do 3x 30 minute sessions per week of cardiovascular exercise, such as walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, aerobics, dance etc, where you fell somewhat out of breath.

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Alkaline Diet Health News - Laura Wilson

Me swim training in Turkey for London Olympic Triathlon in 2006, it’s a hard life! 



Issue 1 5 Top Tips For Vitality (continued) 5 – The importance of a DIRECTED MIND & HEART: Utilised and directed effectively, our thoughts, emotions and mindset can be one of the most potent allies towards mitigating disease and manifesting energy and vitality. The way we react to the daily hassles of life or to specific stressful events can mean the difference between ‘coming down with’ an infection and remaining symptomfree. One of the most effective ways to maximise the power of a directed mind and positive emotions is to flood ourselves with the positive memories and emotions that we have experienced consistently. You have to close your eyes and embody with emotional intensity the feelings of love, joy, fun and passion that you have experienced in your relationship/s.

• What are some funny things in my life that have made me laugh out loud? • What are some loving times? Sensual and sexy experiences? • When have I been proud of myself? What are some of my proudest moments? • What have I been grateful for in my life? Why am I blessed? • What are some fun times and experiences I’ve had? • What are some spiritual moments in my life? • What do I appreciate most in my life right now?

Don’t just think about your past, flood yourself with images, emotions, sounds, textures and feelings. The secret is to stack one great memory on top of another. Questions to ask while doing an emotional flood are:

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Alkaline Diet Health News - Laura Wilson



Issue 1 Acidity Self Test Use this checklist to get an indication of how acidic your body may be may be. Determining your acidity levels isn't an exact science, but this Self-Test can help you get a better idea of how urgently you need to begin alkalizing your body. Beginning Symptoms 1. Acne 2. Agitation 3. Muscular pain 4. Cold hands and feet 5. Dizziness 6. Low energy 7. Joint pains that travel 8. Food allergies 9. Chemical sensitivities to odour, gas heat 10. Hyperactivity 11. Panic attacks 12. Pre-menstrual and menstrual cramping 13. Pre-menstrual anxiety and depression 14. Lack of sex drive

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15. Bloating 16. Heartburn 17. Diarrhoea 18. Constipation 19. Hot urine 20. Strong smelling urine 21. Mild headaches 22. Rapid panting breath 23. Rapid heartbeat 24. Irregular heartbeat 25. White coated tongue 26. Hard to get up in morning 27. Excess head mucous (stuffiness) 28. Metallic taste in mouth The next list goes through more serious symptoms of overacidity‌

Alkaline Diet Health News - Laura Wilson



Issue 1 Intermediate Symptoms 1. Cold sores (Herpes I & II) 2. Depression 3. Loss of memory 4. Loss of concentration 5. Migraine headaches 6. Insomnia 7. Disturbance in smell, taste, vision, hearing 8. Asthma 9. Bronchitis 10. Hay fever 11. Ear aches 12. Hives 13. Swelling 14. Viral infections (colds, flu) 15. Bacterial infections (staph, strep) 17. Impotence 18. Urethritis 19. Cystitis 20. Urinary infection 21. Gastritis

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22. Colitis 23. Excessive falling hair 24. Psoriasis 25. Endometriosis 26. Stuttering 27. Numbness and tingling 28. Sinusitis Advanced Symptoms 1. Crohn's disease 2. Schizophrenia 3. Learning disabled 4. Hodgkin's Disease 5. Systemic Lupus Erythematosis 6. Multiple Sclerosis 7. Sarcoidosis 8. Rheumatoid arthritis 9. Myasthenia gravis 10. Scleroderma 11. Leukemia 12. Tuberculosis 13. All other forms of cancer Source: “Alkalize or Die�, Dr. Theodore A. Baroody, 2001.

Alkaline Diet Health News - Laura Wilson



Issue 1 7 Alkaline Superfoods For Supreme Health & Energy – Laura Wilson Following an alkaline diet and eating alkaline foods is one of the very best things you can do for your health. It can prevent disease and illness and keep you looking young and full of vitality, as well as help you to lose weight Check out this list of 7 wonderful and easy to find alkaline foods that you should include in your diet almost every day: 1. Spinach - In general, all dark green leafy vegetables are alkaline foods. Spinach fall into this category and is highly alkalizing. The chlorophyll contained in the green pigment is pure sunlight energy and highly alkalizing to our bodies. It is most beneficial eaten raw, in salads or even juiced with some other alkaline foods, such as...

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2. Avocado - one of the only alkaline fruits, it makes a great smoothie when blended with spinach, cucumber and pineapple (pineapple is not alkaline but we are looking to achieve a 70:30 balance between alkaline and acidic foods, so this is ok). Avocado is also packed full of essential omega oils, for a healthy heart and great skin, hair and nails, as well as maintaining good joint functionality. 3. Celery - With virtually zero calories in it and full of nutrients, you can't really go wrong with celery. It's great to eat celery sticks raw with hummus dip, or chop it up in your spinach salads, with some seeds and almonds, or make a cabbage and celery soup if you like. Celery loses its bitter taste when cooked but remember that cooking also destroys some of the vitamins and minerals and makes it less alkaline.

Alkaline Diet Health News - Laura Wilson



Issue 1 7 Alkaline Foods For Great Health & Vitality (continued) 4. Tomatoes - our little round red friends are fantastic alkaline foods and, like avocados, one of the only alkaline fruits. Tomatoes contain lycopene, which can help to prevent against heart attacks. However, lycopene it is not well absorbed into the body unless the tomatoes are cooked. Thus, the best sources are concentrated tomato products like tomato paste, ketchup and tomato juice. Also, vine-ripened tomatoes contain more lycopene than ones that are picked before they fully ripen. Tomatoes can be found everywhere ad they're pretty cheap, so you should be eating them all the time, as a main staple in your alkaline diet!

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5. Broccoli - broccoli contains loads of cancer preventing/fighting anti-oxidants and it is also a good source of folate, iron, fibre, potassium and vitamin K, and has more calcium than a glass of milk (milk is acidic by the way too). 6. Cucumber - like celery, there are virtually no calories in cucumber, just water, nutrients and chlorophyll. Cut up into cruditĂŠs and dip in hummus, or chop into salads. The most alkalizing part of a cucumber is its dark green skin, so eat all of it.

7. Lemons - many people are surprised to learn that lemons are an alkaline food. A fantastic and cheap way to make alkaline water is to squeeze the juice of a couple of lemons into a large jug of fresh water, or a lemon and a lime and drink. I’ve also published this article online here:

Alkaline Diet Health News - Laura Wilson



Issue 1 Foods That Give Us Energy

Ok, then, what are some natural foods that will give you long-lasting energy?

- Yuri Elkaim

It's really unfortunate that the vast majority of the population turns to stimulants instead of looking to whole foods for a boost of invigorating energy. I guess part of the problem is that humans are generally lazy and would rather take the "magic pill" to fix all their problems. But when it comes to having more energy the irony is that the stimulating foods such coffee, sugar, and energy drinks actually fatigue your body in the long run. Sure they give you a quick jolt of energy but then their real effects are felt as they wear down your adrenal glands, disrupt your blood sugar, and create a huge crash after the initial high.

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Well, you may want to consider that no single food will give you more energy than your overall diet. Sure you could add in some of the energy foods I describe next but if your diet is horrific to begin with, then you will not see the sustained level of energy that you want. Instead of searching for "miracle" energy foods your goal should be to eat a diet that consists of foods that are vibrating at higher energies. This means eating more raw living foods. When a food has not been cooked, it maintains its natural energy properties (not to mention all of its other nutrients). Thus, when you eat raw foods, you're giving your body direct energy from the ultimate source - the sun - as most of these foods will be plant-based, and the sun is where they get their energy.

Alkaline Diet Health News - Laura Wilson



Issue 1 Foods That Give Us Energy (continued) The closer you eat to the bottom of the food chain, the more nutrition and energy will you acquire. Think about it it takes more of your energy to digest animal meat than it does to digest a green vegetable, right? Plus, this green veggie will have the maximum amount of living energy versus a dead animal carcass.

Raw cacao (nibs or powder) - incredible source of magnesium, antioxidants, and life force. These give me a natural high that can last for hours without the subsequent like you would get from coffee and caffeinated beverages.

Thus, to have more energy, you need to follow a high energy diet. After that, you can start to knit pick and see which specific foods give you more energy, if at all. To help you get started, here is a list of some my favourite energizing foods: Wheat grass - if you haven't tried wheat grass then you're missing out on some big time energy and nutrition. Growing it and juicing yourself can be a bit of a pain but you can easily get a "shot" at most health food stores or juice bars. 1 oz of wheat grass juice packs more nutrition than 2.5 lbs of green leafy veggies!

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Alkaline Diet Health News - Laura Wilson



Issue 1 Foods That Give Us Energy (continued) Goji berries - another incredible source of antioxidants and polysaccharides that improve cell-to-cell communication. I actually combine these with my raw cacao nibs and complementary tastes work really well together. Remember that although these foods provide incredible nutrition they are the like the healthier version of coffee and other quick fixes. The key still remains to follow a raw foods diet, as much as possible, that will provide you with tons of life force, alkalinity, and nutrients to help your body thrive. About the Author Yuri Elkaim is one of the world’s leading holistic nutrition and health experts. If you want to lose weight and live your healthiest and most energetic life ever, then you can learn more about his raw food diet book, Eating for Energy and get started with a FREE 6-part Energy Secrets e-course by visiting today.

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Well, that’s it for this month’s Alkaline Diet Health Newsletter, I hope you’ve enjoyed it. Start taking steps day by day to become more alkaline and making wise food choices – you’ll soon see the rewards. Wishing you health & vitality, Laura 

Alkaline Diet Health News - Laura Wilson


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