International School Parent Magazine - Autumn Edition 2019

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Delicious Autumn Recipes We look at some great new seasonal dishes


Why long term revision trumps last minute cramming


Zurich International School’s new director unveils her experiences from across the world

We are fearless Les Roches ranks among the world’s top 3 institutions for hospitality & leisure management. Programs include: Bachelor’s • Master’s • Postgraduate Diploma • MBA For more information contact S W I T Z E R L A N D • S PA I N • C H I N A LESROCHES.EDU







g 30 years o



study exp


IB SUMMER PROGRAMMES Sharing academic classes, activities and cultural experiences with students from all round the world.



Welcome back! And welcome to our Autumn Edition of International School Parent Magazine. After a fabulous Summer, this Autumn is off to a glorious start with that late summer heatwave and glorious sunshine in September. We have teamed up with Hoher Kasten Tourism this edition for some family (and wallet) friendly walking options in the Appenzeller Alps. With over 400km of walking trails, 6 cable cars, and a huge selection of mountain inns, it’s the perfect place for a quick term time getaway. We are showcasing some delicious Autumn Recipes on page 40. Warm Autumn Salads, Spatchcock Chicken, and baked Autumn fruits are all on the menu. Something I am acutely aware of in Switzerland is the need to shop seasonally and take advantage of locally produced ingredients. They’re comparatively good value, and normally excellent quality. All these recipes are aimed to help you do just that, using ingredients readily available in supermarkets across Switzerland. Zurich International School have a wonderful new Director and we have interviewed her. We chatted with Lisa Lyle about her experiences as a teacher and head teacher across the world. Lisa is full of life with boundless ambition and enthusiasm for her students. This shows throughout the interview which you can read on page 6. We wish her luck in her new role. There is also a strong argument made by IB DP Coordinators on why it is never too early to start revising. Long term revision has huge benefits over simply cramming at the last minute. Excellent advice is given from teachers, coordinators, and tutors in this in depth piece. I would like to extend our invitation to teachers, parents, and practitioners in all fields of education to contact us about writing and interview opportunities. We would love to discuss with you the opportunity to be featured in the magazine and on our website at www. We remain committed to the task of helping parents and children make the most of the fantastic opportunities an education at an international school in Switzerland provides. All that remains to be said is that I hope you have a wonderful start to the academic year. Work hard and be the best!


Nick Gilbert Editor & Publishing Director International School Parent Magazine Mobile + 41 787 10 80 91 Email Website Facebook INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL PARENT AUTUMN 2019 | 4


Contents 06 Meet the Headteacher 12 F uture Hospitality Trends: Ensuring Education Reflects the Industry 14 Wellness & Architecture In Switzerland 16 A Weekend In Lucerne 18 T he start of Mental Health Fiest Aid training in English in Switzerland 22 Reggio-inspired pedagogy


26 The hospitality industry: a world of opportunity 29 Gifted: the double-edged sword 32 Why revision needs to start NOW! 36 Gardens Switzerland - Autumn 39 W hy the IB Diploma Core (TOK, EE and CAS) are worth so much more than a mere 3 points 42 Autumn Recipes 45 Helping teenagers argue... effectively! 48 U nderstanding Gender Identity in the World of Global Nomad Families 52 H oher Kasten: Family Friendly Hiking In The Appenzell Alps 54 S GIS Annual Conference 2020, Institut Florimint, Geneva ‘2020 Vision’ 57 C reating A Culture Of Caring - Why developing empathy is a vital part of education


60 Internation Families On The Move 64 Life Changing Events


Meet the Head Teacher



Lisa Lyle is the newly appointed Director of Zurich International School, having previously worked in France and the USA. International School Parent Editor Nick Gilbert talks to Lisa about her own experiences in education, what makes international schools special, challenges in the future of education, and some of her personal passions. Your career in education has spanned multiple countries, taking you all over the world to teach and run schools. What made you become a teacher in the first place? Like many people, I backed into teaching. I was in graduate school pursuing a masters and PhD in French literature and to be able to afford that luxury I had to teach. I didn’t know that I was going to fall in love with teaching, but when I was teaching at

the University of Pennsylvania as part of my doctoral work, I realized that I loved the teaching part of my job more than the research. As I was finishing my degree, a local independent school asked if I would teach French for them part-time, as I wrote my dissertation - it seemed like a perfect match! I never did finish my doctorate, but I did fall in love with independent and international schools, where a whole community of INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL PARENT AUTUMN 2019 | 6

adults is organized around the single purpose of creating transformative learning experiences for every child. There was nothing about my personal experience - a tiny public school in East Texas where no one went to college that prepared me for being part of these amazing schools. To this day, I feel so lucky to have spent my career in schools like ZIS, and I’m so grateful that my own children have had these experiences. I

“In really good schools, we teach children, not curriculum, and we have educators who are capable of differentiating the learning pathway for each child. ” believe every child in the world deserves this kind of education - unfortunately it is simply not available to everybody. The key difference from what I have observed with international and independent schools is that we have the time and the budget to explore the particular interests of the child more closely, whether that means finding them an extra book on a topic of their interest, or seizing learning moments that stray from an endorsed curriculum. In really good schools, we teach children, not curriculum, and we have educators who are capable of differentiating the learning pathway for each child. In these schools, everyone is similarly committed to providing great education and to fostering passion, inquiry, curiosity and a quest for knowledge. Has your own education meant that you find the international school setup even more fantastic? My educational journey through high school was more impoverished than the one we provide at this school. I certainly floated to the top of my educational community and I had teachers that were

kind, generous and supportive, but I wasn’t in an environment where it was normal for everyone’s parents to have gone to college, or even to be curious, well traveled and multilingual. In college and graduate school, however, the world became larger. I had a bit of a wandering spirit and took off at 18 and hitchhiked around Europe. Because of the effect that travel and further education had on me at this time, the schools I’ve chosen to be part of as an adult place global experiences and personal intellectual development at the core. I would say that because I wasn’t exposed to that during my schooling, I thoroughly appreciate the importance for students as early as possible. How do you get students to be the best academically, in sports, or the arts in this environment? I believe most people function best in an environment of high challenge and low threat. Whether it’s working in a new medium, using a new computer platform, or learning a new language, it’s important to be challenged in an area that you’re interested in. So, children need conditions INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL PARENT AUTUMN 2019 | 7

that allow them to experiment, to fail, and do stuff that’s hard for them, which means they’ll be compelled to improve. It’s like hitting a tennis ball with someone who is not as good as you are. If it’s too easy, you might do it for a while because you care about the person, but it’s not going to feel very exciting unless you see significant growth on their part (in which case you are in a teacher role), or you are challenged enough that you are motivated to get back out there and improve. It is also true that the children who find the amazing satisfaction that comes from gorging in areas of interest - whether that’s dinosaurs or construction equipment or art - become better self-motivated learners. Even six year olds become monogamously obsessed with a subject, want to know all the words and how everything works in relation to it, and then might move onto something else. Often elementary schoolage children, for example, have a huge concern for sustainability, animal welfare, and animals that are at risk of extinction. As long as the topic helps them to think critically and develop curiosity, it can serve as the hook to nurture important stronger

skills, for example, in research, presentation, and writing. Children, of course, don’t develop at the same time across all disciplines. Sometimes because of such an obsession, they will leapfrog over their peers because they’re studying on YouTube or they’re reading voraciously. Ideally, schools engineer for those experiences and know their students well enough to encourage them to lean into their own passions. Research in education has grown exponentially, and today we know a lot more about what constitutes highly effective teaching and what compels learning. We know that children learn best when they’re in a learning relationship with adults and with each other, and when they care about what they’re learning about. What do you find particularly special about the teaching process at ZIS? Our teachers are very reflective about their teaching practice. They know that their professional obligation is to optimize learning for every child. The focus has shifted from, “This is how I teach” to, “This is how children learn and it’s my job to foster the conditions for learning.” Our teachers are willing to take risks and try different approaches. It has definitely evolved from my school days, when if you got a good teacher you were lucky, and if you had a bad teacher you had to just live with it. These days students have access to a lot of information, sometimes more information than adults, because they’ve been doing interesting research. We encourage this curiosity, and teach our students to be respectful but engaged actively in the conversation. It is clear that the students at our school have great relationships with their teachers. Apart from the amazing campuses and beautiful facilities, what makes ZIS special for students? During the interview process for this job, I was lucky enough to be interviewed by a number of students at the school. To a student, they were all multicultural and had lived and traveled in a variety of contexts and spoke multiple languages. They were well prepared, and their questions were insightful and probing. They were respectful but diligently curious. As they spoke with each other they would reference what

“The key difference from what I have observed with international and independent schools is that we have the time and the budget to explore the particular interests of the child more closely, whether that means finding them an extra book on a topic of their interest, or seizing learning moments that stray from an endorsed curriculum.” another student had said earlier, showing they were good listeners and compassionate. Those were great interviews! On meeting our students, it was immediately clear to me that they are comfortable with adults. When I asked them what they valued about the school they all seemed to love their teachers. They were the product of a school environment where there’s significant respect between adults and children, yet they weren’t too deferential. It’s not a school that works on the basis of “come to school, go home”; students are very engaged and deeply value the extracurricular experiences that complement the academic day. It’s great that this is the case, as busy kids make for happy, engaged, INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL PARENT AUTUMN 2019 | 8

vibrant kids. Because of the central location and the network of international schools, the students are actively engaged all over the place, for example, to do academic competitions and educational trips in Madrid, Stockholm, Prague, to name just a few. They have a close relationship with a school in Ghana, which one of our teachers set up, and every child is aware of, has fundraised for, or done service for the school in Ghana, which is fantastic. What do the parents value about the school? Parents want their children to be prepared to make an impact in the world, wherever they are. Particularly in this international

This is going to be very important in the modern world. What’s the most exciting prospect for you about leading ZIS? My goodness, there’s so much! I’m really excited about being in an international community and teaching children with such a global perspective. These kids are influenced by how widely they have traveled. They’re interested and eager to think about things in new ways. The same is true about the teachers, many of whom have taught at international schools elsewhere, and have perspectives that will inform the choices we make about the curriculum and other areas. In the very first year, the focus will be on coming to know the community and involving everyone in a strategic planning effort, starting with many conversations in small and large groups to see which issues precipitate out. Through this process, the school leadership team and the board will identify the most pressing imperatives for the next chapter of our work together. Personally, I am excited about talking to all of these people and hearing about their deeply held aspirations!

context, parents themselves have lived globally and they anticipate their children will do the same. They want their children to feel happy, safe, loved, and known. That’s something parents talk about in relation to ZIS with great excitement, pride, and appreciation. At international schools, just like in many independent schools in the US and elsewhere, parents themselves are often very successful professionally, highly motivated, and well remunerated. They naturally have big ambitions for their children. At the same time, there is anxiety that entry into the most competitive institutions is increasingly elusive, no matter how high grades are or how well prepared the student is. It is part of our job to try and keep a good balance and perspective in relation to this situation and achieve the best outcome for the individual. Fundamentally, we know parents want their children to pursue whatever future it is their children aspire to.

What are your personal ambitions for the students at ZIS? I hope that every student leaves the school excited about learning and with sufficient foundational knowledge and skills to continue learning effectively at whatever the next chosen place is. For some kids that will be EPFL, for others that will be at Harvard, and others it will be military service. Whatever they do, we hope they will have developed a self-awareness that allows each to know what they’re passionate about, what they want to pursue, what gives them satisfaction, how to show up best for that and manage any anxieties that come with ambition or high expectations. We also want them to be able to self-regulate and be compassionate towards others. Our focus is to help them develop their appetite to think critically, and their ability to navigate different kinds of information, process it, and present it in different ways. INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL PARENT AUTUMN 2019 | 9

Tell us a bit more about you and your family life. How old are your children? My own children are 27, 30, and 32 and all live in the United States - two in California and one in Chicago, Illinois. They are all at interesting places in their lives. We’ve been lucky to travel a lot together and they have all had a lot of global experiences - we hope to have time to travel with them around Europe while we are here and I’m looking forward to them visiting. My husband is retired and is here with me, living in Switzerland. What are your hobbies? Aside from languages and traveling, I love cooking international food. In my kitchen, you will find everything from fish sauce to chili powders and tortillas - a full range of things really. We are pretty serious hikers. Although, I’m not sure we qualify as serious hikers in Switzerland or at least not yet. We enjoy long vigorous walks! These beautiful long days with all the accessible outdoor activities are such a treat. I also read widely and love music, art and architecture.

Do you have any personal goals for the next 10 years? Well, certainly we will have completed A2 level German by October. I want us to travel throughout Europe, Africa, and Scandinavia - we’ve spent a lot of time in Western Europe, but to be so close to Prague or Croatia is awesome. We want to spend as much time as possible in the natural world. If we were in the Adirondacks, we might have a target for a certain number of peaks to climb, but we haven’t yet figured out a way to measure our hiking here. Professionally, I’m working to understand how the phrasing of questions impacts an answer. In order to foster collective inquiry we have to frame questions in a way that leaves open all sorts of possibilities, doesn’t shut down thinking or make certain things off limits for discussion. I hope to have time to think about that more and understand how it impacts the education we are providing. What is the future of education, what are the challenges for children, and how are you helping them deal with these challenges? That is such a complex question. One of the challenges is to figure out the balance between fostering individual exploration at the same time as reinforcing a shared learning experience. For so long, educators believed that there was a conveyor belt to put children on at

“In order to foster collective inquiry we have to frame questions in a way that leaves open all sorts of possibilities, doesn’t shut down thinking or make certain things off limits for discussion.” five years old and they exited at 18 to get on another belt for four years. For some children that will be the path that they take. However, for an increasing number of children their interests and access to information cause them to foray into different areas, whether they get obsessed with coding or the xylophone or whatever. They might develop high levels of mastery disproportionate to that of their peers in these areas, meaning their pathway needs to become more differentiated. This challenges a school to create pathways that allow children to leapfrog over the content that’s perceived as appropriate by age if that child has already mastered it. The temptation is to send an advanced child off to do some additional online courses, but it has got to be more individualized than that. At the same time, schools--especially international schools--have the opportunity to foster individual growth and development, while also preparing students as active agents for positive change within the global community and the communities they will become part of. The exciting opportunity we find in international schools is that we can help each child value his or her own cultural heritage and languages, while ensuring each also learns to be INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL PARENT AUTUMN 2019 | 10

knowledgeable and respectfully curious about the perspectives and experiences of others. Having peers from around the world brings nations and cultures to life in a very real way, and makes for a vibrant learning community. Another of the biggest challenges we face as schools - particularly in the social media age in which everything is amplified to the extremes - is mitigating anxiety and helping students thrive personally. We need to help students to be present, to understand their emotional and mental states, and to mitigate any problems. There is a remarkable program called a “responsive classroom”, in which educators ask kids questions about their emotions, give them language to use, accept whatever it is they need to share, and help them think about what their options are. We don’t formally have this program at ZIS, but we know we have a responsibility to foster well being alongside academic prowess, and the students at ZIS have an environment that helps develop these incredibly sophisticated tools and skills. Thank you for your time! Thank you so much. I wish you all the best.

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Future Hospitality Trends: Ensuring Education Reflects the Industry Do you want your teenager to join a thriving and steadily growing industry that will offer many job prospects when they graduate from college? If you are like any other parent that is concerned with ensuring their child’s future employability, the answer is, undoubtedly, a resounding ‘yes’.


ospitality is one such industry, having experienced solid growth over the past decade and projected to keep on flourishing in the next 10 years due to the increasing number of international travelers, which is forecasted to reach 1,3 billion by 2030. An additional 100 million jobs are expected in hospitality industry worldwide by 2028, representing a wide array of career options for recent graduates.

Versatility of hospitality education and careers Apart from the commonly known positions in hotels and restaurants, there are other exciting opportunities: cultural and business event organisation, consulting, hospitality interior design, catering, cruises and airlines, creation of personalised luxury experiences, sales and marketing, customer service and many more. These jobs are high in task variety and personal interaction, and very often demand frequent overseas travel, aptitude for innovation and independent thinking – something many of the Generation Z crave and expect from their

future jobs. Hospitality management education is extremely versatile and teaches graduates “life skills for professionals, professional skills for life” that can be applied across industries, departments and positions. Swiss Education Group (SEG), the Swiss alliance of five hospitality management schools set across six campuses in Switzerland, takes this motto to heart.

Integrating technology in learning to align with industry needs SEG was the first company in the world of hospitality to launch a 1:1 iPad programme in 2014, which was just the beginning of the shift to a more student-centred teaching model. Technological integration at SEG’s schools encompasses all learning activities: from students using iPads for researching menu ingredients in the training kitchens to going on Virtual Reality tours and discovering wine growing techniques; from filming each other’s practice job interviews to managing complex events such as TEDx and gala dinners for VIP guests. INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL PARENT AUTUMN 2019 | 12

This dedication to their innovative use of technology has been officially recognised by Apple, naming one of SEG’s schools, Swiss Hotel Management School, an “Apple Distinguished School”. Swiss Education Group is driven to design the best educational experience that is aligned with the hospitality industry’s future needs, where new technologies, such as artificial intelligence, virtual and augmented reality, robots and chatbots, are revolutionalising the way that hospitality businesses operate. Thanks to these developments, customers have come to expect more and more convenience, time-saving and personalisation of their experiences. Only companies that can truly harness technology to deliver the expected levels of service will continue to succeed, pushing them to demand continuous innovation and entrepreneurial mindset from their employees.

Sustainability concepts driving hospitality innovation With the global awareness of rapid climate decline and our responsibility to tackle it


“An additional 100 million jobs are expected in hospitality industry worldwide by 2028.” as a matter of urgency, sustainability is another hot topic in virtually all industries, including hospitality. Changing customer expectations are forcing businesses to develop more sustainable, greener and socially responsible operations. With that, a myriad of possibilities opens up for intraand entrepreneurs, especially younger ones, to innovate around sustainability concepts. Students at Swiss Education Group schools are being prepared to be at the forefront of these developments with the inclusion of sustainability-related topics as part of the curriculum. As an example, at César Ritz Colleges Switzerland, one of Swiss Education Group schools, students are learning about eco-entrepreneurship in and outside of the classroom and is now a Green Globe member to drive their sustainability change forward. One example of this is the school’s bee hive with 35,000 bees, visit local businesses to truly

understand the value of sourcing locally, and develop storytelling skills to better spread the message about a business’s sustainability initiatives.

fully ready to adapt existing hospitality businesses to these changing trends or even start their own innovative entrepreneurial ventures.

Increasing demand for healthy food options

Six Bachelor programmes to choose from

Another important social trend changing the global hospitality industry and its practices is the rising importance of healthy eating. It is putting emphasis on the ‘farm-to-table’ initiatives, organic food options, special diets (vegetarian, vegan) and ingredients free from allergens (gluten-, dairy- and sugar-free among others). This is a tremendous opportunity for businesses to reinvent themselves to become part of this global movement. Students at Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland in Le Bouveret, another school under SEG umbrella, learn about nutrition, food trends and food development, so that they are INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL PARENT AUTUMN 2019 | 13

Swiss Education Group offers six hospitality management Bachelor programmes developed in collaboration with its reputable academic or industry partners. A variety of specialisations is available, such as Hospitality Design Management; Human Resources, Finance or Luxury Brand Management; International Hospitality and Events Management and Culinary Arts. With a wide selection of degrees at our five schools set in beautiful campuses across Switzerland, find the programme that suits both student’s unique abilities and expectations. Discover our Bachelor degrees on or contact your local representative.


Wellness & Architecture In Switzerland


n Switzerland, a country known for its quality of life, spa breaks have been elevated to an art form. Here, wildly romantic mountain settings combine with minimalist architectures to accentuate tranquility and luxury above all else. As the weather forces more indoor focused activities, you should check out these wonderful spa options.

The Chedi Andermatt Spa (Jean-Michel Gathy) The Chedi Andermatt Spa sits within the mountains in the stunning Urseren Valley, just 90 minutes from Zürich. As a part of the Chedi Andermatt Hotel, one can expect perfect service and world-class

amenities each wrapped up in a JeanMichel Gathy designed masterpiece that offers a sumptuous mix of Swiss modernism and Asian elegance. One of the spa’s most popular options is the Chedi Oriental Ritual that lavishes attention over each area of the body, but there are Thai, Ayurvedic and Swedish therapies available too, as well a hydrotherapy zone with Japanese Onsen, saunas and an inviting indoor pool that looks out onto the lobby of the hotel.Visit:

Mineral Baths & Spa Rigi-Kaltbad (Mario Botta) A setting as sublime as it unique, the

Mineral Baths & Spa Rigi-Kaltbad

Mineral Baths & Spa sits on the Rigi Mountain and enjoys breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape from 1,450m above sea level. These waters have been enjoyed since the 16th century and were once a pilgrimage site for weary travellers seeking rest and revitalisation. The water is delivered, as it has always been, from the Three Sisters Spring, though today the water is heated to a pleasing 35°c. The Mineral Baths & Spa is all wrapped up in a striking modernist façade of glass and wood, designed by renowned Swiss architect Mario Botta, and features a heated outdoor pool with phenomenal views of the mountains. Visit:

Waldhotel Spa at Waldhotel Bürgenstock (Matteo Thun) Take the ferry over lake Lucerne and board the antique wooden funicular to ascend the fir-covered mountain to the luxurious Waldhotel Spa, where treatments are accentuated by dreamy lake views and distant sunsets. The architect, Matteo Thun, paid particular attention to the setting, creating rooms, saunas and pools with dramatic spirit-calming views of the alps. Treatment rooms are idyllic, with natural wooden flooring, soft cuddly furnishings and huge windows that never let you forget where you are. The heated infinity pool is set into the mountains and allows for warming dips



even when the snow is falling, and the state of the art treatments are enticing enough for repeat, soul replenishing visits. Visit:

Tamina Therme in Bad Ragaz

Tamina Therme in Bad Ragaz (Smolenicky & Partner Architecture) The best time to visit Tamina Therme is in the winter. The exteriors are otherworldly, with large white façades broken up by giant oval windows that peer outwards to a contemporary outdoor pool. And it’s all set into a lush parkland that blends into the mountain landscape and is capped with thick layers of snow in the winter. The interiors are all monumental but pay particular attention to the Attraction Pool that feels vast and ultra modern with tall structural columns rising from perfectly clear spa waters, evoking a utopian-like sense of space - a little like being lost in a dreamworld. As one would expect from one of Europe’s most popular spas, the treatments are eclectic and multi-sensory, at times completely revitalising and renewing, echoing the golden age of spa culture. Visit:

Rooftop outdoor Thermalbad Zürich

Tschuggen Grand Hotel in Arosa (Spa designed by Mario Botta) With a private funicular designed to help guests of the hotel avoid the queues to Arosa’s slopes, the Tschuggen Grand Hotel is perfect for a combination spa and ski break. The most striking architectural feature of this Mario Botta designed spot is the mountainscape of skylights that poke out of the roof, lit in a pleasing array of muted neons in the evening. The spa rooms though are a little more grounded, dimly lit with wooden accents and clean modern lines throughout, while the treatments are spread across numerous grottos, saunas, pools and individually appointed treatment rooms. Visit:

Thermalbad Zürich This inner-city Spa is located in the former Hülimann Brewery and offers an intriguing bridge between Zurich’s industrial past and its contemporary present. The vaulted underground thermal baths with their exposed brick walls and ambient lighting, once a storage for the brewery’s barrels, are a highlight alongside the rooftop pool that offers superb views over Zürich. Visit:

Bernaqua at Westside Bern (Architecture by Daniel Libeskind) Set within a bustling water park, Bernaqua is a perfect option for families. The spa offers a full itinerary of luxurious spa treatments alongside a waterpark and a mall, just a few kilometres from central Bern. There is an indulgent Asian Spa with numerous massage options, a collection of hot air saunas including a Finnish Sauna and a bio sauna, and two women only zones that includes a tranquil polar light steam bath. Bernaqua was designed by avant-garde architect Daniel Libeskind, with an angular wooden façade with drastic windows cutting through the exterior building and flooding the spa with natural light. Visit:

7132 Therme in Vals (Architecture by Peter Zumthor) 7132 Therme is a striking contemporary resort set into the primal landscape of Vals, built from 60,000 slabs of local quartz. The large outdoor pool is the architectural highlight, but the entire complex is a design INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL PARENT AUTUMN 2019 | 15

lover’s dream, with elegant furnishings throughout, tall windows with views to the mountains and large relaxation areas with open fires and a design that offers a welcome mix of minimalist luxury and traditional mountain comfort. Treatments at 7132 Therme are focused on the experience of bathing, with therapies devised to relieve tension and to pamper. There are seven pools but the most intriguing is the sound bath resonance room which utilises a soothing mix of water and sound to achieve a state of near nirvana. Visit:

Thermalbad Baden One for the diary, Baden’s new Thermalbad will open its doors in 2021 when starchitect Mario Botta has finished what promises to be an architectural highlight in Baden. There will be nine pools, including a river pool, a steam pool and an infinity pool located directly above the River Limmat. Until then, you can enjoy Baden’s mineral rich thermal waters at the BagnoPopolare. Visit:

Copyright: © Robert Kittel / Luzern Tourismus



A Weekend In Lucerne

erched on the tranquil shores of a cerulean lake and framed by a dramatic backdrop of mountain vistas, Lucerne is the epitome of a postcardperfect Swiss city. The fairytale-like Old Town offers a warren of cobbled streets leading to covered bridges and idyllic promenades, while the mountains are connected by rugged hiking trails, scenic railways and breathtaking cable car rides. In the summer months classical music fans flock to Lucerne for the Lucerne Festival, a spectacular feast of classical music featuring many of the world’s finest musicians. Walk Lucerne’s historic streets and you’ll encounter colourful waterside townhouses topped with towers and red brick roofs, vibrant plazas bolstered by the scents of melted cheese and freshly baked Birnenweggen (Lucerne’s famous shortcrust pear pastry), ornate frescoed architectures, some of which date back as far as the 16th century, and the majestic façades of

baroque churches. Alternatively, take a stroll into the mountains and you’ll stumble into stunning panoramas of the lake and the bucolic Swiss countryside. Hop on a gondola to the summit of Pilatus and you’ll have a fantastic starting point for picturesque hikes along fabulous mountain ridges. Or take the Pilatus railway that connects the village of Alpnachstad on Lake Lucerne with the terminus near the summit of Mount Pilatus and experience the world’s steepest cogwheel railway.

Swiss Museum of Transport The Swiss Museum of Transport is resplendent with modern spaces that are packed full of family friendly exhibits and a vast permanent collection that includes everything from steam engines and helicopter simulators to a boating lake and theme park style rides, exploring topics as diverse as the history of chocolate, and the future of space travel. INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL PARENT AUTUMN 2019 | 16

As Switzerland’s most visited museum, it has a bit of a reputation to live up to, which it does well with exhibits that flirt between traditional and contemporary, historic and explorative, as it leads visitors through the past, present and future of transportation. Expect tales told through interactive installations, huge explorable airliners, an exhilarating walk-in replica of the International Space Station and fascinating installations documenting the evolution of mass transportation. In the Red Bull Media World, you can shoot your own TV show, take 360° photos of yourself, and enjoy new experiences - from travel to surfing - thanks to Virtual Reality.

Hotel Schweizerhof Luzern With an enviable location on the banks of the lake, the five-star-hotel Schweizerhof Luzern offers grand palatial luxury favoured by everyone from Tolstoy to Anastacia - and some of the most desired rooms in Switzerland.

Copyright: © Switzerland Tourism


Your Ticket For Central Switzerland The Lake Lucerne region offers a dramatic topography of lush mountains, glittering lakes and medieval old towns, all interconnected by spectacular mountain railways and cable cars with staggering views that take in the full emotive beauty of central Switzerland. There are an unparalleled number of sights and attractions in Lucerne, from mountaintop hikes and cruises aboard historic paddle steamers, to delicious mountain cuisine and some of Europe’s most scenic railways. Enjoy it all with unrestricted travel by train, mountain railways and cable cars, bus, and boat with the Tell-Pass. Choose between two, three, four, five or ten consecutive days and enjoy impressive savings with 20 bonus

Copyright: © ART DECO Hotel Montana

Inside you’ll find a delightful collection of well-appointed rooms and suites, a wellness area, three speciality restaurants and a series of banquet halls. The service at the Hotel Schweizerhof Luzern is exemplary throughout, rooms are finished with large baths and elegant furnishings, and each night the windows of the hotel are illuminated in a striking array of coloured lights that cast a playful technicolour glimmer out onto the lake. Choose a lake view room for gasp-worthy vistas of the water that call to mind Turner’s dreamy lakeside studies, or a city view room for romantic views out to the fairytale rooftops and towers of the old town. www.

partners. Children travel for a fixed price of just CHF 30 for 2-10 days of unrestricted travel.

Gault & Milau Restaurant Scala at the ART DECO Hotel Montana Savour fine food and drink, extravagant celebrations and cosy gatherings surrounded by the spectacular panoramic view over the mountains, the lake and the city of Lucerne. The SCALA cuisine incorporates the lightness and sensuous tastes of the South, inspired by the flavours found in the regions of southern Switzerland, as well as in Italy, France and Greece. Many locals and international hotel guests alike appreciate the art of fine dining at the Scala Restaurant. A solid training background INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL PARENT AUTUMN 2019 | 17

enables the restaurant staff to provide a cordial and attentive service. They offer an eclectic wine list. A visit to the outdoor living room allows the discerning guest to dive into new architectural and gastronomic dimensions. The terrace is accessible year round. On account of the high quality and strong commitment of the service and kitchen team, headed by the restaurant manager Stephanie Christ, the Scala was awarded 15 points by the international Gault & Millau gourmet guide. The restaurant now offers a new concept “Kitchen Club”, inviting diners to take a seat in the middle of their stunning kitchen and observe the chefs preparing meals live - a truly enchanting experience for all the senses.


The start of Mental Health First Aid training in English in Switzerland

How many times a day do we ask a loved one, friend, colleague, neighbour or other acquaintance, “How are you?”, and what kind of reply do we usually get?


ost of the time, it’s a superficial, “I’m fine thank you”, and then both parties rush on with their

busy lives. Sometimes, if the person has a physical health issue, they may mention that: “I’ve got a cold and I feel lousy”, or “I twisted my ankle last week” – whatever it may be. But what about if they have a mental health problem? Opening up and talking about mental health problems is still taboo and carries a lot of misunderstanding, uncertainty, fear and stigmatisation. For someone struggling with their mental health, being asked how they are is actually a really important question. Sufferers would like to be able to talk about their issues and feel supported by someone who has

the time to listen. But because of worries about being perceived as weak, having the courage to answer honestly can be very difficult. Also, for many people, taking the time to listen to a person with mental health issues with compassion and empathy can feel uncomfortable, or may not come naturally. In Europe, 1 in 2 adults will experience mental distress at some point in their lives, with depression and anxiety the most common diagnoses.1 Approximately 17% of the Swiss population suffer from at least one mental illness but in 2013 in this country, only 33% of those experiencing mental illness received professional help.2,3 Many people are not well informed about how to recognise mental health problems, how to respond to an affected person or about what effective treatments are available. Plenty of myths and misconceptions are still out there. But now is the time to act. We need to bust these

myths, change these misconceptions and break down the barriers of stigmatisation because mental health issues are so common.

So, how can this be achieved? Earlier in 2019, the Swiss Foundation Pro Mente Sana, together with the Beisheim Foundation, successfully launched the Australian Mental Health First Aid

1. Wittchen, H.-U., & Jacobi, F. Size and burden of mental health disorders in Europe – a critical review and appraisal of 27 studies. Neuropharmacology, 2005. 2. Bürli, C., Amstad, F., Duetz Schmucki, M., & Schibili, D. (2015). Psychische Gesunheit in der Schweiz. Bestandsaufnahme und Handlungsfelder. Bericht im Auftrag des Dialogs Nationale Gesundheitspolitik. Bern. 3. Rüesch, P., Bänziger, A., & Juvalta, S. Regionale psychiatrische Inanspruchnahme und Versorgungsbedarf in der Schweiz. Datengrundlagen, statistische Modelle, ausgewählte Ergebnisse – eine explorative Studie (Obsan Dossier 23). Neuchâtel 2013.


“Opening up and talking about mental health problems is still taboo and carries a lot of misunderstanding, uncertainty, fear and stigmatisation.”

Programme in Switzerland. Here, the programme is called “ensa Mental Health First Aid”, ensa meaning ‘answer’ in one of the Aboriginal languages and being translatable in German, French, Italian and English. This well-validated, evidence-based programme has existed since the early noughties in Australia, having been developed by Betty Kitchener, a health education nurse, and Tony Jorm, a mental health literacy professor. It trains and empowers lay people to provide initial support to others who may be either developing mental health problems, experiencing worsening of existing mental health problems, or who may be experiencing a mental health crisis. It’s essentially a First Aid training programme with similar principles to those for physical

First Aid but this time for mental health. And there is strong evidence supporting its utility. Several randomised controlled trials have shown that Mental Health First Aid training not only improves a participant’s knowledge of mental health but also reduces their stigmatising behaviour towards others and increases their self-confidence in their ability to help those in need. In addition, it also strengthens the individual’s own mental wellbeing.4 From October 2019, ensa Mental Health First Aid courses will be delivered in English throughout Switzerland, with HealthFirst being an ensa partner in Suisse Romande. Any interested person can become a Mental Health First Aider. No healthcare background or pre-requisite training is necessary. Find out more about an ensa

4. Summaries of studies available at


Mental Health First Aid course near you at or https://, or enquire about a course within your company or organisation using Let’s do something about mental health together! Dr Michelle Wright, Director, HealthFirst Sàrl With thanks to Roger Staub, Director Swiss Foundation Pro Mente Sana Dr Michelle Wright is a British-trained General Practitioner and Director of HealthFirst, providing dynamic First Aid Training and Health Education in English throughout Switzerland (www. She also has a regular radio show about health on World Radio Switzerland ( healthmatters).




Reggio-inspired pedagogy Whilst it is relatively well-known that the Ecole Internationale de Genève — affectionately known as Ecolint - was the first international school in the world, and the birthplace of the International Baccalaureate, Ecolint has another claim to fame which is less well known. Ecolint is also home to Switzerland’s Reggio-inspired educational programme. So what does that mean?


nspired by a desire to create change at all levels in society in the immediate aftermath of World War II, the pedagogy known as “Reggio-inspired” or the “Reggio approach” was developed by pedagogue Loris Malaguzzi in the Northern Italian city of Reggio Emilia, which remains at the heart of the movement. The Reggio approach is built on a core of pedagogical beliefs which are focused on learning in early childhood, although many can be applied throughout all stages of life. Unlike some educational systems or philosophies, however, the Reggio approach is not one that can be easily “cut and pasted”. It is deeply embedded in the social context in which each school is situated, and requires a highly experienced and intensively trained pedagogical team to bring it to life in a school environment, taking into account the realities of the school community, which includes all staff, students, and parents, who must work together to build a successful environment for learning and intentional pedagogical project. The Reggio approach is built on the premise that every child is a competent learner, who is capable of rigorous research and intensive focus. This includes children who in traditional systems would be considered to have “special needs”, but which Reggio schools prefer to regard as children with “special rights” who enjoy the same approach to learning as their peers.

What logically flows from the first premise of the child as a competent learner are the key principles which govern the approach to learning. Firstly, the principle that the child is the primary architect of his or her own learning, posing their own research questions and devising their own ways to seek answers, through a constructivist (i.e. building their own learning) approach, rather than the passive or didactic approach common to many traditional educational systems in which the theory would see the learner passively absorb information which is conveyed by a teacher. Secondly, to enable this constructivism, the learning experience must be multi-sensorial, with children given the opportunity to learn through observing, touching, smelling, tasting (where appropriate), listening and interacting with stimuli, whether they are naturally present in nature or the classroom, or are intentionally and thoughtfully offered to the child as a “provocation”. Next, Malaguzzi postulated that children possess “100 languages” which they use to construct and communicate their understanding. This includes verbal language, but also movement, music, role-play, media such as clay, watercolour, etc. which are all seen as equally valid languages of and for learning. Lastly, the Reggio approach is strongly dependent on the relationships and interrelationships which the child learner has with the “three teachers” which the Reggio approach recognises. The concept of the three teachers is INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL PARENT AUTUMN 2019 | 22

central to Reggio pedagogy. The child is the first teacher, since it is the individual curiosity, autonomous research, and commitment to learning naturally present in children which open the pathway to the majority of learning. The second teacher is the other learners, including adults who accompany the learner(s), whether they are the regular classroom teacher, the team of specialists or atelieristas who enhance projects via their expertise in sculpture, music, drama, etc., the pedagogista who works with teachers and parents, or the other members of staff, who are all - from cook, to cleaner, to caretaker - seen as an integral part of the pedagogical team, and expected to contribute to the pedagogical project. The third teacher is the physical environment - whether built or natural - in which the learner evolves. To maximise learning, Reggio-inspired environments are designed to be as natural and neutral as possible, focusing more on the learners themselves and the various materials offered to them. The environments are as diverse as the contexts in which the schools exist. In general

they focus on transparency, relation and reciprocity. The role of light, and the deliberate blurring of outside and inside, real and virtual learning environments (the latter achieved via innovative use of information technologies) are all elements deliberately chosen to provoke dialogue, reflection and interaction. The environments favour a variety of shapes and sizes of learning spaces, from large public or community areas, to smaller and more intimate spaces, with children encouraged to use their imaginations, and the natural environment, to create their own tools and props. At Ecolint’s La Châtaigneraie Primary School, Principal Jennifer Armstrong - who was formerly Founding President of the Ontario Reggio Association and a board member of the North American Reggio Educators Alliance - was able to design the new building from scratch to interpret our understanding of these principles prior to its opening in 2011, and first-time visitors to the school are always struck by the airy sense of calm and openness which the building’s design inspires. INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL PARENT AUTUMN 2019 | 23

“The Reggio approach is built on the premise that every child is a competent learner, who is capable of rigorous research and intensive focus.” This calm environment also creates the perfect setting for a pedagogy which is based on active listening. Teachers are attuned to exchanges between learners, focus on thoughtful interjections and questions and seek to enhance and amplify the child’s thinking. Teachers practise a pedagogy of listening that involves the use of pedagogical documentation (photographs, videos, scripted sessions and the work of the children) as a form of ‘making visible’ the learning that is taking place for all the learners. Inspired by the educators from Reggio, who call us all to respect all children as citizens with full human rights, the learners’ ideas, opinions and hypotheses need to be present in the choices and decisions of the community. Reggio-inspired pedagogy continues to be the object of study of pedagogical experts around the world, including renowned developmental psychologist Professor Howard Gardner from Harvard University’s Project Zero, and has inspired both public educational systems and private curricula including the IB Primary Years Programme, in which many aspects of the Reggio approach can be observed. Whilst all educators can be inspired by the approach, schools cannot choose to “become” Reggio schools in the same way they can subscribe to other curriculum models on a “pay to play” basis. Although Reggio has evolved from its original and

informal community-based organisation into an official non-profit structure - Reggio Children - being recognised in any formal fashion requires a long-term commitment by a school, a direct and ongoing dialogue with experts at Reggio Children and other recognised organisations such as the North American Reggio Educators Alliance, and sustained investment in staff training and development, as well as clear expertise from

the pedagogical leadership in the school. Being a Reggio-inspired school is a journey of a lifetime, but given the synergy between Ecolint’s mission to educate for humanity’s future and that of Reggio Children to foster “education and research to improve the lives of people and communities, in Reggio Emilia and in the world”, it is a journey in which Ecolint is very proud to engage in Switzerland.

Jennifer Armstrong is a Canadian national. Passionate about languages, bilingualism and holistic, child-centred pedagogy, Jennifer followed a BA in Canadian Studies and French Language and Literature with a second Bachelor’s degree in Education, both at the University of Toronto. After teaching for several years, Jennifer completed a Masters in Curriculum and Applied Psychology, with a dissertation focused on Bilingualism. Having been successively a teacher, French language consultant to the Trillium Lakelands Board of Education, Director of Academics, Vice Principal and Principal of schools in Canada, Jennifer was recruited by Ecolint in 2009 to open and run the new Primary school at La Châtaigneraie, devising the innovative new approach to bilingualism that is in use today. Jennifer is also a highly-experienced practitioner and advocate of the Reggio Emilia approach to primary learning, which is the underpinning of the PYP pedagogical approach. She is the Founding President of the Ontario Reggio Association and a board member of the North American Reggio Educators Alliance. Jennifer has also lectured and delivered keynote addresses at many Reggio-inspired conferences and university symposia in the USA, Canada and Singapore and is the author of a chapter in a National Association for the Education of Young Children textbook for education programmes on Reggio-inspired practices in primary school. Resident in the Geneva area since 2004, Michael Kewley read for a BA and MA in Modern Languages at Magdalen College, Oxford. Passionate about language and communication, Michael worked for 17 years at Procter & Gamble in a wide variety of local, regional and global brand management roles, as well as providing communication consultancy and training for the EMEA region. Alongside his professional obligations, Michael has been an elected local councillor in France since 2008, and a volunteer fire and medical first responder since 2007.


Tobogganing in Gstaad Explore the three varied toboggan runs in Saanenmöser and Schönried – endless fun for the whole family! Daily ticket for adults: CHF 40.– Daily ticket for kids: CHF 20.–

(price includes toboggan rental)




The hospitality industry: a world of opportunity


ith over 1.3 billion international tourists in 2017 and more travellers crossing borders each year, it’s no surprise that hospitality is one of the most resilient and dynamic industries in the world. According to the World Travel & Tourism Council, one in 10 jobs on the planet is supported by travel and tourism. Growing by nearly 4% per year, this industry continues to be a powerful generator of career opportunities: one out of every five jobs created in the last decade have been within travel and tourism, and the industry is expected to support an additional 100 million jobs worldwide by 2028.

Hospitality Myths and Reality A common misperception is that the hospitality industry is limited to hotels and restaurants. In fact, this global industry offers university graduates a vast array of job opportunities across the world. While high-end hotels and restaurants provide rewarding career pathways, the reach of hospitality is far broader. Traditionally grouped within the service sector, at its core, hospitality is really the business of delivering experiences. With growing consumer interest in experiences rather than products — and the rise of the so-called “experience economy” — demand for hospitality professionals is widespread and growing fast. The art of providing exceptional guest experiences is needed not just in hotels and restaurants, but in spa management, event management, luxury brand management, finance, marketing and the wider business sector. Meanwhile, the travel and tourism landscape has been transformed by technology, making way for new business models and opportunities for entrepreneurs. From online travel agencies and digital concierge services to accommodationsharing platforms and new disruptive business models not yet invented, the hospitality industry encompasses an increasingly diverse range of companies and careers.

Emerging Roles and Career Opportunities This shift towards an experience-driven market has given rise to new creative roles requiring emotional intelligence and the ability to anticipate customer needs. In this regard, hospitality graduates


“One out of every five jobs created in the last decade have been within travel and tourism, and the industry is expected to support an additional 100 million jobs worldwide by 2028.” are in a privileged position, as they have often honed the skills that employers seek. For example, shortly after graduating with a hotel management degree from Les Roches Jin Jiang, Rashila Lobo was appointed India’s first W Insider — an innovative tastemaker role developed by luxury brand W Hotels. W Insiders use their in-depth knowledge and network to connect guests with the best shopping and restaurants, local hotspots, cultural immersion and oneof-a-kind experiences. Other roles and business models have also emerged in response to growing demand for unique, memorable experiences. Digital concierge services like Quintessentially and John Paul have successfully used technology to bring the kind of personalised service

typically found in top hotels to clients anytime, anywhere. Budget boutique hotels like Mama Shelter and CitizenM immerse guests in authentic neighbourhoods while also hosting social events for visitors and locals. Foodie hotels and experiences invite travellers to savour craft beer, ceviche and more in the places where these products are made. And the rise of such innovative businesses has created new multifaceted career opportunities for aspiring hospitality professionals.

Filling the Hospitality Skills Gap However, as the hospitality industry continues to grow, global employers are increasingly facing a shortage of skilled INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL PARENT AUTUMN 2019 | 28

talent. Graduates with a combination of managerial expertise, soft skills and digital savvy are in high demand and short supply. In 2015, a report by Oxford Economics for the World Travel & Tourism Council indicated that the global skills shortage in hospitality could put over 14 million jobs at risk over the next 10 years. Hospitality management graduates with the right skillset and knowledge can look forward to a diverse choice of international careers. But business acumen, practical know-how and people skills are competencies that cannot be developed through classroom learning alone. For this reason, Les Roches Global Hospitality Education embraces a learning-bydoing approach that integrates academic coursework with practical experience, a technological immersion on campus and professional internship semesters, which can be carried out in almost any country. Based on the Swiss model of experiential learning, it’s an educational approach that has earned the respect of employers: Les Roches is ranked among the top three institutions worldwide for hospitality and leisure management (QS World University Rankings 2019). As hospitality offers many different careers, students may wish to focus on a particular area of expertise. Les Roches, with campuses in Switzerland, Spain and China, offers degree specialisations in entrepreneurship, digital marketing and finance. The institution also offers postgraduate courses and MBAs, designed for hospitality professionals to further develop their business and leadership abilities. But no matter their specialisation, hospitality graduates with management expertise, practical experience and international exposure will discover that their skills can open many doors.

Dr Christine Demen Meier is the Managing Director at Les Roches Global Hospitality Education. She has more than 20 years of entrepreneurship experience in the hospitality industry and served as a consultant in Switzerland, Côte d’Ivoire, Turkey and Ukraine. She is a member of the Swiss Innovation Council.

Gifted: the double-edged sword This is the first in a series of articles on giftedness, how to identify it, how it manifests, and how to manage it


he bell curve that establishes what is developmentally normal for school children helps teachers and other professionals to direct extra money, resources, and time to students who are below the average, on the negative side of the bell curve. But what about those who present above that curve, who are considered “gifted”? Many teachers consider that these children should be OK given they are developmentally advanced in one way or another. If they are gifted, shouldn’t they be excelling? However, this is far from the truth of what it really means to lie on the positive side of the curve. There is a real lack of focus and understanding about the characteristics of a gifted child and how to teach and manage gifted children.

How do you know if a child is gifted? As a child psychotherapist, I meet many parents in my office who exclaim that their child is driving them insane through their inability to follow directions and focus on even the most basic tasks, such as brushing their teeth without getting sidetracked, for example, by building something in their room. Parents will discuss their child’s high levels of anxiety, and how they ask profound questions about life and death. They talk about how their child is prone to getting frustrated, highly sensitive, and socially different. Many parents diagnose these children with ADHD or another well known condition. However, most of these characteristics lead me to write at the top of my notes the question, “gifted?”. Behavioural characteristics of gifted children: ● Spontaneity and impulsivity ● Intense focus on passions and a resistance to changing activities when engrossed in own interests ● Highly energetic with little need for sleep or downtime ● Insatiable curiosity and questioning nature

Strong determination and perseverance Frustration, particularly when unable to meet standards of performance or high expectations imposed by self or others ● Non-stop talking ● Unusual emotional depth and intensity ● Sensitivity and empathy ● Heightened self-awareness, feelings of being different ● Need for consistency between abstract values and personal actions ● Advanced sense of moral judgement, idealism and justice ● ●

What IQ measurement is considered gifted? Based on full scale IQs, such as the Weschler Intelligence Scales (WPPSI-IV; WISC-V; WAIS-IV), it is generally accepted that an IQ of 120 and above means “bright”, 130 and above is “gifted”, 145 and above is “highly gifted”, and 160 and above is “exceptionally gifted”. Often these scores are influenced by a heterogenous profile, where one or two scores are lower, affecting the score. I stopped handing in my schoolwork. I would go home and work on projects but then never be happy with what I wrote. These were not things I wanted to write, they were things I was told to write, to fulfill the teacher’s checkboxes so that their kids would do well, and she would look good. I wasn’t exploring my creativity or what I really thought. I stopped handing in my work. I stopped going to school. I stopped caring. No one understood me anyway and what was the point of all of this nonsense. I got put a year back and put on medication. J. (16 years) – Highly gifted/clinical depression


“Nobody expects a child who is three standard deviations below the average to act, think and understand the world in the same way the average one does. However, everyday people expect that from kids who are three standard deviations above the average. Whilst most get that one or three standard deviations below the norm makes a difference in daily living, on the other side of the curve we are all lumped together. Talking about a deficiency is met with empathy; the other side of the curve is met with comparison and even contempt. I struggle everyday with who I am.” J. – Extreme low self-esteem/ Highly gifted

Learning challenges for gifted children Giftedness can lead to conflict in the classroom for many reasons. Gifted children get bored with routine tasks, resist changing away from interesting topics or activities, are overly critical of themselves and others, impatient with failure, and perfectionistic. They disagree vocally with others and argue with teachers. They can make jokes or puns at times adults consider inappropriate. They can be so emotionally sensitive and empathetic that it seems like an overreaction, and may get angry or cry when things go wrong or seem unfair. They ignore details and turn in messy work. They reject authority, are non-conforming and stubborn. They dominate or withdraw in cooperative learning situations. They are highly sensitive to environmental stimuli such as lights or noises. A gifted child is an independent learner and may choose not to complete all requirements of an assignment because they don’t see the point of them. They also take their own approach to Teachers didn’t know what to do with me, I would joke around in class, disturb all the other kids. I would lose things all the time and not follow directions; teachers were constantly annoyed with me. They thought I had ADHD, turns out I just wasn’t challenged enough. They moved me up a grade, I got challenged and most of the behaviour automatically stopped. I still lose everything, but I am never pulled aside anymore, and it feels good to be challenged. K. (12 years old) – Gifted/ dysgraphia

problem-solving, and can be side-tracked by an idea they find more interesting than their homework. Giftedness comes along with what is known as the autonomous factor, which means that you’re not interested in whether other people see the value of what you’re doing, but more in how important it seems to you.

The gifted or stupid paradox A classroom can be a torturous place for gifted children as they are required to conform to educational norms. When unrecognized, gifted children can suffer more or just as much as kids with a recognized “difficulty”, and many gifted children actually do not get top grades. The classroom can feel like a prison to these children, to the extent that they drop out of school or become so severely depressed or anxious that they are hospitalized. Paradoxically, gifted children often think they are “stupid”. If, for example, they are twice exceptional (E2), it may cause problems or deficits like dysgraphia, leading to struggles with writing and putting thoughts on paper. In the younger years this might mean they see others progressing much faster, and start internalizing that they are “less able”. In “Growing Up Gifted”, Barbara Clark (1979) reported on a young female student had spent 18 years believing she was not intelligent because she asked more questions than her peers in class. Later, in Clark’s university class, when the characteristics of the gifted were discussed, the woman strongly identified with the description. During a conversation with her parents, the student found out that she had an IQ of 165. School personnel had advised her parents not to discuss her extraordinary IQ with her, resulting in her low level of academic self-esteem.


I struggle in school, I know I am popular, I always have so many kids around me. I get invited to all the parties. Regardless I feel so deeply empty, I feel so lonely. I am surrounded with people, but I always feel isolated and lonely. I have this deep hole in my stomach, and most days are hard to get through. I know I think in ways that others don’t; I get bored with their conversations, but I just pretend. The only time I feel good is when one of my friends visits from abroad; we can talk for hours and days about everything and anything such as space and time and existence. L. (16 years) – Highly gifted/ clinical depression

year olds whose maturity level and topics of interest are hugely divergent. Given these challenges, many gifted children are more comfortable interacting with the teacher and other adults rather than peers, which can lead to bullying and further social isolation.

Social isolation in gifted girls

I feel like there is something missing, I feel like I am different. I struggle with friendships; I have one close one but not lots of friends. When that friend left it felt like a deep hole was created. I am at the top of the grade and feel like I need to do everything just so, but I feel like I have no real control. I am amazing at sports and put a lot of attention into that. Regardless I feel isolated. I feel like I can control my eating. N. (14 years) – Gifted / eating disorder

Social differences in gifted children Gifted children present a unique social profile, because many - but not all - aspects of their development occurs at an accelerated rate. Usually, the child’s intellectual development happens on a faster trajectory than their peers, while physical, social and emotional development does not (Tolan, 1999). This uneven development means gifted children can experience unique difficulties in various developmental areas, for example, resulting in a 6 year old child who functions as a 12 year old in academics, an 8 year old in sports and a 5 year old when he loses a game. This uneven development experienced by gifted children explains why many of them may struggle to make or maintain friendships; kids expect others to think, act, and speak as they do, and the gifted child is left frustrated and questioning why they are not “normal” when they realize that this is not the case. Given how sensitive they are, they feel these social variabilities deeply. Asynchronous social development can be accentuated when gifted children are moved up a class, or even two, especially in the early tween years when a 10 or 11 year old is in class with 13

Social isolation is a common issue for gifted children in general, although often more so for girls, according to Dr. Kathleen Noble: “Not all, certainly, but... the majority of gifted women are introverted. And introversion by itself leads one to isolate.” This means that along with understanding what giftedness is all about, it’s important to understand introversion. Introverts get their energy from solitude and if space is not made for them to experience that solitude, it can put gifted girls at grave risk for developing conditions from depression to eating disorders as a way to create that personal space. A lot of gifted girls have intense radar, which can intensify introversion. These children will also have to work harder to find peers and friends than the average child. The characteristics outlined above represent an overview of why gifted children can struggle in school due to their unique academic, social, and emotional developmental issues. It is understandable, given the profile of the gifted child, why they remain misunderstood and often overlooked, which in turn often leads to severe mental health outcomes and unfulfilled academic potential. In our next article, we will discuss how educational professionals and parents can support these children to navigate school, social interactions, and other important aspects of life, and how this can lead to better outcomes for them and their families.

Laurence van Hanswijck de Jonge is a Developmental Clinical Psychologist with a background in Neuropsychology who provides developmental and psychological assessments for English speaking children between the ages of 3 and 18 at KidsAbility in the Cayman Islands. Her practice is rooted in Positive Psychology and her belief in the importance of letting our children flourish through building on their innate strengths. She is certified by the University of Pennsylvania, USA, to run the cutting edge resilience building programme for children. She is also a CogMed coach, an evidence-based Computer Training program which sustainably improves attention by training working memory. Dr. Laurence van Hanswijck de Jonge, PhD Child Development


Why revision needs to start NOW! IB DP Coordinators share tried and true advice on how to revise over the long-term.


certainly know when I was in my final year of school the synonym for revision was “cram” – trying to revisit EVERYTHING you’d learnt in the past 1.5 years in that month before the exams. It’s an impossible task and I’m glad to see the tone has since changed. Although, it’s entirely possible that my teachers insisted on regular revision, but I didn’t pay attention… Does that sound a little bit like your child? In any case, the IB Diploma Coordinators we spoke to are unanimous in their agreement that the best revision is cyclical, frequent and regular. Not only does it help keep the foundations of your child’s learning strong, it avoids the stress of a situation ahead of the exams where a student realises they don’t remember something crucial in the curriculum. So, whether your child is in first year or second year of the IB, or in their final years of another programme of study, here’s how you can encourage them to revise regularly.

Be clear on what revision DOESN’T look like While it may seem obvious, Keith Sykes, IB Coordinator at Collège Champittet, still often finds himself impressing on students and parents that studying and revision isn’t hours and hours on end

flicking through textbooks and notes, while lying on the bed, updating Snapchat and Instagram, with the TV or music on in the background. “My advice is short, sharp bursts. I’m not saying, leave Insta, Twitter alone totally. I’m saying 25-30 minutes, real focused concentration. Good quality work. Committing things. Memorization techniques. Then take a 10-15 minute break, and go back and do it again. This is better than hours and hours of mediocre ‘revision’ ”. Every student by this stage should have a better idea of what approach to study works best for them. What works for one, might not work for the other. Identifying what quality and effective revision looks like for your child is the first step.

Be organised and create a schedule Dr. Eugene Stevelberg, IB DP Coordinator at Institut Florimont, insists that students keeping up with their work is very, very important. “Students should request of their teachers, if their teachers don’t do it already, that before they start a new lesson to go over very quickly, what they’ve done in a previous lesson.” He says students should expect at least two hours of homework every night for day to day work, plus the right time put aside for Internal


Assessments in each of their courses and the Extended Essay. Joseph Amato, IB DP Coordinator at Zurich International School (ZIS) recommends students to create a schedule: looking at the time they have available, deciding which subjects require the most amount of time, deciding how they’re going to best prepare for those subjects and then sticking to that schedule. “I tell them not to necessarily spend a whole day just studying Maths at the expense of everything else. Maybe the emphasis that day is Maths, but try and get the other subjects in as well. Then, of course for different students, maybe another system works better. It does depend on the student and needs a personal approach.”

Get your hands on curriculum outlines, marking schemes and past papers To truly get ready for revision from the first term, Keith Sykes of Collège Champittet recommends students ensure they get a copy of the written curriculum for each of their subjects. This will help them track their progress, annotating where they’re confident and where they need help. “Schools will also use DP planners, and students can ask the school or the teachers: When are they are going to put the breaks in? Are they doing it by chapter in a book? Are they doing it by topic? When are they doing an experiment? Find out what those weigh points are and use them to structure your mind mapping and summarizing throughout the course”. Other documents he recommends getting hold of early on are past papers and marking schemes. “They are all so readily available. It seems to me to be an insanity to not looking at the questions you might get asked!”

Regularly make notes Note-making is a recurring theme among DP Coordinators. Dr. Zoe Badcock, AP/IB Coordinator at the International School of Zug and Luzern (ISZL) advises students make the effort to summarise their learning as they go, for example, to make revision notes at the end of every unit in preparation for a unit test. “I often see them doing that all at the end of two years, and if they’ve just spent time doing that after each unit, it wouldn’t be such an onerous thing”. She’s observed that when students do this they aren’t as worried about poor grades in the final exams because they have a real sense of their learning progressing. If, in the process of making notes, they notice they haven’t understood something, they know it’s something to allocate time towards revisiting. Joseph Amato (ISZ) equally emphasises the importance of regular revision. “Even though we have a very short, tight school year to get everything done, I try and build revision into our day to day experiences, maybe every few days take a half a class to go over topics, to practice an essay from something we did from the year before.” Keith Sykes (Champittet) admits that mind mapping and summarising is a key skill, that in itself takes practice. He often gets students to use the Cornell note taking method, which requires them at regular intervals, in the evening or at the end of the week, to summarise their learning, a good way of committing things to medium- and long-term memory. He says that “Another thing that students don’t generally do, but they should, is to review a couple of weeks or a month and look at how the work they’ve done in one subject relates to work they’ve done in other subjects.” This transfer of knowledge and making links is core to the IB, and

something students work on in Theory of Knowledge, which helps to understand, internalise and store knowledge longer.

Make a plan for using free periods productively Free periods are certainly there to give students a bit of breathing space and independence. But their purpose is to create time for the individual to focus on what the individual needs to work on – outside of a class setting. It is certainly an exercise in self-discipline and self-management but one that will pay off enormously in the future. Making time to plan the day or week ahead, reflect on what’s most urgent and what can be rescheduled – these are common indicators of happy and effective people in the workplace. So, now’s the time to start practising! Kate Bradley, Head of Secondary at La Côte International School advises students to use their free periods to “ensure they’re doing something related with their studies and making sure there’s no gaps in what they’ve just learned. It could also be using that time to structure their notes in folders, dividers. Organisation and persistency are key to IB DP success”.

Mentor your child Clearly, as parents, we all reach a point where we can no longer help our children with the content of a particular subject. But taking an active interest and asking the right questions can aid students in identifying what knowledge they master, and what they’re still unclear on. Dr. Eugene Stevelberg (Florimont)


recommends regularly asking your child when they get home what they’ve done in class that day, something key they’ve learnt or something they didn’t understand. If they can explain something well, they’ve understood it well. So, this exercise helps them be more aware of what they need to focus on in their revision. He understands that not all children want to confide in their parents. “Adolescents, especially who are going through a difficult period in their life, don’t always enjoy sharing or want to share with their parents. But parents don’t need to be a friend, it’s probably better to be less of a friend and more of somebody who is taking the role of a mentor. They need to keep an eye on them, on how they use their computer and when they use their computer, and establish and maintain a consistent dialogue with them.”

Encourage peer-learning Speaking of friends, they are key revision partners. At a time where adolescents might be resistant to their parents’ or their teachers’ advice, they will listen to and want to learn from their friends. And sometimes peers have ways of explaining concepts that their friends will understand better than a teacher’s explanation. Keith Sykes (Champittet) finds that revising together with peers is a great method, face to face or online. “We find a lot of students get good material from ‘Student Room’ online and work well remotely with other students across the globe. We had a student a couple of years ago that found a like-minded studier in Boston, through ‘Student Room’. They shared notes, skyped, interacted with each other and formed a real collaborative learning partnership that saw him through his exams.”

Be aware of your school’s policy on study break and maximise it As the final exams approach, many schools will release the students from class for independent study. But the timetabling of this often changes quite a bit depending on the timing of spring break, the time it takes to complete the particular course of study your child is doing, and what the best practise is considered to be at your child’s school. John Switzer, Upper School Principal of Zurich International School (ZIS) finds that while students tend to say they study best at home, they often actually get more value from coming into school and studying in an allocated space where they have access to their teachers to ask any questions they might have. Joseph Amato, IB DP Coordinator at ZIS agrees that “a lot of teachers feel that students are best served being in class going over old papers and gaining from what they hear from their classmates”. He explains that the amount of release time is very dependent on when Easter falls, and schools that have a longer release period may have a longer school year to begin with and may have more hours.” So, don’t be surprised if one school has one-week study break vs. 3-4 weeks at another. Simply investigate the reasoning

behind it and plan accordingly, especially the use of holidays.

Use holidays wisely When it comes to holidays, Andrew McLachlan, Deputy Head of Curriculum at La Côte International School, emphasises that it’s very, very important that students take time off as they need downtime, but this needs to be balanced against the demands of the programme, and well-planned for. “Students need to balance their study time and their downtime. We try to help students to plan from 18 months backward, and if they do their planning and keep up the good work, regularly, they can do it. I don’t mean to say they can’t have a vacation, but they should also take advantage of vacation times as well to revise. Some of the summer vacation will need to be dedicated to finishing up their Extended Essay, and often Christmas & Easter vacation in year 2 is more or less cancelled. But it’s a question of using one’s time wisely as there is simply not going to be a lot of spare time.” Dr. Zoe Badcock (ISZL) shares a tangible anecdote of how using holidays strategically can lead to success. “Last year we had a group of very high achieving boys, and very sporty boys. Because they knew they wouldn’t have so much time during the school year due to their sporting commitments, they would review during holidays. That discipline to just allocate a bit of time regularly made all the difference.” She emphasises how valuable it is when parents support the holidays as moments to review, especially in the second year of the IB which is not the time for a big family holiday, especially Easter break. So, her big tip is when it comes to planning vacations, keep the IB student at the centre of your decision-making. Stay home at Easter or go somewhere that still allows studying to be the priority. So now you can start the school year armed with a wealth of IB Diploma Coordinators’ top tips for students to get the most from their learning. What’s more, your child will come away with organisational habits that they’ll also take with them into further studies and beyond.

Sandra Steiger has over 10 years’ experience teaching English at various schools in Switzerland. She now works as Academic Support Manager at TutorsPlus. During her 6 years at the International School of Geneva, she was also the Service Learning programme Coordinator, International Award Supervisor, a Homeroom Mentor and Head of Year 8. If your child needs a helping hand with revision, TutorsPlus provide specialist private revision tutors, as well as regular revision courses throughout the year. If you feel your child has any gaps in their knowledge or exam technique, we’d be happy to match them with an experienced tutor who will ensure they move forward with confidence and solid foundations. You can reach TutorsPlus at 022 731 8148 or


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GARDENS SWITZERLAND - AUTUMN W ith the long summer holidays over, and the prospect of a productive autumn term ahead, this is a good time to think about gardens and gardening, both in and out of school. There is a great deal of evidence that shows that kids and adults are happier, make better food choices and have improved self-confidence if they can spend some time outdoors in a garden setting. It can be difficult to find the time to do this in a busy school day, particularly if your school doesn’t have any outdoor space, or you live in an apartment, but there are lots of fun and interesting ways to get kids into gardening, even if you don’t have a garden.

Projects for home Autumn is a time when the days are getting shorter, and the weather is less appealing so think about ways that you can get growing and use the space that you have. Spring flowering bulbs like daffodils and crocuses are best bought from September

onwards, when the choice is broadest and the bulbs are still fresh. These are terrific when grown in pots for a balcony or terrace, and with some careful planning, you can have colour from January right through to June. The trick for long-lasting colour is to “layer” the bulbs in the pot. Each type of spring flowering bulb will then push their way to the top of the pot when it’s time for them to bring the fireworks, and you can pack in a surprising number of bulbs into a small space. You can buy kits of different kinds of bulbs, or you can make your own. Start off with a pot intended for use outside, that has drainage holes in it, and fill the base with expanded clay balls to help keep the drainage holes free of roots and soil. Then you can add a layer of soil or bagged compost, about 10cm, and start planting. The biggest and latest flowering bulbs, such as alliums or tulips, go in on the bottom layer. They need to be at least 10cm from the top, but can be up to 25cm from the top. Cover them over with soil or INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL PARENT AUTUMN 2019 | 36

bagged compost and put in the mediumsized bulbs, like daffodils. Repeat with the smallest bulbs, like crocuses or muscari. I like to tuck some winter-flowering plants like pansies in on the top, for some extra colour before the bulbs start to appear in January or February. Keep the pot watered over the winter, and you’ll be rewarded with masses of pretty blooms for months. You can try pots with just one colour of plants, or clashing, multi-coloured ones, or even search out some sweetsmelling combinations like the daffodil “Cheerfulness” with the tulip “Prinses Irene.”

Projects for school School gardens make fantastic outdoor classrooms, not just for learning about growing food, plant development and reproduction but also for topics like ecology and the environment. As we head towards the winter, this is the time to think about what helpful insects you might like to find in

If you have space in your school garden, then perhaps an entire class could work together to make a large-scale insect hotel, with lots of different environments to suit the needs of different overwintering bugs?


your school garden next year. Lacewing and ladybird larvae are voracious consumers of aphids, those common garden pests that can transmit diseases and stunt plant growth. If you want these predators to help you control aphids in the garden, then you need to make the garden inviting for them to want to spend the winter there. It’s an easy project to make your own ladybird and lacewing hotel, and there is plenty of interest to see if the hotels are occupied, and discussing why might they prefer one over another – is it in a more sheltered position? Are the bamboo tubes a better size? Is it warmer in one place or another? Choose a selection of tubes, like bamboo canes, hollow straws and grasses that you think your guests might like. Bind them together with string or pack them tightly together in a flower pot. Find a spot in a warm, sunny place, out of the wind, and either hang up the tubes or tuck them into a space in a wood pile or somewhere safe, so that the tubes are horizontal. You can even try a very low-tech version of this by cutting the base off a 2l plastic bottle and rolling up some corrugated cardboard to fit inside. Punch two holes towards the bottom of the bottle and push a stick through the holes so that the cardboard can’t fall out. Hang the bottle, with the lid on it, from a tree or near a building, and watch to see your aphid exterminators move in! If you have space in your school garden, then perhaps an entire class could work together to make a large-scale insect hotel, with lots of different environments to suit the needs of different overwintering bugs? These can easily be constructed using stacked pallets, or a Swiss railway box pallet. Paper tubes and flower pots are great for bundling materials together, and the contents can vary hugely, depending on what insects you would like to attract. Moss, grasses, bark, twigs, slate and small pebbles are all easy to find and inexpensive. Once the hotel is in place, in a sheltered and warm spot, then the roof needs to go on. Old roofing tiles, or old planks and roofing felt, work well and are easily removed if you want to move or dismantle the hotel. You can even put some sedums or wildflowers on the very top in some gritty soil to “green” the roof. If you’re lucky enough to have your school garden in an area near woodland or lots of gardens, then you can plan space for

hedgehogs to overwinter at the base, or put in some stones and moss and rotting logs in the centre to attract overwintering toads.

Gardens to visit in the autumn There are hundreds of fantastic gardens to visit, across Switzerland, and they all have their own special charm at different times of the year. If you don’t have woodland near you, and would like to enjoy the best of the leaf colour and playing in fallen leaves, then the Ermitage at Arlesheim is a perfect family outing. This is a very romantic and exciting place to visit, and the beech woods are a great place to play or collect leaves. The hill is pretty steep, so plan for a climb to get to the top, and enjoy the wonderful views and “follies” like the caves and the wood cabin. Near Zurich there is a remarkable garden which surrounds the headquarters of FIFA. It’s right next to the Zoo, so you can add a visit to the FIFA garden to a visit to the Zoo. The garden is structured to represent all the continents where football is played, and there are characteristic plants from each of these regions. There are a large number of ornamental grasses in this garden, and they are at their best in the autumn, glowing golden in the soft sunlight. The garden surrounds the offices, but is fully accessible to the public, so pop in and take a trip around the world. INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL PARENT AUTUMN 2019 | 38

The extraordinary alpine garden at the Schynige Platte is worth a visit at any time of year, but the access cog railway is a little less busy in the autumn than at the height of summer, and you’ll find there are still lots of plants flowering once you arrive. Parts of the garden are quite steep and require good footwear, but some of it is also accessible with strollers or wheelchairs. All of it is well signposted, the plants are well labelled and the team that run the garden are hugely knowledgeable and very enthusiastic. Entrance to the garden is free with the cog railway ticket, and the garden and the railway usually close at the end of October. All the botanical gardens in Switzerland are free to visit and you can expect to find lots of family-friendly activities in the autumn. Bulb planting, making a modern herbal, observing bees, following in the footsteps of giants, you’ll find all this and more at your local botanic garden. Check out for a full list of gardens.

Hester Macdonald is a garden designer, journalist and the founder of the Swiss Gardening School. Her new book “Gardens Switzerland” was published by Bergli Books in 2019 and is the first trilingual guide to gardens across Switzerland.

Why the IB Diploma Core (TOK, EE and CAS) are worth so much more than a mere 3 points Is your child entering the IB Diploma feeling a bit intimidated by the Theory of Knowledge course, or daunted by the prospect of writing the Extended Essay? Have they come home saying, “TOK + EE are only worth three points out of the 45 so they’re not something worth worrying about”.


ell, the DP Coordinators we spoke to across Switzerland would want those students who think the DP Core only weighs 3 points to know that they are gravely mistaken. Likewise, they have encouraging words for those a little concerned by it. By following the criteria and expectations of the Core carefully, it can be quite straightforward to achieve success – and those three valuable points. But by really engaging fully with the IB Diploma Core, you can add enormous value to your other subjects and in-so-doing, even add something like six more! How is this possible? If your child is studying or intends to study the IB Diploma, you’re probably already aware that it is a programme that places special emphasis on holistic and inter-disciplinary learning, exceptional critical thinking skills and an application

of learning that is of benefit to society. The type of thinking and demonstration of learning that the IB evaluates depends on students being able to think from different perspectives, transfer knowledge and apply what they learn in useful and ethical ways. These skills are exactly what the Theory of Knowledge (TOK) Course, the Extended Essay (EE) and the Creativity, Action, Service (CAS) programme seek to achieve. So, let’s hear some more what DP coordinators have to say about engaging with and getting the most of out the IB Diploma core.

How engaging with Theory of Knowledge can increase your points Joseph Amato, IB DP Coordinator at Zurich International School (ZIS), understands why students can feel a little intimidated by


“Not only does CAS serve to keep students balanced and physically and mentally healthy, but in a very practical sense, it helps them enhance their university applications.” having to study a subject that they haven’t really thought about up until now. But he would reassure students that nobody needs preparation to study TOK and it’s a course that from the first day you can walk in and experience and enjoy. While many students are initially preoccupied by the essay and presentation (which they’re graded on), he emphasises that what makes a very interesting, useful TOK course is the opportunity to bring in many outside speakers, as well as take advantage of the talents of the teachers at school who have backgrounds and expertise in a variety of areas. All of this contributes to perspectives that go into eventually writing a better essay, and doing a better presentation. John Switzer, Upper School Principal of ZIS echoes that he thinks, “the best schools or the best TOK programmes are not discreet. Meaning it isn’t like you just go there for TOK and the moment you step out of that room, now I’m back to my Physics or Biology room. Actually, no, it’s more or less a way of epistemology. How do I know what I know? And what are the ways by which I come to realise things? Perception, logic. Again, that’s something that everybody can do.” According to many ZIS graduates, feedback on TOK is that it is something they really come to appreciate when they’re at university, that the skills they learned are very transferable. John elaborates that, “a professor at the University of British Columbia told me that when she begins an undergraduate class, she asks a few questions and she can immediately tell who did the IB Diploma, because of the TOK way they answer that question.”

Keith Sykes, IB Coordinator at Collège Champittet, also finds that many students have a tendency to shove TOK to the side to concentrate on their 6 subjects, especially because if they intend to study in Switzerland, The Core is not accepted by universities here. So he takes the following approach to get students to understand how truly valuable TOK can be, even in this scenario. “I always start asking them, ‘What is TOK worth?’ And they’ll say, ‘A point, one and a half points, three points max.’ And I will always say to them, “Well, what if I tell you that TOK is potentially seven and a half points? Because what you learn in there, if you’ve got the right mind to apply to everything, can add a point on to every single subject. It can turn 32’s, 33’s into 36’s, 37’s.”

The hidden value of the Extended Essay It can also befuddle many students how such an extended piece of work as the Extended Essay can be apparently worth so little. However, the value of the EE is many-fold: in the opportunity it gives for students to explore an area of their choice and passion; in practising demonstrating knowledge in a way that facilitates earning points in their final exams, and in preparing students for all the extended pieces of researched and referenced work that they will have to prepare at university. Kate Bradley, Head of Secondary at La Côte International School emphasises that this is a major strength of the Diploma Programme, that other programmes simply don’t prepare students for currently. “I think some parents say, ‘Oh, well, it’s only worth some bonus points. We’re not going to give our time to that.’ But


CAS keeps you happy, healthy and motivated throughout your studies

it’s actually worth two years’ time into university when you’ve got a thesis to write, and you’ve got no idea how to do it. This, combined with TOK which explores ways of knowing and ways of thinking, which are completely different to anything in any other curriculum, the strength of the DP Core.” Both John and Joseph at ISZ agree that it’s a first attempt at a university level research paper and even if students have a hard time, or even if it’s an utter disaster, they’ve learned what they need to do to make it better next time, without it impacting their overall score too much. But as for the immediate benefits, it’s a joy for many teachers to see how many students just come alive throughout the Extended Essay, simply because of the freedom it gives them to explore a passion or interest that is theirs and even theirs alone. It is sometimes the aspect that brings about a joy of learning and confirms the direction that a student wishes to take in the future. Keith Sykes (Champittet) has fresh in his mind just one such student: “The opportunity the EE gave him to explore cultural identity in post-Soviet Central Asia – where he’s from - has been the thing that has changed his approach to his studies. He originally had a very fixed view, and I’d play Devil’s advocate and ask, ‘How do you know that?’ ‘But what would this group say about that?’ And from that he’s got a passion for it as well as a wellargued essay now. The best piece of work he’s ever done. It sparked such an interest, that on the back of this, he’s now organising a debate club in school as part of CAS and will be our guy to go to the Model United Nations.”

The example above, is typical of how Creativity, Action, Service is intended to be interwoven into a student’s learning experience. It shouldn’t be thought about as something extra that you HAVE to do, but rather an opportunity to integrate activities and passions you already have into the Diploma, or apply what you’re learning in a creative way or an activity that benefits the community. Kate Bradley (LCIS) says that’s where the magic of the Diploma Programme is. “If you break it down, it isn’t about the fact you could do Chemistry at High Level and Physics at High Level, because you could do that in any curriculum. It’s about the fact that you have to think about who you are in the world, and do you add value or do you take it away? And if we all thought that, the world would be a much better place”. She emphasises the Service aspect of CAS in particular helps many students to experience life outside their bubble which prepares them for living in a place that could be very different to all they’ve ever known, and see how societies function in ways they had never thought of. Not only does CAS serve to keep students balanced and physically and mentally healthy, but in a very practical sense, it helps them enhance their university applications. Andrew McLachlan, Deputy Head of Curriculum at LCIS, sees this advantage of the IB DP as compared to A-Levels, for example: “In the A level, pupils really have to think about what they’re doing as extracurricular activities to enhance their personal statements, and letters of recommendation, references, what have you. However, the CAS is very much embedded in that holistic approach to ensure that they’ve got the Creativity, Action and Service covered.” So, don’t let your child be fooled into thinking the Diploma Core isn’t worth a lot. It is the heart and soul of the IB Diploma programme and its value goes far beyond the mere three points that it appears to weigh at first glance. If you have more questions about Theory of Knowledge, the Extended Essay, or the Creativity, Action, Service programme, get in touch with your school’s IB Diploma Coordinator and we’re certain they’ll be thrilled to tell you more about it and give you advice how to keep it at the centre of your child’s IB experience. By Sandra Steiger - Academic Support Manager at TutorsPlus Sandra Steiger has over 10 years’ experience teaching English at various schools in Switzerland. She now works as Academic Support Manager at TutorsPlus. During her 6 years at the International School of Geneva, she was also the Service Learning programme Coordinator, International Award Supervisor, a Homeroom Mentor and Head of Year 8. TutorsPlus can provide specialist IB Diploma tutors, experienced with the curriculum and exam preparation. If you feel your child has any gaps ahead of moving into the IB DP, we’d be happy to match them with an experienced tutor who will ensure they move forward with confidence and solid foundations. Additionally, if you have questions regarding school choice or the best curriculum to suit your child, TutorsPlus’ Education Consultants would be happy to guide you. You can reach TutorsPlus at 022 731 8148 or




The autumn store cupboard has so much to celebrate. The end of summer heralds the arrival of punchy root vegetables like celeriac, squash, Jerusalem artichokes and beetroot, while shrubs and orchards groan with blackberries, quinces, apples & pears. These recipes are designed primarily with comfort in mind, and to highlight how eating seasonally can brighten up those darkening days…

Warm Autumn salad


The perfect nutrient-dense heart warmer for lazy weekend lunches, this salad is always a winner among friends. It’s an extremely good natured dish, meaning you can prepare all the ingredients in advance, then re-heat the roasted vegetables and throw it all together at the last minute. Omitting the pancetta for a vegetarian version works well, too. Preheat the oven to 200C/400F/gas mark 6. Place the apples, onion, squash and garlic clove in a bowl and toss with the sage, pumpkin seed oil and a generous pinch of sea salt and pepper. Once each piece is coated, transfer to a foil lined baking tray and roast for 35-45 minutes, or until the pieces are lightly brown and soft, giving them a mix every 15 minutes or so. Remove the skin of the garlic and mash the clove until smooth (this will be added to the dressing). Fry or grill the pancetta strips until golden brown and set aside. Once cooled, chop finely until you have a crumb-like texture and reserve.

1 red onion, sliced into rings 1 apple, chopped ½ small butternut squash, peeled & diced 2 tablespoons pumpkin seed oil (or olive oil) Handful fresh sage, finely chopped 2 garlic cloves, whole with skin on 150g cavolo nero, tough ribs removed and finely julienned 1 x 400g tin cannellini beans, strained & rinsed 100g feta or goats cheese, crumbled 8 strips thinly sliced pancetta DRESSING:

Make the dressing: combine all the ingredients in a jar, add the mashed roasted garlic and shake together until homogenous. Taste and adjust seasoning. Combine the raw cavolo nero, roasted vegetables, cannellini beans and feta in a serving bowl, toss with the dressing and sprinkle over the pancetta crumb. INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL PARENT AUTUMN 2019 | 42

4 tablespoons good quality olive oil 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar ½ tablespoon lemon juice Salt & pepper

Spatchcock chicken with pinenuts, raisins & Marsala SERVES 4:

1.6kg chicken 80g raisins 400ml Marsala Olive oil Salt & pepper 30g pinenuts

A delicious, low-hassle dinner. Serve with celeriac mash or bulgar wheat and an autumn green.

of the spine to remove it completely. Flip the bird over and press down firmly on the breasts until you have flattened it.

Preheat the oven to 200C/400F/gas mark 6.

Place the chicken in a roasting tin, drizzle with olive oil and season generously with sea salt and black pepper. Roast the bird for 20 minutes, then spoon the raisins & Marsala over the chicken and roast for a further 20 minutes. Check the juices run clear, not bloody, from the thigh or leg, then remove from the oven and allow to rest for 10 minutes under a tea towel.

Put the raisins in a small saucepan with the Marsala and bring to the boil. Remove from the heat and leave to swell for half an hour. Place the pinenuts in a small saucepan over a low heat, moving continuously, until they are lightly browned. To spatchcock the chicken, place it breast side down on a board. Use kitchen scissors to cut along either side

Cut the chicken into pieces, transfer to a warm serving dish and drizzle over the cooking juices and raisins Serve scattered with the toasted pinenuts.

A note on spatchcocking: Spatchcock chicken cooks much more evenly than a normal roast as the thickest parts of the bird - the legs - are exposed, and therefore cook at the same rate as the breasts. This simple butchery technique also drastically reduces the cooking time down from over an hour to 35-45 minutes and produces a perfectly tender result with crispy skin. See above on how to spatchcock the bird, or ask your butcher nicely to do it for you!


Baked autumn fruit with boozy clementine cream

There is something so comforting about a bowl of baked fruits, and autumnal pears and plums are best showcased this way. Just make sure you start off with marginally under-ripe fruit (except the blackberries), otherwise it will fall apart on cooking. SERVES 6:

3 conference pears, cored and quartered (unpeeled) 6 plums, halved and pitted 125g blackberries Juice and zest of two clementines 75g honey 2 tablespoons whisky, brandy or sherry 1 handful crushed amaretti biscuits (optional, to serve) FOR THE CLEMENTINE CREAM:

200g mascarpone Grated zest of two clementines 1 tablespoon soft brown sugar Cointreau, as desired!

Preheat the oven to 190C/375F/gas mark 5. Place the fruit in a large ovenproof dish. Whisk together the clementine juice, honey and alcohol and pour over the fruit. Bake in the oven for 40 minutes, or until the fruit is soft. Combine the mascarpone, clementine zest and sugar in a bowl and gradually whisk in the Cointreau. Serve the warm fruit with the cream and crushed amaretti biscuits, if using.

FICO By Betty is a London based catering company, serving delicious Mediterranean food around the UK and Europe. Betty also runs cookery and yoga retreats in Crete and her custom made ceramics from Puglia are available to buy through her website


Helping teenagers argue‌ effectively!


have little doubt that a number of readers will feel that teenagers argue too much. However, I wish to put the case for the opposite! So let me begin by clarifying what I am talking about in this article when I refer to the ability to argue. I am not talking about those times when teenagers make unrealistic demands of their parents, or when a discussion passes boiling point and ends with the stomp of feet up the stairs and the slamming of a bedroom door. Nor am I talking about those times when parents pass the point of frustration with what seems like the innate ability of some teenagers to question absolutely any request, however small and reasonable it might seem to their parents. Rather, I am talking about the ability to present a point of view in a thoughtful way, whilst showing respect to those who hold a different opinion. I am talking about constructing an argument using a logical thought process, while taking account of the bigger picture that provides the context for whatever is under discussion. I am talking about the ability to listen to those with whom one disagrees, taking on board points made by others, but nevertheless holding firm to important principles. I am talking about developing negotiation skills and ultimately reaching a level of maturity that understands

that arguments are often about clarifying and learning; not about winning. The ability to argue effectively is an important skill for teenagers to develop as they approach adulthood1. It is a skill that will make them more marketable to potential employers; it will help them build stable adult relationships; it will help them in situations where they need to be able to listen to, and negotiate with, others. But this is not a case of developing a life skill, all of whose benefits lie at some stage in an uncertain future. In the shorter term, those who have begun to learn the skills of arguing effectively in their early teenage years are better equipped for some aspects of their ongoing education as well as being armed with a powerful weapon to help them resist some of the negative peer pressures with which they might be faced in their later teenage years. As indicated above, there are a number of aspects to arguing effectively. As with any complex skill, time and practice are essential to its successful development. One of the ways that human beings learn is through their mistakes, and learning to argue effectively is no exception. At times, teenagers get it wrong: their frustration may take over, they may shout and become disrespectful, but when



“Parents who have developed the ability to understand what is happening even in the midst of a simmering situation, and who can answer arguments calmly, clearly and logically, do the most in such situations to foster learning.” these things happen, they rely on the significant adults in their lives to help them learn from their mistakes. The important question for parents, then, is not how to prevent teenagers arguing, but how to best help them develop their argumentative tendencies in a way that will equip them for the adult world to which they are headed.

Advice for Parents Try to keep calm. Parents, of course, can bear the brunt of it when teenagers are going through the learning process, and especially when they get things wrong. However, responding with the same type of broken behaviour pattern that is being portrayed by the teenager is not helpful in moving the situation forward. Shouting over your teenager to stop them shouting, or becoming aggressive in response to perceived teenage aggression, both represent a knee-jerk reaction to a crisis situation that may bring some momentary emotional relief, but neither lays the groundwork for a constructive way forward. Similarly, trying to demonstrate that you can be even more stubborn and unreasonable than your teenager, may feel in the heat of the moment like a way to win an argument. However, it will likely also fuel longer-term bitterness and relationship breakdown. All these approaches really only end up with two people behaving badly. Consequently, the teenager learns nothing about arguing effectively. If a situation becomes heated, be ready to walk away until the temperature has cooled sufficiently for you both to be able to return and address the topic in a more rational way. Distinguish between disrespect and argument. Even a cursory glance at websites on the subject of teenage behaviour will show that argument and disrespect are frequently linked. However, this is not a necessary link. Teenagers often ask questions by arguing. Parents who have developed the ability to understand what is happening even in the midst of a simmering situation, and who can answer arguments calmly, clearly and logically, do the most in such situations to foster learning. Teenagers benefit most from parents who can model appropriate ways to disagree and good argumentation skills, enabling them to learn more about the issue under discussion and also about the good use of argument as a learning tool. Promote the ability to construct logical argument. Teenage brain development starts at the back of the brain and moves forward2. This means that teenage responses are governed more by the amygdala, situated at the back of the brain and triggering strong emotions, than by the pre-frontal cortex, which is at the front, develops later, and governs logical thought. As most of us have observed, teenagers often respond to situations emotionally and need help if they are to develop the skills of making a considered and logical response. Teenagers are often told of the need for a well-

constructed argument without anyone ever really explaining what that is or how it can be developed. Helping teenagers understand how to develop good argumentation skills and to put them to use is an important factor in their preparation for adult life. Model respect and good argumentation skills. The best way to help your teenager understand the need for respect, even when they disagree with someone’s viewpoint, is to model it in your dealings with them. Good parents take time to listen to their teenager’s point of view and to consider their arguments. They ask questions and seek clarification when they do not understand. They value good points made during the course of an argument and remain polite even when provoked. They demonstrate empathy for their teenager and their situation, and explain their decisions carefully. Adopting such approaches as a parent both models respect and demonstrates some of the important skills for arguing effectively. The teenager who knows how it feels to be respected is far more likely to respect others, and the teenager who has experienced significant adults in their life arguing effectively is far more likely to seek to develop similar techniques. Keep the bigger picture of parenting in mind. It is important for parents to keep in mind the overall goal in parenting a teenager – to help the teenager reach the point where they can enter the adult world successfully. For the parent, winning an argument with their teenager is not the ultimate goal. Sure, it may give a short-term feeling of satisfaction, but especially if the argument has been won through the use of bullying tactics, or by sacrificing truth for expediency, the overall goal will have been set back. This is not to say the parent should always give in, or should sacrifice their fundamental principles. However, wise parents will look for opportunities to give ground when their teenager argues effectively, admitting that the teenager has explained a perspective they (the parent) had not previously understood or appreciated. Through such comments, the teenager “feels” the value of arguing effectively and is more likely to press on with the development of this important life skill. The tendency for teenagers to argue is, of course, part of their natural development. They test their boundaries by arguing as they strive for independence. Rather than something to be avoided, tolerated, or “squashed”, this natural element of human development contains considerable potential for personal empowerment in those who can be helped to develop the skill to argue effectively. Dr Steve Sims is author of the blog Regarding Teenagers and Director of the Basel Learning Hub in Switzerland.







in the World of Global Nomad Families


magine your son beaming with joy about wearing his bright purple dress to Kindergarten, his first week in a new international school, in a very socially conservative region of the world. Does your gut clench? You aren’t alone if it does. Even the most open-minded people understand that our world is still heavily gendered, and that there are consequences for kids who don’t play by the spoken and unspoken rules about how boys and girls “should” act. There are also consequences for the parents of kids who behave in gender expansive ways, and it is the fear of the consequences for ourselves as parents and for our kids that lead lots of parents to worry and wonder quietly: “What is all this new gender stuff?” A gender expansive child is a child whose clothing, toy, game, and/or friend choices is different from what is expected of them based on the sex they were assigned at birth. In a nutshell, their interests and tendencies expand beyond the limited “boys do this” and “girls do that” boxes. As you set out to read this, maybe you are a parent whose child is somewhat (or very) gender expansive. Maybe this doesn’t apply to your family at all, but you know other families on this journey and you’d like to learn to be a good ally. Maybe you are admittedly suspicious of this seemingly new trend, and you are uncomfortable with something that seems unnatural. Statistically speaking, odds are very good that there are gender expansive and/or transgender children in your communities right now. In this Part One of a Two-Part series I hope to shed some light on “this gender stuff.”

First, some definitions: Sex Assigned At Birth: The way the doctors labeled you (most often male or female) after a peek at your outwardly visible body parts. Gender Identity: Your internal, personal, heart-and-head-felt sense of how male, female, both or neither you are. Cisgender: Refers to the identity of a person whose body parts (Sex assigned at birth) are aligned with their internal heart/head felt sense of gender (Gender Identity). Transgender: Someone for whom their body parts (sex assigned at

birth) are different from their internal felt sense of gender (gender identity). Gender expression: How we express our internal felt sense of gender to the world. Parents often have questions as they begin to understand that body parts do not determine gender, and that gender is broader than two simple categories.


Is it normal for kids to be curious and “try on” other gender identities? It is absolutely a healthy part of child development to explore a wide range of interests and clothing. Why else would preschools have such wonderful costume/dress-up sections? But trying on clothes or finger nail polish or playing with toys (gender expression) usually associated with “the other gender” is not the same thing as trying on gender identities. We know from research and clinical experience that of the children who behave in gender expansive ways, some grow up to be cisgender, heterosexual adults. Others grow up and identify as cisgender and gay, lesbian, bisexual or pansexual. Yet others grow up identify as non-binary or transgender (Ehrensaft, 2016).


How will I know if my child is transgender? As you can see above, just because your child is gender expansive in early childhood, it doesn’t mean that they will inevitably identify as a transgender child/teen. Dr. Diane Ehrensaft (of the UCSF Gender Clinic and The Gender Affirmative Model) notes that when children are insistent, persistent and consistent about their transgender identities than it is an indicator that their internal felt sense of gender is different from the way the world expects them to be. We know that many children whose body parts are different from their internal sense of gender feel increasing dysphoria (upset) as their body develops and/or as the world around them treats them as if they are their sex assigned at birth rather than in alignment with their felt sense of gender. Children who are merely experimenting with gender expression (trying on


clothes- wanting to be “like daddy”) generally do not experience upset when the world treats them as expected based on their sex assigned at birth. Insistence, consistence, and persistence about their gender identity, as well as increasing discomfort when asked to behave or present in ways that match their sex assigned at birth can be indicators of an underlying gender identity journey. Ultimately, though, there is no single sentence answer to this question. If your child is persistent about their gender identity, and/or expresses upset consistently about being treated as their sex assigned at birth, it is recommended that a gender specialist and/or gender specialty clinic be consulted to help understand the child’s behavior and gender presentation.


What is a gender specialist, and won’t they have an agenda? A gender specialist is a professional with a mental health or a medical background who understands the complex nature of gender identity development and who has developed a specialization area in the assessment and support of gender expansive kids, teens and their families. In some cases, gender specialists work in private practice, and in others, there are multidisciplinary teams collaborating in medical centers. An ethical responsible gender specialist’s only “agenda” will be to understand the child’s gender presentation in the context of their development. A gender specialist works with kids and families to clarify what kinds of support the child and their parents need while the whole family navigates the gender journey. An ethical gender specialist will not steer the child or outcome in any certain direction and will help families understand gender, communicate with each other and make relevant decisions together (Keo-Meier, Ehrensaft 2018).


How old does a child need to be to know they are transgender? Research and clinical practice suggest that by ages 3-4, most children can answer questions about their gender identity. This may

seem young, but I always encourage parents to try to remember the exact time they knew they were a boy or a girl. Most of us say, “ I just knew.” The same is true for many transgender kids. At the same time, just because a child hasn’t been announcing it since preschool, doesn’t mean their preteen or teenage transgender identity isn’t real. Preschool/Kindergarten is an age by which many children are articulating that they are on a gender journey. It is also true that the onset of puberty is another time when preteens and teens report a clear sense that their changing/developing body parts are not in alignment with their internal felt sense of gender (KeoMeyer, Ehrensaft 2018).


Lately, everywhere I look there is more talk about transgender kids. Its almost as if it is a fad. Aren’t kids just using this as a form of rebellion? Parents almost always find a way to ask, “What causes” gender expansive behavior. The best answer at this point in time is that gender identity is formed through a complex interaction of genetics, biology and social environment. Although gender expression choices (clothing, hair, interests) can be influenced by peers, there is no indication that our internal gender identities can be changed or created by another’s influence. To suggest that gender identities are fads indicates that kids and teens simply choose to be transgender when they so wish. Data is beginning to suggest some brain and behavior connections related to gender, but it is too early discuss those trends clearly (Keo-Meier, Ehrensaft 2018). Most parents of children who are gender expansive report that their children have been naturally drawn to their interests well before peer influence would have kicked in. Furthermore, research shows that gender expansive and transgender kids and teens are likely to be ostracized socially, and targeted for teasing (Pepper, Brill 2008), rather than heralded as Avant guard trendsetters. Considering gender identity a choice also discounts the clear data related to gender dysphoria and the tremendous discomfort that preteen and teenage transgender youth often experience as they navigate their gender journeys.



It just doesn’t seem “natural.” Actually, there is evidence in nature that gender diversity is naturally occurring in plants, animals and humans. Gender identity variation can be viewed as another natural expression of science, genetics, biology and environment.


Why is it happening so much more now? There is evidence that for centuries, people in cultures around the world (Native American, Thai, Nepalese, Indian, Samoan, Hawaiian, various African tribes) demonstrated gender diversity and/or “two-spirit” concepts in which people were recognized to have a balance of male and female energies and to be respected for their related knowledge and skills (Brown, Mar 2018). It is true that gender diversity has gotten more media attention in the past decade or so, but the concept of gender diversity is not new.


What is the connection between gender identity and sexual orientation? The answer to this question is: There isn’t necessarily a connection. It is important to understand that gender identity, gender expression and sexual orientation are three very different things that often get tangled when we speak about gender. As noted earlier, although there are some gender expansive children who later identify as gay, there are also many gender expansive children who identify as heterosexual. Being transgender has nothing to do with to whom you are romantically and sexually attracted. As someone once explained to me (in an admittedly oversimplified way) “Sexual orientation is whom you would like to go to bed WITH; Gender identity is whom you would like to go to bed AS.” Those are two totally separate things. The LGB and TQ communities have worked together to help advocate for one another and may fall under the same umbrella in organizations. But in reality your internal felt sense of gender is totally separate from your patterns in romantic attraction.


I read somewhere that transgender kids have a lot of mental health problems. Is this true? It is true that many children and teens who are gender expansive experience greater levels of anxiety and depression than children who more easily land in our traditional gender boxes. There is a social cost to pay for being different from others and behaving in ways that are unexpected for teachers, parents and other adults. Most of the available research is related to gay children and teens and the statistics for them are startling. Dr. Caitlin Ryan did research in 2010 that suggested: without parent support (this is critical), lesbian and gay teens and young adults are 8 times more likely to attempt suicide. They are 6 times more likely to experience anxiety and depression. They are 3 times more likely to develop a substance abuse problem. Additionally, according to research, they struggle to imagine that they can have happy healthy lives as gay or lesbian young adults. However, research suggests that with family support gay and lesbian teens are not at greater risk for mental health problems than other teens (Ryan, C., 2010, Le, 2016, Travers, R., 2012, Wilson, 2016). Clinical experience suggests that gender expansive and transgender kids are at greater risk for mental health problems (anxiety, depression, attention concerns) especially if they do not have the support of their parents and community. It’s the alienation, judgment and

questioning that takes it toll on a child’s wellness (Barrow, Apostle 2018). In a nutshell, there is no clear evidence that gender identity concerns are always indicative of mental health concerns. One of the many things we know about being part of the global nomad community is that we find ourselves faced with learning new things and understanding there are a myriad of ways to honor others’ identities. We are often challenged to rethink what we used to view as “normal” and we are skilled at respecting differences within and among people. Because of the above, global nomad parents have an advantage making sense of the shifting public dialogue about gender identity, and how these concepts relate to our kids. Part Two of this series will specifically address how to support the gender expansive and transgender children in your lives. There are fairly clear “do’s” and “don’ts” with the kids in our communities, and we will discuss them fully in Part Two. Barrow, K., Apostle, D., (2018). Addressing Mental Health Conditions Often Experienced by Transgender and Gender Expansive Children. The Gender Affirmative Model: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Supporting Transgender and Gender Expansive Children, pp. 71-84. Brown, E., Mar, K., (2018) Culturally Responsive Practice With Children of Color. The Gender Affirmative Model: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Supporting Transgender and Gender Expansive Children, pp. 55-70. Ehrensaft, D. 2016. The Gender Creative Child: Pathways for Nurturing and Supporting Children Who Live Outside Gender Boxes. Keo-Meyer, C., Ehrensaft D., (Editors) The Gender Affirmative Model; An Interdisciplinary Approach to Supporting Transgender and Gender Expansive Children. (2018). Pepper, R., Brill, S. 2008. The Transgender Child. A Handbook for Families and Professionals. Ryan, C, Rusell, ST, Huebner, D Diaz, R, Sanchez, J. Family Acceptance in Adolescence and the Health of LGBT Young Adults. Journal of Psychiatric Child and Adolescent Nursing. 2010; 23(4): 205-213 Dr. Laura Anderson has been a licensed child and family psychologist for nearly twenty years. For most of her career, Dr. Anderson ‘s offices have been primarily based in school settings. She has worked in public, private, international and charter preschools, elementary, middle and high schools. Dr. Anderson has expertise in learning and behavioral assessments, emotional/behavioral interventions in classrooms, working with adoptive families and working with genderexpansive children and their families. Dr. Anderson is currently based in Oakland California, and she provides national and international training on a variety of child psychology topics. Dr. Anderson is a founding member Parenting-in-the-Gap, a group under the umbrella of UCSF Mind-the-Gap that focuses on training therapists to work effectively with family members of gender expansive youth. In the past year, Dr. Anderson has done presentations related to supporting LGBTQ youth and their families at the Gender Spectrum Conference, the Hawaii Psychological Association Annual Convention, the California Adoption Connection conference and the Families In Global Transition conference in Amsterdam. For both personal and professional reasons, Dr. Anderson is passionate about supporting global nomad gender expansive, nonbinary, and transgender youth and their families.



Hoher Kasten: Family Friendly Hiking In The Appenzell Alps The Hoher Kasten is a mountain located in the Appenzell Alps with a 360 degrees unlimited panoramic view over six countries. It is located on the border between the cantons of Appenzell Innerrhoden and St. Gallen.


ush mountainsides quickly descend into teardrop lakes of the most vibrant blues, gabled houses sprout from cobbled villages and drastic slopes mark the ridges of the Rhine Valley. From here, the rugged tor of the Appenzell Alps, it’s possible to see the breathtaking panoramic landscapes of 6 European countries. To reach the top, take the scenic cable car from Brülisau. Watch as bucolic meadows adorned with traditional farmhouses and colourful flora become little more than a natural patchwork of distant greens as you ascend 1794 metres to reach the summit of iconic Hoher Kasten.

Beyond Hoher Kasten From Hoher Kasten, the eastern gateway to the Alpsteins hiking area, it’s possible to embark on a diverse itinerary of hikes that span 400 kilometres of trails with no less than 6 cable cars and a delightful collection of mountain inns, perfect overnight options for even the most frugal of families Whilst planning your hike, make sure that you check the weather conditions and dress appropriately as it can snow even as early as September. The best walking option for families is the family trail Hoher Kasten – Kamor – Forstseeli - Brülisau, which begins at the cable car and takes hikers along the mountain ridge Kamor before descending through a peaceful pine forest, where you can either continue to the idyllic Forstseeli Lake for a waterside picnic or

to the mountain inn Ruhesitz where it’s possible to rent scooters to ride back into Brülisau for a slightly more energetic end to the trail. The easiest route, accessible all year round, even with a buggy or a wheelchair, is the Europa-Rundweg Circular Trail. A 259-meter trail that waltzes around the entire summit of Hoher Kasten, the trail provides views of Europe’s incredible mountain scenery including the Rhine Valley, Appenzellerland and Lake Constance. Along the route you’ll find immersive viewing platforms that reach out over the mountain peak, a revolving restaurant, benches and free-to-use telescopes with educational integrated peak identification systems, and there’s a surprising alpine garden filled with rare plants. On a clear day it’s possible to lookout to Germany, France, Liechtenstein, Austria and Italy’s Monte di Zocca. Another option is to hike to the dreamy Fählensee lake. This one is a little trickier but it’s still accessible for families during Autumn before the snow falls. Follow the Geological Trail directly from the summit of Hoher Kasten and hike along the edge of the lake to find a dairy farm, home to a herd of Appenzeller goats. Back on the opposite end of the lake you’ll find the quaint mountain inn Bollenwees nestled into a pastoral saddle in the mountain, complete with inspiring views of the lake and surrounding countryside. From there you can continue to hike back down into Brülisau through spectacular forests, cow pastures and stunning nature trails alive with distinctive flora and fauna.



Top tip for families, exploring the Appenzell Alps has never been easier or more affordable. Children up to 15 years of age can travel free of charge on the Hoher Kasten cable car throughout 2019 as long as they are accompanied by at least one adult. And the offer is open to school groups too!



SGIS Annual Conference 2020, Institut Florimont, Geneva


‘20-20 Vision’

reparing the ‘students of today for the challenges of tomorrow’ has long been a central tenet for educators. Yet, it seems to be more crucial now than at any other time. How can we best support our multilingual learners, and provide for their success? How can we ensure that our children develop the skills and attitudes to ensure their full and meaningful participation in society? How can we fully plan for and utilize the range of learning environments to ensure the learning spaces within and beyond our school’s walls are organized, positive and safe? These questions and many more like them will be addressed at the upcoming SGIS Annual Conference, which takes place at Institut Florimont, in March 2020.

Chairman of the SGIS, and Head of Leysin American School, Marc Ott said, ‘The goal of the conference is for all participants to learn from one another. In addition, we hope we can continue strengthening the relationships between the international Englishspeaking and French-speaking communities in education’. The SGIS is proud of its reputation as a prominent contributor to continuous professional development in education. Its Annual Conference represents a close collaboration with the hosting school, in this case Institut Florimont, and colleagues across its member schools. Teachers, educationalists, educators and parents of international, private and public education establishments will most certainly enjoy a rich two-day professional development opportunity, under the meticulous planning of the Swiss Group of International Schools.


Michael Thompson

Fred Genesee

Furthermore, the wide range of seminars will be offered in French and English, to member and non-member schools. This marks the second bilingual conference in recent years, covering the majority of curricula offered in Switzerland. Sean Power, Director General of the Institut Florimont has been very proactive in bringing the conference to his school. He said, ‘“We were delighted to have been asked to host the 2020 SGIS Annual Conference. It gives us a great opportunity to open our doors to anglophone and francophone delegates and visitors, who will be able to experience at first hand the warm welcome which Institut Florimont is known for. We look forward to a rich and rewarding two days next March”. The conference promises to have something for everyone – from specialist second language teachers, to well-being and pastoral coordinators, Middle and Senior leaders and School Boards. The conference will introduce internationally reputed speakers such as Michael Thompson, Fred Genesee, Jean-Marc Dewaele and the innovative Rosan Bosch. Michael Thompson, New York Times best-selling author and clinical psychologist, will share his research findings which focus on the social, emotional and psychological wellbeing of children and adolescents. He will also highlight how teachers and parents can best support the children in their care. Fred Genesee, author and a professor at McGill University will present a number of workshops which explore language teaching and learning. His research looks at bilingualism and the early stages of assimilating two languages. At the same time, Jean-Marc Dewaele, Professor in Applied Linguistics and Multilingualism will share his research findings,

Jean-Marc Dewaele

Rosan Bosch

which look at the link between emotional wellbeing and second language learning. Rosan Bosch is internationally renowned for her innovative designs of workspaces, which question and re-write the age-old design theories of schools and classrooms. In her book ‘Designing a Better World Starts at School’ Bosch presents a new, exciting and alternative framework for inspiring and imaginative learning areas. Her keynote and workshops at the 2020 SGIS Conference will address these points and are guaranteed to make delegates think again. Finally, the conference will also offer opportunities for colleagues to share their good practice and action research, in a series of Teacher Presentation sessions. The SGIS Annual Conference promises to offer a ‘20-20 vision’ by providing a rich, rewarding and topical insight into the challenges facing educators and parents now and most importantly in the future. For more information about the upcoming conference, please click on the following link:-, and look out for further features in the ISP magazine and online version over the next 6 months.

The Swiss Group of International Schools (SGIS) exists to support international schools in Switzerland and neighbouring countries in achieving their educational goals and to provide representation on issues of common interest. Alison Piguet (Vice-Chair, SGIS)


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CREATING A CULTURE OF CARING – Why developing empathy is a vital part of education


very parent wants to see their child succeed. That’s why investing in a great education is a top priority for parents of children of all ages. For some parents, they imagine their child succeeding in a professional sphere, perhaps leading a company or performing a surgery. For others, they imagine their children succeeding socially and developing the skills to communicate well with others and get ahead. But what if the first thing that came to our minds when we dreamed of our children’s futures was less measurable than grades, accolades or social currency? What if instead, we imagined them as young adults walking into their futures carrying two very important tools: a global mind and a generous heart. How would this shape

their future and opportunities? How would it impact our world?

What is a culture of caring and why does it matter? A culture of caring is a learning environment that upholds the dignity of all and emphasises the development of empathy for others. It creates space for different experiences and sees these differences as opportunities to help one another reach their potential. Developing a culture of caring in our schools is both an opportunity and a necessity. “A completely reasonable question is to ask what education is for,” says Frazer Cairns, Director of International School of Lausanne. “And if we do, we need to think about the kind of future society we want

to live in and the kind of values we want people to uphold. “Seen in this light, the purpose of an education is not to prepare young people to join the workforce or to prepare them for university. These are just steps along the way rather than a destination in themselves. The ultimate purpose of an education is to help them become wiser, and better, individuals. We certainly need society to be creative and innovative but we also need it — or rather the people that make up society — to have a sense of responsibility for others and a sense of duty.”

How a culture of caring can impact children’s futures and the future of our world Most of the cultural messages we receive



“When young minds are exposed through education to the needs of others in our world, both near and far, we can expect them to become more globally-minded and well-rounded thinkers and feelers.” today centre around one theme — us. What can simplify our lives? How can we improve our lives? How can we achieve success? While there is nothing wrong with pursuing self-improvement or setting and achieving individual goals, we often lack messages that encourage the extension of empathy, love, or service to one another. This messaging, or lack thereof, has an effect on our young people and what they learn to believe as valuable pursuits in life. Frazer Cairns continues, “If young people do not learn to respect and actively support the dignity of others, then the future of our planet is, in my opinion, very bleak and chaotic. A core aspect of education is to help young people develop the confidence and the energy to work towards what they have recognised to be right. “Clearly I hope that schools will help produce extraordinary people; people who will take an issue by the horns and shake up the world. However, I hope too that

those same schools and colleges will help to produce a far greater number of nurses, carers in old people’s homes, loving parents, and supportive friends who recognise that their collective compassionate acts could have a far greater and much longer-lasting effect.” When young minds are exposed through education to the needs of others in our world, both near and far, we can expect them to become more globally-minded and well-rounded thinkers and feelers. What we may not consider, is how it can help them to actually find their unique place in it. American writer Frederick Buechner defines vocation as, “the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” Instilling a sense of empathy in our students sets them on a path to pursue vocation rather than merely occupation. It reframes the question passed down from generations: “What will you be when you grow up?” to, “What problem do you wish INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL PARENT AUTUMN 2019 | 58

to solve in the future?” When students are free to pursue vocation rather than occupation, they develop a deep sense of purpose in their work and private life and learn to take delight in being generous with the time and talents. More so, developing an empathetic and caring character is also proven to improve health and selfconfidence and reduce anxiety1; issues many parents are concerned about today.

Opening young eyes to the world For more than five years, the Swiss humanitarian organisation, Medair, has been partnering with international schools in Switzerland to help educate young minds about the needs of people affected by natural disaster and armed conflict in some of the world’s most isolated and vulnerable places. Based near Lausanne, Medair has been welcomed into international schools, including Zurich International School, St. George’s International School, GEMS

World Academy, The International School of Zug and Luzern, La Côte International School and International School of Lausanne to facilitate real-life learning activities that bring world issues right into the classroom. Lorretta Cuff, Medair’s Educational Community and Outreach Officer for French-speaking Switzerland, explains, “Our goal is to encourage students to be more aware and empathetic to the needs of others and take positive action to help through fundraising and awareness raising. “To achieve this, we offer turn-key programmes ranging from classroom-based activities to student-driven projects from the primary to diploma level. We provide resources for teacher-led sessions and offer classroom visits to schools interested in becoming more involved in a wide range of global topics affecting our world’s poorest and most vulnerable people. These resources help make these topics come to

life and help to educate and engage students with social causes.” Through these resources, students across Switzerland have learned about the plight of refugees through a simulated learning experience, exposing students to the same difficult decisions refugees must make daily to survive. Other students have benefited from lectures by humanitarian workers working on the frontlines of crises such as the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. More students have learned how their talents can intersect with social justice, as was the case for art students from the International School of Zug and Luzern who created a class project that advocated and raised funds for global issues including povertyalleviation and food scarcity. “We help students realise that they can harness their skills and talents for the good of others, which is ultimately good for them too,” adds Manon Blaufelder, Deputy Manager of Medair’s Zurich office. Barry Dequanne, Director of International School of Zug and Luzern, found the immersion activities particularly meaningful to his students. “The opportunity to involve students in a simulation event rather than simply presenting to them was extremely powerful as a learning experience. Feeling what a refugee would feel and walking in someone else’s shoes enabled the students to better understand what refugees have to go through and helped them to develop a deeper sense of empathy. Such an experiential learning opportunity enriched the discussions about migration that had been going on within our classrooms and helped our students to understand and empathise, and in turn, serve as stepping stones to taking action.”

Equipping students to be change-makers “I believe there is a yearning for purpose among young people — an eagerness to know what they can do to help tackle the issues they see in the world around them,” says Medair CEO, David Verboom. “We are grateful to have the opportunity to encourage this global mindset and offer them tangible and simple solutions to making a difference in their world.” With a great education, it’s safe to assume that our young people will be equipped with the skills need to be great teachers and lawyers and parents and leaders. But if we assist them in developing a generous heart INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL PARENT AUTUMN 2019 | 59

and a globally minded worldview, they can have great with great impact too. For more information or to bring these lifechanging resources to your school or service group, please contact: org or learn more at: https://www.medair. org/schools/. If you are interested in building your child’s empathy right at home, consider the Refugee Box – a card-based activity, which can be easily set up around your kitchen table. Through stories, videos and role playing, the whole family can gain a deeper understanding of the plight of refugees in under 45 minutes.

WHO IS MEDAIR? Medair is a Swiss humanitarian organisation inspired by Christian faith to relieve human suffering in some of the world’s most remote and devastated places. www. WHAT DO THEY DO? Medair sends experts in health, shelter, and water to help families meet their most urgent needs quickly during emergencies. They then stay to help people recover and safeguard against future disasters. WHERE DO THEY WORK? Medair is active in 12 countries responding to major disease outbreaks, aiding survivors of natural disasters, and helping refugees affected by on-going conflict.


International families on the move Transitions, no matter what kind, are at the best of times challenging. Leaving what you are familiar with and stepping into the unknown can be overwhelming.


ecognising and responding to the challenges families face when moving from one home to another led the InterCommunity School Zurich to develop a comprehensive Transition Programme for international families. This programme was created to make new families part of the school’s community as quickly as possible as a way to optimise academic performance. “This is what we excel at,” says Mrs Campbell, Head of School. “We take a strategic and systematic approach to making the experience of ‘joining and leaving the school’ as successful as possible to ensure a smooth and stress-free transition for both children and their parents.”

Developing a personalised learning pathway Preparing to welcome a student to a new school is a process of sequential steps that starts well before the child’s first day. The Admissions Department provides parents with resources and crucial information while educational specialists make the appropriate age-level preparations to develop a personalised learning pathway, including specialised support for non-native English speakers.

Support for students School counsellors also get in touch with families to answer questions, discuss Secondary students’ subject choices, or simply to allay any fears or anxieties. Student Ambassadors also reach out to Secondary students, often during the holidays, to answer questions

or just be a friend. A Buddy Programme will go into action to support Primary School children from their very first day at school.

Year-round support International moves don’t necessarily coincide with school terms. A transition programme that can quickly be put into place makes entry possible throughout the year and helps families to quickly adjust to the new situation.

Support for parents: ICS parents’ association When it comes to settling down in the new community, an active and engaged Parents’ Association is crucial to help parents cope with the unique challenges of settling into a new culture. At ICS, in addition to a number of welcome events, parents can sign up for activities and clubs throughout the year and take advantage of a network of country representatives to meet others with similar backgrounds.

Preparation is key to success Moving? Then, preparation is the key to success; a well organised Transition Programme plays a role. For ICS, the Transition Programme has proven to be vital. It not only helps families cope with the inevitable sense of loss but also helps them to explore and prepare for a new chapter in their lives.




LIFE CHANGING EVENTS Dealing with the consequences and implications


mportant, difficult financial decisions often have to be made following life changing events which effect both yourself and your family. These are often made with little time to consider the potential long-term consequences. It is essential that these decisions are made after having considered the implications. Below are some events which you may encounter in the future.

considered daunting, especially if this is the money you plan to live off for the rest of your life. In these circumstances extra care needs to be taken in actions agreed. Do you want an income from the money, to simply let it grow or a balance of each? Consider required returns. Do you want the money to just provide for yourself or for your children and future generations later?


Dementia, disabilities and life-limiting illness

This can be a very emotional time. Two individuals having been together in partnership, over perhaps a long period of time, will have brought together existing individual assets and purchased new ones together. These will now have to be returned to individual ownership. To minimise the costs involved with the process, do not allow the taxman or lawyers to excessively benefit from the separation! Consider the longer-term implications on both parties and any children. What are the likely consequences in the future? How can unexpected implications be avoided later?

Planning and saving for long-term care Parents or other relatives may at some time require more care than the family can provide. This will likely result in arranging for care at home or a move to a care home. It is important to consider saving to provide for long term care. Review the cost of care homes and how these can be paid for. You need to ensure these are affordable when being added to other current outgoings.

Receiving a large sum of money You may receive a large sum of money from one of many sources. An inheritance, sale of a business, compensation claim or lottery win! This should be an exciting time. However, it can also be

What will be the effect on the diagnosis of a life shortening illness, disability or mental illness such as dementia on you and your family. What will be the effect on the family finances to provide for the care required? Quick actions are necessary at this time especially if the illness will cause a loss of self-capacity. Enjoying as much time as possible with loved ones will be very important You will not wish to get overrun with administration. Discuss with the whole family the situation. Ensure everybody understands big decisions made now, will be difficult to change later. Ensure all the legal requirements are covered. Respect the needs and wishes of the party who is suffering, even after their subsequent death.

Death and bereavement Death of a loved one, causes great uncertainty as to how the future will look. You will have to take many actions and make many decisions which you have probably previously had little experience. In addition, you will be under pressure to make quick decisions. However, it is important you understand the longer-term implications. Make sure things are done on a gradual basis and that you understand each stage of the process before taking action. Ensure you understand what impact decisions made now will impact on the future.

Richard has over 40 years of experience within the Financial industry. His extensive knowledge of underlying financial services and products made him one of the most recognized financial planners in the French-speaking area of Switzerland, where he advises clients on investments, retirement planning, estate planning and many more financial milestones. He would be delighted to undertake a confidential review and assessment of your individual circumstances. For more advice please contact Richard Heath, Financial Planner at Blackden Financial based in Geneva. Telephone +41 22 755 08 00 | Email | Website:



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