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22. Have a high interest, second bank account that you don’t have a keycard for. Use this as your savings account, and have an automatic transfer set up to deposit into it weekly. It will add up quickly – just don’t touch it!! 23. Use SKYPE! Compare skype rates to your mobile phone calling rates to see what is cheaper for different calls (overseas, interstate, landline, etc). 24. Save your Money. Save the Environment. Save your health. Bike Ecology Centre http://newcastlebikeecologycentre.blogspot.com

25. Shop around for the best student banking and credit cards deals. You can compare banks at websites like mozo.com 26. Food shopping late at night for specials (especially bbq chickens!) 27. Hold a swap night with friends to exchange unwanted items! 28. Save on Electricity - When possible, use the microwave over the stovetop or oven, wash clothes in cold water, turn off lights and lamps, don’t open and close the fridge often 29. Use places that ‘price match’. This goes for electrical goods, flights, hardware, etc. 30. Go veggie as often as possible! Three meatless days a week (using beans or other appropriate protein substitute) can save you up $25 a week, which adds up to $1,200 a year!!! 31. If you insist on buying meat, BUY IN BULK from a butchers and FREEZE. 32. Set up an automatic transfer from your savings account. Preferably straight after pay day each week/fortnight so you won’t even notice the money missing!


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