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Anil Damani

Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Anil Damani embodies the essence of entrepreneurial expertise and a strong sense of social responsibility. His generous contributions to various causes demonstrate his commitment to giving back, such as Trinity School, Ekal Vidyalaya, Pratham, Divas with a Cause, Aga Khan Foundation, Lymphoma Leukemia Society, and Vibha. He chooses to maintain a low profile in his philanthropy, yet the numerous acknowledgments displayed in his office speak volumes of his generosity. In the corporate sphere, his strategic prowess played a crucial role in the ascent of Lucky Bucks. Under his stewardship, Lucky Bucks emerged as Georgia's foremost COAM provider and gained stature as a publicly listed company. His keen business acumen and unwavering dedication have been instrumental in successfully navigating various business ventures. Continuously exploring new avenues, he has expanded his horizons with the establishment of 27th Sports and has taken a lead role in 27th Entertainment, a trailblazing South Asian entertainment firm. His production of the critically acclaimed film Rocketry further showcases his deep understanding of market trends and consumer needs. His relentless pursuit of excellence, ability to collaborate effectively, and versatility indicate his influential presence in the business landscape. His story is one of resilience, foresight, and relentless dedication. He demonstrates an enduring commitment to creating opportunities through his involvement in business and community projects. His approach to business, characterized by teamwork and a passion for sports, highlights his unique capability to foster unity and strengthen community ties. As he progresses, he continues to be a living testament to the effectiveness of dedication and teamwork in achieving success.
