It's me

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ÂŤThose who know nothing of foreign languages,know nothing of their ownÂť (J.Goethe)

More about me

I am glad to meet you!

My name is Ljubov Kondik

In 1984 I graduated from the Barnaul Pedagogical Institute

I have been an English teacher and work at Burlinskaja secondary school

My quality time

I like teaching, being with my familly, learning new things, reading. My hobbies: ribbon embroidery,

It is not methodolgy that is the most important factor to me. It is the rapport /understanding betweentothe teacher and student. I believe I Double-click enter text have motivated students in learning English.

A teacher must take on the roles of three different individuals

-First, the teacher is an educator who has the principle knowledge of the various methods and techniques to make learning successful.

-Second, the teacher is an expert in a subject area who has the knowledge of the current philosophies and standards of the industry

Third, the teacher is an interactive individual who is able to establish and maintain contacts with students, administrators and the community

The teacher has a sacred mission which he should believe in and of course without teachers there won't be any Double-click to enter other jobs thattext help construct our world so we are the most important profession yet still there are those who don't believe in our job and mission yet.

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