Groomer to Groomer December 2021

Page 1










12 by Kathy Hosler

by Dr. Cliff Faver


Hansen: Taking a Two-Prong Approach to Feline Retail 40 Bishop-Jenkins: The Complicated Combination Coat


Groom Expo Contest Results 18

Tutorial: The San Deigo Saddle Trim 50 New Products 54

Simplifying Insurance for the Pet Care Professional 28

Classifieds 56

Icons: Jodi Murphy

Show Schedule





by Melissa J. Viera ON THE COVER



ART DIRECTOR Laura Pennington








WEB MASTER Luke Dumberth







Kathy Hosler

Khris Berry

Deborah Hansen

Jennifer Bishop-Jenkins

Daryl Conner

Jonathan David

Dr. Cliff Faver

Blake Hernandez

Copyright December 2021. Groomer to Groomer is published monthly by Barkleigh Productions, Inc, 970 West Trindle Road, Mechanicsburg PA 17055. Postmaster: Send change of address to Groomer to Groomer c/o Barkleigh Productions, Inc., 970 West Trindle Road, Mechanicsburg PA 17055. Annual U.S. subscription rate $25. Outside U.S. $79. year, surface rates. Groomer to Groomer is free to current Barkleigh Productions, Inc. customers. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher. Editorial offices: 970 West Trindle Road, Mechanicsburg PA 17055. (717) 691–3388 FAX: (717) 691–3381 Email:


Groomer to Groomer • Vol 40 Ed 12 • December 2021



by Jennifer Bishop-Jenkins

While there are some universally– recognizable and fairly consistent coat types on most dogs worldwide, each individual dog and its coat can be somewhat unique—even among dogs of the same breed or coat type.


sually our grooming choices with these predictable coat types are fairly clear, but some recent trends in breeding for profit over functionality have complicated our work. Groomers committed to doing the right thing by each dog’s individual coat face the challenge in our daily work to determine what the dog’s coat is and what it needs. These days, we also face the proliferation of “designer” cross–breeds. Most of these deliberate cross–breeds have “combination” coats that serve no functional or natural purpose in contrast to the older, long–evolved coat types which are purposeful and functional. These random combinations of coat types, marketing–driven as a cute name or as mythologically “hypo–allergenic,” have made our job of correctly grooming to coat type even more complicated.


Groomer to Groomer • Vol 40 Ed 12 • December 2021

Wally Conron, a dog trainer doing noble work training service dogs for disabled people, bred the first Labradoodle in 1989 for a blind client in Hawaii whose husband had allergies to the shedding Labrador retrievers that Conron usually trained. A FAD IS BORN This year, I observe forty years since I first groomed a dog professionally. As a lifelong owner and lover of dogs, I am particularly struck by the canine cross–breeding fad that has grown increasingly over these past four decades since I first began to groom. Wally Conron, a dog trainer doing noble work training service dogs for disabled people, bred the


Groomer to Groomer • Vol 40 Ed 12 • December 2021

first Labradoodle in 1989 for a blind client in Hawaii whose husband had allergies to the shedding Labrador retrievers that Conron usually trained. He called it a “doodle”—an adorable name, admittedly better than a “mutt,” which such dogs had previously been labeled—and started the significant dog–breeding trend and fad in which we now live and work. Conron made international headlines in 2014 when he granted

an interview to Psychology Today magazine, expressing profound regret for what he had started and its long–term consequences to dogs everywhere. Conron’s interview in the magazine article does not speak at all to our biggest concern as groomers: the difficulties presented by some of these combinations in dog coats. An important historical observation regarding the rise of doodles and the so–called designer cross–breeds happened in the same decades as the rise of popular access to the internet and rapid expansion of the marketing powers of social media. The internet has made many wonderful things possible, but it has also allowed much misinformation to reach large audiences without any filters for accuracy. It also allows mass sales marketing to the easily persuadable. This goes a long way to explain the spread of misinformation about the proper care of dogs that we groomers often are confronted with. We all get clients that come in with wildly wrong ideas about what should be done to properly care for their pets. The internet has also greatly increased in the last four decades the lure of breeding for money, for the cute and for the adorable names; doodle, whoodle, schnoodle, scoodle, bernoodle, sheepadoodle, etc. The breeders that care little about what coat types are being combined have often made our jobs more difficult. There is a general lack of information about the care

needs of most dog coats. The sellers do not always accurately portray the needs of these combined coat types when they sell them to new puppy buyers. They don’t warn them about the intense matting during puberty, or the need for regular monthly grooming. Some of our clients report to us that they were instructed by their breeders that these puppies only needed to be shaved down once a year.

COAT IS SKIN To better understand the various combinations of coat type, first we must understand some basic anatomy of dog hair and skin. All mammals, like us, have hair. All types of hair are different forms of keratin. Hair is actually just an appendage of the skin. Essentially, hair is skin.

One cannot be a groomer without understanding the skin that gives rise to the coats. This pelage common to all mammals manifests in several forms. We groomers commonly see what we call hair, fur or wool. There are also hairs such as whiskers which are part of the sensing system for the dog or cat. Hair is an easy term for what we humans have on our heads. Genetically, it grows to an undetermined length (UDL). It grows until we cut it or it breaks on its own. Fur is an easy way to refer to the pelage that genetically grows to a pre–determined length (PDL). It grows to a certain length and stops. Wool is a good name to describe the undercoat of fur; the soft, fuzzy insulating secondary hairs that support the primary hairs.

Hair–type coats are in need of being cut. They mat and tangle more. Fur–type coats are not generally cut, especially on the top and sides of the torso, neck and tail. Our job as groomers is to de–shed and pull out the loose undercoat while preserving the vital and very slow– growing topcoat, or primary hairs. Fur sheds and isn’t cut. Hair mats and needs to be cut. Individual, mature hair strands have three layers: cuticle, medulla and cortex. But the wooly undercoat only has two of those three, as do puppy hairs. Wool is much more porous and lacks pigment. The growth cycle from emergence to shedding is very fast. This is why we should not shave fur–type coats because we risk causing long–term damage when we remove the topcoat. These primary

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Groomer to Groomer • Vol 40 Ed 12 • December 2021


hairs, which are much more substantive and make up the infrastructure of the coat, grow very slowly and have a long dormancy period. Undercoat, abundantly present in fur–type dogs, will grow in and fall out very quickly several times a year. This is where we need to concentrate our efforts. A clipper on a fur–type coat does not discriminate between primary and secondary hairs. Our job is to remove undercoat and protect the topcoat, or primary hairs.

In the 1980’s we were getting cockapoos and schnoodles. Today, it’s sheepadoodles, bernedoodles and newfipoos which require even more work to get through their coats.

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Groomer to Groomer • Vol 40 Ed 12 • December 2021

GROOMING THE COMBINATIONS Combination coats merge different coat types on one dog’s body. They are often a cross of fur–type coats with hair–type coats, just as Wally Conron first did four decades ago, forcing a naturally–shedding coat onto a coat that will not allow shedding. It’s the worst of both worlds; it needs to shed but it’s not allowed to. Clearly, both from a coat genetics and care point of view, not a good idea. Note that many of these cross– breeds have “poo,” “oodle” or “doodle” in their names because the poodle’s curly coat is a popular cross. It is the least dander producing and always so beautiful. The breeds they are crossing to poodles have lately become bigger and more heavily coated. In the 1980’s we were getting cockapoos and schnoodles. Today, it’s sheepadoodles, bernedoodles and newfipoos which require even more work to get through their coats. The result of these fur/hair combinations? Lots of thick, tight mats if they get a little wet, a little long, go through puberty or do not get brushed regularly at home. If the combination includes a wire coat, then a good de–shedding tool or possibly hand–stripping before the bath could be very helpful.

Try to find out the parentage of the combined coat, then try to address each type. Rake out undercoat, but also trim to specifications. Some combinations don’t require much special attention. Hair–to–hair crosses such as maltipoos generally can just be groomed normally without having to address undercoat issues. The worst combination I have seen was a chow–poo which had prickly, thick undercoat and rock–solid mats in between the toes. Anytime a primitive, triple, arctic coat is crossed in, remember to charge a lot more—you will be working harder! Shaving these coats down, however, can result in the same long–term skin and coat problems as shaving a primitive coat. Do not expect that to–the– skin, combed–through feeling.

Any number of combinations is possible and no one discussion can cover them all. Sometimes different coat types will appear in different parts of the dog’s body, such as a furry torso area with lots of undercoat, and silkier thin or wavy hair on the legs. Blending these visually can indeed be a challenge, so good client communication at check–in will be helpful. The key to grooming the fur/hair cross coats is to groom both the fur and hair parts of the coat separately. An extremely efficient and helpful technique is to place a high velocity dryer near your tub and blow close and perpendicular to the skin while still in the bath. If there is significant undercoat matting, pre–soak in conditioner before the bath. This is often called “close–open–close” and

it really helps loosen the undercoat. As soon as shampoo is rinsed, or as soon as the final conditioner is applied, blow the HV dryer as close to the skin as tolerated directly at a 90–degree angle. It is best done after the shampoo is completely rinsed out in order to keep from blowing dirt into the delicate skin. This saves a lot of brushing and deep combing later. A good general rule for grooming combination coats is to groom what you feel and see. Evaluate varying lengths and textures. Determine what is fur and what is hair. De–shed the fur. De–mat and trim the hair. Decide as best you can what coat types were combined to produce the coat on the dog on your table, and address each in separate steps. &

Groomer to Groomer • Vol 40 Ed 12 • December 2021



by Dr. Cliff Faver

Oftentimes, business owners convince themselves that the only strategy to making more money is by raising fees. In reality, that is


just one way to increase revenue.

mplementing a good strategy can make this much easier and also reduce anxiety in the process. First, we need to observe things from the client’s perspective: If I am getting the same service at several locations, why should I have to pay more? If the client feels gouged or that the fee increase is unjustified, expect negative feedback and a possible chance of losing the client. In reality, this is usually more of a perceived issue than what actually happens. Many consultants will tell you that you can raise your fees by 10% and you will never lose 10% of your clients (the greatest fear of the vast


Groomer to Groomer • Vol 40 Ed 12 • December 2021

majority of the groomers as well as veterinarians). In my experience, you may lose a couple of clients with an increase in fees, but often they are very verbal about it. This causes business owners to be fearful of implementing fee increases in the future. Our biggest downfall in this scenario is that we hesitate, feel guilty and are nervous of trying it again. We have to remember, as the cost of living is going up, if we are not raising our fees, we are decreasing our profitability.

COST–OF–LIVING INCREASE Here is a strategy that may soften your anxiety about how much

to increase your fees. Tie your fee increases to consumer price index (CPI) for goods and services. By doing this, you are actually keeping up with the cost–of–living changes. Typically, that is going to be around 1–5% a year. Don’t just match it; double it or you will end up breaking even. Then you have the ability to give yourself and your staff cost–of–living raises in the process. You now have justification for your increase, and it is not YOU making the decision—the economy is. Now when a client complains, you can say, “I also dislike that prices are going up, but unfortunately, that is the way the economy works. When






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Groomer to Groomer • Vol 40 Ed 12 • December 2021

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my costs go up, I have to charge more to survive.”

VALUE OF SERVICE Another approach is to offer something new to the client that increases the value of the service rendered; for example, upgrading the quality of the products you use. However, there has to be a noticeable difference so the client puts more value into it. You can also get more education so your level of knowledge or your quality of your groom is enhanced. Or, you can add more staff to improve customer service. This approach at least softens the impact of a price increase because the client feels that they are getting more for their dollar.

LUXURY ADD–ONS My favorite approach to increasing revenue is by offering luxury products, spa packages or advanced therapy procedures. I have heard from a lot of groomers who said they’ve tried that, but no one chose to buy the service. The problem there was that clients didn’t know what they got for the extra money, so they chose to stick with what they have always done. I recommend giving them the newly–offered service at the normal price but tell them what the upgrade will be in the future. If it is a true upgrade that the client will value, then you find a percentage of the clients will choose that in the future. The best part of this type of increase is that it’s the client’s choice, not a forced increase in cost.

COMBINATION APPROACH I worked with a salon that used a combination of what I recommended. They sent their staff through two different education programs and implemented a new line of products

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2:42 PM

If you are busy and raise your prices, it is perceived that you are doing really well and have an abundance of clients willing to pay. that had already received positive feedback from top clients during a trial run. Once they switched to the new products, they increased their prices by $5 for the basic bath. Then they started offering luxury baths/ services packages at $15 extra. They actually had about a third of their clients choose to stick with the higher–level services.

TIMING IS KEY Timing can play a part in your positive or negative feedback from your clients. If you raise prices consistently (small increments), then clients get used to it. But if you don’t and have to make big jumps, it is important to time your increase appropriately. If business is slow and you increase your prices at the same time, then it is perceived that you are not doing well. If you are busy and raise your prices, it is perceived that you are doing really well and have an abundance of clients willing to pay. Many groomers raise their prices at the first of the year. Is that a busy time or slow time for you? What if you raised your prices at the first of December? Do you think they are going to cancel their holiday appointment and try to go somewhere else? That could make your holidays a little merrier!

TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DEMAND Currently, we are in a phase of heavy demand, shortage of help and


Groomer to Groomer • Vol 40 Ed 12 • December 2021

heading towards inflation. This might be a good time to raise your prices and consider expanding your services. Most salons are just trying to run through as many dogs as possible because there are so many to be groomed. If you raise your prices and lose a client or two in the process, it would mean more money and possibly a more reasonable schedule. You might even fill those openings with new clients that appreciate your services and did not know you raised your fees. As things get back to normal, would you prefer to be remembered as the assembly line or the one that offered top–quality services? The key point here is that by adding value to the client, the increases or changes have less of a negative impact across the board. The goal is to attract clients that value quality over price. & Dr. Cliff Faver graduated with a BS in Biology/BA in Chemistry before getting a Veterinary degree in 1987. He is the past owner of Animal Health Services in Cave Creek, Arizona and now the US distributor for Iv San Bernard products, teaches the ISB Pet Aesthetician Certification program, and speaks internationally on hair and skin. His passion is to merge groomers and veterinarians to aid in helping and healing pets. He is also a member of AVMA, AAHA, AZVMA, Board member with Burbank Kennel Club, and has served on Novartis Lead Committee, Hill’s International Global Veterinary Board, and a Veterinary Management Group.


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Groomer to Groomer • Vol 40 Ed 12 • December 2021

Groomer to Groomer • Vol 40 Ed 12 • December 2021



by Kathy Hosler

Photos by Animal Photography



he classes, the people, the head is still spinning trying to absorb everything,” exclaims first–time attendee Kristie Overfield. “I met the most amazing groomers and business owners, all with different tricks, tips, and ideas, but sharing a common message: You can do it! It was so empowering! “The classes were outstanding and I learned so much. Things I would never learn if it hadn’t been for this show,” Kristie continues. “The vendors went out of their way to talk to me about things because I am so green in this field and had so many questions. 22

Groomer to Groomer • Vol 40 Ed 12 • December 2021

Kristie Overfield was one of the over 5,000 pet professionals who flocked to the Hershey Lodge and Convention Center last September to experience Groom Expo and all it had to offer. My heart is so full today, knowing I went to Groom Expo alone but left with friends across the country and a newly–found confidence I did not have before,” Kristie shares. Kristie Overfield was one of the over 5,000 pet professionals who

flocked to the Hershey Lodge and Convention Center last September to experience Groom Expo and all it had to offer. And just like Kristie, who was hungry for knowledge and for ways to improve her skills, every person came to the expo with needs that they hoped

to fill. For many of the attendees, it had been two long years since they had been able to attend a show in person. “It’s good to be back,” says attendee Lorrie Lanzendorfer emphatically. “Attending the online shows during the pandemic was great, but there is nothing like being in a room where every single person has the same passion you do. It energizes and fills you with renewed passion for the industry.” That passion was evident from the moment the expo opened. Groomers filled with excitement, anticipation and the joy of being back picked up their registration packets and headed off to the day–long seminars held on Thursday and Friday. Throughout the weekend, top industry experts presented seminars covering topics including business, mobile grooming, groomer health,

client control, cat grooming and much, much more. And, there were countless breed grooming and creative coloring demonstrations. Many of the rooms were filled to capacity with attendees eager to learn and to hone their skills. Mobile groomer Megan Pearson and her trainee, Kevin Perkins, came from Utah to attend Groom Expo. It was their first time at the expo and it was a bit more challenging for Megan and Kevin than most as they are both hearing impaired and needed an interpreter to assist them in the classes they were taking. “I had to set up everything in advance, and then tell Barkleigh what classes we wanted to take so the interpreters could be scheduled,” Megan shares. “It is not always easy to follow what the speaker is demonstrating and also watch the interpreter.

“It’s been exciting to be at Hershey,” Megan continues. “I came to take classes and continue my education. I also wanted to learn new techniques and tricks, meet people, and network with other groomers. It’s been great. We will definitely be back.” After absorbing as much of the seminar information as they could, it was time for the attendees to take a bit of a break. “On Thursday night at Hershey, I went to sit down at the bar where they had this infamous chocolate martini,” says Anneli Burke, a groomer from the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area. “I find and sit down with Corina Stammworthy, whom I’m possibly the biggest fangirl for ever, because she’s the absolute nicest. And I think I said something about Pittsburgh being a short drive, and the person next to me says, ‘Oh,

Groomer to Groomer • Vol 40 Ed 12 • December 2021


“It was Chris Kirkpatrick of NSYNC! He said he would be at the opening night 90’s party...and he was,” Anneli explains enthusiastically.


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Groomer to Groomer • Vol 40 Ed 12 • December 2021

you’re from Pittsburgh? Nice! Yinzer!’ and he shakes my hand and says ‘Hi, I’m Chris, I’m also from Pittsburgh.’ It was Chris Kirkpatrick of NSYNC! He said he was at Groom Expo with his friend Josh who had the Houndsly USA booth, and that he would also be at the opening night 90’s party...and he was,” Anneli explains enthusiastically. The Groom Sync 90’s–themed party was amazing! Chris Kirkpatrick was there along with some of the stars from ABC’s Pooch Perfect TV show. The ballroom was packed with groomers who were happy to be back and more than ready to laugh, dance and party. Throughout the evening everyone had the opportunity to get photos of themselves with the celebrities. The industry’s biggest and sweetest trade show opened its doors on Friday. Lists in hand, eager shoppers went in search of new tools, equipment, products and bargains. The vendors welcomed them with open arms and fabulous show specials. “We have been making the pilgrimage to Groom Expo for nearly three decades,” says Dave Campanella of Best Shot Pet Products. “The trade show is full and thriving, and the people are enthusiastic. We’re going to have a record show!” “We are so, so happy to be back, and Groom Expo has been phenomenal for us!” says Lynne Allen of Tool Klean. “We sold out of everything the very first day and took orders all the rest of the weekend.” In addition to shopping and maxing out a few of their credit cards, the attendees opened their hearts and wallets to help some very worthwhile causes. One of the fundraising events was The Internet Social which was hosted by Jameson and Milena Kon. “We took the Internet Mingle that Dawn Omboy first introduced us to in 2018, and made it into an event

where we can collect donations from generous vendors,” share Milena and Jameson. “Then we raffle those amazing items out to groomers and gather those funds and donate it each year to a special cause. This year, we were able to send $1,070 to the family of Amanda Fouche and $1,070 to Nicole McColgan–Tiller.” Every year the Silent Auction is headed by Michelle Prince Semken and Mary Jo Noll–Vaskorlis. They work tirelessly throughout the year to gather unique items for the auction and also collect donations from vendors and groomers. This year, they raised an astounding $13,378. The money is divided among the rescue organizations that provide dogs for the Rescue Roundup grooming competitions. And, speaking of competitions, the Wahl GroomOlympics tournaments were held throughout Friday and Saturday, and Groomer TV covered them all. It was absolutely amazing to be able to sit in the audience and watch the contestants as they transformed their dogs into stunning masterpieces. With the help of Groomer TV, everyone in the audience, and those watching online, were able to see close–ups of the techniques, tools and products the competitors used in the ring. A prize of $25,000 was at stake, and the winners of each tournament would go head–to–head to vie for the title of “Best In Show.” Saturday was packed with seminars, competitions, the bustling trade show, Silent Auction and so much more—including the prestigious Barkleigh Honors Awards. The chefs at the Hershey Lodge have won many awards of their own, and the spectacular banquet they prepared set the tone for the Saturday evening festivities. Immediately after the dinner, each of the GroomOlympics tournament

With the help of Groomer TV, everyone in the audience, and those watching online, were able to see close–ups of the techniques, tools and products the competitors used in the ring.

Groomer to Groomer • Vol 40 Ed 12 • December 2021


The Barkleigh Honors Award for “New Product of The Year” went to the Trach Saver by All For Groomers. om w fr e N



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No longer struggle with the dilemma of posting your latest & greatest groom that just so happened to be on your client’s dog!

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to use: (Please check one below) My pet’s name(s)/ima ges My pet’s and my last name/image s My pet’s and my fir st and last name/im ages Establishment Name Owner Name Owner Signature

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This simple form with space for client’s pet name, client’s name and signature is designed to make it clear to the pet parent their pet’s photo will be shared on social media. 26

Groomer to Groomer • Vol 40 Ed 12 • December 2021

winners paraded their first–place dog down the runway. The judges examined them one final time before making their decision. The 2021 “Best In Show” trophy was awarded to Lis Johnston and her flawless Scottie, Sean Connery. The Best In Show Award was followed by the E–Z Groom Creative Abstract Runway Competition. One after another, the spectacularly–coiffed pooches and dressed–to–impress groomers strutted their stuff on the runway. Every entry looked stunning as the stylists presented their original designs to the judge. The ballroom erupted with loud applause and shrieks of joy as Leslie Waldrep was announced as the first place winner. The highly–anticipated Barkleigh Honors Awards were next on the docket. Awards in more than twenty categories, from “Up and Coming Groomer of The Year” to “Educational Video of The Year” to “Contribution to The Industry,” were presented. The Barkleigh Honors Award for “New Product of The Year” went to the Trach Saver by All For Groomers. Owners Tommy Stockstill and Kemlyn Block–Stockstill came to the podium to accept their award. “I made the first Trach Saver for my wife, Kemlyn, and a little poodle who had a horrible trachea problem,” said Tommy. “We were hoping to help a lot of dogs with this product, and to make the groomer’s life easier and the pet safer. To win this honor is above and beyond anything we expected!” The dogs that were in the Davis Rescue Roundup Competition on Sunday morning probably didn’t know what to expect either, but for many of them, it was their lucky day. Since the inception of the Rescue Roundup, almost every dog that has received a makeover in the ring has found its forever home. That makes every pup in the competition a real winner! On Sunday afternoon, the Andis Creative Styling Competition transformed the competition ring into a

place where fairytales come to life and dreams can come true. This is always a must–see event that often has a standing–room–only audience. Months of planning and preparation go into the designs, color choices and execution of the entries. From the moment the nine amazingly–talented contestants entered the ring, the audience was spellbound. They watched as the artists sculpted, scissored and transformed their colorful living canvases into incredible works of art. Pink Panthers, playful dolphins, magical unicorns, fierce tigers and more emerged from the mounds of hair and came to life on the stage before the mesmerized audience’s eyes. As always, “The People’s Choice” award–winner was chosen by the applause and cheers of the audience members. The winner of this coveted award is featured on a cover of

Groomer To Groomer Magazine. The convention center’s walls reverberated with thunderous applause and wild cheers for the crowd’s favorite entry. Their enthusiastic approval of Alyssa Kasiba’s entry, Sailor Moon, left no doubt who the “People’s Choice” was. So, keep your eyes peeled for Alyssa and her gorgeous poodle, Ditto, on an upcoming cover. The first place winner of the Andis Creative Styling Competition was a thrilled Leslie Waldrep who said, “What an AMAZING weekend at Groom Expo! Rhyme and I won first place in Creative Abstract Runway, and Secret and I won first in Open Creative with our Cinderella design, achieving an undefeated year at all the shows we attended. Words cannot begin to express how grateful, humbled, and blessed I feel.” Leslie wasn’t the only one who had a great weekend at the expo.

Just by observing the camaraderie of the attendees and the amazing energy of the show, it was evident that there’s nothing that can replace the experience of actually being at Groom Expo. “I didn’t realize how much I actually missed going to trade shows until I was back,” shares Erin Berner. “Yes, it’s crazy busy, and I’m exhausted, but there is just something about being in a place that is 100% about your passion. I learned new things, and I got to meet up with old friends and make new ones. From the classes to the vendors, every single person is there for the same reason—our love for dogs.” “That’s so true,” agrees Krista Creekpaum emphatically. “I really missed Groom Expo and everyone and everything that is a part of it. It’s good to be back. Oh yes! So good to be back!” &

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Groomer to Groomer • Vol 40 Ed 12 • December 2021



PROFESSIONAL E by Stephanie N. Blahut e

Groomers, pet boarding facilities and veterinary practices share a special bond with their customers and they provide valuable services for animals in their care. And for these reasons, their businesses transcend the transactional.


his means owners of pet services businesses need to ensure that their businesses, customers and pets are protected when the unforeseen occurs. Pet care professionals will deal primarily with two types of insurance: small business insurance (to protect their own livelihoods) and pet insurance (for animals in their care). The following addresses some FAQs about both types of insurance.

WHY IS IT IMPORTANT FOR PET CARE PROFESSIONALS TO KNOW ABOUT PET INSURANCE? With U.S. pet owners spending just shy of $2 billion on pet insurance


Groomer to Groomer • Vol 40 Ed 12 • December 2021

in 2020,1 pet care professionals of any stripe are bound to field questions from confused customers on pet insurance pricing, coverage and claims. Veterinary practice employees are most likely to deal with pet insurance directly, but some customers, confused by the relatively new insurance offering, will turn to their groomers and daycare providers as knowledgeable pet care professionals.

that will work to pay the veterinarian directly.) In general, customers pay for the cost of their animal’s care up front, then are reimbursed by their pet insurance company for the treatment amount, minus the deductible, copay and any uncovered expenses. Reimbursable treatment typically includes new injuries or illnesses (not pre–existing conditions) occurring outside of policy waiting periods.



Pet care professionals should be aware that most pet insurance operates within a reimbursement insurance model. (Note: There are a few insurers

Pet care professionals should understand the different types of pet

insurance on the market today. While offerings vary from provider to provider, many offer wellness care coverage, accident–only coverage or accident plus illness coverage. Usually offered as an add–on, wellness care plans typically cover routine preventive care such as vaccinations, parasite screenings, teeth cleanings, and flea and tick products. Accident and illness coverage, on the other hand, deals with unexpected events. This is where pet insurance can be a much–needed lifeline for pet owners. As veterinary care becomes more advanced, it also becomes more expensive—the average cost of unexpected veterinary care for dogs and cats is between $800 and $1,500.2 Unlike wellness care (the costs of which are relatively low and predictable), costs associated with accidents and illnesses are much GBChrist-2021-Dec-GroomersBest.pdf more sudden and expensive. 1 11/4/2021

Owners of insured

WHAT DOES HAVING INSURED CUSTOMERS MEAN FOR A PET PROFESSIONAL’S CASH FLOW? Cash flows are the lifeblood of all small businesses (pet professionals included), but managing them is tricky; three in five small business owners say they’ve made a poor business decision because they were worried about cash flows.3 When unexpected expenses hit (like equipment failure, theft or fire damage), lack of cash flows can lead to long– term problems from which many businesses don’t recover. Pet insurance can help veterinary practice owners ease cash constraints. One study by the AMVA found that owners of insured pets spend 29% more treating dogs and 82% more treating cats than pet owners without coverage.4 And, extend to the pets them10:21:07benefits AM

pets spend

29% more treating dogs and

82% more treating cats than pet owners without coverage.









Groomer to Groomer • Vol 40 Ed 12 • December 2021


selves: With owners less worried about a sky–high vet bill, pets are more likely to receive treatment at the first sign of a problem (rather than in a worsened condition days or weeks later). While they typically won’t deal with pet insurance directly, insured customers are better for groomers and daycare providers, too. Veterinary visits (both surgeries and routine care) are the biggest annual expenses for dog and cat owners.5 With those amounts capped, insured customers free up more of their household budget for other pet goods and services like boarding, enrichment, grooming, toys and accessories.



sured for both property and liability risks, pet care professionals can ease the impacts of disastrous events on their cash flows. In addition to protecting against common small business boogeymen like fire and theft, tailored pet business insurance can help pet services businesses recover from other complications that arise from working with people and animals (e.g., lawsuits associated with lost and stolen animals, customer medical expenses incurred from on–site injuries, and veterinary bills from on–site animal altercations.)


By ensuring they’re properly in-

With an array of small business insurance options on the market, pet

Groomer to Groomer • Vol 40 Ed 12 • December 2021

care professionals need to make sure they’re properly protected with the right types and amount of coverage. They should focus primarily on two types of insurance: workers’ compensation and business owner’s policy (BOP). If you have even one employee, workers’ compensation insurance is required by law in almost every state. This type of policy covers employee medical bills and lost wages if they become ill or injured on the job. If an injured employee files a lawsuit, it can also help cover legal fees and court costs. BOPs combine general liability and property insurance into a single, cost–effective package designed specifically for small businesses. For pet care professionals, this can


protect from legal bills and other expenses related to client injuries, theft of equipment or products, and damage to business equipment or customer property.

WHAT ELSE SHOULD PET CARE PROFESSIONALS CONSIDER WHEN EXPLORING SMALL BUSINESS COVERAGE OPTIONS? Understand the risks associated with your business. Like with any type of insurance, it’s easy to ignore small business insurance until you actually need it—and by then it’s too late. (This is also the case with pet insurance.) By proactively researching the offerings on the market, pet care professionals will realize it’s accessible, affordable and necessary to protect them-

selves from the financial strain associated with unforeseen incidents. Don’t let a customer or employee accident, fire or malicious act destroy the business you’ve spent years building. Recognize that not all small business insurance is created equal. The convenience store next door or the beauty salon across town will require different types of coverage than your pet services company. Compared to other types of small businesses, pet care professionals incur another layer of risk; they’re not just dealing with human customers, but also their furry family members. By considering the unique risks associated with pet care businesses and seeking out the coverage options to match, pet care professionals can

achieve the peace of mind that their business, customers and pets in their care are covered when unexpected events arise. & References: 1. In-Force Gross Written Premium (GWP) North America. (2020). NAPHIA. 2. Are you prepared for a pet emergency? Most Americans are not. (2018, June, 14). CNBC. https:// 3. State of Payments For Small Business. (2019, November). Intuit Quickbooks. https://quickbooks. 4. Pet Insurance Offers the Potential of $7 Billion More in Veterinary Spending Annually, New AVMA Study Finds. (2020, July, 14). NAPHIA. naphia-news/pet-insurance-offersthe-potential-of-7-billion-more-inveterinary-spending-annually-newavma-study-finds/ 5. Facts + Statistics: Pet Ownership and Insurance. iii. https:// Stephanie N. Blahut is CMO and Co– Founder at B2Z Insurance. B2Z Insurance is a new small business insurance company that provides coverage for on–the–go business owners: simple explanations, easy application, digital quotes, and mobile claims. Stephanie is a seasoned digital marketing professional whose experience spans the insurance, publishing, and software industries. As B2Z’s CMO she leads their digital–first customer acquisition and marketing strategy.


Groomer to Groomer • Vol 40 Ed 12 • December 2021


by Jonathan David


odi Murphy is a powerhouse in the grooming industry. She’s a odiself–taught Murphy isgroomer a powerhouse who has in the grooming industry. built an international brand bearing her a self–taught name She’s offering everythinggroomer from educawho has built an international brand tional materials to tools and apparel…and bearing her name, offering everything she’s not stopping there. With customers from materials tools andeducational admirers from aroundtothe world, and apparel…and she’s not stopping Jodi has established herself as one of the there. She has a hefty of videos, top professionals in catalog the industry and a grooming books, stylish grooming mentor to groomers everywhere. wear, and grooming tools and products. With customers admirers from Jonathan:and Hi Jodi, thanks for meetaround the world, Jodi has established ing up with me. It’s no secret that you’re a herself one of theentrepreneur. top professionals hugelyassuccessful What adinvice the would industry and a mentor to groomyou give anyone who’s thinking ersabout everywhere. creating and growing a brand?

Jodi Murphy 46 34

Groomer to Groomer • Vol • December Groomer to Groomer • Vol 40 40 Ed Ed 8 • 12 August 2021 2021

Jodi: Honestly, I never imagined Jonathan: Hiinto Jodi, thanks afor that I would get designing clothing meeting up with me. It’s no secret line—or manufacturing any products for that you’re a hugely successful entre-for that matter. It just all fell into place preneur and youofhave manyI started products the mere sake demand. the under your self–titled brand, Jodino manclothing line because there were Murphy Grooming Products. What ufacturers that I liked or would wear their advice would you give anyone who’s clothes. So, being that I lived so close to thinking about creating and growing NYC, I decided to beat the pavement and a brand? find a factory. I found a fabulous pattern Jodi:and Honestly, never imagmaker designedI my own styles. ined that I would get into designing Everything that I have done I did a clothing line—or because there was manufacturing a need for it and it was any products for that matter. It just important to me. I only sell what I believe allin, fellsointo place for the mere sake ofI if I were to give anyone advice, demand. I started the clothing line would say to do what makes you feel good because there no in. manufacturand what youwere believe Find yourself a ersgraphic that I designer liked or would wear that will helptheir you create clothes. Once Rosie Lang retired, a brand and carry it through to all levels there wasbusiness nothingand outsocial theremedia. in of your Logos quality apparel. So, being that I lived and color schemes are so important. so close to NYC, IOne decided to beat Jonathan: of those products is the pavement and find a factory. my favorite grooming book, Dog IGroomfound a fabulous pattern maker and ing Simplified, which offers a different designed mytoown styles. approach learning trim styles. What Everything that have done I did inspired your visionI for that project? because there a need foraitself–taught and Jodi: I’mwas pretty much it groomer. was important to me. The books, I was taught how to shave videos, thinning dogs down and shears, that wascarding it. I decided to knives—these were all things I feltfor one buy a mobile van after grooming were toIbetter the children industry.and I I yearneeded because had small

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wanted to be home for them. Once I started my business I soon realized I knew nothing, so I started going to dog shows to see how the breeds were supposed to be groomed. I brought home the Dogs In Review magazine, and each time I had a certain breed to groom, I would look at the photos of the show dogs and try to mimic the trim using pet techniques. After several years of producing videos, I was getting countless people telling me, “You should write a book, you’re so easy to learn from,” so I decided to sit down and write a book. Well, it wasn’t that easy. Once I started, I realized that I was just recreating the wheel. I wanted my book to be different than the others, so after giving it a lot of thought, I decided to use real show dogs as the models because that’s how I taught myself how to groom! I hired one of the top show dog photographers


Groomer to Groomer • Vol 40 Ed 12 • December 2021

in the country, Miguel Betancourt, to photograph all the breeds for me. I remember my daughter calling me one day asking me how to groom a Welsh Terrier. I explained the lines to her, and not even a week later, she called and asked how to groom an Airedale. I said, “It’s the same haircut, different breed.” That was my epiphany to simplify the learning process and to group the breeds by pattern similarity. Jonathan: A family effort, I love it! Speaking of family, your daughter, Mackensie Murphy, has followed your footsteps in the grooming industry and has become a very successful GroomTeam USA competitor. How does it feel to see her succeed in the industry that you’ve contributed so much to? Jodi: To be honest, I really was not happy that she wanted to be a groomer. She was such a fantastic

artist and I wanted her to pursue that career. She started bathing dogs with me in my mobile van when she was 10 years old. She never showed any interest in grooming, and when she went off to college, she got a job as a bather. After she started, the groomers there were telling her that she is so good and she should groom. So, she threw in the towel at college and got into grooming. I wasn’t happy at first, but then realized how talented she was and how her artistic eye carried over into grooming dogs. This natural talent has made her a phenomenal groomer and I’m so very proud of her and what she has accomplished in such a short period of time. Jonathan: Well, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree; you too are a GroomTeam USA alumni with your own claim to competition fame. What is your proudest win from your compe-

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“I bought my first Cocker shortly after I was married, then I bought another one about a year later.” – Jodi Murphy


Groomer to Groomer • Vol 40 Ed 12 • December 2021

tition career and why? Jodi: I was blessed to have made two traveling teams; one to Milan and one to Barcelona. On both teams I received gold medals with my Cocker Spaniels—those are wins I will never forget. Although, I have to say my most memorable was the Oster Invitational Tournament Of Champions held at Intergroom in 2005. There were 42 groomers invited from around the world. Each groomer came with a breed of their choice and everyone had the same amount of time: two and a half hours. I had a stunning tri–color Cocker Spaniel that I had been grooming for a handler that I never used in the contest ring because I knew I could never get his bevels done in the normal two–hour timeframe that the shows had for the Sporting group. So, when I realized I had two and a half hours for the Oster Invitational, I thought to myself, I think I can do it! He was the flashiest, most beautiful dog and I knew he would turn heads, so I entered him. I won the entire competition with him and a prize of $4,000. But, honestly, the money didn’t matter to me, it was the caliber of groomers that I was in the ring with that made the difference. Jonathan: Impressive! And through competition you became well known for your love of Cocker Spaniels. What is it about the breed that has captured your heart? Jodi: When I first got married, I was just 21 years old. I couldn’t wait to get my own dog. My neighbor had this cute dog and I remember asking what it was, and he said “a Cocker Spaniel.” So, I started searching in the newspaper for one. I bought my first Cocker shortly after that, then I bought another one about a year later. Now, mind you, they were just pet–quality dogs, but I loved them all the same. Fourteen years later, I became a groomer. I went to my first trade show and decided that I wanted to compete. From there, I bought bet-

ter–quality dogs from breeders. Once I saw what their correct temperament truly was, I loved them even more. I love their beautiful faces and long ears and how they’re so eager to please and love everyone. I’m just a sporting dog type of person. My dad was an avid bird hunter and I grew up with as many as five Pointers at a time and went on countless field trials with my parents as a child. Jonathan: Well, it appears that your passion for dogs runs in your blood. I understand you’re working on some new projects. What can we expect to see coming down the pipeline from you? Jodi: My focus has always been on education. Last year I launched my streaming site and I have been adding content regularly. I started a new project for the streaming site called “Jodi to the Rescue.” I am traveling to grooming salons offering free critiques on the client dogs that have been groomed before the dogs go home. I will help modify the trim and show how to improve balance, style and finish work. These lessons will be recorded and added to my streaming site. I feel that groomers will be able to relate to these situations as these are real, everyday salon struggles. Jonathan: Sounds absolutely exciting. I can’t wait to see it! &

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Groomer to Groomer • Vol 40 Ed 12 • December 2021



by Deborah Hansen


TO FELINE RETAIL Retail for kitties can be a little confusing. As business owners, we want to carry merchandise that will not only move, but benefit the felines we service as well.



dding basic grooming tools that owners can successfully use at home with a little guidance can help your bottom line and also give you peace of mind that you did everything possible for the kitties you service. While many owners become overwhelmed at the pet store or online and choose the wrong tools for at–home grooming and quickly become frustrated, using a two–prong approach to your retail will not only help increase your profits, but will aid owners in the care of their beloved feline family members as well.

why things go wrong when they try to brush kitty and, in some cases, help the owners with their daily maintenance or get these kitties on a shorter grooming schedule. When we sell grooming tools to our feline grooming clients, they need the educational support to help them understand how and why to use the tools they have purchased. By having an email sequence prepared that educates and teaches the client how to properly use the newly–purchased tools, you are potentially improving that feline’s quality of life through better coat and nail care.



Many cat owners do not brush their kitty’s coat or trim nails at home because they get frustrated when the cat does not cooperate. With a little education, we can help these owners at least understand

The first grooming tool I carry for my feline clients is a medium handled comb. I like handled combs for clients because it is easier for them to hold, control and use. Another benefit of a handled comb is

Groomer to Groomer • Vol 40 Ed 12 • December 2021

if the cat goes to bite the comb, the owner’s hand is further away. A medium comb is a good choice for the majority of cat coats. Keep in mind that most owners will probably use the comb on a dirty coat when they are trying to extend the previous professional groom. My email sequence for brushing starts with common mistakes cat parents make with brushing. I cover using the wrong tools and why the cat bites the comb or brush. Then I move into brushing too long or when the cat is not comfortable. Using the comparison of a first–grader doing flashcards helps many owners understand why brushing goes wrong. Brushing, like flashcards, needs to be quick and to the point or chaos and lack of productivity break out. Brushing sequence emails continue with a simple and quick

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By warning and preparing the owner that a nail cut too short will bleed, things tend to go better OUR BANDANAS FETCH COMPLIMENTS!

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when the owner attempts their first nail trim. strategy on a daily brushing routine. Adding videos and diagrams to this email can be very helpful. Later in my sequence I talk about what owners will feel and see when grease and dead coat start to accumulate on the kitty. I explain why regular professional grooming is important, and what to look for to know it is time to schedule the next grooming appointment. Keep each email brief and to the point. Space the emails out over a few weeks to help keep the owners interested and engaged with the content in your email sequence.

NAIL CARE I also sell scissor–style nail clippers. My email sequence for nail trimming includes using the correct tools and why cats are “afraid” of the nail clippers. This sequence discusses what to do when the owner cuts the nail too short and why having properly–trimmed nails is important for the feline’s health and the family’s wellbeing. I have found that by warning and preparing the owner that a nail cut too short will bleed, things tend to go better when the owner attempts their first nail trim. The


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Groomer to Groomer • Vol 40 Ed 12 • December 2021



knowledge that some blood may appear helps owners understand the seriousness of nail trims. My next few emails have videos, pictures and diagrams on how to properly trim the feline nail. Some owners choose to be well prepared for a nail–trimming session, while other owners decide to schedule a two– to four–week nail trim appointment for kitty instead.

HOW IT BENEFITS YOU Many of you may be thinking that if you educate and empower owners to brush their cat’s coat and trim their nails, you will lose money in the long run. In my experience, the exact opposite is true. Through email sequences owners learn why a well–maintained coat and properly–trimmed nails help keep the feline healthy, more active and promote family harmony. Information, without a sales slant, has encouraged a shorter, more regular grooming schedule for these feline families. In my email sequences, I provide information and close with a brief “we’re here to help if needed.” The clients who read the emails and try to use the tools they purchased will ask questions. You can always follow up at the next appointment by asking how their new tool is working for them. Over the years, I have found education leads to more frequent professional grooming sessions for cats.

OTHER RETAIL ITEMS I also like to have colorful seasonal nail caps and toys available for sale in my retail section. Having colored nail caps at your check–in area and seasonal toys at your check–out area are quick and easy add–ons for your feline clients. Some owners enjoy including their kitty in holiday and seasonal celebrations and will be eager to see what

new seasonal toy or festive nail caps you have for kitty at this visit. Feline retail can be tricky for grooming businesses. Carrying items that will move and benefit the kitty at the same time can be a confusing maze. Using a two–prong approach for the sale of grooming tools and a well– planned–out email sequence not only

helps the cat owner and promotes family harmony, but also benefits and promotes a long, healthy life for the kitty. And, in my experience, selling basic grooming tools with an email sequence has produced the unanticipated result of shortening the length between scheduled maintenance grooming for these kitties which has increased my bottom line in an unexpected way. &


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Groomer to Groomer • Vol 40 Ed 12 • December 2021



by Melissa J. Viera


Photos by Melaney Carpenter Sirius


t’s not unreasonable to assume that every industry has a side that the rest of the world doesn’t quite understand or see, but grooming seems to be high on the list of being misunderstood. Your non–grooming friends might tell you how lucky you are because you get to “play with puppies” at work, but you know what it takes to do this job each day. Every day you give it your all; pushing your body, wearing many hats and keeping pets happy. “Play” is not typically the word you would use to describe your nine–to–five. But another thing that makes groomers unique is their ability to work hard, even when faced with challenges.


Groomer to Groomer • Vol 40 Ed 12 • December 2021

In an industry like no other, having a healthy network of other groomers that you can reach out to can be a true blessing. In an industry like no other, having a healthy network of other groomers that you can reach out to can be a true blessing. After all, where else can you turn when you have to vent or celebrate? Groomers understand what goes on behind the scenes! Mobile dog groomers Jazmin Cuevas, owner of “A Brand New Dog,” and Charidan Morales, owner of “From Wags to Riches,” learned

what it can mean to work with other groomers instead of competing, and now they are sharing their message in hopes of inspiring other groomers to do the same. “In my area of Southern California, I have met so many amazing mobile and stationary salon groomers and we all refer customers to each other,” Cuevas explains. Cuevas, a groomer for over 15 years, remembers what it’s like when

For Cuevas, grooming is a career that her heart led her to and one she is passionate about.


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Groomer to Groomer • Vol 40 Ed 12 • December 2021

you first start in the grooming business, and now she can give back to new groomers the way others did for her when she began. “When I opened my mobile business six years ago, a local groomer was more than happy to refer people to me because she was unable to accommodate everyone,” she shares. For Cuevas, grooming is a career that her heart led her to and one she is passionate about, and it shows because she now fills her days with a full schedule of loyal customers. “Now that I am completely full, it’s my turn to refer anyone that I cannot accommodate to other businesses that I network with,” says Cuevas. Morales, a groomer for 12 years and mobile business owner for six, loves grooming for multiple reasons, with her love for animals being at the center. Morales explains that mobile grooming allows her to provide a peaceful environment. “I started grooming in a high– volume shop and wanted to provide a calming, one–on–one experience for pets and their owners,” explains Morales. “It has also done wonders for my own stress levels, and physical and mental health.” It was a social media group that started the friendship between Cuevas and Morales. In the world of business, it’s easy to get caught up in a competitive mindset, but those willing to work with their competitors are seeing the benefits. Groups for groomers on Facebook are where many mobile and salon groomers can network with each other. For Cuevas and Morales, helping each other out goes beyond referring clients to each other. When Cuevas had mechanical problems with her mobile salon and a full schedule of clients to drive to, it was Morales who stepped in to help,



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driving Cuevas to appointments in her salon on wheels until she could get the problem fixed. For these two groomers, community has many meanings, including being there to support each other’s businesses. “The message that I would like to share is to help each other and to network,” says Cuevas. “There is enough negativity in the world and being able to make someone’s day better is such a blessing,” adds Morales. Groomers that want to meet other groomers have many tools to do so. One group recommended by Morales is the Facebook group “Mobile Groomer Zone.” Cuevas recommends taking the time to get to know the groomers you will network with and possibly refer clients to, checking out their social media and so on. Grooming can be competitive at times, but at the end of the day, no one knows what it is like to do this job like other groomers. Taking the time to be a part of the grooming community and to help other groomers whenever possible might just be career–changing. &

What is your

Groomer Story

Send story submission ideas to



Groomer to Groomer • Vol 40 Ed 12 • December 2021




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2 extra light batteries Dual bay FAST charger Light weight easy to handle (8.6oz) Length approx. 7” (17cm) short Cordless - cord-pack sold separately 2 Ultra bright lights 8,500 spms (fastest trimmer) 5 Blade size settings Guaranteed to out-perform any other trimmer


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by Blake Hernandez




FIG. 1

The San Diego Saddle Trim is my personal creation. This is my rendition of a Rio Bandero Trim with an English Saddle thigh pattern line variation.


t is best suited on a Poodle in a Poodle Trim, or any and all curly coat types with a full face and foot, or even a Teddy Bear variety. 50

Groomer to Groomer • Vol 40 Ed 12 • December 2021

Fig 1) In the case of a Poodle in a Poodle Trim, you will first shave your Poodle feet to the deepest part of the pad and at the last place the foot will bend backwards.

FIG. 2

Fig 2) Then moving on to the tail base, shave to the point where the body tells you to stop before turning your clipper outward to follow the hip. You can then use those markers to twist your blade in from either side and finally etch in the

FIG. 3

FIG. 4

point of the “V.” Fig 3) For the final bit of Poodle shaving, you will do the face from the corner of the eye to the corner of the onset of ear with the deepest part of the neck shaved to extend no further down than what is level with

their tooling. Fig 4) Next, using curved shears, trim a bevel on all four feet to create structure at the bottom of each leg. Fig 5) At this point, you will return to all your shave lines and transition them cleanly and seamlessly,

Groomer to Groomer • Vol 40 Ed 12 • December 2021


FIG. 5

FIG. 6

FIG. 8

FIG. 9





FIG. 7

from short to long. Fig 6) This is where I take the two-thirds point on my dog and create a waist band that is one third shave, one third coated and one third shave to create the Rio Bandero portion of the San Diego Saddle. Fig 7) Now it is time to put in your saddle thigh line which only slightly rises towards the back of the dog to pick up the bum and push your image inward. Fig 8) You can then begin setting in your front leg parallels. Fig 9) Moving to the back legs,


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Groomer to Groomer • Vol 40 Ed 12 • December 2021

they can be trimmed as to show a sweeping gate. Fig 10) Next, use a #1 or shorter guard comb over the top line from the pattern line to the point of rump. Fig 11) Using a curved scissor, pitch your wrist under the dog and scissor a finish upward to create a nice spring of rib and structure to your coat and finish. Fig 12) The same technique can also be used to finish the coat along the belt. Fig 13) Moving to the head, shape your topknot. And after you’ve done your tail of choice, you are finished!

FIG. 10

FIG. 11

FIG. 12

FIG. 13


The San Diego Saddle has been a long time coming. I wanted to use my knowledge of patterns and modern flare to meld into a fun, sporty look. And, well, with Rio Bandero being very “San Diego” and the trim resembling a dog in short shorts, it’s going be a “yes” from me! If you try this trim, please tag me on any social media platform @blakemhernandez &

1 GAL = 128 LOADS

Works in high efficiency machines





Groomer to Groomer • Vol 40 Ed 12 • December 2021


NEW PRODUCTS allowing consumers to enjoy every last drop of product, drastically reducing waste. Regardless of your preference, this bottle gives you options. The pump top helps ensure you get the perfect amount for your pet, while the squeeze cap bottom guarantees you’ll use every last drop and avoids the hassle of banging the cap on your palm to get your money’s worth.

PAWS & PALS™ UNVEILS NEW, PATENTED NO WASTE, DUAL-OPENING BOTTLE Paws & Pals, a leading pet product supplier based in Los Angeles, has introduced a new “No Waste, Dual-Opening” pet shampoo bottle. The patented bottle design has a hand pump on top and an innovative flip lid on the bottom,


Groomer to Groomer • Vol 40 Ed 12 • December 2021

GOOD STEPS ADJUSTABLE DOG STEPS Good Steps, the world’s first adjustable dog steps, can adjust to fit many canine body shapes and health conditions, adjusting in over 100 ways to serve the needs of all breeds and others who may be stair-challenged. They are also especially helpful for dogs with physical disabilities such

as arthritis, balance issues, bad hips or knees and those recovering from surgeries or needing rehab. Good Steps adjustable dog steps are currently available through the company website where each order is customized with a rep in order to deliver the best furniture-grade steps, both dogwise and appearance-wise, for each customer.


AARONCO ® tools are ergonomically designed to fit the hand better & stay more comfortable for longer than traditional tools.


CLASSIFIEDS Call (717) 691–3388 ext 224 to place a Classified. Rates: 25 words or less – $50.00. Each additional word – $2.00 each. Classified ads must be prepaid. Call for issue deadlines. Agency Discounts Do Not Apply.

BUSINESS FOR SALE Established, Profitable Pet Grooming Business in the Chicagoland area for Sale! Established with current owner/ operator for over 11 years. Great reputation and a profitable track record to date. Boarding

BUSINESS FOR SALE Well-established & successful turn-key grooming shop for sale. Monthly rental. Excellent reputation, location & loyal (growing!) customer base. The owner wishes to retire. Bloomingdale, IL. Call David Heinz Broker 312-953-2873 WashUnit_GroomTable_half_12_17_F4P.pdf


Groomer to Groomer • Vol 40 Ed 12 • December 2021

opportunities also available in current space. Inquire within for more details. Listing Price: $199,900. Contact Matt or Tony at Transworld Business Advisors of La Grange, 708-328-8800, 1


9:35 AM

Wisdom & Grace For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son so that anyone who believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. God did not send his Son into the world to condemn it, but to save it.

John 3:16-17 Living Bible

Super Quad A Sam Kohl Product ™

Stripper Set



Size Printed Clearly on Blades AARONCO ® Stripping tools are ergonomically designed to fit the hand better & stay more comfortable for longer than traditional stripping tools.


SHOW SCHEDULE (717) 691– 3388

CALIFORNIA GROOM EXPO WEST 2/17/2022 – 2/20/2022 Pasadena, CA

PET BOARDING & DAYCARE WEST 5/2/2022 – 5/5/2022 Burbank, CA


ILLINOIS ALL AMERICAN GROOMING SHOW 8/4/2022 – 8/7/2022 Schaumburg, IL

NEW JERSEY INTERGROOM 3/31/2022 – 4/3/2022 Secaucus, NJ

OHIO PETQUEST 6/23/2022 – 6/26/2022 Wilmington, OH



Groomer to Groomer • Vol 40 Ed 12 • December 2021

PENNSYLVANIA GROOM EXPO 9/15/2022 – 9/18/2022 Hershey, PA

PET BOARDING & DAYCARE 11/7/2022 – 11/10/2022 Hershey, PA

MASSACHUSETTS NEW ENGLAND GROOMING SHOW 10/6/2022 – 10/9/2022 Sturbridge, MA

Available at Ryan’s Pet Supplies WWW.RYANSPET.COM

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