Child of the Universe Positive Parenting

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* FREE DIGITAL MAG *WINTER 2022 How to ditch the dummy Do men go through Menopause Thank you for being You Making Reading & Spelling Stick OUT & ABOUT With Steve Newman THE HONEST TODDLER ADD alternatives LOVE TO LEARN


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Hello Parents, Teachers, and Readers Some of you may be on school holidays at the moment lucky you I hope you are on the coast sucking up the sun and the warmth. Luckily this winter has not been too cold up in Gauteng. Now when we have loadshedding we hit Club Duvet and read by torch light. Here we are mid-way through the year, and it feels like only yesterday that we were all making our wishes for 2022. I trust some of your dreams are coming true, and the key to making things happen, is to just keep at it. How do you eat an elephant? …. In small bites!. We’ve jazzed up our mags, added new sources for editorial content, delightful new people from home and around the world. We welcome Sharon McComb, Wildlife Photographer, to our magazines. Sharon not only photographs and videographs your domestic beloved pets - she is in her element when she is photographing wildlife. See some of her work on her website, and find the pics that will beautify your home. Want a good laugh – read The Honest Toddler. See Subscribe & Win hampers See you in Spring. MEDIA PARTNERS & CONTENT SOURCES

Linda by


ed’s letter


babies & beyond love to playtimepeacefullearnparentingyummytummy healthy body healthy mind animal action inside out contents magical reading out & about • how babies learn • ditch the dummy • mirror lessons • the Honest Toddler • are we doing it right • open your angry heart • thank you for being you • what guys want • ADD alternatives • making reading & spelling stick • music matters • pretend hair salon • vital outside play • honey & Cinnamon • happy heart • male menopause • another day another senseless • murder • build a bean tent • herb gardening • the deep well of time • plus many suggestions • the concertsNewmanStevebenefit • many shows & events • good nutritionbrain • cooking with kids

(from mums who have been there and survived)

For many children, their binky is their first love. So you can expect a few days of despair as your little ones learns how to live without the dummy. It took my daughter four full days to learn how to fall asleep without sucking and without relying on the dummy any time she felt angry, sad, upset or lonely.

There are plenty of pluses to letting your little one use a dummy It can help them self settle, it can help guard against SIDS and it can help them feel secure But,, there are a few downfalls to relying on the dummy too, especially as your baby grows into a toddler or preschooler

And, while this is definitely not the way to go, hopefully some of these other ideas will help your little one ditch the dummy habit. Give it to the dummy fairy. Collect all the dummies in the house and have your child place them by his bed at night. When he wakes up, the dummies will have gone with the dummy fairy. Perhaps leave a small treat or toy in return. Or Santa Claus. Or the Easter Bunny. Or the flock of birds in your backyard. There has to be someone or something that your little one will be willing to give the dummies to. Ducks love chewed up dummies, I’ve been told.

According to Evelina Weidan Sterling, PhD, MPH, co author of Your Child’s Teeth: A Complete Guide for Parents

“Before age two, any problems with growing teeth usually self correct within six months of stopping pacifier use After the two year mark, problems can start Your baby’s top or bottom front teeth may slant or tilt.”

And the problem can worsen as time goes on. “Pacifier use after age four, which is when permanent teeth start to come in, can have major long lasting effects on adult teeth,” she says. If you have a toddler who loves the dummy, then you’ve probably questioned when is the right time to get rid of it. And just how are you going to handle the tantrums and tears that are sure to follow ?

How did we ditch the dummy? My daughter took a fall on the tile with it in her mouth. She cracked her two front teeth and wound up with a mouth full of blood and bruising. After that it was “dummy hurt me,” and we never saw the thing again.

With gratitude to Jenna Gallina

Tie them up. Tie all the dummies to the cot with a short ribbon. That way, if your little one wants to use the dummy, he has to remain stationary. Usually standing still and toddlers do not mix. Hang them in the Dummy Tree. There’s a magical playground in Denmark where children leave their dummies for the fairies (or council workers) to collect. And while the Pacifier Tree is an airplane ride away, this doesn’t mean you can’t make your own in your backyard or at a nearby parkMake dummy art. If your child loves to get crafty, then make a dummy collage to hang in their room or a dummy mobile perhaps? Lose them. And make sure you accidentally lose them on the same day that the rubbish is collected. That way there is no going back and fishing them out of the bin after three hours of tantrums. Plant them. Plant all of the dummies in the garden underneath a pretty flower, plant or veggie patch. Help your little one water his new plant and watch as his dummies grow into something beautiful Read all about it. Some great books to include in your ditch the dummy plan include The Binky Ba ba Fairy, by Heather Knickerbocker Silva, Baby’s Binky Box, by Jennifer Ormond, illustrated by Curt Walstead, Bye Bye Binky, by Brigitte Weninger, illustrated by Yusuke Yonezu, I Want My Pacifier, by Tony Ross and Say Bye Bye to the Noo Noo by Jill Murphy. Swap it for a new toy. When all else fails, you can never go wrong with bribery.

Jenna Gallina Jenna Gallina is a features writer for and loves showcasing all sides of parenting. When she is not watching Disney/Pixar movies or dreaming about Jon Snow, she is drinking coffee or wine in an attempt to ignore her children's constant cries of "Muummmm". Born and raised in Canada, she now lives in Cairns with her adorable children, good looking husband and naughty dog. Cut holes in the tips. Many children will prefer to just toss a damaged binky rather than continue to suck on one with the tips half broken. Drizzle something your child doesn’t like on the tip. Vegemite could work? Go cold turkey. Dummy is gone and that’s that. Most mums admit that the cold turkey method is challenging but a child will normally forget about it within three days to a week.

Lessons learned in Mirrorthe

by Lindsay Curtis Ever notice how babies (and toddlers…and some adults) just love looking at their reflection in the mirror? Aside from it being super cute to watch as babies coo at themselves, looking into the mirror helps with their development and eventually they discover that the reflection they’ve been looking at & kissing all of this time is themselves.

In adulthood, relationships act as the mirror as we learn about ourselves. It’s pretty well accepted that our most important lessons come through our relationships with others. In the article Relationships as Spiritual Mirrors, I wrote: every person you meet, every situation you encounter offers you a mirror to see your own reflection on a soul level. This particularly applies to romantic and familial relationships, but coworkers, clients and friends mirror us and teach us lessons as well Sometimes when we’re in the thick of the pain or having a rough time in a relationship, it’s hard to remember that we have something important to learn in the experience. It’s only later, upon reflecting on the situation, that we realize it was something we needed to learn Bonus points if we have learned our lesson and don’t have to repeat it. We may be either on the giving or receiving end of these experiences, and there will be a lesson offered both ways. We haven’t fully learned our lesson until we can see how we helped to arrange matters. In other words, what did we do to set it up? This isn’t a matter of blame. Really, it’s not! But think about it next time: what part of your soul is being reflected back to you in this scenario?

I’ve come to realize that in relationships, we are so accustomed to a sort of cause and effect conditioning, like “You yelled at me first!”, that the concept of us giving the other person involved the proverbial bat and pointing to our own head is a difficult pill to swallow. But, when you know that most everything that happens to you is drawn through the power of your own thought (whether it’s conscious or subconscious), then there’s no turning back, and there’s no more playing the role of the “poor me” victim. Well, you certainly can continue that, but it’ll feel less authentic We don’t have to hold onto the pain we’ve lived through to prove that it existed. We don’t need to keep coming up with evidence of the “wrongness” of the other person involved. We can and should take responsibility for our part of the lesson and move on. This is part of what makes us human. If you go through some relationship bumps in the road, think of it as an opportunity to learn some karmic relationship lessons and to help you grow on a soul level It won’t take away the pain, but it can help shed some light into the why Do you believe people are a reflection of who we are? Do you think we manifest the relationships and situations that come into our lives?

My name's Lindsay. I'm a spiritual intuitive, empath and Reiki practitioner. Armed with intuition and a desire to help others grow, I write the articles on The Daily Awe to do just that.

I know you'll agree with me when I say that life as a toddler in a world clearly built for people four to five times our size can feel like a series of never ending, sized induced frustrations. Desks that are too high Ledges, just out of reach Chairs that when you attempt to push them toward a counter snag on a rug leaving you condemned to amusement purgatory, inches that may as well be miles away from the treasure trove that is the junk drawer Structural prejudices are everywhere.

I don't know about you but as I've grown, UP has become less and less frequent. They insist that I walk. Forget sunsets, my horizon is a forest of thighs and kneecaps.

Dear Child I Hit At The Park,

Even now from the dark void of time out, where I was firmly plopped upon the bottom step of my family's staircase to "think about what I did," I can't say with any sincerity that I'm sorry.

Although we are now sworn enemies for all eternity, we have much in common. You know the struggle that is being constantly dependent while a rising star of free will shines bright inside you, directing you to press forward despite the rein and bridle of toddlerhood.

I have two sanctuaries: vivid dreams in which I take flight and experience life not at adult level but above it, looking down, untethered by arbitrary commands ("Walk!" "Stop!" "Go!" "Wait!"), and the park. The glorious park. In this existence designed for giants the park is my retreat. Natural habitat. Everything is built to scale: each corner a unique trove of childhood delight unto itself. Swings. Sandbox. Jungle gym.

Months ago, I was going through a particularly difficult time. My central incisors rode in on painful stallions and I could not escape the parade. Mother, being perpetually awake anyway, would sit up with me throughout the night and sing the same campfire song over and over until I was lulled to sleep I know a place Where no one ever goes There's peace and quiet Beauty and repose It's hidden in a valley Beside a mountain stream And lying there beside it I find that I can dream I tell you all of this so that you understand that what happened today was not personal. Crimes of passion are complicated. All of us got hurt in one way or another. I did not seek to harm you, but restore order. You trampled on principle and felt the weight of your choice.

Although the backdrop ebbs and flows with the seasons frosty winters coat the steel bars with snow which melt into hopeful, rainy springs that usher in blistering summers only to temper into a pale autumn the structure remains the same.

This afternoon as I ran toward the park gate, in the direction of the buzzing laughter of my peers I was drunk with the knowledge of unlimited potential for FUN TIMES. My heart felt about ready to burst with joy. In my exuberance, I tripped. My forward trajectory resulted in gravely scratched palms. My right hand even had red prick. Blood? I could have cried and would have been justified to ask for a Band Aid, but no, not a solitary tear sprang from my eye as I brushed off the embedded gravel. Nothing and no one could ruin this day. No one except you. Giving up the swing for another child was easy today Sand time As we walked over to the sand box I imagined a detailed blueprint for the cityscape I would call forth with my plastic dollar store tools.

The park is a world within a world. A sacred place consecrated for the young in body but mighty in spirit. It is our holy land.

And then I saw you. Blue and white pinstripe overalls. Like a convict. Your ensemble was fittingly poetic. Foreshadowing, brought to you by Carters. You sat, legs splayed in the sandbox holding my shovel He's holding my shovel

While my visual cortex easily processed the scene, my frontal lobe rejected it like a burnt piece of toast "No. Try again." And so it did, rearranging the information like a young child wrestling with a shape sorter presses a square block against a circular opening. He's holding my shovel. My shovel he's holding. He's holding my shovel. That is my shovel. He's holding it. Our eyes met as you picked up my telepathic communication. You answered silently. My mom said I could. Your face was blank. Emotionless. That's my shovel, I messaged back My mom said I could I broke into an immediate sprint in your direction. Maybe I let out a battle cry or said something aloud, I can't remember, but my mother was alerted and before I could reach you, my feet began to lift like an aircraft slowly taking flight. "Stop," she said. I couldn't hear them speaking, my mom to your mom. My eyes remained fixed on you digging into the pliable sand. It was dry enough to sit on without leaving a dark spot on the male seat of one's pants but slightly damp from the morning's rain and held form easily, just how I like it. She chuckled at something your mother said. I looked up, still being held like a newspaper under her arm. "We're still learning about sharing." Sharing? Surely she's joking.

She smiled and waited. For what? Applause? A tip? I stared into her eyes and could see that she was lost in her own folly so I said nothing. Knowing all eyes were on me, I forced myself to walk calmly over to you, a degenerate of a child, and sat a toddler's length away. If parallel play is what they want, parallel play is what I shall give them. I fixed my gaze on you and you shifted, uncomfortable with my laser beam focus.

Play. Go on, play. I messaged you over and over.

It's utterly confounding how possessive adults are about their own belongings whether it be a remote control or wallet, but preach about communal property without even a twinge of guilt over their blatant hypocrisy.

Sharing? This coming from a woman whose road antics only minutes prior would imply that the right lane is emblazoned with her initials. My feet touched ground and she crouched close to my face. The second I heard her tone I tuned out. It was the pitch I hated most: calm but decidedly loud, reminiscent of a librarian at story time. She was speaking to all of the parent's within earshot, not me. A self serving speech plucked from the pages of parenting websites and peppered with hallow assurances

GoPlayPlayPlay..on Play Stupidhead You responded: I will. You continued: This is fun. You relaxed and began to mock me with overly enthusiastic digs: raising the shovel high and letting the sand rain down. You let out a happy shriek and your mother clapped. Mine even smiled. Brutus in a dress. I may have growled because she shot me a warning glare.

"Ok? We're going to let our friend " Friend? I don't see any friends anywhere, "We're going to let our friend play with the shovel for a few minutes and then we'll trade. Everybody will have fun together."

THANK YOU FOR SHARING. I Youlunged.weren't

"NO! NO! WE DON'T HIT!" her voice was urgent and high pitched, but she didn't shout. She doesn't do that in public. It was obvious that she was mad but the slight tremble in her voice coupled with the sideways glances of other parents trying to watch without watching told me she was also ashamed which I knew was worse While she's usually quick to forgive my transgressions against humanity, the ones against her ego tend to, how do you say linger There would be no dessert tonight.

I know you could sense my growing anger because your eyes flashed with excitement. You went on: I like your shovel. Your shovel is fun. Your shovel is fun. Your shovel is fun Your shovel is so fun. And then you said it. The words that cracked my psyche and landed me in the gulf of punishment that now I type from.

expecting me. Perhaps you thought my mother's presence would keep you safe from my building rage. Your face froze in abject terror as I tackled you. Sand flew up as our limbs and feet scurried. The last thing I remember is how the subcutaneous fat of your cheeks rippled as my hand made contact. Your skin danced as if it was cheering for me. Your own body knowing that you deserved it.


"Say you're sorry right now, "she hissed into my ear. Absolutely not. You howled like a wolf at the moon and clung to your mother like the baboon faced marsupial that you are. Large tears fell liberally and within moments your face was a snot swamp. "Say. You're. Sorry." She held on to arm with a firm grip. Looking down I muttered: "Applesaucy." We were both whisked away. All that remained at the crime scene was a small indentation in the sand where your head had fallen after my blow and a solitary toddler sock that had been left behind in the rush Meters away I could still hear your whimpers accented with dramatic gasps, as your mother held you close, a firm hand pressing your freshly slapped face to her chest.

Years from now I'll think back to the shock in your eyes as I rained justice on your face and maybe one day I'll be sorry but today is not that day. Today, I regret nothing. Applesaucy, my friend. Apple. Saucy.

The crowd parted.

Our moms were both speaking to us as they walked briskly. Yours sang gentle coos and apologies: promises of a warm chocolate milk and cookies. Mine, tight lipped, clenched teeth reprimands: promises of reporting to family and Santa.

Child I Hit At The Park, I learned something today. Life is not fair. Life is not just. But if we have courage, even time outs can feel like victory. I have not moved from the naughty spot since I landed here eleventy thousand hours ago. I will serve my time with dignity, knowing that I prevailed over your tyranny, you rapscallion baby.

Long term memory, on the other hand, is a system for permanently storing, managing, and retrieving information for later use. Long term memory helps us remember and recall things like proper spelling, punctuation rules, and vocabulary words. Items of information stored as long term memory may be available for a lifetime. And that is what you want for your child permanently ingrained learning.

by Marie Rippel

One of your main goals is to make reading and spelling “stick” in your child’s brain, and this blog post will give you solid techniques for doing just that. This will be quick, but it is important to understand the basic differences between short term and long term memory

How to Make Reading and Spelling “Stick”

Short-Term vs. Long-Term Memory

Have you ever taught your child something one day, only to have him completely forget it the next? That is one of the most frustrating things as a teacher, isn’t it?

Short term memory is a system for temporarily storing, managing, and recalling the information necessary to carry out particular tasks. It keeps track of things like where you parked your car an hour ago or what you plan on having for dinner tonight. For your kids, facts stored in short term memory might include the spelling for the word stationery or the new grammar rule they learned this morning.

Without a plan, you are probably settling for short term learning without even realizing it. Short term learning is damaging for several reasons. Not only is it a waste of time, but it also sets up a cycle of intense frustration for both you and your child.

Parents and teachers often lament, “I taught this same information to Joey last month, and now he’s forgotten it.” They wonder what is wrong. They don’t realize that presenting the material once or twice isn’t enough. It’s not their fault—they just honestly don’t know how critically important it is to review. Review is an area that isn’t stressed nearly enough by educators or curriculum developers. But the truth is, to make sure that your child really knows the material, you must have consistent and direct review You can’t leave it up to chance and hope that your teaching will stick in his brain. As his teacher, you must take responsibility and ensure that your child remembers important information.

If you want to make learning stick, you must include review in your lessons.

A Plan to Make Reading and Spelling Stick

Why Review Matters

Timing is important. If you teach a new idea, but then don’t revisit it for a while, the chances that your child will forget it are much greater. That’s why we make sure that new material is reviewed daily at first. We keep it interesting with a variety of techniques like the Review Box, Fluency Practice sheets, Word Banks, and activity sheets. As your child shows mastery, we review less frequently, making room for other new concepts. Revisiting information this way pushes it into long term memory and keeps it there.

When your child forgets a lesson soon after you present it, you feel like you are spinning your wheels and not getting anywhere. You might even begin to wonder if your child has a learning disability. But even worse than that, when he can’t remember his lessons, your child probably feels like something is wrong with him. Depending on his personality, he may internalize the frustration, or he may act out. Either way, it becomes harder for both of you to sit through lessons that you know aren’t going to stick.

Your child doesn’t need to guess it’s crystal clear what the goal of the lesson is. For example, when your child is learning how to add suffixes to base words, he’ll learn what suffixes and base words are, and the difference between consonant suffixes and vowel suffixes. Using letter tiles and suffix tiles (and our clear, scripted lesson plans), you’ll demonstrate exactly how to add suffixes to words. We test and polish the wording of every lesson to make sure that the teaching is understandable. After all, the lesson must be understood before it can be reviewed.

Seven important review strategies are built right into the All About Reading and All About Spelling programs.

First, we make sure your child understands the main point of the lesson.

Review is more frequent when a new concept is first taught.

Next, review is built right into the lessons. At the beginning of every lesson, we prompt you to do a quick review of previously taught material. The built in review ensures that you remember to do it and won’t be tempted to skip over Multisensoryit.


There is a way out of this no win situation, though.

Review Strategies in AAR and AAS

methods are used during review time

Since children learn best using sight, sound, and touch, it’s important to use a variety of methods to review material You’ll review reading and spelling concepts in multiple ways: with word analysis activities, flashcards, recitation, games, and practical applications like problem solving, dictation, writing, and conversation. And we use the SMI method (Simultaneous Multisensory Instruction) for even more powerful review sessions.

Concepts are never “retired. ”

It’s also important to note that sometimes it appears that your student understands a concept when you first demonstrate it, but it may not be burned into long-term memory so we don’t stop the review too soon. You want your child to be able to access the information years from now, not just a week from now, so concepts are reviewed at intervals and continued until the material has been completely mastered.

Certain concepts are reviewed using the same words until they are completely mastered.

For example, when learning a spelling rule, we use the same wording each time we review it: C says /s/ before e, i, or y. Let that wording get ingrained in your child’s long term memory so he can access it later when needed.

Additional Help for Your Child’s Memory

Download my free e book, “Help Your Child’s Memory,” to learn more techniques to help strengthen your child’s memory and achieve learning that really sticks.

We don’t just “teach it and forget it.” After we introduce a new concept, the lessons have your child apply his new knowledge to keep it fresh in his mind. Your student will use spelling words in dictation activities and encounter reading words in activities and short stories. These review strategies are seamlessly woven into the entire reading and spelling programs. You don’t have to consciously remember to do them because they are built right into the curriculum. You can sit back, relax, and enjoy watching your child make consistent progress!

Review is customized for each child. Review is not a one size fits all endeavor. Your child may need more or less review on a specific topic than the next child. If a concept has been mastered, you file it behind the “Mastered” divider in the Review Box and move on If more practice is needed, you file it behind the “Review” divider The system is as simple as can be, yet very powerful for making learning stick

By Sergio Salotto

Raising a child is possibly one of the most beautiful, exciting, interesting, but challenging, difficult and responsible tasks in life for a parent. For some parents, the task looms so large and scary, that it drives them to rather give the child up for adoption.

Having a child especially the first can and often does unexpectedly turn the parent’s lives and routines totally upside down It takes away the freedom and independence they enjoyed; the child becomes the centre of their world; it is demanding and needy; there may be little to no time for themselves; and so on What begins as a wonderful and exciting journey, for many, this may change and become a state of frustration, anxiety, stress, anger, or depression, which start surfacing and begin to strain the bonds of the relationship If things were fine before baby came along, the child is likely be held responsible for the issues the arise between the parents. In many cases, the child becomes the object upon which the parents vent their dissatisfaction – with some cases even resulting in horrific abuse and death of the child.

As a child, of course, we have no idea of our parents’ ideals or the plans they have for us. We just do things in the only way we know Such as:

➢ Eating our food with our hands; pounding our hand into the plate of food and make it splatters all over (great fun).

➢ Not welcoming mummy, daddy, granny, grandpa with a hug and kiss we might more readily hug and kiss the dog ... no disrespect intended; we just found the dog to be more important in that moment (isn’t that what free choice is about?)

But there is another level of “abuse” we practice that we do not recognise as such because it does not fall in the categories of being physical, sexual, or emotional abuse. Instead, it is considered and accepted to be good, responsible parenting – as I elaborate below.

The part of conceiving a child is generally one of joy and fun. When it is confirmed that mom is pregnant, there is even greater joy But at the same time, the realisation begins to set in of the responsibilities that are about to be taken on – creating the ideal home environment, afford it the best education, provide an upbringing the child can one day be proud of, and of course someone the parents will be proud of.

It is generally believed that new born children are born with a blank mind, that they know nothing about life; that as parents we “own” it and so are entitled to decide what is right for the child. Parents thus take on the role and responsibility of ensuring the child is taught, equipped and educated about all its needs to be successful and socially acceptable. These teachings will take the form of schooling, religious instruction, guidance for conforming to social norms and values, acceptable behaviour and all the many other things we need in life

➢ Crying when we are hungry, have a full nappy, want attention don’t like to be left alone.

➢ Knocking things off the coffee table out of curiosity to see what happens ➢ Throwing a tantrum in the middle of the supermarket – do we really care or worry about what other people think? Hell no, we just want what we want

To our parents, this is misbehaving, naughtiness, disrespect. Something they feel must be corrected, taught manners, obedience and discipline. How do they achieve this? By reprimand and punishment physical, emotional, screaming and shouting, threatening and all the many things most of us will likely have experienced in our childhood. As we grow and learn to talk, we note that what we say is considered pretty insignificant; we are not given the space to express what we feel or want even if we are, no one really listens And our parents keep reminding us that they know what is best for us As a child, how can we argue or question that? Through these experiences we begin to wonder, question and eventually conclude that maybe the way we are is simply not enough; and we internalise the belief that we are "not good enough." This leads to us deciding that unless we change, we will not be accepted and loved our greatest fundamental fear and need. In order to make it with our parents (be accepted and loved), we decided that perhaps we need to change our behaviour and attitudes to conform and meet their expectations of how we ought to be (our first compromise on who we truly are).

To address these “challenges” in a constructive and meaningful manner, we need to reassess the parenting processes we are practicing as handed down from generation to generation. And unless we stop, reconsider and have the willingness to change, we shall continue to exacerbate the problem and also shall pass on the same teachings and practices to our children for their children Our role and responsibility towards our children is far greater than what we are doing. The way we are doing things is, in my view, comparatively easy to do because all it requires is for us to exercise control.

➢ Having to pass tests and exams to prove our level of competence, intellect and acceptability ➢ Behave in class in a manner that is acceptable to the teacher, conform to the school’s rules and regulations else we are punished – from both the school and (likely) our parents (we are so terrible).

Then one day we are sent off to school – a daunting and terrifying step for some children, an exciting “adventure” for others. In this new environment we encounter other children, teachers, rules and regulations, disciplines, etc. For example: ➢ Learning to read and write. ➢ Learning the multiplication tables et al through repetition.

➢ If our standard of work is not to the level of others, we get classified as "abnormal", in need of specialized education or psychological assessment measured against what society has determined to be the accepted norm. ➢ No one is really interested in our unique individuality and talents. We are required to meet and conform to the expectations of our teachers, peers and school Fromenvironment.theabovewe realise that to be accepted, we need to behave and do things in the required manner if we are to avoid rejection and punishment We also learn that in these social environments, if we do not do things as expected and required, we again will not be recognised and accepted. And so we experience how also in this environment we are not allowed to be ourselves who we are. All of which reinforces our feelings and belief that perhaps we are truly just, "not good enough" a belief that is becoming more and more our reality. We also come to experience and realise that this cycle of needing to conform does not end at the school going years Even as adults we experience and face the same situation in our world of business, politics, religion, and practically every other social environment. The requirement to compromise ourselves for the sake of being accepted eventually becomes second nature. And this ultimately results in us living and experiencing our life as victims of our circumstances; unable to exercise freedom of choice to be who we really are. The same way it has been for our parents; and their parents; and their parent’s parents.

― Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet

“Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for Theyitself.come through you but not from you, And though they are with you yet they belongnot to you. You may givethem your love but not your thoughts, For they have their own Youthoughts.mayhouse their bodies but not their souls, For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams. You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you. For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.”

What we need to recognise is that our children do not belong to us, we do not “own” them.

In the words of Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet - which possibly sum all this up best:

Whether we believe that children are sent to us by God, or that they chose us as their parents, or whatever other belief one may identify with, what all of us ought to be doing is to feel honoured and respectful of having been granted the privilege to conceive and give birth to such a wondrous creation and Being of “God” Our responsibility therefore should be one of guiding and helping our children to be who they really are by creating an environment that is supportive and allows them to manifest, or “showcase” who and what each child brings to this life. We should not be in fear of letting go of the beliefs we are holding on to; want to hold on to our senses of rightness at all costs; we need to have the willingness to be wrong and create a truly win win environment where everyone can be who they really are unconditionally.

It’s easy to keep your heart open when you’re with your child, who just told you the story about how she used to be a fairy who sat on your shoulder while you meditated until she became sad that you couldn’t hear her say “I love you”•in real life. When she tells you how one day she decided to fly into your vagina, deposit her fairy wings in your heart so you’d always have fairy magic, and then hobble over to your uterus so she could grow into a baby who would be able to grow up and say, “I love you,”•your heart melts like chocolate chips in a hot stove.

How To Keep

By Lissa Rankin MD

Check in with your heart right now. How does it feel?

Your Heart Open When You’re Angry

When The Heart Gets Challenged

It’s easy to talk about opening your heart when everyone is getting along. When you’re with your best friend, who has just built a cocoon around you because you just got your heart broken, and your bestie then climbs into the cocoon to hold you in her arms like a mother, your heart is likely to feel so open that honey just pours right out of it all over the floor.

It’s easy to keep your heart open when it feels safe and nurtured But what about the other Howtimes?good are you at keeping your heart open with your fellow human beings when planes crash into your country’s beloved landmarks and kill thousands of innocent beings? Can you keep your heart open when your abusive mother abandons you? Can you keep giving those you love permission to break your heart when your heart keeps aching from loss, longing, abandonment, and betrayal?

When the object of your undying affection, down on one knee and holding a bouquet of roses, confesses that he’s been madly in love with you for years and just can’t hold it in anymore, you’re unlikely to amour up your heart

Can you keep your heart open when your beloved pets keep dying?

If you’re like most people, you most likely find that it’s easy to open your heart with those who leave your heart feeling safe, respected, appreciated, and honored. But the real test comes when you learn to keep your heart open even when your heart feels threatened.

Should the woman whose mother abandoned her in childhood accept her mother into her heart and her life when that mother shows up at her wedding and asks to be forgiven?

When you find yourself feeling righteous, angry, entitled, or victimized by the actions of another, can you find within you any seed of softness? Some place deep within that recognizes how much pain that person must be in, how burdened their soul must be, how deeply armored they must be in their heart in order to behave in a way that is surely out of alignment with their own integrity? Can you begin to touch the suffering of your fellow human beings and meet them at the place of their suffering, rather than judging them, criticizing them, dismissing them, or making them Canwrong?you find within your soft, human heart the ability to open when you feel inclined to close? Can you forgive? Can you approach those people as a healer, knowing that in order to behave in the abominable ways they have, they must be hurting? Can you greet them in the hurting, knowing that we all have our wounds, we are all flawed, and we’re all doing the best we can?

What about when you’re trying to keep your heart open with those you work with in your professional life, but the knuckleheads in charge of the purse strings keep insisting that you sell out your integrity, seemingly with no concern for the well being of those you’re trying to serve?

Do another heart check. What’s your status?

The True Test Of The Open Heart

Can you keep giving those you love permission to break your heart when your heart keeps aching from loss, longing, abandonment, and betrayal?

Can you keep your heart open when politicians threaten to withhold resources from inner city children in public schools, women who are victims of domestic violence, the mentally ill homeless population, women who are sold into sex trafficking, or uninsured children who need medical care? How does your heart feel now?

Consider the knucklehead that wants to thwart the doctor’s ability to open his heart with his patients. Should he get pissy at the mucky mucks that are getting in the way of him doing the right thing with his patients? Or should he find a place within his own heart to have compassion for the closed part of the mucky muck’s heart that is thwarting him?

Lissa blogs at and also created two online communities and She is also the author of two other books, a speaker, a professional artist, an amateur ski bum, and an avid hiker. She lives in the San Francisco Bay area with her husband and daughter.

It doesn’t mean you can’t set boundaries that protect you from dangerous or even just plain mean people But it does mean that if you wind up responding in ways that are just as unkind as those you’re judging, you’re missing the opportunity to live from the heart in a way that brings more peace and joy into your life and heals the world while you’re at it (no biggie)

It’s Not About Condoning The Behavior

Are You Willing To Go All The Way With Your Open Heart?

Next time you get your feathers in a bunch, might you try to find your compassion for the suffering in another? Next time you get on your high horse, might you get off and sit cross legged on the ground and ask the person you’re upset with to meet you there?

Will you practice radical acts of heart opening?

I know it’s a lot to ask. It’s so much easier to fall into righteous anger when you don’t get your way or when people are thwarting you in your commitment to opening your heart to those who need your love. But if we open our hearts only when it’s easy, aren’t we failing to model what a true open heart looks and feels like for those who hurt us?

Keeping your heart open when the knuckleheads are being knuckleheady or the sociopaths need jail time, doesn’t mean you’re giving anyone your stamp of approval. But it does mean that keeping an open heart requires radical acts of compassion in order to keep you out of the ego trap of righteousness, anger and revenge.

I know it’s scary But I dare you Inviting you to explore an even more expansive heart,

Lissa Rankin MD is a mind body medicine physician, founder of the Whole Health Medicine Institute training program for physicians and healthcare providers, and the New York Times bestselling author of Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof That You Can Heal Yourself. She is on a grass roots mission to heal healthcare, while empowering you to heal yourself.

Letter from a Parent to her Son Thank you for being you

It was in answer to his ever enquiring 5 year old mind, at the time he was constantly testing me for a definite definition of a defined event, experience and facts, his favourite was dinosaur lore. He would quiz me ad nauseam and always found fault with my explanation. I realised very quickly that he was simply using me as his mirror, or his sounding board as he worked through all the information that the universe was throwing at him, he was analysing, and his mind was creating his neural networks

So today I would like to thank you for being you, so that I can be me. Thank you for being unique and an ever part of the intrinsic perception puzzle of our magnificent Universe.

I taught my very inquisitive eldest son many years ago the mantra, ‘Thank you for being you, so that I can be me’.

Little did I know at the time that I would use the mantra on a daily basis, and that he had taught me one of the most remarkable awareness skills. It’s become an automatic response to my ego’s constant need for commentary of life around me. Whenever I find the arbitrary mindless chatter, ‘hell that’s an ugly suit’, ‘wow what a beautiful smile’; ‘if you walk any slower we will both be in a graves before dawn’; ‘I need to remember to wash the curtains this weekend’; ‘wonder why I haven’t heard from my mom’ I find myself stopping the rambling after a few wayward observations, with ‘THANK YOU FOR BEING YOU, SO THAT I CAN BE ME’. Suddenly I am back in the NOW, I am accepting of all those sharing space with me and at peace in the NOW that the Universe is presenting me.

Many of the verbal articulations I was offering him was just not ringing true for him, it was as if he instinctively knew that he already had a broader understanding of certain things. I remember feeling overwhelmed at his constant questioning, and his combative need to win or be right. So when he was hurt or angry by something that had happened at school, or when he felt misunderstood by me, I taught him the concept of just accepting everyone where they were at. I coined the phrase, ‘Thank you for being you, so that I can be me’. I was trying to make him understand that there is no wrong and no right; it is all just different perspectives. We are all unique and all perceptions are valid. My little man was such a sensitive soul, who loved me so unconditionally he saw at times to excuse my desperately inadequate knowledge of dinosaurs and the universe and humoured me by parroting the phrase when the situation called for it. (although it was most often followed by an eye roll, for his crazy mother) : )

Lauren Lee P.S Thank you Ke'gan xx

Love and light

Men Take Commitment Seriously

He Really Is Listening

Men Will Talk About Feelings

Was your guy raised as a traditional, stoic, man's man? If so, let WebMD walk you through 18 relationship secrets, gathered from psychologists who study gender roles. Secret No. 1: It may be easier for your man to talk about feelings indirectly Ask what he'd do during a romantic weekend. Or what he thought the first time he met you His answers will reveal how he feels and bring you closer.

Some men prefer to show their feelings through actions rather than words Your guy may say "I love you" by fixing things around the house, tidying up the yard, or even taking out the trash anything that makes your world a better place.

Men Say 'I Love You' With Actions

When you're listening to someone talk, you probably chime in with a "yes" or "I see" every now and then. It's your way of saying, "I'm listening " But some guys don't do this. Just because a man isn't saying anything doesn't mean he's not listening He may prefer to listen quietly and think about what you're saying

Men have a reputation for being afraid to commit. But the evidence suggests men take marriage seriously. They may take longer to commit because they want to make sure they are onboard for good.

In a survey of currently married men, 90% say they would marry the same woman again.

Men Need Time for Themselves

Women tend to remember negative experiences longer and may have lingering feelings of stress, anxiety, or sadness. In contrast, men are less likely to dwell on unpleasant events and tend to move on more quickly. So while you may still want to talk about last night's argument, your guy may have already forgotten about it.

Men Don't Pick Up on Subtle Cues

While shared activities are important, men also need time for themselves Whether your guy enjoys golf, gardening, or working out at the gym, encourage him to pursue his hobbies, while you make time for your own. When both partners have space to nurture their individuality, they have more to give to each other.

Men strengthen their relationships with their partners through doing things together, more than by sharing thoughts or feelings. For many men, activities like sports and sex make them feel closer to their partner.

If you want to know how a man will act in a relationship, get to know his dad. How they are with each other and how the father relates to his own partner can predict how a man will relate to his wife.

Men are more likely to miss subtle signals like tone of voice or facial expressions. And they are especially likely to miss sadness on a woman's face. If you want to make sure your guy gets the message, be direct.

Men Learn From Their Fathers

Shared Activities Form Bonds

Men Let Go Faster Than Women

Men fantasize about sex nearly twice as often as women do, and their fantasies are much more varied. They also think more about casual sex than women do. But thinking is not the same as doing.

Men Think About Sex ... A Lot OK, so maybe this one is no secret. Most men under age 60 think about sex at least once a day, compared with only a quarter of women. And that's not all.

Men Find Sex Significant

Guys Aren't Always Up for Sex

Men Respond to Appreciation

Men, much to many women's surprise, aren't always in the mood for sex. Just like women, men are often stressed by the demands of work, family, and paying the bills. And stress is a big libido crusher. When a guy says, "not tonight," it doesn't mean he's lost interest in you. He just means he doesn't want to have sex right then.

Showing appreciation for your guy can make a big difference in the way he acts. Take parenting: Studies show that fathers are more involved in care giving when their wives value their involvement and see them as competent.

Most guys feel as though they're the ones who always initiate sex. But they also like to be pursued and wish their partner would take the lead more often. Don't be shy about letting your guy know you're in the mood Initiating sex some of the time may lead to a higher level of satisfaction for both of you

It's a myth that most men think sex is just sex. For many, sex is a very important act between two committed people. And just like most women, men find sexual intimacy to be most satisfying within a committed relationship. One reason is that long term partners know how to please one another better than strangers do. He Likes It When You Initiate Sex

Guys Get Performance Anxiety

Your pleasure is important to your man. But he won't know what you want unless you tell him Too many women feel uncomfortable talking about what they like and don't like If you can tell him clearly in a way that doesn't bruise his ego, he'll listen. Because he knows he'll feel good if you feel good

Most men get performance anxiety on occasion, especially as they age. Your guy may worry about his body, technique, and stamina. If you can help him learn to relax and stay focused on the pleasures of the moment, sex will become less stressful.

Men Like Pleasing Their Partner

Men May Stray When Needs Aren't Met

If a man doesn't feel loved and appreciated in his relationship, he may turn elsewhere for satisfaction. For one man, that may mean burying himself in work Another may develop a fixation on sports or video games. And some men cheat. To avoid this, partners need to work together to meet each other's needs. He's Vested in You

Most men realize there's a lot to lose if a long term relationship goes sour not just each other's company, but the entire life you've built together. If you're willing to work to strengthen your marriage, chances are your man will be, too

—Tim Seldin, How to Raise an Amazing Child From the soft chimes inside their soft, furry toys to the full orchestration of "Carnival of the Animals," children learn how to distinguish different sounds, rhythms, and melodies. The soothing songs of lullabies sung by mom or dad help them feel loved and fall asleep. At the same time, children are learning that putting different notes together forms a tune, just like putting words together forms a thought. Children unconsciously assimilate and often imitate whatever they come into contact with, which is why it's so important to expose your children to music: Sing to your baby even if you think you don't have a wonderful voice. Play music in the car with children and set the mood with classical music, peppy songs, or your favorite show tunes.

Music Matters "Music matters. Encourage your child to listen to all kinds of music and to clap, dance and sing along."

• Listen to all kinds of music. If you play a musical instrument, play it for your child.

• Match the rhythm of the music with simple musical instruments - a pan and wooden spoon as a drum, two wooden spoons as rhythm sticks, and a rolled-up piece of construction paper as a horn, for example.

Repeat your favorite songs often to help develop your child's memory.

Share the fun of dancing, marching, and singing together as you listen to "Swan Lake," "76 Trombones," or "The Wheels on the Bus.“

Consider playing a particular piece or song at the same time every day to indicate dinner, clean up, or bed time.

• Create a rain stick using a paper-towel tube, some rice, and tape.

Lull your child to sleep with your favorite lullaby as you both relax at the end of an active day.

Music and learning go hand in hand. Brain research supports the relationship of a child's increased ability to distinguish sounds through their exposure to nursery rhymes and simple songs. But the most important factor is interaction with another person, whether it be a sibling, parent, classmate, or teacher. Young children learn best by imitating real people, not those seen on Sitscreens.down with your child to explore a musical instrument, pointing out its unique features. For example, a rain stick can create a soft or pounding rain sound, depending on how you move it. Play a familiar tune together as you learn to play a lap harp with help from the guide sheet showing which strings to pluck. Create duets on your harmonicas or triangles. The possibilities are endless!

—Originally Published 2017

Music has the ability to entertain. You may have noticed how your child responds to music and intuitively picks up the rhythm. At age three, one of my grandson's favorite pastimes was to turn on the radio and dance to the music. His moves were unique, to say the least, and the energy expended was enormous. He would dance through the house for 20 or 30 minutes, occasionally using props to mimic the Passbeat.on the songs from your childhood: "Rock-A-Bye Baby," "Old MacDonald Had a Farm," or "Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head." Memories of a family tradition might be associated with a song. My grandma, for example, always sang "Good Morning to You" on the mornings I slept at her house. Now I often greet my grandchildren this same way. Learning the music of one's cultural and family heritage is rich and varied. Whenever I hear "This Land Is Your Land," I'm reminded of the Fourth of July picnics we had. Songs learned at an early age stay with us Keepforever.playing music. When you do, keep it simple, and remember that play is the operative word. Have fun as you expose your children to the many varieties of music. Sharing music will enrich your lives and help your children feel cherished as you sing, play, and listen together.

—by Jane M. Jacobs, M.A., Montessori Educational Consultant at Montessori Services. She is a trained primary Montessori directress and also a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. She has taught children aged 2 to 7 years in Montessori schools, Headstart, and also in a preschool for children with developmental challenges. In her counseling practice, she helps individuals, couples, and families.

Pretend Paper Hair Salon for Kids

• masking tape • pieces of ribbon • craft foam • cotton swabs • safety scissors • highlighter markers (optional) • gloves (optional, but helpful for coloring

During a recent visit to the craft store, Clara (age 8) spotted some foam heads. She had been wanting to create a pretend hair salon for some time, but I have a feeling this may only be the beginning of her crafting journey with these foam heads. She has big plans for these! With some paper, scissors, and a few pieces of craft foam, she was able to give these foam heads the full salon treatment complete with hair and make up. I love how something so simple made her very happy! This would be an engaging activity for a rainy day, or anytime you need a bit of indoor creative fun. As an added bonus, the kids can use safety scissors to practice early cutting skills while they create a range of looks for their clients.

To make a pretend paper hair salon of your own, you will need: Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. Thank you for supporting us! a roll of Kraft paper the paper hair)

• 1 3 foam heads • brown paper bags or

This pretend paper hair salon could keep the kids happily entertained for hours!

Clara loved using highlighter markers to color the hair, and of course gave plenty of hair cuts too. She enjoyed pampering her clients with the latest and greatest hair styles with ribbons and bows!

To extend the salon experience, kids may want to craft up some pretend make up with craft foam. This “fake up” is mess free and easy to make. For even more fun, glitter craft foam can be used to make more realistic pretend eye shadow or blush palette! Also, cotton swabs make great eye shadow applicators for this pretend salon experience.

Start by attaching the paper to the foam head with a bit of masking tape Next, use scissors to create long strands of hair You can even curl the strands by rolling them up with a pencil This was Clara’s favorite way to style the paper hair!

Begin by crafting the paper wigs for the foam heads. We use leftover paper filling from packages that were shipped to us, but brown paper bags or a roll of craft paper would work well for this.

Invite your child to practice cutting and styling their “client’s” hair!

How do you help your children connect with nature on a deep, personal level if you're not the outdoorsy type? Here's 7 ways to get started.

• Teach your children about common dangers: teach your children which plants, animals, and areas require caution. This includes teaching them to swim.


• Find a place nearby to visit frequently, every day if possible. A space in your yard is ideal, but a local park, an empty lot, or a walking trail can work too. Repeated visits to the same place offer an opportunity to observe slight changes, look closer, make discoveries, and feel connected

• If you are fortunate to have a yard, create a “rough” area for wild play and a sense of ownership

6, I spent a whole week in the woods at sleep away camp in Pennsylvania and went back every summer until I was in high school. I have strong sense memories of the crickets at dusk, the smell of the forest after the rainstorm, and the crunch of the leaves under my feet. The woods are now my special place. I go there to be at peace, to collect my thoughts, and to re connect to the greater natural world. Do you have a place like that? Maybe the ocean, a field of wildflowers, or the desert at twilight?

• Dress for the weather. Snow pants, rain boots, good jackets. Don't let “bad weather” stop you!

My place is in the woods

Share stories about natural places. These can be your own, from literature, or from another person. Much of my outdoor play was inspired by books I read as a child.


My parents are outdoorsy people, and so from the time I was a baby, I was exploring meadows, stream beds, and forests on family hikes, camping trips, and everyday afternoons with my

Spend time outside together. Have a family camp out, take a hike, or have a meal outside. Make sure you have a few long blocks of time where your children can play in nature unscripted: an afternoon digging at the beach, a morning climbing trees, an evening hunting for minnows.

• Seek out play spaces that offer opportunities for wild play or hands on experience with the natural world. Nature centers, natural playgrounds, are a good place to start.

Spending your childhood in the mud, leaves, and sand forms the foundation for many academic pursuits especially science, technology, engineering, and math. Children who spend time outside are healthier physically and mentally. They are less likely to have allergies or attention disorders, and more likely to take calculated risks.

It turns out, just by encouraging your child to get outside, you can increase the chance that they will have a deep connection with nature. Even if you live in the city, a tiny apartment, or have no outdoor space of your own, you can foster this sense of place! Here's some tips to get started:

This deep connection to nature, this sense of place, is disappearing as children today are spending less and less time outside in unstructured wild play, and more time in the digital world of movies, video games, and apps This is a concern as research is confirming that children need direct contact with nature for healthy physical and emotional development.

Cuban Beans and Rice Beans and rice can be a simple, satisfying meal for the entire family. In Cuba, beans are often cooked with a seasoning mixture called sofrito, made from garlic, onion, bell pepper, tomato, cumin, and oregano. Try combining this version of Cuban beans and rice with a crisp green salad of lettuce, cabbage, and tomatoes. Add a little sweetness with fresh pineapple and banana. Serves 4 6.

Ingredients • Cuban Beans • 3tbsp vegetable oil • ½ red onion cut into ¼ inch pieces • 4 garlic cloves minced • 1 green or red bell pepper cut into ¼ inch pieces • 2 tomatoes cut into ½ inch pieces • ¾tsp ground cumin • ¾tsp dried oregano • ¾tsp salt • ¼tsp black pepper • 3cans (15 oz. ea.) black beans rinsed and drained • 1can (15 oz.) red beans rinsed and drained • 1cup water • 1whole bay leaf • ¼cup fresh cilantro leaves chopped • lime wedges(optional) • Yellow Rice • 1tbsp vegetable or olive oil • ½tsp turmeric • 1½cups long grain white rice • 3cups water • ½tsp salt


In a saucepan, heat the oil over medium high heat. Add the turmeric and rice and cook for about 1 minute, stirring constantly. Add the water, increase heat to high and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low, cover, and cook for about 20 minutes, until all of the liquid has been absorbed. Remove from heat Do not stir the rice Let the rice sit for at least 5 minutes before serving To serve Spoon the beans over the yellow rice and serve with a wedge of fresh lime Serve pineapple banana salad and green salad on the side.

Beans and Rice


Heat the oil in a saucepan over medium heat Add the chopped onion and cook until softened, about 4 minutes. Add the garlic and bell pepper and continue to cook, stirring often, for several minutes more. Add the tomatoes and cook until softened. Stir in the cumin, oregano, salt, and pepper and cook for 1 to 2 minutes. Add the beans, water, and bay leaf, stirring to combine. Increase the heat to medium high and bring to a boil Reduce the heat and simmer, covered, for 10 to 15 minutes Just before serving, stir in the cilantro Make the rice

Make the beans

In a small bowl, combine the cheeses In another bowl, combine the tomatoes, bell peppers, basil, salt, pepper, and olive oil Make the pizzas Divide the dough to make 3 equal balls On a clean, lightly floured work surface, roll each ball into a circle that is 10 inches in diameter. Heat a 12 inch skillet or griddle over medium high heat until it is hot. Transfer the rolled pizza crust to the skillet or griddle and cook for 3 to 5 minutes. Turn the dough. Spread one third of the tomato mixture on top of the cooked side of the dough to make an even layer

Ingredients Pizza Dough • 1cup warm water • ½tsp baking yeast • 1tsp honey • ¾cup whole wheat flour • 1¾cups unbleached white flour • ½tsp baking powder • ½tsp salt Pizza Toppings • ¼cup shredded Parmesan cheese • ½cup grated mozzarella cheese • 5 Roma tomatoes, diced • ½ red bell pepper diced • 2tbsp chopped fresh basil leaves • ¼tsp salt • ⅛tsp freshly ground black pepper • 2tsp olive oil

Preparetoppings.the pizza toppings

In a medium bowl, combine the warm water and yeast Let sit 2 to 3 minutes, until the yeast is dissolved Stir in the honey and whole wheat flour In a separate bowl, stir together the white flour, baking powder, and salt Add the dry ingredients to the whole wheat mixture, stirring to form a rough dough. On a clean, lightly floured work surface, knead the dough for 1 to 2 minutes, until smooth. Cover the dough and let it rise while you prepare the pizza

Top with ¼ cup of the cheese mixture Cover the pan and continue to cook the pizza until the toppings are hot and the bottom of the crust is golden brown, about 5 to 8 minutes. Remove the pizza to a cutting board and cut into wedges to serve. Repeat this process to make 2 more pizzas.



These days, pizza is the favorite food of many children. Making your own pizza is a satisfying accomplishment. This delicious version uses fresh tomatoes and less cheese than most. You can bake these pizzas on cookie sheets in preheated 425 degree oven instead of cooking them on the stovetop. Makes 3 10 inch pizzas.

Make the pizza dough

Stovetop Pizza


Nettle leaves are a powerful herbal medicine that grow abundantly in the wild. They are rich in chlorophyll and minerals such as iron, chromium, zinc, copper, magnesium, silicon, cobalt, and calcium. Nettles are also high in vitamins A, E, D, C, & K. Nettle tea is a strong immune booster and has the ability to neutralize toxic antigens in the body.

Nettles also contain a potent anti inflammatory agent which help to curb the action of cytokines, one of the key components to inflammation in the body Nettle leaves are also very helpful in preventing chronic headaches, sore throats, sinus infections, and fatigue and are beneficial for diabetics as it is known to lower blood sugar levels Nettles are known to help relief bronchial ailments such as chronic coughing, chest congestion, COPD, and TB. Nettles are also powerful enough to help to eliminate viral and bacterial infections and aid in removing excess fluids in the body by acting as a natural diuretic. Nettle leaf can provide relief for digestive issues such as nausea, flatulence, acid reflux, and colitis.

Nettle tea supports the endocrine system including the spleen, thyroid, and pancreas. It is also beneficial in boosting liver and heart health and helps to prevent urinary tract infections as well as bladder and kidney stones. Nettle tea can also help stop frequent nighttime urination, which may be beneficial for those who need to sleep soundly without interruption.

healing benefits of nettle leaf Learn more about which foods can heal and restore your body in my new book, click here

As a mouth rinse, cooled nettle tea is excellent for gingivitis and can help prevent plaque buildup on the teeth. Fresh wild nettle can be found growing as weeds in garden beds, in empty lots, and meadows & fields and can be juiced, steeped as a tea, or steamed like spinach.

Nettle can also be found in tea, capsule, tincture, cream, salve form online or at your local health food store.

For sodas, their sugar content is too high, and the active ingredients in soda work against bone development

Are our children getting the right kinds of food for maximum brain development and health? Most parents believe their children are getting adequate nutrition, but data shows otherwise.

by Maren Schmidt

Current research is showing that certain diseases and conditions have their roots in poor childhood nutrition. For example, the low intake of calcium rich foods–milk, cheese, broccoli, spinach and other green leafy vegetables during the first 18 years of life may predispose women to osteoporosis.

Fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains take longer to digest but offer important nutrition that may not be found in the empty calories from the refined carbohydrates in soda and processed foods. For the young child under age six, certain foods should be avoided, and perhaps we all should avoid them. Two big two no no’s seem to be sodas and foods that list sugar in the first five ingredients.

Children need a diet of complex carbohydrates versus a diet of sugar and foods that have a high glycemic index such as potatoes, white rice, white flour and white sugar. Data shows that 25 percent of children under the age of six eat French fried potatoes every day. One nutritionist recommends avoiding any food that’s white because those foods act like sugar to the brain.

Peeking into a few lunch boxes gives some indications and insights into the issue. Recent research is showing that a high level of high fructose sugar contributes to obesity and Type 2 diabetes in children. High blood sugar levels affect the function of the hippocampus, the part of the brain that helps organize memory.

The teenage habits begin before the age of six. Water is the best liquid for our children to drink as effective brain growth and functioning is dependent on the brain being well hydrated, since the brain is over 90 percent water.

The Best Brains Require Good Nutrition

Soda drink consumption has risen to over 60 gallons per person annually in the United States In a study of teenage boys, ages 13 to 18, about 60 percent reported drinking two sodas or more per day, with over 95 percent reporting that they drank soda regularly In teenagers, over 25 percent of daily calories may be from sodas

Life Magazine


3. Heart Health

Honey and cinnamon form a miracle combination that works wonders for your health if you know how to use! Health experts worldwide are bewildered due to the unlimited health benefits this magical mix has on offer. You can also be one amongst many who may have benefited or are being benefited due to the combination of cinnamon and honey if you know the right applications of this mix and the ways to use the same. The ways to get the most of out of this miracle mix.

Usage Tips Take 3/4th teaspoon cinnamon powder with 1 tablespoon honey. Take it thrice a day for cholesterol reduction Mixing honey and cinnamon with hot water or green tea would also accelerate the benefits

Usage Tips Apply the mix of honey and cinnamon on bread instead of using jam. Have this for breakfast and it will gradually help remove blockages from your blood vessels.

How to Use This Powerful Combination to Treat Various Health Issues

1. Cholesterol This mix would bring down the bad cholesterol and boost up the good cholesterol levels. A study has revealed that having 1 to 6 grams of cinnamon daily have reduced the cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Both honey and cinnamon have cholesterol reducing properties, but the combination would almost double the benefits.

4. Regulates Blood Sugar Levels Studies carried out on subjects suffering from Type 2 Diabetes have brought forward the benefits of cinnamon in regulating blood sugar levels This spice has always shown promising results in Type 2 Diabetes, but now the health experts have also endorsed this combination for the same Even the sweetness of honey was found to have positive results in fighting this disease. Usage Tips Add this sweet and spicy mix to your tea or bowl of cereal and start your day with the healthy mix.

2. Fights Common Cold As the name suggests, a common cold is quite a common health condition experienced by people of all age groups. The anti viral and antibacterial properties of honey and cinnamon would fight it effectively. You may start taking this mix as a preventive measure or when you first experience the symptoms to knock out cold and flu.

The regular consumption of honey and cinnamon would not only reduce the cholesterol levels but would also clear the clogged arteries. The open arteries would reduce the risk of heart attack due to even blood circulation.

Usage Tips – Mix 1 teaspoon honey into lukewarm water. Add a pinch of cinnamon powder and your flu fighting mix is ready Sip this two to three times a day for faster results.

Honey Cinnamonand

Take the mixture of 2 teaspoons honey and 1 teaspoon cinnamon mixed in 1 cup hot water twice daily, preferably in the morning and in the evening

8. Clear Skin Cinnamon and honey, both are anti fungal and antibacterial. Getting the pimple free skin is easy with this mix as it will prevent any sort of bacterial or fungal infection from developing further.

Usage Tips

The main trouble of arthritis is chronic joint pain that just won’t go! The miracle mix has been found to relieve this condition too It can control the symptoms of arthritis like inflammation of joints and stiffness efficiently

Good digestion is the indication of good health

6. Reduces Joint Pain and Arthritis

By Valerie S. Valerie is a multi interested law student who is fond of reading and writing about numerous topics.

The regular consumption of this mix before meals would prevent conditions like acidity and gas It aids faster digestion.

Usage Tips Have honey and cinnamon paste daily before meals. You can also add lukewarm water Take it on an empty stomach for best results.

Usage Tips Put 1 teaspoon cinnamon in a cup and pour boiling water over it Let the mixture stand for about 15 minutes before adding 1 tablespoon honey Opt for the organic honey to get the maximum benefits.

7. Weight Loss Yes, believe it or not, but this wonder remedy would bring down the number on the weighing scale. Honey melts the stubborn fat deposited on various parts of your body When combined with cinnamon, it will remove excess fat and also enhance the metabolism

10. Say No to Hair Loss Once you start losing your hair, the condition is difficult to reverse The combination of cinnamon and honey will help you with that Usage Tips Prepare the mixture of warm olive oil, 1 tablespoon honey, and 1 teaspoon cinnamon. Apply on the scalp and let is stay for 15 minutes before washing. Results will be Allcommendable.ourproblems can be cured or prevented if we know the miracle solutions nature has to offer. Use the above described remedies to get rid of most of the chronic health problems naturally and easily.

5. Aids Digestion

Usage Tips This time, you don’t have to take this mix orally. You have to apply the paste made from cinnamon and honey on pimples or affected area. Apply it overnight and then wash it off in the morning to get the clear skin. You will need frequent applications for chronic infections

9. Fights Bad Breath No need to stay away from the crowd because of bad breath Gargle with this mix before you head towards the social gathering, and it will help solve the problem of bad breath. Usage Tips Mix 1 teaspoon honey and 1 teaspoon cinnamon with lukewarm water. Gargle twice with this mix to avoid an embarrassing situation.

Oestrogen gets made out of testosterone in men and women alike. The menopausal woman relies on the same system to make her oestrogen. Taking HRT will override this natural mechanism and so for the rest of her life she will need to take oestrogen instead of making it. The same goes for testosterone and progesterone: take it and you won't make it! Neither will you be able to control it. A build up of testosterone, progesterone or estradiol in the liver leads to hormonal havoc. Generating your own hormones is the key to controlling old age, libido, cancer and heart problems. We get a full blown midlife crisis when we treat symptoms of hormonal problems with individual drugs like: blood pressure medications, anti depressants, diabetic and cholesterol drugs, steroids and anti inflammatories It is easier to control the diet in order to stay off the medications

Men are reluctant to take responsibility for any decisions regarding their health or diet, let alone hormones, as they get older The belief system that claims women will run out of oestrogen and have to take HRT is as unreal as warning men that they will run out of testosterone. We are quite capable of generating all the hormones we need as we go along True, you will notice a decline in some hormone levels with a resultant slowing down in certain aspects such as memory and physical or sexual stamina But these are an indication that you have failed in some way to attend to nutrition and hormonal management.

How hormones affect menopausalthemale

By Sue Visser – Nature Fresh

Prepare, for accept and maintain your "menopause"

Men do not ovulate They do not get hot flushes to announce the end of their breeding cycle They just keep making testosterone and remain potently fertile for many years. So a midlife crisis is a better way of viewing men with hormonal imbalances It is not an illness It is an indication of how well you have prepared yourself for this part of the journey. Accept the changes that take place in your body as the decades roll by and deal with them To the degree you can adapt to middle age in terms of nutrition, attitude and exercise you can look and feel good throughout your life. But how do you shape up? Do we really run out of hormones and need replacements?


Women only need 1% of the testosterone that men have. During ovulation, females rely on oestrogen supplies from their ovaries. After that, they get oestrogen from the same process as men; that of the breakdown of testosterone into estradiol; a very powerful female hormone. Normally men only convert a tiny amount of testosterone into oestrogen. This is controlled by an enzyme called Inaromatase.thecase of insulin resistance, hyper aromatisation takes place and so men get flooded with more and more oestrogen instead. Imagine that. Normally a healthy liver will break estradiol down into weaker oestrogens known as estrone and estriol for safety But if the liver is congested, then cell proliferators like estradiol return to the bloodstream and cause prostate enlargement (BPH). Progesterone joins in the fray, giving out more hormonal precursors to elevate cortisol

It is dangerous to take medications and hormones without understanding the etiology of the condition Men do not run to doctor the moment they feel a bit iffy For them there is no HRT or progesterone panacea that claims to "bail" them out as in the case of their wives. Men go to the doctor for a check up and are given drugs in response to high cholesterol and blood pressure readings. The clincher is that lurking behind such fashionable treatment is the real ugly monster: Insulin resistance! All those years of careless eating, no regard for supplements and not enough physical, mental and spiritual input equals a midlife crisis.

The third symptom of insulin resistance is elevated blood sugar levels. Aah! Now you take a medication for diabetes 2 By now the side effects have ganged up against you and you take an antidepressant. This really sabotages your dwindling sex life but it does not matter because by now the missus may be a total turn off. Similar eating habits "run in the family". She may also be as fat as a toad. So for special occasions you rely on Viagra. It is a costly way to do what should be coming naturally! It is a funny way to treat insulin resistance.

Insulin resistance fuels the midlife crisis.

The very first symptom of insulin resistance is? High blood pressure. The second one is too much low density (bad LDL) cholesterol. So Doctor gets panicky about the heart. But this has more to do with the diet and eating far too many simple carbohydrates. This is what affects insulin behaviour. The first crash comes when these wayward glucose molecules from starch and sugar get bound into triglycerides because the insulin is unable to pump them into cells for energy LDL cholesterol is made this way Not from fat Just remember that This causes high blood pressure and bad cholesterol. It then gallops out of control and diabetes is next, followed by an attack on testosterone that results in? Oestrogen dominance and a shut down of thyroid hormones! Do you need medication? How about cutting out the carbs instead and taking zinc and chrome supplements.

If you love eating bread three or four times a day with take aways and big desserts don't be surprised at the flabby belly, the sagging bulbous breasts, bloating and the moodiness. These are typical signs of insulin resistance. Ignoring vitamins and other supplements makes you so deficient that hormones such as insulin stop working Doctor said they were expensive urine Sound familiar? Next comes excessive cortisol production due to stress reactions. A further gain in weight takes place. The way you eat either prevents or promotes insulin resistance Change that and you change your hormones and avert a midlife crisis.

The woes of uncontrolled testosterone

What is the first thing a man in such trouble needs to do?

Midlife crisis case: Ben Ben is in his sixties and his wife keeps watch over him like a hawk Her medicine comes out of the food she lovingly prepares. In terms of nutrients, it is super dense. Carbohydrates are kept to a minimum and Ben lacks nothing His cholesterol profile is perfect and so is his blood pressure He never goes near a doctor unless it is a social event.

That is not the end of the story. Many men then still think they need more testosterone because they are sexually impotent. But any testosterone booster including the herbal "Viagra" concoctions will get aromatised into even more oestrogen. Hormones are cruel. The liver is where aggressive androgens like dihydrotestosterone (DHT) are controlled by the 5 alpha reductase hormone. But if there is a deficiency of beta sitosterol then DHT is unleashed and it too, invades hormonally sensitive areas such as the prostate gland. Insulin resistance sabotages testosterone and it runs out of control. *

At home the family table groans with vibrant vegetables and succulent morsels that are packed with super nutrients. It is his way of life and he hates sweet things. In between meals he is rammed full of fruit, savoury snacks or freshly made health juices. His wife takes pride in listing all the green ingredients, just in case he needs more chlorophyll, antioxidants, enzymes or adaptogens to handle stress and protect the adrenals. He takes a selection of supplements too!

If any hormone supplement is not carefully monitored by special 24 urine metabolic tests then it is just guesswork. It is not as simple as topping up with a cocktail of bio identical hormone supplements. They have to be controlled and broken down by the liver at certain times If your liver is wacked out from the "good life" then you will be worse off than before.

Seek help from a practitioner who is skilled in natural medicine. They will give you a customised health plan and guide your food and supplementation choices. Some people are sensitive to wheat or gluten and need to be tested for other intolerances that cause inflammation, fatigue, etc. Blood type diets and eating according to a carbohydrate controlled system such as "Zone" dieting help to control your hormones very effectively. With such help you can gradually wean yourself off of medications and be free from their harmful side effects. This will put you in control again. Forstall the misery that lies ahead when insulin resistance is rife. Learn to spot the lies and don't become another victim of hormones behaving badly!

Ben loves Viagra jokes. "Why do you have to get it up it does that every morning!" He laughs and wonders if there is an anti Viagra pill available? That is easy because most of the side effects of medicines these days seem hell bent on turning the alpha male into a heap of misery and dissatisfaction. Ben has no body part topics to keep up with his peers at the bowling club. Some of the guys are twenty years his junior with a waistline twice as large They go on about arthritis, diabetes, spinal surgery, dementia and stents. His bowling partners succumb to either heart attacks or death by cancer or chronic ailments without ever wondering if life could have been different It is all a question of correct nourishment and a better understanding of the hormones that hit us hardest during the menopause.

Chrome is needed to control sugars and carbohydrates. Supplements can be taken. 200 mcg daily is recommended. Apple skins contain more chromium than the flesh does. Sour green fruits and their skins are rich in chrome. Fresh green guava leaves contain chrome and vanadium. Add 2 guava leaves to juices you make if you have a tree. Herbs like Coleus forskolii and Olive Leaf also lower blood pressure effectively and can compete with medications. Seek professional advice to avoid medications with adverse side effects and get onto a diet and supplementation programme.

✓ Vitamin B6 is a natural diuretic It prevents water retention and oedema (Better than “water pills”!)

✓ It helps to prevent cancer, to metabolise protein efficiently and to fight infections.

✓ Magnesium is the key to activating vitamin B6 and it also helps to control high blood pressure, cramps and restless legs.

Experts recommend B-complex or multivitamins as well as 25-50mg vitamin B6 taken 3 or 4x a day. Avoid all sugar High blood pressure controlling supplements

by Sue Visser – Nature Fresh Good nutrition, exercise and plenty of sleep. Find out how and why common sense protects your heart.

Nature’s Way to a Healthy Happy Heart

Vitamin B6 is the most important heart protector here’s the proof!

✓ It provides an anti clotting function, even in the presence of smoking, alcohol and caffeine. (However, these No no substances deplete levels of B6, as do birth control pills, HRT and sugar )

✓ It relieves high levels of prolactin associated with swelling, PMT, moodiness and a dopamine blockage. Note that contraceptive pills and HRT deplete vitamin B6. They also thicken blood and cause it to clot ✓ fA deficiency of Vitamin B6 and magnesium also causes kidney stones and thus odema.

Natural vitamins, enzymes and minerals in fruit, grains dairy products and vegetables help the heart to stay healthy.

✓ It protects against heart attacks in acting as a supplementary antioxidant. Formerly it was only Vitamin C and E that was known to do this.

Life Magazine



Life Magazine

Herbs in your pet’s nutrition – your very own medicinal garden

PROPERTY: Calming, Relaxing, Soothing MINERAL: Magnesium HERBS: Assortment of Mints, Sages, Lemon Verbena, Lemon Balm, Borage, Yarrow

Most people have fresh herbs at home or can easily acquire some. The medicinal and mineral wealth in herbs is well documented and is essential to the health of all animals.

PROPERTY: Digestive Alkaliser, prevent mucus formation, prevent toxic build up and removal of toxins

A very common ailment with our companion animals are digestive issues. This could be a loose stool, flatulence, smelly skin and breath or diarrhea. This problem may be chronic and regular or it may be as result of a viral or bacterial infection. The herbs that I would recommend for such a condition are listed below:

In the wild, dogs and cats would graze a variety of mineral enriched grass, flowers and herbs, instinctively identifying the healing and cleansing agents that they contain. It is not uncommon for even our domesticated pets to consume grass and roots. In our own brand of natural food we include a variety of over 20 freshly pick herbs. As a result we have had amazing success in treating skin allergies and eczema, bad breath, bladder disorders, obesity, eye ailments, diabetes, cancer and nervousness. Described below are some common conditions that we struggle with and how the appropriate herb can be effective in treating it.

So often we struggle with poor animal behavior and it seems that our companions are out of control. The herbs that would supplement this diet are the cooling and calming herbs:

MINERAL: Sodium & Sulpher HERBS: Mints, Garlic, Fennel, Comfrey

We all know that calcium is fantastic for bone, teeth and cartilage So often we turn to synthetic pharmaceutical mineral supplementation. The most effective minerals and vitamins are derived from wholesome enzymatic active ingredients that you find in veggies and herbs:

MINERAL Rosemary, Basil,

About Paul Jacobson Paul Jacobson is a Pet Food Nutritionist and qualified chef and owner of Vondis Holistic Pet Nutrition. Vondis has been producing natural pet food for 20 years and is a registered nutritional pet food. Paul is actively involved in educating the public on the benefits of natural diets for pets and a holistic approach when treating them. The product is promoted and stocked by a wide spectrum of vets, homeopaths, health stores and pet shops.


PROPERTY: Build Strong Teeth, Bones, Cartilage, Hooves & Nails MINERAL: Calcium HERBS: Carrots, Sorrel Skin allergies and skin irritation are the most common ailments we find nowadays. Herbs like mint, sages, lemon verbena and lemon balm (enriched with magnesium) would be very beneficial in the treatment thereof. However, as general maintenance and promoting healthy coats and bright eyes, the mineral chlorine is preferred: PROPERTY: Promoting Glossy Coats, Shinny Eyes by Removing Toxic Build Up and Over Formation of Fatty Tissue.

: Chlorine HERBS:

Julius was a healthy alpha male baboon in the prime of his life, living with his family on the outskirts of Cape Point along Plateau Road. He took over the troop as leader and protector in 2019 when his brother, Jerome, was killed. He was a gentle soul and did no harm. He did not deserve to die because an influential person found it inconvenient to have him around.

Another day, another dead baboon. With the click of a pen and the flick of a wrist, a signature is added to paper. A beautiful light, and a beautiful life is extinguished, and a kindred soul is lost. Where is the empathy, the humanity, and the will to find a way for us all to co exist? What are we teaching our children about resolving conflict and living in harmony with nature?

There is a total lack of transparency and planning leading to unnecessary deaths and conflict. What will it take to bring some peace and conservation to baboon management on the south peninsula, which nearly 5 million humans dominate?

Another day…… Another Senseless killing

It was with horror that I listened to a Simons Town resident talking to a popular radio station, Cape Talk (The Morning Review with Lester Kiewet), expressing the view that “baboons have no value”. Are they simply disposable? Do we as humans have the right to decide which living creatures have value and which do not? Have we become that arrogant?

Over 80 adult males have been killed on the Cape Peninsula since the introduction of the killing protocols which have huge implications for family bonds and causes untold trauma, not to mention the watering down of genetic material in a species already threatened with local extinction. Baboons also play a critical role in contributing to the incredible biodiversity present in the Cape. The management of the baboon human interface needs to be addressed as a matter of urgency.

One has to wonder why the authorities are so keen to issue permits to hunt and kill these beautiful creatures despite repeated calls for a moratorium on the killing of baboons and requests for engagement by interested parties.

Baboons suffer barbaric treatment not only by the authorities but by irate residents too lazy to manage their environment. They are shot at repeatedly with paintball and pellet guns causing horrific injuries, in some cases the loss of sight, broken bodies and separation from their babies and their troops. They are set on by dogs and run over by speeding cars, many with the attempt of killing the baboons. The babies and youngsters of the troop are not spared this cruel and inhumane treatment. It is totally unnecessary and not the ultimate solution to resolving this conflict.

By Sharon McComb Wildlife photographer

The size and shape of collars used to improve supposed management of the troop also need to be revised. Surely less invasive solutions could be found. A mother from the Tokai troop was recently found carrying the mummified body of her baby as she tried to come to terms with her loss. From the state of the corpse, the baby had been dead for a while. In another incident, a mother who had only one arm due to an old human inflicted injury, carried her dead baby, who was run over by a car, cradled against her as she crossed the road. Baboons experience the same emotions as we do surely we can afford them compassion, care, and safety.

The treatment of our baboons is utterly heartbreaking and devoid of all humanity. Killing them won’t solve the problem. Educating residents and future generations most certainly will. Some sensible solutions include locking up your waste, baboon proofing your home, and learning to live in harmony with baboons and other wildlife in the area. Most importantly teach your children that every life is precious and worth saving. We alone can make a positive difference. In the words of Anthony Douglas Williams: “When I look into the eyes of an animal, I do not see an animal. I see a living being. I see a friend. I feel a soul.”

Shooting only through the eye of my lens

Sharon is an avid Wildlife photographer although her work takes her photographic skills to your beloved pets. If you are interested in ordering any of her prints, please go to:

Steve Newman

Support Steve by attending his gigs. Funds are being raised to assist this very gentle musician for a surgical procedure he needs. This wonderful artist, who has given so much of his time to entertaining the people of our country over many many years, needs our support. Steve, you going to rock this one! THURSDAY 8 SEPTEMBER 2022 - BAXTER THEATRE, CAPE TOWN Line Up: Steve Newman Trio *Hilton Schilder *Mark Fransman *Lu Dlamini, *Prime Circle *Wendy Oldfield *Robin Auld *Radio Kalahari Orkes *The Bottomless Coffee Band *Jacques Moolman and *Albert Frost 1st & 2nd OCTOBER 2022 – WOMAD FESTIVAL, WATERFRONT, CAPE TOWN Follow Steve on Facebook for more gig details as they become available

Barnyard Shows & Attractions

Barnyard Shows & Attractions

Subscribe and WIN!! Competition Question to win a hamper is: Where can you buy Bramley Tissues Oils exclusively? Email . Competition Question Where is the Steve Newman Benefit Concert taking place on 8 September? Third email received will win a R2000 voucher for Skinmiles products.


Our team of dedicated rescuers and rescue assistants, veterinarians, educators, monitors, fund raisers, administrative assistants and supporters is what makes this project the success that it is today. Monkey Helpline is a registered NPO. 130 166 NPO What we do: As a team we devote our time to educating people about the reasons why the monkeys are here, why monkeys behave the way they do, the things people should do or not do when monkeys are around, and how to humanely keep monkeys away from those places where they are not welcome. Just knowing that monkeys will NOT attack and bite people, and that they DON’T carry rabies, is usually enough to change antagonism and fear into tolerance, and frequently into appreciation.

Education is a vital tool in our hands and we distribute thousands of information leaflets, and visit many schools (at least two schools per week) to do educational talks about the monkeys. During 2009 we spoke to over 40 000 school learners and their teachers. We also do talks to many other interest groups such as police cadets, garden clubs, public service groups, conservation bodies, body corporates, etc. In addition, we advise farmers, businesses, hotels and casinos, housing and golfing estates, botanical gardens etc on the best ways to manage human/monkey “conflict”.

Monkey Helpline networks with a number of other Vervet related individuals, groups, and general primate and animal care NGO’s.

NB. There is no charge for the services we offer, but donations towards the cost of running the project are welcome. Without your support we would not be able to change attitudes and legislation in favour of the monkeys nor would we be able to rescue the hundreds that we do every year and alleviate their suffering.

Who we are:

We also run a rescue operation and a “high care” unit. We rescue an average of three monkeys every two days, and their injuries range from wounds sustained during fights with other monkeys, dog bites, being run over by motor vehicles, electrocuted, snared, trapped or poisoned, shot with airguns (pellet/BB guns), catapults, paintball guns and firearms, as well as being caught or injured on razor wire. Many are babies who are orphaned or injured when mother monkeys are attacked by dogs or other monkeys, or are severely injured or killed in human related Overincidents.eighty percent of the monkeys we rescue, irrespective of the reason why, have got air gun pellets lodged in their bodies. Lead pellets cause terrible pain, suffering and a lingering death and no person, adult or child, should ever shoot monkeys, or any other animals, with an air gun.

As the only dedicated monkey rescue project in KwaZulu Natal, the Monkey Helpline is available to do rescues 24 hours a day, every day! On any given day we are treating ten or more monkeys in our home based high care unit frequently in excess of twenty monkeys! Once they have recovered from their injuries these monkeys are released back into their home territory, transferred to a rehabilitation facility or placed in a sanctuary.

Conscious Life Magazine

The Monkey Helpline, started in 1995, is a volunteer group, based in Westville near Durban in KwaZulu Natal, but operating throughout the province and also anywhere else in South Africa and abroad where our assistance and advice are requested. SMS "dog" to 40733 to Donate R20

WOODROCK ANIMAL RESCUE PROUDLY RESCUE, REHABILITATE, REHOME.​ We are a non profit, pro life, rescue, rehabilitation and re homing facility in Gauteng, South Africa. Our motto is ACTA NON VERBA – Action not Words.

Woodrock Animal Rescue have over 130 animals (mostly dogs) who are looking for homes. Click here to view our available adoptions. We are open Tuesday to Sunday. We offer advice on the animals and match your requirements with the most suitable pet who will fit into your home. Home checks, background checks and legitimate vet care checks are performed prior to an animal being re homed. We have been facilitating homeless animals for many years; we strive to re home as many animals as possible!

Help Us Make A Animals Lives For more information on how you can make a difference, visit our How to Help page. Click here to see our awesome animals available for ADOPTION.

We Change Lives

Woodrock Animal Rescue provides assistance to unfortunate, homeless, abused, neglected, stray, injured, ill, geriatric and unwanted animals (predominantly canines) that would otherwise have miserable lives and premature deaths. Animals who have no voice of their own!

Woodrock Animal Rescue are one of the oldest independent domestic animal rescue centres in South Africa. Woodrock Animal Rescue was founded in 1992 by Nicholas and Estelle (Stella) Meldau, whose focus, passion and drive afforded their animal rescue vision to become a reality. The rescue centre originated in the suburban area of Woodmead and Khyber Rock, hence the name Woodrock. We are now based on 8.5 hectares in the beautiful Hennops River Valley, 25 minutes north from Fourways Johannesburg on the R511 Hartbeespoort Road.

Difference to Rescue


As a parent to two children I believe I have gained so much experience in dealing with many situations, which I can now put to use in helping others, starting with the parents. My daughter was always the easy and responsible child. At the age of 11 I could have left her to run the house if only she could have driven in those years.

This title has been on my mind for many years, as I firmly believe that through knowledge, nurturing and inspiration, we can assist the youth of our country to lead better lives.

My son was killed in a car wreck, not his fault. He is not gone, just not ‘here’ in the physical sense. It’s an on going journey through the shock of sudden loss, going into a state of ‘freeze mode’, and my own journey as a parent of coping and how to start living again. I look forward to reaching out to others, sharing and caring along with you, and joining forces with those who would like to make life better for our youth the future of our nation. With much love

So many of our teens, through to their 20’s, are having a tough time, many taking drugs and their lives - so many suicides. I want to use this magazine as a platform for talking to parents and most of all, reaching out to our youngsters.

My son the other hand, put me through endless hair raising experiences from depression as a child, to being shot 7 times from behind, without any warning, by an area security guard who was patrolling illegally, they should be travelling ‘two up’ and this dude was alone. My son was fooling around with his BB gun, which looks real, and the shop assistant at the petrol station called for security. It took the guard over half an hour to hunt my son down and shoot. When the cops arrived there, and took in the situation, the Officer in Charge put his arm around the security guard and said “Don’t worry, everything will be fine” There was no chance of taking them to court, we didn’t have the funds to take this company on. Youngsters these days are out of their depth and need direction – in the right way.

with much appreciation to our advertisers, contributors, endorsers and our readers

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