Haunted Garden

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The Haunted Garden Deadly Avenue ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are many stories about this beautiful garden… As we entered “Leaf Tree Garden”, Samantha waited outside. “Oh, I’ve heard those stories!” Mack said. “The Garden is haunted by the man who used to take care of it before he died”. I felt fear. Not a regular fear. This fear was scarier than any I’ve faced before. “And how are you so sure those stories are true?” I asked. “Oh Lea! Are you scared?” Randy asked. He made that annoying face. “No! Are you?” I asked. “It doesn’t matter!” he responded. “Let’s see if you really are saying the truth. Go in there!” Randy said. “No! Are you crazy? I might actually die!” I said. “Well, I’ll open the door for you!” he said heading towards the garden. “See? No harm” he said. Just then, a brick flew and hit the back of Randy’s head. He fell and didn’t move. He was unconscious…

Chapter 1 Lake House School’s Story-Tellers I attend Lake House School and I am 14. My name is Leanne Rose Woodford. People call me Lea. Crazy things happen on Deadly Avenue. My friend’s name is Samantha Floranda. I’m walking to school but I first stopped at my friend’s house so we can walk together. “Hey, Lea! Just in time! I was putting on my hot new shoes!” Samantha said. Samantha is all about fashion… at least that’s what I think… “So! What are you planning to do for the talent show?” Samantha asked. “I don’t know. You?” I asked. “I might show everyone my cool outfits!” she responded. I frowned at her. “I mean… the one’s I made of course!” she said. On our way to school, we stopped to see one of the gardens. There were many trees and flowers. “Oh wow! Look!” I said. “Big deal!” said Samantha. I stopped to see one of the signs. It read: Leaf Tree Garden Property of house 1180 Fantasy World for Plants Then there was a sign next to it with old paint saying; DO NOT ENTER OR SUFFER THE CONCEQUENCES! It looked like an old building. When we got to school, we met up with our friend Mack Shorren. “Hey Lea and Sam” he said. “It’s Samantha! Don’t call me ‘Sam’!” Samantha said. “Ok, ok! So what have you done lately?” Mack asked. “Just writing a report!” Samantha said. Mack made a puzzled face. “You know… the one for homework!?” Samantha said. “Oh my gosh! I forgot!” Mack said. “Your in big trouble!” I said, almost laughing. When we got to class, Ms. Hallen called for a report. The report had to be a story actually. “So who wants to go first?” she asked. Mack lowered his face. “I DO!” Samantha shouted. “OK then, come over here and share your story! Remember… it has to be a true story!” Ms. Hallen said. “Yes I know!” Samantha said. And she began. “Fashion for Everyone” was the title. “People are begging for great fashion. Cool, hip, pink… ANYTHING!” she read. “But now you are going to encounter a store that will bring it all! Clothing Shopping! The store includes fabulous shoes, shirts, and pants! Even fancy hats! Be there or be lame!” she finished.

“Wow… you always leave me speechless, Samantha…” Ms. Hallen said. I slapped my forehead. “Well, moving on” Ms. Hallen announced. Mack lowered his head even more. “Mack! Let’s see what you wrote!” Ms. Hallen called. Well, to give him advice… he should keep his head up. I watched carefully as Mack pulled out 5 blank sheets of paper and his report on Frogs. What’s he planning? I thought. He walked up and pretended to read from his paper. “The title is ‘Rumors of Leaf Tree Garden’!” he shouted. Leaf Tree Garden? Isn’t that the garden Samantha and I saw on the way to school? I thought, and paid attention. “Leaf Tree Garden has rumors about a ghost haunting it” Mack started. “No one knows his name but… he died 5 years ago when an accident occurred and fell out his mansion window. The man landed in his garden. The garden was everything to him, and now he haunts the garden” Mack explained. Is he serious? I thought. He didn’t do a report! Is he making it up to save his own butt? Or is he saying the truth but speaking it? He was getting me confused so I took out my notebook and started to doodle. Leaf Tree Garden pulls many tricks. Last summer, a boy died because he went inside. He wanted an apple from the apple tree, but the man takes anyone as an intruder. Watch out, and never enter the Leaf Tree Garden” Mack finished. “Thank you, Ma-” Ms. Hallen stopped. There was a cough in the room, a loud one. Joe Shun started to gasp for breath. He had his eyes wide open, and blacked out to the floor… unconscious…

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