Reforming Our Families - Reforming Our Nation

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2008 Vol 3 PO Box 23632 Claremont, 7735 Cape Town South Africa Tel: 021 689 4480 Fax: 021 685 5884 Email: Web:


“Therefore know that the Lord your God, He is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations of those who love Him and keep His Commandments.” Deuteronomy 7:9 The Bible tells us that God seeks “godly offspring…” Malachi 2:15. The family is

the basic building block of society. The battle for the family is in the very frontline of the World War of Worldviews.

Our Priority As a parent, one of my greatest desires and priorities is to bring up my children “in the training and instruction of the Lord.” Ephesians 6:4. I am to “train a child in the way he

should go…” Proverbs 22:6. My greatest concern is that my children grow up to love the Lord with all their heart, with all their soul, with all their mind, and with all their strength. I pray that my children will grow to love, to trust, obey, worship and serve God more consistently and more effectively than I have done.

This message was presented to an ACE educational conference in Kwazulu Natal.

As teachers we are to: “Tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, His power and the wonders he has done…so that the next generation would know them, even the children yet to be born, and they in turn will tell their children. Then they would put their trust in God and would not

forget His deeds but would keep His Commandments. They would not be…stubborn and rebellious…whose hearts were not loyal to God, whose spirits were not faithful to Him.” Psalm 78:4-8 (continued on page 4)

FIRE DESTROYS KWASIZABANTU MISSION AUDITORIUM The massive auditorium at KwaSizabantu Mission, in KwaZulu, was gutted by fire on Saturday morning, 14 June. The auditorium, which took ten years to build, included five kilometers of pews, and could seat 10,000 people, had been in use for over 18 years. Over 12,000 people, including King Goodwill Zwelentini of the Zulus, and Dr. Mangosuthu Buthelezi, attended the official opening of the auditorium in 1990. The structure was 18 metres high and included 32

In this Issue

steel girders running the full length of the roof. Each steel girder was set about 3 metres deep, with approximately 100 tons of concrete in each foundation.

Reforming Our Families - Reforming Our Nation


Fire Destroys Kwasizabantu Mission Auditorium Action Items Sexpo Outreach


Upcoming Events

The auditorium was designed by 14 June - a day of destruction. Creation Scientist Philip Stott, an engineer who The KwaSizabantu Mission has lectured extensively in auditorium has been used throughout the years for universities worldwide. services, ministers

8 8 8

Mizpah Declaration


Swedes Ban Porn from Prison Cells


Support International Life Chain Sunday - 5 Oct 2008


A Call to Return to the Law of God. Film Review - Bella

12 14

Save Lives - Stop Abortions


Celebrate the Reformation


Mobilise Prayer and Action for the Persecuted


(continued on page 2) Christian Action


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Fire Destroys KwaSizabantu Mission Auditorium (Continued from page 1)

The mission hosted a Youth Conference of over 5,000 young people from 30 June to 7 July. The mission arranged for 3 tents large enough to be joined together to accommodate the young people. The auditorium burns.

conferences, youth conferences, Christians for Tr u t h c o n f e r e n c e s a n d concerts such as for Handel's Messiah. The fire, apparently sparked by an electrical fault, broke out at about 9am Saturday morning, 14 June. Within 20 minutes the whole building had been swept by the fire. The central roof collapsed and almost all of the benches were consumed in the blaze. Fire fighters were unable to reach the blaze before the entire building had been consumed. The next morning, Sunday 15 June, the Sunday morning church service was held in the mission school hall which was overflowing. Rev. Erlo Stegen commented in his sermon that a building got burned not the Gospel and not God. He is convinced that this fire is not the end of anything, but the beginning of something new and far greater and better than before.

Extraordinary Revival KwaSizabantu Mission is one of the most extraordinary and successful mission stations on the continent of Africa. KwaSizabantu Mission was founded over 40 years ago when God graciously sent Revival amongst the Zulus. The Founder of KwaSizabantu Mission, Rev. Erlo Stegen, and his team of over 120 missionaries, have established mission stations, schools and congregations throughout Zululand, South Africa, and as far afield as France, Holland, Germany, Switzerland and Romania.

A Dynamic Ministry The school at KwaSizabantu Mission, Domino Servite, has often had the distinction of

5000 young people gathered at KwaSizabantu to hear the Word of God.

producing some of the top students in the country with the highest distinctions. The Cedar College of Education provides a four-year teacher training degree accredited by the Potchefstroom University of Higher Christian Education. The mission uses some of it's 340 hectares of land for intensive farming, a greenhouse project, producing vegetables of the highest quality. The mission includes a bakery, a jam factory, a dairy and yoghurt production plant, a water bottling factory, and Radio Kwezi, one of the largest Christian community radio stations in the c o u n t r y, w h i c h broadcasts 24 hours a day in four languages. KwaSizabantu is a Faith mission, which on principle does not

PO Box 23632, Claremont, 7735, Cape Town, South Africa Tel: 021 689 4480 Fax: 021 685 5884 Web: Publisher Africa Christian Action Editor Dr Peter Hammond Associate Editors Dorothea Scarborough Taryn Hodgson Lenora Hammond DTP Jan Barnard PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE Christian Action is published quarterly by Africa Christian Action. All articles and news items from this publication may be reproduced, or quoted from, on condition that due credit is given to Christian Action. Please also post, or email, us a copy of any article.

solicit funds or give any appeals for donations. It is a hive of productivity and a testimony to the Christian work ethic. It has thrived in spite of times of great opposition, slanderous campaigns and numerous death threats from enemies of the work. As Rev. Stegen has said: “Wherever God is at work, the devil is also there to do his dirty counter work. I'm of the opinion that the depth of God's work can be measured by the amount of opposition encountered.” A Hunger for Holiness Erlo Stegen was a missionary for 12 years before the Revival broke out. He was determined not to “play church.” He preached straight: “Repent and change your lives. If you don't you are on your way to hell.” He saw the debilitating and devastating impact of ancestral worship and witchcraft. “The early Church didn't tolerate sin. They had no room and no time for sin. They dealt with it most severely. We worship God and tolerate sin in our midst! If you pray for Revival, you are asking for something the world doesn't understand. We read the Bible so superficially that we cannot grasp what it is about.” “Revive Your work O God” became the prayer of his congregation. It was December 1966 when the Revival broke out. Erlo Stegen

Tents on the airstrip accomodated the Youth Conference.

(continued on page 3)


Christian Action


PO Box 23632, Claremont, 7735, Cape Town, South Africa




Fire Destroys KwaSizabantu Mission Auditorium (Continued from page 1)

books and several Bible translations - representing approximately 7 years of work. In the face of this catastrophe, probably the worst fire in mission history, William Carey praised God that no lives had been lost and he quoted Psalm 46: “Be still and know that the Lord is God.” Rising from the Ashes William Carey resolved to do better translations than the ones that were now ashes, and he consoled himself: “Every branch that beareth fruit, He purges it, that it may bring forth more fruit”; “The Lord has laid me low, that I might look more simply to Him”; “However vexing it may be, the road the second time travelled is usually taken with more confidence and ease than at the first.” William Carey also quoted Isaiah 61:14 and trusted God for better printing presses and more accurate translations - “A phoenix rising out of the ashes.”

Rev. Bill Bathman ministered at the KwaSizabantu Youth Conference.

explained that Revivals are terrifying things. When the Holy Spirit comes, He convicts us of sin, of righteousness and Judgment to come. “For God resists the proud.” 1 Peter 5:5 When the Fire Came Down “Judgment must begin at the House of God. The first thing that happens when the Holy Spirit comes into a person's life is that He convicts that person of sin. There is brokenness.” “In times of Revival the Word of God comes alive. It smights us and pierces our heart. The Word of God is like a hammer that breaks the rocks into pieces. It now became clear to me that it wasn't the heathen who were standing in the way of Revival. I could only cry out: 'Lord, there is only one person who hinders Your work and that is me! Please forgive me!'” They were praying in a cow shed when they heard a noise like a great wind. “Everyone was conscious of the presence of God. All I could do was to bow down and worship the God of Heaven.”

that our Lord Jesus Christ spoke about in John 7:38 began to flow, and today, over 40 years later, lives are still being transformed at the dynamic ministry of KwaSizabantu Mission. ( Fo r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , contact: KwaSizabantu Mission, Private Bag 252, Kranskop, 3268, South Africa, E-mail:, Tel: 0 3 2 - 4 8 1 - 5 5 0 0 , We b :

Pray for KwaSizabantu The Lord did indeed bless the Baptist mission at Serampore far greater than ever before, after this devastating fire. By God's mercies and grace, they obtained better printing presses, and became even more productive and effective.

The Fire of 1812 As we heard the shocking news of the fire at KwaSizabantu Mission, we at Frontline Fellowship, recalled the devastating fire of 1812, which destroyed William Carey's mission warehouse in Serampore. The fire of 1812 destroyed Carey's printing presses, 55,000 printed sheets, 1,200 reams of paper, whole sets of type for 14 languages and manuscripts for a Bengal Dictionary, 2 grammar

It is our sincere prayer that the Lord may graciously mobilise intercessors worldwide to rally behind KwaSizabantu Mission at this time of crisis and loss. That we may collectively trust the Lord for, and work towards, this magnificent mission in KwaZulu, rebuilding their auditorium and becoming even more effective and productive in the future.

Soon Rev. Stegen was busy counselling and praying for hundreds upon hundreds of sick, troubled and demon-possessed people. Witchdoctors came to Christ. People were healed. As the news of the incredible events spread like wildfire throughout the entire area, people flocked to Rev. Stegen and his coworkers. The Living Waters Christian Action


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“Those from among you shall build the old waste places; you shall raise up the foundations of many generations; and you shall be called the Repairer of the Breach, the Restorer of the streets to dwell in.” Isaiah 58:12 Dr. Peter Hammond -


Biblical Worldview Summit Participants registered from as far afield as Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, from all over South Africa, and from France and the USA. The Reclaiming Africa for Christ Biblical Worldview Summit was held at the Mizpah Conference Centre near Grabouw set in the mountains in a nature reserve overlooking a dam. Including day visitors, we had over 80 participants and 18 lecturers. During the BWS, the Deputy Director of Frontline Fellowship, Charl van Wyk, and Creation Science lecturer Phillip Stott, were held up in an attempted hijacking while enroute to record a radio programme. While two thugs pointed their automatic firearms at Uncle Philip threatening him and manhandling him, Charl drew his 9mm pistol, and opened fire - sending the assailants scurrying for cover. Charl then came under fire from a third assailant who was concealed by the side of the road in an ambush position. By God's grace, our speakers and vehicle escaped the attempted hijacking unharmed. We praise God for His protection. By God's grace, participants of the BWS had the joy of leading repentant individuals to Christ in prayer on the streets of G r a b o u w, a n d i n t h e townships. In a dramatic response to the first presentation of the course, two men stood up after Dr. Peter Hammond's presentation on God's Law vs Paganism, took out their earrings and said that they wanted to repent of body piercing. They came to the front, and knelt on the ground pouring out their hearts to the Lord in prayer, with many tears. (Many of the BWS lectures are available on audio CD or Mp3).



Reforming our Families - Reforming our Nation (Continued from page 1)

On the Day of Pentecost the Apostle Peter declared: “Repent and let everyone of you be baptised in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are far off, as many as the Lord your God will call.” Acts 2:37-39 “For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting, and His Tr u t h e n d u r e s t o a l l generations.” Psalm 100:5 As a father I am responsible to ensure that my sons and daughters are raised to become God-fearing fathers and mothers, who will in turn raise God-fearing sons and daughters, who will themselves become fathers and mothers who will love, honour, trust and obey God. We are to raise disciples who will raise other disciples, so that God's generational blessings are passed down and the chain unbroken. As parents and teachers our first priority is to ensure that our children will love God and His Word. Some of this can be taught, but most of it is caught. It is not enough for me to teach my children to love and honour God and His Word, it is vital that they see their parents and teachers love God and His Word. Our daily example is, in many ways, a more important teaching tool than our words. So whatever we teach our children, we need to model by example for them. Identify the Threats As we consider this vital priority of reforming our families in order to reform the nation, we need to first identify the threats to the family, to our churches and to our society. In the Book of Judges we read: “Another generation grew up,

who knew neither the Lord nor what He had done…they followed and worshipped various gods…they provoked the Lord to anger.” Judges 2:10 Who is raising your child? Has the TV become the family altar and the electronic baby sitter? Do you recognise the threat that the exploitative pornography industry poses to your child? All too many parents have allowed a Secular Humanist Department of Education, Planned Parenthood and Love-life to use their children as play dough in the experiments of social engineering. “My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you as My priests; because you have ignored the Law of your God, I also will ignore your children.” Hosea 4:6 In rural Africa threats to children often slither, sting or bite. I, and other Frontline Fellowship missionaries, have found scorpions in our sleeping bags, and snakes in our houses. One of our fears is that our inquisitive and adventurous children will encounter deadly green mamba snakes while burrowing through tunnels and exploring in the bush. In Sudan, parents have to warn their children not to touch unexploded bombs. Children walking to the well to fetch water in the Nuba Mountains, have been crippled by landmines, or even captured by Arab slave traders. Most of the Christian schools in Sudan have been bombed by the National Islamic Front government Air Force. At one Christian school, that I have ministered to, in the Nuba Mountains, in Kauda, nineteen children were killed and three crippled in just one aerial bombing raid.

Those kinds of threats to the lives, liberty and limbs of children are very visible and tangible. However, the more subtle threats to our children in the cities and towns are no less dangerous than those faced by Christians in Sudan. Do you recognise the threats posed to your children? The South African Police Services (SAPS) Child Protection Unit (CPU) revealed in a booklet that they published “Talk About Children at Risk” that South Africa was “fast becoming known as the premier sex tourism destination of the world, particularly because children's bodies are plentiful and cheap. It is common knowledge that this country is a world leader in the spread of HIV/AIDS.” Foreign paedophiles visit many parts of Africa in search of young bodies. The CPU police report noted that: “In 1996 the Films and Publications Act was passed, legalising pornography for the first time in the history of the country. This made it possible for child abusers, rapists and paedophiles to obtain all the materials they needed. Statistics tell the story as South African Police Service records show that child rape increased…over 400%.” This police report further stated that: “Research with child sexual offenders reveals that all have used child pornography.” The US Attorney Generals Commission on Pornography concluded that: “pornography plays a significant role in the occurrence of rape and child abuse…Pornography is the theory, rape is the practice. Pornography is a manual for rape and child abuse.” Our mothers, sisters, wives and daughters are precious and they deserve to be respected and protected. Any true man should be willing to do anything, even give his life,

to protect his mother, sister, wife, or daughter. Parents need to be prepared to protect their children from all threats.

Sarah Leach hands out balloons at an ACA outreach at Canal Walk.

There are other far more subtle threats to our children. The theory of evolution is often propagated by films, in many children's books, and in state school textbooks. Evolution is an attempt to abort God retroactively. To kill God in the minds of children. Evolution destroys all meaning, purpose, direction, justice and hope in life: “You came from nothing. You are going nowhere. Life is meaningless!” The Bible says: “The fool says in his heart, there is no God. They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good.” Psalm 14:1 Secular Humanist education attempts to kill God by eradicating Him from the classroom and from the minds of the next generation. By eliminating the Bible as the basis for all knowledge, humanists remove the very foundation of Truth. They prohibit the only objective standard by which reality can be evaluated. “See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world, rather than on Christ.” Colossians 2:8 Some time ago the principal of a state school showed me an official letter sent to every school in the country by the (continued on page 5)


Christian Action


PO Box 23632, Claremont, 7735, Cape Town, South Africa




Reforming our Families - Reforming our Nation (Continued from page 4)

Minister of Education. It complained about the habit of too many teachers coming to school late and leaving early to go to shabeens and brothels, often returning drunk, or failing to return at all! The Minster of Education also warned against “the prevalent practice” of teachers forcing students to have sex with them! This was “demeaning” and “an abuse of authority” he claimed! That this child abuse was commonplace in government schools was a terrible indictment, but that the Department of Education was not firing and prosecuting these child abusers and rapists, was, if anything, more shocking. By the time the average child graduates he or she will have spent 15,000 hours in school. What values and world view will he or she have learnt during that time? Nearly 500 years ago the great German Reformer, Martin Luther, warned: “I am much afraid that schools will prove to be wide gates to hell unless they diligently labour in explaining the Holy Scriptures, engraving them on the hearts of the youth. I advise no one to place his child where the Scriptures do not reign paramount. Every institution in which men are not constantly occupied with the Word of God must become corrupt.” Entertainment or Exploitation? Do you approve of adultery and fornication? Would you enjoy watching criminals beat their victims senseless? Could you regard graphic violence or brutal murders entertaining? Would you want your children to learn from immoral or occultic teachers? “Of course not!” we would be indignant at such a suggestion. Yet, how often don't we spend time unthinkingly watching such evils on TV? And how often do

our children sit in front of the TV and watch such programmes? Have you noticed how many of the childrens' cartoons depict graphic violence, immorality and occultism? Which of us would allow a stranger to come into our homes and reorganise our furniture? Yet daily we allow strangers, on the television or through magazines and music, to reorganise our thoughts. Surely none of us would tolerate a stranger coming into our home to teach or influence our children! Yet most parents allow strangers to be their single greatest influence on the mental and emotional development of their children through TV!

films and videos, throbbing and pulsating noise masquerading as music, and pornographic magazines, MMS, “My Face”, “Space Book”, Ipods and the Internet are filling the void in the aimless and meaningless lives of all too many young people.

Calvin and Daniela hand out Scripture balloons and Gospel literature in Somerset Mall.

“Since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, He gave them over to a depraved mind…” Romans 1:28 Researchers have observed that the negative effects of television addiction include: “Increased passivity, an increased tendency to be satisfied with being a spectator, decreased capacity for communication, a disturbing loss of p are n t al co n t ro l o v e r t he upbringing of their children, a progressive loss of commitment to standards of right and wrong, and a conditioning to accept standards of behaviour they previously rejected.”

One of the most serious threats to our children comes through the entertainment i n d u s t r y. Superficial, sensational and immoral material predominates in the modern entertainment industry and it is producing an increasingly superficial, selfish, mindless and immoral society. In households with television, the average child sees between 15,000 to 30,000 hours of television before leaving school (Nielsen Media Research). By the time he or she leaves school the average student will have seen up to 480,000 sexual acts or references to sex depicted on TV (US News and World Report and Media Research Centre).

“They perished because they refused to love the Truth and so be saved…all will be condemned who have not believed the Truth but delighted in wickedness.” 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12

During his high school years the average student listens to about 10,000 hours of music, much of it filled with sensual, immoral and occultic lyrics. The influence of parents and churches in the upbringing of most children today is declining at an alarming rate. The disintegration of many families, absentee parents, and a general absence of discipline have created a vacuum. Violent and immoral

What we see influences what we think, and what we think influences what we become, and what we do. Ideas have consequences. Actions flow from thought patterns. What form of education is moulding your thought patterns? What entertainment and news media is filling your mind? “Be very careful, then, how you live, not as unwise but as

“Their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.” Romans 1:21

wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.” Ephesians 5:15-16 “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable if anything is excellent or praiseworthy think about such things.” Philippians 4:8 Mutilating Bodies and Rotting Minds The selfishness and shortsightedness of modern society is also seen in litterstrewn, graffiti-vandalised communities. The filth, pollution and destruction of our environment, in which our children play and grow up, is also reflected in the selfmutilation and body piercing of a growing number of confused young people. Pierced noses and eyebrows, tongue studs and belly rings, along with acid rock, rap, hiphop and rave should be a wake-up call to any parent or teacher. Incredibly, however, all too many parents seem oblivious to the sullen, selfdestructive, rebellious attitudes that go along with this kind of body mutilating, mind rotting and soul destroying subculture. So what is the solution? The solution to all these threats are found in the Bible. Deuteronomy 6:2-9 is one of the most important passages in the Bible. It contains one of the most important statements in the Old (continued on page 6)

Christian Action


PO Box 23632, Claremont, 7735, Cape Town, South Africa





Reforming our Families - Reforming our Nation (Continued from page 5)

Testament: “Hear, O Israel: 'The Lord our God, the Lord is one.'” It presents the most important command: “Love the Lord your God, with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” And it emphasizes our first priority in obeying that command: “These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.” Deuteronomy 6:7-9 Make Disciples As parents, we are responsible before God to disciple our children. From the time we wake up, to the time we go to sleep, the Word of God is to govern our conversation and our actions. At home, or on the road, we are to talk about God's Word. We are to teach our children to memorise Scripture, especially the Ten Commandments. Everything we do with our hands or think with our minds is to be ruled by the Word of God. Our goal is to ensure that: “Your children and their children after them may fear the Lord your God as long as you live by keeping all His decrees and commands.” Deuteronomy 6:2 Identifying Idolatry This passage of Scripture is monumentally important. It comes straight after the r e s t a t i n g o f t h e Te n Commandments. In the Second Commandment, we are solemnly warned: “You shall not make for yourselves and idol in the form of anything…you shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the sin of the fathers to the third or


Christian Action


fourth generation of those who hate Me, but showing love to thousands who love Me and keep My commandments.” Deuteronomy 5:8-10 We must recognise the threat of idolatry. Rock idols, pop stars, Hollywood idols, sports idols, sex idols, even political idols are objects of reverence and obsessive adoration by all too many. The consequences of tolerating idolatry are devastating to the next generations. Multi-generational Yet, if we will be faithful in loving God and obeying His commandments, the result will be an unimaginable outpouring of God's blessings upon our children, grandchildren, greatgrandchildren “to a thousand generations.” What we do now will affect eternity. “Know therefore that the Lord your God is God; He is the Faithful God, keeping His Covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love Him and keep His commands.” Deuteronomy 7:9 Are you doing everything possible to ensure that your children are learning to love and obey God? Are you discipling your children, or grandchildren, by instruction and by example? Do you regularly pray for your children? Do you regularly pray with your children? Are you regularly reading the Scriptures to your children? Are you training your children in Scripture memorisation? “Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve…but as for Me and My household, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15

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Witchcraft Repackaged Yet all around us we see children, even with Christian parents, who are growing up with more enthusiasm for Pokemon and Harry Potter than for the Lord Jesus and the Bible. “Another generation grew up, who knew neither the Lord nor what He had done…” We a r e c o m m a n d e d i n Scripture: “Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them slip from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them.” Deut 4:9 “Their children, who do not know this Law, must hear it and learn to fear the Lord your God…” Deuteronomy 31:13 Failures Never to Forget The Bible includes many frightening examples of tragic failure by Christian leaders to adequately disciple and discipline their children in the ways of the Lord. The High Priest Eli failed to restrain his sons (who were priests) from dishonorable and disastrous conduct (1 Samuel 3:13). The children of the Prophet Samuel also behaved in a m o s t d i s g r a c e f u l w a y, accepting bribes and perverting justice (1 Samuel 8:3). King David's failure to discipline his rebellious sons, Amnon and Absalom, had disastrous consequences for the kingdom, even leading to civil war. Of the stories of the Exodus from Egypt, and Israel's wandering in the wilderness, the Scriptures says: “These things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us…” 1 Corinthians 10:11

A Word of Warning The Scriptures also warn us of a time that will come when: “People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God; having a form of godliness, but denying it's power…always learning but never able to acknowledge the Truth.” 2 Timothy 3:2-7 This description could so accurately be applied to much of what is going on in our society today. God Fearing Children In the light of the overwhelming pressures which assail the family, and the relentless temptations which surround young people in the lust-saturated media of today, parents must take extraordinary steps to ensure that their children are raised in the love and the fear of the Lord. We need to lay solid foundations and good habits which will discipline, disciple, strengthen and prepare our children for lives of godliness and productive service in our congregations, communities and countries. It is essential that we establish Bible-based homes. There are many ways we can do this. Firstly we can establish the principle of the Bible before

The ACE Administrators Seminar. (continued on page 7)




Reforming our Families - Reforming our Nation (Continued from page 6)

four-year old children can memorise the Lord's Prayer and some basic Scriptures.

Dr. Peter Hammond presented this message to the Accelerated Christian Education Administrators Seminar.

breakfast. Encourage each member of the family to conduct their personal Devotions before breakfast, or read a passage of Scripture or a Devotional passage together as a family before breakfast. As evening meals tend to be the most important time of fellowship in most families, it would be ideal to establish the principle of Scripture before Supper. This could include reading a chapter of the Psalms or Proverbs every night, or working through some kind of Devotional book. In our family at the moment we are working through C.H. Spurgeon's Morning and Evening. Some families may prefer Devotions after dinner, which could be done around the meal table, in a bedroom, or in the lounge. The important thing is that Scripture, Psalms, Hymns and prayer should be a daily part of every Christian home. This does not mean that these family Devotions need to be long. In fact, particularly in families with small children, it is wise to keep family Devotions short, cheerful and focused. Children thrive on repetition, and so one could incorporate basic memorisation of the Lord's P r a y e r, t h e Te n Commandments and the Apostles Creed. Even three or Christian Action


One of the most important times for any Christian family with children should be Bible stories and prayer before bed. This should be an enjoyable and vibrant time of fellowship, either cuddling up to you on the couch or on the bed, using colourful storybook pictures if possible and regularly asking questions and involving the younger children in these great stories from God's Word. Control Over Our Time Now many parents will protest that they don't have the time for all this. Well, actually you will have the time - if you ruthlessly cut down on television and newspapers. In the light of eternity, what good have the multiplied hours spent each week in front of the TV set and pouring over your local scandal rags done for either you or your children? Cut out TV and you will have enough time to disciple your children. A Christian Calendar From the earliest, we need to teach our children a love and respect for God's Word, for His Church and for the Lord's Day. Children thrive on routine and rhythm. That is why ensuring that our calendars reflect our Faith is most important. Habits and routine are a vital part of discipleship. We make time for those things we deem important. God has decreed that we work six days and give the seventh to rest and worship. It was so important to God that He gave us His example to follow, by resting after He created the universe. As Christians, we should repent for allowing the Lord's Day to become so encroached upon and desecrated by shopping, sports and worldly entertainment. Sir Winston Churchill said:

PO Box 23632, Claremont, 7735, Cape Town, South Africa

“Sunday is a Divine and priceless institution, the necessary pause in the national life. It is the birthright of every British subject, our responsibility, privilege and duty to hand on to posterity.” The great British abolitionist and Member of Parliament William Wilberforce wrote: “There is nothing in which I recommend you to be more strictly resolute than in keeping the Sabbath holy; and by this I mean, not only abstaining that day from all unbecoming sports and common business, but from time consuming and frivolous conversation, which often leads to a sad waste of this precious Day.” The Reformer of Geneva, John Calvin, declared: “The city will be safe if God be truly and devoutly worshipped, and this is attested by the sanctification of the Sabbath…” Respecting Authority It is essential that we teach our children respect for authority. Starting with their parents, and then for grandparents, uncles and aunts, authority in the church and in society. Respect for God, respect for people and respect for property are foundational to Christian civilisation. Bible Memorisation Scripture memorisation is a vital tool in discipleship. “How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to Your Word…I have hidden Your Word in My heart that I might not sin against You.” Psalm 119:9-11

These principles of: respect for authority, for the Lord's Day and for the Lord's House, love for God's Word, the Bible, and for God's people; feeding our children's hearts and minds with examples of excellence from Scripture and Christian history; ensuring that they receive the Bible before breakfast, Scripture before supper and are sent to bed only after Bible stories and prayer, with much of the Scriptures stored up in their hearts through Scripture memorisation will ensure that...“When he is old, he will not turn from it.” Proverbs 22:6 Daily Discipleship Let us disciple our children by word and deed, by our lives and by our lips, by education and by example, consistently. “Let the Word of Christ dwell in your heart richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom and as you sing Psalms, Hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, whether in word or in deed, do it all in the Name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Fa t h e r t h r o u g h H i m . ” Colossians 3:16-17 Dr Peter Hammond is Coauthor of Reforming our Families. This message was presented at the Accelerated Christian Education Seminar. The message is also available on Audio CD (with the PowerPoint presentation).

“Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” Psalm 119:105 Building on the Rock If we build our children's lives upon the Rock of God's Word, then they will stand in the storms of life that most surely will assail them (Matthew 7:2427).






“Who will rise up for Me against the evildoers? Who will stand up for Me against the workers of iniquity?” Psalm 94:16 When a “Sexpo” was advertised to take place in the Cape Town International Convention Centre, Africa Christian Action launched a campaign to expose and oppose this. Through a vigorous letter to the editor campaign, letters to the Mayor, many phone calls, emailings and radio programmes, alerted Christians in Cape Town and sought to mobilise opposition to this outrageous event. Many contacts of ACA reported back on replies that they had received from the Mayor's office, and on letters to the editor published in their community newspapers. Some outraged citizens ripped down posters of the Sexpo. Other posters were defaced or had pro-family stickers placed on them. All over town bumper stickers declared: Real men don't use porn; Pornography ruins a mind, and other slogans in Afrikaans and Xhosa.


Christian Action


Africa Christian Action held a placard protest, prayer vigil, literature distribution and personal evangelism outreach at the Cape Town International Convention Centre. Some came to pray and spent the time outside the Convention Centre, either on their knees, or standing, praying the Scriptures interceding for our city. Others held placards declaring: Porn exploits women; Porn is the theory rape is the practice; Pornography fuels crime; Women are not objects; Sexpo = gateway to perversion; Child sexual offenders have ALL used child pornography; Women need protection and respect ban porn! Execute rapists! “If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” John 8:36; and Boycott Hell! Repent!

Frontline Fellowship engaged in a vigorous literature distribution and personal evangelism of delegates and exhibitors to the Sexpo. The placard protest attracted much media attention and prominent articles - with photographs - published in Die Burger, The Weekend Argus and the Sunday Times. Radio KFM came and conducted spot interviews with protestors and evangelists at the CTICC. Taryn conducted numerous interviews with the press, and continues to receive invitations to deal with the subject on radio. One of her radio interviews was with a Muslim radio station. The protestors and evangelists came under some pressure from the CTICC security officials who insisted that we had no right to be there. We informed them that we most certainly had a constitutional right to freedom of speech, freedom of religion and the right to protest. They informed us that the CTICC was private property and we were trespassing. Dr. Peter Hammond pointed out that in fact no one was trespassing inside the Convention Centre, nor even at their doorways or stairs. All the protestors were on the public pavement. The security officials then claimed that they owned the pavement as well and that we had to go across the main road to the pavement facing the Convention Centre! Dr.

Shortly after this some city police arrived claiming that we were trespassing and that we had to move to across the road. The policeman concerned admitted that he had been summoned by the CTICC people, and that he was responding to their complaint. He acknowledged that the Mayor's office had informed him that we were having a protest there, but claimed that we had no right to distribute any literature. Dr. Hammond pointed out to him that distribution of Gospel literature falls under freedom of religion, and is an inalienable right. The policeman said he was going toUPCOMING check with his superiors and get back to us. However, EVENTS he never returned and the (continued on page 9)

29 June to 6 July 2007 Biblical Worldview Summit - Cape Town 29 June to 18 July 2007 5Great - 7 September 2008 Course - Cape Town Commission For Truth Conference - KZN 1 -Christians 7 July 2007 5 October 2008 KwaSizabantu Youth Conference - KZN International Life Chain Sunday 9 August 2007 25 October 2008 Woman’s Day Outreaches Reformation Seminar - Cape Town 731 - 9October September 2008 2007 Christians Truth Conference ReformationFor Celebration Service 1PM- KZN Huguenot2007 Monument 7 -October 9Life November Chain 2008 Day2007 of Prayer for 25International - 31 October the PersecutedCelebration Church Reformation 8 - 16 December 2007 KwaSizabantu Youth Conference - KZN

In addition to the placard protest and prayer vigil, missionaries of KwaSizabantu M i s s i o n , Waymakers and

PO Box 23632, Claremont, 7735, Cape Town, South Africa

Hammond reminded them that the pavement was a public thoroughfare and as it had municipal traffic signs on it that confirmed that this was public property and we would continue to pray, protest and distribute Gospel literature on the pavement surrounding the CTICC.




Sexpo Outreach (continued from page 8)

by the “work” they were doing and longed for a way out. One of them requested more copies of our “ Fr e e d o m Fr o m Pornography” leaflet to give to her friends.

literature distribution and personal evangelism continued uninterrupted. By God's grace, many hundreds of Gospel leaflets were handed to people going in to the Expo or coming out of it, and many evangelistic conversations resulted. Clive Human of STOP (Standing To g e t h e r Oppo s i n g Pornography) had conversations with numerous prostitutes who were “working” at the Sexpo. Each of them felt degraded and exploited

John Leach of Waymakers, spent hours sharing the Gospel with passers-by and delegates to the Sexpo. He recognised some professing Christians and challenged them, calling them to repentance. Gerhard Le Roux of KwaSizabantu Mission also recognised some professing Christians attempting to enter the Sexpo and confronted them with the Gospel. Dr. Peter Hammond spent over 40 minutes counselling

one young man who had planned to go into the Sexpo, but turned around and acknowledged that while he had planned to come there to sin, it was obviously God's plan that he heard the Gospel instead. One of the protestors, Gail, challenged some of the Africans who were wearing the Sexpo posters as sandwich

adverts. Some admitted to being “born again Christians” and being ashamed of what they were doing. Numerous left the area and resolved not to “serve satan” again. “Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.” Ephesians 5:11

WOMAN ABUSED BY ABORTIONISTS CASE GOES TO COURT emergencies in their clinics. This incident is also important because the woman clearly remembers not being given any counselling prior to the abortion. Visit the JASA website at:: for the affidavit of the lady. Earlier this year, Africa Christian Action reported on an appalling incident at the Cape Town Marie Stopes Abortuary where a woman came close to death because no doctor was present and apparently no resuscitation equipment in working order was available. Visit for Christian Action


the full story. John Smyth QC of the Justice Alliance of South Africa has agreed to a request to assist the Western Cape Department of Health in their current court case against Marie Stopes. JASA has long been concerned about the attempts by Marie Stopes to flout the requirements of the Abortion Amendment Act in respect of their facilities for

PO Box 23632, Claremont, 7735, Cape Town, South Africa

JASA needs more examples of patient abuse at Marie Stopes Clinics to back up their case. (One patient - the pre-born baby- is always abused, in fact murdered, in each incident, but these cases will help to expose the callousness and cruelty of abortionists). Please send us any examples of abuse of the current Abortion -


legislation (we will pass these on to JASA). The cases will be treated with full confidentiality. Abortion is never safe or pain free. It leaves one dead and one wounded. “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves.” Proverbs 31:8 Taryn Hodgson Web:


THE MIZPAH DECLARATION Delegates from as far afield as Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, from all over South Africa, and from France and the USA participating in the Reclaiming Africa for Christ Biblical Worldview Summit at Mizpah near Cape Town, South Africa, adopted The 42 Articles of the Essentials of a Christian Worldview. This document, The Essentials of a Christian Worldview, incorporates 2,000 years of the Church's orthodox, historically accepted theology and touches on a full range of theological and philosophical points necessary to outline the Biblical Worldview. It has been described as one of the m o s t d e t a i l e d , comprehensive, yet concise statement of the Biblical Worldview yet produced. The 42 Articles of Affirmation and Denial on The Essentials of a Christian Worldview is the result of many years work by the Coalition on Revival, a network of Evangelical leaders who share a vision for, and a commitment to, Re v i v a l , r e n e w a l a n d Reformation in both Church and society.

The Christian Action Network is affiliated to the Coalition on Revival and has adopted The 42 Articles of the Essentials of a Christian Worldview. The Christian Action Network includes 57 member organisations, missions and ministries committed to the fulfillment of the Great Commission, and to Reformation and Revival. Member ministries and associates of the Christian Action Network are in Burundi, Cameroon, the Congo, Kenya, Ghana, Liberia, Malawi, Nigeria, South Africa, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

God, the Nature of the Universe, the Nature of Truth, the Nature of True Values, the Nature of Authority, the Nature of Salvation, the Nature of Human Government and the Nature and Purpose of History.

Essentials of a Christian Worldview can be viewed on or on the website of the International Church Council: or on the website of the Coalition on Revival:

It is most timely and appropriate that these 42 Articles of a Christian Wo r l d v i e w have been adopted at t h e Reclaiming The 42 articles of a Christian Worldview were adopted as The Mizpah Declaration at the Reclaiming Africa for Christ Biblical Worldview Africa for Summit. C h r i s t Biblical Worldview Summit. Christian leaders dedicated to missions and Reformation, from all over Africa, prayerfully c o n s i d e r e d a n d enthusiastically adopted these articles. The Essentials of a Christian Worldview will be invaluable Spiritual and intellectual ammunition in the World War of Worldviews raging in all too many colleges, seminaries and universities today.

“If My people, who are called according to My Name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from Heaven, I will forgive their sin and I will heal their land.� 2 Chronicles 7:14

The 42 Articles of the Essentials of a Christian Worldview cover the Nature of

Masai delegates from Kenya at the Biblical Worldview Summit with Rev. Bill Bathman and Dr. Peter Hammond.


Christian Action


George Oesche of KwaSizaBantu Mission addressing the Biblical Worldview Summit.

PO Box 23632, Claremont, 7735, Cape Town, South Africa

Dr. Peter Hammond For further information contact: International Coordinator of the Christian Ac t i o n N e t w o r k Ta r y n Hodgson on 072-215-4801 or (021) 689-4480, E-mail:; or write to: Christian Action Network, P.O. Box 23632, Claremont, 7735, Cape Town, South Africa.

It provides a powerful Biblebased response to the onslaught of Humanism which is threatening many aspects of our churches and family life today. The full 42 Articles of the -



Swedes Ban Porn from Prison Cells April 1. The debate c a m e a f t e r Parliament received complaints from correctional authorities, who previously had little power in regulating material for prisoners.

C h r i s t i a n a t t o r n e y Pa t Trueman is applauding a decision by authorities in Sweden to ban pornography from prisons in that country. The ban will give officials at correctional facilities the power to prohibit certain pornography and other reading materials that is deemed "unbeneficial" for the prisoner. Members of Swedish Parliament concluded debate on the proposed ban last week, which will take effect on

country, officials there recognize the problem pornography poses to prisoners. "What they're seeing, apparently, is the harmful effects that everyone else in the world can see from pornography," he shares. "There's no positive effect -and so the Swedish Parliament decided that despite their liberal views, they had to stop the harm from pornography.”

In Stockholm, a spokesperson from the Christian Democrat party reportedly said it would not be reasonable to think a prisoner serving time for sex crimes should be given access to pornography. In contrast, the Social Democrat party opposed the proposal, arguing its goes against fundamental human rights to ban pornography.

Trueman argues that government officials in the U.S. should follow Sweden's lead and investigate how prison inmates are affected by access to porn. "We still haven't been able to face the fact that the Swedish Parliament has faced, and

that is that pornography harms," the attorney laments. In America, he explains, porn is considered "sort of 'macho' material." "The [U.S.] military has trouble with it; we have trouble in general society; we have trouble in the prisons with men who spend their time looking at pornography rather than being rehabilitated or reading good literature or good magazines," he notes. Trueman argues that prisoners should not have a fundamental right to possess pornography. Allie Martin,

Pat Trueman with the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) in Arizona says even though Sweden is known as a liberal

Support International Life Chain

Sunday - 5 October 2008

Every 2 minutes of every working day, a pre-born baby is murdered in South Af r i c a . O v e r 7 5 0 , 0 0 0 babies have been legally killed through abortion in South Africa, since 1 February 1997.There are many women facing a crisis pregnancy in your city. They need to be reached and helped. Many women's lives are being wrecked by the devastating physical and psychological consequences of abortion. God's Word commands us: "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves." (Proverbs 31:8). The Life Chain is an international prayer vigil and peaceful placard protest against the abortion holocaust. Last year, Life Chains were held Christian Action


at busy intersections in C a p e T o w n , Bloemfontein, Mossel Bay and Durban. If you are in Cape Town, join Africa Christian Action in Buitengracht Street (near the entrance to the Water Front) at 2:00pm on Sunday, 5 October. Through the Life Chains we pray that the Lord will: ? Bring conviction of sin to those who have worked to legalise this slaughter of the innocent; ? Persuade abortionists to repent from this evil; ? Comfort mothers who are going through a crisis pregnancy by showing that many Christians do care; ? Encourage medical

PO Box 23632, Claremont, 7735, Cape Town, South Africa

personnel to have no part in the killing of pre-born babies; ? Save the lives of many preborn babies who are scheduled for abortions. Contact Christian Action for advice on organising a -


Life Chain in your city. “Rescue those who are led away to death; hold back those staggering towards slaughter.” Proverbs 24:11 Taryn Hodgson Web:


A CALL TO RETURN TO THE LAW OF GOD by Dorothea Scarborough In recent months three significant events have taken place in South Africa: The first was the Mighty Men's Conference (17-19 April on a farm near Greytown), the second was the National Initiative for the Reformation of South Africa [NIRSA], (22-23 April in Boksburg), and the third was the Million Man March (10 June in Pretoria). These gatherings called on South Africans to return to God and His Law. The Mighty Men's Conference was organised by Angus Buchan, the farmer and author of “Faith like Potatoes.” It drew more than 60 000 men in a true spirit of revival. The National Initiative for Reformation (NIRSA) was called by Dr Michael Cassidy of Africa Enterprise and brought together 450 church leaders for urgent prayer and action. It also focussed on p o v e r t y, A I D S , c r i m e , corruption, family breakdown, and xenophobia. The Million Man March was s t a g e d b y t h e broadcaster/comedian Desmond Dube. Five thousand men and women marched up to the Union Buildings as a protest against the high rate of crime. The message was clear:Secularism does not work. We need to come back to the Lord. We need to trust Him, obey His Law, and follow our Saviour Jesus Christ. “Righteousness exalts a

nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people.” Proverbs 14:34 The united commitment of all these people and their millions of sympathisers shows the great longing of South Africans to return to a godly and civilised life. For crime has become so intense that nearly every family in the land has been affected by it. “In 2007-2008,” records Shaun Willcock of Bible Based Ministries, “South Africa, with a population of an estimated 49.9 million people, had 31 000 murders that's a murder rate of 65.27 per 100 000 people. Only one country had a higher number of murders for the same period: India with 32 000.” But India has a population of 1.13 billion, and thus her crime percentage is well below that of South Africa. “That's not all,” continues Willcock, “In the same 2007-2008 period, 54 900 women were raped in SA. That's a rate of rape of 115.8 per 100 000 people… The statistics are horrifying: over 4.6 million South Africans have been victims of violent crime.” Children a heritage of the Lord, or a sorrow to their parents? Youths are to honour the Lord and make their parents' hearts glad. But the prisons of South Africa are full to overflowing with them. “SA's imprisonment rate, at 348/100 000 of the population, is the highest in Africa,” writes Sue

Blaine in Business Day. “The prison population is very young (38% are younger than 25), very violent (72% were convicted of violent crimes) and while there are about 163 000 prisoners in SA of whom 53 000 have not yet been sentenced 360 000 people 'circulate' through the prison system each year.”

Holy Scriptures, engraving them on the hearts of the youth. I advise no one to place his child where the Scriptures do not reign paramount. Every institution in which men are not constantly occupied with the Word of God must become corrupt.” If they ask for bread, will you give them a stone? The two most endangered professions in South Africa are the police and the farmers. Policemen are murdered at the rate of 153 per 100 000 people, but farmers are murdered at the rate of 313 per 100 000 people. In 2007 the SA Institute of Race Relations recorded that, between 1991 and 2006, 1564 farmers had been killed in 10 000 farm attacks, and that the killing was accelerating. “Put this into perspective,” says Willcock. “The world average for murder is 5 in every 100 000 of the population. In the United States, the figure is 4 per 100 000 people, and in countries such as Australia, Chile, France, etc., the figure is only one per 100 000.” - Did not even the wise king Solomon ask: “Why do people commit crimes so readily?” He came to the conclusion: “Because crime is not punished quickly enough.” (Eccl. 8:11)

Children are a gift of God to be brought to Jesus and taught the commandments. But a National Schools Violence Study, conducted by the Centre for Justice and Crime Prevention (CJCP), showed that 1.8 million of South Africa's c. 12 million pupils (15.3% of Grades 3-12) have suffered violence at school from verbal abuse to sexual assault and rape. About every tenth school child has a caregiver or parent who has been in jail, and almost every fifth has a sibling who has been in prison. “These children have criminal role models,” says Patrick Burton of the CJCP. Children take the brunt of crime. 19.5% (as against 4.7% adults) have been victims of theft. 16.5% (as against 2.2% adults) have been assaulted. Figures like these should compel us to again teach the fear and love of God in our schools. Nearly 500 years ago Martin Luther warned: “I am much afraid that schools will prove to be wide gates to hell unless they diligently labour in explaining the


Christian Action


PO Box 23632, Claremont, 7735, Cape Town, South Africa


In spite of the threat to South Africa's food source, State President Thabo Mbeki, on 2.5.08, told 15 religious (continued on page 13) -


said we could rent the farm for 5 years and have the first option of buying it back!!!”

leaders that he “unashamedly supported” President Mugabe. How? Zimbabwe's farmers have been driven off the land. Her people are starving. Five out of twelve million have fled the country. The land is racked by violence and gripped by hyperinflation. Mugabe has even declared war on his people, should they vote for the opposition in the repeat election on 27 June. Yet, the South African government is also preparing for the dispossession of its white farmers. It has drafted an Expropriation Act, and when this comes into effect in July 2008 the government will be able to expropriate farm land and “any property in the public interest or for public purposes.” Property owners will have no legal right to dispute the price offered. This is “legal theft,” says the Transvaal Agricultural Union (TAU). Land restitution has already caused shortages and food now needs to be imported. In 1994 South Africa had between 60 000 and 65 000 commercial farmers, now there are only 40-45 000. The TAU reports that “in the Levubu area - South Africa's 'fruit basket' where almost all farms are under claim, 80% of farmers have been lost in the past decade. The Mail & Guardian reports that in the fertile Levubu valley, production has decreased from 300 tons a week to 60.” But having coveted and claimed the land, the new owners often shirk its attendant responsibilities. In Rapport's aanlyn etiket a farmer's wife writes: “I am not a politician, but I am staying on a farm which has already been claimed, and I am renting another which was also claimed. Not one of the claimants wants to live on it. They lease it back to me at a ridiculously low price… They do not want to stay here themselves. On the contrary, they Christian Action


The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom It is not a moment too soon that South Africa is looking to God for help, recognising that these are not political problems but problems of the human heart. Present conditions reveal a spiritual and moral sickness which only God can heal. The Bible says: “What does the Lord your God ask of you, but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in all his ways, to love him, to serve the Lord your God with all of your heart and with all of your soul.” (Deuteronomy 10:12) The Mighty Men's Conference, the National Initiative for the Reformation of South Africa (NIRSA), and the Million Man March have given us a sign. Their leaders have acted as prophets for our age. They have called us to repentance and obedience. Angus Buchan, Dr Michael Cassidy and Desmond Dube have made a beginning. It is time to follow their call and appoint a day of national repentance for all, a day of prayer when South Africans of every sphere of life can recommit themselves to the Lord and His Law. Africa Christian Action, led by Dr Peter Hammond, has long observed such a day on the anniversary of the legalisation of abortion. But now is the time for the whole nation to unite and “repent and believe in the gospel.” South Africa needs to let the Lord reign. He is sovereign! “For the LORD is our Judge, the LORD is our Lawgiver, the LORD is our King; it is He who will save us.” Isaiah 33:22 D. Scarborough Gospel Defence League P O Box 587, Sea Point, 8060 TEL/FAX (021) 510-6854

PO Box 23632, Claremont, 7735, Cape Town, South Africa






Pro- Life Premiere By God's grace, we were invited by Humble Pie to set up an Africa Christian Action Pro-Life literature display and table at the cinema complex in Cavendish Square (Cape Town). This was for the premiere of “Bella” a big screen film with a strong Pro-Life message. The premiere began with a documentary produced by Humble Pie Entertainment on the Pro-Life movement in South Africa, which included interviews with Dr. Peter Hammond filmed at Livingstone House, as well as the Pro-Choice ramblings of a Marie Stopes clinic abortionist which provided a good contrast. The theatre was packed out, with some people sitting on the floor, and much interest in our message. The American conservative magazine, World, recently commented that “Hollywood


Christian Action


is changing their minds about "choice" and its showing up on the silver screen.” World went on to say that several recent films that have depicted a woman facing an unplanned pregnancy, have shown her choosing against abortion. A new film with a pro-life message is Bella, which has been immensely popular and won numerous awards in the USA. Bella opens up with the wonderful narration, "If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans." Jose has just been signed to a big soccer contract. Filled with joy, Jose is a good-looking, clean-cut, athletic young man at the top of his game. Cut to a bearded, downhearted Jose cooking in his brother Manny's restaurant. When Nina, the waitress, comes in late, Manny fires her. Jose goes after her to befriend her, not to

PO Box 23632, Claremont, 7735, Cape Town, South Africa

romance her. He finds out she is contemplating an abortion. He asks her if she'll consider adoption. He even says that he'll adopt the child. Manny, meanwhile, is furious that Jose, his top chef, has walked out. Jose, however, is trying to help Nina. He takes her to his parents' house on Long Island. Jose's family is a delightful group of Spanishspeaking immigrants. They evidently love each other deeply. Whilst not an explicitly Christian film (there is no Gospel message), the worldview of the film is generally Christian, and contains a good pro-life message. With over 700 000 babies murdered by abortion in South Africa since 1997, it is no wonder that South Africa is one of the most violent countries in the world (excluding countries at war). The message of this film, that each Life is valuable and precious, including pre-born babies, is much needed in this country. While the film has some creative symbolism, it is not apparent to the average viewer and is only recognised on a second viewing. One can see why this film would be appealing and meaningful to the lost generation of the 21st century who have broken hearts, lives and families. The lead character, Nina and her



distant, unresponsive mother and rebellious teenage years are reflective of far too many c o n t e m p o r a r y We s t e r n families. The film does, however have a positive, redemptive message that God can turn our failings for good. Jose's sense of hope and meaning in life is restored by adopting Nina's daughter, Bella. Some scenes are very slowmoving and possibly even unnecessary. More time could have given to filling in “gaps” in the plot. The filmmakers perhaps wanted to avoid being “preachy” and therefore avoided an explicit pro-life message in the dialogue of the characters. The film therefore perhaps lacks a strong “punch”. However, it is still very worthwhile, especially for non-Christians who would not ordinarily attend a pro-life event. For more info on Humble Pie events visit their website at: “Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter. If you say, 'But we knew nothing about this', does not He who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not He who guards your life know it? Will not He repay each one according to what he has done?” Proverbs 24:11-12 Taryn Hodgson


Subscribers pay R60 per year (only R5 per month!), and this will cover the printing and postage costs, of 4 issues a year. (Overseas subscribers $20. Please send to Frontline Fellowship USA 1177 Branham lane PMB413, San Jose, C A, 95118USA ( Supporters pay R120 (only R10 per month!) and not only cover direct costs, but very importantly contribute to the research, writing and action expenses. Each supporter will receive a free copy of Reforming our Families or Power of Prayer Handbook (please include your choice) and regular updates by Email. Partners pay R1200 or more (only R100 per month!) and enable us to expand the action we take, address more issues, make more resources available, become better equipped and staffed and make a greater difference. Each Partner will receive a free copy of Reforming our Families and Biblical Principles for Africa (much expanded New Edition). We are the Salt of the Earth and the Light of the World. The future of Africa is in the balance. Will Christians resolve to work for Reformation and pray for Revival, or remain passive and accept the humanists' agenda?

OR pay into account: Name: Christian Action Network Bank: Standard Bank Account number: 072906901 Branch: Kromboom Branch number: 026209 Please use your name as the reference, and fax us the deposit slip (fax number: 021-685 5884), with your name and postal address, or e-mail the amount, date paid, reference and your postal address to:

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