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Our Kids Magazine | March 2020

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table of March 2020

volume 36 • number 3











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PUBLISHER Rudy Riojas 210-526-0312

P.O. Box 1809 Castroville, TX 78009 210-305-4181

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ADVERTISING: Pat Ramotowski 210-209-8673


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OUR KIDS MAGAZINE LLC is a locally owned magazine published monthly. Advertisements in this magazine are paid for by the advertisers, which allows this magazine to be free to the consumer. Limit of one free copy per reader. Unless specifically noted, no advertisers, products or services are endorsed by the publisher. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertising are Magazine available on an equal opportunity basis. OUR KIDS MAGAZINE LLC copyright 2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is prohibited.





Amy Sugarman 210-987-2202

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March 2020 | OurKidsMagazine.com



8 Things You Need to Stop Saying to Your Kids Right Now By Pam Moore

They say there are no dumb questions. They are wrong. There are, in fact, many dumb questions. I know because I ask them more often than Kim Kardashian posts a selfie. In the spirit of conscious parenting and minimizing the urge to stab myself with a Lego, I’ve composed a list of dumb questions to stop asking my kids.

1. Are you ready to go?

3. Do you have to go to the bathroom?

Before asking this question, assess the situation. Are the child’s shoes on? Has the child gone to the bathroom? (Alternatively: Is her diaper smuggling a wrecking ball?) Is the child already holding whatever toy, doll, or tchotchke she needs to bring? If not, save your breath and some aggravation. The child is not ready to go.

She might be emulating Michael Jackson, the way she’s holding her crotch, but if your child is like mine, unless she’s actually on the toilet, the answer to this question is a big, fat “no.” You might think you’re being a responsible parent when you ask this question. In fact, you are wasting your time. Your kid will go when she’s good and ready and not a second before… hopefully.

2. Can you wait a minute?

4. Did you poop? (toddler exclusive!)

If you say this to someone who has no idea how long a minute is, prepare for the aftermath: A small voice will ask, “Has it been a minute?” approximately every 15 seconds until you lose your mind. Multiply the number of uninterrupted minutes required to complete whatever 4

you were doing by 7,832. Plan to finish sometime next year. Next time, try saying, “Not right now,” and then placing either the child or yourself in a locked, soundproof chamber where you or they will remain until your task is complete.

Our Kids Magazine | March 2020

You saw her disappear into the other room. She smells like a dumpster. And you know that every day of a toddler’s life is sponsored by the word “no.” Asking a two-year-old whether she pooped is like asking the Trump administration if climate change is really a thing. FRIEND US @ facebook.com/OurKidsMagazine210

Skip your lame attempts to get a confession, grab the child, and change the diaper.

5. Aren’t you hungry? Never in the history of man has this question inspired a child to eat the meal his loving caregiver carefully prepared (or frantically threw together). If your child had an attorney, she’d accuse you of leading the witness and request the question be overruled. Kids don’t care how you’ll feel at the crack of ridiculous o’clock tomorrow morning when they’re STARVING. For miniature, enlightened yogis (aka children), the only moment is right now. And right now, they’re not hungry.

6. Do you want to go to the store? Unless your child dictates your agenda (in which case, we will never be friends), this question is Russian Roulette. When you go down this road, you’re being as shortsighted as your children. Save time and just tell your kids where they are going today. If they like the plan, consider it a bonus.

7. Why did you push your sister? All kids do stuff we don’t understand. They bite siblings, TP the bathroom, or wear footy pajamas in July. And we want to know why. Repeat after me: They

do not know. (Also: they get this from your partner.) When our kids behave, we credit our stellar parenting. When they don’t, we remember children are just animals, acting on instinct. They probably have no clue why they did what they did.

8. Do know how late it is?

If, like me, you’re asking this question of someone who uses a Tot Clock to tell time, stop asking this question. If you have the kind of child who, when told she must leave the park in five minutes, counters with “No, three minutes!” stop asking this question. You are talking to an overtired, undersized human whose life goals include becoming a ballerina or maybe an astronaut and staying up all night. Letting them know exactly how long they’ve been winning the war on fatigue will only embolden them to keep pushing through. Life’s too short for dumb questions, so I pledge to do my best to stop asking them. I don’t know about you, but I would rather spend my precious time asking the important questions, like, “How long until bedtime,” and, “Will they expect me to pay for therapy?” Pam Moore uses her experience as an occupational therapist, Ironman triathlete, and marathoner to help women push through fear to become their best selves. To get her free guide to crushing Impostor Syndrome visit pam-moore.com

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March 2020 | OurKidsMagazine.com



7 Reasons Parents Should Consider Sending Their Child to Camp By Mary Ann Blair

With summer calendars quickly filling up, it can be hard to try and squeeze in one more thing. But if you have never sent your kids to a summer camp, here are seven reasons why you should consider it! With so many options, it’s easy to find a great fit for your child. From sports camps and art camps to STEM-based camps and more traditional overnight options, summer camps are designed to serve a variety of ages and interests. The length of camp can range from a few mornings for younger kiddos to weeklong sleep-away camps for older kids. Local churches, school districts, and other organizations like the YMCA, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Camp Fire, and 4-H offer a wide range of camps. With a little bit of research, you can easily find a camp well-suited for your child. Camps provide kids with experiences they might not have access to in “everyday” life. 6

Our Kids Magazine | March 2020

Horseback riding. Paddling a canoe across the lake. Wilderness survival. Conquering a ropes course. Sleeping under the stars. Adventures are endless at camp, and your child will have an opportunity to try something brand new. For the youngest campers, trying a new craft activity or learning a new camp song can be so much fun!

Camps are a safe place to practice social skills. It might be awkward or uncomfortable for your child during those first few hours of camp when they don’t know a single soul. After all, stepping into a new social environment can be challenging. But the ability to comfortably communicate with new people is a life skill that all kids need, and a camp is a great place to practice! Camps also provide kids an opportunity to

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CAMP GUIDE form friendships with a whole new group of peers they might never have met otherwise.

Camps give kids a much-needed technology break. No matter how old your child is, they could probably benefit from a screen hiatus, especially during the summer months. Spending time outdoors, learning a new skill, having fun, and forming new friendships is good for the body and soul!

Sending kids to camp is beneficial for you, too. Driving away from your child(ren) on the first day might be a little gut-wrenching. But entrusting your kids to someone else for a while can be truly beneficial. Maybe it will free up time for some overdue self-care, or give you and your partner time to reconnect. Maybe it will provide an opportunity to hit the reset button with your tween or teen. After all, absence makes the heart grow fonder! Parenting is tough work, so don’t feel guilty if you enjoy this time to yourself. Chances are, your kids are having a blast without you!

THE #1

Your child’s experience as a camper could help land a summer job in the future. Camps are staffed by amazing counselors who provide kids with all kinds of good, clean fun. Most of these counselors were campers once, too. Now they get to help a new set of youngsters make unforgettable summer memories, all while sharpening their own teamwork and leadership skills. Your child might have that same opportunity one day. What great way to spend a summer!

Camp is just plain fun. So many adults have fond memories from their days spent at camp, and kids who have been to camp often say it’s a favorite part of their summer. Odds are, your kids are going to love it! And for that reason alone, it’s worth sending them to camp. Mary Ann Blair is a mom of two boisterous boys. Besides chronicling her adventures in motherhood at maryannblair.com, she loves the outdoors, reading, and all things crafty.


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March 2020 | OurKidsMagazine.com



6 Ways Camp Experience Influenced Adults By Cheryl Maguire

How many kids do you think go to camp in the summer? According to the ACA (American Camp Association) website 14 million kids and adults attend camp every summer. Camp is an $18 billion industry. To understand why kids love going to camp, I spoke to 5 adults about their camp experience when they were kids. They shared with me how going to camp helped shape them into the people they are today. Here are some ways they benefited from going to camp:

Learned New Skills

Attending camp gives kids the opportunity to learn new skills they might not be able to learn anywhere else. “I learned how to juggle and play guitar at Camp Kingsmont. I vastly improved while there each summer because one of the counselors offered daily lessons as a free time activity. Juggling lessons was also a free time lesson from one of the counselors who went on to become a puppeteer on Sesame Street,” says Andrea Simokonis, 38 from Quincy, MA. At Chen-a-Wanda I learned swimming, boating, and jewelry making,” says Kim Liberman, 38 of North Andover, MA. “I learned to sail, leatherwork, water ski, camping (map reading, pitching tents, fire building), canoeing, woodworking and cribbage at Camp Kabeyun,” says Jake Wolf-Sorokin from Brookline, MA.

Discussed Social Challenges

Since camp is more interactive than a school setting, kids have a chance to discuss social issues. “At camp we would talk about the hard issues that teens face like using drugs and alcohol, love, peer pressure, 8

Our Kids Magazine | March 2020

and often we talked about how God impacted our decisions in these areas. Every year there was a theme,” says Simokonis.

Developed Connections & Camaraderie

The social setting of the camp helps kids to make new friends and feel as sense of camaraderie with one another. “At the end of the day we raced back to our cabins to have the camaraderie with our friends while we got ready for whatever evening activity. In our cabin, we had endless conversation. I don’t think anyone ever really slept. It was 20 of my closest friends all hanging out in our goofiest pjs, having girl talk and eating junk food all night. It truly was amazing,” says Simokonis. “At camp I developed a set of friendships with fellow campers and counselors that continues to bring me joy and fulfillment to this day,” says Wolf-Sorokin.

Developed Independence & Confidence

Camp provides an environment that encourages kids to try new activities or select activities kids want to learn which helps them to develop independence and build confidence. “For me, Camp Kabeyun’s enduring legacy, was building independence, confidence and self-reliance by treating children as ‘grown ups’ by entrusting them with more responsibility than they may otherwise take on during the year. At camp, I got to choose what I did every day, be it out of camp hiking and paddling trips, or in camp sailing, tennis and leather working. This was a stark and refreshing contrast from my hyper-scheduled life at school during the year. The camp’s non-competitive focus encouraged me to take risks and push myself, knowing I could return

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CAMP GUIDE to my supportive set of cabinmates and counselors, even if I had just wiped out on the water-skis or lost a tennis match,” says Wolf-Sorokin. “Camp always gave me a great sense of freedom, independence, and community. I could participate in a wide variety of activities every day from land or water sports to art and music classes. I was away from home which gave me a sense of independence but I had the support network of my peers and the many different staff members. Being in this kind of setting, in the woods on a lake, and sleeping in a cabin gave me an incredible feeling of freedom,” says Linsey Pimentel from Andover, MA. “I went to Camp Yomechas and I liked the adventure and fun that went along with each day,” says Darlene Cofran 38 from East Bridgewater, MA. “Every morning, the entire camp would get a sheet of paper with a bible passage on it and then some questions to help you reflect on the verse and how it pertained to your own life. Then you could sit and meditate on it for 15 minutes. The camp was entirely present, yet completely silent every day. It truly was magical to get 500 teenagers to sit in silence for that long,” says Simokonis.

Found A Mentor

Camp counselors often develop mentor relationships with their campers. “The camp counselors shared their experiences as a teen

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and were truly mentors to me. I loved my counselors and I keep in touch with them. It’s kind of amazing,” says Simokis.

Developed A Career Most of the people I spoke with either became a camp counselor as a teen or went on to be a camp director or serve on the Board of Trustees of the camp as an adult. “I went on to be a counselor at Camp Kingsmont for 7 summers after I graduated high school and had just as much fun as a counselor as I did when I was a camper,” says Simokonis. “My love for the camp experience led me to go back to work in the camp field. After sending my kids to camp Jori, I then worked again at Camp Jori as a counselor. After that I was offered the camp director role,” says Liberman. “I attended Camp Kabeyun, a boys camp on Lake Winnipesaukee for 6 summers when I was growing up. I then worked there as a counselor for 3 summers, and I now serve on the Board of Trustees of the non-profit organization that owns and operates Camp Kabeyun,” says Wolf-Sorokin. Bio: Cheryl Maguire holds a Master of Counseling Psychology degree. She is married and is the mother of twins and a daughter. Her writing has been published in The New York Times, Parents Magazine, AARP, Chicken Soup for the Soul: Count Your Blessing, Your Teen Magazine and many other publications. You can find her at Twitter @CherylMaguire05

Weekly Camps June and July 2020 Hands on STEM based learning, subjects range from Forensics to Cyber Security, camps include breakfast and lunch. Learn more at samsat.org



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info@samsat.org (210)-338-0439 100 Mabry Dr San Antonio TX, 78226 March 2020 | OurKidsMagazine.com


CAMP GUIDE DAY CAMPS & SUMMER ACTIVITIES Camp Cloud at the Tobin! Choose to Dream (210) 836-8200 ChoosetoDream@outlook. com Choose2Dream.com July 6th– August 2nd, 2020 Our month long (4-week) theater camp offers elementary through high school students the opportunity to develop in the musical theater realm. The program will strengthen acting, choreography, and vocal skill sets. The camp features an intensive approach that will leave parents and audiences in awe! At the end of the final week campers will perform 4 fantastic shows presenting this year’s summer camp production.

Camp Einstein Various Locations in San Antonio 972-333-7371 www.CampEinstein.org We believe you learn the best when having fun! Our exciting STEM classes are designed to spark creativity and learning through hands-on activities! From CSI Forensics to Green Engineering we offer many enriching camps for all ages. Come join the fun this summer. Camp Humane

San Antonio Humane Society 4804 Fredricksburg Rd. San Antonio, Texas 78229 education@SAhumane.org SAhumane.org/summercamp

Is your child interested in learning about the animals who live at home and out in the wild? Let them spend a week this summer with the animals the San Antonio Humane Society’s Camp Humane! It’s a great opportunity for your child to receive a unique learning experience about the humane treatment and care of domestic and wild animals. Attendees will participate in workshops, crafts, games, service projects, animal expert presentations, and hands-on animal experiences. Five sessions will take place this summer and registration is limited, so be sure to register your child soon to save a seat for this funfilled educational experience.

Camp Invention Multiple San Antonio locations 800-968-4332 Invent.org/camp

Imaginations will soar in the all-new Camp Invention® program, Elevate! Campers in grades K-6 will collaborate in hands-on STEM activities exploring concepts of flight, Earth’s ecosystems and sports innovations! Visit invent.org/ camp or call 800-968-4332 to register. Use promo code LOCAL25 to save $25 (expires 3/31) or LOCAL15 to save $15 (expires 5/12).

Camp Metro for Girls Sally Cheever Girl Scout Center 5622 W. Cesar E. Chavez Blvd San Antonio, TX 78237 210-349-2404 www.girlscouts-swtx.org/ camp

The premier summer camp for girls to develop her G.I.R.L. (Go-getter, Innovator, Risk-taker, Leader) potential. Girls will explore other countries, travel through space and learn survival skills. Only $175 per week. Meals and before & aftercare are offered. You don’t need to be a Girl Scout to join the fun!

Country Home Learning Center 8 locations in San Antonio 210-687-1002 www.countryhomelearningcenter.com

Join us for an INCREDIBLE Summer Camp Experience! *Kinder – 13 years *Child Approved Special Events *Funfilled days with activities every child enjoys *Kids’ Choice Special Interest Clubs *Exciting Weekly Field Trips.

Crystal Sea Drama Company Summer Fun Camp Crystal Sea Drama Company Fine Arts Studio 8414 Speedway Dr. 210-849-0934 www.crystalseadrama.org

Join us for a great time this summer as we explore various areas in theatre at

Theatrical Thursdays in June, July and August include Improvisation, Drama as Ministry - Get Sketchy, Project Costume, Field Trips. Two week Camps are July 15 – 27: Tech Camp - Dream it! Build it and Drama and Dessert 2019 – Mystery Theatre. Call for details.

Dorothy Keck Dancers 1532 Austin Hwy. SATX 78218 210-829-8489 www.dorothykeckdancers. com

Join us for a fun-filled summer dance camp! Learn different dance styles and create themed crafts in each two or three day camp. Each camp has a unique theme such as Moana, Mermaid, Olaf, Trolls or Diva; find one to fit your child’s interests! Camps range from 4-10 years old.

iD Tech Held at 150 Prestigious Campus Locations 1-888-709-8324 www.iDTech.com

iD Tech is the world leader in STEM education, with 450,000 alumni and over 20 years of experience. Summer programs for ages 7-19 are held at 150 prestigious campuses including NYU, Caltech, and Imperial College London. Students build in-demand skills for futures in coding, game development, robotics, and creative arts. Visit iDTech. com.

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CAMP GUIDE Jump Rope Express 210-269-0725 coachbobby7755@gmail.com www.coachbobbysports.com Throughout its 19 year existence, JR Express has trained thousands of kids all across the U.S. The “fun factor” is the foundation of all the games, activities, drills and challenges that are taught. It is what makes the classes so appealing to kids and keeps them looking forward to every class. The program emphasizes progressive mastery of specific jump rope skills that will get your kids in top form. It increases speed, agility, strength, endurance, stamina, balance, timing and hand-eye-foot coordination. It is also a great tool to help boost your child’s confidence while encouraging self-expression, self-discipline, diligence, and fulfillment. In addition, working together as a group helps foster teamwork, sportsmanship, and the spirit of camaraderie.

Jumping Dragons Performance Team 210-269-0725 Coachbobby7755@gmail.com www.coachbobbysports.com Calling all Jump Rope Enthusiasts! We are very pleased to announce that the Elite Jumping Dragons Performance Team is looking for members. The team consists of jumpers in elementary and middle school.

Fiscally Fit Summer Camp for Teens Junior Achievement of South Texas 403 E. Ramsey Ste. 201 210-490-2007 www.jast.org Junior Achievement’s Fiscally Fit Camp for Teens is a Fun, Innovative, Relevant, High-Tech, way for teens to learn sound money management skills for making intelligent, life-long personal financial decisions. If your teen lacks the basics of money management or thinks money grows on trees, this camp is for him/her. Secure your teen’s financial future with this week- long camp that includes a real life “adult for a day” simulation. (6th – 9th graders)

Mad Science of San Antonio Multiple Locations 210-651-1143 sanantonio.madscience.org Mad Science camps are designed with exciting, fun and hands-on science activities. Children will design, create, build and assemble a variety of interesting projects. 9 different camp themes are available including robots, rockets, spy academy, camp eureka, grossology and more! Mad Science has camp locations all over town. Register now: Pay Later!

Summer Camps and Workshops Northwest Vista College 3535 N. Ellison Drive Pecan Hall Room 101 San Antonio, TX 78251 210-486-4428 www.alamo.edu/nvc/youth/ parents NVC Community Education is a great place to learn! Their K-12 programs are committed to the development of STEMbased learning (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math), as well as, arts and environmental education. They take pride in offering these high-quality programs that help students reach their full potential.

San Antonio Botanical Garden Summer Camp 555 Funston Place 210-536-1400 Sabot.org Explore the San Antonio Botanical Garden this summer with STEAM-based camps focused on hands-on exploration, nature-inspired art, ecology and botany. From Eco-Explorers to Little Gardeners and CHEF camps, the Botanical Garden inspires budding naturalists, scientists, botanists, artists and chefs to dig deeper into the world of plants and fun.

San Antonio College Summer Camps Alamo.edu/sac/summercamps San Antonio College offers a wide range of affordable summer camps for elementary, middle, and high school students—including an American Sign Language Music Camp a Television Production camp, and even several Space camps! Learn more about all our camps and register today at alamo.edu/ sac/summer-camps!

SeaWorld Camp SeaWorld San Antoni0 San Antonio 78251 210-523-3608 SWTDayCamps@seaworld.com https://seaworld.com/san-antonio/ educational-programs/day-camp/ SeaWorld San Antonio provides a variety of day-camp programs for students in Kindergarten through 8th grade. Counselors trained in youth development will lead groups in games, songs, and activities that can only be found at SeaWorld while campers experience one of a kind animal shows, visit animal habitats in the park and behind the scenes, and ride some thrilling roller coasters (campers must meet height requirements). SeaWorld San Antonio Camps are licensed as a youth camp by the state of Texas and accredited by the American Camp Association.

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March 2020 | OurKidsMagazine.com


CAMP GUIDE Southwest School of Art Summer Art Studios 300 Augusta San Antonio, TX 78205 (210) 200.8213 https://www.swschool.org/ summer-art-studios

The Clowvazar Academy Summer School Program 12746 Cimarron Path #20 210-690-4800 www.clowvazar.com

Southwest School of Art’s Summer Art Studios is the most comprehensive and largest summer arts experience for students in San Antonio, offering nine weeks of classes from June 1 - Aug. 7, for students ages 5 - 18 taught by artistteachers and focusing on fundamentals such as drawing and painting, as well as experimental design and classes that explore world cultures. SSA is unique in offering media such as clay, printmaking, photography, and 3-D design.

St. Anthony Catholic School 205 W. Huisache Ave. San Antonio, TX 78212 210-732-8801 Our summer camps offer weekly themes that engage children with readiness skills through hands-on activities. It’s a well-balanced curriculum promoting intellectual, emotional, and social development. With special guest speakers, field trips, summer BBQ, and swimming, your child will want to come back every year. Space is limited, call today.

The Clowvazar Academy holds academic camps in June, July and August from 9AM to2PM with the option to extend the day to 7:30AM to 4:00PM. Visit us online for pricing details.

The DoSeum 2800 Broadway 210-212-4453 thedoseum.org

Keep the learning and fun going all summer long with The DoSeum’s summer camps! Your child can engage in large-scale collaborative art pieces, challenging hands-on STEM investigations, and more—all taking place in our indoor and outdoor exhibit space. Whether your child is a future painter, engineer, or a combination of the two, The DoSeum offers a wide variety of programs for kids ages 3-11.

The Little Gym of Stone Oak 20711 Wilderness Oak, Ste. 106 San Antonio 78258 210-481-5452 www.thelittlegym.com/ sanantoniostoneoaktx/ The Little Gym of North San Antonio 12730 NW Military Highway, Suite 106 San Antonio 78231

1-on-1 In-Home ABA Therapy ABA Therapy for children and young adults in the Autism Spectrum Disorder and with other special needs. We strive to improve the quality of life of our clients and their families.

210-545-3770 www.thelittlegym.com/ NSanAntonioTX School’s Out, Fun’s In! Combining physical activity, gymnastics, games, Lego-building, and crafts! Your child will spend three adventure-filled hours that will focus on serious fun! Each week revolves around an interactive learning theme with different, creative lesson plans that will keep your child engaged. We will help your child beat the heat by staying cool at The Little Gym. Please call us to book your child’s spot before it’s too late!

University of the Incarnate Word Cardinal Soccer Camps 4301 Broadway, San Antonio, TX, 78209 210-841-7396 https://uiwcardinals.com Cardinal Summer Soccer Camps are designed to provide a fun learning environment for all players from all levels of youth Soccer. The focus is on developing technical skills in challenging exercises whilst allowing the campers the opportunity to express themselves in competitive games. There are 4 core topics that we will focus on to help develop the core principles needed to become a successful soccer player.

YMCA of Greater San Antonio Summer Day Camp Multiple Locations 210-924-2277 ymcasatx.org/summer

YMCA camp programs offer youth an opportunity to meet new friends and discover new interests. Activities vary by location but include field trips, crafts, swimming, sports and more. Camp is an excellent way to ensure kids stay engaged socially, physically, and academically throughout the summer. Financial assistance is available.

Zoo Camp San Antonio Zoo 210-734-7184 Ex. 1501 www.sazoo.org

Zoo Camp is the wildest camp in town! Week long camps for Kinder – 8th grade begin May 26 and end the week of August 14. Registration opens February 15. Get outside and play!

SPECIAL NEEDS Children’s Association for Maximum Potential (CAMP) 515 Skyline Drive Center Point, Texas 78010 (210) 671-5411 campmail@campcamp.org https://campcamp.org/

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CAMP GUIDE Guadalupe River, in Center Point, TX. Camp CAMP serves individuals (aged 5 – 50) with mild to severe disabilities from diagnosis with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Intellectual Disability, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Traumatic Brain Injury, Spina Bifida, visual impairment and/or hearing impairment. It is a certified Texas Youth Camp and accredited by the American Camp Association. Campers’ siblings are welcome to attend camp with them. In 2020, the six-day camps begin May 24 and run through August 7. Summer 2020 applications are now available at www.campcamp.org. Camp CAMP strives to be affordable to all families through our Scholarship Tier program or through Respite funding for campers who have Medicaid Waiver and General Revenue service programs in Texas.

The Clowvazar Academy (210) 690-4800 12746 Cimarron Path, #120 www.clowvazar.com Each summer The Clowvazar Academy opens three summer sessions in June, July and August for students with Anxiety, High Functioning Autism or other related learning differences. We accept students from Kindergarten to High School. Limited seats are available. Visit us online for tuition information and requirements.



Girls’ Camps

Camp Honey Creek 401 Honey Creek W. Camp@camphoneycreek.com www.camphoneycreek.com

Located in the beautiful Texas Hill Country, Camp Honey Creek for Girls is committed to helping girls of all ages develop into well-rounded individuals with good moral character, strong values and high self-esteem.

iD Tech Held at 150 Prestigious Campus Locations 1-888-709-8324 www.iDTech.com

iD Tech is the world leader in STEM education, with 400,000 alumni since 1999. Summer programs for ages 7-19 are held at 150 prestigious campuses including Stanford, NYU, HKU, and Imperial College London. Students build in-demand skills for futures in coding, game development, robotics, and design. Visit iDTech.com.

Camp La Jita Utopia, TX (on the Sabinal River) 210-349-2404 or 800-580-7247 www.girlscouts-swtx.org

Ages 7-18 Sports, horseback riding, canoeing, dance, crafts, backpacking, swimming, archery, photography, etc. Non-Girl Scouts welcome. Please visit

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our website for more information.

residential summer camp offering three different session lengths and a wide variety of activities.

Camp Sierra Vista for Girls 175 Rio Vista Road, Ingram, TX, 78025 830-367-5353 sierravista.dir@gmail.com www.vistacamps.com

Boys’ Camps

Small, private, traditional camp in the Texas Hill Country. A summer tradition of fun, friends, exciting activities, lifelong memories and life-changing experiences. Make forever friends while having the time or your life.

Heart of the Hills Camp for Girls Hunt, TX 78024 830-238-4650 info@hohcamp.com www.hohcamp.com

Ages: 6-16 • Liberating all-girls atmosphere, Guadalupe River, airconditioned. Family style dining. Worldwide enrollment, personable! Fun, instruction-oriented, doing the right thing; more than 40 activities. Family owned, operated.

Rocky River Ranch P.O. Box 109 • Wimberley, TX 78676 512-847-2513 www.rockyriverranch.com

Girls ages 7 -14 enjoy the experience of a lifetime at Rocky River Ranch. Located in the heart of the beautiful Texas hill country in Wimberley, Rocky River Ranch has been operating as a private summer camp for girls since 1953. We are a

Camp Mondamin for Boys P.O. Box 8, Tuxedo, NC 28784 800-688-5789 mondamin@mondamin.com www.mondamin.com Ages 7 - 12 • Aug. 5 - Aug. 18 - August Camp is a two-week session designed to introduce campers to the program at Mondamin. The time allows for great friendships and experiences such as independence and working toward goals. We will touch on all our activities and take many overnight trips. The short period is an excellent choice for those wanting a taste of camp fun.

Camp Rio Vista for Boys 175 Rio Vista Road, Ingram, TX, 78025 830-367-5353 www.vistacamps.com Ages 6-16 A Texas Summer tradition since 1921. Beautiful facilities, funfilled program, exciting activities and dedicated staff provide a memorable learning environment for your son. We emphasize fun, confidence and success!

March 2020 | OurKidsMagazine.com




Camp is one of the most lasting, rewarding experiences parents can give their children. It builds self-esteem, gives kids a sense of independence and allows them to take a breather from the day-today. Over 10,000 people experience T Bar M Christ-centered Adventure every year. Come see what It’s all about.


ST .



His Hill Ranch Camp Overnight & Day Camp Comfort, TX 78103 830-995-3388 camp@hishill.org www.hishill.org


A boy’s camp offering horseback riding, archery, canoeing, swimming, and bead craft, with morning prayer and evening campfire stories. Co-ed Camps

Agape Bereavement Camp for Children Burnet, TX CESAR CH 214-674-1205 A T Bar M Camps and RetreatsVE Z B info@campagapetexas.org New Braunfels LVwww.campagapetexas.org D 830-620-4263 Ages .7-12 • Camp Agape’s Children www.tbarmcamps.org

Deer Creek Camp, located in Medina, Texas, is a Christian Adventure Camp H-E-B where we capture both the stunning outdoors and a Christ-centered community. From swimming in the Medina River to riding down the longest tandem zip line in Texas. Come see for yourself why Deer Creek Camp is The Place to Be.


YMCAA Camp Twin Lakes 204 E. Little Elm Trl T. Cedar IDA S Park 78613 E PER 512-257-0709 camptwinlakes.ymcagwc.org

Summer Session will be held August 5th8th at Forest Glen Camps, $50 application fee that is refunded at the end of camp. Camp Agape is a non-denominational, Christian-based program that supports children and families who are grieving the loss of a loved one. The trained staff and volunteers are committed to sharing the belief that through Christ there is HOPE, and will provide a safe and nurturing environment for the children to heal from the pain of grief.


YMCA Camp Twin Lakes offers week-long overnight and mini overnight summer camp just north of Austin. Join the YMCA for 6 weeks of Full Overnight Camp in 2017. Kids ages 8-16y/o. New Cabins have bathrooms and A/C, experienced counselors, nutritious meals & new friends. All the activities you love and a whole lot more! Conveniently located in Cedar Park.

Charis Hills Camp Ingram, TX 888-681-2173 info@charishills.org www.charishills.org


Mo-Ranch Summer Camp 2229 FM 1340, Hunt, TX 78024 800-460-4401 ext. 250 or 253 www.summercamp.MoRanch. org


’S ST.

A premier Christian sports and outdoor camp dedicated to building quality relationships through spiritual impact and fun. Features air-conditioned cabins with a 4:1 counselor to camper ration.


His Hill Ranch Camp is a Christian, nondenominational overnight & day camp offering 1 week sessions through the summer for children 8 - 18 years old. S A His Hill is a wonderful place for young L A Camp Balcones Springs to be taught about Jesus Christ Mpeople O S God’s Word while having fun in the 104 Balcones Springs Drive, from T. Marble Falls, TX 78654 outdoor life of the Hill Country.

830-693-CAMP info@campbalconessprings. com www.campiscool.com


Texas Catholic Boys Camp – Camp Tecaboca Mountain Home, TX 5045 Junction Hwy, Ingram, TX 78025 830-866-3425 office@tecaboca.com www.tecaboca.com


Assembly. Located along the Guadalupe River, Mo-Ranch sits on almost 500 acres of gorgeous Hill Country property. We offer a wide range of traditional camp activities including archery, canoeing, kayaking, swimming, and rock climbing.


Ages 6-16 • Camp Stewart for Boys is a privately owned, Christian-oriented, nondenominational camp for boys ages six to sixteen. We are located in the heart of the famed Texas Hill Country, near headwaters of the Guadalupe River.

Deer Creek Camp Medina, Texas 78055 830-589-7123 www.deercreekcamp.com


Camp Stewart for Boys Hunt, TX 78024 830-238-4670 www.campstewart.com

Ages 8 – 15 • We are a co-ed, residential camp located within one of the Hill Country’s most beautiful conference centers; the Presbyterian Mo-Ranch


Ages 7 – 18 •Charis Hills is a Christian Summer Camp specifically designed to help kids with learning differences (ADHD, LD, ED and Asperger’s) find success. Our focus C isAon building self-confidence, social RO skills and independence. LIN










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CAMP GUIDE 2020 Summer Camp at the TOBIN Call! 210-836-8200 Register Now! Choose2Dream.com Choose to Dream Presents...

Registration Includes: (Ages 7-23) Complimentary Production T-Shirts! 1 Month of Instruction - 4 Shows Camp Dates: July 6th - August 2nd, 2020 Camp Hours: 8 am - 4 pm (Mon - Fri) Show Dates: July 31st - August 2nd 2020

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March 2020 | OurKidsMagazine.com


Be Well Postpartum: 7 Tips for a Healthy Recovery by Christa Melnyk Hines

Throughout your pregnancy, you eat the right foods, drink plenty of fluids, rest and try to keep stress to a minimum. You might think once your baby arrives that you can relax your self-care regimen, but caring for yourself should remain a top priority to ensure the health of both of you. Drink plenty of water. “The key to optimal recovery after delivery is fluid hydration with water,” says Dr. Gina Petelin, OB/GYN. “This is important for replenishing your body after significant fluid losses.” Nourish yourself. Before the baby arrives, assemble healthy meals ahead of time to stash in your freezer. In the midst of caring for a newborn, you’ll be less likely to eat poorly when you can quickly pop a nutritious, ready-made meal into the oven or crockpot. Also, stock up on protein-packed snacks to keep your energy up especially if you plan to breastfeed. Choose simple, healthy snacks like cheese sticks, almonds, rotisserie chicken, yogurt and energy bars. Consult with your physician to determine how many extra calories you should be consuming each day according to your activity level, weight and if you choose to nurse. Sleep when the baby sleeps. “Those first days home from the hospital, rest, rest, rest and spend as much time skin-toskin with your baby as you can,” says Teresa Marshall, a birth and postpartum doula. “This will truly make for a smoother transition for baby from womb to room and for mama, as well.” Tricia Walania, a postpartum emotional support program coordinator, says that rest is one of the best ways you can care for yourself. “Being rested helps you cope more effectively with both physical and emotional changes,” she says. Unable to catnap? Relax with your eyes closed. Integrate gentle exercise. Many moms are surprised that they still look pregnant after delivery. Don’t panic; that’s normal, Petelin says. Although the uterus decreases in size right away, you will still appear to be about five months pregnant when leaving the hospital. By following a healthy diet and exercising according to your doctor’s instructions, you’ll get back to your pre-pregnancy body. 16

Our Kids Magazine | March 2020

Many moms enjoy group exercise activities like “mommy and me” yoga and Fit4Mom where you’ll also experience companionship with other moms. Walking is also beneficial. Not only will you get exercise, a stroll around the block on a sunny day will do wonders for your emotional well-being and give you a boost of vitamin D. Take extra care if you’ve had a cesarean delivery and only gradually increase your activity level according to your doctor’s instructions. Current recommendations include no driving the first two to three weeks postpartum and no heavy lifting (anything over 15 pounds) for the first six weeks. Expect hormonal changes. Many new moms feel overwhelmed, tired, anxious, tearful or mildly depressed. “Exhaustion, hormonal changes and isolation after the birth of a baby may lead to what is referred to as ‘baby blues,’” Walania says. “To some degree this happens to everyone. It’s natural and not permanent.” Talk to your doctor if symptoms persist for more than two weeks. Anxiety and depression can also be linked to thyroid issues, low levels of iron and vitamin D. Tap your village. “I would recommend reaching out. Don’t be afraid to ask for help or just a visit,” Marshall says. Often friends and family members are eager to assist by holding the baby or watching siblings to give you a chance to nap, shower, go for a walk or run an errand. “You have to take care of yourself in order to be able to take care of your baby,” Walania says. Nurture your spirit. You may be a mom now, but you aren’t only a mom. Take time to do the things that have always brought you personal fulfillment and joy, whether that’s crafting, relaxing in a warm bath, browsing at a boutique or lunching with a friend. When you are happier and healthier, your baby will be too. Christa Melnyk Hines is a nationally published writer. She and her husband are the parents of two boys. FRIEND US @ facebook.com/OurKidsMagazine210



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1 Sunday

Texas Independence Day at the Alamo: Throughout the day, the Alamo will host special events and demonstrations to celebrate Texas Independence to include: Blacksmithing, Period Music, Cooking Demonstrations, a Weapons Display, and more! Free. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Alamo, 300 Alamo Plaza. http://www.thealamo. org/ . Family See + Do – Awesome Abstract Art: Get to know abstract artists of Texas with family-friendly tours and activities. Make a 3D collage, create your own souvenir view finder, and paint an abstract design on canvas. Free with museum admission. Children 12 and under always free. 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. San Antonio Museum of Art, 200 W. Jones Ave. www.samuseum. org Texas Open Chili Championship 2020: Texas-size salute to the official state dish will be served up at the Texas Open Chili Cookoff. This event is held under the auspices of the Chili Appreciation Society International (CASI). Chili cooks from all across Texas will join the many “chiliheads” (as they affectionately call themselves) to vie for the top honors in Chili and Junior Chili. On Saturday the 22nd, CASI Chili Entry Fee is $35 and Junior Chili Competition is $10. On Sunday Feb 23rd, it’s the Day After CCO and Entry Fee is $20 Chili Grind Only. Great Prizes for our JR Category winners in two categories: Ages 7-12 or Ages 13-17. Admission is Free. 12:30 – 4:30 p.m. Parking $4 per car. Trader’s Village, 9333 Southwest Loop 410. https:// tradersvillage.com/san-antonio/events/ texas-open-chili-championship-2020/

2 Monday

Big Blue Blocks: Big Blue Blocks on the Great Lawn – the perfect play date for your little ones! Big Blue Blocks allow for creativity and use of fine motor skills besides being tons of fun. Free. 10 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Hemisfair, 434 S Alamo St. http://hemisfair.org/

3 Tuesday

Free Tuesdays at The Witte: Enjoy FREE general admission at the Witte Museum. Free Tuesdays are generously supported by The USAA Foundation, Inc., Bolner’s Fiesta Products, BBVA USA, the Nathalie


Our Kids Magazine | March 2020

and Gladys Dalkowitz Charitable Trust and the Faye L. and William L. Cowden Charitable Foundation. 3:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. The Witte 3801 Broadway St, San Antonio, TX 78209. https://www.wittemuseum.org/ Story Time in the Book Garden: Come down to the park on Tuesday mornings for a Story Time and a fun activity to accompany it. Visit the free take-a-book, leave-a-book mobile library, where families can take a free book or donate any books that you’re done with. This event is perfect for kids under age 4. Free. 10 to 11 a.m. Hemisfair, 434 S Alamo St. http:// hemisfair.org/ Little Explorers – Bugs and Creepy Crawlers: We will look at what bugs do for people and how they are different. We call lots of different creatures bugs, but they are all very different and they can all serve different purposes. $20 monthly for members; $25 monthly for non-members. 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. CNC Visitor Center. Cibolo Nature Center & Farm, 140 City Park Road, Boerne. www. cibolo.org Free Family Night at the DoSeum: Every first Tuesday of the month, the first 1,500 guests will be admitted for free so please arrive early to ensure entry. Wristbands will be given out from 4:00 p.m. Entry 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The DoSeum, 2800 Broadway. www.thedoseum.org

4 Wednesday

Toddler Storytime: Our Toddler Storytimes are perfect for little ones and preschoolers! Come join us as we read some of our favorite stories, followed by a fun-filled activity for little hands. Free. 11:00 a.m. Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 18030 U.S. 281 #140 Northwoods Shopping Center, San Antonio. https://sanantonio. eventful.com/events/toddler-storytime-/ E0-001-132836370-8@2020030411 Lil Partners’ Story Time: Trains: Bring your little buckaroos to learn about the American west with reading and play. Each month, a story will be chosen to introduce little ones ages 3-5 about the excitement and adventure of the American West. Join us on the first Wednesday of each month for storytime and gallery play activity in the Kampmann Library Portal. Caregivers must attend with their child/ren. Free. 11:00 a.m.

to 12:00 p.m. The Briscoe Western Art Museum, 210 W Market St. https://www. briscoemuseum.org Little Makers Workshop: Little Maker Workshops are drop-in programs that are designed specifically for guests 1-5 years of age. 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Innovation Station, The DoSeum, 2800 Broadway. www.thedoseum.org Playdates – Bluebonnets: Children ages 2 to 4 can cultivate, nurture and inspire creativity while developing an appreciation of art and world cultures. Toddlers can experience stories, gallery activities, hands-on art, movement and music. Space is limited, first-come, first-served. Free with museum admission/Children 12 & under free. 10:00 to 10:45 a.m. Contemporary Galleries. San Antonio Museum of Art, 200 W. Jones Ave. www. samuseum.org Astronomy in the Park: Join astronomers and other stargazers to observe the sky through large telescopes in an informational program with the San Antonio Astronomical Association. 7:45 to 9:00 p.m. every Wednesday, weather permitting. Free. Raymond Rimkus (Park Parking Lot), 6440 Evers Rd., Leon Valley. http://sanantonioastronomy.org

6 Friday

Dragons Love Tacos: You know what dragons really love? Tacos of course! They love chicken tacos, beef tacos, great big tacos, and teeny tiny tacos. While a boy and his dog are watching TV, they unexpectedly learn the ‘Do’s and Dont’s’ of what kinds of tacos to serve dragons. Unfortunately, when the boy throws his new dragon friends a spicy salsa taco party, red-hot trouble ensues! Discover the dietary delights and dilemmas of dragons in this fun-filled production, adapted from The New York Times Best Selling book. Dragons Love Tacos is a sizzling story full of fiery fun for your entire family! Recommended for ages 3-10. The Magik Theatre, 420 S Alamo St, San Antonio. https://www.magiktheatre.org/ event/dragonslovetacos/ ArtStroll: Rock-A-Bye-Room: Take your infant or toddler out for the morning to enjoy a themed tour of the museum collection and a related sensory playtime for little ones 18 months and younger. Diapers, blankies and yoga pants are To Advertise Call 305-4181

welcome. Free for members and $15 for non-members. Children under 12 months should arrive at 10 a.m. to tour. Children 12 months to 2 years should arrive at 11 a.m. to tour. Strollers and baby carriers are strongly encouraged. No registration needed, but RSVPs via Facebook are always appreciated. McNay Art Museum, 6000 N. New Braunfels Ave. https://www.mcnayart.org/events/event/ artstrolls-rock-a-bye-room/ Miss Anastasia’s Wild and Wacky Pre- Weekend Twiglet Storytime: Miss Anastasia combines story time and a delightful craft each Friday. Free. 10:30 a.m. to noon. Twig Book Shop in the Can Plant Building, 306 Pearl Parkway Ste. 106. https://www.thetwig.com/ event/2020-03 Art in the Garden: Join us on the first Friday of month for a night full of diverse artistic activities for kids. See website for more details. Free. 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Hemisfair, 434 S Alamo St. http://hemisfair.org/ Sustainability Walk: Learn how the Botanical Garden showcases ways to conserve scarce resources. Its infrastructure, architecture and plants offer important lessons on building sustainable communities. Join our specially trained docents on a walk to examine these diverse features. Participants meet behind the admissions kiosk. Sponsored by San Antonio Water System. Included with membership or general admission; registration required. 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. The San Antonio Botanical Garden, 555 Funston Pl. http:// www.sabot.org/ Paw Patrol Live!: Come roll with the PAW Patrol as everybody’s favorite heroic pups race to the rescue on the day of the Great Adventure Bay Race. When Mayor Goodway goes missing, Chase, Marshall, Skye and the rest of the PAW Patrol will need to team up with Ryder to save Adventure Bay’s mayor and stop Froggy Bottom’s Mayor Humdinger from winning the race. Tickets from $19.00. See website for show times and ticket options. Tobin Center for the Performing Arts, 100 Auditorium Circle. www.tobincenter.org Miss Anastasia’s Wild and Wacky PreWeekend Twiglet Storytime: See March 6

7 Saturday

Multisensory Tours for the Visually Impaired- Greek Myth in Art: The San Antonio Museum of Art offers a monthly themed tour of its collection for low vision and blind visitors with verbal descriptions, poetry, sound and music, aromas and tactile models. The program is free to the blind and visually impaired, and children under 12 are always free. Participation is limited to 20. Guide dogs, www.OurKids.camp

sighted companions, and others are welcome, as are wheelchairs and other walking aids. 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. San Antonio Museum of Art, 200 W. Jones Ave. https://www.samuseum.org/ Binoculars: Set out on an adventure with your child in this Binoculars Workshop. Kids develop hands-on skills by gluing, hammering and more. With help from parents and Store Associates, your child will create their own pair of binoculars to take home. All Kids Workshop attendees must be accompanied by a parent or adult at all times. All kids get to keep their craft, receive a FREE certificate of achievement, a Workshop Apron and a commemorative pin while supplies last. Free. 9:00 a.m. – 12 p.m. Bitters Rd Home Depot, 1066 Central Pkwy S. https://www. homedepot.com/workshops/#store/0582 Frozen II at the Library: Anna, Elsa, Kristoff, Olaf and Sven leave Arendelle to travel to an ancient, autumn-bound forest of an enchanted land. They set out to find the origin of Elsa’s powers in order to save their kingdom. Free. 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Memorial Library, 3222 Culebra. https://www.mysapl.org/Events-News/ Events-Calendar#/?i=6 Seussical Celebration: If you never did, you should. The things we will be doing are fun and good! Join us for our first “Big Day of Play” in honor of Dr. Seuss’ birthday! Our Seussical Celebration will feature fun themed activities in addition to dance performances, poetry readings, a rocket launch competition, and so much more! We hope to see you there, this much is true, because a celebration without you, well it just won’t do. Free with admission or membership. 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Innovation Station, The DoSeum, 2800 Broadway. https://www. thedoseum.org/events/event/1773845 Makers Workshop: Maker Workshops are drop-in programs open to children ages 6-11. The Innovation Workshop can accommodate 16 students. These programs are aligned to Maker-Centered Learning pedagogy and best practices. 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Innovation Station, The DoSeum, 2800 Broadway. www. thedoseum.org “Kids Fun Day” with Trains: The New Braunfels Train Museum is a place for fun for kids of all ages. “Kids Fun Day” is the first and third Saturday of every month. Kids of all ages “run the train” and become a “junior engineer.” 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Free. New Braunfels Railroad Museum. 830-627-2447. http:// newbraunfelsrailroadmuseum.org/ public_html/ Nature Picture Book with Author Catherine Stier: Inspired by the park’s natural beauty, kids can create their

own nature-themed, illustrated picture books at this drop-by event. We’ll have all materials available in the pavilion, as well as a selection of nature picture books about bats, armadillos and other wildlife for families to share together. Awardwinning children’s author Catherine Stier will present a lively story time featuring her book IF I WERE A PARK RANGER and a Master Naturalist will lead two brief guided hikes to spark ideas for your own title. Bring a snack or lunch to enjoy at the picnic area and take the book you created home to remember your special day at the park. FREE. Free 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (author presentation at 11:00 a.m.). Friedrich Wilderness Park, 21395 Milsa Dr. https://www.sanantonio.gov/ ParksAndRec/News-Events/Events/EventDetails/ArtMID/15385/ArticleID/18094/ Nature-Picture-Book?Park=&Facility= Cajun Festival 2020: This two-day event offers great live Cajun music that will have you dancing from 12:30 - 4:30pm on Saturday and Sunday. Don’t forget to shop in San Antonio’s biggest and best flea market. Admission is free. $4 parking fee. Food being served from 11:00 a.m.5:00 p.m. Trader’s Village, 9333 Southwest Loop 410. http://tradersvillage.com/ san-antonio 9th Annual Memorial Festival and Open Car Show: The Memorial Festival is a benefit event to raise money for the families of officers killed in the line of duty. The purpose of the Memorial Festival is to create a fun-filled day for the children, families and friends of fallen officers to share with the community. It is an opportunity for the community and friends of SAPD survivor families to show them that they are not forgotten. Areas available will include a cultural/ historical area (volunteer organizations in the community), children’s play area (bounce houses, games) raffle, food booths, vendors (t-shirts, arts, crafts) and a car show on the police driving track. Guests may purchase tickets for rides and games or an all-day pass. $25 car show registration. Free to the public. 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. SAPD Training Academy Grounds, 12200 S.E. Loop 410. https://sapoa.org/ memorial-festival/ Paw Patrol Live!: See March 6 Little Makers Workshop: See March 4 Dragons Love Tacos: See March 6

8 Sunday

Free Second Sunday: Every second Sunday of each month, the UTSA Institute of Texan Cultures hosts a free family day featuring fun learning activities for the entire family. Each month is themed and can include a wide variety of things including crafts, games, special guests, March 2020 | OurKidsMagazine.com


performances and more! 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Institute of Texan Cultures, 801 E. Cesar E. Chavez Blvd. http://www.texancultures. com/kids/

Big Blue Blocks: See March 2

Cajun Festival 2020: See March 7

Free Family Day at SAMA – Pattern Palooza: Leap into spring and celebrate patterns inspired by ancient to contemporary artworks found in the museum at this free family day. Craft a captivating crown, mix it up with abstract monochromatic collages, and explore the art of tapa cloth while enjoying music in our outdoor Sculpture Garden and courtyards. Free. 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. San Antonio Museum of Art, 200 W. Jones Ave. www.samuseum.org

Paw Patrol Live!: See March 6

9 Monday

Lil Partners Spring Break- Tales & Trails: Spend time on the western trails during Spring Break. You and your Lil Partner ages 5-10 will capture the excitement and escapades of the Wild West through “Tales & Trails” adventures. Drop-in and get ready to saddle up for arts & crafts, western storytelling, cowboy games, and life on the open range. Included with museum admission. Free for children under 12. 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. For more information contact: Education Department education@briscoemuseum. org or visit www.briscoemuseum.org. The Briscoe Western Art Museum, 210 W Market St. https://www.briscoemuseum. org/calendar/ Spring Break Open Swim: Stay active and have some fun during Spring Break vacation for open swim. Appropriate swimwear required, children 10 & Under must be accompanied by an adult in the water within arms reach. Free. 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. San Antonio Natatorium, 1430 W Cesar Chavez. https://www.sanantonio.gov Little Sprouts: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle!: March is Global Recycling Day! Come learn the 5 R’s and turn trash to treasure. Instill sustainable living practices from the get-go, and help your little ones heal the planet. Each Little Sprout Monday includes storytelling, kids’ crafts and hands-on explorations at your child’s pace. A parent or guardian must accompany the child. Ages 3 – 5 years. Fee: $15 per adult ($13.50 member); $8 per child ($7 member). 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. The San Antonio Botanical Garden, 555 Funston Pl. http:// www.sabot.org/

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Our Kids Magazine | March 2020

10 Tuesday

Story Time in the Book Garden: See March 3 Little Explorers – Bugs and Creepy Crawlers: See March 3 Spring Break Open Swim: See March 9 Lil Partners Spring Break- Tales & Trails: See March 9 Free Tuesdays at The Witte: See March 2 Dragons Love Tacos: See March 6

11 Wednesday

Loteria: Free Loteria in the food court! Join us for great fun, awesome prizes and delicious food! One free card per person. Get additional cards by donating a can good (3 cards limit) Please help support the vendors by purchasing from them, and do not bring outside food or drinks. 1 to 3 p.m. PicaPica Plaza, 910 SE Military Dr. https://www.facebook.com/pg/ picapicaplaza/events/?ref=page_internal Astronomy in the Park: See March 4 Spring Break Open Swim: See March 9 Little Makers Workshop: See March 4 Lil Partners Spring Break- Tales & Trails: See March 9

12 Thursday

Spring Break Free Family Day: live music, art, food, and drinks. Enjoy FREE general Museum admission courtesy of H-E-B during this family-fun event. Bring your blanket and lawn chairs to lounge on the grounds. Experience local talent and themed art workshops at the McNay Fountain. Pets on leashes are always welcome on the grounds. In the event of inclement weather, the concert moves indoors to the Leeper Auditorium. 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. McNay Art Museum, 6000 N. New Braunfels Ave. www.mcnayart.org McNay Second Thursdays: Join on the second Thursday of each month from March through October for live music, art, food, and drinks. Enjoy FREE general Museum admission courtesy of H-E-B during this family-fun event. Bring your blanket and lawn chairs to lounge on the grounds. Experience local talent and themed art workshops at the McNay Fountain. Pets on leashes are always welcome on the grounds. In the event of inclement weather, the concert moves indoors to the Leeper Auditorium. Free. 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. McNay Art Museum, 6000 N. New Braunfels Ave. https://www.mcnayart.org/events/event/ mcnay-second-thursdays1/ Art Crawl - How We Play and Work Together: Moms, dads and caregivers can put their babies in slings and take a walk through the museum galleries for a guided tour. Talks are geared toward adults while the art selections are chosen to engage the adults and infants 0-18 months. Includes group play and social time. Free with museum admission. 10 to 10:45 a.m. San Antonio Museum of Art, 200 W. Jones Ave. https://www.samuseum.org Spring Break Open Swim: See March 9

Dragons Love Tacos: See March 6

Lil Partners Spring Break- Tales & Trails: See March 9

Toddler Storytime: See March 4

Dragons Love Tacos: See March 6

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13 Friday

62nd Annual SA Folk Dance Festival: The San Antonio Folk Dance Festival (SAFDF) celebrates dancing, music, costumes, and friendship of cultures from all over the world. Come celebrate with us for a wonderful, special weekend of international folk dancing and culture! See website for ticket prices (starting at $10) and calendar of events. Our Lady of the Lake University Campus, 411 S.W. 24th Street. Email info@safdf.org. http://safdf.org/index.php Carson & Barnes Circus: Embark on a journey as you are dazzled by magical fairies soaring through the air, a prancing unicorn in the center ring, left in awe from the fearless daredevils, and marvel at the majestic beauty of the Carson & Barnes performing elephants! See website for ticket information. Discounted tickets if bought in advance. $4 parking fee. 1:30, 4:30, or 7:30 shows. Trader’s Village, 9333 Southwest Loop 410. www.bigtopshow. com St. Patrick’s Day Artisan Show: Experience the beauty of the San Antonio River Walk at the Artisan Show by shopping over 40 handmade artisan booths including pottery, textiles, jewelry, woodwork, paintings, beadwork, and more. Free admission. Friday 11 a.m. to 11 p.m., Saturday 11 a.m. to 11 p.m., Sunday 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. River Walk Extension (close

to the Chamber of Commerce) https:// www.thesanantonioriverwalk.com/events/ St.-Patricks-Day-Artisan-River-Walk Miss Anastasia’s Wild and Wacky PreWeekend Twiglet Storytime: See March 6 Spring Break Open Swim: See March 9 Lil Partners Spring Break- Tales & Trails: See March 9 Dragons Love Tacos: See March 6

14 Saturday

Lil Partners’ Story Time & Crafts: Drop in with your little buckaroos to learn about the American west with reading and play. Each month, a story will be chosen to introduce youngsters ages 5-10 about the excitement and adventure of the American West. Join us on the second Saturday of each month for storytime, gallery play, and craft activity Clingman Education Gallery. Caregivers must attend with their child/ren. Included with museum admission; children under 12 are free. 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The Briscoe Western Art Museum, 210 W Market St. https://www.briscoemuseum.org Beginners’ Bird Walk: Meet the San Antonio Audubon Society (SAAS) trip leader at the Judson Nature Trail in Alamo Heights on the second Saturday of each month. Nonmembers are welcome

Cibolo Day of Service: Work with the Native Plant Society of Texas to maintain our native plant gardens around the nature center. Learn about which plants do best where, little-known superstar plants, and how to create a natural landscape that also looks great. No gardening experience is necessary! We will teach you as you help us. We’ll pair you with an experienced volunteer or staff member who can help you learn as you work. 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Both locations: CNC, 140 City Park Road, OR Herff Farm, 33 Herff Road, Boerne. www.cibolo.org 14th Annual ‘Fest Of Tails’ Kite Festival & Dog Fair: The Friends of the San Antonio Parks Foundation invite you to bring your family and BFF (Big Furry Friend) to help celebrate the coming of Spring. There will be a Pooch Parade and pet contests, pet products, pet adoptions, kite flying & demonstrations, food, live music, arts & crafts and other fun. Bring lawn chairs and blanket. Bring your favorite kite and participate in this community exhibition. Kites will also be available for purchase at the festival. Free. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. McAllister Park, 13102 Jones Maltsbeger. https://www.facebook.com/festoftails/

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March 2020 | OurKidsMagazine.com


Dyeing of the River Walk Green: Each year since 1968 the River Walk is magically transformed into the River Shannon through 25-gallons of eco-friendly green dye. The river transformation is a popular and fun event to watch while a bagpiper plays on the barge as the river is being dyed. The color is instantly apparent and intensifies with water movement by the boats. The second-day application creates an even richer color. Free viewing at 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. along the entire 2 ½ mile downtown area of the River Walk. https://www.thesanantonioriverwalk.com/ events/dyeing-of-the-river-walk-green St. Patrick’s Day Artisan Show: See March 13 Little Makers Workshop: See March 4 Makers Workshop: See March 7 Carson & Barnes Circus: See March 13 62nd Annual SA Folk Dance Festival: See March 13 Dragons Love Tacos: See March 6

15 Sunday

St. Patrick’s Day River Parade: A procession of 14 decorated floats filled with Irish entertainment can be viewed from anywhere on the parade route. Several bagpipers will grace the floats along with other entertainers. Started in 1968, this even has been organized by the San Antonio River Walk Association and the Harp & Shamrock Society of Texas since that time. Free. 5 to 6 p.m. https://www. thesanantonioriverwalk.com/events/ st.-patricks-day-river-parade-festival

March 4 Astronomy in the Park: See March 4

19 Thursday

Get Reel: Clueless: Dress as your favorite Clueless character for this screening of a cult-classic which spurred the purchase of many a plaid skirt, sweater vest, and knee socks. Director Amy Heckerling, also known for Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982) researched her subject by sitting in on classes at Beverly Hills High School and capturing their lingo, “As if!” Bring lawn chairs or a blanket for this outdoor screening. Film begins at sundown. Food available for purchase; picnics welcome. Free. 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. McNay Art Museum, 6000 N. New Braunfels Ave. https://www.mcnayart.org/events/event/ free-teen-night-art-after-dark-2020/ WaterSaver Walk: Come see what’s in bloom! Explore the Botanical Garden’s WaterSaver Gardens with a Master Naturalist. Learn the characteristics of different drought tolerant landscapes, including Cottage, Hill Country, Manicure Xeriscape, and Spanish style. Sponsored by San Antonio Water System. Fee: Included with membership or general admission; registration required. 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. The San Antonio Botanical Garden, 555 Funston Pl. http:// www.sabot.org/

20 Friday

St. Patrick’s Day Artisan Show: See March 13

Toddler Art Play: Rock-A-Bye-Room: Mini Museum visit meets creative playtime for children under 5. Wear paint clothes for a fun, messy time at the McNay! All programs are outdoors, weather permitting. Free for Members; $15 for Not-yet Members. 10:30 – 11:30. McNay Art Museum, 6000 N. New Braunfels Ave. https://www.mcnayart.org/events/event/ toddler-art-play-rock-a-bye-room/

62nd Annual SA Folk Dance Festival: See March 13

Miss Anastasia’s Wild and Wacky PreWeekend Twiglet Storytime: See March 6

Dyeing of the River Walk Green: see March 14 Boerne Market Days: See March 14 Carson & Barnes Circus: See March 13

Dragons Love Tacos: See March 6

16 Monday

Big Blue Blocks: See March 2

17 Tuesday

Story Time in the Book Garden: See March 3 Little Explorers – Bugs and Creepy Crawlers: See March 3 Free Tuesdays at The Witte: See March 2

18 Wednesday Playdates – Llama Llama Red Pajama: See


Our Kids Magazine | March 2020

21 Saturday

Outdoor Family Fair: This communityfocused event provides Kendall County families of all ages with the opportunity to enjoy and learn about local services and organizations that are available in Boerne and surrounding areas. There will be entertainment and fun activities available for the entire family. Free. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Boerne Main Plaza, 100 North Main, Boerne. http://www.ci.boerne. tx.us/624/Outdoor-Family-Fair Mission Marquee Plaza Farmers and Artisan Market: Join the City of San Antonio World Heritage Office the third Saturday of each month from

March-November for the Mission Marquee Plaza Farmers & Artisans Market! Find fresh, locally-sourced foods; work up a sweat with YMCA Zumba; take part in interactive cooking demonstrations; enjoy live entertainment; and explore the handmade crafts and products from local pop-up vendors. Pet-friendly. Free. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Mission Marquee Plaza, 3100 Roosevelt Ave. https://www.missionmarquee.com/ EVENTS/Farmers-Artisan-Markets 37th Festival of India: Marking its 37th year, the India Association of San Antonio host it’s annual “Festival of India” at La Villita showcasing the culture, food, art, dance and music of India. Festival of India will have a variety of cultural programs representing different states of India, Bollywood dance, classical and folk dance, Indian Cuisine, Tandoor dishes, finger foods, henna, face painting, saree wrapping, palm reading, ethnic clothing, kid’s activity area exhibits and many vendor booths. Free Admission. 1:00 to 9:00 p.m. La Villita (Maverick Plaza), 418 Villita St. www.indiasa.org Symphony at the Library: Join us for a mini-performance by a San Antonio Symphony musician. Get to know one of these incredibly skilled artists and how they chose their instrument, how it works, and how it makes a sound. Bring your questions, too – and don’t be shy! Designed for children but easily enjoyed by the whole family. Free. 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. Parman Library, 20735 Wilderness Oak. https://www.facebook.com/ events/1230239297160353/ Super Fun Saturday: STEAM Edition Join us for Super Fun Saturday: STEAM Edition! Put your science goggles on and get creative during this FREE community program hosted by Hemisfair. Make your way around to six activity stations in Yanaguana Garden. Recommended for ages 5+. Free. 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Hemisfair, 434 S Alamo St. http://hemisfair.org/ Paws in the Park - Dogs love Hemisfair, and we love dogs! Bring your furry companion to Paws in the Park for a barking good time. There will be plenty of vendors and activities onsite to get the paw-ty started. Live music, crafts, a photobooth, and much more! Advance registration required to take part in the pet costume contest. Free. 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Hemisfair, 434 S Alamo St. http://hemisfair.org/ Maker Faire at Central Library: Maker Faire is a gathering of fascinating, curious people who enjoy learning and who love sharing what they can do. From engineers to artists to scientists to crafters, Maker Faire is a venue for these “makers” to show hobbies, experiments, and projects. Visit mysapl.org for more information. To Advertise Call 305-4181

Free. 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Central Library, 600 Soledad St. https://www.facebook. com/events/866412407087977/


Sensory Friendly Dragons Love Tacos: You know what dragons really love? Tacos of course! They love chicken tacos, beef tacos, great big tacos, and teeny tiny tacos. While a boy and his dog are watching TV, they unexpectedly learn the ‘Do’s and Dont’s’ of what kinds of tacos to serve dragons. Unfortunately, when the boy throws his new dragon friends a spicy salsa taco party, red-hot trouble ensues! Discover the dietary delights and dilemmas of dragons in this fun-filled production, adapted from The New York Times Best Selling book. Dragons Love Tacos is a sizzling story full of fiery fun for your entire family! Recommended for ages 3-10. 10:00 a.m. The Magik Theatre, 420 S Alamo St, San Antonio. https://www.magiktheatre.org/event/ dragonslovetacos/

Little Explorers – Bugs and Creepy Crawlers: See March 3

Big Blue Blocks: See March 2 “Kids Fun Day” with Trains: See March 7 Makers Workshop: See March 7 Little Makers Workshop: See March 7 Dragons Love Tacos: See March 6

22 Sunday

Dragons Love Tacos: See March 6

23 Monday

Big Blue Blocks: See March 2

24 Tuesday

Free Tuesdays at the Briscoe: Through the preservation of the art, history, and culture of the American West, the Briscoe Western Art Museum inspires and educates the public with engaging exhibitions, educational programs, and public events reflective of the region’s rich traditions and shared heritage. Free admission from 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. The Briscoe Western Art Museum, 210 W Market St.


Story Time in the Book Garden: See March 3

Free Tuesdays at The Witte: See March 2

25 Wednesday

Alladin!: Discover a whole new world at Disney’s ALADDIN, the hit Broadway musical. From the producer of The Lion King comes the timeless story of ALADDIN, a thrilling new production filled with unforgettable beauty, magic, comedy and breathtaking spectacle. It’s an extraordinary theatrical event where one lamp and three wishes make the possibilities infinite. Tickets from $36.00. Show times vary; see website for details. Majestic Theatre, 224 E. Houston St. http://www.majesticempire.com/ Astronomy in the Park: See March 4 Little Makers Workshop: See March 7

26 Thursday

3rd Annual Big TX Fun: The 3rd Annual Big Texas Fun will include more fun than ever! In addition to the Crawfish Festival and the Tri-County BBQ Cook-off that are sure to leave your mouth watering, we’ve included a family carnival for the whole family along with live entertainment, carnival rides, a Kids Treasure Hunt, and so much more. With so much going on and special offers every day, we guarantee you’ll have a great time with your family and friends. Check the website for details about special appearances from Daniel Tiger, Paw Patrol, Jack the Neverland Pirates, superheroes! Retama Park, 1 Retama Pkwy, Selma, TX 78154. For ticket prices and more information visit www. bigtxfun.com The Big Give: The Big Give is back for year seven. Time to support and give a little to the local non-profit of your choice. https://www.thebiggivesa.org/

Alladin!: See March 25

27 Friday

Miss Anastasia’s Wild and Wacky PreWeekend Twiglet Storytime: See March 6 3rd Annual Big TX Fun: See March 26 Alladin!: See March 25

28 Saturday

Monarch Fest: This two-day festival celebrates all things monarchs, milkweed, and migration! Receive free native milkweed and native nectar plant seeds, participate in fun games and crafts, and learn how you can help end the extinction of the monarch butterfly. This event is included with zoo standard admission and FREE for members. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. San Antonio Zoo, 3903 North St. Mary’s St. https:// sazoo.org/events/monarch-fest/ 3rd Annual Big TX Fun: See March 26 Makers Workshop: See March 7 Little Makers Workshop: See March 7 Alladin!: See March 25

29 Sunday

Alladin!: See March 25 Monarch Fest: See March 28 3rd Annual Big TX Fun: See March 26

30 Monday

Alladin!: See March 25

31 Tuesday

Alladin!: See March 25 Little Explorers – Bugs and Creepy Crawlers: See March 3 Story Time in the Book Garden: See March 3 Free Tuesdays at The Witte: See March 2

March 2020 | OurKidsMagazine.com





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Our Kids Magazine | March 2020

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