SAMPLE - A Little Bit of Home Economics

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A litle bit of Home Economics

A litle bit of Home Economics



Sandra Cleary Second Edition

Sandra Cleary Second Edition


A little bit of Home Economics

How to maximise your grade

Sandra Cleary

The purpose of this book is to provide students and teachers with guidance when it comes to how the Home Economics paper is assessed.

To show that there is more to say in some of the questions than meets the eye.

little bit of Home Economics - How to maximise
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Introduction pg 1 Chapters 1 Short Questions Section A pg 2 2 Question 1 Section B Tables/Charts pg 31 3 The “Dodgy 20” – Section B pg 51 4 Understanding Terms pg 66
exam questions available from, Permission Pending
978 1 897922 36 1

Chapter 1 – Short Questions Section A

Section A of the Home Economics exam paper consists of 12 short questions, with the exception of 2021, 2022 and 2023 when there where 14 short questions.

In this section students are required to answer 10 short questions (with the exception of 2021 and 2022 where students had to answer 5 short questions).

Each short question is worth 6 marks which equates to 1.5% of the Home Economics Leaving Cert grade.

Unfortunately, many students do not score well on Section A which is worth 15% of the overall Home Economics grades.

The main reason for this is a lack of detail in answers given by the student and this comes from a lack of insight into the Marking Scheme.

However, students can improve the quality of answers in Section A by following very specific guidelines which will be outlined over the coming pages.

And, of course, practice, practice, practice!

General points when answering Short Questions

Students should spend a maximum of two minutes per short question

Question 1 to Question 8 will be on topics from the Food Studies section of the course.

Question 9 to Question 12 will be on topics from the Home Management Section of the course, Consumer Studies, Textiles, Resource Management, Finance and Household Technology.

Very detailed answers are required to obtain full marks, i.e. 6 out of 6 marks.

Sketches should be included on the side margin where appropriate.

Short Questions should be answered last because it is just a matter of filling in blank lines.

Time does not have to be spent formatting the answers and therefore it is ideal to answer in the last 24 minutes of the exam. Please see suggested Time Plan for the exam at the start of the chapter, at the back of the book.

Note: in 2023 Q1-9 – Food Studies and Q10-14 – Home Management

A little bit of Home Economics - How to maximise your grade Sandra Cleary 2

Marking Scheme for Section A

It should be noted that the Marking Scheme for Home Economics Leaving Certificate exams was very general from 2004 – 2018 (inclusive).

For example, 2018

- Key words and phrases given as possible answers to the short questions BUT there was no information on how the 6 marks is allocated for each part of the answer

1. Complete the table below in relation to the digestion of carbohydrates. (6)

2. State 3 functions of Vitamin C in the body. (6)

I. Formation of connective tissue/collagen;

II. Critical for immune system;

III. Helps absorption of iron and calcium; prevents scurvy; promotes healing of wounds formation of healthy blood vessels; acts as antioxidant; protects HDL cholesterol; helps prevent bruising; healthy gums; etc

3. Name two proteins found in meat. (6)

I. Myosin; actin; globulin

II. Collagen; elastin; gelatine (bones); etc.

- Outline two effects of cooking protein in meat. protein coagulates causing the fibres to shrink; collagen is converted to gelatine; maillard reaction – amino acids and sugars on meat surface, improves flavour;

- Fibres fall apart and meat becomes more digestible; over-cooking causes meat fibres to become tough and indigestible; etc.

2019 – present

In 2019, the official marking scheme format changed dramatically. An exact breakdown of each of the 6 marks was given. This differs from question to question.

Unfortunately, students do not see this marking scheme until they are allowed view their corrected scripts after the Leaving Cert Home Economics grades have been published.

However, we can learn a lot from the marking schemes published since 2019 by the Department of Education. The following is a suggested format that can be followed to maximise grades on the short questions.

A little bit of Home Economics - How to maximise your grade Sandra Cleary 3
Organ Enzyme Substrate Product Pancreas Amylase Starch Maltose Small intestine Maltase Maltose Glucose Sucrose Sucrose Glucose/Fructose Lactase Lactose Glucose/Fructose

The Key Points…

Give 3 sub points for 3 marks

Give 2 sub points for 2 marks

Give 1 sub point for 1 mark

Read the following Marking Scheme for Section A 2021 and then see the suggested approach to answering short questions to maximise marks.

Based on the Official Marking Scheme of 2021 Home Economics

Higher Level paper

Section A

1. State two causes of protein denaturation and give one example in each case.

The causes = 2 at 2 marks each (graded 2:0)

The examples = 2 at 1 marks (graded 1:0)

Cause Example


Mechanical action

Hard boiled eggs, omelette, quiche, egg custard; dry heat causes meat to shrink; collagen changes to gelatine in meat; browning of meat; etc

e.g. whisking, beating Sponge cake; soufflés; meringues; etc

Chemical: such as Acids



Cheese-making; vinegar in marinade tenderises meat; sour milk lactose changes to lactic acid etc

Rennin coagulates in the stomach; cheesemaking; tenderising meat etc


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A little bit of Home Economics - How to maximise your grade Sandra

This is question 7 from Section A of the 2021 H.L. paper

This is what the question looked like on the exam paper.

7. Explain the effects of each of the following in relation to the processing of vegetables and fruit:





The question is worth 6 marks.

- Canning = 3 marks

- Dehydration = 3 marks

Remember 3 marks = 3 subpoints

Write 3 in the side margin beside each term.

Suggested Answer… (1) = a sub-point



Canning can cause loss of Vitamin C (1) and Thiamin (B1) due to the application of heat (121c/15mins), colour loss (1) e.g. loss of colour in canned strawberries, change of flavour (1) e.g. canned peas

Dehydration can result in loss of Vitamin A (1), B & C; many(?) dried fruits (dates/apricots/Figs) can be high in sugar (1); change of flavour e.g. dried banana slices (1)

Official Marking Scheme 2021

Section A

Question 7


Loss of water soluble vitamins; change in colour; change in texture; change in flavour; micro-organisms and enzymes destroyed; sugar content maybe increased if canned in syrup; increased salt content if canned in brine; fat content can be increased if canned in oil; etc


Loss of vitamin B group, A and E; change in colour; change in texture; change in flavour; prevents growth of micro-organisms and enzymes; dried fruit can be high in sugar; etc

A little bit of Home Economics - How to maximise your grade Sandra Cleary

Here is another example of this in practice…

This is question 8 from section A of the 2021 H.L. paper

This is what the question looked like on the exam paper.

8.Name two proteins alternatives that can be used in a vegan diet. 2





The question is worth 6 marks…

The first part of the question is obviously worth 2 marks and therefore the second part is work 4 marks.

Remember to write a breakdown of the marks in the left-hand side margin.

Remember that 2 marks = 2 sub-points

Suggested Answer… (1) = a sub-point

8.Name two proteins alternatives that can be used in a vegan diet.

(i) Tofu (1) which is soya bean curd, can be used to replace meat/chicken

(ii) Soya Milk (1)/almond milk/oat milk can be used to replace cow’s milk

State two advantages of including protein alternatives in the diet.

(i) They can replace (1) High Biological Value protein (e.g. quinoa, mycoprotein (1), Textured vegetable protein – TVP) not normally present in plant protein based foods

(ii)They generally do not require much preparation (1) e.g. Tofu is cut (1) into Strips and is then ready to use; hot water is poured over TVP and it is then ready to use

little bit of Home Economics - How
Sandra Cleary 6
to maximise your grade
two advantages of including protein alternatives in the diet. 2 2

Official Marking Scheme 2021 Section A Question 8

8.Name two proteins alternatives that can be used in a vegan diet. 2 @ 1 mark (graded 1:0)

(i) TVP; tofu; tempeh; edamame; mycoprotein; vegan quorn, wheat protein (seitan); miso; (ii)soya milk; soya cheese; vegan cheese; lentils; beans; chickpeas; nutritional yeast; quinoa; nuts; spelt; etc

State two advantages of including protein alternatives in the diet. 2@2 marks (graded 2:1:0)

(i) HBV protein; polyunsaturated fat; high in fibre; B group vitamins; calcium; iron; (ii)not very expensive; versatile; little preparation needed; sustainability; little cooking needed; add flavour; add variety; etc

Past Paper Sample answers

What follows are the actual questions from past SEC Higher Level exam papers.

(2) or (1) = the grade awarded for the answer given.

2016 – Section A

Remember – each question is work 6 marks and you must answer 10 questions.

1. Name one food source of each of the protein listed below.

2. State one function of omega 3 fatty acids in the diet. Healthy

Name two different food sources of omega 3 fatty acids.

A little bit of Home Economics - How to maximise your grade Sandra Cleary 7
Proteins Food Source Casein Milk (2) Actin Fish (2) Albumin Meat (2)
easier to flow,
to clot (2)
Heart (2) – Helps make blood less sticky,
and cause a stroke.
i) Flaxseed (1) ii) Oily fish (salmon) (1)

A little bit of Home Economics - How to maximise your grade

3. Explain food fortification.

Sandra Cleary

The addition of NUTRIENTS (1) to the food in amounts (1) greater than those naturally present in the food.

Name one fortified food/product and explain how it benefits the consumer. Fortified food/product Breakfast cereal (1) fortified with vitamin (1) B12 Benefit Helps prevent (1) pernicious anaemia (1)

4. Give three functions of folic acid (folate).

i) Formation of red blood cells (1) along with Vitamins B6, (1) B12, Iron

ii) Helps in the formation of RNA (1) and DNA (1)

iii) Helps the formation of the neural tube (1) in the early stages of pregnancy (1) (first three months)

5. State two advantages of including tofu in the diet.

i) Main ingredient in soya beans (1) (High biological value (1))

ii) Excellent source of calcium (1) (bone formation) (1) or only needs to be cut into cubes, therefore little preparation

Other than tofu, name two protein alternatives that can be used in a vegan diet. i) Mycoprotein (Vegan Quorn) (1) ii) Textured Vegetable Protein (1)

6. Write a note on two of the following:

Genetically modified food - Food that has (1) it’s genetic make up e.g. DNA altered to improve certain characteristics of the food e.g. reduce susceptibility (1) to disease (e.g. soya beans) (1)

Organic food/produce – has been (1) produced without the use of chemical sprays/pesticides/antibiotics or growth promoters, expensive (1) e.g. Organic chicken/organic eggs (1)

Added-value food – also known as a cook/chill (1) food-processing a basic food stuff into a high quality product e.g. processing milk (1) into cheese (1)


Sandra Cleary graduated with a B. Ed. (Hon.) in Home Economics from St Catherine’s College of Education for Home Economics.

She has been teaching in the Institute of Education, Dublin for more than 30 years.

Sandra also spent two years teaching in the Dublin College of Catering and was assistant to Mairín Uí Chomáin on the RTÉ cookery series “Cuisine le Mairín”.

"The purpose of this book is to provide students and teachers with guidance when it comes to how the Home Economics paper is assessed.

To show that there is more to say in some of the questions than meets the eye."

Cover Design: James Mitchell

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