The Ulster Revival of 1859

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2009 Vol 3 PO Box 23632 Claremont, 7735 Cape Town South Africa Tel: 021 689 4481 Fax: 021 685 5884 Email: Web:

THE ULSTER REVIVAL of 1859 “Will You not revive us again, that Your people may rejoice in You?” Psalm 85:6

Scripture and the secret of Holy supplication. They studied the Word and prayed for three months before there were any visible results. Two more men joined their group and then on New Year's Day, 1858, the first conversion took place as a result of the prayer meeting. By the end of 1858, about 50 young men were taking part in the weekly prayer meeting.

During a recent mission to Europe, I had the privilege of visiting sites connected with the 1859 Ulster Revival. The churches in Northern Ireland were celebrating the 150th anniversary of this mighty move of God. I purchased a number of books on the Revival and had the privilege of travelling with two of the authors of these books, to key Revival sites and hearing their dynamic testimonies.

searching the Word of God?”

Can You Not Do Something More For God? Rev. J.H. Moore exhorted young men in a Bible class to “Do something more for God. Could you not gather at least six of your careless neighbours … and spend one hour with them reading and

The Prayer Meeting In response James McQuilkin, Jeremiah Meneely, Robert Carlisle and John Wallace began a weekly prayer meeting in an old school house near Kells. They met every Friday night from September 1857 through the long and cold

A prayer rally in front of Stormont, the legislative assembly, in Belfast.

winter. As they read and meditated upon the Scripture their hearts began to burn with an unquenchable fire from heaven, which set all Ulster ablaze for God. Answers to Prayer They believed in the sovereignty of the Holy Spirit, the sufficiency of the Holy

ATTACKED at HOME Crime is a very unpleasant reality that affects almost everybody in South Africa today, and increasingly, even in our own homes. I recently learned from my elder brother, Derek, of a violent attack on his family in his home in Gauteng. As his 18yr old nephew was trying to drive through the gate, a BMW raced up and five armed black assailants rushed out and dragged this young boy out of his car, putting a gun to his head. My brother's wife shouted out a warning

that there were assailants in the garden.

fire. Five shots were fired at him and Derek fired three shots back, hitting the criminal twice. Although they were standing less than three

As my brother came into the hallway, he was immediately (Continued on Page 2) confronted with a man aiming a silver semi automatic pistol at his head. As the assailant opened fire, my brother drew his p i s t o l , c o c ke d i t Women in training for home defence. and returned

Opposition and Criticism Many people ridiculed these young men praying for Revival. Others criticized their determination not to allow women in their prayer meeting. The young men responded that they did not believe it advisable to allow women in their prayer meeting, as the world would have said that the meetings were being held only for the purposes of flirtation. As it (continued on Page 4)

In this Issue The Ulster Revival of 1859


Attacked at Home


Action Items


Missions at the Mall


Upcoming Events


Debating Polygamy


Life Chains Expose Lies of Abortionists


Prostitution Destroys God Restores


Reformation Against Perversion


Save Lives - Stop Abortions


Biblical Worldview Summit


Great Commission Course


New Resources for Discipleship and Revival



Attacked at Home (Continued from page 1)

meters apart, firing at point blank range, in a narrow hallway, barely one meter wide, incredibly all five shots missed my brother.

As Oliver C r o m w e l l frequently said: trust in God and keep your powder dry.

As the wounded assailant stumbled back out into the garden, Derek fired four more shots at the other criminals who fled, leaving his nephew unharmed. His car, with the key still in the ignition, was also left in the driveway. When the shooting had started my brother's wife and daughter fled to a safe room and lay on the ground praying.

Self Defence The Law of God is clear: “If the thief is found breaking in, and he is struck so that he dies, there shall be no guilt for his bloodshed.” Exodus 22:2

When the police investigated the crime scene, they were astounded. It seemed incredible that, at less than three metre distance and in such a confined area, the assailant could have missed with all five shots. They readily admitted that God had been protecting him. From my brother's description, they quickly identified this gang of five. The ringleader, who used a silver automatic pistol, was known to them. This gang of thugs specialise in home invasions, rape and murder. We are praising the Lord for being a shield to my brother's family and for making him fast and accurate.

PO Box 23632, Claremont, 7735, Cape Town, South Africa Tel: 021 689 4480 Fax: 021 685 5884 Web: Publisher Africa Christian Action Editor Dr Peter Hammond Associate Editors Dorothea Scarborough Taryn Hodgson Lenora Hammond DTP Brendon Schäfer PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE Christian Action is published quarterly by Africa Christian Action. All articles and news items from this publication may be reproduced, or quoted from, on condition that due credit is given to Christian Action. Please also post, or email, us a copy of any article.

David Livingstone confronted Arab slave traders and set many captives free.

The Law of God establishes the basic right of self-defence. Any person is justified in defending himself, or his family, whenever they are attacked, or their lives are endangered. Any weapon is permissible to use in selfdefence. The Law of God does not say that the homeowner is guilty if he uses a sword, but innocent if he uses a club. The issue is not one of weapons, but the right, and duty, of selfdefence. Our Lord Jesus Christ told His disciples: “He who has no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one.” Luke 22:36 Fathers and husbands are required by Almighty God to provide for their families. “But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the Faith and is worse than an unbeliever.” 1 Timothy 5:8 This includes: providing food, housing, clothing, education, medical care, love, discipleship and spiritual guidance, but also protection. Of what worth are all the other provisions if one fails to provide protection as well? Anyone who fails to provide for their family has denied the Faith and is worse than an unbeliever. In fact, those who refuse to protect their young

are worse than an animal. What animal will not fight to protect its offspring?

fact I go quite beyond you, for I love it so much I would fight for it.”

Faith and Firearms P i o n e e r M i s s i o n a r y, William Carey, in his landmark book, An Enquiry into the Obligation of Christians to use means for the Conversion of the Heathen (the With a revolver in one hand b o o k w h i c h C.T. Studd performed baptisms in a launched the crocodile infested river in the Congo. m o d e r n missionary movement) listed as essential equipment for any missionary: “knives, powder and shot.” Pioneer Missionary and explorer, David Livingstone, who first landed in Africa in 1840, was well equipped with some of the most advanced weapons then available, including a six barreled revolver and double-barreled rifle. On occasion David Livingstone was compelled to use his weapons to defend himself from wild beasts and to persuade slave traders to set the captives free. At one point, after his party had been compelled to shoot back at Muslim slave traders, Livingstone responded to criticism: “I love peace as much as any mortal man. In

When world f a m o u s c r i c ke t e r, turned Pioneer Missionary, C.T. S t u d d , undertook the first baptisms in a river in the Congo, he had a revolver in one hand, to fight off crocodiles, while baptising t h e n e w converts with the other.

In a prayer letter home, Missionary Mary Slessor of Calabar requested Maxim machine guns.

Fiery, red headed Scottish missionary, Mary Slessor, pioneer missionary to Calabar (modern day Nigeria), included “maxim machine guns” in her prayer letter request back to her home (Continued on Page 3)


Christian Action


PO Box 23632, Claremont, 7735, Cape Town, South Africa




Attacked at Home (Continued from page 2)

church. This was to counter the threat of slave traders in Nigeria. Many religious readers would be shocked and horrified to read such reports in presentday missionary newsletters. Perhaps the comfortable and prosperous surroundings that most Christians in the West have enjoyed for so long have blinded us to the harsh realities that most Christians throughout the centuries, and in less fortunate parts of the world today, have had to face. An unbiblical passivism has g r i p p e d m a n y We s t e r n Christians. Missionaries have frequently faced dangers which we can hardly imagine. We should not be too quick to judge and condemn others for doing what the Bible commands them to do t o t a ke r e a s o n a b l e precautions for selfdefence and for the protection of their families.

The Westminster Catechism, considered the finest expression of Biblical teaching, states under the Sixth Commandment, that the prohibition against murder requires as our duty: “All careful studies and lawful endeavours to preserve the life of ourselves and others by resisting, by just defence, against violence, protecting and defending the innocent.” (Q135) “Like a muddied spring or a polluted well, is a righteous man who gives way to the wicked.” Proverbs 25:26 Of course, criminals prefer unarmed victims. Gun control deprives potential victims of their best means of protection.

Of course, the primary weapons of missionaries are the Bible, prayer, faith and persuasion. Just as our primary spiritual food is the Word of God. But that does not stop us planting seeds, harvesting crops, shopping and preparing food. Christians must be balanced and we must recognise that sin comes from the heart of man (Mark 7:21-23). There is no point blaming a tool, a cold metal inanimate object, for the evil in mens hearts. Passivism is in defiance of historic Christian teaching. The 39 Articles, the foundational statement of the Church of England, states clearly in Article 37: “It is lawful for Christian men to carry weapons.” Christian Action


Gun Control The underlying argument for gun control seems to be that the availability of weapons causes crime. But that is not the Biblical position. Genesis 4 records the first murder when Cain killed Abel. God's response was not to ban rocks, knives, clubs, or whatever murder weapon may have been used, but to banish the murderer. It is the

PO Box 23632, Claremont, 7735, Cape Town, South Africa

murderers heart that is the problem, not the weapon used. Nowhere does the Bible advocate weapons control. The Bible does record the control of weapons by the Amalakites and the Philistines (Judges 5:8 and 1 Samuel 13:19-22) but it condemns these restrictions on individual defence as a pagan attempt to centralize excessive power. If firearms cause crime, then Switzerland would be the most violent and lawless country in the world, because every citizen has weapons of war stored in his home. Yet, despite having millions of military type rifles, and a great many other firearms and weapons of war, in private homes, overall firearm abuse in Switzerland is so low as to be insignificant. Switzerland also has the lowest burglary and murder rate in the industrial world. The suggestion that violence would magically decrease if we could only have gun control reveals an ignorance of both history and human nature. History recalls that violence was prevalent prior to the invention of firearms in the 15th century. Attila the Hun, Gengus Kahn and Shaka Zulu managed to kill millions of people without firearms.

Every day countless crimes are prevented, hundreds of potential victims are protected and many tragedies are averted by armed citizens. Armed citizens save lives, but unarmed citizens all too often become helpless victims. It is every man's duty to be armed and prepared to protect the innocent and to defend the defenceless. May God enable each one of us to be fast and accurate. “Do not be afraid of them, remember the Lord, great and awesome, and fight for your brethren, your sons, your daughters, your wives and your houses.” Nehemiah 4:14 Dr. Peter Hammond

The Holocaust in Rwanda took part in a gun free zone. In just six weeks more people were killed with machetes and clubs than have died from a nuclear weapons in all of history.





The Ulster Revival of 1859 (Continued from page 1)

lift me from these flames of hell!”

The school in Kells where the prayer meeting was held.

happened, young women started their own prayer meeting, which was also greatly blessed. Humble Beginnings Edwin Orr wrote of these humble beginnings of the 1859 Revival: “This Revival which originated in a prayer meeting of four young men in the village school house of Kells made a greater impact spiritually on Ireland than anything else known since the days of St. Patrick.” Spring Faith grew. Hope brightened. The power of prayer began to be known, felt and seen. A contemporary account describes the Year of Grace in this way; “The winter was passed; the time of the singing of birds had come. Humble, grateful, loving, joyous converts multiplied… the great concerns of eternity were realised as they had never been before… Many walked about in deep anxiety about the one thing needful; while others rejoiced in the experience of a present peace and a complete salvation… The community was altogether changed in its outward aspects, and a pervading seriousness prevailed… a total transformation has been

affected in the hearts and lives of those who were the subjects of the change; and throughout all the neighbourhood was heard thanksgiving and the voice of melody.” Conviction of Sin Church services and prayer meetings began to be attended by “an immense audience, filled to capacity, with much earnestness, many appeared to be in deep mental concern.” “Pubs and bars were closed by the conversion of their owners and for want of trade.” Prayer meetings began to multiply. “Ernest heart searching and prayers of burning fervency pervaded. There was an uncommon thirsting for the Word … Strong men staggered and fell down under the wounds of their conscience … Their frames trembled with wringing hands, streams of tears and a look of unutterable anguish, they confessed their sins in t o n e s o f u n m i s t a ka b l e sincerity, and appealed to the Lord for mercy with a cry of piercing earnestness …'Lord Jesus, have mercy upon my sinful soul; Lord Jesus come to my burning heart; Lord, pardon my sins; O come and

At Ballymena, April 1859, on market day, a man about 30 years of age suddenly fell upon his knees and “alarmed the entire neighbourhood by loud and desperate cries expressing the most appalling agony. 'Lord be merciful to me a sinner!' … There was an overpowering conviction that a great Revival had come at last. Careless men were bowed in unaffected earnestness and sobbed like children. Churches were crowded. Family worship became almost universal. There was joy unutterable.” The School in Coleraine In Coleraine, in Antrim County, at the local school, a school teacher, seeing one young boy clearly under the conviction of sin, advised him to go home and call upon the Lord in private. He sent with him an older boy who had found peace the day before. After these two boys had travailed in prayer for some time, the young boy was blessed with sacred peace and rejoicing he returned to the school, and with beaming face, reported to his teacher; “Oh Sir, I am so happy, I have the Lord Jesus in my heart!” Strange words in cold times, natural words in a time of Revival. But the attention of the whole class was arrested. One boy after another silently slipped out of the classroom and after a while the schoolteacher looked out to see boys on their knees throughout the playground, each one in earnest prayer. He turned to the two boys and asked them; “Do you think you can go and pray with these boys?” They did so and kneeling down with one after another, they began to implore the Lord to forgive their sins for the sake of Him

who had borne them all upon the Cross. Silent grief soon turned into bitter cries. As these cries reached the girls school, they too fell upon their knees and wept in grief over their sins. The cries of the boys and girls at school reached passers-by in the adjoining streets and conviction of sin came upon them and they fell on their knees in the streets pleading to the Lord for mercy. It seemed as if every available spot was filled with sinners seeking God. Pastors and men of prayer were sought and they spent the rest of the day in counseling and praying with these mourners. “The sweetest of all toils that this earth witnesses, when men labour and intercede for those who are brokenhearted by the sight of their sins … dinner was forgotten, tea was forgotten, and it was not until 11 o' clock at night that the school premises were freed from their unexpected guests.” The Market Place An open-air meeting was held to hear testimonies from those who had been converted. Masses of people from town and country began to pour into the square. It became clear that the multitude could not hear the voices of the speakers on the platform, so it was suggested that the people should separate into different groups and that different ministers should preach to each group. This was immediately done. One of the ministers testified afterward; “I never saw before, in any audience, the same searching, earnest, riveted look fixed upon my face as they strained up to me from almost every eye in that hushed and awe struck multitude. I remember, while I was speaking, asking myself, How is this? Why is this?” (Continued on Page 5)


Christian Action


PO Box 23632, Claremont, 7735, Cape Town, South Africa




The Ulster Revival of 1859 (Continued from page 4)

“A very peculiar cry arose at one side of the square and in less than 10 minutes the whole multitude was overcome with conviction of sin.” The minister testified of how he spent the rest of the night counseling and praying with individuals under the conviction of sin. “When the morning dawned, and the sun rose I was wandering from street to street, and from house to house, on the most marvelous and solemn errand upon which I have ever been sent.” The next day the marketplace was a scene of a dense multitude gathering for the preaching of the Gospel and prayer. Many more than on the previous evening sank upon the ground and with bitter cries besought the Lord

What Must I do? One man stopped a minister on the street and urgently demanded: “What must I do to be saved? I have been a hypocrite and a formalist for nearly 40 years; I have been walking through life with a veil over my eyes, and I feel such a burden of sin, that if I do not get relief I must die and be dammed!”

Dr. Ian Paisley preaches Revival to the Free Presbyterian Church Synod.

Jesus Christ to come in mercy to their souls. The New Town Hall The new Town Hall of Coleraine had just been completed and it was suggested that those under conviction of sin might gather

there for further counsel. In the Coleraine Town Hall, there is kept a copy of the Word of God, which was purchased to serve as a memorial to this time of Divine visitation. In the Bible is enscribed “It is meant to be a memorial of the first opening of the new Town Hall of Coleraine, when, upon the night of the 9 June 1859, nearly 100 persons, agonized in mind through conviction of sin, and entirely prostrated in body, were borne into that building to obtain shelter during the night and to receive consolation, instructions and prayer from Christian ministers and Christian people.” Fruit of Revival “Full sanctuaries, full Sabbath schools, full prayer meetings, brotherly love, increased generosity and additions by the hundreds to the communion of the churches these are the fruits that remain” to the summer Revival of 1859 in Coleraine.

A youth rally in Northern Ireland.

Spiritual Hunger In a church service in Linenhall Street, Belfast, individuals came under severe conviction of sin. At the end of the Tuesday evening meeting, after the dismissal, the people stayed behind in the hundreds. The service was reconvened, as people yearned for peace with God.

The Belfast Music Hall A united meeting for prayer was held in the Belfast Music Hall. The Mayor was in the chair, and nearly a hundred ministers of all denominations filled the platform. The building was crowded to excess. The Botanical Gardens Soon the Botanical Gardens had to be thrown open for the vast crowd that gathered such as never before had been seen in the North of Ireland. Resolution One eye-witness declared: “It was the most impressive spectacle I ever witnessed … thousands of sturdy and resolute men were congregated … with a stern purpose … with their Bibles in their hands … pouring on as in an unceasing stream …” Salvation In Belfast it appeared that the whole population was attending the prayer meetings and open-air meetings with the deepest seriousness and concern about eternal things. Everyone gave himself to the prayerful reading of the Bible. The city was filled with anxiety about Salvation. Street People Saved One humble, devout Christian woman led twenty prostitutes to Salvation and rescued them out of sin and misery. “Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord.”

(Continued on Page 6) Christian Action


PO Box 23632, Claremont, 7735, Cape Town, South Africa





The Ulster Revival of 1859 (Continued from page 5)

They found their wives and daughters prostrate under strong conviction of sin, crying out for mercy to the Lord. The men quickly requested the new convert to come and pray with their family members. Soon the weeping penitents became rejoicing converts.

Bible believers gather in Belfast to seek God for Revival.

A Foretaste of Heaven In some cases schools had to be dismissed because of the children being stricken with conviction of sin. One pastor reported “The joy of converts, the cry of penitence, the wailing of friends … The Holy Ghost was there indeed as a mighty rushing wind … We saw their eyes beaming with the light of Heaven, their light shining like angels, their hearts heaving with the love of Jesus and their hand clapping with joy before the God of Jacob… A foretaste of Heaven. All was in accordance with order, nothing extravagant … God was there; and all were bowed before Him. To Him be the Glory!” Unable to Sing At one communion service,

Rev. J.R. Dill, reported “Such a deep influence of the Spirit came down upon their hearts that they were utterly unable to proceed with singing the words, 'My Body broken thus I give.' Nothing was heard but sobbing.” The Mill One poor man who was converted became most anxious for the conversion of his fellow workers in the mill. However, his fellow workmen mocked, swore and sang impure songs to distress him. He resolved to pray for them. Suddenly, one day, the men in the mill were astonished by cries coming from their homes nearby. The business in the mill was suspended, and the men rushed to their houses to see what was causing these cries.

Dr. Peter and Lenora Hammond with Dr. Ian Paisley and Baroness Eileen Paisley.


Christian Action


PO Box 23632, Claremont, 7735, Cape Town, South Africa

Some days later the mill again had to be stopped, but this time it was because the men, while engaged at their work, became arrested and smitten down with the conviction of sin. Some of the strongest men and greatest scoffers in the country fell powerless in a moment under the mighty influence of the Holy Spirit. Strong men prostrated themselves on the ground and cried out for mercy. This time it was their wives and daughters who came rushing over to the mill to pray with them, with tears of joy, and they returned thanks to God for His mighty works. Desperation Rev. W. Magill, wrote of “Something strange and wonderful … happening in Dundrod.” Then a messenger came to summon him home, as one of his daughters “had taken strangely ill.” At his house he heard his daughter crying out in a loud voice: “O Christ, help me! Lord Jesus, save my guilty soul! O Jesus, come, come soon, and give relief to my guilty soul! O thou quickening Spirit, come! O, create in me a new heart, a clean heart! O take away this hard and stony heart and give me a heart of flesh!” “Such asking, seeking, striving to enter the Kingdom, I never saw before.” Walking and Leaping As peace came upon his daughter, she asked: “Let us sing the 51st Psalm.” ”As they began to sing the Lord began His work. The news spread from lip to lip, house to house, -


over the county. Hundreds of all ranks and ages met outside the pastor's home to unite in prayer, looking up to heaven for a blessing. “The scene was indescribable; groups came literally walking and leaping and praising God!” Devotion One minister in Portrush recorded that he had to counsel over 300 persons who were mightily convicted of sin. Everywhere the presence of God was felt. Rev. Charles Spurgeon was invited to come and address the believers in Belfast. Rev. J.M. Killen wrote of a deep work of God “Deep, silent, solemn and uninterrupted communion with their own hearts, and with their God … decision of character, devotedness of life, and an elevated tone of holiness which are so conspicuous in many of our converts.” Men were heard to pray openly in the streets: “Lord be merciful to me, a sinner!” In Armagh, a little girl, about 11 years old, entered school, lifted up her hands and declared: “O, I have found Jesus, I have found Jesus!” Then all the children in the school began to cry out to the Lord for mercy. Preaching and Hearing One man remarked to a minister: “The ministers are preaching a great deal better than they used to do.” The minister responded: “Perhaps, the people are listening a great deal better than they used to.” Another minister declared: “A year ago I was preaching to the dead, but now I'm preaching to the living.” Blasphemer Judged Some young men planned to mock the Revivalists by pretending to fall down and be stricken with guilt, while the others were to call Christians Web:

My Decision I take God the Father to be my God (1Thess 1:19) I take God the Son to be my Saviour (Acts 5:31) I take God the Holy Spirit to be my sanctifier (1 Peter 1:2) I take the Word of God to be my rule (2 Timothy 3:16-17) I take the people of God to be my people (Ruth 1:16-17) I likewise dedicate myself wholly to the Lord (Romans 14:7-8) And I do this prayerfully (Psalm 119:94) Deliberately (Joshua 24:15) Sincerely (2 Corinthians 1:12) Freely (Psalm 110:3) And forever (Romans 8:35-39)

Signed:…………………… Date:.……………………..

Rev. Ian Paisley addressed 250,000 people in front of the City Hall in Belfast, Northern Ireland.

to come and pray for the pretended cases of conviction. The first young man to foolishly take part in this blasphemous mockery fell dead on the spot. What had begun as a farce ended as a tragedy. The Fear of God In Belfast an old grey haired man who had pawned his coat to pay for more whisky, went into a bar and found a young woman there, on her knees, crying out for mercy. He left the pub declaring that he could not take his whisky there. However, he soon returned and fell on his knees, calling out to God for mercy. A coachman drew up, went in

Christian Action


and was similarly affected. Before long there were five people in the whisky shop calling out to God for forgiveness and mercy. Catholics Converted Many Roman Catholics were struck with a deep conviction of sin, a longing to read the Scriptures, a delight in prayer and praise, an entire dependence on God, and thoroughly abandoned popery. The Presence of God One of the ministers involved in this Ulster Revival of 1859, wrote: “We have now seen the wondrous difference which His presence makes. When

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He is absent, Christians are cold, ordinances are powerless, sinners immovable and dead, wickedness prevalent.

a Decision Card (reproduced above) for those who wanted to wholeheartedly surrender to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

“When He comes in His love, and grace and power, God's children are lively, tender, loving, fervent, zealous, laborious. The means of Grace prove effectual to the Salvation of multitudes. Hypocrites are unmasked. The careless alarmed and aroused. The ungodly fly to Jesus. Iniquity, abashed hides its head. May the experience of the past stir us up to desire a continued outpouring of the Holy Spirit.”

“Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord and He will have mercy upon him; and to our God for He will abundantly pardon.” Isaiah 55:6-7

A Revival Prayer One of the prayers used multiple times in the 1859 Revival was later printed up as



Dr. Peter Hammond Sources: The 1859 Revival in Ireland edited by William E. Allen A Pictorial History of the 1859 Revival and related Awakenings in Ulster by Stanley Barnes The 1859 Revival by Dr. Ian Paisley



ACTION ITEMS MISSIONS AT THE MALL Every year, since 1995, Africa Christian Action has used National Women's Day on 9

August, as an opportunity for outreaches in shopping centres. This year (10 August 2009) ACA mobilised outreaches in three different s h o p p i n g centres in the Cape Town area and two others in Ballito and Mokopane. T e n s o f thousands of leaflets and Gospel tracts were printed and 3,000 balloons with Scriptures and pro-family messages were produced for the event. Boxes of World Missionary Press Gospel booklets in Xhosa were distributed, along with boxes of Frontline Fellowship and Christian Action tracts. There was a very good response from teenagers to The Way of the Master evangelistic tracts and to our Evangelism

E x p l o s i o n conversations. Roses were also given to numerous women passing by our table. We f i e l d e d n u m e r o u s questions from passers-by and n u m e r o u s evangelistic conversations ensued. Thousands of Muslims walking passed the table received Gospel tracts. The Gospel is “the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes”, “Faith comes from hearing and hearing from the Word of God.” The Lord's Word “never returns void”, it always accomplishes what the Lord has sent it out to achieve. Many of the children were plainly delighted to receive the colourful balloons. Soon the shopping centres were filled with children carrying balloons which declared: A woman who fears the Lord shall be praised; A family that prays together stays together; The Bible is the greatest Book ever written; Read the Bible everyday; Say no to porn; Whom the Son sets free is free indeed, and similar

messages in other languages. It is very hard, even for an irate atheist adult, to take a balloon away from a child!


4 - 6 September 2009 CFT conference - KZN 4 October 2009 Life Chain 31 October 2009 Reformation Day 8 November 2009 International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted 1 - 8 January 2010 Biblical Worldview Summit 1-20 January 2010 Great Commission Course


Christian Action


PO Box 23632, Claremont, 7735, Cape Town, South Africa




DEBATING POLYGAMY SAFM invited me to take part in an hour-long debate on radio, on the subject of polygamy. The other panel guests included a professor of Islamic Studies at Kwazulu Natal University and a chief from the Eastern Cape House of Traditional Leaders.

o f a B i b l i c a l f a m i l y. Christianity has always maintained that monogamy alone gives the woman the recognition, status and value that she needs. Monogamy provides the environment for raising children in a stable and loving home.

Pragmatic Arguments Some of the justifications given for polygamy included: that because of war and other factors, men tend to die more frequently and earlier than women, and there are more women than men. Therefore, for the provision of these women, men should be able to take more wives.

Twisting Scripture One Muslim caller maintained, on the basis of Isaiah 54, that God himself is a polygamist because he is married to every individual on earth! “Therefore, technically, logically, God is a polygamist!” declared this caller.

Exclusive Love In response I pointed out that Christianity has always rejected polygamy because it inhibits, and in fact exterminates, exclusive, devoted love. Christians have always maintained that love between a man and a woman must be exclusive. Otherwise marriage is degraded, in essence, to mere physical lust. No woman who loves her husband, and wishes to be loved in return, can tolerate “another wife”. Protecting Women Polygamy erodes the concept

I turned to the passage in question and responded that it was blasphemous to suggest that God would violate His own Laws and be a polygamist. The passage in Isaiah 54 is speaking to “The barren … the desolate … for you will forget the shame of your youth and will not remember the reproach of your widowhood anymore. For your Maker is your husband, the Lord of hosts is His Name; and your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel; He is called the God of the whole earth” Isaiah 54 1-5 Plainly this passage is speaking symbolically of God providing for the widowed and the unmarried. However, this

passage is not speaking about a literal marriage with individuals, but a symbolic marriage in the sense of provision and protection to those whom He has redeemed from His creation. Biblical Monogamy I was challenged by a number of callers, and by the presenter, to give Biblical evidence for my position that Christianity promotes monogamy. I quoted from Matthew 19:46: And Jesus answered and said to them; “Have you not read that He who made them in the beginning, made them male and female, and He said: 'for this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife and the two shall become one flesh.' So then they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no man separate.” Here the Lord refers back to God's creation ordinance. God created Adam and provided for him a single wife, Eve. He did not provide multiple wives, nor do we have any evidence that Adam ever had another wife. This original marriage relationship powerfully portrays God's intent for marriage

The fountain in Lake Geneva, symbolic of the Faith and freedoms produced by the Protestant Reformation. Geneva was a place of sanctuary for refugees and abused women.

relationships. Noah is called “a preacher of righteousness” 2 Peter 2:5. Noah had only one wife; his three sons only had one wife each. They alone were spared during the great destruction of the Flood. God called Job “My servant”. Job was considered the greatest man amongst all the people of the East and he had only one wife. Isaac, the child of the Promise, only had one wife, Rebekah. (Continued on Page 10)

LIFE CHAINS TO EXPOSE LIES OF ABORTIONISTS Sunday, 4 October 2009 is International Life Chain Sunday.

women of the terrible psychological after-effects such as depression and nightmares.

This year, the Christian Action Network is working to mobilise congregations and Action Groups to hold a Life Chain in their city.

Be part of the growing pro-life movement in South Africa and across the world, that by God's Grace, the combined prayer and action of pro-lifers will one day result in abortion not only being illegal but also unthinkable.

The Life Chain is an international prayer vigil and peaceful placard protest against the abortion holocaust. Many abortionists lie to women for money. They tell women that a baby is not fully formed until 5 months and yet Christian Action


at 3 weeks a pre-born baby has a heartbeat and at 6 weeks, brainwaves. They tell

PO Box 23632, Claremont, 7735, Cape Town, South Africa

women that it won't hurt and yet the procedure is extremely painful. They also fail to warn -


“Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter.” Proverbs 24:11 Web:


Prostitution Destroys - God Restores Legalising prostitution would be a national disaster It is a lie that prostitution can be considered as “work” or as a “normal service industry”. 75% of prostitutes in escort agencies have attempted suicide. Prostitutes suffer from the same post-traumatic stress disorder as wartime combat veterans. Both experience acute anxiety, depression, insomnia, irritability, flashbacks and emotional numbing. International studies show that between 65 percent and 90 percent of prostituted women were sexually abused by male relatives or acquaintances as girls. Many children, mainly girls, who are

sexually exploited, are sold into prostitution at an early age by the men who abuse them. The average age for the entrance of girls into prostitution is 14 years o l d . According to a study in 2000 by the D u t c h Institute of Social Sexological

Research, 79 per cent of women in prostitution g a v e a n indication that they were in prostitution due to some degree of f o r c e . Prostitution and illicit drug use and abuse go hand in hand, with m o s t prostitutes turning to drugs and/or alcohol as a

means of desensitisation, or drug addicts turning to prostitution to sustain their habit. Almost two-thirds (63%) of women working in street prostitution across three cities (Church et al 2001) reported their main reason for involvement in prostitution was to fund a drug habit, primarily heroin. In Thailand, where prostitution is legal, there are more brothels than schools. 70% of Northern Thai girls over the age of 11 are recruited into the sex industry in Bangkok. In Asia today the child sex industry (which includes pornography) accounts for (Continued on Page 11)

Debating Polygamy (Continued from page 9)

The Lord's earthly parents, Mary and Joseph, are another prime example of a monogamous marriage. The Scripture is clear; “… let each man have his own wife and let each woman have her own husband.” 1 Corinthians 7:2 It is also a standard for church leadership: “Let deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling their children and their own houses well.” 1 Timothy 3:12 Polygamy in the Bible? The objection was made: what about the examples of polygamy in the Old Testament? David and Solomon had many wives. The Bible records many things that it does not recommend. “Now these things became our examples, to the intent that we should not lust after evil things as they also lusted.” 1 Corinthians 10:6 Polygamy originated in the lives of the murderers Cain and Lamech. Later Esau, who despised his birthright, caused much grief to his parents by marrying two pagan wives (Genesis 26:34).


Christian Action


Consequences of Polygamy God forbad the kings of Israel to be polygamists (Deuteronomy 17:17). The Scriptures record the tremendous upheaval and chaos caused when they disobeyed God. The deadly rivalry between David's sons from his different wives led Israel into civil war. Solomon's hundreds of wives led Solomon and Israel into idolatry, destruction and captivity. Hannah, the mother of Samuel, was humiliated by her husband, Elkanah's, other wife Peninnah (1 Sam 1:1-7). Abraham and Sarah had been monogamous for many years when Sarah convinced him to take Hagar in order to bear an offspring. This caused tremendous strife. The consequences of which are still causing wars between the descendants of Ismael and Isaac, to this day. Jacob only wanted Rachel, but was tricked into marrying her older sister, Leah, by the deception of his father-in-law. Later he took slave girls at the sisters urgings, due to their

PO Box 23632, Claremont, 7735, Cape Town, South Africa

rivalry to produce more offspring. Jacob was hardly a good example in this, nor was he at any spiritual high point at those times. Similarly when David married Abigail and Ahinoam (1 Samuel 25:42-43), these adulterous tendencies led to David's tragic downfall, with violent consequences for all of Israel. From the very beginning God created one woman for one man, for life (Gen 1:27-2:25). More than One Husband? The presenter again brought up the matter of there being more women than men in the world. I countered, by pointing out that in China and India there are many more men than women due to sex selection abortions. Should women have the right to have more than one husband? This brought about furious disagreement from the traditional chief who claimed, as women are the ones who bear the children, it is important to know who the father is - for legitimacy. Essential for Civilization One caller noted that monogamy is an essential -


feature of civilisation. He noted that it is impossible for any man to love more than one woman at a time. Surely this is what 'falling in love' and 'getting married' is meant to be about: exclusive love? Are No Women Forced into Polygamous Unions? Numerous Muslim callers reiterated that the Quran permits marrying up to four wives, as long as one treats them all equally. They also claimed that polygamy was by the woman's consent. None of them were forced! Mutual Partnership Before we ran out of time I managed to reiterate that Christianity maintains that marriage is a mutual partnership, therefore it rejects polygamy. The promotion of monogamy, one man and one woman for life, and marital faithfulness, grants women respect, dignity and protection. Women need greater respect, d i g n i t y, h o n o u r a n d protection, and we dare not go back to the paganism of polygamy. Dr Peter Hammond is a coauthor of Reforming our Families Web:

Prostitution Destroys God Restores (Continued from page 11)

over US $2.4 billion per year. Holland, which also has legalised prostitution, produces some of the vilest baby porn imaginable. In Sydney, Australia, the Adult Business Association estimates the number of illegal sex services in the metropolitan area has blown out to exceed 400. “It's out of control,” association spokesman Chris Seage said. Legalised sexual depravity in the form of pornography or prostitution only creates the market and desire for more perversion. Iceland, Sweden and Norway have reversed prostitution legislation Sweden, Norway and Iceland have criminalised the “buyers” and pimps. Iceland has also banned strip clubs. The German government, as well as local authorities in cities in the Netherlands (notably Amsterdam), have conceded that the goals intended by the legislation have not been achieved. The Mayor of Amsterdam has admitted that organised crime dominates the industry in which sex trafficking, exploitation, drug abuse and money laundering is rife. One third of the brothel windows have been bought out and replaced with fashion boutiques. Permits have been withdrawn from dozens of sex businesses including the well known Yab Yum brothel and Casa Rosso Theatre who reportedly had links to organised crime. Rafts of new restrictions on other aspects

Christian Action


out of rape or abuse situations, which was a factor in them turning to prostitution in the first place. With the police no longer policing prostitution, we are seeing secondgeneration prostitutes, that is, when both mother and child are involved. Since the police stopped policing prostitution, the situation has got worse.”

of the sex trade are being introduced. Amsterdam and Rotterdam have closed down their Tippelzones (pickup a r e a s ) . I f S o u t h Af r i c a considers legalising prostitution, it will be trying to replicate, with its already struggling bureaucratic administration, the failed experiments of other nations. In Sweden, where the “buyers” have been criminalized, and where prostitution is regarded as an aspect of male violence against women and children, the number of prostitutes has been effectively reduced. Street prostitution has all but disappeared in many Swedish cities and in Stockholm the number of women in street prostitution has been reduced by two thirds, with the number of “customers” down by 80%. The number of foreign women now being trafficked into Sweden for sex is very small. By legalising prostitution: !Government legitimises one o f t h e grossest forms of the abuse of sex, women and children. Prostitution undermines the basic building block of society the family. !Prostitution mushrooms and more men get

PO Box 23632, Claremont, 7735, Cape Town, South Africa

involved in prostitution as it gains false respectability through legalisation. Many more women and children are drawn in, many as sex slaves. !The country becomes a tourist 'sex destination' and men flow into the country with their STDs & AIDS, looking for cheap sex. They abuse women and young boys and girls. Ex- prostitutes say NO When Eve, an ex-prostitute, was asked what she thought about prostitution being legalised and seen as a 'normal service industry,' she said, 'No way can prostitution be seen as a job, because it destroys women!' She said that if prostitution was legalised and turned into a 'service industry' she felt sure that the 'industry' would be taken over by international crime syndicates and these crime syndicate bosses would be given the cloak of respectability. She said that the public really needs to know what happens to prostituted women. Ria Jacobs, counsellor at Straatwerk, a ministry that has worked with prostitutes for 43 years, says that the legalisation of prostitution would be the worst thing to happen. She says, "The girls and guys in prostitution are being tom apart. It damages their mind, body and emotions. They are not happy in prostitution so they turn to drugs or alcohol. There is almost always some substance abuse. Most come -


A woman who has left prostitution as a result of Straatwerk's work, says prostitution must not be legalised because it is horrible. She says, “Even thinking about that lifestyle is horrible. Women get raped, drugged, physically abused and pushed into many things that they don't want to do. Many of them are like sex slaves. It hurts and you can't get a normal relationship or life.” So why would government legalise something so destructive to women and the family? The Financial Mail (December 2000) reported that the SA Revenue Service, in an effort to broaden SA's tax base, is looking for ways to tax prostitution. When this happens, government effectively becomes a PIMP. "Live as children of light and find out what pleases the Lord. Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.” Ephesians 5:8-11 WHAT YOU CAN DO TO CLEAN UP YOUR COMMUNITY 1. Speak to the managers of businesses surrounding the sex shops and courteously ask them to write a letter confirming incidents of litter, criminal activities or prostitution occurring in or around those strip joints etc. 2. Arrange a meeting with your local ward councilor and give him/her these letters. Find out about local zoning regulations and bylaws that (Continued on Page 12)



REFORMATION AGAINST PERVERSION In July 2009 the world remembers the 500th anniversary of the birth of John Calvin. This will be celebrated in South Africa by an International CalvinCommemoration Conference at the University of Stellenbosch from 1) - Calvin was the most important of the second generation of Reformers of the 16th century, and much of his work was built on that of Martin Luther. His teachings greatly affected Western Christendom. He systematised the Christian religion in his “Institutes”, founded an academy in Geneva and sent out ministers who, in France alone, established over 2000 Reformed congregations. He taught the separation of church and civil government each standing independent of the other, yet recognising the other's divine authority. His ideals were religious toleration, representative government, constitutional monarchy, rights for citizens, and the Christian work ethic. The spirit of Calvin Calvin was a deeply devout man. His motto was: “Promptly and sincerely in the service of God.” His personal emblem was a heart aflame in the hands of God. Born in France and called to

Prostitution Destroys God Restores (Continued from page 11)

could potentially prevent further brothels from opening up. Persist with polite pressure. 3.Get your local Neighborhood Watch or Community Policing Forum involved in advising residents of safety measures and alerting the police to incidents. 4. Get church groups to hold prayer vigils, outreaches and placard demonstrations outside the brothels to discourage customers from frequenting the premises.


Christian Action


Geneva, he made the latter into a centre of faith and freedom where persecut e d Christian s from all over Europe found a safe haven. In all this his chief prayer was: “Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:10) South Africa, too, was shaped by Calvinism. Jan van Riebeeck, his wife and companions were Calvinist Christians. The Dutch East India Company was committed to Protestant principles. Other arrivals at the Cape, and especially the Huguenots, stood for faith and freedom. So in South Africa, from the beginning, the triune God was worshipped, the Church was held in honour, Christian laws were established, and the native populations evangelised. The Word of God was so firmly established that, nearly 250 years later, the historian d'Arbez could say: “Nowhere on earth has Calvin's work remained more alive than in South Africa, where the spirit of Calvin has not yet been weakened by twentieth 5. Encourage your community newspaper and radio station to report on the criminal activities happening in and around these places to help galvanise support for your initiatives. 6. Urge the Provincial MEC for Community Safety of your Province to enforce the Sexual Offences Act (1957 and 2007). Further suggestions for communities affected by prostitution: 1) Organise a meeting of all residents that are directly affected.

PO Box 23632, Claremont, 7735, Cape Town, South Africa

century influences… If John Calvin were to rise today from his unknown grave on the shores of Lake Geneva to walk once again on the earth, then it would undoubtedly be only in faraway South Africa that he would find the fundamental principles of the doctrine for which he lived and worked still in a pure and uncorrupted form.” 2) Puritan or liberal? But in the last decades of the 20 th century these things changed. During the revolutionary “liberation struggle” a spirit of contempt for the truths of God arose. “Liberation theologians” declared that God's law and Calvin's teachings were “oppressive”. The people, they said, should be “liberated” from them. Rejecting Christian missions, a new elite started to dismantle the Reformed heritage. They wrote a secular humanist constitution (1996) and removed God's sovereignty from the nation. They e xch an g e d t h e Te n Commandments for a Declaration of Human Rights. With the National Gambling 2) Agree on a formal plan of action that includes the financing of Closed Circuit TV cameras of the most affected streets and its PR & M a r ke t i n g c a m p a i g n i n community newspapers and radio stations. 3) Find and finalise best possible quotes for the purchase of CCTV and surveillance equipment. 4) Introduce planned campaign to the Neighbourhood Watch, the Municipality and the local Police - get their endorsement and support. For further information read -


(1996) and the Film and Publications Acts (1996) they embraced chance and luck and pornography. They allowed abortion (1996) and abolished capital punishment (1997). The effects were farreaching - like those described in Romans 1: “Although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile… Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man…” As a nation, South Africa cast off much of her Christian heritage and encouraged the people to become their own god. Women or prostitutes? A spiritual downward slide, however, tends to accelerate. The Bible says: “Because of this, God gave them over to “shameful lusts,” to “indecent acts,” to “perversion,” to “greed and depravity.” (Romans 1:18-32) Since 2000, “homosexual marriage” was legalised, and the laws of nature were overturned. Today, in 2009, the Decriminalisation of Prostitution is planned. We are told that the “demands of the Constitution” and of “Ubuntu”, of the Fifa Games and of other “international obligations,” (Continued on Page 13)

publications such as Finding Freedom from the Pornography Plague; Reforming Our Families, Make a Difference - a Christian Action Handbook for Southern Africa, The Power of Prayer Handbook and The Ten Commandments God's Perfect Law of Liberty These are available from Africa Christian Action.

Taryn Hodgson National Co-ordinator Africa Christian Action Web:

Reformation Against Perversion (Continued from page 12)

require a change of the law. This is to replace the old puritan “apartheid law”. To gauge public opinion the SA Law Reform Commission (SALRC) held public workshops throughout South Africa and presented four different models for regulating adult prostitution. The first option is total criminalisation (which is the current legal position). The second option is partial criminalisation (which forbids soliciting, brothel-keeping and living off the earnings while the prostitute herself is free from criminal sanction). The third option is noncriminalisation (which focusses on self-regulation of the 'industry' by pimps and prostitutes). The fourth option is regulation of adult prostitution (which makes prostitution legal but stateregulated).

estimated 12,3 million people are trafficked globally every year. Children as young as ten are lured into the child sex industry, and child sex tourism is flourishing in some South African cities. “The Second Vatican Council,” he said, “pointed to 'slavery, prostitution, the selling of women and children, and disgraceful working conditions w h e r e people are treated as instrument s of gain rather than free and responsible persons', as 'infamies' w h i c h poison human society, debase their perpetrators and constitute 'a supreme dishonour to the Creator.'” 3)

At the Cape Town Workshop the SALRC presenters spoke of 'sex workers' and the 'sex industry' as if they were talking of regular employment, not the cruel exploitation of women. At times it sounded as if prostitution was seen as a human right, i.e. a woman's right to do with her body what she likes. Though most participants were Christians, religious arguments were not welcome. The nature and purpose of Woman in God's order was not mentioned.

Exploitation At the end of the SALRC Workshop we were asked to fill in a questionnaire, and the Gospel Defence League pleaded (in the required nonreligious terms) that “prostitution should not be decriminalised.” “Women are the mothers of the nation,” we said. “They have a divine calling to bear and bring up good citizens. They should be protected by law against exploitation and degradation... South Africa's Constitution demands respect, human rights and dignity for them. In fact, we celebrate public holidays which include Women's Day, Family Day, Youth Day, Heritage Day and Human Rights Day… The liberalisation and legalisation of prostitution… will bring this nation low and gravely affect the new generation in whom so much hope has been placed for a better South Africa.”

In spite of the present prohibitions, prostitution is rife in South Africa. According to a report in Beeld (3.6.2009) there are 10.000 child prostitutes in Johannesburg alone, and SAPSA, a body investigating child abuse, claims that girls are sold by their families for between R2500 and R12.000. They are bought to earn for their “owners” between R1500 and R5000 per day. - The Catholic Archbishop Lawrence Henry of Cape Town has therefore called for action against such human trafficking. He said, an Christian Action


When John Calvin ministered in Geneva, he encouraged the city council to outlaw immorality and establish Christian laws. Martin Luther, too, pleaded with the princes of Germany to rule by

PO Box 23632, Claremont, 7735, Cape Town, South Africa

Christian principles. Both became builders of righteousness, and when righteousness flourished the people were blessed. 700 years earlier, Alfred the Great, the West Saxon King in England, also based his famous “Dooms” firmly on the law of God. They start with the words: “The Lord spake these words to Moses, and thus said: I am the Lord thy God. I led thee out of the land of t h e Egyptians, and of their bondage, (1) L ove thou not other strange gods above me. (2) Utter thou not my name idly, for thou shalt not be guiltless towards me if thou utter my name idly. (3) Remember that thou hallow the rest-day. Work for yourselves six days, and on the seventh rest. For in six days Christ wrought the heaven and the earth, the seas, and all creatures that are in them, and rested on the seventh day; and therefore the Lord hallowed it.” Most of Alfred's 77 “dooms” are taken directly from the Book of Exodus. When we compare the spirit of those times with our own, we cannot fail but notice that the god of our New World is Mammon. Anything goes as long as it makes money. But Mammon is a heartless master and a hater of God and man. Many of the new South African laws favour him. - Modern man tends to think that money is neutral, but it is not. God looks upon covetousness and greed as idolatry, (Col.3:5) and idolatry as prostitution. (Hosea) - Even though the SALRC representatives claim that “legislators cannot take religion into account,” they are dealing with a highly religious matter. Even though they say, “the state cannot legislate morality,” it is a fact that all law is legislated morality. Murder, -


theft, adultery, and other socially destructive sins are punished in every culture. In South Africa humanistic law is presently supplanting Christian law, and this causes tensions. As a nation, we have come a long way since Calvin's principles were applied to matters of state and society. In general, our civil law was Christian moral law applied to social and civic life. This law made South Africa the foremost country in Africa. But it is being broken down, and South Africa's strength is declining. John Calvin, the great French Reformer, showed the world how, by application of God's principles to every area of life, a peaceful, prosperous, and free civil life can be achieved, for “where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty.” (2 Corinthians 3:17) He made Geneva into a centre of learning, a haven of refuge, a place of righteousness. He said: “The main care and concern of our life should be to seek God. We should long for Him with all the affection of our hearts, and not find rest and peace anywhere except in Him alone.” - By this standard the West was won, and by this standard South Africa can be restored. D. Scarborough Gospel Defence League PO Box 587, Sea Point, 8060 South Africa TEL/FAX (021) 510-6854 za/GDL/ Footnotes: 1 Please contact Prof. Pieter Coertzen, University of Stellenbosch, Tel 021808-3576 (w) or 021-887-2619 (h) or cell 076-180-9366, or e-mail 2 D'Arbez, Het Leven van Johannes Calvin. 3 Gaudium et Spes #27, Southern Cross, 13,5,09. Archbishop: Act on human trafficking.




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PO Box 23632, Claremont, 7735, Cape Town, South Africa




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