What is an Explainer Video Animation Company...

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What is an Explainer Video Animation Company

Animation Company An "explainer movie" is a short video which provides an introduction to a summary of a topic. An explainer video is a short animated movie that focuses on explaining a business idea in a simple, engaging and persuasive way, by utilizing a very clear and concise language; attractive and attractive visuals that quickly catch the viewer's interest. It's both educational and informational, generally it clarifies what the company provides, how it can assist the customers with their problem and why that product/service is the best option on the market. Attributes What makes these videos distinct from any other advertising video? Check their characteristics out! - Short: explainer videos are short and very straightforward (no longer than 90 seconds on average). - simple: they pass out a very simple and clear message by obeying the classical narrative construction of "what", "how" and "why". - Determined by the target market and their problems: these kinds of videos are created to satisfy with the target audience's requirements, in order to make them feel identified with the organization's proposal. - High quality: to receive the best marketing results, these videos have to have the highest quality to be able to make the business stick out from the competition. - Animated personalities: explainer videos generally utilize animated characters to provide an enjoyable touch that creates a solid relation to the target audience. - Branding colors: they generally utilize the appearance & feel of the brand's identity in order to spawn solid brand recognition. - Music: explainer movies have music and sound effects that set the mood to tell a specific story and help boost engagement. - Professional voice-over: These videos are featured with a professional voiceover artist which reveal

what is being shown on screen. Benefits Of A Explainer Video Now that we know what an explainer video is and what their most important characteristics are, the question is: how can it help you promote your company? We've compiled 4 great benefits they need for enhancing your advertising plan. Check them out! 1: Describe your business idea in just a matter of seconds - Explainer videos are great to explain your business idea in just a few seconds, they work perfectly to quickly catch your audience's attention. By placing an explainer video above the fold on your site, you can raise the average visit time by 2 minutes! 2: Boost your online visibility - Thus, if you make your visitors stay longer in your own page, it is widely valued by Google (or some other search engine), contemplating it as of interest and will rank it higher. Additionally, video content gives you the opportunity to be on YouTube, the 2nd biggest engine as well as the 3rd biggest social networking site on the internet. 3: Increase conversions - Explainer videos are very catchy, appealing and persuasive, and they invite people to continue watching. People can realize what you do in a fast, simple, informative and enjoyable way. This is essential to begin growing your conversion rates. Just for you to get a notion, an explainer video can grow conversions by 20 percent normally! 4. Build brand awareness - If you use the colours of your brand to the background and landscape of your movie, the viewers will understand that your company is the one behind this proposition. Additionally, if you personalize the characters of the movie based on your target audience's personality, look, age, etc. you'll generate a powerful emotional bond with them. All this really helps a lot to construct brand awareness and drive confidence towards your company. Consequently, if you think about the main features of those videos, then you can see that they may assist you through every stage of the sales funnel: awareness, consideration and conclusion. Everything depends on the message that you would like to transmit and what kind of "activity" you wish to generate from your target audience. Don't miss the opportunity to utilize such a great costeffective marketing tool! Explanatory Video

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