Why Does God not Stop All the Suffering?

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2011 Vol 2 PO Box 23632 Claremont 7735 Cape Town South Africa Tel: 021 689 4481 Fax: 021 685 5884 Email: info@christianaction.org.za Web: www.christianaction.org.za

Why Does God Not Stop All the Suffering? “The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to Repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9

Oscar Wilde claimed that suffering proved that a good God does not govern the world. If God cannot stop the suffering, then He is not all powerful. If God will not stop the suffering then He cannot be good and loving.

Mugabe’s ZANU-PF farm invaders have plundered over 5 000 farms in Zimbabwe.

Radical muslims call for the death penalty for converts to Christianity.

The faulty logic and wrong conclusion evidenced by O s c a r Wi l d e i s q u i t e common. Many question God's goodness, power, or even existence, because of suffering in the world. Poverty, disease, war,

GOD AMONG THE ZULUS 60 Incredible Years of Ministry Conversion This year Rev. Erlo Stegen celebrates 60 years in ministry. Probably no man of God in South Africa since Andrew Murray has had such Revival blessings accompany his ministry. The Revival in Zululand since 1966 has resulted in spectacular conversions of witchdoctors, murderers and people from every walk of life, transformed lives and launched dynamic (Continued on Page 10)

natural and man-made disasters – why does God not bring it all to an end? Zimbabwe Even those who love God and do not doubt His Word, (continued on Page 2)

In this Issue Why Does God Not Stop All The Suffering?


God Among the Zulus


Clinton Global Initiative to Promote Abortion in Africa


Action Items


International Life Chain Sunday


Upcoming Events


Sanctity Life Sunday & National Day of Repentance


A New Battle for the Bible


STOP Human Trafficking


Worldview Weekend


Biblical Worldview Summit Vereeniging


Empower Your Evangelism


Rev. Erlo Stegen has devoted his life to serving God among the Zulus.


Why Does God not Stop All the Suffering? (Continued from page 1)

rampant greed and corruption, Darwinian social engineering, all orchestrated by a brutal and malicious regime.

Zimbabwe police whip protesters in the main street of Harare - the capital.

are often grieved and puzzled about why the Lord will not intervene, for example, to put an end to the tyrannical government in Zimbabwe which has caused so much havoc to the economy and widespread suffering amongst the Zimbabwean people, more than half of whom have fled the country. What is the Cause? So much of the world's news media focuses on the effects of suffering, but seldom attempts to explore and explain the causes. What is the true meaning and purpose behind all of the world's calamities and catastrophes?

PO Box 23632 Claremont 7735 Cape Town South Africa Tel: 021 689 4480 Fax: 021 685 5884 Email:info@christianaction.org.za Web: www.christianaction.org.za Publisher Africa Christian Action Editor Dr Peter Hammond Associate Editors Dorothea Scarborough Taryn Hodgson Lenora Hammond DTP Brendon Schäfer PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE Christian Action is published quarterly by Africa Christian Action. All articles and news items from this publication may be reproduced, or quoted from, on condition that due credit is given to Christian Action. Please also post, or email, us a copy of any article.

Creation and the Fall The Bible teaches that God is a good, Holy and loving Creator who has provided us with a magnificent world. However, man's conscious, deliberate choice to rebel against God and violate His Laws led to the Fall of man and the corruption of all Creation. Death and suffering entered the world because of sin. Everything has Consequences

Much of the suffering in the world today is a direct consequence of personal human choices. God has not made us immune from the consequences of our own and others’ decisions. Most of the suffering in the world today is a consequence of the sinful choices of others where evil people and destructive ideologies cause untold misery.

Communist Catastrophe This ZANU-PF government of Robert Mugabe, which has caused the greatest unemployment and highest inflation ever experienced in the history of the world, was brought to power by an unprecedented international campaign. The Organisation of A f r i c a n U n i t y, t h e Commonwealth, the United Nations, the US State Department and British Foreign Office co-operated together to sanction, isolate and wage economic warfare and support terrorist warfare to bludgeon the people of Rhodesia to accept Mugabe's one man – one vote government. Very soon Mugabe turned that into a one party dictatorship, complete with ethnic cleansing, massacres of the Matabele, raids on churches, farm invasions and the destruction of the homes of more than a million people.

National Suicide The humanitarian disaster in Zimbabwe is a classic case in point. What was once a peaceful, stable paradise, the bread basket of Africa, with the highest standards of literacy and education in the continent, has been destroyed by a communist dictatorship, socialist economics,

Half the population of Zimbabwe have fled the country.

Accessories to Tyranny The man-made disaster in Zimbabwe is not only the product of Mugabe's Marxist, ZANU-PF. Most of the world's mass media campaigned to bring him to p o w e r. M o s t o f t h e governments represented at the OAU and UN voted for economic warfare to bring down Rhodesia and to make possible Mugabe's s e i z u r e o f p o w e r. Apparently most of the citizens of Zimbabwe even voted for Mugabe, time and again, despite his abysmal human rights record, blatant corruption and racist brutality. Reaping and Sowing The question could be

Robert Mugabe, the Dictator of Zimbabwe for 31 years. (Continued on Page 3)


Christian Action


PO Box 23632 Claremont 7735 Cape Town South Africa




Web: www.christianaction.org.za

Why Does God not Stop All the Suffering? (Continued from page 2)

“Land Reform” in Zimbabwe.

honest money and the Christian work ethic are essential to restore the economy in Zimbabwe. The Bible forbids unjust weights and measures/inflation (Leviticus 19:35-36). The devastating impact of u n b a c ke d c u r r e n c y / inflation on pensions and savings is criminal.

asked: Why should God undo all the natural Laws of Creation to protect people from reaping the consequences of what they have sown? (Isaiah 59:1-2). Ideas have consequences. If we want God to heal Zimbabwe, then we need to mobilise God's people to humble themselves and pray and seek God's face and turn from their wicked ways (2 Chronicles 7:14). Law Violated God gave us the Ten Commandments, not the ten suggestions: “Thou shalt not steal” and “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's goods” establishes the principles of private ownership of property. Socialism is institutionalised envy. It is legalised theft and it just doesn't work. Failure of Socialism Historically, socialism has produced nothing but poverty, bureaucracy and corruption. Free enterprise,

Mugabe declared all white farmers: “Enemies of the State.” Christian Action


requires that we have honest money backed by real constant value (Proverbs 20:10; Micah 6:11-12). The only hope for Zimbabwe is to return in Repentance to God, rediscover the Biblical agenda and restore Biblical principles into every area of economic and community life, education, public ethics, the judiciary and public policy. Foundations for Freedom Nations need to be built on the unchangeable Law of God's Word. Instead of rulers, we must elect servants – civil servants, bound down with the chains of the Constitution. We need a system of checks and balances to divide power and responsibility

This man had his lips and ears cut off by Mugabe’s men for opposing communism.

Every aspect of Zimbabwe has been undermined and ruined by secular humanism, Atheism, Marxism, greed, covetousness, malice, hatred, violating all the Laws of God and nature. As the Zimbabwean government so clearly illustrates: “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts a b s o l u t e l y. ” Z i m b a b w e provides an object lesson of everything that one should not do if one wants to build a stable, prosperous and peaceful society. Hope for the Future Zimbabweans need to learn to respect people, respect property, respect God's Creation and respect God's Law. Biblical Law

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qualified to lead others (1Timothy 3:4-5). “You see the distress that we are in, how Jerusalem lies waste, and its gates are burned with fire. Come and let us build the wall of Jerusalem, that we may no longer be a reproach.” Nehemiah 2:17 Can God Stop It? Can God stop all the suffering in the world? Yes. Why does God not stop all the suffering in the world? The Day Will Come The Bible tells us that one day God will bring all human suffering to an end. “And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.” Rev. 21:4 Why Not Now? So why does God not do that immediately?

For speaking against Mugabe’s ZANU, this woman had her lips cut off.

between executive, legislative and judicial branches of government. For our nations to be strong, the families need to be strong. For governments to be good, their citizens need to be good. Those who cannot control themselves are not capable of ruling over a city (Proverbs 16:32). Those who cannot manage their household well are not -



To end all suffering in the world God would have to remove all people from the world. He would have to end free choice and independent thought and actions. Human sinfulness is the cause for most of the suffering in the world. Pride, greed, lust, envy, hatred, selfishness – these are what causes most of the grief and suffering in the world. What Purpose? (Continued on Page 4)

A victim of Mugabe’s ZANU-PF.

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Why Does God not Stop All the Suffering? (Continued from page 3)

leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps.” 1 Peter 2:21

Women beaten by police in Zimbabwe for protesting Mugabe’s policies.

We need to ask: what is God's purpose for mankind? We know that God cares. The Scripture tells us how God's heart was “grieved” at the sinfulness of mankind (Genesis 6:6). The Lord is “longsuffering” (Numbers 14:18). In Jesus we see that God entered our fallen and suffering world. He was not immune to the pain and grief which we ourselves experience. Jesus suffered even greater pain than any of us could ever know. He knew what it was to be destitute and homeless, He knew what it was to be hated, rejected and despised by His own people. He knew the heartache of betrayal. He experienced injustice and trial by the mob. He was scourged and tortured by

cruel men. More than all of that, He bore our sins upon Himself and suffered the torments of hell that we might go to Heaven. “But God demonstrates His

own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8 There can be no question that God cares. Christ's death on the Cross proves that. But what possible purpose could be served by our following in His footsteps of suffering?

An eloquent Muslim protester in London.


Christian Action


“For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered for us,

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The School of Character Suffering is directly linked to character building. Mankind's suffering is not an accident. The purpose for every human being's life is to teach us the terrible consequences of sinful rebellion against the Laws of Almighty God and to build in us the character of children of God. Since God Himself is longsuffering, this is part of

the Fruit of the Spirit which needs to be developed into our life (Galatians 5:22-23). God permits suffering because it is the school of character. In fact some of the most outstanding heroes of the Faith have endured tremendous suffering. The Old Testament prophets, all the apostles of Christ, the early Christian Believers who suffered in the arenas of Rome, the martyrs and missionaries through the a g e s , h a v e a l l demonstrated that suffering can be used by -



God to strengthen our Faith and refine our character. Advantage of Adversity There is no quick fix to the problem of sin and suffering. On the Cross our Lord Jesus Christ paid the ultimate penalty for sin – which is death (Romans 3:23). God is patiently using both the “day of prosperity” and the “day of adversity” (Ecclesiastes 7:14) to teach us vital eternal spiritual truths and to direct us away from the self-destructive paths of sin and rebellion. To refine and shape our characters to be Godhonouring, unselfish, good neighbours who seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness. Time and Experience Suffering is absolutely essential to character building because it is a process. Time and experience are a vital part of renewing minds and transforming behaviour. The Scripture even says that our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ “learned obedience by the things which He suffered” Hebrews 5:8. If the only perfect Person who ever lived learned through suffering, how much more essential is it for each one of us to learn obedience by the things which we suffer? “For it was fitting for Him, for whom are all things and by whom are all things in bringing many sons to glory, to make the Captain of their Salvation perfect through sufferings.” Hebrews 2:10 National Repentance When a whole nation suffers to the extremes to which Zimbabwe has plummetted Web: www.christianaction.org.za

Why Does God not Stop All the Suffering? (Continued from page 4)

it is an eloquent call to national repentance. In accordance with 2 Chronicles 7:14, Zimbabweans need to carefully, systematically work through the Ten Commandments and all the Biblical principles that have been violated. They must Repent, do restitution, rebuild and restore. In the Light of Eternity There is no shortcut in the process of Discipleship and Sanctification. We need to live in the light of eternity, understanding that God can work all things together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).

arouse a slumbering world. What is God saying to you? “King David wrote: It is good for me that I have been afflicted, that I may learn Your statutes.” Psalm 119:71 “Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now I keep Your Word.” Psalm 119:67

Foolish choices cause harm.

Purpose in Pain Physical pain of sufficient

God has a great purpose and plan that extends beyond this life. Suffering certainly never feels good. But it can still be used by God for good purposes.

“For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in u s . Fo r t h e e a r n e s t expectation of the Creation eagerly waits...” Romans 8:18-19

Ultimately, thousands of years of human suffering will teach mankind the crucial lesson that we cannot ignore God, break His Laws and still be blessed.

Listen to God God is a Holy God. Sin is serious. Everything has consequences. Are you listening to the Word of God? C.S. Lewis wrote that pain is God's megaphone to

Dr. Peter Hammond mission@frontline.org.za www.frontline.org.za

intensity stops us in our tracks. We begin searching for the cause of pain. This often leads us to change destructive behaviour in order to alleviate the pain and to avoid it in future.


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This article is based on one of the 14 chapters of Peter Hammond’s new book ANSWERING SKEPTICS.

“That they may know from the rising of the sun to its setting that there is none besides

Delivering desperately needed food to Christians in Zimbabwe. Christian Action

Me. I am the Lord, and there is no other; I form the light and create darkness, I make peace and create calamity; I the Lord, do all these things.” Isaiah 45:6-7




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CLINTON GLOBAL INITIATIVE TO PROMOTE ABORTION IN AFRICA The Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) is partnering with IPASwhich by its own description "seeks to expand the availability, quality and sustainability of abortion and related reproductive health services, as well as to improve the enabling environment"- to promote "reproductive health education and training" for adolescents in Eastern and Southern Africa. During the recent invitation-only meeting of the fund created by former President Bill Clinton in 2005, an estimated 1,200 heads of state, government officials, executives from Fortune 500 companies, non-profit directors, and others came together for discussion and development of new commitments on a number of issues, including "reproductive health" which includes abortion. A three year commitment was finalized for IPAS to train and educate thousands of youth in Zambia, Malawi and Kenya, and to reach thousands more in the region through media campaigns on "reproductive health services", including abortion and contraception despite national laws which carefully restrict access to abortion in many of the targeted countries. IPAS President and CEO Elizabeth Maguire states, "IPAS believes that no woman - regardless of her age - should have to risk her life, health or the well-being of her family because she lacks safe reproductive

legal abortion and contraceptive services." Maguire concludes, "Nepal is just one example where CAC [comprehensive abortion care] has been a major game-changer."

choices." Additionally she e x p l a i n e d I PA S ' commitment with the Clinton Global Initiative as "Our focus is on facilitating young women's access to counselling, referral and high-quality reproductive health services, especially contraceptive and safe abortion care." The IPAS website lists "safe, legal and affordable abortion services tailored to adolescents' and young women's health care and counselling needs" as one of its action areas for youth.

world, it enables women to prevent - and manage safely - unwanted pregnancy and determine their reproductive futures." Maguire highlighted IPAS' work in providing abortion in Nepal, where the organization has been actively working with the Ministry of Health to expand access to abortion since the legalization of abortion in 2002. The IPAS president boasted of its work to train health care workers in abortion, "Over 1,200 health-care providers have been trained in both public and private facilities, and nearly 700,000 Nepali women have received safe,

In addition to the joint commitment on youth, Maguire was a featured speaker on the CGI panel titled "Reproducing Success: Gamechanging Interventions in Women's Health" where she spoke of abortion as a "gamechanger" for women. According to Maguire, "Comprehensive abortion care is a gamechanging intervention f o r w o m e n . Implemented by governments and NGOs in every region of the

PNCI laments that IPAS and the Clinton Global Initiative fail to recognize that abortion is not a game for the countless children whose lives were, and continue to be, lost through the violence of abortion and for their mothers who regret their abortions. Marie Smith, 1 October 2011, Parliamentary Network for Critical Issues, www.PNCIUS.org Laws on Abortion in Zambia, Malawi and Kenya Zambia's Termination of P r e g n a n c y ( T O P ) Ac t , adopted in 1972, permits abortion if the mother's life is in danger, or if her physical or mental health is believed to be in danger (a major deception as abortion has many potential physical and

(Continued on Page 7)


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PO Box 23632 Claremont 7735 Cape Town South Africa




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Clinton Global Initiative to Promote Abortion in Africa (Continued from page 6)

p s y c h o l o g i c a l consequences for the mother), and in cases of the pre-born baby being deformed. Malawian law prohibits abortion - Section 149 of the country's penal code says any person who administers abortion shall be liable to imprisonment for 14 years, while Section 150 indicates that any woman who solicits abortion is liable to seven years imprisonment. Voters in Kenya approved a new constitution in 2010 which changes the law on abortion "from a life of the mother only exception as determined by two medical doctors" to allow "health" or life exceptions as determined by a single undefined "trained health professional". The new constitution was supported by 67 percent of the 8.6 million voters despite overwhelming public Christian Action


opposition to abortion. Christian churches conducted educational outreach to voters urging a "No" vote against the extrem ely w ell-funded government effort in support of the constitution, including $23 million from the US and additional funds from other donor countries and the EU. What You Can Do - A Call to Pastors in Zambia, Malawi and Kenya

We m u s t h e e d t h e s e ominous early warning signals and show the governments and people of Africa that life begins at conception and abortion is murder. Churches must mobilise a groundswell of opposition to any attempts to legalise abortion. We call on pro-life groups and congregations throughout Africa to present Biblical, scientific and legal evidence that supports the protection of pre-born babies to their elected representatives and parliamentary committees. Pastors need to be educating their congregations through Bible studies on the sanctity of life. Churches must also provide counseling and support to mothers facing crisis pregnancies. We encourage you to write to or phone Members of Parliament in your country. Zambians can appeal to the Christian Constitution of Zambia. You can also write Letters to the Editor of local

newspapers. "Rescue those who are being led away to death; hold back those staggering towards slaughter." Proverbs 24:11 Contact Christian Action or visit: www.christianaction.org.za to download pro-life sermons, Powerpoints, leaflets, articles, and for a resource list of DVDs, literature and posters to mobilise your congregation in the Fight for Life. "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves." Proverbs 31:8 Visit: www.christianaction.org.za for pro-life sermons, Po w e r p o i n t s , l e a f l e t s , articles, and a resource list of DVDs, literature and posters to mobilise your congregation in the Fight for Life. Taryn Hodgson

Africa Christian Action calls upon pastors and missionaries in Zambia, Malawi and Kenya, especially members of the Christian Action Network, to m o b i l i s e t h e i r congregations or ministries to prayer and action to resist any attempts by the UN or IPAS to pressure African nations to legalise abortion, or to deceive Africans through their media campaigns or "outreaches" to youth.

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ACTION ITEMS International Life Chain Sunday

UPCOMING EVENTS www.christianaction.org.za/events.htm

16 December 2011 Day of the Covenant 25 December 2011 Christmas Day 6-9 January 2012 Worldview Weekend Cape Town 29 January 2012 Sanctity Life Sunday 1 February 2012 National Day of Repentance 30 March - 5 April 2012 Biblical Worldview Summit Vereeniging 6 April 2012 Good Friday 8 April 2012 Resurrection Sunday 17 May 2012 Ascension Day


Christian Action


PO Box 23632 Claremont 7735 Cape Town South Africa




Web: www.christianaction.org.za

Sanctity Life Sunday is an opportunity for you to e d u c a t e y o u r c o n g r e g a t i o n , classmates or coworkers about pro-life issues and mobilise them in the Fight for Life.

Preach: Encourage your pastor to preach on the sanctity of life on this day or invite a pro-life speaker from Christian Action, Christians for Truth or Doctors for Life. You can download pro-life sermons f r o m t h e www.christianaction.org.za website or obtain a Pro-life Pack (see below). You could also show a pro-life film at your youth group or evening service.

Pray: Encourage your pastor to lead the congregation in repentance and prayer. The 1st of February 2012 will mark the 15th anniversary of the legalisation of abortion-on-

demand in South Africa. Since 1 February 1997 over a million babies will have been legally killed by abortion in South Africa. On Sunday, 29 January 2012 all churches are encouraged to observe a solemn and serious time of repentance and prayer for the national sin of abortion. The Pro-life Pack includes a Sanctity Life Sunday Prayer of Repentance.

Participate: Set up a prolife information table and display and collect baby items for your local Crisis Pregnancy Centre or Mothers' Home. Posters, placards and pamphlets are available from Christian Action. Organise a prayer vigil or outreach outside an abortuary in your city. There are over 20 million churchgoers in South Africa. If most of these churchgoers could

understand what the Bible teaches about when life begins, the sanctity of life and our Christian responsibility to stand up for the right to life of the pre-born - then we could save thousands of babies from abortion. There are over 36 000 churches in South Africa. There are over 30 000 ministers in the country. If just half of them could be inspired to study what the Word of God says on when life begins and what abortion is; if only half the churches in South Africa observed Sanctity Life Sunday in Bible study, repentance and prayer then we could begin to end the killing of pre-born babies in South Africa. To a s s i s t p a s t o r s i n informing and inspiring their congregations to prayer and action, Africa Christian Action is offering

a Pro-life Pack: This includes pro-life sermons, prayers of repentance, a Bible Study: Scripture and the Sanctity of Life and an audio lecture, with Powerpoint, The Fight For Life (or Abortion is Murder or Do Christians Care? Sanctity Life Sunday Service and Sermon) on CD. These packages are R35 each. Christian Action also has pro-life books, especially Make a Difference: A Christian Action Handbook for Southern Africa, DVDs, bumper stickers, T-shirts, Precious Feet lapel pins and crisis pregnancy outreach posters available. Will you mobilise your congregation to observe Sanctity Life Sunday? Encourage your pastor to mark Sanctity Life Sunday on his 2012 calendar.

National Day of Repentance – Wednesday, 1 February 2012 "When you spread out your hands in prayer, I will hide My eyes from you; even if you offer many prayers, I will not listen. Your hands are full of blood..." Isaiah 1:15 On 1st February 1997 abortion on demand was legalised in South Africa. The 1st of February should be a National Day of Repentance for the national sin of abortion. Fast and pray on 1 February 2012. Gather friends - pray at your nearest abortion clinic/hospital/crisis Christian Action


pregnancy centre. Pray for, and, if you are in Cape Town, join the Funeral Procession from Keizersgracht Street (starting at 12:30) to the Parliamentary Prayer Vigil (starting at 13:00), at Parliament in Cape Town. In order to alert Capetonians to the reality of the abortion holocaust taking place in our land, Africa Christian Action has hired a hearse. Mourners will carry coffins, crosses and flowers in memory of the victims of abortion. The funeral procession will be followed by the Africa

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Christian Action trailer, a special six metre by three metre display board with pictures of pre-born babies and with the Scriptures: "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves" Proverbs 31:8; and "Now choose life so that you and your children may live" Deuteronomy 30:19. Special obituary notices will also be placed in newspapers around the country. Do join us for the Funeral Procession to Parliament, or meet us outside the gates of Parliament for the Prayer Vigil. -



Those outside of Cape Town can contact us for advice and resources to mobilise a National Day of Repentance outreach. “ 'Even now', declares the Lord, 'return to Me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning'. Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the Lord your God, for He is g r a c i o u s a n d compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and He relents from sending calamity." Joel 2:12-13 Taryn Hodgson Web: www.christianaction.org.za


God Among the Zulus (Continued from page 1)

A fire service where witchcraft charms and occultic materials are burned.

ministries throughout the world. Evangelism When Erlo Stegen was converted he lost all interest in parties, dances and the obsession to make money. The things of the world receded and the promises of the Scripture became very precious. After studying in Bible school, Erlo Stegen preached amongst the Zulus for 12 years and although thousands responded to his calls for public commitment to Christ, he was deeply disappointed in his ministry. Hunger for Holiness Erlo Stegen hungered for Holiness and sought the Lord for Revival. He could not reconcile his experience, and those of his converts, with the Biblical standard in the Book of Acts. “The early Church didn't tolerate sin, they had no room and no time for sin, and dealt with it most severely. We worship God and tolerate sin in our midst!” Revival Fire Through much Bible study, soul searching, intensive 10

prayer and agony of heart, Erlo Stegen sought the Lord for Revival. It was Christmas 1966, when the Revival broke out at Maphumulo . They were praying in a cow shed when they heard a noise like a great wind. “Everybody was conscious of the presence of God. All I could do was bow down and worship the G o d o f Heaven.” Rev. Erlo Stegen observes: “When I was seeking God for Revival, I expected Him to start with the heathen, instead, He started with the biggest sinner of all – me.” “Revival is not churches filled with people, but people filled with God.” “The Holy Spirit is not recognised through signs and wonders, but by His Holiness.” Delivered! Then a witch, who was in charge of a training school for witches, came to the young missionary. She said: “I need Jesus. Can He save me? I am bound with the chains of

hell. Can He break these chains?” Erlo Stegen and his co-workers began to sing hymns of victory, of the Risen Christ, the Mighty Victor who has overcome the devil, conquered sin and death, paid the price with His own Blood! As they sang, the woman flung herself on the ground on her hands and knees, and the evil spirits left her. She was transformed and shone like a saint: “Jesus has set me free! Jesus has broken these chains of hell!” Transformed Lives S o o n hundreds of sick, troubled a n d demonpossessed people w e r e streaming towards Rev. Stegen for counsel and prayer. Hardened sinners

deliverances and transformed lives spread like wild-fire and soon the little Zulu congregation in Maphumulo had to move to a larger location, at what is today called KwaSizabantu (the place where people are helped). Today the Mission has buildings that can house 4,500 people, but it constantly has the problem of too little accommodation. The a u d i t o r i u m a t KwaSizabantu Mission can seat 10,000 people. The Mission station is a hive of activity: Intensive farming in hothouses, a vast spring water bottling plant, a factory which produces one of South Africa's most successful dairy brands, a bakery, a clinic, a Teacher Training College which provides a four year Degree, Radio Kwezi, one of the largest Christian community radio stations in the country, and the Domino Servite School, which has had the distinction of producing some of the top students in the country.

w e p t l i ke children. “It was as if the Day of Judgment had dawned. The conviction went so deep that some of them couldn't believe that Jesus could forgive them. They came with tears and they left with joy. Their lives were changed and all things became new.” KwaSizabantu Testimonies of h e a l i n g s ,

King Goodwill Zwelithini has described Erlo Stegen as God’s Apostle to the Zulus. (Continued on Page 11)

Christian Action


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God Among the Zulus (Continued from page 10)

International Ministry KwaSizabantu Mission is one of the most extraordinarily successful Mission stations on the continent of Africa. Rev. Erlo Stegen, and his team of over 150 missionaries, have established mission stations, schools and congregations throughout South Africa, and as far afield as France, Belgium, H o l l a n d , G e r m a n y, Switzerland, Romania and Russia. Rev. Erlo Stegen teaches: “The first thing that happens when the Holy Spirit comes into a person's life is that He convicts that person of sin. There is brokenness. The Word of God comes alive. It smites us and pierces our heart. The Word of God is like a hammer that breaks the rocks into pieces. We cannot worship God and tolerate sin in our midst. We need to get serious with God and His Word.” Tugela Valley Mission On a recent visit to KwaSizabantu Mission, I had the privilege of joining Rev. Erlo Stegen on a visit to their thriving new Mission Outreach in the Tugela Valley. We had to descend over 2,500 feet

from KwaSizabantu to the valley, which was barely 500 feet above sea level. The dramatic rise in temperature was startling. The Mission's impact on the communities and landscape in the valley was astounding. In areas where the local people said that only thorn bushes could grow, Erlo Stegen and his co-workers have successfully planted, and harvested, pineapples, bananas, mangoes, and every kind of vegetable. It


the people warmly welcomed Uncle Erlo with great joy and broad smiles.

Rev. Erlo Stegen has been blessed with 6 daughters and 17 grandchildren.

was crystal clear where the Mission outreaches were, each was an oasis in the wilderness. Everywhere we travelled

Rev. Erlo Stegen, Dr. Peter Hammond and Andrea Hammond in the Tugela Valley. Christian Action

Domino Servite School Choir in the KwaSizabantu auditorium.

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Their respect and affection for Rev. Erlo Stegen was overwhelming. The local people told us how Uncle Erlo had provided them with jobs, food, hope and the Gospel. “The government promised us so much, but we got nothing. No roads, no electricity and no plumbing. Now, since uBaba ( Fa t h e r ) S t e g e n came, our children have enough food, we have work, we have money and we have joy in God.” -



Through the initiative and energy of KwaSizabantu missionaries, roads have been repaired, farms irrigated, and much of the wilderness has been turned into a paradise. A thriving Church has already been established in this once witchcraft dominated area. For more information, to invite a speaker, or to arrange to visit the Mission, contact KwaSizabantu Mission: 032-481-5727; mail@ksb.org.za; www.ksb.org.za Read the New Edition of God Among the Zulus.

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A New Battle for the Bible Recently a wire tapping and spying scandal took place in England. Journalists of the News of the World had intercepted private telephone conversations of celebrities and used them for unethical purposes. The transgressions were such that, even in this day of tolerance, the paper, belonging to media baron Rupert Murdoch, had to close down virtually overnight. According to the South African periodical Impact “the News of the World was a respectable, if racy, family newspaper before Murdoch brought it under his ownership. As we now know, it converted into a flourishing criminal concern that took an evil pleasure in destroying people's lives.” 1) Rupert Murdoch & Bible What is interesting for Christians is that Rupert Murdoch not only owns newspapers and publishing companies, but has also “been secretly building a stable of wholly-owned pornographic channels for his BSkyB subsidiary.” 2) At the same time, he owns Zondervan, 3) one of the world's largest evangelical publishers of

Christian books and Bibles. Zondervan's best seller has been the New International Version (NIV). This favourite pew Bible was first published in 1984, but a mere 20 years later Zondervan, in union with the International Bible Society (IBS), decided to revise it to fit the tastes of the modern world. The aim was to make it more “gender-inclusive”. Male oriented details were erased: e.g. “man” was replaced by “mortals”, “father” by “parent”, “son” by “child”, “brother” by “fellow believer”, and “he” by “they”. Female oriented details were added. “Brother” was changed to “brother and sister.” This Bible was named “Today's New International Version” (TNIV). But it caused such controversy and outcry that it had to be withdrawn. By changing words the Bible translators had also changed the meaning. For instance: The 1984 NIV reads (Hebr. 2:6) - “What is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?” The 2002 TNIV reads (Hebrews 2:6) - “What are mere mortals that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?” (Here the possible connection with Jesus is removed and man's mortality emphasised. Man, however, is a 'living soul') The 1984 NIV reads (Hebrews 12:7) – “God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father?” The 2002 TNIV reads (Hebrews 12:7) - “God is

treating you as his children. For what children are not disciplined by their parents?” (Thus the s p e c i a l Fa t h e r- s o n relationship between God and man is obscured). The 1984 NIV reads (Rev. 3:20) - “I stand at the door and knock… I will come and eat with him, and he with me.” The 2002 TNIV reads (Revelation 3:20) - “I stand at the door and knock… I will come in and eat with them, and they with me.” neutral mishap known as ( T h u s t h e p e r s o n a l Today's New International fellowship between Jesus Version (TNIV).” 4) and the believer is lost). New NIV timed for the B e c a u s e o f C h r i s t i a n 400th KJV Anniversary opposition to this new T h e u p d a t e d N I V ' s Bible, Zondervan (and the IBS) publication was timed to w i t h d r e w To d a y ' s N e w coincide with the 400th International Version, which is anniversary of the King said to contain “over 3,600 James Bible. The KJV is the gender related problems.” - The most important book ever resistance of the Church, published in the English led by Dr James Dobson of language - the most noble Focus on the Family, had heritage of the English prevailed. A g r e e d speaking nations. Its g u i d e l i n e s f o r B i b l e influence on lives, language, translations were drawn up education, law, public life, and signed by Zondervan literature, and music cannot and the IBS, but they were be measured. Indeed, the s o o n b r o ke n . J o h n Bible is, as John Calvin had McTernan of Defend and said, “the sceptre by which the Proclaim the Faith writes: Heavenly King rules His “Having failed to successfully Church.” Until fairly recently, p ro m o t e … ( t h e ) ' g e n d e r the whole civilised world inclusive' version of the Bible was ruled by the same from 2005 to 2009, publishing sceptre. giant, Zondervan, has elected to try again. This time, however, Though there have been instead of publishing an edited many warnings not to revise version of the NIV in addition to this masterpiece, about 100 the standard 1984 edition, different versions have Zondervan has elected to simply appeared since 1881. In kill the original NIV and call 1857 the Anglican minister what's coming out this month JC Philpot foresaw that, (March 2011) an 'update'… “instead of our good old Saxon The 'updated' NIV appears to be Bible, simple and solid, with few little more than a rehash of the words really obsolete, and alike aforementioned 2005 gender majestic and beautiful, we should (Continued on Page 13)


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A New Battle for the Bible (Continued from page 12)

have a modern English translation in the pert and flippant language of the day.” What could be more pert and flippant than the language of the Press, or ideed its power over the Bible? The most popular version, the NIV, is now in the hands of Rupert Murdoch. It is therefore useful to look at his background: Murdoch was brought up by a Jewish mother in the Jewish faith. He is a well-connected Zionist and promotes Zionist causes, among them the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of America. This League claims to “stop the defamation of the Jewish people… to secure justice and fair treatment to all.” It does this mainly by initiating or supporting court action. However, the court cases have dealt not so much with defamation of the Jewish people as with attacks on Christianity. For instance, recent projects of the AntiDefamation League in the US Supreme Court have aimed at outlawing tax deductible bursaries for Christian schools; forbidding state maintenance of a huge old cross in a national park; outlawing state funding of conferences at which a speaker might endorse religion; hampering public d i s p l a y o f t h e Te n Commandments; and forbidding school children

to recite the Pledge of Allegiance because it contains the phrase “under God.” The progressive outlawing of Christianity (manger scenes, nativity plays, Christmas trees, greeting cards, prayer, Bible reading, the Ten Commandments etc.) in America is well known. It can be attributed in large measure to the work of the Anti-Defamation L eague (ADL). 6)

Lord Jesus Christ is a truly liberating experience! But the devil wants to keep us in bondage. He tries to persuade us that sin is one of many outside forces to which we yield. Here we see psychological or socialist concepts t a k i n g o v e r, b u t psychology (or social philosophy) is no substitute for true religion.

Eliminating Sin Newspapers, porn channels and Bibles have now, so to speak, come under one roof. It is a strange combination. But they seem to mean good business. The 2011 version of the NIV is special in that the concept of SIN is questioned. Multiple uses of 'sinful nature' are replaced with 'flesh'.When challenged, a leading member of the translation committee said: “This is meant to leave to the reader the question of whether sin is a core human element or one of many outside forces to which we yield.” 5) What? Are we to doubt the sinful nature of man? If there is no sin, why then do we need a Saviour? 1 Timothy 1:15 says: “This is a faithful saying, worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” The first thing He called for was: “Repent ye, and believe the Gospel.” (Mark 1:15)

Media and Message Gerard Menuhin, the outspoken son of the famous violin virtuoso said: “In the modern world there is no power greater than that of the news media. No king of old, no pope, no great conqueror or priest could come within a hundred miles of matching the influence of the mere handful of men who control not only the news media, but all sources of entertainment as well. This power penetrates every home and moulds the ideas of every citizen, young or old, rich or poor.” 7)

T h e forgiveness o f s i n through the atoning death and Resurrectio n of our Christian Action


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Don't let the media control our Bible, but let the Church “stand up for Jesus” in a new and determined way. “Watch and pray,” says the Lord. Don't let the Bible fall into the hands of its enemies. In each “update” the changes may be small, but revision by revision they get bigger until, in the end, the Bible will contain the Word of Man rather than be the Word of God. It will become ever more “inclusive,” until it will be what its enemies want it to be, the religion of the socialist New World Order, which we now so adamantly claim to oppose.

translated the Bible into German said: “It is a miracle how God has so long preserved His book. How great and glorious it is to have the Word of God!” Let us then prayerfully protect our Bible. God forbids the tampering with His Word. (Deuteronomy 4:2, 12:32; Rev. 22:18). For it is His will “that we might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing (we) might have life through His Name.” (John 20:31) D. Scarborough Gospel Defence League dscarborough@te lkomsa.net

PO Box 587 Sea Point 8060 Cape Town South Africa www.christianaction.org.za/gdl Footnotes: 1. Impact, Aug-Sept 2011, The Murdoch spying scandal in Britain. 2. News Hounds, Internet, Rupert Murdoch's pornography profiteering, reported by Chrish, 12.2.2006 3. Zondervan is owned by Harper Collins which Rupert Murdoch purchased in 1988. 4 John McTernan, Defend and Proclaim the Faith, The Revised NIV, Internet. 5 John McTernan… 6 ADL, Separation of Church and State, Internet. 7 Impact, op cit, page 4.

Martin Luther who -



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STOP HUMAN Trafficking! On 21 September, Family Policy Institute, STOP Trafficking, Christian Action and several other


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organisations involved in the fight against human trafficking, staged a demonstration outside the

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gates of Parliament in Cape Town. The purpose of the protest was to urge Parliament to finalise and




pass the Prevention and Combating of Trafficking in Persons Bill.

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