Pets Magazine - 79th Issue

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ISSN 1793-7736

S$5.00 9 771793 773006

A-Z Gift Guide : Everything to pamper your pets with over Christmas, New Year and Valentines!

I... astillma kitten

... overweight And that can make me ill. That’s why I need a particularly light, filling yet palatable food with a low fat content!

Particularly suitable Happy Cat Adult Light

As a kitten, I need a particularly high quality diet to help me grow healthily.

I have food

Particularly suitable: Happy Cat Junior Geflugel Happy Cat Junior Grain-free Ente

s e c n a r e l into

Lots of us respond sensitively to conventional cat food. We need a specially formulated, highly tolerated and tasty complete diet. Particularly suitable: Happy Cat Sensitive Ente (Duck) Land-Geflugel (Organic Poultry) Grain-free Rentier (Reindeer) Grain-free Seefisch (Seafish) Grain-free Kaninchen (Rabbit) Junior Grain-free Ente (Duck)

! e m r o f e r a s These product

I am ... neutered

To avoid putting on too much weight, I need a fibre-rich, satisfying diet with a moderate fat content.

... Senior

I have already been through a lot and need quite a lot of attention to be paid to the choice of food for me.

Particularly suitable: Happy Cat Supreme Best Age 10+

Particularly suitable: Happy Cat Sterilised Weide-Lamm (Farm Lamb) Happy Cat Sterilised Atlantik-Lachs (Atlantic Salmon)

... an indoor cat I laze around the house all day and need food with low energy content so that I don’t put on weight.

Particularly suitable: Happy Cat Adult Indoor Weide-Lamm ( Farm Lamb ) Happy Cat Adult Indoor Atlantik-Lachs ( Atlantic Salmon)

contents 28



LIFESTYLE 28 THE IN THING From designer habitats to ergonomic pet accessories 38 LAP OF LUXURY From pet tiaras to personalized diets, luxurious gifting ideas for the season of giving 60 TRIED AND TESTED – PET-FRIENDLY WEDDING VENUES Readers who had their pets at their nuptial ceremonies share their review of their wedding venue 66 HOT PICKS Exclusive treats for your pet

44 42 2




PEOPLE & PETS 15 PERSONALITY – DANIEL BOEY Singapore’s style doyen and champion for adoption talks about his new book about rescued dogs and their owners 24 FEATURE – CAT WOMEN Helene Papillon and Alen Thum of The Cat People lend their insight on catification 50 FEATURE – HAVE DOG WILL TRAVEL Joyce Chew and Donovan Tan prove that holidaying with your dog isn’t a far-fetched dream

24 50 4




WELLNESS 20 Bird Grooming Yes, your feathery friend needs TLC too – and it isn’t just for vanity 30 REST INSURED Understand pet insurance and the options available in the market 54 PET PANTRY – UPBEAT AND STRESS-FREE Mood-lifting ingredients to introduce into your dog’s diet 68 TOGETHER TIME – EXTRAORDINARY EXPERIENCES TO SHARE WITH YOUR PET From photoshoots to marathons, a fun list of oncein-a-lifetime experiences to plan for


74 BEEN THERE, DONE THAT 88 LAST LOOK Let your sensitive pooch rest easy in noise cancellation kennels

54 74 6






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DEC 2019 / FEB 2020

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A-Z GIFT GUIDE MCI (P) 153/03/2019

A-Z Gift Guide:

ISSN 1793-7736

S$5.00 9 771793 773006

Everything to pamper your pets with over Christmas, New Year and Valentines!



The Greatest Gift, for the Greatest Pet T

he wonderful season of giving has come, and it’s an extended one too, with Christmas, New Year’s Day, Lunar New Year and Valentine’s Day following close on each other’s heels. And while we are busy picking presents for loved ones, surely, our beloved animal companions shouldn’t be forgotten either? A gift for your pet can go beyond the usual treats and pet accessories, and it certainly should in this extraordinary period of celebration. That’s why we at Pets Magazine have put together an A-Z Gift Guide. From luxury goods that will make your furry friend the envy at any gathering, to holidays at wonderful overseas locations with your pet; from lavish weddings that actually include your four-legged family members to cat furniture specially designed for your feline friend and our home, there are lots of amazing ideas for those who wish to spend top dollar for their top dog (or cat, that is!) Yet good things doesn’t always have to come with a hefty price tag. So, we’ve also included a gamut of wonderful ideas on affordable yet special ways to pamper your pet, be it an exclusive treat or healthful ingredients that will lift your dog’s mood. One of the best things we can give an animal is the gift of a home through adoption. In this issue, we speak to Singaporean style doyen Daniel Boey about his new book on adoption journeys – a wonderful present to anybody who might be considering rescuing a pup from the shelter, or just anybody who loves dogs. More than just a shopping guide, we hope this list will also provide you with plenty of ideas and inspirations that will delight both you and your pet – not just during this most wonderful time of the year, but way beyond it.

Pets Magazine Team


contributors < Meredith Lin When not hunched over typing out animal tales, Meredith can be found gambolling across sandy shores with her pup and scavenging for treats — both for herself and pet.

Saba Kash >



Saba is a Singaporean-born Persian with a great adoration for animals. You can usually find her playing with her ginger Persian cat Charlie, who loves to get up to all kinds of shenanigans.

After dabbling in publishing and advertising, Kuanth answered his calling and became a freelance illustrator in 2002. He was a dedicated father to a senior dog whose life he continues to celebrate in his illustrations.

A for Adoption

christmas A-Z

Know somebody who Is thinking about adopting a pet? Singaporean style doyen Daniel Boey's latest project – a compilation of inspiring stories behind adoptions – might just get them to act on that thought. Here, he gives us an insider peek into his personal pet ownership journey, the production of the We Adopted – a collection of dog rescue tales, and what the book means to him.


christmas A-Z I have been drawn to animals for as long as I can remember. Some of my earliest books – apart from those by Enid Blyton and series such as The Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew – were compendiums of different wildlife species. My favourite outings were always to the Singapore Zoological Gardens and one of my first heroes was Bernard Harrison. I was thrilled when my family decided to get a dog when I was in secondary two. Hock was a pedigree ‘purchased from a responsible breeder’ and ‘came from a line of championship dogs’. He arrived unceremoniously in a covered plastic basket so shallow he couldn’t even stand up. We were first-time dog owners and relied on trial and error, or the advice of those who seemed more knowledgeable than us. Keep in mind that this was in the early 1980s, before we had internet access. We engaged a trainer for him, someone who believed in exerting dominance over his charges. He was the type of trainer who thought nothing of jerking the leash or kicking the dogs. Hock was also not allowed indoors, and would sit outside watching the family as we dined or watched television. It broke my heart to hear him cry himself to sleep at night, and I used to sneak out at night to sleep in his kennel to keep him company. I disappeared from Hock’s life when I enlisted in National Service for two and a half years. This was followed by three years at university. When I finally graduated and moved home, I was shocked at how much Hock had aged and how weak he had become. He had waited for me to come home before succumbing to his illness. He was put to sleep and we did not even collect his ashes. I live with the guilt of having let him down till this very day. When Hock passed, I could not bring myself to get another dog. Besides, I was just starting my career and was travelling the world, and it would not have been very responsible of me to get an animal if I didn’t have time to spend with it. In the course of my work, I found myself caring for my friends’ dogs wherever I was stationed be it London or Amsterdam. When my paths crossed with Leia’s, I had these experiences to fall back on. Still, I was filled with insecurities and selfdoubt, exacerbated by a troll who accused me of adopting Leia for my own publicity. It was Leia who helped me gain my confidence as a dog owner. When I first met her, she walked with a limp. Despite realising


she had issues with her limbs, hips and her skin, I was determined to carry on with the adoption. Three weeks into adoption, she was admitted to the animal hospital for TPLO surgery (the first of two) to help in the healing injuries sustained from ill-treatment, poor nutrition, unsuitable living conditions and gross neglect in the puppy

mill. I was terrified that her impression of me would be scarred by the pain and discomfort of post-surgery, but when I picked her up, she laid her head on my lap and looked at me with her large, soulful eyes, as if to say ‘thank you’. A few friends I consulted after adopting Leia turned out to be superficial dog owners, caring more about aesthetics than the wellbeing of their dogs. These were the sort of owners who purchased their designer cross-breeds from socalled ‘overseas responsible dog breeders’ just so that they can boast that their dog was ‘imported’. They cared more about how Instagrammable the food they prepared was, than the actual nutritional value of the food. While searching for real, responsible dog owners, I found many of them in the community of adopters. From them, I learned not just about pet care but also about the horrors of abandonment, neglect, abuse and puppy mills. Humans are the sole reason these dogs end up traumatised, broken, injured and damaged, and this is the least we can do to atone for the horrible things some of our fellow men and women have inflicted upon these poor helpless creatures. It saddened me, but also brought me to the realisation that these dogs need as many champions as possible. I started following the volunteers to adoption drives and soon became a volunteer myself. I made it my purpose to try to be there for any rescue that needed my help, not just in rescuing and helping them find a suitable home but nursing them back to health, teaching them how to love and trust again. I also helped to raise funds for dogs who need rehabilitation. Meeting so many adopted dogs and hearing their owners’ stories made me realise that these are tales that need to be heard. Maybe if people realised how beautiful and loving these dogs are, and know of the horrific back stories behind their trauma, it would encourage more people to adopt. Or perhaps if they are considering purchasing from a pet shop, the horrible plight of the breeding dogs could make them think otherwise. Real dog lovers would not turn a


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blind eye to the sufferings of the dogs. People should also learn how to distinguish between a legitimate responsible breeder from the many cruel, irresponsible breeders and illegal home breeders. While on the fund-raising committee of the SPCA gala in 2018, I shot a fashion spread with doggie and human models for the event. Many people were surprised to learn that all the dogs in the spread were adopted. “But they’re all so beautiful, they cannot be rescues”, came many a

response. This sparked the idea of photographing all the dogs in a series of fashion spreads. It took the better part of the year to put the book together, from conceptualising the book to selecting the dogs, assembling the creative team and casting the models. We wanted to highlight not just the rescue stories but the narrative of these responsible dog owners who have opened their hearts and their homes to the dogs. Every single member of the team assembled are dog lovers. And everyone walked away from the project learning a thing (or three) from each other. The process of putting the book has indirectly created a community of doggie owners who share information about health, training, nutrition, good (and bad) vets, responsible boarding houses et al but have also become each other’s support system. Leia has now become playmates and best pals with two rescued goldies, and stay with them when I need to travel; the owners of three Singapore Specials (who run their own dog food business) have become Leia’s unofficial nutritionists; some of the owners help in the process of rehoming by tapping upon their own individual networks whenever someone has a rescue who needs help. My publisher (together with many of our stockists) have also selflessly agreed to donating proceeds from the sale of the books to benefit some of our doggie rescue shelters as well as dogs in need of rehabilitation. A lot more needs to be done – this is what researching the book and writing the stories has made me realise. It not only has to start from the top – legislation, for example. Many people abuse, neglect and abandon because they think they cannot be prosecuted. It should also start with each and every one of us. If we took the trouble to educate ourselves, if we all had a little bit more empathy in our hearts, if we realised that dogs (and all other living creatures) should be treated with kindness and love, then maybe there would be fewer cases of dogs in need of rescue. We Adopted – a collection of dog rescue tales is now available from Books Actually, Kinoyunika and other good book shops and pet product stores. a


christmas A-Z

B for Bird Grooming Treat your feathery companion right with some essential bird grooming services To many who don’t own birds—and even some who do—it may come as a surprise that these feathered creatures have to be groomed, just like dogs and cats. And as the folks at Pet Grooming Xpert ( reveal, bird grooming is about more than just aesthetics. “It is essential because it also keeps birds in a healthy and hygienic condition”. Here are four grooming services you should be familiar with if you own a bird: BEAK TRIM: To the uninitiated, this seems downright cruel. After all, you’re essentially trimming a part of your bird’s beak off! But as Dr Laurie Hess of PetMD recommends, it’s an important procedure for pet birds that do not have the same lifestyles as their wild cousins. “In the wild, birds have many opportunities to wear down their beaks as


christmas A-Z

they hunt for and gather food and build nests,” she says. “Pet birds generally do not have these same opportunities; therefore, sometimes their beaks overgrow from underuse.” However, know that what is considered an overgrownbeak in one species is actually normal in another. Some birds—among them pionus parrots and certain species of macaw—have traditionally longer upper beaks that are often mistaken as overgrown at normal length. To be sure, always consult your vet and never attempt to do a beak trim yourself. The tip of the beak is filled with nerve endings, making any awry trim a painful affair. FEATHER BATH: The glorious plumage of your pet bird has to be cared for as well. Besides keeping your feathered friend feeling fresh, a bath also keeps the bird free of pesky fleas and/ or dirt. Depending on how dirty your bird is, you might be able to clean it simply by misting it with water, which is widely considered the most appropriate feather spray. And do allow your bird time to air dry naturally, instead of blasting the hair dryer, which can lead to unnecessary accidents and stress for your pet. OILED UP: Bird feet are often overlooked but they should be given the same attention as its other body parts. In the wild, birds shed their scaly feet regularly, but this process is often hindered in captivity. This can in turn can cause a bird’s feet to become enlarged, misshapened and even crippled at times. Avoid this by scraping off any accumulation of scales you find on your bird’s feet with your finger. In most cases, the scales will come off easily. Rubbing your bird’s feet with


a little olive oil will also help to loosen the scales so they can be shed more easily. CLIPPED WINGS: Clipping a bird’s wings remains controversial, with opponents of the practice calling it cruel and inhumane. But as Dr Hess puts it, “wing trimming can be a helpful training tool and may prevent life-threatening injury for some birds. It is not right for all birds, however.” Check with your vet before proceeding and engage a professional. GROOMING CALL: Ring the folks at Pet Grooming Xpert for bird grooming services (8463-7671). Parrots owners in Singapore can also turn to Parrots Network ( and Takara Pets ( for specialised grooming services. b

christmas A-Z

When were you first introduced to the concept of catification? Helene Papillon (HP): Growing up, my family home was one with lots of exciting architectural features and furniture that fitted all my cat’s behavioural needs. So, it has always been natural for me to select homes, apartments that had all the right ingredients for my cats to be happy. One of the best was an apartment I rented in Paris: it was a very small space in the building alcove with views of all the roofs of Paris, and had plenty of small windows with pigeons, a mezzanine with a ladder… it was cat paradise. All I needed to do is provide some comfortable window perches and some scratching posts. My cats were at the top of the world with the perfect bird’s eye view over their vertical home territory and external home territory. They were busy all day, even if I was not home. Alen Thum (AT): The need to research “catification” came out of a quest to satisfy my own cat’s needs. I wanted to create a home environment that took my own lifestyle and taste for decoration into consideration. However, there was not much information or such service available anywhere – all I could do at the time was to painstakingly select one item at a time from different overseas vendors and try my best to put them together in a coherent manner that would suit both my home taste and my cat’s needs. It was a nightmare. By offering catification services, I hope to share the knowledge I gained doing my own catfication and create designs that

C for Catification Give your feline friend – and yourself – the gift of beautifully designed interior spaces created with both cat and human in mind. Helene Papillon and Alen Thum from The Cat People shed light on how it is done.


would have the same positive impact on other cats and their pawrents. Why did the concept resonate with you? HP: The whole concept of catification resonate with me because it is about understanding your cat as a cat. And if you love cats, you want to appreciate and cherish everything that makes them cats. Not only does catification allow your cats to do and be what they need to be, it also ensures your cat will be a well-adapted kitty in your home. It reduces the chances of developing bad behavioural problems. We like to say that “A Happy Cat is a Happy Family” – if you don’t ensure your cat has what he needs to be mentally resilient, you will pay for it at some point or another. Just as dogs need several walks daily, cat’s need their play time and adequate catification within their home. It’s a must. What key differences did you see since your own home went through catification? AT: I had adopted a Bengal cat, which, on the scale of 10, is a 10 in terms of activity level and requirements for an enriched environment. I had to come up with ways to occupy him and keep him happy. Shortly afterwards, I adopted a timid rescued cat who needed time to stabilise. I felt it was necessary to provide them with vertical space and more interesting options to stimulate their natural behaviour, and doing so really changed their lives and mine. My timid rescue cat

became a daring scratching pole dancer, became less scared and less anxious. It was more playful with my Bengal, navigated my home with more confidence, and was just so much happier and transformed. In the meantime, my Bengal boy became more stable mentally, less needy and got himself in trouble less simply because he had an interesting space to occupy him during the day. Its has also changed me as I am not so worried anymore when I have to work late, in


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the knowledge that they can cope better in my absence. HP: I already had a lot going on in my home in terms of natural catification features so I was not sure if having more would make a big difference. (Laughs) They say “build it and they will come” – that’s right on the money when it comes to cats! When I started testing and installing our company’s catification prototypes in my home, my cats were so excited and were all over all the prototype, which of course then becoming permanent features. My cats were happy, and they just became even happier. Since then I adopted two new cats and they were very easy to integrate with my existing cats because catification allows exactly that: less anxiety, less territorial, less aggression. The older cats can have their peace and nap while the busy young bodies can take care of themselves without driving the other cats crazy. It also had a big impact on us as we enjoy watching our cats and seeing them hanging out and interacting. What are the current global trends in catification? HP/AT: Catification is growing world-wide and is growing faster in Asia than in more traditional markets such as Europe and USA. In recent years, customers have become more educated about cats and have become ever more receptive to their cat’s needs. They are willing to spend to ensure their cats have fulfilling, happy lives. In fact, catification is such an important trend that BBC News spent two days shooting with us for a Series called the Pet Economy in Asia. How are the solutions provided by The Cat People different from standard off-the-rack products from pet stores? HP/AT: Both Alen and I were super disappointed with what is being offered online. Online sellers and shop sellers have no space to store larger, bulkier items, shipping must also be kept to a minimum to make money. Therefore, most of the catification are made of light and cheap materials, such as cardboard with short screws. Yet this also means that they fall apart quickly. Many commercial cat condos also pack in a lot of features to attract the buyer, yet the space is so narrow that it renders the features useless.


So, we set up the company two-and-a-half years ago – in our kitchen! Today we have a 4,500 sqft workshop in Singapore where we handcraft, produce and customise all the catification. We have trained our own staff and we have experienced carpenters and engineers as well as our in-house installation team. We have a completely different approach. We design things that cats want and can use effectively first and foremost. We study the home lay out and take into consideration the number of cats in the household, and their personalities before designing anything. We want it to be a success for the cats, but also create designs that people are proud to have in their homes. It looks great, fits their decor, and become conversation pieces. Our designs are made of wood and natural fibres with no chemicals. We use water base wood stain and paint, low emission glue and we have a line of green sustainably-certified wood. We also offer upkeeping, repair and refurbishment services, and even relocation: if our customer is moving home, we can help to remove, adapt and re-install their catification. I (HP) was also a brand manager in the fashion and luxury industry for many years and have been involved in fashion and design from an early age. Aesthetics are very important to me and I definitely apply that in everything we design. Both Alen and I are very sensitive to people’s home and décor: we pick up inspiration from our customers’ homes and propose ideas accordingly. What is the catification process like? HP/AT: We start with a free consultation in our customers’ home, which allows us to study the layout of the home and identify the most valued areas for the cats. Most times the humans have it wrong and we need to explain why their cats sees it differently. We also take all information and history about the cats and make notes of details such as personalities, age groups, and existing behavioural problems. Measurements and pictures of the home will also be taken during this visit. The second step is to draw some sketches in line with the budget that was discussed during the consultation. We may propose a few different options and will take time to explain the rationale behind the designs proposed. From the

time a selection is made and final drawings are confirmed, it takes about two weeks to produce and install the project. The project is installed by our own team with Alen or myself present. Once all is installed, we educate the customer on all aspects of the catification and cat’s reaction. We then provide follow up via WhatsApp to gather updates and news about their cats and continue sharing information and tips. What, to you, is the most basic setup cat owners should have? HP/AT: The right litter box in the right location for the type of cat you have, and the right scratching post in the right size and shape, in the right location – these are part of Catification 101. We visit customers every day and we can tell you that these two basic items are often amiss. Beyond the absolute basics, we would recommend having a tall tree around 200cm in height or more, with multiple step shelves and two beds integrated in the cat tree. In smaller apartments such as HDB homes, creating vertical space in essence doubles your cat’s territory and creates “ spaces” – for sleep, exercise, play, and offering a bird’s eye view of their territory – that occupies and motivates them. What was the most elaborate catification set up you’ve ever created? HP/AT: Some of our customers renovate their homes and involves us in the process to ensure their cats need’s get taken into consideration in their new home. We also do combine large projects with Cat Safety, another service we offer. We have catified entire gardens and created outdoor and indoor wonderlands for cats, from balconies to entire gardens. Most of our projects are in the $2,400 to $6,000 bracket, and mega projects of $10,000 to $20,000 involving all aspects of safety and catification for larger properties. But we have also had some very detailed HDB projects with very specific criteria that have costed around $10,000. What is the biggest myth/misunderstanding concerning catification that you would like to clarify? HP/AT: That your home is being taken over by the cats and will look bad. We are not fond of the “cat kindergarten” look associated with

most items available online and in shops. We propose designs that balances the need and taste of cats and humans in a stylish, thought-through process. b


CHristmas A-z

Designer Dwelling

A well-designed, aesthetically pleasing pet dwelling is a gift that is as much for your pet as it is for yourself. And the options are plenty. Companies such as Tuft and Paw offer what they tout as “modern cat furniture that both cats and humans will love” – and we certainly are in love with their super-sleek MiaCara Torre scratch post and resting perch. Yet a good-looking home for your pet doesn’t necessarily have to burn a huge hole in your pocket: look closer amongst the local offerings and you might find gems such as Savic Geneva – a sleek, minimalist twostorey hamster home with a curved bottom and a cool grey exterior. It’s not just designed to look good either: the tank includes a large play area that allows your hamster to freely hide, burrow, climb and just have a good time. MiaCara Torre available from Savic Geneva available from Pet Lovers Centre & The Pet Safari


CHristmas A-z

E for Ergonomics

When it comes to the comfort of our pets, it isn’t just about all things plush and luxurious – ergonomics plays a big part as well. The non-slip Dome Bowl by Hing Designs is thoughtfully designed for your pet to tuck into his dinner without having to follow his food around. Made from rainbow-coloured rubber with a removable stainless-steel bowl, the tilted dome shape is also elevated for easier munching. The Eyenimal’s Bloom Pet Fountain is a sturdy drinking bowl that can be set in two flow functions: a gentle waterfall, or a merry bubbling. The fluid dance is said to capture your pet’s attention, encouraging him or her to lap curiously — and effectively drink more. Both items available from Pet Lovers Centre.

Fleas away

It might sound utterly unsexy but your fur kid will thank you for giving him the gift of being flea-free. Enter the Rolf Club Spot-On that is specially formulated to repel and kill ticks in pups over 12 weeks old. Simply snip off the top of the tube and apply the cream on the neck area between the shoulder blades or at the base of his skull, where he can’t lick at it. Do the same for pet felines with the Inspector Antiparasitic Spot-On. Made with 10% Fipronil, a broad-spectrum insecticide that is safe for use on pregnant or lactating cats, this two-in-one product protects against 14 types of external and internal parasites. Don’t think that fleas trouble only long-haired pooches either. The NanoSanitas Shampoo for Male Dogs with Short Fur made with Silver nanoparticles is formulated specifically for dogs with a short coat, and provides better defense against bacteria, ticks & fleas. For an anti-itch treatment that also doubles up as quite a treat, pick up the Lintbells YuDERM Itching Dog. This allnatural supplement is made from cold-pressed fish and salmon oil, and is chock-full of Vitamin E. Trusted by vets around the world, the formula soothes irritated skin and calms itchy dogs that are prone to scratching. Best served as a booster to your pooch’s daily meal. All available from Pet Lovers Centre.

Geared up for Hygiene Keep your pup in tip-top shape with the right sporting essentials. The new five-metre-long leash by Flexi offers plenty of freedom for your canine friend to let loose, while still staying connected to you. Let your pet roam through the fields for a good workout, then make sure his muddy paws get a wipe down with the Stop Muddy Paws mat by Pet Rebellion. Made from a fully machine-washable and absorbent material, this barrier rug keeps your floors clean while also serving as a decorative door mat. Flexi Classic S Tape (Pink) and Pet Rebellion Stop Muddy Paws Wipe Paws rug, available from Pet Lovers Centre


christmas A-Z

I for Insurance The Ultimate Guide to Pet Insurance in Singapore WORDS: BERNICE QUEK

Ask any pet owner and they’ll tell you that one of their biggest fears is that their beloved pet might fall ill. Wanting your fur baby to always be in the pink of health is one thing, contending with the reality of sickness is another – and the rising costs of pet healthcare is something that all responsible pet parents have to consider when they decide to get a pet. As such, more pet owners are turning to pet insurance to help offset any costs resulting from unexpected injuries or illnesses to their pet. Some policies even cover the costs incurred for death or if your pet causes injury or damage to others and their property. What Does Pet Insurance Typically Cover? Pet insurance not only insures you against the financial burden of costly treatments. That it helps to alleviate the sting of a huge bill also means that pet owners will be less hesitant to bring their pet to seek medical treatment, thus ensuring that the animal gets timely and better healthcare. These are some of the areas that pet insurance would usually cover: • • • • • • • • •

Dental treatment due to accident or illness Non-surgical treatment Surgical treatment Post-surgery treatment Room and board fees Cancer treatment Chemotherapy Accidental death Final expenses – includes expenses for euthanasia, pet cremation services, funeral service and other applicable charges following the death of the pet • Third party liability • Loss of pet due to theft


Does My Pet Need Insurance? This is the first question you should be asking yourself, even before considering when to get insurance or what coverage is needed, is whether or not your pet even needs an insurance policy. Some factors to consider: • Accidents If your pet is a rambunctious fellow prone to accidents, it might be a good idea to have it insured to offset potentially huge medical bills. • Age Just like humans, dogs are more prone to illnesses which are expensive to treat as they age. Getting the coverage your pet needs may help you to cover some costs. • Aggressiveness If your pet is aggressive and likely to cause harm to another person, pet or property, you might want to seek out insurance policies that cover third party liabilities. • Breed Certain pet breeds are more susceptible to certain illnesses. For example, Boxers are prone to getting cancer, particularly lymphoma and mast cell tumours. Insurance will come in handy to offset the treatment costs. • Medical history Check the medical history of your pet. If it is unknown or complicated, health issues may start to surface in the future; it might be wise to get insurance. • Tendency of getting lost If your pet tends to wander out of the house for many days before coming home, it may be more prone to going missing and getting stolen. You may want to consider a policy that will give you a pay-out for the loss of pet due to theft.

When you’ve decided that an insurance policy for your pet might be something you need, take time to do some homework to find out each policy’s coverage, and the terms and conditions that come with it. • Price Start off by getting quotations from different insurance providers and comparing the prices. It is important to strike a balance between your budget and the coverage that is suitable for your pet. • Customer service You should be able to get a rough gauge of the customer service quality provided by each company in the process of gathering quotations. This gives you an indication of the service you will be receiving as a customer, which will ultimately affect your entire experience when it comes to clarifying the policy terms and submitting claims. • Pre-enrolment check-ups It is best to go for a policy that does not require your pet to do a pre-enrolment check-up to avoid the possibility of any coverage exclusions. • Choice of clinics If you would like to be able to bring your pet to the clinic or hospital of your choice, ensure that your policy gives you that freedom. It will also be more convenient that way. • Ease and speed of claims The point of getting insurance is to offset some of your incurred costs. Therefore, it should ideally be easy to file a claim and the reimbursement should be settled speedily. • Congenital and hereditary conditions coverage While pre-existing congenital and hereditary

conditions are generally not covered, it is important to pick a policy that offers such coverage should these conditions develop later on in your pet’s life. • Lifetime coverage A policy that provides lifetime coverage is more beneficial as illnesses tend to set in as your dog gets older.


Top 4 Pet Insurance Policies in Singapore


(underwritten by MSIG Singapore) Minimum age to be enrolled: 16 weeks Maximum age to be enrolled: 9 years PROS Covers both dogs and cats Only pet insurance in Singapore that provides lifetime coverage for your pets

CONS Pre-enrolment medical check-up is required within 30 days from the commencement date of insurance Does not cover fees incurred due to accidents

Covers surgical-related fees, which are costly Deductible of $250 per claim Covers congenital and hereditary conditions (not pre-existing) if pet is enrolled before age 6 Claims are settled within 14 business days 14-day free look period No claim discount Can visit any licensed veterinarian, including emergency animal hospitals and specialists in Singapore

Co-insurance increases as your dog ages. • Dogs enrolled before age 4: 20% • Dogs enrolled before age 7: 30% • Dogs enrolled before age 9: 40% Waiting period of • 90 days for illness • 12 months for specified hereditary and congenital conditions

Suitable for • Pet breeds that are prone to illnesses Not suitable for • Pets that have pre-existing conditions: The pre-enrolment medical check-up will reveal any pre-existing conditions and may result in coverage exclusions • Pet parents who are on a budget: The co-insurance and deductible fees can add up to be very costly • Working pets, such as those involved in racing, law enforcement, guarding, or other commercial usePets used for breeding purposes


christmas A-Z PETCARE BY LIBERTY INSURANCE Minimum age to be enrolled: 8 weeks Maximum age to be enrolled: 9 years

PROS Provides 3 different plans for both dogs and cats No medical examination required before policy enrolment Lowest minimum age to be enrolled, as compared to the other 2 policies (8 weeks onwards) Covers both illness-related fees and fees incurred due to accidents No claim discount Can visit any licensed veterinarian, including emergency animal hospitals and specialists in Singapore

CONS Does not cover post-surgery fees Note: There are deductibles for accidents and liabilities, and co-insurance for treatment expenses. So, your cost (co-insurance or deductible) will depend on what you are claiming for and the fees incurred. Suitable for • Pets prone to illnesses and accidents: In the case where your pet does not require surgery, this policy would be ideal as postsurgical treatment fees are not covered. Not suitable for • Working pets, such as those involved in racing, law enforcement, guarding, or other commercial use • Pets used for breeding purposes


(underwritten by Sompo Insurance Singapore) Minimum age to be enrolled: 12 weeks Maximum age to be enrolled: 7 years PROS Most affordable policy at annual premiums of $74.90

CONS Waiting period of 30 days for medical and cremation/burial coverage due to illness

Option of add-ons: (A) Loss Of Dog Due To Theft (B) Medical and Cremation/Burial Expenses Due To Illness

Excludes many dog breeds: • Bull Terrier • Doberman Pinscher • Rottweiler • German Shepherd Dog with its related breeds such as Belgian Shepherd Dog and the East European Shepherd Dog • Mastiffs, including the Bull Mastiff, Cane Corso and Dogue De Bordeaux • Dogs crossed with any of these breeds and/or wolves

No medical examination required before policy enrolment 14-day free look period Covers up to 70% of the medical expenses due to accident or illness

Suitable for • Pets that have been spayed or neutered. There is no coverage for illness related to prostate problems, hormonal skin conditions, perianal hernias, testicular tumours, perianal tumours, mammary tumours, uterine and ovarian conditions. Not suitable for • Working pets, such as those involved in racing, law enforcement, guarding, or other commercial use • Pets used for breeding purposes


christmas A-Z PAW SAFE BY AIA

Minimum age to be enrolled: 3 months Maximum age to be enrolled: 7 years (coverage up to 8 years old) PROS Most affordable policy at annual premiums of $79.49 (for dogs with microchip) or $84.58 (for dogs without microchip)

CONS Does not provide coverage for cats Maximum of 1 policy for each dog you own, up to a maximum of 2 dogs per household

Don’t need dogs to be microchipped Only covers for accidents but not illnesses No medical examination required before policy enrolment

Does not cover loss, damage or injuries that occur out of Singapore

14-day free look period Excludes many dog breeds: • Mastiff • Bull Terrier • Staffordshire Bull Terrier • Pit Bull Terrier • American Pit Bull Terrier • Argentina Dog • Canary Dog • American Bulldog or dogs crossed with any of these breeds and/or wolves Not suitable for • Dog breeds that are prone to illnesses

Suitable for • Dogs that are prone to accidents • Dogs that are not microchipped • Dog parents who are on a budget

GLOSSARY OF INSURANCE TERMS YOU SHOULD KNOW Co-insurance: The percentage of the bills that you have to cover yourself. E.g. if the co-insurance is 20% and your claimable bill is $10,000, you have to fork out $2,000 from your own pocket. Deductible: Fixed share of the claim that you have to cover, after the co-insurance (if applicable). E.g. if the co-insurance is 20%, the deductible is $50 and your claimable bill is $10,000, you have to fork out $2,050 in total. The remaining $7,950 will be reimbursed by your insurance company, depending on your maximum annual pay-out.

Free look period: A period of time in which the policy owner can terminate the policy without incurring any chargers. Pre-existing condition: It could be a health condition that your pet already has prior to the enrolment of the insurance policy, or your pet gets during the waiting period. Waiting period: After enrolment of a policy, a waiting period indicates a period of time that your policy does not apply. A version of this article first appeared in

A version of this article first appeared on


CHristmas A-z

J Pets Jewellery

Dress your pet in all that glitters for the slew of festive parties this season This Christmas, channel pop queen Beyoncé and elevate your pet to diva status with a touch of bling. Specialising in pet jewellery made from Swarovski crystals and sterling silver, Oscar Newman’s list of pet star patrons includes the pooches of Paris Hilton, Britney Spears and Hilary Duff. The luxury pet couture brand is the go-to name for statement pieces, such as the Strawberries and Cream Pearl Necklace set with deep red Aurora Borialis Swarovski crystals, and a matching Swarovski crystal heart pendant. A red organza bow with a sterling silver filigree clasp completes this pretty picture. If interesting collaborations are more your style, the Christian Cowan for Moshiqa collection will be right up your alley. Known as the Cambridge-born designer who has created youthful pieces for the likes of Cardi B and Lady Gaga, his quirky designs are crafted from vinyl, sequins and feathers. You’ll see this in the Love Dog Bracelet with Leash, a glittery hot pink vinyl lead lined with suede and a cuff bracelet with heart perforations for you to snap on your wrist while walking your dog in style. The Cowan for Moshiqa collection also features bling necklaces for your pet feline, set in elegant stones that will make your kitty the fanciest at any party. Oscar Newman, available from


CHristmas A-z

Kings & Queens of Your Heart Gift your pet a crown – specially designed for the creature who rules your world.


Deep green emeralds. Sparkling clear diamonds. When Thai jewellery designer Riwin Jirapolsek made a crown to grace the head of his 15-yearold male Maltese, he spared no expenses — 250-carats of precious stones were set in titanium, for a crown worth US$4.2million. While your pet probably wouldn’t begrudge you for not holding to the same high standards, you can still treat him or her like royalty with their very own tiara. US-based designer Yvette Ruta carries a line of high-end pet accessories that includes fancy hats, fascinators, and a Swarovski-studded crown that will put a glimmer in your pet’s eye. Each crown is custom made to fit your pet’s head, and can be fitted with clip-ons or with elastic ear loops. For a tiara that is more feminine than bling, the hand-stitched crowns from Raven Boutique will check the right boxes. The Princess Pet Birthday Crown features delicate gold lace adorned pink and white flowers — a design guaranteed to turn your pup or kitten into Queen Charming. And if you’re feeling a tad competitive and looking to splurge just that bit more, EmmaKatzkaBridal designs beautiful accessories for brides-to-be, as well as an exclusive collection of bridal tiaras for pups. The Lia Crystal Wedding Tiara is all about understated elegance, embellished with pink and clear crystals and freshwater pearls. RavenBoutiqueLLC, on Etsy EmmaKatzkaBridal, on Etsy


CHristmas A-z

L Lap of Luxury

From Gucci and Louis Vuitton, to Ralph Lauren and Tiffany & Co, fashion houses are making sure your pet struts out in luxurious style. It’s not just supermodels who get to strut about in haute couture these days. Luxury brands are designing product lines for pets that will make sure your pooch is always en vogue. US fashion label Ralph Lauren has their own collection named The Pup Shop that specialises in designer clothes for pets. The Marlin Embroidered Dog Polo features the Ribbed Polo collar with the signature embroidered pony in a pretty salmon pink. And if it’s cold out, the Dog Trench Coat comes in a classic beige with horn buttons and a thick waist belt. Perfect for twinning with you while on a wintry walk.


Meanwhile, Italian powerhouse Gucci keeps it simple but bold with a dog collar in its signature red and green. The bright colours are festive, and also make a fashion statement that this is a pup that has class. Heading for a weekend getaway with your precious pooch? Count on this timeless Louis Vuitton Dog Carrier to make sure you and your pet travel together in style. Known for its fashionable yet functional suitcases, this stylish carry-on features the signature LV monogram canvas with a breathable mesh window and zip-around closure. Even if you’re staying home for the night, dinner can still be a resplendent affair with the Tiffany & Co. Dog Bowl in the jewellery brand’s signature sterling silver. For an extra special touch, engrave the bowl with your dog’s initials — he gets wagging rights for having his every meal at Tiffany’s.


CHristmas A-z

for Memorial Diamonds Memorial diamonds offer a beautiful way to keep a bond you’ll never forget Diamonds are forever, as that song lyric goes. What better way to celebrate the life of your beloved pet than with one made from its remains? Memorial diamonds are increasingly popular, as people seek a physical token to hold some of their most cherished memories. The process is largely similar across the board — you’ll hand over a small amount of your pet’s ashes, or even its fur or feathers. Carbon is then extracted and turned into diamonds. Swiss company Algordanza has been producing memorial diamonds since 2004, and has a strict confidentiality policy in place as respect for the deceased. The ashes are turned into pure white diamonds, available in classic cuts such as Emerald, Princess, and Brilliant. California-based EverDear & Co. goes the extra mile by turning your memorial diamond into jewellery that can be worn daily, so you’ll always have the memory of your pet close to you. And because grieving can be hard to bear, US company Eterneva sends clients video updates of the diamond transformation journey and hand-delivers the final gift when it is ready. Eterneva also offers a customisation service, where you get to pick a colour that reminds you of your pet, as well as engrave their initials on the diamond. A fitting way to remember the best friend to both man and woman.


CHristmas A-z

Natural & Organic

This might be the season for decadence and indulgences, but you can still keep things wholesome with all-natural, organic gifts for your pet.

SPA PARADISE If your pet loves a good belly rub, it will love the all-natural Essential Oils Spa at Wholesome Paws. The folks behind this locally-founded brand will take the time to understand your dog’s skin condition and emotional health, before customising its personal blend of therapy-grade essential oils. A soothing massage, rounded off with a healthy shot of goji berry drink, will leave your pooch in a blissful state. STOCK & STUFF This one is for all the pet bunnies who made it on Santa’s ‘Nice’ list this year. Barks and Bunnies Rosewood Naturals Christmas Stocking comes packed with a variety of treats and herbs that can be enjoyed throughout the festive season. There’s Christmas Snowball Nibbles with apples and dandelion, a Seasonal Salad of wild flowers and meadow hay, as well as a fun reindeer wood gnaw that will make you the best Christmas elf in their books Available from PURRFECT SHOT! Crouch, spring, pounce! Felines sometimes think they are on the set of an action film. Keep their hunting instinct sharp with these sturdy cat balls handcrafted from organic cotton. Light, durable and bouncy, these toys are stuffed with agave fibre from Mexico and are a good alternative to plastic balls.


BREAKFAST IN BED Never mind a bed of roses – what your pet will love more is an edible beds! The SunGrow Portable Bed is made from woven sea grass and hay that doubles up as a chew toy. Watch as your pet rabbit or chinchilla lounges comfortably in their new bed, while nibbling at its corners for a treat. The lightweight material is gentle on your pet’s paws, and also gives off s an organic grass fragrance that helps relax your pet. Available from TWEETS FOR BANANAS Birds have highly-sensitive stomachs, which makes feeding them the right diet highly important. The Organic Banana Bird Bread made exclusively for Things for Wings by Avian Organics promises to be quite the treat! Kamut flour, an easily digestible grain, forms the base of this mix, together with red banana flakes that is high in carotene. Simply add water and an organic egg to the bread mix, bake for 40 minutes, cool and serve. Available from SHAGGY NO MORE Help your dog shine —his coat, this is— by giving him a regular brushing down. The Essential Dog Natural Bamboo Deshedding Tool is made from sustainably-sourced bamboo that is naturally fumigated with high-pressure boiling water. This sleek brush comes with a stainless steel brush head that is suitable for use on short-fur or shaggy dogs. Now there’s no excuse to keep your pooch from looking trim and neat. Available from


CHristmas A-z

P for Personalised For your unique fur friend, only one-of-a-kind, personalised gifts will do.

COSY CUDDLES The weather turns chilly towards the year end, so keep your pet warm and snuggly with this Elephant & Wolf Puppy Blanket from Lords & Labradors. Stitched entirely by hand, your pet will love cosying up under the smooth velvet coverlet or burying into the shaggy faux fur, thick enough to be used on its own or on a bed. Comes with the option to sew on your pet’s initials. Available from


COUNTING CALORIES As the trusted adage goes, fresh is always best. At Pawmeal, all meal plans are made from premium, natural ingredients, with an emphasis on lean proteins and antioxidantrich foods such as goji berries. Got a fussy eater, or a pup that could afford to shed some pounds? Pawmeal also lets you customise your pet’s diet to create calorie-specific plans for a well-balanced meal. Available from HIDE AND SLEEP One of the best things you can give your bunny is a safe haven to enjoy a good night’s sleep. This pretty tent from HipHooray Teepee provides the perfect hideout, complete with a comfortable cushioned floor that also acts as a stabiliser for the tent. The best bit? You get to design your pet’s home, from choosing the fabric pattern and cushion colour, right down to the pretty pom-pom fringe decorating the flap entrance. Available from BY THE CUFF In the feline world, a beautiful leather collar is a classic fashion statement. Make your cat feel like a proud prince (or princess) this Christmas with this handmade dark green leather collar lined in dusty pink suede, from Cheshire & Wain. Decorated with edgy silver hardware with a secondary breakaway clip for your cat’s safety and your peace of mind, this collar will make a great gift — especially with your pet’s name engraved on it. Available from


CHristmas A-z

R Replicate Me

Can’t get enough of your pet? Create plush replicas of it! Surprise your pet – or even friends who adore its company – with a plush toy made in his mirror image. Simply provide your favourite picture of your pet, and share his unique characteristics (a white tip on his tail, or cream patches on his back) with Cuddle Clones, and let them work their magic. Fair warning: you just might end up seeing double, and giving your pet twice the number of treats!


CHristmas A-z

Sip & Savour There’s no reason to leave your pet out of all the festive feasting with these high-end gourmet treats.

It’s time for the Christmas toast, and everyone has a glass in hand — except your precious pet, of course. That could jolly well change this year with the rise of tasty gourmet treats for pets. Floridabased Pet Winery’s cheeky version of Dog Pawrignon is a ‘champagne’ that is safe for pups to imbibe. Made from filtered water and infused with wild-caught Alaskan salmon oil, this will be one delicious toast. And if your pet prefers fine wine over bubbly, the Pinot Meow by Coloradobased Apollo Peaks — made from red beetroots and infused catnip — will go down a treat. With fine bubbly and wine on the menu, it’s only right that the canapes are up to scratch. Foie Gras de Canard is always a decadent treat, and the pups’ version by Loyalty Pets is made to smell as good as it tastes. Australian duck liver is dehydrated at a low temperature to preserve its aroma, and the single ingredient source also

makes this treat well-suited for sensitive stomachs. Move on to a main course that could rival yours. The Christmas Roast Beef from local company The Barkery is made with organic beef flank steak, served with stewed carrots, sweet potatoes and sprigs of fragrant rosemary. And while we would never advocate feeding your pup actual chocolate, make an exception for the ‘Chocolate’ Truffles by Pup and Co Boutique. The combination of chicken broth, yogurt and coconut is the perfect balance of sweet and savoury, and the crunchy truffles are presented in a velvet heart-shaped box that will let your pet know just how much you adore them. Dog Pawrignon, from Pinot Meow, from Duck Foie Gras, from Christmas Roast Beef, from Chocolate Truffles, from


christmas A-Z

T for Travel As this young couple proves, holidaying with your dog isn’t a far-fetched dream—planning and research can make it a reality. WORDS BY KEENAN PEREIRA ADDITIONAL REPORTING BY GWEN LI


Family photos arguably turn out the best when taken on holidays. The exotic backdrops, coupled with the relaxation only a getaway brings, make for snaps that inevitably become profile pictures on Facebook and the like. But for many families, these photos are often incomplete – since their dogs aren’t with them. But times are changing and the travel explosion of the last decade has expanded to include pets as well; a quick search online shows several local pet relocation services that also assist with pet holidays. Singapore Airlines even has a web page dedicated to travelling with your pet. But navigating all this information can be tricky for the traveller preparing to fly with his/ her pet for the first time. To better understand the preparation and research needed to make a holiday with your pet a reality, PETS met Joyce Chew and Donovan Tan, avid travellers who have been taking their three-year-old pomeranian with them on their overseas adventures. LIKE OWNER, LIKE DOG Pom Pom has had an impressive travel history even as a young puppy. A quick scroll through her Instagram page (@iampompom) shows her strutting the streets in London, soaking in the picturesque views of the Swiss countryside and even exploring cultural relics in Japan. Such trips feed the couple’s wanderlust—something that hasn’t been satiated despite Joyce’s seven-anda-half years as a flight attendant. “I still love to travel and bringing Pom Pom along is another experience altogether,” she gushes, adding that these days, she prefers destinations off the beaten track. Destinations on her travel bucket list include Scandinavia – to see the Northern Lights

Keep Calm and Travel • While there aren’t any agencies dedicated to pet holidays, owners can approach pet relocation service providers for holiday assistance as well. Be prepared to fork out a hefty sum for such services. But if you can afford them, these services can make pet holidays a breeze. • Avoid feeding your pet before a flight—this prevents undesirable “bathroom” scenarios on-board. • Jet lag is as real for pets as it is for humans. Avoid strenuous activities for the first few days of a holiday and let your pet acclimatise to his/her new surroundings and time zone. • Having an obedient pet helps. Pet-friendly as some places may be, they are still generally hostile towards animals that misbehave, either by running around or making too much noise.


christmas A-Z and stay in an igloo; a road trip around New Zealand in a caravan; and to go island-hopping in Santorini, Greece and to bask on its beaches with her furry friend. The decision to bring Pom Pom along on holiday was an easy one. “When we first got her and were planning a holiday, we realised that we would miss her a lot if she didn’t come with us,” shares Joyce. So the couple decided to bring Pom Pom—who was then just a few months old—on a European escapade. They felt at ease bringing their pet there, knowing that many parts of Europe were largely pet-friendly. “And we confirmed this by doing a lot of research, turning to travel blogs and the like,” explains Donovan. To the couple, pet-friendly features include public transit systems that allow pets and a culture where pets are largely embraced as part of the family. Europe fits the bill perfectly, since many of the continent’s cities—from Paris to Madrid—have welcomed dogs in their subway systems. Hotels here also provide pet-friendly amenities, among them bedding and even food and water bowls. CLOSER TO HOME But the couple stresses that one needn’t go so far afield to find a pet-friendly destination. Asian

What to Bring Joyce Chew shares her tips on travel essentials for her pet • Weather-appropriate clothing: for dogs used to Singapore’s tropical heat and humidity, a snowy winter holiday can be a period of hell. Make sure your dog has appropriate winter wear, including boots, jacket and maybe even a scarf. • Food: You can still buy food from local supermarkets but there’s a chance that your dog might prefer whatever he/she eats at home, so having that on hand helps. For instance, Pom Pom enjoys home-cooked food, so her owners pick hotel rooms with kitchenettes where they can whip up simple meals – such as salmon-based dishes – for their dog. • Blanket: A familiar blanket can help pets get used to the strange new smells and sights of a foreign land.


destinations that they have had no trouble with Pom Pom in include Japan. In fact, the couple plan to bring her there again later in 2020. Japan—and its many cities like Tokyo and Kyoto—proves an easy destination for the first-time pet traveller, since pets can be transported in the cabin rather than through the cargo hold. “For our first trip (to London) we had to engage a pet travel agent, because Pom Pom was not allowed in the cabin,” explains Joyce, adding that the agent’s fees, which amounted to a few thousand dollars, formed the bulk of their expenses. In contrast, she was able to book Pom Pom a return ticket on a Delta Airlines flight to Tokyo for around $600.

Tailwind Conditions A look at some of the most pet-friendly airlines departing from Singapore Singapore Airlines Lauded as one of the best airlines in the world, it shouldn’t be surprising that Singapore Airlines has a superbly well thought-out program for travellers wishing to take their pets with them. Cats and dogs older than 10 weeks old, and which weighs less than 32kg together with its container, can travel in the cabin, whereas those more than 32kg travel in cargo. but if your pet and its container weigh more than 32kg, your pet will have to travel in cargo, where arrangements can be made to ensure the comfort and security of your furry friend. Service dogs accompanying passengers with disabilities, alongside those that perform a psychiatric function as prescibed for those in need of emotional support, are allowed to be travel with their owners in the cabin. Do note that this, however, is dependent on the regulations of your arrival destination: some countries do not allow dogs in the cabin. You should also ensure that you have the dog’s documentation on a letter-headed paper of a licensed health professional/institution. Service dogs are classified as unchecked baggage, so the airline will carry it free of charge. For more information, including a detailed checklist of documents required, visit their website.

Flying to destinations like Japan which allow pets to arrive in the cabin also mean that owners can keep an eye on the safety and wellbeing of their pets throughout the journey. On these flights, the dog is kept in a carrier under the seat during take-off and landing. While the airplane is cruising, you can keep your furry friend on your lap. On these flights, Pom Pom—and other flying pets like her—get to experience the magic of Changi Airport and often attract stares and bewildered looks from other passengers, who may not be aware of flying pets. “They are surprised when we tell them but you can tell many also want to try,” adds Donovan with a laugh.

Air France Fully-vaccinated cats and dogs more than 10 weeks old and weighing no more than 8 kg / 17 lb (including the weight of its container) are allowed to travel in the cabin with prior approval. Air France is also one of the few airlines that still allows snub-nosed animals – such as pugs, bulldogs, boxers, Shih Tzu or Persian cats, which are prone to respiratory problems – to travel in the cabin. Owners should seek advice from the vet prior to understand the risks involved. For the convenience for their passengers, Air France also sells travel bags for transporting your pet in the cabin or in the hold, available on the Air France Shopping website. These, however, are only available for delivery to a select list of countries, which does not include Singapore. Also note that, for safety reasons, pets can only travel in the hold in the Business cabin on intercontinental flights. Swiss International Air Lines Dogs and cats weighing up to 8 kg (weight including transport container) and larger service dogs are allowed in the cabin, as long as they are transported in a soft container tht allows enough space for the animal to remain comfortable in it throughout the journey. Dogs and cats, and even hares and rabbits, weighing more than 8 kg (weight including transport container) will have to travel in the hold. But being an airline highly experienced in tranporting animals – some 4,000 animals are transported around the world via Swiss WorldCargo each year – they know just how to create the optimal condition for the safety and security of your beloved pet.


Upbeat and Stress-free

Natural remedies that help to give your pooch a positive mood boost.

Your four-legged friend might look like the most happy-go-lucky fellow under the sun, but did you know that dogs can get stressed and depressed too? An unusually lethargic dog who sleeps all day and no longer shows enthusiasm for the activities it usually loves could be upset. Excessive licking of the paws could be another display of anxiety or stress too. Boredom and the loss of someone close – be it a companion animal or a person – could all make a pooch feel down. While exercise, games and showering your pup with more affection are commonly prescribed strategies to combat a negative state of mind, natural remedies in the form of mood-lifting essential oils and healthful ingredients added to their diet might also benefit a dog going through a bad patch. Eat Well, Be Well Just what are mood-lifting ingredients and how do they work? Simply put: everything that is eaten can be broken down into different chemical components, which in turn affects bodily functions, from digestion to hormonal balance.

For example, foods that are rich in the amino acid L-tryptophan – such as chamomile, sweet potato, turkey and other meats – helps the body create serotonin, which is known as the “happy chemical”. Serotonin, in turn, contributes to feelings of well-being and happiness. Milk contains the peptide alpha-casozepine, which impacts specific receptors in the brain to reduce anxiety and fear. Organ meat such as liver is rich in niacin, which helps the body create serotonin on top of supporting the adrenal glands, which plays a critical role in helping the body cope with stress and anxiety. Chia seeds, flax seeds and fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel and sardines are great sources of DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), which is often found in puppy food – and even infant formula. DHA has been shown to help improve brain development in puppies and kittens, and also modulate neurotransmitters in the same way as anti-anxiety medications. You will find quite a number of kibble formula on the market that touts itself as calming, or stress-relieving, all packed with ingredients rich in nutrients listed above. Yet know that there is no magic bullet for combating depression and


christmas A-Z

anxiety. More critical than trying to find that “cure-all” supplement or “superfood” ingredient is to provide your pooch with a balanced diet that provides a good mix of key nutrients – some 50 of which that your dogs need. Power of Probiotics Yup, we are talking about bacteria, just like the live culture we happily gulp down in probiotic milk beverages. We all know that these good bacteria aids with digestion, but what has it got to do with our dog’s mood? While the relationship between gut health and mental health is still a relatively new field of study, many correlations have been found between depression and the lack of certain microbes. Poor gut health can also cause a spike in stress hormones such as cortisol, whereas dogs with a healthy mix of friendly bacteria in their gastro-intestinal tract – which probiotics can help to establish – might have lower levels of cortisol, resulting in them feeling calmer. And frankly, anybody who has suffered indigestion will know that it puts people in a foul mood. So, it should be a surprise that probiotic’s digestion-enhancing powers can impact a dog’s mood too. Better digestion also allows for better absorption of nutrients from foods, so that all the good mood-boosting compounds you feed your dog can do their work better. Don’t start giving your pooch frozen treats


made from Yakult or Vitagen though: you should only give your dog canine-specific probiotics, formulated with a specific mix that is safe and effective in dogs. When selecting a probiotic dog supplement, look out for those high colony forming units— at least 1 billion CFU’s per serving – so that a sufficient amount of good bacteria actually makes it into your dog’s gut to do its work. Herbal Help Just as how a hot cup of chamomile tea can calm our nerves, herbs with a slight sedative effect, such as that of chamomile and hops – the essential ingredient for making beer – can also help a down-and-out dog feel better. This doesn’t mean you have to sit your pooch down to tea and crumpets – or beer and fried chicken, for that matter. For dogs, the soothing effect of herbs can also be experienced in the form of essential oils diluted into a mist that can be spritz into the air, or massaged onto the neck and chest of your dog. Popular options include calming rose, lavender oil, and green mandarin oils, and uplifting peppermint and sweet orange. Given the wonderful perfume of these essential oils, this is certainly one therapy that will benefit not just your dog, but also yourself! However, do note that certain herbs that are safe for humans might be toxic to dogs, so always check with your vet before introducing them to your dog. u



W I T H A D D E D V I TA M I N S & M I N E R A L S

CHristmas A-z

V VIP Concierge App Go card-less with Pet Lovers Centre’s latest loyalty product

Find yourself fumbling through your wallet and rifling through too many loyalty cards at the cashier counter? Pet Lovers Centre eliminates that frustration with the VIP Concierge App. Launched in August 2019, it is a card-less loyalty programme that allows pet owners to enjoy exclusive privileges when they shop online or at any of Pet Lovers Centre and The Pet Safari retail stores. The full suite of benefits range from exclusive members’ pricings and special birthday offers, to accumulation of loyalty points which can be redeemed for brand or cash vouchers. VIPs of Pet Lovers Centre will also receive the latest news on pet-related promotions, products, events and complimentary gifts at pet events. The phone app gives members easy access to membership details: from loyalty points, membership expiry to e-voucher redemption, all the information you needwill all be at your fingertips. Through your phone, you can also update personal data or renew your VIP membership any time, anywhere. No longer will you need to search high and low for your privilege card at payment, or log on to a website just to check on your membership information. Available on App Store and Google Play, the VIP Concierge App


Always ready to party? Then you wouldn’t want to miss out on the many events we have lined up for 2020! Be in the front row of fun: Follow Pets Magazine on our social platforms now @PetsMagazineSG @PETSmag

CHristmas A-z

W for Weddings

Your life wouldn’t be the same without your darling pets, so why should they be left out on the most important day of your life? These pet-friendly venues make it a breeze to have your pets with you at the moments that matter, weddings or otherwise. Plus, three blushing brides share their experience.



NUPTIALS IN NATURE OPEN FARM COMMUNITY 130E Minden Rd, Singapore 248819 30 to 108 people BEST FOR: Rustic, intimate garden parties PROS: Good food, unique location, lush views CONS: Parking plus your happiness depends on the rain gods There’s nothing like the outdoors, as any field-loving Jack Russell Terrier will tell you. So, for couples who want to get married with their pets in tow, an outdoor wedding makes a lot of sense. And one exceptional venue that is bound to wow your guests with its charmingly rustic setting and on-point cuisine is the Open Farm Community. Adding a tropical spin to the traditional farm-to-table concept, it occupies a revamped greenhouse in the green Dempsey precinct. Weddings that can be held here range from simple 30-people affairs to more elaborate set-ups with more than 100 guests. Guests can look forward to a menu curated by head chef Oliver Truesdale-Jutras, renowned for his ability to marry local flavours and ingredients with international flair and cooking methods. Expect fresh, natural and simple dishes that reflect the harvest season as well as the nature of your relationship. WHAT SHE SAID “We adopted Tyson, our French Bulldog, when he was about 6 years old. We were still dating then, and it was a huge commitment for us and a step forward for our relationship. Naturally, we wanted Tyson at our wedding, because he is family.

Then came the hard part: finding a place that would accomodate Tyson. We wanted a venue that first and foremost offered the option of holding the solemnisation outdoors, and the dinner indoors. Secondly, it had to allow dogs. Thirdly, the outdoor area wouldn’t have plants that were harmful to dogs. Overall, the place should have a relaxed vibe, which describes Tyson as well. Open Farm Community felt right for us. We opted for the half-day package, which came with location rental, food and drinks. (Due to the venue’s limited capacity,) we had to limit ourselves to just 100 or so guests, which was tough to decide on. Parking was limited but they gave us and our guests easy directions to nearby lots. We were also concerned about the weather, since we didn’t have a back-up plan for wet weather. And it did rain—before and after the wedding, thankfully not during the ceremony itself. Overall, our wedding at Open Farm Community was memorable. The pictures turned out really well, thanks to the natural light. Everyone had fun and we even danced a little in the rain during the after-party on the deck. It was a day we spent with our closest and dearest—Tyson included—and we couldn’t ask for anything more.” Ms Gracia Phang, 29, married her husband at Open Farm Community in 2016.


CHristmas A-z

A TIMELESS CELEBRATION THE ALKAFF MANSION 10 Telok Blangah Green, Singapore 109178 Up to 220 guests BEST FOR: Couples eager to be wed amid history and heritage. PROS: Well-known location, ample parking CONS: Restricted pets area While the Open Farm Community’s setting can be described as “rustic”, the surroundings of the Alkaff Mansion offer a “classic” place to tie the knot. With its distinctive colonial architecture and picture-perfect gazebo, the site harkens to a romance of yesteryear. Dogs are only pemitted on the lawn area and not inside its famous house, but it still allows you to include your best friend in your wedding. Note that a handler needs to be with the dogs at all times. Despite its name, the actual mansion—a hundred-year-old colonial house—is only

part of the experience. Guests will also be able to stroll through white stone arches and balustrades, grand stairways, and Europeanstyle fountains on a manicured lawn – all which are open to pet-access. You guests will also be treated to some outstanding Basque-inspired cuisine, prepared by culinary talents from the Spanish region. The venue promises unique creations and beverages and encourages couples to play an active role in deciding the day’s menu.

DID YOU KNOW? Alkaff Mansion served as the headquarters of the World Buddhist Society from around 1970 to 1984 before it was redeveloped into a restaurant and party venue in the 1990s. Source: National Library Board

WHAT SHE SAID “Our German Shepherd – who we call ‘J’ – has been a big part of our lives. J and I were very close, and was one the reasons why I visited my husband’s family regularly even while my husband was abroad. We even sleep together on the same bed at times! So it was natural that J would be a part of our wedding, held around five years ago at Alkaff Mansion. We were looking for an outdoor garden venue for our solemnisation, and liked the environment of Alkaff Mansion has to offer. So I casually asked if they would allow dogs, and they did! The logistics of having J at our wedding went very smoothly, as the staff at Alkaff Mansion were very friendly and helpful. There was nothing that made me unhappy throughout the experience.” Ms Kellyn Ting, 29, married her husband at Alkaff Mansion in 2015.


CHristmas A-z

THE SPLASHY SOIREE CONRAD CENTENNIAL SINGAPORE 2 Temasek Boulevard, Singapore 038982 Up to 408 guests BEST FOR: Couples who want their dogs with them in the comfort of an indoor wedding. PROS: Dogs are allowed inside, established brand name, expansive menu CONS: Can be a tad pricier than the rest Some have been dreaming of their weddings since they were children, envisioning a perfect indoor banquet, complete with stunning floral displays and table settings. Giving these up to have a rustic outdoor wedding to accommodate your furry friend might be an argument that strains your relationship with your future spouse. Fortunately, the wedding facilities at Conrad Centennial Singapore offers pet lovers the option of a luxurious indoor wedding with the works. Meals are top-notch, with guests treated to a Chinese menu by the hotel’s acclaimed and award-winning Golden Peony culinary team. Guests can also enjoy free flow beer with some packages, which also include a complimentary bottle of wine per table. WHAT SHE SAID “As a couple, we were determined to have our three English Bull Terriers with us at our wedding—no ifs or buts about it. I’ve seen many couples not share this special day with their beloved pets, which is a little sad, because it really is a once-in-a-lifetime occasion


(hopefully). We decided to wed at Conrad Centennial Singapore because it allowed us to tie the knot in air-conditioned comfort—and with our dogs in tow. I was reluctant to have my wedding outdoors because I knew I would be really uncomfortable in that heat and I didn’t want my guests and dogs to go through that. So the hotel choice was perfect for us. The staff were very accomodating, even giving us a space to feed our dogs, so we could be with them throughout the wedding. They charged us a one-time cleaning fee but that’s only fair. The dogs were well-behaved throughout the wedding, although they were a little startled by the dry ice and fog machines that were turned on before our entrance. They literally froze in place. Looking back, it’s a hilarious situation and I don’t recommend that other couples use these machines at their weddings, especially if they have dogs with them! My advice to couples that are tying the knot and want to do it with their pets: just do it. There are places willing to accommodate them. Just keep looking for one that meets your criteria and when you do, you’ll be over the moon.” Ms Jaster Ngui, 41, married her husband at the Conrad Centennial in 2015

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Redeem a Role-Playing pass^ with a minimum spending of $50*. There will be 12 role-play stations to get a hands-on experience.

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^Each event pass is valid for 3 days upon first use. Limited to 1 use per role-play station on a first come, first served basis. While stocks last. Terms & Conditions apply. All information, event and mechanic details are correct at time of print and are subject to change without prior notice. Images published are for illustrative purposes only. For full set of Terms & Conditions, ^Each event pass is valid for1 3ordays upon first use. Limited to 1 use per role-play please approach our Concierge Desk at Level visit our website. station on a first come, first served basis. While stocks last.

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I12 Katong

CHristmas A-z

X for X-clusive Bites

Load up on Christmas goodies for your beloved pet with our roundup of yummilicious chow!

BOWL EM’ OVER Grain bowls loaded with lean protein and healthy greens are all the rage these days. Whip up a super bowl for your pup as well, with this Chicken, Turkey, & Brown Rice formula. Made from natural ingredients such as fresh meat and vegetables, with no artificial preservatives, this puppy formula is suitable for small dogs as well. ERA Puppy, Chicken with Turkey & Brown Rice (2kg), from Pet Lovers Centre ENERGY BOOST Toss your pup a snack to give his energy levels and immune system a boost. The ERA Chicken & Rosehip Immunity is a functional snack that is packed with natural antioxidants, zinc, and group B vitamins that will boost your dog’s energy metabolism. ERA Snack Immunity with Rosehip (Chicken), from Pet Lovers Centre CHEW ON THIS Love a double-duty treat? Let your pet gnaw on these dental chews that are also chockfull of antioxidant-rich ingredients such as blueberries, pomegranates, carrots, and chia seeds. Fortified with probiotics, this grainfree snack even gives your pet an immunity boost while working to keep their teeth clean. Get Naked Premium Antioxidant Care Dental (Blueberries & Pomegranate), from Pet Lovers Centre


MADE FOR GOURMANDS Crispy and golden-brown on the outside, soft and creamy on the inside — this natural herbal snack is made for pets that are true gourmands. Filled with a soft mousse made from a plant extract, Naturaliss Immunity Herbs also helps to improve the skin and fur of your pet rabbit, hamster, or chinchilla. Use as an afternoon treat, or even to train your pet to do tricks for treats. Cunipic Snack Naturaliss Immunity, from Pet Lovers Centre HAY THERE! There might be no large fields for bunnies to forage from in Singapore, but this coldpressed feed from Naturaliss comes close. Made with wild hay from the Pyrenees mountains and wild flowers, these compact pellets are packed with protein and fibre to prevent gastrointestinal problems for your pet. Cunipic Naturaliss Adult Rabbit, from Pet Lovers Centre NOSE POWER Advent calendars are fun for the little surprises they hold. This Christmas, gift your dog a thrill in sniffing out not one, nor two, but 24 different snacks for his festive treat! The Fish4Dogs Advent Calendar makes for a fun gift to spoil your pooch, with different treats such as Squid Bites, Mackerel Morsels, and Jerky Squares hidden behind each of the 24 windows. Fish4Dogs Advent Calendar Treats Box, from Pet Lovers Centre BETTER WITH TIME Consider this Mountain Chew as a gift that keeps giving. Made from all-natural ingredients like yak milk, salt, and lime, this durable dental stick lasts a long time and becomes tastier the more it is gnawed on. CHEESTICK Mountain Chew Large, from Pet Lovers Centre


CHristmas A-z

Y for YOLO These doggy-centric experiences are unforgettable, for both canine and owner! WORDS BY SABA KASH

Paw-toshoot Welcome 2020 with a customised calendar – starring you and your furry bud! But to do that, you’ll need a photoshoot to nail down those 12 pin-up worthy shots, and Portrait Mode on the smartphone might not be enough. Book your pet and yourself for a professionally conducted photography session (or two), and in Singapore, Bespoke Photography might just be the guys for this job. Experts in capturing all manner of pet parties, they are as adapt capturing beautiful moments outdoors as they are freezing moments indoors. In fact, they can even bring the studio set up to your home. Local photographer Louisa Violet is another sensitive photographer who is experienced in conducting photoshoots with animals. And if a theatrical photoshoot may


be too much for shy pets (and shy humans!). If you’d like a more low-key and laidback photoshoot session with your pet, www. has you covered. Once you’ve got the right photographer, a stress-free shooting environment, the possibilities are endless — the outfits, locations, themes, all which can be designed and curated to reflect the personality of your pup, making the calendar something you’ll cherish for years to come. Get your photos done professionally through, www., www.whiteroomstudio. com and customise your own calendar at


Surfing isn’t the easiest sport around, but your pooch’s extra legs might make it easier for it. A great balance and strength booster, the activity is just as enjoyable for humans. But bear in mind that if it’s your dog’s first time trying it out, keep your eyes on how your dog is feeling throughout the experience. The world famous Surf Dog Richochet ( – famous not just for her amazing sporting abilities but also her involvement in helping young and old alike, from special needs children to adults suffering from PTSD – has a website with practical and easy-to-follow introduction to the

sport for dogs. This includes nine instructional videos covering topics from the fundamental “Teaching your dog to ‘stay’ on the board”, and how to choose a surfboard for your dog; to tips on building confidence on water and translating skills learnt on to open water spaces. If you’re unsure of how your pup (or you!) will take to surfing, try easing into it with dogfriendly paddle boarding, which you can easily do at Sentosa’s Tanjong Beach. Go with the flow of the waves with Stand Up Paddling, located at Tanjong Beach. More info at


CHristmas A-z


Dogs make the best running companions, simply because they’re always so energetic and full of enthusiasm. Ease your pup into the idea of long-distance running by first starting out with shorter runs. It is important to make sure both you and your pal are well-hydrated, and that your dog is not showing any signs of fatigue. Start prepping for your future marathon by first getting your dog into an active lifestyle. An afternoon of intensive chase at the dog run will certainly warm the muscles up for your pooch. Or you can simply get Fido to join you on your routine jog. Soon, both of you will hopefully be ready to hit the racetrack.


Singapore has a few ad-hoc “run-withyour-dog” events every year, mostly started by interest groups Just Run Lah. A note to those looking for the full marathon experience, though: major runs around the world like the Boston Marathon and local ones like the Standard Chartered Marathon explicitly ban pets. However, if you have fallen in love with long-distance running with your dog, you can always attempt the 36km Coast-to-Coast trail – stretching from Jurong Lake Gardens in the west to Coney Island Park in the northeast – that gives you a chance to stretch your legs without the crowd and cost of a marathon.

DNA test Ancestry tests are all the rage these days, and what better way to bond with your dog than finding out where you both really came from? That’s right, DNA tests for dogs are a real thing. You’ll be able to find out your dog’s family history, genetic makeup, and even if your dog is at risk of certain diseases. Like the human version, all you need to do is buy the kit, swab your dog’s tongue, return the sample and await the results. Yet it’s not just all for fun either: earlier in 2019, the world’s leading dog genetics company Embark Veterinary Inc. raised $10 million to expand its research in canine health and genetic disease. “Owners want to know all about their dogs -not just the breed, but the genetic markers that can shed light on possible diseases they may face in the future,” says Ryan Boyko, Embark’s CEO and co-founder. “Embark provides that critical information with comprehensive and accurate testing that is unique in canine genetics. Some of the most common diseases found in dogs are genetic conditions -bladder stones, heart disease, and cancer can be traced genetically. This round of funding allows us to move faster to provide more information to existing customers while doubling down on research to ensure that all dogs live healthier lives.” Take our money and give us that swab already. The Embark Breed + Health Kit is available for US$199 at

Learn a dance routine If your dog always bounces around to the beat of the music, it’s time for the two of you to get together and prepare a fully choreographed dance routine that you can bust out whenever you have guests over. With a bit of attention and training, you and your dog can elevate your dancing skills. In fact, you can even get your cha-cha on with your pup with some dance classes from a few training schools on this island. And if your four-legged friend displays an unusual talent for heeling, spinning, jumping,

bowing, or rolling over to music, you might just have a canine-freestyler in the family. Canine-freestyling was a trend that started in 1989, when dog owners and trainers started to seek more creative ways of demonstrating heeling through the injection of music and choreographed moves. The first official musical freestyle group, Musical Canine Sports International, was founded in Canada by 1991, and today, dog dancing is recognised as a sport in some circles, with dedicated annual events and competitions held globally.


been there, done that

FUN FOR FURRIES When: PawFest 2019, 13 – 15 September Where: i12 Katong

Forget fetch and chasing mice—these pets might have just found new hobbies after a round of fun activities at the Paw Fest 2019. There was a time when people associated “pet activities” with sticks, tennis balls and countless shouts of “go fetch”. But the participants of Paw Fest 2019 quickly learnt that many “human” activities could also be enjoyed by our four-legged friends—all it takes is some creativity: FOR THE FASHIONISTA: Models like Naomi Campbell are often crowned “catwalk queen”, but at Paw Fest 2019, pets ruled supreme. The dogs and cats that strutted down Paw Fest 2019’s runway weren’t showing the latest spring/summer collection. Instead, they were dressed up for two special occasions: the first saw them putting on their evening “gowns” and “suits” for their nuptials. The


THREE TIME’S LUCKY Each day of the three-day carnival closed with a lucky draw. Prizes included a staycation at Grand Mercure Singapore Roxy, grooming packages from Animal Arts Academy and cash prizes.

second had them donning superhero costumes as they barked and meowed to save the world. Try it at home: Bejewelled collars and lacy socks are just some ways to dress up your pet for a strut down the sidewalk. FOR THE PARTY ANIMAL: Constantly posing for your Instagram feed and keeping the house safe can be tiring for even the most energetic terrier. So it’s no surprise that after a long week at “work”, all a dog wants is a refreshing pint of ice-cold beer and good company. Dogs attending Paw Fest 2019 got just that, thanks to Floof SG, which produced a non-alcoholic brew for dogs. “Actually, it’s a supplement drink that tackles joint and bone issues,” shares Ms Erlena Tan, founder of Floof SG. Instead of the usual grain and hops, the doggy beer is made from turmeric and glucosamine. Try it at home: Get your six-pack of doggy beer from

FOR THE SOCIAL BUTTERFLY: What’s better than a walk? A walk with 50 other dogs, of course. Paw Fest 2019’s “pack walk” saw a sea of canines exploring the vicinity outside i12 Katong, where Paw Fest 2019 was held. “Bear (our husky) loved the walk. Being an extrovert, he made lots of new friends, both two- and four-legged,” shared Ms Laura Pang, adding that he might never enjoy his solo walks as much again. Try it at home: Dogs used to being leaders of the pack may be confused by a pack walk, but it helps if you stay calm and remain in control. FOR THE TRENDSETTER: The Singapore Book of Records welcomed a new record for the most number of cats and dogs wearing a bandana—in this case, a Paw Fest 2019 bandana—together. Getting more than 50 dogs and cats to stand still for a photo was a challenge but worth it for this photo. Try it at home: Check out to get an idea of how your pet can break a record.


been there, done that

RE-TAIL THERAPY When: PawFest 2019, 13 – 15 September Where: i12 Katong

Think shopping is just for humans? The 20 vendors at Paw Fest 2019 might make you think again. The retail zone of PawFest 2019 was a hive of activity, as paw-rents of all ages and backgrounds jostled to buy their four-legged friends anything from clothes and accessories to, food and drinks. The event highlighted the burgeoning pet care scene in Singapore and attracted both local and international vendors. For pet owners like Elene Chew, the bazaar was a chance to appreciate the creative pet-related inventions out there. The housewife brought along her two children and the family’s three dogs to the event. “Paw Fest has been a great way to support local pet businesses that are innovative. It is also great to find new products to try for my dogs. I got the rare opportunity to speak to the stall owners on a personal level and honestly have learned so much just by talking with the stall vendors and of course buying new treats for my three lovely girls,” says Ms Chew, referring to her four-legged fur-kids.


Here are some interesting stalls that popped up at PawFest 2019: COLLAR COUTURE: One of the day’s most popular stalls was Paw Glam, which specialises in extravagant and over-the-top collars for cats and dogs. Think crystals, colourful leather, gold and silver chains. As head designer and founder Sia Aiwei explains: “A pet’s outfit can be elevated with a fancy collar. It can be romantic, sexy, sweet and even punk.” Prices range from $120 for a simple design to $320-varieties featuring Swarovski crystals. CRISPY GOODNESS: Dogs also had a great time trying treats from Wuzzy Fussy, a local brand. Combining fruit, vegetables and meat, the treats offer a healthy reward for a well-behaved pup. The handmade dog treats made from human grade ingredients contains with no moisture, making it a superbly crispy treat for dogs. Business owner Grace Lee explains that their treats incorporates fruits and vegetables in their meat treats so as to make dogs start learning to eat healthier as diet is a huge aspect in a dog’s wellbeing. ALTERNATIVE HEALERS: It wasn’t all about physical products—some stalls also promised spiritual and physical healing. Dog reiki practitioners from Explore Reiki were on hand, promising to help dogs with an array of conditions like sinusitis, diabetes and even stress. The new-age, alternative space was also filled with Froyle’s Essential, a homemade essential oils company. “We have different types of essential oils and some are for soothing while some are too curb hyper activeness such as when a dog is afraid of thunder. These essential oils you can rub in on to the dogs’ body or their bedding,” says founder Cynthia Lian.

Bazaar Vendors Ohpopdog Peachie Shares Her Treats Pet Health Global Petsboutique Wuzzy Fussy Zoetis / Age D’or Pte Ltd Koqo Explore Reiki TAILSTORE Furrplay Loyalty Pet Treats FLUFF YOU Shop The Paws FlooF SG Froyle’s Essentials Talya’s Sorvete PawFatty Pawmeal NutrEats GrabAPaw


been there, done that

PET ED When: PawFest 2019, 13 – 15 September Where: i12 Katong Pet owners left PawFest 2019 with new insights into pet care, thanks to these informative talks and hands-on demonstrations. For dog-owner Bryan Huang, the alphabet D holds new meaning after PawFest 2019. “I didn’t know about the three Ds of caring for a dog: diet, dental care and disease management,” shares the 34 year-old journalist. He learnt of the importance of each “D” after attending a talk by a vet from Amber Vet. “The talk was easy-tofollow and full of useful tips,” says Bryan, who recently adopted a mongrel. Meanwhile, feline lovers were drawn to Helene Papillon’s session, where she spoke about the importance of “catifcation”. The term coined by her refers to the process of making your home a conducive and more enjoyable place for your cat. For instance, she explained that many cat owners do not think carefully about the location of their cat’s litter box. “But it matters where you put it, because cats attach meaning to different places in the house,” she shared. “And please, please: if there is more than one cat in the house, have more than one litter box!”


Equipping pet owners with such valuable information was the main goal of PawFest 2019’s many talks and discussions, which were held over a span of three days. Besides health and wellness matters, pet owners were also given training tips and tricks from experts such as Lucas Bong from the Smart Doggy Academy. His session is especially hands-on, encouraging dog owners and their canines to try out a series of agility exercises. The talks also proved to be beneficial for would-be pet owners, who were curious to understand more about pet care before committing to welcome a new furry friend. One such session was led by Purely Adoption, which also held an adoption drive for both cats and dogs in conjunction with Paw Fest. “The concept of adoption is growing and here we can educate those who want to adopt pets regarding the adoption fees and the process such as screening before our rescue goes to a good home,” revealed Bayne Lee, one of the group’s volunteers.


been there, done that

HALLOFEST 2019 When: 25, 26 Oct Where: South Beach Avenue Words: Ernie Loh

What do you get when you combine Halloween and Octoberfest? Hallofest! The inaugural event, which followed hot after the heels of the hugely successful Paw Fest 2019, saw a fantastic turnout. For the first time ever, there were loads of fun recreational activities for not just the pets, but the humans too! There were games, prizes, and booze – a perfect combination for a roaring good time. This being an event inspired by Germanic cultures, all German breed canines in attendance were also given a special Halloween treat by Happy Dog. A simple contest of the heaviest or lightest dog saw more than 300 participants lining up for a weigh-in. While an 100m dog dash along the bridge of South Beach Avenue on level 1had some 200 four-legged furries running at top speed together with their twolegged minders. The fastest duos were handsomely rewarded with Happy Pet Hampers. Lost the race? Drink up and cheer up at the beer drinking competition held at Vatos Urban Tacos – strictly for humans, this time! Others caught their breath strolling through the venue – the


humans sniffing out gourmet deals at the many bars and cafes; and the dogs sniffing out the toys hidden around the event area for the treasure hunt. Yet another highlight was the Fashion Show where dedicated pet mums and dads put their fur kids on stage, dressed in their most scary adorable Halloween finery. Some dogs came dressed as pirates, scary nurses or just cute pumpkins! Finally came the lucky draw, but the fun never ends when you are with your best fur friend. Attendees then stayed late into the night to enjoy the great atmosphere – and have another beer or two!


been there, done that

The Hallofest welcomed over 1,500 people who congretated at South Beach Avenue over two days of food, fun and wacky pet fashion. It was also an opportunity for all to check out some new and exciting brands in the pet’s industry. Some 14 brands were present at the event to showcase their products and services: from the cool accessories from Pets Couture, to chilled delights from pet ice cream specialist Tayla’s Sorvete. There were many other interesting finds for pet owners, ranging antioxidant tinctures from Fountain of Life to the many trendy pet food and accessories offered by Pet Lovers Centre, Tailstore, Shop the Paw and Loyalty Pet Treats. Bom Bom – a Singaporean company offering customised raw diet programmes – was another unique addition to the event and gave our participants lots to consider and think about.


Pet owners also had the chance to interact with passionate pet service providers, from dedicated pet groomers Animal Arts Academy to Louisa Violet Photography, who put the spotlight on professional animal photography services. This being Halloween season, it was the perfect opportunity to learn about the beautifully orchestrated pet funeral services provided by Rainbow Cape. Representatives from Pattenfrenz (treats) and dog boarding facility Pawscation were also at hand to share insights on their services at the Hallofest.


been there, done that

NEE SOON GRC PETS FIESTA When: 28 Sep 2019, 2 – 10pm

Where: MPC @ Khatib (Opp Khatib MRT Station) For the fifth year, Pet Lovers Centre (PLC) took part in one of the largest established pet events in Singapore – Pets Fiesta organised by Nee Soon GRC. More than 100 partners came together for a pet-focused bonanza that attracted more than 5000 participants. Attendees benefited from educational talks by ACRES and Bunny Basic workshops and were enthralled by obedience and show competitions. This being the first time the Pets Fiesta incorporated a night carnival, there were even live performances to entertain young and old all through the evening. Special guests included Grassroots Advisers to Nee Soon GRC GROs, Minister for Home Affairs and Minister for Law Mr K. Shanmugam, Senior Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Social and Family Development and Ministry for Education, Assoc Prof Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim, Er. Dr. Lee Bee Wah and Mr. Henry Kwek. As a long time event partner, PLC sponsored loads of samples for dogs and cats alike for the event’s goodie bags. Those who signed up for the PLC VIP Membership at the PLC booth also received a free goodie bag containing products worth more than $30. PLC is also moving towards card-less system for the convenience of our loyal customers, and those who downloaded our new VIP concierge app – which can be accessed anytime, anywhere –were also gifted pet treats. It was certainly a rewarding event for all!


been there, done that

WOOF-A-THON When: 2 Nov 2019, 3 – 7pm Where: Oasis Terraces (Community Plaza @ Level 1), Punggol Pet Lovers Centre (PLC) is proud to be a sponsor of the Woofa-thon again, as it enters its third year. The latest edition of the biennial pet event organised by Singapore Heart Foundation was graced by Mr Teo Ser Luck, MP for Pasir Ris-Punggol GRC and Former Minister of State, and attendees enjoyed a breezy 2.5km buddy walk along the scenic river-side location. The event served to highlight how walking your fur-kid is not just a great way to bond, but also great for your heart health. Attendees also got themselves better informed through


basic dog health checks, human and canine CPR demonstrations, and educational talks. A Furtastic Fashionista contest and other games with attractive prizes also made it a fun-filled event. As one of the event sponsors, PLC gave away dog products for 500 goodie bags, while our exclusive partner Fish4Dogs sponsored the top three prizes for the best dressed contest.

SMALL PETS, BIG FUN! When: 9 Sep 2019, 10am – 12 noon Where: The Pet Safari, Nex Mall #04-03 Pet Lovers Centre, Pet Lovers Junior Club and The Pet Safari came together to create yet another wonderful event for young pet enthusiasts. This time, the children got an introduction to adorable small animals: hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits and terrapins. Pet Care Consultants made a presentation of fun facts about these small wonders. For example: did you know that turtles – being cold-blooded reptiles – require a heat source to keep them warm? Apart from a water heater, aquatic turtles also need platforms to bask – not just to keep themselves warm, but also to get completely dry and prevent shell-rot. After the educational presentation, our young attendees – more than 25 of them – were split into four teams to go on a scavenger hunt seeking for items such as a guinea pig cage and rabbit food. Members from the two fastest teams won great prizes, but there was something for everybody in the form of goodie bags worth $20. Yet what was truly priceless for the kids was the opportunity to interact with the small animals – and even have a photo-taking session with them!


CHristmas A-z

Zzz We all know the old adage: let sleeping dogs lie. But real life likes to throw us curve balls. Tropical storms with terrifying cracks of thunder, that car alarm going off in the middle of the night, somebody closing the door just that bit too loudly. All it takes is that sudden burst of noise to snap your pooch out of peaceful slumber and into full panic mode. Enter the noise-cancelling kennel – the brainchild of the people behind Ford. Yes, the car maker. A part from using high-density cork which is a great sound-proofing material, it also incorporated clever technology applied in automobile and headphone design. Microphones are used to to pick up sounds offensive to our canine friends’ sensitive ears – such as that of fireworks. A built-in audio system within the kennel then emits opposing frequencies, which will effectually reduce the noise significantly. No more jumpy dogs clambering all over you for protection during thunderstorms. The kennel is currently just a prototype and is not available for sale. But like they also say: good things are worth the wait. j


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