River Region Christians December 2023

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Volume 25, Issue 8

Feature Articles

DECEMBER 2 0 2 3 Columns

page 6

Faith @ Work: Tyffani Frazier

page 2

Publisher’s Note

Tyffani Frazier, Nurse Educator with Baptist Health, shares why she believed in Christ from an early age and how He has remained her priority ever since. She also touches on marriage, parenting and why nursing has always been a calling on her life.

page 10

Jason Watson

page 4

Pastor's Perspective Mark Bethea, First Baptist Chuch Montgomery

page 6

Faith @ Work

Christmas Hope for the Broken Hearted

page 7

by Tim Challies

Books to Read

Challies shares how we can still have hope during a season that often proves difficult for many, including his family.

page 8

The Intersection

page 14

Bob Crittenden

Christmas in the River Region

page 9

Start planning to celebrate Christ in a variety of ways with local churches. You’ll find musicals, Christmas candlelight services and so much more in December.

Women Arising Pastor Kemi Searcy

page 12

Counselor’s Corner page 16

George Ishman

Let God Arise page 20

by Kym Klass

Dave $ays

Chaplain Tom Bridges and a team of volunteers have served Jesus by fulfilling His command to minister to those in prison. An essential part revolves around prayer, and you can get involved!

Dave Ramsey


December 2023

River Region Christians

Our Mission... We believe the Good News concerning the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is worth sharing with our friends and neighbors in the River Region. Each month we deliver this life-changing message to the centers of activity across our community in a user-friendly and relevant way to empower and equip all those seeking to grow closer to God. Join us in this mission by sharing a copy with your neighbor or by becoming an advertising partner starting next month.

Editor DeAnne Watson deanne@readjourneymagazine.com


Jason Watson jason@readjourneymagazine.com

Research Editor Wendy McCollum

Contributing Writers Pastor Mark Bethea Tim Challies Bob Crittenden George Ishman Kym Klass Dave Ramsey Kemi Searcy

Advertising Opportunities Jason Watson ads@readjourneymagazine.com (334) 213-7940 ext 702

Digital Manager Scott Davis

From the Publisher Rushing Past the Extraordinary in Pursuit of the Ordinary Even among the Advent wreaths and special services, we can still come to the end of the month and feel like we completely missed the whole purpose of our celebration. Our world often seems to rush past the extraordinary in pursuit of the ordinary. That’s never more evident than during the Christmas Season. The message of Christ’s birth is not merely a historical event but a living, transformative truth that continues to shape the world and our very lives today. The Bible reminds us in Matthew 1:23, “Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel (which means God with us).” This prophecy, fulfilled in Bethlehem, epitomizes the extraordinary becoming intimately intertwined with the ordinary. People missed its extraordinary significance then, and we can continue to miss it today as we settle for ordinary holiday pursuits. Probably most of you have heard of the K.I.S.S. Method that encourages us to Keep it Simple. But I want to encourage you this Christmas to Keep It SPECIAL and not miss the amazing abundant life found in the Savior’s birth we celebrate. • Do an Advent devotional each week with your family or friends. • Find a place to serve others in Jesus’ name. • Attend a Christmas Eve Candlelight Service. • Establish a Christ-centered Christmas tradition that returns the focus to its true meaning. One thing we do is start Christmas morning with a yummy birthday cake and candles for Jesus. • Invite someone who will be alone on Christmas to come to your home and enjoy a special meal. Jesus loved inviting the lonely to fellowship with him over dinner. I hope these ideas ignite even more thoughts on how you can make this Christmas extraordinary. After all, doesn’t the birth of the Savior of the World deserve it? And don’t you find the greatest joy when you rest in the fact that you’re completely loved, forgiven, and embraced by God through the saving work of Christ the Messiah? Don’t Rush Past the Extraordinary in Pursuit of the Ordinary. Merry Christmas!

Ad Design

Tim Welch, Welch Designs

River Region Christians is published monthly by Keep Sharing, P.O. Box 230367, Montgomery, AL 36123. For information, call 334-213-7940. River Region Christians is copyrighted 2023 by KeepSharing. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is prohibited. The opinions expressed in River Region Christians are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the view of the owners, nor do they constitute an endorsement of products or services herein. River Region Christians has the right to refuse any content that is not consistent with its statement of faith.

River Region Christians

December 2023



December 2023

River Region Christians

Pastor’s Perspective by Mark Bethea, First Baptist Church of Montgomery

Not Everyone Loves the Holidays The holiday season and Christmas can bring a multitude of emotions. On some levels it may feel like Andy Williams’ famous song, “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year.” On the other hand, it could feel like Merle Haggard’s, “Trying to Make it Through December.” Maybe for you, it’s somewhere in between. For the believer, Christmas is a setaside time celebrating the arrival of our Savior, Jesus. It ushers in the reality of God who dwelt amongst His people. It’s why we sing joyfully, Immanuel, God with us! However, the practical side of this fallen world is that these seasons can be incredibly difficult -- for both the believer and the unbeliever. For some, this will be the first Christmas in which a loved one is not sitting at the family dinner table. It’ll be the first time to place ornaments on the

tree and acutely miss a mom, dad, brother, sister, or child. Christmas may ring in a season of despair and loneliness, even as we open our hearts to what the season means. This is one of the reasons I’m thankful God has given us the Church. The Church as a family of faith is equipped to River Region Christians

December 2023

come alongside the hurting and grieving to comfort as we have been comforted by the Holy Spirit. Paul reminds us of that very thing in Romans 12:15, “Rejoice with those we rejoice, weep with those who weep.” How can we do that? There can be a hint of nervousness in reaching out to those who have lost loved ones or may be facing uniquely difficult situations through the Christmas season. Here are a few simple thoughts that you can employ through this season to encourage those who may be facing tough days. Send a note. An old-fashioned hand written note in the mail can go such a long way in reminding a friend or relative that you are thinking of them and lifting them up in this season. I have greatly benefitted personally in receiving a note in the mail,

handwritten by a dear friend. It takes very little time but can make a deep impact. Send a text. A new-fashioned text message can have the same impact as a handwritten note and can make an instantaneous difference. The technology we have today is remarkable. If the Lord puts a person on your heart, write them a 4

short text message letting them know at that moment they were on your heart and in your prayers. It’s so uplifting to be on the receiving end of one of those messages. Send baked goods. Each week, our church goes out on visitation to new friends. The best thing we do on those visits is take a loaf of freshly baked bread. A dear lady in our church has been baking seven loaves of bread each week for nearly 20 years. Fresh baked bread and cookies open the door and heart! Drop off a note and baked goods on a doorstep as a simple gesture of love. Send yourself. If you have an existing friendship or relationship with someone you know may be hurting through this Christmas season, invite them to lunch or coffee. Invite them to come alongside you. At times, we may find this difficult or may feel we’re not well equipped to walk someone through their grief. This can keep us on the sidelines of loving someone well. Most of the time, we simply need to sit, listen, and hurt with them. We likely won’t have answers or an easy button we can press to make the hurt go away, but we come with compassionate ears and gentle hearts. In my own grief, I don’t remember many words anyone said, I only remember their presence in the moment. I am much anticipating the Christmas season. I can’t wait to joyfully sing, worship, and fellowship with family and friends. This season is such a full reminder of the adage our Pastor Emeritus at First Baptist Montgomery used to say often, “We need Jesus and we need each other!” Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, friends!

Mark Bethea is senior pastor of First Baptist Church, 305 S. Perry Street.

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December 2023

River Region Christians

1960s) in integration via education and healthcare. These women were the first to set the “standard” for the next generations in their respective professions. They modeled faith and Christianity for me from an early age, and I’m so thankful that I have the opportunity for strong and determined women to show me the Godly way. RRC: Becoming a nurse... was that a calling from God? TF: Becoming a nurse was a calling from God. I just knew that the Lord had picked me to be a nurse due to being a genuine nurturer as a child and making others smile. I had to share with others the smile and joy God deposited in me. RRC: How does your faith and prayer life sustain you through challenging times? TF: Prayer is a life-sustaining action that has carried me in challenging times. Become my authentic self, a warrior, and bold, courageous woman of God whom the Lord designed, designated, and appointed to praise and thank Him. My faith and authenticity were challenged at different seasons in my life. I experienced depression and anxiety, which later required professional assistance. After being obedient and surrendering those areas of my life to the Lord, I now understand that my relationship has grown as Jesus did in wisdom and stature. RRC: You were baptized at the age of five. How did you know you wanted to devote yourself to Christ at an early age? TF: I felt a tug on my heart that I wanted to confess to Jesus and become baptized after hearing about how and why I should devote my life to Christ. It’s a decision that has kept my soul and heart continuously focused on Him. It’s a decision I cherish making, as it’s guided me through the various transitions of my life and helped me understand myself and the love I receive from the Lord. RRC: How did your mother and aunt become role models for you through Christianity and faith? TF: My mother and aunts were role models and trendsetters for me. Mother, Vera, Aunt Bay, and Aunt Vivian were trailblazers (late River Region Christians

December 2023

RRC: You’ve always known you were different, and your father expressed you had healing hands as a child. How has that impacted your life? TF: Healing hands impact my touch, and I believe words create power to bring light to what appears like darkness. Words and touch have the power to aid those who may feel lost and provide hope, which is one of the most powerful things to have in hard times. God has taught me never to give up because He is with me, and to walk by faith not by sight. RRC: Having a servant’s heart and being a frontline healthcare worker for the community... what has your experience taught you? TF: Seeing someone in a vulnerable state and knowing the ministry of servitude can 6

change the trajectory of the person’s current mental state of mind. For example, if I share in the transitioning period of a patient’s celebration of life. To be the representation of light and becoming a beacon of hope to the family has been an honor. RRC: How do you encourage your children to live a life that honors God? TF: I encourage my sons to live a life that honors God by training and teaching them. Who is watching when no one else is? God. Who sees everything that we do? God. And what does God’s word say? The book of Proverbs states, “I chastise those I love.” Furthermore, we represent Christ first, our family second, and ourselves third, so as the written words say, spare the rod to spoil the child. RRC: You’ve been married for over two decades. How do you keep God present in your marriage? TF: I kept God present throughout two decades by knowing the power of a praying wife. Praying over my husband as Ruth did with Boaz. The struggles will come, yet I remember praying to my Heavenly Father to send someone into my life who would love me for my flaws and accept me for who I am. The Lord did it, and I wouldn’t change a moment of my life with my husband. Our favorite sayings are “Baby, always give me the will to fight” and “We are better than me.” RRC: How do you maintain and nurture a consistent relationship with God? TF: I maintain and nurture my relationship with God by devoting quiet time to Him via delighting in his creation and the many pictures he paints daily. I am an early riser and love the outdoors, so riding my bike or walking in my neighborhood as the sun rises is a blessed experience. I get to experience the opportunity to take in his mighty creation and the beauty of the world surrounding me. It’s an experience I love, and I get excited to see what He will reveal to me next.

Tyffani Frazier is married to Jarvis Frazier for 24 years and they have three children: Jarvis, AKA “Jay” (21), Jeremiah (20) and Joshua (16).

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The Truth About Lies

Does God Care About Gender Identity?

Why Jesus Is More Relevant Than You Think by Mack Stiles

by Samuel D. Ferguson

We live in a world of lies, a world in which the truth is so often obscured behind deception and made opaque behind falsehood. Though God is a God of truth, the enemy is a liar who will say anything to lead people astray, a deceiver who will stop at nothing to turn people away from the Lord. Though nobody wants to be taken in by lies, so many fall prey. Mack Stiles’ The Truth About Lies is a book about that very thing. It’s about the overarching lie that Jesus is irrelevant to the world today and to those who live within it—especially those who consider themselves far too developed and far too sophisticated for religion. And it’s about a number of other lies that exist within the big one. Written primarily for those who have heard of Jesus but not yet believed in him, it’s meant to be a brief, friendly tool for evangelism. It makes use of stories from the life of Jesus to persuade people to set aside lies in favor of the truth. “I am trying to change your mind,” Stiles begins. Perhaps you knew that when you picked up this book. But I want to be completely transparent. There’s a sea of subliminal messages out there, all created by artificial intelligence in back rooms of tech companies designed to keep you unaware of their persuasions. It’s the deal we make and, for the most part, we’re okay with it. It’s fine when it comes to clicking on a video or buying some shampoo, but it’s not how we should treat the big questions in life. And I am trying to persuade you about something far more significant than soap. I want to persuade you that Jesus is who he said he was and that he has enormous relevance to your life. That’s this book in a nutshell. Jesus is relevant. The first lie is, “I don’t matter to God.” In the second chapter, he looks at the lie that “being good is good enough.” From here he looks at the lies that Jesus is merely an inspiration, that each of us needs to look out for number one, that we can all have our own truths, that death is the end, that everybody goes to heaven, and that it is impossible for us to change. In every case, he debunks the lie by showing how Jesus lived and explaining what Jesus taught. The book culminates, as you would expect, with a call to believe in Jesus and to turn to him in repentance and faith. The Truth About Lies is written in just the right tone and comes in at just the right size to be effective in persuading skeptics to read it. It helpfully counters lies with truth and earnestly calls people to respond. It’s my hope and conviction that it will prove a useful resource for evangelism. I commend it to you for that purpose.

It’s hard to believe, but it was just a very short time ago that nobody believed in gender identity. At least, nobody believed in what the term has come to encompass today. As with so many social phenomena, it came slowly and then all at once. Suddenly it became an accepted “fact” that sex and gender can no longer be used interchangeably but instead refer to completely different realities so that a woman can have the body of a man and a man the body of a woman. Suddenly it became an accepted “fact” that the way to approach gender dysphoria is not to provide therapy to the mind but to provide surgery for the body. Suddenly it became an act of violence to fail to use another person’s preferred pronouns and an act of hate speech to use another person’s “deadname.” It is difficult to keep up with such a swift and irrational transformation. It can be difficult to sort through the new terminology and to think through the new distinctions. Thankfully, Christians are being well-resourced with books that can help. Now on store shelves is Does God Care About Gender Identity? by Samuel Ferguson, a short book that forms part of a new series from The Gospel Coalition called “TGC Hard Questions.” He focuses on two themes: deeper understanding and compassionate engagement. Under the banner of deeper understanding, he wants to inform his readers about today’s transgender movement—its practices and key beliefs—and he wants to compare these to the Bible. He looks at three big questions: (1) Is the body integral or incidental to gender identity? (2) What is the transformative path out of dysphoria and toward wholeness? (3) Does God assign our biological sex and gender? If so, how can we tell, and how does this affect the way we live out our maleness and femaleness? The transgender movement’s agent of transition is the scalpel; Christianity’s agent of transformation is the Spirit. The transgender movement sees change as primarily cosmetic, on the surface; Christians understand change to be inner and deep—it begins in the soul, moves through our character, and culminates in a perfected, imperishable, embodied existence (1 Cor. 15:42–49). A transition takes place in a clinic or on an operating table, but transformation is lived out in the context of the church, with God’s people, the family of faith. Those who are confused by all the talk of gender identity will appreciate this book as a helpful explainer and guide. Those who are attempting to help or lead others through struggles will appreciate it as a trusted, albeit basic, resource. It’s the kind of book churches may wish to keep on hand and distribute liberally. I highly recommend it. 7

December 2023

River Region Christians

Advent Guide: Because of Jesus Here is a condensed version of this year’s Faith Radio Advent Guide which is found in the Faith Radio Ministry Magazine. Reflect on these daily to enhance your holiday season. 1. I AM FORGIVEN. Colossians 1:14… in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins. 2. I CAN FORGIVE OTHERS. Colossians 3:13b… even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do. 3. I am loved by God. John 3:16... For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. 4. I am united with Christ. Matthew 1:23... “Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which is translated, “God with us.” 5. I have eternal life. Romans 6:23... For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. 6. I have abundant life. John 10:10b... I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. 7. I have been given the Word of God. Hebrews 4:12a... For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword… 8. I have the Holy Spirit living in me. John 14:26... But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, River Region Christians

December 2023

whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you. 9. I have received the grace of God. Ephesians 2:8... For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God… 10. I am a new creation. 2nd Corinthians 5:17a... Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation… 11. I belong to Jesus. 1st Corinthians 6:19a... Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you… 12. I am the righteousness of God in Christ. 2nd Corinthians 5:21... For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. 13. I am part of God’s family. Romans 8:15... For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father.” 14. I am a member of His Church, the body of Christ. Colossians 1:18... And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence. 15. I have access to the throne of God in prayer. Hebrews 4:16... Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. 16. I have the promise of heaven. John 14:3... And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. 8

17. I am an overcomer. 1st John 5:4... For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world--our faith. 18. I can walk in Godly wisdom. 1st Corinthians 1:30... But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God--and righteousness and sanctification and redemption… 19: I have been given the armor of God. Ephesians 6:11... Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 20. I have hope in the Lord. Luke 1:49... For He who is mighty has done great things for me, And holy is His name. 21. I can be strong in Him. Romans 8:11... But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you. 22. I can know His peace. Isaiah 9:6b... His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. 23. I can have confidence in Jesus. 1st John 5:15... And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him. 24. I am born again. 1st Peter 1:23... …having been born again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, through the word of God which lives and abides forever… 25. I know HE WALKS WITH ME. Colossians 2:6... As you have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him… All Scriptures: New King James Version

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Drawing Near Marcia was so busy…she couldn’t possibly accomplish everything needed before Christmas! The baking, the shopping, the decorating, the present wrapping, the social engagements, and the family traditions were in addition to her normal responsibilities at work, at home, with the kids and her husband. And there wasn’t anything she could delegate. She felt overwhelmed like Martha from the Bible who had so much to do to feed Jesus, His disciples, and the other guests that expected lunch to just appear out of nowhere. Why did Jesus rebuke Martha anyway? Someone had to do the chores, No one else had offered to help. Marcia would have cried if Jesus had spoken to her like He had to Martha. He just didn’t understand…or did He? When Jesus confronted Martha, was he rebuking her harshly? Or was He instructing her about how to prioritize and let God be her Helper? Was He telling her to never do work when He was around, or was He inviting her to a better place…right in front of Him? He understood responsibilities. After all, He cooked for the disciples, made arrangements for gatherings, and spoke to their human needs often. There was a time for a five-loaves-and-two-fishes food distribution and another time to seek the presence like a little child. So, what would you tell Marcia? What is God expecting from her during the holiday season, especially the preparation weeks before Christmas?

He wants her to draw near. When Jesus was born, some drew near and some turned away. Virgin Mary drew near to the prophecy the angel gave her. Joseph drew near to the promise in his dream. The shepherds drew near to the manger in the middle of the night, The wise men drew near, even though it took them approximately two years to arrive. Each of these people were not only blessed by the event, but became witnesses for the Messiah. Mary and Joseph were further honored with parental status, When Jesus began His ministry, He gathered 12 undesirables, three with whom He developed intense relationships. The 3½ years of time with Christ changed His followers forever. Think about Mary, Martha, the Samaritan woman, Mary Magdaline, and others who became part of those who followed Jesus. They were blessed to be in His presence, because most rabbis did not allow women as students. Those women who followed Him contributed their skills and money to keep the ministry afloat. The presence of God on Earth completely changed everyone who dared to touch it, even after Jesus returned to heaven. Peter, full of the presence, saw people healed by his shadow. Paul, filled with the presence, prayed without ceasing. John saturated in the presence, saw the future of Earth and heaven. Dorcas, Lydia, Tabitha, and other women ministered mightily in the early Church. How should a contemporary woman practice the presence of God? By prioritizing daily encounters with God. These can 9

overflow to people and change situations around her. The presence will modify her speech, actions, reactions, energy, and health into alignment with His purposes. Marcia is called to be an example of the presence of God first and foremost. Jesus only did what He saw the Father doing, so she needs to see if the Father is doing her planned tasks. She should submit her organized list to God, expecting the Holy Spirit to give counsel about what she should do or not do, just like Martha should have. That way, Marcia can experience God’s presence all of December. Marcia wants to build holiday memories for her children, but she must be open to release some traditions replacing them with new experiences that draw her family to God’s presence. She should remember that Jesus promised His yoke was easy, and He gives grace for every task she is supposed to do. This might seem over simplistic, and it is….because Jesus provides a life much easier than we make it. The real fight that wears us out is when we fail to submit our humanity to His divinity. We can truly experience peace during the busy holiday. Use these Scriptures to inspire you to seek His presence this season: • “In your presence is fullness of joy.” (Psalm 16:11) • “O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek You, my soul thirsts for You; my flesh faints for Your presence.” (Psalm 63:1) I encourage you to read these verses in context, because David often wrote in the midst of stress. And it was said that David was a “man after God’s own heart.” (1 Sam. 13:15) Marcia could become known as a “woman after God’s own heart.” So can you! Seek the Man who started in the manger this Christmas and be aglow with His presence! December 2023

River Region Christians

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The tree is trimmed and decorated and glowing with lights. The gifts are wrapped and tied with bows and arranged carefully beneath. The stockings are hung by the fire and bulging with trinkets and surprises and sweet delicacies. The table is set and waiting for a great feast to be laid out upon it. Christmas has come again— again with all its joys, with all its pleasures, with all its precious traditions. But look again, look more carefully, look and see that there are fewer gifts than there were in years past. There is one less stocking than there was before. The table has been set with one less place. When the family gathers to celebrate this year, there will be one member who will not be gathering with the rest, one person who will not be home for Christmas, one person who will be sorely missed.

River Region Christians

December 2023


This will be the reality for so many families this season, so many families who have had to bid farewell to one of their own. And never do those losses stand out so starkly, never do they cut so deep, never do they cause so much pain as during the holidays, as during times of celebration. For holidays are about gathering with the ones we love, spending time with the ones God has given us, observing the season together. This will be the reality for my family this Christmas, for just a couple of years ago, the Lord saw fit to call one of us to himself. Nick was seemingly healthy and well, thriving in life and preparing himself for marriage and pastoral ministry, when he very suddenly collapsed and died and was gone. Christmas has never been the same. Christmas never will be the same, never can be the same, for our little fellowship has been shattered, our little family has suffered a grievous loss, our little home circle has been broken. My mind sometimes drifts back to the evening we learned the news that broke our hearts and changed our lives. My mind sometimes drifts back to the thought that flashed through it in that moment when my entire world was rocked: God knows what it is to have a son and God knows what it is to lose a son. And this thought reminds me today that even though Christmas is the day when the pain of my loss is particularly sharp, it is also the day when my hope is

particularly strong. For without Christmas I would be despondent, but because of Christmas I have the greatest of all hopes. The wonder of the Christian faith, the miracle that we celebrate every Christmas, is that God became man. The Son of God who had existed from all eternity, the God who had been present at the creation of the world, the God who holds together all things by the word of his power, took on flesh and was born as a weak, helpless, crying baby. He grew up surrounded by the chaos and sin of this world, he proclaimed the glorious message God had given him, and at the end of it all, he was crucified and died. The Father witnessed the death of his beloved Son. But that is not the whole story, of course, for death could not hold him! Death could not keep back the one who lived a sinless life and died an atoning death. He left the tomb and ascended to heaven and now prepares a place for each of us who have loved him and believed in his name and received his forgiveness. In order to save us, Christ had to die for us. And in order to die for us, Christ had to live for us. And in order to live for us, Christ had to be born for us. It is at Christmas that we tell the beginning of the story of his incarnation, at Christmas that we celebrate his birth, at Christmas that we mark the dawning of hope. For when Christ was born on Christ-

Amazing happens

mas morning, hope was born with him—the hope that our loved ones are not lost forever, but merely separated from us for a time, the hope that though we may grieve for a while, sorrow will at last give way to a joy beyond all we’ve known or even imagined. Our hope and our confidence is rooted and grounded in this day. I wish Nick could be in our home this year to celebrate Christmas with us. But I know God has called him to a different home, a higher home, what I know to be a better home. And if Nick is experiencing nothing but happiness, as I truly believe he is, why would I spend the day in nothing but sadness? Why should I mourn as he rejoices? And so as we gather to celebrate Christmas, we’ll pause for at least a time to turn our hearts away from this home and instead fix them on the home above, the home where there is a much greater celebration, the home where Nick dwells with his Savior. We will fix our hearts on the time when all our tears will be dried and the time when the circle that has been broken will be fully and finally restored. And then we will return to celebrating the wonder of that baby in a manger, for this is the day when he was born—the day when hope was born.

Tim Challies is a pastor, blogger and book reviewer living in Canada.

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December 2023

River Region7/7/23 Christians 2:47 PM

Coping with Seasonal Depression The fall and winter seasons have a different meaning for different individuals. For some, fall marks the summer’s end and indicates that cooler weather is on the way. Many love the fall season because of nostalgia, holidays, and new beginnings. While many identify the fall season positively, others define it negatively. When the leaves change color and wilt from the trees, some people experience a dip in their mood. The fall season triggers some people to experience increased stress and or anxiety, which has been coined as autumn anxiety. The clinical diagnosis for autumn anxiety is called seasonal affective disorder. SAD is a mood disorder classified by depressive traits. Though symptoms vary from person to person, many experience similar signs that something is wrong. Depressive disorders affect individuals’ mood, sleep, physical body, and behavior. SAD is sometimes called winter depression because the symptoms are often present during the season when the days are shorter. The symptoms of seasonal depressive disorder have been reported to be more severe during December, January, and February. In some cases, the symptoms of seasonal affected depression tend to lessen and River Region Christians

December 2023

eventually disappear in the spring. The signs of seasonal affective disorder often reappear during the same time every year. From the fall to the spring, nearly 10 million people are diagnosed with seasonal affective disorder yearly. SAD has been recently diagnosed more consistently in women than in men and, in recent years, has been diagnosed more consistently in younger adults than in older adults. Researchers believe that the surge in diagnosis of younger adults can be related to the effects of the pandemic. The Bible teaches us that the consistency of the earth’s seasons reflects its maker and the steadiness of his character. In an effort to mimic the maker’s consistency, I believe it is important to strengthen awareness and make a valiant effort to cope with the symptoms. Preparation for a yearly and seasonal deficiency requires individuals to understand the causes to help them act accordingly. The cause of Seasonal Depressive disorder is not yet fully understood but is being linked to several factors. During the fall and winter seasons, individuals experience reduced exposure to sunlight. Less sunlight can cause a drop in melatonin and serotonin, affecting an individual’s sleep and mood patterns. Researchers believe that many different factors contribute to seasonal-affected disorders. Individuals who have a history of depression could inherit traits, those who have had an 12

adverse childhood experience, and those with psychological factors could suffer from seasonal-affected disorder. It sometimes takes several years to fully diagnose SAD because practitioners must be sure that individuals are experiencing the symptoms consistently and every year. Treating and adequately coping with SAD requires individuals to put forth purposeful effort. Most depressive disorders are typically treated with talk therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy, and in some cases, meds are used. With less sunlight, our daily routines are interrupted this time of year. If processes like sleeping and waking up are affected, they must be acknowledged and maintained healthily. Another form of therapy that could be helpful is called light therapy. In this form of therapy, light boxes are used to mimic sunlight indoors. Foundationally, it is important for individuals to develop an understanding of what they lack during this season and be purposeful in restoring what is missing in the effort to maintain balance.

George Ishman knew at an early age he wanted to be an advocate for change and an inspiration for individuals who live in communities facing economic challenges. Ishman received his undergraduate degree in English from ASU in 2017, where he graduated Cum Laude. He obtained his Master of Science Degree in Counseling and Psychology from Troy University in 2021. As a new counselor, George is looking forward to helping clients find solutions and resources that will support their efforts to achieve their optimal level of functioning. George provides Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Behavioral Modification Therapy, and Supportive Therapy for adults and adolescents.



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December 2023

River Region Christians

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Montgomery Aldersgate UMC ad on page19

6610 Vaughn Road, (334) 272.6152 www.aldersgateumc.org Christmas Musical “The Silence and the Sound” December 10 at 10:30 a.m. A heart stirring presentation featuring the Chancel Choir and Orchestra. Christmas Eve Carols, Communion and Candlelight featuring music by Violin, Cello, Organ and Piano Sunday, December 24, 5 p.m.

Christchurch 8800 Vaughn Road, (334) 387.0566. www.christchurchxp.net Candlelit Service of Lessons and Carols December 7 at 6:30 p.m. Christmas Eve Pageant December 24 at 4 p.m. Christmas Eve Candlelight Service December 24 at 7 p.m.

Eastern Hills Baptist Church 3604 Pleasant Ridge Rd., (334) 272.0604 www.easternhills.church “SIMPLY CHRISTMAS”, December 3, 3:00 PM Program Features our Children’s Choir, Adult Choir & Guest Orchestra. FREE Admission Childcare provided for birth through 5 year olds. River Regions Brass Band Christmas Concert Sunday, December 10, 3:00 PM. FREE Admissions. Christmas Eve Candlelight Service Sunday, December 24, 5:00 PM. All ages will attend this service which includes a special story time for children.

Church of the Highlands 4255 Taylor Road, (205) 980.5577 www.churchofthehighlands.com Dates to be announced on website. Come join us for a service full of worship, prayer, and celebration as we honored the birth of Jesus Christ. Please visit our website for times and locations. River Region Christians

December 2023

Dalraida GMC Christmas ad on page 17

3817 Atlanta Hwy., (334) 272.2190 dalraidagmc.tv Christmas Eve Worship December 24 at 10:30 am

First Baptist Church ad on Back Cover

305 South Perry Street, (334) 834.6310 www.montgomeryfbc.org/christmas The Living Christmas Tree December 8-10, Thursday and Friday at 7 PM; Saturday and Sunday at 4 PM Come experience the splendor of Christmas in Main Sanctuary as the FBC choir and orchestra present, The Living Christmas Tree, a musical presentation that celebrates the birth of Jesus and the hope He brings. Christmas Communion December 17, 5:30 pm Christmas Eve Candlelight Service December 24 , 3:30 pm and 5 pm

First United Methodist Church 2416 West Cloverdale Park, (334) 834.8990 Christmas Eve Services Sunday, December 24 10 a.m., Candlelight Services at 5 p.m.

Frazer Church ad on page 3

6000 Atlanta Highway, (334) 272.8622 www.frazer.church Lessons and Carols of Christmas December 10 at 4 p.m. Frazer Church “Candlelight Worship” Sunday, December 24 at 4 p.m.

Gateway Baptist Church 3300 Bell Road, (334) 272.9494 www.gatewaybaptist.com Candlelight Service and Communion Sunday, December 24, 5 p.m.

Heritage Baptist Church 1849 Perry Hill Road, (334) 279.9976 www.hbcm.net Christmas Eve Service December 24, 5 p.m.


His Vessel Ministries 300 Water Street, (334) 356.4478 Open House December 12, 4-6 p.m. Refreshments served and Live Music


Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist Church 1550 East Washington Street, (334) 462.3048, Annual Christmas Production Hosted by the Youth Dept. Join them as they celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. December 17 at 9 a.m. service

Saint James Church 9045 Vaughn Road, (334) 277.3037 www.sjlife.com Christmas Tree Lighting December 3 at 5:30 p.m. Annual Women’s Christmas Dinner December 10 at 5 p.m. Happy Birthday Jesus Party December 17, 10:45 a.m. Christmas Eve Services December 24, 11 a.m. Traditional Service December 24, 5:30 for Contemporary Service Nursery available for 3 and under.




Taylor Road Baptist Church 1685 Taylor Road, (334) 271.3363 www.taylorroad.org Candlelight Service December 24 at 5 p.m.

Vaughn Forest Church 8660 Vaughn Road, (334) 279.5433 www.vaughnforrest.com Christmas Eve Services December 24 at 4 p.m.

Pike Road The Well at Century Church 1001 Marlar Road, (334) 801.9080 www.Century.church Christmas Eve Candlelight Service Join us for one of Two Candlelight services happening at 5pm and 7pm. Celebrate the night of Jesus’ birth in the spirit of His first night





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on Earth-outdoors, beneath the stars, and within the warmth of a humble barn. Please note that childcare will only be available at 5pm Candlelight Service. (Nursery-PreK)

Prattville Centerpoint Fellowship Church 1200 McQueen Smith Road, (334) 356.3076 www.centeringlives.com Christmas Eve Candlelight Service December 24 at 3 p.m., 4:30 p.m. and 6 p.m.

East Memorial Baptist Church 1320 Old Ridge Road, (334) 365.7500 www.eastmemorial.org The Humble King Our Celebration Choir, Orchestra, and Drama Team will present “The Humble King.” December 10 at 10:30 a.m. Christmas Eve Service December 24 at 5 p.m.

First Baptist Church, Prattville 138 South Washington St., (334) 365.0606 www.fbcprattville.org Christmas Eve Candlelight Service December 24 3 p.m. and 5 p.m.

First Presbyterian Church 220 South Chestnut Street, Prattville www.firstpresbyterianchurchofprattville.com Lessons and Carols Service December 17 at 10:30 a.m. Candlelight Communion Service December 24 at 5 p.m.

Glynwood Baptist Church 376 McQueen Smith Road N., (334) 361.9180 www.glynwoodbc.com Christmas Eve Candlelight and Communion December 24, 5 p.m.

Wetumpka Centerpoint Fellowship Church 9301 US Hwy. 231, (334) 356.3076 www.centeringlives.com Christmas Eve Candlelight Service Sunday, December 24, Time to be announced

First United Methodist Church, Wetumpka ad on page13

306 W. Tuskeena Street, (334) 567-7865 www.wetumpkafirst.com/christmas Christmas Musical: A Promise Kept, The Blessing of Christmas December 3, 10 am Christmas Eve Worship December 24, 10 am Christmas Eve Communion December 24, 5 pm 15

December 2023

River Region Christians

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That they understand it is not what they “get” in life, but what they give away. That life is not always about receiving, but what we provide our neighbors God’s love and ‘joy’ (Jesus, Others, Yourself).

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“If you don’t have love, it doesn’t matter what you do,” said Bridges, also known as Brother Tom. “If what you do is not done out of love, there’s no profit – and no glory that goes back to the Lord.”

s la K s River Region Christians

When Tom Bridges walks into jails and prisons to minister to inmates, he has one goal: that they understand what unconditional love of Jesus Christ is.

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December 2023


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Since September 1992, Chaplain Bridges (right) and a team of volunteers have served Jesus Christ by fulfilling His command to minister to those in prison. When asked how many lives have been saved, he said: not one. “We have witnessed Jesus Christ save over 30,000 men and women who have responded to God’s agape love by inviting Jesus Christ into their hearts,” he said. Let God Arise Ministries is a non-denominational local outreach mission with the emphasis of evangelism and discipleship through God’s Holy Word. The jail ministry started years prior to Bridges being called to serve, having previously been overseen by leaders including Chuck Staub. The ministry ministers to inmates from all denominations including Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Church of Christ, Catholic, Pentecostal, Lutheran, Church of God, Assemblies of God, Holiness, and Episcopalian. It has reached other religions, too, including Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, Islamic, Atheists, and even a professed Satanist, according to their website, with God’s unconditional agape love through His Son Jesus Christ.

“I was a manufacturer rep calling on heavy industrial plants dealing with the corrosion industry, and had (also) started working with Gideons (International) as a lay minister,” Bridges said. “Chuck Staub invited me to volunteer on occasions and because of circumstances asked me if I would consider taking the Chaplaincy. “After prayer, the Lord gave me the ‘yes,’ and Let God Arise Ministries Inc. began. Jesse Williams III, a board member, stated after years of ministry that Let God Arise Ministries Inc. was, ‘The Best Kept Secret in Town.’ “As a lay person, the Lord led me to places like Frank Lee Prison and Covenant Village retirement facility to minister to the elderly. Then with the Gideons, I was invited to the city jail, and God began opening doors for ministry and I would just go. When Chuck decided to move, it became a full-time ministry.”

Bridges and others provide services every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at the Montgomery County Detention Facility – and city and federal jails in Montgomery – to youth as young as 15 arrested for capital murder, to men in their 70s. “I was already used to sharing with the inmates,” he said of his time prior to overseeing Let God Arise Ministries. “The Lord said to me before going into the jails that my primary ministry was to Him and that He would take care of the inmates being ministered to. “God just takes over. I just let the Holy Spirit lead the Chapel services. I stay out of God’s way, and let Him say what He wants to be said. I haven’t made one lesson plan in over 30 years. “Inmates often will say whenever the Lord is speaking that they were just talking about or reading that very scripture. I will encourage them that God is confirming their personal walk with Him.” When Bridges ministers, there could be one person who attends service, and sometimes, between 15 and 20. “It’s all volunteer, whoever wants to come,” he said of the inmates. “We can’t get everyone at one time. They are segregated due to court cases and cannot be mixed. We get them before their trial – and

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December 2023

River Region Christians

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River Region Christians

10/19/23 9:02 AM

December 2023


Bridges and others provide services every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at the Montgomery County Detention Facility – and city and federal jails in Montgomery – to youth as young as 15 arrested for capital murder, to men in their 70s. then they get sentenced. When sentenced, they’re farmed out to the prison system or will serve county time.” Bridges said years ago, one inmate asked, “Brother Tom, isn’t it ironic that they take away our Bibles when we go to school and give them back when we are in prison?” During the time he or a volunteer spends with the inmates, the inmates are provided their own personal Bible, a “Our Daily Bread” devotional – over 50,000 have been distributed over the years – and a prayer request card provided by a local church with an intercessory prayer team. Over 27 years ago, volunteers brought these prayer cards and distributed them to the inmates, and it remains an essential part of the ministry today. “I tell the inmates that they have people that they’ll never know on their earthly journey that are praying over them,” Bridges said. “That they’ll get a tap on their shoulder one day in Heaven from someone who was praying for them. They are absolutely thrilled that people care that God hasn’t given up on them, and other believers haven’t given up on them, too.” The most recent prayer cards came from inmates with first names including Linda, Kevin, Luis, Demetrius, Dnikko, Floyd, Kendarius, William, Quandarius, and DeShun. Prayers on these cards include: for all to know God, my children and children around the world, bless my mom, teach me patience, protection and safety, pray for the sick, receive answers to prayer, understanding, God help me, reassurance, take bad thoughts away from me. “All these needs are being lifted up by the intercessory prayer team at Frazer, and that has been going on for 27 years,” Bridges said. “We’ve had 50,000-plus prayer cards within that time.

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“It shows the impact that it is having.” He said Frazer Church receives anywhere from 70 to 90 prayer request cards from county jails every couple of weeks. “I’ve been working with these cards, getting the requests out to the Frazer Upper Room Prayer ministry for a couple of years now,” said Sharon Sewell, with Frazer Upper Room. “The requests from the jails are not new to Frazer prior to my work with them. “When I hold a stack of these cards in my hands before I begin to put them in a form to send out as requests to the intercessors, I am always deeply humbled. Most, if not all, are heart written. “The requestor is concerned about his family and friends, their children and others in jail. Most are not selfish in what they ask except in one area – Christian growth. Many ask for forgiveness, wisdom, understanding, to walk on a Godly path, to learn more about the Bible. They want to know God. It’s the heart of God they are after.” They are thankful for those who pray for them, she said, adding “they love Tom Bridges who ministers to them. Often, they pray for him and his family.” For the last two years, inmates have asked for revival in the jail, Sewell said. They have asked for God’s Spirit to invade their spaces and fill them with His Spirit. “They are no different than any of us,” Sewell said. “They are people who have sinned, who are having to make restitution, repent and turn from their sin. But sometimes, I think these men and women are freer behind bars than those of us who walk around with unseen chains and bars. We are told to be still and know that he is God, to wait on God. “Those of us on ‘the outside’ are so easily distracted. These folks have no alternative but to be still and wait on God. They have time on their hands, and they are using it wisely to pray, to grow, to learn, to repent, to restore and be restored. They are grateful for those who pray for them.” Sewell said there are over 100 Upper Room intercessors who receive the prayer requests. And by the power of God and “His great love for all, their prayers are being answered. Pray God sends more laborers to this important mission field. Some of those in jail want to minister to others in their own communities upon release. They want to be a blessing because they have been blessed.” In the words of the inmates to the Let God Arise Ministries team:

“Pray for us brothers and sisters that is still lock up, that still searching or looking toward God for salvation.” (anonymous)

He said an inmate with the first name Wilbur was sentenced to a 100year sentence, and corresponded with Bridges after having attended an “evangelism explosion class.” He was asked to later teach the class, Bridges said, sharing, “I have witnessed Jesus Christ to the warden of the prison facility, all the regular officers and every time I have a new cell mate, the Lord uses me to lead them to Jesus Christ.” Bridges believes all believers want to hear, when they take their first breath in Heaven is, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

Want to volunteer?

“That everything that is for me be true and mighty. If it’s not for me, let it leave my life peacefully.” (anonymous)

Contact Tom Bridges at LGAM3@knology.net

“Pray for my little brother that he is ok and learning from his mistakes and becoming a man.” (Sequon)

Let God Arise is a 501c3 ministry and all donations toward it are tax deductible. Visit online at www.letgodarise.org to donate or for more information.

“Keep Your Holy Spirit in me and around me.” (Jaderrick) “I lost my jury trial. Am facing 30 years.” (Andre)

More information:

Kym Klass is a contributing writer and Communications Director of the Media Ministry at Frazer Church in Montgomery.

When Bridges ministers to the inmates and they receive Jesus Christ into their hearts, he tells them they are “New Creatures in Christ,” and all their sins are paid in full. They are washed with the precious blood of Jesus Christ and sealed for the day of redemption with the Holy Spirit. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” II Corinthians 5:17 When they are sentenced, “they are now missionaries to take God’s word to those the Lord brings across their path,” Bridges said. 19

December 2023

River Region Christians

Teach Them to Be Givers... And Be an Example Q. With all the commercials and marketing that accompany the holiday season, how can parents teach their young children about giving and putting others first at this time of year?

A. Christmas is a traditional time to give and help others. But even for adults, it’s easy to get so caught up the glitz that we end up forgetting to teach our kids how to give and why it’s so important. How do we make sure they learn the satisfaction of giving to others at an early age? Here are a few easy ideas. Send an extra snack with them to school. Then, at lunch they can give it to a friend. When they get back home, find out who they shared the snack with and talk about what happened. It can be as simple as that. Also, encourage your kids to pass

along compliments. Sharing a kind word with a classmate, or even their teacher, will go a long way toward brightening someone’s day any time of year. When you’re involved in giving or helping others in any way, take your kids with you. If you’re sponsoring a family through your church, or participating in a charity drive, let your kids be part of the buying and delivery process. When you make giving memories together, they’ll stick with your kids for years to come. If you really want to make the kids part of the process, you could let them pick a charity to help. If you give them a commission for doing jobs around the house, or if they’re

older and have a part-time job, they can start saving a percentage to donate. Another idea might be giving away old toys. Take some time to gather up all the toys they don’t play with and don’t want anymore. Search the closet together, and choose things to take to Goodwill or another charitable organization. Remember, you’re the adult. That means it’s your job to set an example and create teachable moments. So, this year give your kids nice gifts within your budget. But take time to create situations that allow them to participate in wonderful giving experiences, as well — because giving truly is better than receiving.


Text "Christian" to 334-328-5189 to receive Advertising Details. River Region Christians

December 2023






And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.” — Luke 2:10 —



Lottie Moon Christmas Offering Emphasis

Christmas Communion 5:30 PM // Main Sanctuary

8:30 & 11:00 AM // Main Sanctuary Special Guest: D. Ray Davis, IMB

Preschool + Children’s Choirs Christmas Program 6:15 PM // Main Sanctuary

— DECEMBER 24 — Worship Service 8:30 & 11:00 AM // Main Sanctuary

Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship

— DECEMBER 8-10 —

3:30 & 5:00 PM // Main Sanctuary

The Living Christmas Tree


Friday // 7:00 PM Saturday & Sunday // 4:00 PM Main Sanctuary

Merry Christmas! FBC Offices Closed




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