Your Child In Banyule and Nillumbik December -January 2021-22

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Hello & Welcome to Our December & January Magazine,

To All Our Readers and Clients We Wish You The Merriest Of Christmases And The Happiest of New Years For 2022 Regards Glenda Thank you for reading Your Child in Banyule nd Nillumbik in your home, please support your local businesses. YOUR CHILD AREAS AVAILABLE FOR ADVERTISING p: 0497 788 856 VIC: |BANYULE & NILLUMBIK |WHITTLESEA e: ENQUIRE ABOUT YOUR AREA 1300 657 996 w: 224

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And Start Happy Dancing


Part 3


Are they safe? Should I use one for my child? Bumbo’s are those little plastic seats with a short back, side supports and with spaces for your baby's thighs to fit through the front. They help keep your baby upright in a supported seated position. Parents seem to love these chairs as they allow their child to sit independently. Lots of parents place these Bumbo’s on the kitchen bench, allowing their baby to watch them whilst they prepare meals. Parents believe these chairs are great as they are teaching their child to sit independently. Unfortunately, this is not the case. A baby sits independently when they h ave d eve l o p e d t h e strength in their trunk and core muscles whilst having full head control. Babies will have learnt to crawl (in majority of cases) first before being a b l e t o s i t independently. Most parents who use Bumbo’s are placing their baby in a Bumbo before they have started crawling. By doing this, their baby is forced to develop a different set of muscles to support themselves before getting the crawling muscles developed. Like the old saying ‘you need to crawl before you walk’, well here you need the correct trunk and core muscles developed before the muscles to help your baby sit unaided. 4

by by Dr Carly Broadbent

Other things to note with Bumbo’s is that the seat is rigid, which doesn’t allow for your childs hips to sit naturally as when they are sitting on their own. This can cause issues with restrictions in their hips, which may further result in an altered gait and crawl pattern down the track. It is so important for your baby’s overall development to develop at their own time and in their own way. Allowing your baby to explore the world using their own strength and coordination, helping them to build their fundamentals of m o to r co nt ro l . I t i s s o important to give your baby the opportunity to practice on their own with you by their side, and not rely on an aid holding them in place. O n e f i n a l c o n s i d e ra t i o n a parent always needs to consider before using a Bumbo, is safety from a fall’s perspective. If your baby is flailing around / kicking their feet, it only takes a split second and they have managed to kick off from the base and fall, and if that seat is on a kitchen bench that fall may send themselves toppling over and hit their head!

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Dr Carly Broadbent Advanced Paediatric Osteopath (tertiary) B.Sc (Clin Sci).,M.H.Sc (Osteopath)., GradCertNeonatal&InfantPaedManThrpy.


presents Terri! Written by Cathy Oliver and Illustrated by Jessica Callaway

Available in November Just in Time for Christmas!

Adorable Plush Toy! Delightful picture book for 2-5yrs with gold foiled features on the front cover! Plus library bag, pencil case, mask and stickers!

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Children And Water Summer is fast approaching, and as we look forward to our newfound freedoms and start to plan holidays in the sun, lazy days by the pool and BBQ's by the river we need to be mindful that any activity around water brings with it the dangers of accidental drownings, particularly when there are children involved. We also need to take into consideration that for the past 2 years due to lockdowns our children have missed out on vital swimming lessons and their confidence in and around water and their awareness of water safety will be impacted, meaning this year more than ever we need to be extra vigilant about water safety. Most children love water and will often be drawn to a body of water as a means of play. According to the Royal Life Saving national drowning report, 294 people drowned in Australian waters between 1 July 2020 and 30 June 2021. A further 674 people required hospitalisation due to non-fatal drownings. Of the 294 deaths 25 of these were children aged between 0-5 years and a further 14 were children aged between 5-14 years. 61 of these deaths occurred in Victoria with a whopping 25% of those deaths were in children aged 0-14 years. Drowning is currently the 3rd most common cause of death in children under 14 years of age. The most common place for a child to drown is in a swimming pool, followed closely by rivers, lakes, dams and bathtubs. Drowning can occur within as little as 20 seconds and in just a few cm of water. You also need to consider other smaller bodies of water around the house including dog bowls, buckets and toddler wading pools to name a few. When we look at accidental drowning in children, we need to consider the differences in 6

their body shape and size compared to adults that increase their risk for accidental drowning. Young children are top heavy. When they are born the size of their head is drastically disproportionate to the rest of their body. This top heaviness is a real danger to young children around water as it is very easy for them to lose their balance on the edge of a body of water and fall in. Drowning is SILENT. It has often been documented that someone who is drowning, (not just struggling to swim) will not call out for help as their body internalises and tries to focus on keeping itself afloat for as long as possible. This is as little as 40-60 seconds in an adult and less in a child. The number one proven preventative measure for drowning is supervision. Children less than 5 years old should always be kept within arm's reach whenever in or around any body of water and children between the ages of 5-10 should be always kept within eyesight. Never leave other children (under the age of 16) responsible for the supervision of younger children and make sure if alcohol is being consumed that there is a responsible adult that is sober watching over the children. Active supervision means not getting distracted by anything else. It means always having direct line of sight to your child or any child you are responsible for watching near water. As drowning is a silent event you will not always be alerted to the fact someone is in difficulty. Keeping a constant eye on children around water is the best preventative measure but there are some signs that you can look out for indicating that someone is having difficulty and is at risk of drawing these can include:

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by Prudence Fletcher & Lis Van Kooten

* Their body is facing towards the land/nearest point of safety with a scared look on their face * Their body is vertical in the water (feet pointing towards the bottom) and their head is low in the water, their mouth may be in line with the water level, or their head may be tilted back gasping for air as they try and keep themselves afloat. * You may also notice that they are trying to swim but not getting anywhere, although they may look ok at the minute this constant battle of trying to move against an immovable force such as a rip will cause them to tire quickly. If you have a backyard pool or spa that has a depth of greater than 30cm they are required by law to have a safety barrier. Fencing regulations over the past few years have become quite strict, you are now required to have your pool registered with your local council and pool barrier inspections are required to be conducted every four years to ensure the barriers are up to regulations and in working order to help reduce the risk of accidental drowning. When out in Public at pools or beaches remember it is not the responsibility of lifeguards to supervise your children, they are there for the safety of all patrons and to provide first aid if and when it is required. Enrolling children in swimming lessons from a young age also helps to develop water familiarisation skills and improve their confidence in and around water. And remember NEVER take your eye off children around water, 20 seconds is all it takes for a child to drown. And finally take the time to learn how to perform CPR. If an accidental drowning does occur, knowing what to do and being able to confidently act can be the difference between life and death. Prudence Fletcher & Lis Van Kooten Parentmedic Victoria

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Thomastown Secondary College 80 Main St. Thomastown 3074 Monday’s 4.45 - 8.15pm

Doncaster Secondary College 123 Church Rd. Doncaster 3108 Wednesday’s 4.45 - 8.15pm


Thornbury High School 238 Collins St. Thornbury 3071 Friday’s 4.45 - 815pm


To enrol call 03 8300 0270 or visit Advertise NOW..... Call Kate 0497 788 856

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Miners Gold Café 1542 Main Road Research p: 9437 0007

Business Management, Accounting & CRM Software Contact Shannon - 0419 557 314 Advertise NOW..... Call Kate 0497 788 856



Dr Daniela De Fazio, Osteopath App.Sc.(Clin,Sc.); B.Osteo. Sc, Grad Cert in Neo. & Infnt Paed Man. Thrpy

Daniela graduated from the 5 year full-time double degree course at RMIT University in 2002 and after working in the Heidelberg area for 19 years has recently relocated her practice to Enhance Osteopathy. Children's Health Through her heightened interest in children's health, Daniela has focused her attention on learning as much about treating children, as an Osteopath as possible. Common conditions that affect infants and children include asthma, recurrent ear infections, scoliosis, or even “growing pains”. Often newborns are brought in for an assessment after a traumatic or difficult birth for a check-up. Osteopathic treatment to the young can be Dr Daniela De Fazio very rewarding as problems may be prevented from developing into chronic conditions in later years. The holistic approach allows the body's inherent self-healing mechanisms to assist the natural healing process. In 2011, Daniela completed a Graduate Certificate in Neonatal and Infant Paediatric Manual Therapy at Victoria University in Melbourne, furthering her knowledge in this area. Daniela has treated many children and enjoys the interaction with children as much as she enjoys seeing positive results. Osteopathy and pregnancy Osteopathic techniques during pregnancy are carefully selected. Common complaints associated with pregnancy include lower back pain, leg pain, and neck or shoulder pain. As a pregnancy progresses the extra weight can cause a shift in the body's centre of gravity causing tight muscles leading to aches and fatigue. Daniela takes great care in assuring that the mother is comfortable and relaxed during the treatment so that she can give her patient the best care possible and achieves optimum results. Daniela has held an assistant teaching position at the RMIT, teaching osteopathic students. She has also served three years as a member on the Victorian State Council branch of the Australian Osteopathic Association. Daniela's newest role is that of a mother and with the knowledge that comes through experience she continues to contribute to promoting Osteopathy and its benefits for pregnant women and children of all ages.

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Pandemic With ongoing pandemic lockdown, I decided that if we couldn't leave the house in search of food and fun, I would shop online and bring it to our doorstep in the form of a pet. Great idea or what?! My seven-year-old daughter wanted a fluffy dog. My three-year-old son wanted a fluffy cat. I wanted a pocket-sized chihuahua. Lucky for them, I was willing to compromise with a fluffy pocket-sized chihuahua that had a passing resemblance to a cat. “No inside animals! Pets should live outside.” Regrettably, my husband was opposed to the idea of an inside pet. Bah, what a party pooper! We argued that our fish once lived in the house and they were considered pets! Well, until the unfortunate fish massacre. Since we lost our treasured Zane (greedy angel fish) and Archie (chilled albino catfish), my husband has been reluctant to return to pet ownership. Due to the lack of a proper backyard, we agreed that our pets needed to be hardy and low maintenance. While it was my intention to have the children be responsible for looking after our new pet, realistically I would be the chump lumped with the task. So, I wanted a pet that didn't need regular exercise (because I hate sweating) or grooming (because I'm lazy) and could survive not eating and drinking for a few days (because I'm sketchy at best). We are now the proud owners of a thousand new pets. You read correctly, a thousand, give or take a few and they only cost us a measly fifty dollars. Have you guessed it? Worms. Wriggly, slippery and icky worms. 18

They came packed in some worm bedding inside a plastic bag and packaged in a cardboard box. In true Kathy form, I threw away the instruction booklet and in doing so, inadvertently discarded the troubleshooting pages. I could have saved myself a gigantic amount of pain if I had taken the time to read the 'what can go wrong' pages, for I've encountered a great deal of problems. There's been the Great Plague of the Vinegar Flies caused by my overzealous feeding with organic waste. FYI, flies really love banana skins. I tried vinegar/soap fly traps, moist cut up paper scrap barriers, removed big food scraps, conditioned and aerated the soil and changed the order of the trays. I stopped adding organic waste for a few weeks and eventually, most of the flies have disappeared. Next came the Invasion of the Black Ants caused by the worms hibernating instead of eating during a short period of blistering cold weather. I ended up googling and putting trays of water around the legs of the worm farm to prevent ants from entering the trays. I also tried to drown the suckers with extra watering. And because of my lack of restraint, I have a problem with potworms. Turns out, an overly moist environment, abundance of rotting fruit and vegetables and ungrounded eggshells have encouraged the growth of these unwanted worms. Originally, I thought these tiny white worms were finally the results of my worm farming mastery and happy worm bliss coupling. Not the case. Again, I consulted the wise ol' Google and was advised to put a stale piece of bread drenched in milk to entice the potworms to the surface for disposal.

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Pets Now, I have another attack of the Black Ants AND a healthy population of Prolific Potworms. Sigh. So much for low-maintenance pets. Anyone got any ideas other than gifting it to my dad?

by Kathy Ha I know people say that a pet is for life and not just for Christmas… ahem, I mean lockdown, so now I have only one question. What's the lifespan of a worm? Or in my case, a thousand worms?

It's a good thing that we live in a world where information is at the tip of our fingers. For without YouTube and Google, these worms would have already died a painful death from my mismanagement and negligence. Can you get a fine for worm cruelty? The children want nothing to do with the worm farm, complaining that it stinks (It doesn't!). The husband isn't interested in co-ownership, even with supposed “benefits” thrown in. I'm on my own folks.

Kathy Ha is a creative writer and storytelling enthusiast, sharing snippets of her journey through life and parenting on her blog, KN J Tales and Snippets. She aims to inspire, empower and ignite laughter, with every word that she writes.

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2022 The Year of The Rebuild! EDITORIAL There are four ways, and only four ways, in which we have contact with the world. We are evaluated and classified by these four contacts: what we do, how we look, what we say, and how we say it. Dale Carnegie (1888-1955) American Educator.

2022 is shaping up to be the year of rebuilding, rebuilding businesses, rebuilding relationships, rebuilding within society, rebuilding trust etc. Your Child Magazines is now in a rebuilding phase, just like most businesses out there, we need to reconnect with clients and readers after such a long time of being out of print which unfortunately had a negative effect on all our business. There a many businesses like ours that were never factored into grants offered but kept working determined to survive, we couldn’t offer ‘Click and Collect’ we couldn’t offer ‘Take Away’ we are one of many unique businesses that are the ‘forgotten’ business types and we now have to work twice as hard as pre Covid times. We are all wondering if we can rebuild. Well I say ‘YES... YES... YES’ we need to adjust to the circumstances we find foisted on ourselves. Business owners who believe in their business and have the drive to take action, need to be ready to open themselves up to new possibilities. It is going take all the energy we can muster to ‘Re Do’ our business there are going to be hard times especially as we reopen right on the cusp of Christmas and school holidays, therefore some of our businesses will still limp into the New Year. We need you our readers to come back and support local businesses are you up to the challenge? We hope so because we have missed you! To all businesses we all need to take a chill pill, take a huge breath, practise positivity even when you don’t feel positive because you are not alone, we are many! Let’s make 2022 the best we can and support each other while we rebuild.

Glenda Long Advertise NOW..... Call Kate 0497 788 856


Easy Moist Apple Slice Ingredients: 2 cups of Self-raising flour 1 cup of sugar 1 egg, beaten 3 Granny Smith apples peeled, cored and sliced 4oz (approx 150g) melted butter

Method: Line a slice tray with baking paper. Mix all ingredients together with your hands until combined. Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon and bake at 180 degrees until cooked, approx 20-30 mins. Allow to cool in tin on wire rack, slice into squares and enjoy. Can eat warm with cream or icecream. Tip: err on the light side of quantity of flour. Note: Mix up the fruit just for fun, add a good handful of frozen raspberries or blueberries or to the apple mix, sultanas are good too! Don’t forget the pinch of ^ 22

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Zucchini, Basil and Chicken Soup Ingredients: 8 x Medium Zucchinis 6 x Chicken Thighs 1 x Large Onion 2 x Cloves garlic 2 Sticks Celery 1 x Tbs dried basil. 2 x litres of Chicken Stock (Salt reduced) 1tsp ground pepper (optional) Method: Roughly chop zucchini, onion, garlic and celery, fry off in a little olive oil, add stock and basil and bring to boil, then simmer till soft. Meanwhile chop chicken into small bite size pieces. Using stick blender, blend soup until smooth, add chicken and cook gently for 15-20minutes. Season with salt and pepper if required. Serve and Enjoy Don’t forget the pinch of


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CORNER Colouring Fun

Hey Kids you can be a ‘Your Child STAR’ share your jokes, recipes, puzzles, fun facts or photos with other Kids in Banyule & Nillumbik email:

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CORNER Colouring Fun

y r r e Mristmas Ch

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Christmas Trees 1st Craigieburn Scout Group will deliver a freshly cut Christmas Tree to your door. That’s one less thing, you have to worry about this Christmas Season. Online ordering:

Delivery dates: 4th & 5th December 11th & 12th December Any queries – email or call Greg 0419 886 907

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What’s On...

Christmas Trees 1st Craigieburn Scout Group will deliver a freshly cut Christmas Tree to your door. That’s one less thing, you have to worry about this Christmas Season. Online ordering:

Delivery dates: 4th & 5th December 11th & 12th December Any queries – email or call Greg 0419 886 907




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USEFUL INFORMATION Emergency Numbers Ambulance Fire Police Hospitals


DIAL 000

Austin Hospital.......................................................... 9496 5000 Royal Children’s Hospital (Parkville).......................... 9345 5522

Crisis Centres Poisons.................................................................... Kids Help Line.......................................................... Lifeline..................................................................... Suicide Helpline - (Victoria only)............................. Nurse-on-Call.......................................................... Child Protection - (After Hours Service).................. Domestic Violence Crisis Centre............................. Sexual Assault Service (After Hours)....................... Centres Against Sexual Assault................................ Victims of Crime Helpline....................................... LifeCircle - HOPELINE.............................................. SANDS* Vic...*Stillbirth & Neonatal Death Support Australian Breastfeeding Association Helpline Compassionate Friends Helpline

13 11 26 1800 551 800 13 11 14 1300 651 251 1300 606 024 13 12 78 1800 015 188 or 9373 0123 9349 1766 1800 806 272 1800 819 817 1300 364 673 13 000 SANDS/13 000 2673 1800 686 268 9888 4944

Your Local Police Station Diamond Creek ........................................................ 9438 8300 Eltham....................................................................... 9430 4500 Greensborough......................................................... 8432 8200 Heidelberg................................................................ 9450 8000 Hurstbridge............................................................... 9718 2111 West Heidelberg [Not 24hr Station]......................... 9457 5777

Other Banyule City Council Office....................................... 9490 4222 Nillumbik Shire Office............................................... 9433 3111 Advertise NOW..... Call Kate 0497 788 856


CONTENTS Regulars 2 Editors Letter 22-23 Recipes 24 -27 Kids Corner 29 Useful Information

This Month’s Advertisers Claydreamers

28 What’s On in B & N

Scout Christmas Trees


Eltham Leisure Centre

4 Bumbo’s

Enhance Osteopathy

6 Children’s Water Safety 8 Aussie Christmas Tips

Gold Miners Café

10 Still a Believer

Inatable World

14 Australia Day

Little Flyers Learning Centre

18 Pandemic Pets 20 New Year New Plan

Nestoras College

21 2022 The Year To Rebuild

Oak and the Little Folk TBS

Business Opportunity 3 Your Child Magazines

Streamline Publishing Presents: Terri Triceratops Is Free Yarra Plenty Regional Library

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Your Child in Banyule & Nillumbik takes no responsibility for any statements or claims made by advertisers or authors. All material in Your Child Magazines is Copyright and may not be reproduced without written consent of the publisher.


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Freedom...Christmas Amazing Six & Twelve Month Advertising Packages PLUS Go into the Draw for a FREE TWO PAGE SPREAD CONDITIONS APPLY

OFFER EXPIRES 31/01/2022

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