Methodist Message: December 2023

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VOLUME 125 NO. 12

MCI (P) 013/11/2023




/ Bishop’s Message /

Editorial Board Adviser and Publisher Dr Anthony Goh Chairperson, Council on Communications

/ News / 3 Methodist Fathers Movement 3rd Anniversary:

Communications Manager

The Heavenly Father and the Earthly Fathers

Lynn Tan

5 A year of celebration for TTC's 75th Anniversary

Managing Editor Alvin Tay

/ Feature /

Editor Lianne Ong

12 The Gathering of the Gifts

Communications Executive Kathrynn Koh

/ Opinion /


9 Young Voices: "Don't come back a heathen!"

Lucy Cheng Janice Khoo Tan Chiu Ai Elliot Soh

Some musings on life as a student overseas 16 Soundings: The Christmas hymn with no manger,

angels or shepherds


18 THINK: Israel-Hamas war—A clarion call for moral clarity

Kenneth Lee Christabel Tan

/ Outreach / 22 From foe to full-time caregiver 25 Collaboration in missions The official monthly publication of The Methodist Church in Singapore. Published material does not necessarily reflect the official view of The Methodist Church. All Scripture quoted is based on the English Standard Version unless otherwise stated.

/ Relationships / 27 You & Your Family: A good man, but ... 29 At The Well

/ Worship /

70 Barker Road #06-04 Singapore 309936

35 The Christmas witness

6478-4793 | 6478-4763

/ People /

37 An invitation that changed my life

communications@methodist. @methodistsg


Have something to say or share? Email us at


Layout by Londonbob Design Printed by Adred Creation Print Pte Ltd


They Presented Unto Him Gifts Artwork by Dominique Fam Interview with the illustrator on page 15

O Little Town of Bethlehem


ne of my favourite Christmas carols is

on earth as an unknown carpenter, with none

"O Little Town of Bethlehem" (words by

of his craftsmanship preserved in any earthly

Phillips Brooks, ca. 1868). My guess is that the

museum. For thirty years, Jesus lived on earth,

composer was inspired by the Bible promise in

and yet there are hardly any records of what he

Micah 5:2 (NKJV):

did or said during that long period. And even in the final three years of his life in which Jesus

"But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, Though you

came into the public eye just a little more, his

are little among the thousands of Judah, Yet

presence was confined to a very little corner on

out of you shall come forth to Me The One to be

earth. If Jesus lived in Singapore, then he never

Ruler in Israel, Whose goings forth are from of

travelled further than to Melaka. He made no

old, From everlasting."

headlines in the powerful Roman empire. This is astounding when you think that Jesus was born

What a surprise that such a little town like

to be the Saviour of the world!

Bethlehem should be the source or birthplace of Israel's future Ruler. Matthew 2:6 cites Micah 5:2 in expressing the same surprise that Jesus the Messiah was born in the little town of Bethlehem. "O little town of Bethlehem … yet in thy dark streets shineth the everlasting light." It is in the "dark streets" of the "little town of Bethlehem" that Jesus, the Saviour of the world, is born. "How silently, how silently, Why was Jesus born in such a little, sleepy town

the wondrous gift is given;

like Bethlehem? Why didn't God choose the

so God imparts to human hearts

bigger and much more prominent city of holy

the blessings of his heaven.

Jerusalem? And why was there so little fanfare or

No ear may hear his coming,

publicity announcing the royal birth? Yes, there

but in this world of sin,

was an angel choir (Luke 2:8-14), but who heard

Where meek souls will receive him still,

them? Only a few, unnamed shepherds in an

the dear Christ enters in."

unknown field somewhere near little Bethlehem. There were no global headlines the next

Today, Christmas is celebrated with bright lights,

morning declaring the holy birth of this princely

loud music and both commercial and church

Son and Saviour of the world.

fanfare. But despite this, or perhaps because of this, it is just as easy today to miss the amazing

For reasons we would do well to ponder, the

good news of Christmas. Maybe it is in the

God of the Bible seems little concerned with the

smallness and stillness of a little Bethlehem

kind of publicity our modern world deems to be

somewhere that we will find the real joy and

indispensable. Jesus would spend most of his life

hope of Christmas. December 2023 Methodist Message 1

2 Methodist Message December 2023


Jointly written by Dr David Ang (CAC), Chairperson of the Methodist Fathers Movement (MFM), Dr Morgan Zhou (TRAC) and Samraj Asir (ETAC), Vice-Chairpersons of the Methodist Fathers Movement. / Photos courtesy of MFM

The Heavenly Father and Earthly Fathers Methodist Fathers Movement celebrates its 3rd Anniversary

MFM Core Team with BE Dr Robert Solomon (5th from left)


he Methodist Fathers Movement (MFM)

Following the welcome, Mr Ling Jiahao

celebrated its third anniversary on 14

led the participants in an anointed time

October with the theme "The Heavenly

of worship, expressing gratitude for

Father and Earthly Fathers" at Tamil

God's enduring love and faithfulness.

Methodist Church, Short Street (commonly

Subsequently, a poignant video compilation

known as SSTMC). Close to 80 fathers and

featuring testimonials and congratulatory

their families from across the three Annual

messages was presented, further

Conferences were present to commemorate

emphasising the way in which God is

this significant milestone.

nurturing fathers and bringing families together for his greater purposes.

Rev James Nagulan, District Superintendent (ETAC) and Pastor-in-Charge of SSTMC,

Bishop Emeritus Dr Robert Solomon

began the programme by warmly

presented the keynote, imparting vital

welcoming all attendees, and Dr David

principles drawn from Matthew 6:9-10.

Ang, Chairperson of the MFM, continued

He highlighted how fatherhood signifies

by acknowledging God's faithfulness in

identity, emphasising that we must

establishing and sustaining the movement:

acknowledge God as our father before

"This move of nurturing and uniting

we can effectively nurture others. He

fathers across the three conferences in the

also addressed authority, stressing the

Methodist Church is undeniably a divine

importance of accepting God's authority in

arrangement solely for the glory of God."

our lives and using it in a redemptive and

December 2023 Methodist Message 3

The Heavenly Father and Earthly Fathers

loving manner. Additionally, he underscored the significance of intimacy by encouraging

Heavenly father,

attendees to recognise God as Abba Father

we stand before you humbled, yet hopeful.

in their lives.

As earthly fathers, we recognise that we

Thereafter, powerful testimonies regarding

derive the privilege of fatherhood from you

the Holy Spirit's impactful and renewed

and you alone. We will take our rightful

work within different families were

place as head of our household. I pledge to

recounted by Mr Leong Jenn Yeoong

love my wife (her name), beloved mother

and Mr Laurent Pong who had journeyed together for a period as spiritual friends within the MFM. Subsequently, Mr Phua Yee

of my children (names), as Christ loves his Church. We pledge to be faithful in our God

Farn and his son Gabriel shared their own

given responsibilities: As priests, we will

testimony of intergenerational discipleship,

make intercession on behalf of our families;

highlighting that when a father redirects

As prophets, we will speak your truth and

his heart towards the children in the family, it results in the children turning their hearts

train our families in righteousness according

back to their father, leading to the entire

to the standards of your Word; As kings, we

family experiencing Abba Father's deep

will lead our families by serving them and

transformational love.

providing for their every need. In the fear of

Mr Martin Lim and Mr Peter Tan then guided the participants through a session

the Lord and with God's help: We will guard our homes against all ungodly influences;

of small-group prayer for fathers, marital

We renounce all our human ambitions for

and family relationships as well as for the

our children; We release them to dream your

seeds of faith to be established in the next

dreams; We bless them to fulfil your prophetic

generation, even for those yet to be born. It was heartening to see participants from the three Annual Conferences coming together to pray for one another.

destiny for their lives; For your ways are higher than our ways; your thoughts are higher than our thoughts. Today, anoint us afresh and fill us with your wisdom so that

Before the dedication of MFM Core Team members, the song "Fathers" written by Dr Denis Cheong (initially presented at

we may father a generation of family builders for your Glory. In Jesus' name, Amen.

The Faith We Sing event organised by the Methodist School of Music) was shared with the attendees. The song was composed to encourage and challenge fathers to rise up and embrace their roles as head of their family. BE Dr Solomon ended this segment by offering a prayer for the leadership of the MFM. The anniversary event concluded with a declaration of the Father's Pledge, which was launched during Singapore's Jubilee in 2015 by the Elijah7000 Movement (an inter-denominational Christian fathers' movement founded in Singapore):

4 Methodist Message December 2023

Phua Yee Farn and his son, Gabriel, sharing their testimony


Content and photos courtesy of Trinity Theological College

A year of celebration for TTC's 75th Anniversary

"Gird us with love as shining light that we may help to set all free, to find in thee their peace and life." (From left) TTC's professors and Principal: Dr Tan Kim Huat, Dr Roland Chia, Rev Dr Wilfred Ho Wai Tat, Rev Dr Edwin Tay, Dr Chan Yew Ming, Dr Mark Chan, and Rev Dr Lim Teck Peng


lose to 800 people were standing,

This year, TTC, Singapore's oldest seminary,

hearts stirred, singing these words on

celebrated its 75th Anniversary. Based on

6 Oct 2023 at the grand ballroom of the

the anniversary theme, "Changing World,

Orchid Country Club. The thanksgiving

Unchanging Light", seven key events were

dinner held there was the formal

planned for the year-long celebration.

culmination of the celebration of Trinity

The first celebratory event reflected TTC's

Theological College's (TTC) 75th Anniversary.

continued commitment to Christian

The words are the closing line of the Trinity

scholarship. On 17 Feb 2023, we heralded

Anthem, our college anthem.

the establishment of our sixth professorial chair with the installation of Rev Dr Wilfred

TTC was forged in the crucible of war. During

Ho Wai Tat as the ACS Professor of the

the Japanese Occupation, missionaries

History of Christianity. The new chair

interned at Changi prison were given a vision

was endowed through the generosity of

of a union college for the training of Christian

ACS (International), an institution of The

workers to serve the churches. After the war,

Methodist Church in Singapore. In his

in 1948, this vision was realised when TTC

introduction, Principal Rev Dr Edwin Tay

was established with its campus at 7 Mount

described Rev Dr Ho as "not only a scholar

Sophia and has been equipping Christians

of the highest calibre but also a pastor-

for ministry since.

teacher with a big heart". December 2023 Methodist Message 5

A year of celebration for TTC's 75th Anniversary

On 23 Mar 2023, we launched the book

lectures were delivered by Dr Li Tang from

Chinese-Speaking Churches and Chinese

the University of Salzburg, Austria, and

Worldwide 《华文教会与华人世界》. The

TTC's own Chen Su Lan Professor of New

new book contains articles authored by

Testament, Dr Tan Kim Huat.

past and present TTC faculty members and alumni from Singapore, Indonesia,

On 4 and 5 Oct 2023, TTC held its 75th

and Malaysia. Providing multi-faceted

Anniversary Conference on the theme: "The

perspectives and insights from different

Church in a Changing World". The 4 Oct

disciplines, regions and denominations,

conference held in English had keynote

the book examines the opportunities and

speakers—Dr Mark Chan who spoke on

challenges facing the Chinese-speaking

"Christian Faith in a Hyper(Dis)connected

churches in Singapore and beyond. It was

World", and Rev Dr Simon Chan who

the first major event held at TTC's newly

spoke on "Is There Such a Thing as Online

upgraded multipurpose hall.

Eucharist?" Our 75th Anniversary book,

(left top) Panellists at the launch of the book Chinese-Speaking Churches and Chinese Worldwide 《华 文教会与华人世 界》; (from left) Mr Christopher Lee, Rev Shawn Koh, Rev Dr Lim Teck Peng (moderator), Dr Chan Yew Ming, and Rev Dr Liew Yoo Kiang (left bottom) Speakers and participants at the 13th Annual Conference of APECSS (AsiaPacific Early Christian Studies Society) which was hosted by TTC

written by TTC faculty, Becoming a People The Trinity Lectures from 1 to 4 Aug 2023 was

of Light: For a Phygital, Hyperconnected,

the third anniversary event. Over four nights,

and Fragmented World was also launched

Prof Murray Rae, Professor of Theology at the

during the conference.

University of Otago, delivered public lectures on the theme "The Resurrection of Jesus

The conference on the next day was held

Christ: Its Meaning and Mission".

in Chinese and had keynote presentations by Bishop Dr Titus Chung and Rev Dr

Then from 7 to 9 Sep 2023, TTC hosted the

Caleb Soo. A book of Chinese essays by TTC

13th Annual Conference of the Asia-Pacific

alumnae entitled Echoes was also presented

Early Christian Studies Society (APECSS). The

on 5 Oct. Close to 400 people attended the

conference theme was "Early Christianity

two-day, hybrid conference with 80 per cent

in Pluralistic Contexts". The two keynote

of participants being onsite.

6 Methodist Message December 2023

(right) At TTC’s Trinity Lectures, four public lectures on the theme "The Resurrection of Jesus Christ: Its Meaning and Mission" were delivered by Prof Murray Rae from the University of Otago

The anniversary thanksgiving service was held at the TTC chapel on 6 Oct 2023. Our Board of Governors Chairman, Bishop Dr Titus Chung, preached a sermon based on our anniversary theme, and was also the celebrant for the Holy Communion.

TTC's 75th Anniversary free, bilingual e-book, Becoming a People of Light: For a Phygital, Hyperconnected, and Fragmented World

In his speech at the thanksgiving dinner, Principal Tay said that while the pandemic impacted the corporate rhythm of the college, TTC's response to the crisis was guided by the virtues of integrity— the nature and quality of theological education should not be compromised; and service—tuition fee sponsorships for every matriculated student throughout the uncertain, pandemic years continued. He shared that despite the pandemic, by the grace of God, matriculated student enrolment saw annual increases since Jul 2020. (left) Close to 800 people were at TTC’s 75th Anniversary Dinner which was held at the grand ballroom of the Orchid Country Club (right) The Q&A with the keynote speakers, at the first day of the TTC Anniversary Conference; (from left) Dr Mark Chan, Rev Dr Edmund Fong (moderator), and Rev Dr Simon Chan

A large, specially commissioned cake was rolled onto the stage, and the birthday song was led by emcees Rev Dr Chiang Ming Shun and Rev Dr James Lim. The cake was then cut by Bishop Dr Gordon Wong, Archdeacon Daniel Wee, Bishop Lu Guan Hoe, Rt Rev Dr Christopher Chia, each representing their respective denomination, and

is available for download here: about/e-book-downloadregistration/

Principal Tay. A choir of more than 50 student choristers and alumni rendered four rousing anthems. Then, all at the ballroom stood and together with the choir sang the "Trinity Anthem" before Bishop Dr Wong closed the evening with prayer and benediction. As Principal Tay said in his speech: "May God keep TTC faithful to our calling and bless us from strength to strength as we continue to shine the unchanging light of Christ in a changing world! Lux Mundi!"

December 2023 Methodist Message 7

ACS (International)

ACS (International) Singapore is a distinctive international secondary school open to all Singaporeans & other nationalities, offering an all-round English-based education for students aged 12 to 18 years leading to the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) and the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP). Senior Leadership Team

Building Through Belief, this school of choice provides • Exceptional examination results, strong value-added achievement and an all-round holistic education • 50:50 mix of local and international teachers who uphold the dual Methodist ethos and ACS heritage • Small class sizes with overall student-teacher ratio of 8.7 : 1 • 40 different CCAs – 16 Sporting, 12 Visual and Performing Arts, 12 Special Interest Groups • Over 200 formal student leadership positions • Scholarships for four Singaporeans to undertake the IBDP

Mr Gavin Kinch Principal

Mrs Tan Siew Hoon Vice-Principal

Achievements include • Students with perfect score of 45 points in IBDP • 23 “Top in the World” awards in IGCSE examinations over each of the past twelve years • Students accepted to Oxford and Cambridge universities for the past eight years

Mr Christopher Hayward Vice-Principal

Dr Kristopher Achter Vice-Principal

For more information, please contact Joseph Ng or Serene Lim at +65 6472 1477 or

• Admissions to top universities in the UK, the US, Australia and Singapore • PSLE and GCE ‘O’ Level students obtaining outstanding value-added examination results for the IBDP and improved pathways to good universities • Successes at national level in Athletics, Touch Rugby, Debating, Orchestra, Volleyball, Taekwondo, Ice Hockey, Fencing, Swimming, Artistic Swimming, Rhythmic Gymnastics and Wushu.

Young Voices

Zachary Yong worships at Wesley Methodist Church. He is part of the Kopi kakis comics team and is currently reading Law at Cambridge. / Photos courtesy of Zachary Yong

"Don't come back a heathen!" Some musings on life as a student overseas Consequently, when preparing for university life in the UK this year, it was my priority to find a Christian community sound in doctrine, rich in fellowship, and to whom I could be accountable. This was admittedly not the easiest of tasks, given how many denominations had already changed their biblical stance on fundamental doctrine,1 and how prominent figures like the current Archbishop of Canterbury faced sharp criticism for affirming a 1998 declaration that gay sex is a sin. "Don't come back a heathen!" I sought the Lord in prayer, and in his mercy, I distinctly remember the first time I heard

he ordained everything in his time. One

those words from the mouth of Rev Dr

way God worked was by using my parents,

Isaac Lim who, while preaching at Covenant

through whose contacts I got to meet

Vision Christian Church in February 2023,

Charis Lim, an alumnus of the university I'm

provided an anecdote of how a man once

studying at. He recommended churches

committed to serving the Lord, returned

and shared his experience of how he

home from studies in the UK a completely

navigated a spiritually dark environment

changed man who now forsook the Lord.

with God's lamp of light while there.

That clarion call was repeated by my parents and reiterated by Rev Dr Lim himself when we met him at a later juncture. Though there are some who would brush that message aside, thinking that committed Christians would never leave the faith, I chose to take it seriously, knowing that this fate could befall anybody, even the (left) My Cell Group with whom I do Bible study—that's me at the back, in black

"godliest" person.

(right) Spending a Saturday morning at a Bible Study workshop with my seniors December 2023 Methodist Message 9

"Don't come back a heathen!"

Another way God answered my prayers

Through my study of law, I have grown in

was by sending a friend who invited me to

the realisation that "the fear of the Lord

attend the freshers' meetup organised by

is the beginning of wisdom". It was the

the Cambridge Chinese Christian Fellowship

Bible that laid the foundations of Western

(CCCF). I am thankful that God led me to

morality and culture, that inspired the

this vibrant community of believers who

development of the English common law

share the same faith and who, through their

system and evolution of the Roman legal

behaviour and mentality, are quiet, bold

system. It was often also the Bible that

witnesses for Christ.

shaped the views of judges in deciding verdicts. Sir Matthew Hale, the former

I make it a point to set aside Friday nights

Justice of the Common Pleas of England

for Bible Study and Sunday mornings for

and Wales in the 17th century, wrote that

church service, no matter how much work I

"Christianity is part of the Common Law of

might have.

England". Closer to the present, one of the most influential judges of the 20th century,

I've also maintained a habit of providing my

Lord Bingham, was reported to be a

parents and pastor with regular updates so

staunch Christian who kept the King James

that I can remain accountable and we may

Bible at his bedside and aspired to live his

continue to keep each other in prayer. To set

life in accordance with the philosophy of

my mind the right way each day, I meditate

the New Testament. 3 Lord Denning, the

on God's Word, using ODB devotionals, 2 a

former Master of the Rolls, boldly testified

devotional calendar and Scripture quotes

in a BBC Home Service broadcast in 1943:

that I've placed around my room.

"People who think [that law and religion have nothing in common] have a wrong

I have a splendid view of the college chapel

idea [about] both law and religion. The aim

from my room. It is almost as if God, with

of the law is to see that truth is observed

his sense of humour, wants to remind me

and that justice is done between man and

daily that it was him who brought me

man … But what is truth and what is justice?

here, and him who will see me through my

On those two cardinal questions religion

studies here.

and law meet. The spirit of truth and justice is not something you can see. It is not temporal but eternal."4 I pray that as I learn more about law, I will not "come back a heathen", but instead grow deeper in my faith. That I may live according to this precept that Lord Denning humbly confessed—life must be lived in utter dependence on God—so that the light of the Lord may shine through even in the darkest of times.

More than 50% of Anglican priests in England supported legislative change, allowing clergy to conduct marriages for gay couples. This is a major shift from the results in the same survey back in 2014, when only 39% were supportive. (see


ODB or Our Daily Bread, a popular devotional resource. The devotionals I use are written specifically to study a book of the Bible in-depth.




10 Methodist Message December 2023

(left) The view of the college chapel from my window on a day with atypically good English weather


O Come All Ye Faithful Ring in the Christmas cheer—Check out our list of events held by Methodist churches and agencies this month! Scan the QR code

or visit -message/o-come-all-ye-faithful-2023/ Check back often as the list may be updated.

Wishing all readers a blessed Christmas! December 2023 Methodist Message 11


GATHERING GIFTS 12 Methodist Message December 2023


Sophia Huang attempts daily to find her true worth in Jesus while pursuing her work as a children’s book author, copy editor and mother of three. She writes for several Christian publications and attends Redemption Hill Church with her family. / Artwork by Dominique Fam

Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem, saying, ”Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.” ~ Matthew 2:1-2


elchior traced his fingers across the sky. He muttered the prophecy under his breath, "On that day, the King shall dance with Love before the rising of the Bright and Morning Star.1 His light will shine in the darkness, and the darkness will not overcome it." His eyes opened wide. He quickly called for Balthasar and Gaspar. They came running, and they gazed in wonder at the sign in the heavens. A prophecy fulfilled in their lifetime … could it be? The appearance of the sign meant the wise men must pay homage, but first, each of them was to gather the finest gifts. Gaspar would travel east to the Indus Plateau where villagers sifted gold from sand dug up by marmots while making their burrows. Melchior would head south to Sheba to seek the farmer who carved from the tree. Balthasar would go southwest to Kush where the medicine woman extracted the best cures. The men immediately set off on their camels.

Gold: His kingship On a high plateau, Gaspar found furry marmots digging up heaps of sand with

their burrowing. 2 The sand was laced with gold buried deep within the earth. Villagers watched from afar, sifting gold from the sand. He stepped forward cautiously. The marmots scurried forward, clasped their paws and stood behind mounds of gold-laced sand. Villagers came forward to present the gold to Gaspar. In his hands, Gaspar held the world's most priceless gold—mined not by people, but by the mountain mice—fit for the king of kings.

Frankincense: His priesthood and deity Meanwhile, Melchior met the farmer delicately cutting off the bark of an ancient Boswellia tree. The farmer slashed the tree and let the sap dry. Fifteen days passed, and the man harvested the resin, cutting the same spot again. A third incision was made another fifteen days later, yielding the most aromatic harvest of frankincense. As the tree was wounded, so would the High Priest who would stand between God and man as the unblemished sacrifice to atone for the transgressions of all mankind. The farmer handed Melchior the holy incense and sent him on his way.

December 2023 Methodist Message 13

The Gathering of the Gifts

Myrrh: His death The medicine woman was tarrying in anticipation of Balthasar's arrival.

and fire which guided the Israelites in the wilderness. The wise men were overjoyed to see the star again. It stopped over the place where the child was dwelling.

The woman smiled as she retrieved a salve from the Commiphora tree, harvested in the same manner as the frankincense. Balthasar sniffed the granules of myrrh to ensure its authenticity, taking in the familiar aroma of temple worship, and death. Myrrh, an ingredient used in anointing oil for priests in the temple. Myrrh, which would bind the wounds of he who would traverse from hades to the heavens in triumph.

The search The men had journeyed to the corners of the earth for the finest gifts, even as the sign in the heavens started to wane. They hurried on to the land of the Jews. Surely a King as great as he would be born in a palace? In one of his many palaces, the wise men asked Herod the Great where they could find the King of the Jews. Herod did not know, but the priests and teachers of the law searched the Scriptures, which said: But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, who are too little to be among the clans of Judah, from you shall come forth for me one who is to be ruler in Israel, whose coming forth is from of old, from ancient days. ~ Micah 5:2 Dejected, the wise men trudged forward with only one clue. How would they find the hidden Messiah? They were looking for a needle in a haystack. Melchior, the old wise one, who knew the directions to all the treasures, was at his wits' end. He lifted his hands to the heavens and prayed to the Almighty God. Then the star they had seen in the east went ahead of them just like the pillar of cloud 14 Methodist Message December 2023

There, nursing on his mother's breast was the Bright and Morning Star, humbled as a little child. He had no stately form or majesty, no beauty except that of a tender shoot. Dressed in plain linen, he appeared as a suffering servant—the child of a carpenter and his wife—rather than a conquering king. Before the spotless lamb of God, the wise men stood in their fine robes, their iniquity laid bare. Unclean men, with unclean lips. They felt the urge to withdraw, their sinfulness creating a chasm, and yet, felt drawn to the holy one. The wise men approached Jesus, bowing low. Presenting their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh, they prostrated themselves before the Christ, their faces to the dust. And they worshipped. The wise men brought extravagant gifts of gold (representing the kingship of Christ), frankincense (used in temple worship signifying Jesus as the High Priest) and myrrh (an indication that the Messiah was to come and die). What would you offer him in worship today?

Q&A with Dominique Fam


he two images used in this story, "Wise Men from the East" and "They Presented Unto Him Gifts", were illustrated by Dominique Fam, a full-time illustrator and member of Wesley Methodist Church. These two paintings are part of a Christmas Story series made up of five paintings. They have been reproduced here with permission from Sound of Art ( MM: There are many artworks depicting the Christmas story. What inspired you to do your own series? DF: One of the things that has always nagged at me (especially during Christmas time) was the conflation of events in Luke 2:8–20 and Matthew 2:1–23 in order to create a single nativity scene. I decided to present the timeline of events more accurately through a series of paintings, which covers the first two years of Jesus' earthly life. MM: How did you conduct your research? DF: I looked at three sets of information— Scripture; historical and archaeological information; and information about the culture and tradition of the time, in that order. The biblical texts described the scene and then I filled in the details by referring to historical and archaeological records. Finally, cultural details were added to the scene. My intention is to create scenes that were hopefully faithful to the way they are described in the Bible. MM: What was the stylistic approach you adopted and why? DF: I thought about how to best translate Scripture into a visual form. I decided on a hyper-realistic style so that viewers would focus more on the subject, rather than the art style.

MM: Tell us why your artwork is different from other depictions of the wise men. DF: Traditionally, three wise men, or magi, are depicted in most Christmas artworks because three gifts are mentioned. However, there is nowhere in the Bible that suggests there were only three of them. The magi were prominent men who probably travelled with a significant company of armed guards, which is possibly why we read in Matthew 2:3 that, "When Herod the king had heard these things, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him." If there had been just three men, it might not have caused such a stir. So I wanted to suggest that. Perhaps there were more than four wise men, but I also thought it unlikely that Joseph and Mary would have been able to afford a house big enough to accommodate all of them at the same time, so I only included four. MM: Are there any "Easter eggs" in your artwork? DF: If you look at the top of the painting, you will see some pieces of wood, which hint at Joseph's (and later, Jesus') profession. But there are also three nails which foreshadows Jesus' finished work on the cross. There is also no lamp in the room. The light is coming from the star that the magi followed (possibly from an open window).

If you enjoyed Dominique's art, visit Sound of Art's Christmas exhibition, "The Art of Christmas". Details on the back cover.

Some astronomers have suggested that the conjunction of the planets Venus and Jupiter, which occurred around the time of the birth of Christ, could have been the phenomenon seen as "the Star of Bethlehem".


Greek historian Herodotus first wrote of "gold-digging ants" that threw up sand laced with gold dust. According to his writings, the Indians would go after the sand with little sacks, filling them as quickly as possible because as soon as the creatures caught their scent, they would give chase, leaving the humans no way of coming out alive. This record was later corroborated by modern-day explorers who believe the creatures to be marmots, a type of ground squirrel.


December 2023 Methodist Message 15

Image: Betz


The Christmas hymn with no manger, angels or shepherds


ne of Charles Wesley's most

"Despite the title of the collection in which

endearing Christmas hymns is surely

this text was published, and despite the

"Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus", which

four appearances of 'born' here, this is not

was first published in Hymns for the

so much a hymn about Nativity as it is about

Nativity of Our Lord in 1745.

Incarnation. The details of the birth are never mentioned: no manger, no shepherds,

The two stanzas of the hymn—comprising

no angels. Yet there is an awareness here

eight lines each—are replete with

that the larger mystery being celebrated

scriptural allusions. They include the

leads to the sending of the Holy Spirit and

notion of God as the strength of Israel

comes full circle in Christ's reign in glory,

(Joel 3:16 and Psalm 68:34), the promised

when God's people will find freedom from

rest (Matthew 11:28), the desire of all

fear and sin, when hope will be fulfilled, and

nations (Haggai 2:7), the indwelling of

when human hearts will be aligned with

God's Spirit in the heart (Ezekiel 11:19;

God's saving purposes."

36:26; Romans 5:5; 2 Corinthians 1:22), and the sufficiency of the work of Christ

The hymn begins with the words, "Come, thou

(Ephesians 2:8; 2 Corinthians 12:9).

long expected Jesus, born to set thy people free." These words speak of the expected

The hymn abounds with the theology of

Messiah whom the prophets of Israel had

Christmas. The Episcopalian hymnologist,

prophesied for centuries, and identifies him

Carl Daw, has perceptively described the

as Jesus, the son of Mary, who was born in

hymn in this way:

Bethlehem on the first Christmas day.

16 Methodist Message December 2023

The first stanza stresses the liberation that

This is consistent with the teaching of

Jesus, the long-awaited Messiah, will bring

the Wesley brothers that true religion

("born to set thy people free"). However,

always has to do with the transformation

it immediately clarifies that the liberation

of the inner man (2 Corinthians 5:17). True

the incarnate Son of God brings is a

religion, in other words, is the religion of

spiritual liberation ("from our fears and

the heart.

sins release us"). The hymn triumphantly envisions While Jesus is indeed the Messiah that

the glorification of Christians—which

Israel had anticipated, the hymn very

theologians throughout the history of the

quickly makes clear that he is also the

Church have designated as the final stage

Saviour of the world. Thus, Jesus is not only

of the order of salvation (ordo salutis)—due

"Israel's strength and consolation", he is

to the all-sufficient work of Jesus Christ

also the "hope of all the earth", the "dear

("by thine all sufficient merit, raise us to thy

desire of every nation", and the "joy of

glorious throne").

every longing heart". This truth is taken from Paul's letter to the The hymn continues this grand theme of

Ephesians where the apostle writes that the

salvation in Christ in the second stanza.

God who is rich in mercy has "made us alive

The soteriological emphasis is captured

together with Christ—by grace you have

in phrases such as "[b]orn thy people to

been saved—and raised us up with him

deliver" and "born to reign in us forever".

and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus" (Ephesians 2:5-6).

Charles Wesley's hymn makes clear that what Christ has done to make the

As we celebrate Christmas this year in

salvation of sinful human beings possible

a world ravaged by war, injustice, and

is complete. The work of the Son of God—

calamities, let us meditate on the profound

his incarnation, ministry, passion, death,

truths about what God has done for us in

resurrection, ascension, and heavenly

Christ, packed in the two short stanzas

session—is "sufficient merit" for the

of this remarkable Christmas hymn.

salvation of the world. Nothing more needs

Furthermore, as we look forward in eager

to be done.

anticipation to the return of the one who was "born a child and yet a King", let us

The hymn sings of the Kingdom of God

pray to our Saviour and Lord with the

that the incarnate Word has inaugurated

words of this hymn:

at his first advent and will bring to full consummation upon his return, in words ("now thy gracious kingdom bring") that are reminiscent of the prayer that Jesus taught his disciples ("Thy kingdom come"). The hymn is also careful to emphasise that God in Christ reigns in the hearts of men and women who have put their faith in him ("born to reign in us forever" and "[b]y thine own eternal spirit rule in all our hearts alone").

December 2023 Methodist Message 17


Dr Roland Chia is Chew Hock Hin Professor of Christian Doctrine at Trinity Theological College and Theological and Research Advisor at the Ethos Institute for Public Christianity.



A clarion call for moral clarity "But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream." ~ Amos 5:24


n 7 October this year, Hamas launched an unprecedented attack on southern Israel by firing rockets, invading Israeli towns and army bases, taking hostages, and killing hundreds of people, including civilians. Israel has retaliated with airstrikes in Gaza that have killed hundreds of people, including civilians. Israel's Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has declared war against Hamas. Reuters reported on 31 October that after three weeks of heavy airstrikes, Israeli ground forces had finally entered Gaza. Very quickly, this war has become the deadliest and most devastating of the five wars that both sides have fought since 2007, when Hamas took control of the Gaza Strip from the Palestinian Authority. As of this writing, according to AP News, 1,400 people in Israel have been killed. The death toll in Gaza stands at 8,500 while 116 are reported to have been killed in the West Bank. In addition, 1.4 million Palestinians in Gaza have been displaced, and about 250,000 have fled their homes. The number of soldiers and civilians being held hostage stands at 239. Like many wars, this current conflict between Hamas and Israel is shrouded in

18 Methodist Message December 2023

a cloud of confusion, which is exacerbated through the instrumentality of social media. Photos and videos of violence and atrocities committed by both sides flood the internet and online social networks—some of which are genuine, but many are not. Some of these images were many years old, while others have been taken from conflict zones in other parts of the world. This onslaught of mis- and disinformation not only has the potential to thicken the fog of war in Israel and Gaza by injecting misdirection and confusion into an already highly complex situation, it has also sparked worrying incidents of anti-Semitism and Islamophobia across the world. Mis- and disinformation may also disrupt social cohesion here in Singapore by swaying people to hastily take sides without a deep appreciation of the complexities. Speaking to the press on 13 October, Home Affairs Minister K. Shanmugam said: "This is going to be quite a tough period. But our fundamental attitude cannot change." He then issued this timely caution: "We are all Singaporeans. We have a precious peace within Singapore. We must never let external events affect that."

Support for Hamas After news broke that Hamas terrorists had descended on a music festival in Israel and gunned down 260 visitors in mid-October, crowds were seen in New York celebrating the executions. This rage soon spread to campuses throughout the United States. For example, at Cooper Union College, a mob chanted "globalise the intifada", causing Jews in the area to go into hiding. A professor from Cornell University described the attacks by Hamas as "exhilarating" and "energising". And a Yale professor described Israel as a "murderous, genocidal settler state". Organisations such as Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) have issued statements on the incident through their various chapters. On 7 October, DSA Salt Lake City published a statement which stressed their "unwavering solidarity with the people of Palestine in their decades long fight for national liberation". It proclaimed its unequivocal support of Hamas' attack on Israeli civilians, stating that "it is not terrorism or anti-Semitism to fight against this injustice". The DSA Pittsburgh chapter also published a statement on 10 October, emphasising their "continued full and unequivocal support for the Palestinian struggle for freedom". The statement implicated Israel and the US in the attacks committed by Hamas when it says that “Violent opposition is the inevitable response to the conditions imposed by Israeli occupation. The conflict can only end if the apartheid regime is lifted from the river to the sea.” These statements are terribly worrying because they seem to endorse the murder of innocent Jewish civilians by Hamas. Many of these Western leftists regard Hamas' incursion as an act of decolonisation. It must be stressed that we are not dealing here with a small group of extremists, but journalists, professors and student organisations at Ivy League universities.

What is remarkable is that—as Nick Cohen puts it in an article published by The Spectator—"None of the American socialists or academics seemed to know or care that Hamas, Hezbollah and Islamic jihad are ultrareactionary theocratic movements that are against everything the Western left believes in, or pretends to believe in." In so doing, these Western leftists have willy-nilly become bedfellows with Islamic terrorists and jihadists. This abject failure to see Hamas for what it really is and the horrendous evil it has perpetrated is not just a venial befuddlement but reveals a calamitous lack of moral clarity on the part of the Western leftists. Hamas is not just an Islamist militant group. It is a terrorist organisation. Its attack on innocent Israelis on 7 October, resulting in the butchering of civilians and children, is unconscionable. Whatever view one may have about the Palestinian cause, what Hamas did was wrong. If one is sympathetic to the plight of the Palestinians in Gaza, one should not condone Hamas' actions, but condemn them. Hamas is not an ally of the Palestinians. It has hijacked the Palestinian quest for independence and autonomy to advance their jihadist ideology. In skilfully weaving the two, Hamas has made it difficult to support the Palestinians without also being somehow complicit with terrorism. Driven by their own ideology, the moral vision of the Western left-wing apologists of Hamas are so impaired that they do not even realise that they are supporting terrorism. As Zack Beauchamp puts it, "The moral failures of the fringe left show us how not to think about the ongoing horrors in Israel and Gaza …"

Support for Israel Soon after the war between Israel and Hamas

December 2023 Methodist Message 19

Israel-Hamas war

broke out, evangelicals in the United States issued statements which unequivocally emphasised their support for Israel. For example, on 11 October, a statement which was signed by Brent Leatherwood, President of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, and Albert Mohler, President of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary— as well as many others—states the following: In the wake of the evil and indefensible atrocities now committed against the people of Israel by Hamas, we, the undersigned, unequivocally condemn the violence against the vulnerable, fully support Israel's right and duty to defend itself against further attack, and urgently call all Christians to pray for the salvation and peace of the people of Israel and Palestine. The statement is absolutely correct in saying that Israel has every right to defend itself against the sudden and horrendous attack by Hamas. As I mentioned above, Hamas' actions are unlawful, unethical and indefensible. There are, however, other evangelicals who have given their support for Israel because of their peculiar and, broadly speaking, erroneous understanding of the Scriptures. For example, former Republican Ohio State Representative Candice Keller posted about the impending Rapture on her Facebook page, suggesting to her followers that they would soon be meeting "The King". Christian Zionist, Pastor John Hagee of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, gave a talk entitled "Israel Is At War", insisting that it was Iran that planned the attack, and even advocated that the war should be extended to neighbouring countries as well. On 10 October, US Senator Lindsey Graham asserted on Fox News that "We’re in a religious war here. I am with Israel. Do whatever the hell you have to do to defend yourselves. Level the place." This statement has led to a flurry of criticisms which

20 Methodist Message December 2023

accused Graham of inciting genocide. The incendiary rhetoric of these Christian leaders, bolstered by misinformation (the Hamas attack was not planned by Iran!) and undergirded by a species of dispensationalist eschatology, has only succeeded in generating confusion among some Christians. This kind of rhetoric could fuel support for Israel from some evangelicals, but for all the wrong reasons. But even more worryingly, this rhetoric dangerously misleads: it makes this war what it is not. So, let me be very clear. The current war between Hamas and Israel is not a religious war. It is not a holy war. And, emphatically, it is not an apocalyptic event that is purposed to signal the imminence of the Rapture or of Christ's return! Even those who support Israel for the right reason (such as Leatherwood and Mohler) must recognise the fact that their support cannot be unconditional. Israel's retaliatory bombardment of Gaza may arguably be seen as going beyond what can be reasonably regarded as self-defence. Additionally, many organisations such as the United Nations (UN) and Amnesty International have noted that there is mounting evidence that Israel may be committing the war crime of collective punishment through its siege of the Gaza territory. The International Committee of the Red Cross said in a statement that, "The instructions issued by the Israeli authorities for the population of Gaza City to immediately leave their homes, coupled with the complete siege explicitly denying them food, water, and electricity, are not compatible with international law." Amnesty International maintained that it has "documented unlawful Israeli attacks, including indiscriminate attacks, which caused mass civilian casualties and must be investigated as war crimes".

We must also not forget Israel's conduct in Gaza which led Human Rights Watch to describe Gaza as "an open-air prison". An article published on 14 June 2022 on the Human Rights Watch website states that, "In addition to devastating Gaza's economy and helping to fragment the Palestinian people, the closure is part of Israeli authorities' crimes against humanity of apartheid and persecution against millions of Palestinians." This has been boldly underscored by António Guterres, the Secretary-General of the UN, in a statement to the Security Council on 24 October 2023 (which so provoked the ire of the Israeli government that it called for his resignation):

The terrorist attacks by Hamas on thousands of innocent Israeli civilians are unjustifiable. We are shocked by the brutality, missile attacks, kidnappings, and targeting of civilians including the elderly and children. These are war crimes and must be prosecuted. We call for the immediate safe return of all hostages and call on the government of Canada to do everything in its power to ensure the release of Canadians among the captives. This morning, Israel's ground operation into Gaza commenced. Civilians in Gaza are caught in a horrific cycle of violence; like the Israeli civilians killed over the past few days, Gazans are victims of

It is important to also recognise the attacks

Hamas' brutality. Israel's bombardment

by Hamas did not happen in a vacuum.

of civilian homes and infrastructure in Gaza, where over half the population

The Palestinian people have been subjected

are children, has killed hundreds

to 56 years of suffocating occupation.

of Palestinians with entire families wiped out. The next hours may be the

They have seen their land steadily devoured

deadliest Gaza has ever seen. Canada

by settlements and plagued by violence;

must urgently insist that Israel respect

their economy stifled; their people displaced

international law and protect the lives of

and their homes demolished. Their hopes

innocent Palestinian civilians who bear

for a political solution to their plight have

no responsibility for Hamas' terror.

been vanishing.

Taking sides To be sure, as the Secretary-General himself was careful to add, "But the grievances of the Palestinian people cannot justify the appalling attacks by Hamas." We are not able to fully appreciate the complexities of the history of the conflict without taking seriously Israel's conduct. The way to view this war is to be as objective and clear-eyed as possible. Such an approach is exemplified by a statement issued on 9 October by Canada's New Democratic Party. It is worth reproducing the two paragraphs in that statement in full:

These comments have shown the way forward for both left-wing Western apologists for Hamas and right-wing Christians who support Israel unquestioningly. Indeed, they teach all of us that we should never let partisan loyalty distort our moral judgement. In a conflict such as this one, it is very tempting to take sides. But for the Christian—and, indeed, for all who strive towards moral clarity and integrity—there is only one side to take: the side of justice and peace!

This article was first published by Ethos Institute for Public Christianity on 3 November 2023. It has been republished with permission.

December 2023 Methodist Message 21

By the Methodist Welfare Services (MWS) Communications Team. / Photos courtesy of MWS

From foe to full-time caregiver After a car crash left a 24-year-old paralysed, his stepfather stepped up to become his full-time caregiver.


s Lim Joo Teng vividly recalls the day her life took a dramatic turn. Two decades ago, her father, with whom she had been living with since her parents' divorce, received a call from their estranged mother notifying them that her brother, Joo Phiau, was in critical condition in the hospital after a tragic car crash. What ensued were numerous exhausting days and tearful, sleepless nights. "I was just 18, and my brother was 24 when he had that car accident. We had been separated since our parents' divorce when we were very young. I stayed with our father, and he, with our mother, but we reunited after his car accident," recalled Ms Lim. "In the past, life was carefree, and I had no concerns. Everything changed after my brother's accident. My father, who had been working as a cook, quit his job. The three of us spent months in and out of the hospital

22 Methodist Message December 2023

while my brother remained in critical condition. That was the most challenging time of my life." The incident caused Joo Phiau to suffer a severe brain injury, leaving him paralysed from the neck down. As Joo Phiau's medical bills snowballed, 18-year-old Ms Lim gave up her plans for higher education to work and provide for her family. Their stepfather, Mr Kua Sim Choon, also quit his job to become Joo Phiau's full-time caregiver. "Before my stepson's accident, he used to give me a hard time because he disapproved of my relationship with his mother (now my wife). After the accident, it hurt to see my wife crying every day. I told her not to be that way and that I would help take care of him," recounted Mr Kua. "Who would have thought that I would end up being his caregiver for the past 20 years?"

(top right) Mr Kua Sim Choon has been a full-time caregiver to his stepson, Mr Lim Joo Phiau, for the past two decades (top left) Mr Steven Lee, a volunteer befriender with MWS Family Development Programme, visiting Mr Kua and Mr Lim (middle) Mr Kua accompanying his stepson to do stretching exercises at the outdoor fitness zone in their neighbourhood

Endless battle for financial survival Days turned into weeks, then months and years, as Ms Lim worked tirelessly to support her family. As Mr Kua's health worsened in recent years, Ms Lim had to hire a helper to ease his caregiving load. Over time, she accumulated $14,000 in debt from multiple bank loans to cover daily and caregiving expenses. Ms Lim said that had it not been for these loans, she would have ended it all. "I had no concept of savings because no matter how many hours I worked, it was never enough to support my family. I don't know how I survived until today," she shared. For over a decade now, Ms Lim has been juggling two jobs as the family's sole breadwinner. By day, the 38-year-old is a pallbearer, and in her spare time, she works as a ride-hailing driver.

As part of the programme, a volunteer befriender is paired with the family to support them in managing their bills and finances. Mr Kua recalled how Mr Steven Lee, his and Ms Lim's volunteer befriender from Sengkang Methodist Church, went above and beyond. "Once, our water heater broke down, but I couldn't afford the repairs. Steven not only bought us a new water heater but also arranged for someone to fix it for us. If I mentioned we were running out of rice, he would buy some for us," shared Mr Kua. "He has been like a brother to me and I am extremely grateful to him. It is truly surprising because such generosity is rare, especially when he is not obligated to help us. I'm amazed."

Putting love into action

Mr Lee sees his actions as "an expression of God's love". At the same time, Mr Kua's devotion to his stepson is an inspiration to Mr Lee. "I admire his unconditional love for his stepson. Even as a Christian, I am unsure if I could care for a paralysed person for 20 years," he admitted. "I have read about parents' selfless love for their children, but with Mr Kua, I have personally witnessed it."

Since 2021, MWS has journeyed alongside Ms Lim to work towards a better financial future through MWS Family Development Programme (FDP), a debt clearance and savings matching scheme. For every $1 Ms Lim saves, MWS FDP matches it with $2.


Amid the cost-of-living crisis, spiralling food prices and interest rate hikes are wrecking their already-stretched family budget. To meet the higher expenses, Ms Lim has to spend longer hours behind the wheel.

"I've always lived paycheque to paycheque, but being on this programme has motivated me to save for the first time in my life," said Ms Lim, who is on track to reach her savings goal in June 2024. "The funds will help pay off my bank loans more quickly, so I can start saving to give me and my family a better future." 71-year-old Mr Kua, who was formerly on the programme, added: "MWS FDP has really helped me to save for family emergencies, and to buy food and diapers for my stepson."

For families like Ms Lim's, clearing mounting debt and building a financial safety net can be a daunting challenge. The MWS Family Development Programme, a debt clearance and savings matching programme, is designed to help families escape the poverty trap and is funded entirely by donations. You can extend the love of Christ to our community and motivate a family with a matching gift today. Scan the QR Code or visit to find out more.

December 2023 Methodist Message 23

Eternal Peace GARDEN OF

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For booking of niches, please contact the columbarium office to arrange for an appointment.

24/2/2023 4:41:50 pm

Alvin Tan is the Chairperson of Methodist Missions Society and worships at Grace Methodist Church. / Photos courtesy of MMS

Aldersgate Methodist Church and Holland Village Methodist Church running a Grade 9 Camp in June 2023

Collaboration in missions


he adage, "It takes a village to raise

7th graders in rented premises, has now

a child", particularly holds true when

progressed to the setting up of a modern

it comes to the Methodist community

well-equipped school, with boarding

coming together to advance missions.

facilities for students from Grades 1-12.

For missions to grow and transform

Beyond being discipled, beneficiaries are

societies deeply and impactfully, the entire

being equipped to transform their own

community is called to offer its diverse and

communities. These ministries are already

abundant gifts in blessing those we serve.

bearing fruit, and much more will be

As a community, what we have to offer

yielded in ways we cannot imagine as the

collectively can be used by God in far more

blessings of God ripple throughout this

widespread ways than what we have to

new nation.

offer individually. MMS ministries in Timor-Leste have Consider one of our youngest fields, Timor-

benefitted from the combined contributions

Leste, as an example. MMS first started

and efforts of missionaries from all three

a hostel in 2016 to care for high school

Annual Conferences, donors and volunteers

students from remote, mountain villages.

from multiple cell groups and churches, a

Seeing a need to allow these students to

charitable trust, three schools and countless

transition seamlessly to tertiary education,

professionals and individuals from within

a second hostel was established in 2019

the Singapore Methodist community. Any

to cater to university students and those

of these on their own would likely find

undergoing vocational training. In the area

it too difficult to carry the financial and

of education, what started as a ministry

human resource burdens required for the

to teach Christian values to one class of

continued growth of these ministries. December 2023 Methodist Message 25

Collaboration in missions

We are thankful for partners who have given sacrificially to these ministries over the years, and to the many partners and donors in all our ministries in the various MMS mission fields. Vibrancy in missions is about being relevant and involved in the transformative work that God has put in our collective hearts to do—sharing the gospel, teaching Christian values, alleviating poverty, building human capacity and church planting. This vibrancy in missions is, in turn, reflected in our joy in the Lord, fulfilment of our earthly purpose, and in our worship in real and practical terms. Each partner church or group should

While partners are encouraged to treat

embrace the ministries and initiatives

each field ministry as their own, MMS

they support as their own, the field church

continues to serve an important role as it

as their own daughter church, and the

provides the framework that holds all the

believers as their own disciples. As in the

initiatives together, through clear strategic

example of Timor-Leste, only then can the

direction and strong governance processes,

ministries develop organically and expand

as well as communication with and to the

to meet other areas of need.

wider community.

MMS Collaboration Offer - Equip and facilitate the growth and development of missions across the denomination - Promote missions, mobilise and rally resources in service of the field - Lead in field development through a clear roadmap and strategy - Disciple and nurture field clergy and lay leadership - Administer missionary support system and ensure missionary welfare - Ensure robustness of systems and policies for governance, stewardship and accountability

MMS and the entire Methodist community are on a journey together, one in which MMS hopes to become the missions agency of choice to the community. We look forward to having deeper conversations with the local churches, Annual Conferences and the wider

Contact us for further information.

Ms Grace Chung Stakeholder Engagement Manager Methodist Missions Society

community on how we can work together

effectively, for the glory of God.

+65 8388 2383

26 Methodist Message December 2023

Sabai dental team sharing healthy teeth habits

You and Your Family

Benny Bong has over 40 years of experience as a therapist, counsellor and trainer. He also conducts regular talks and webinars. Benny has helmed the You & Your Family column for more than 16 years and is a member of Kampong Kapor Methodist Church.

A good man, but ...


he email was unexpected. After all,

the wife. I was not sure if they would show

the couple, my clients for the past

up but both did. I dived straight into the fact

eight months, were doing well in their

that he had broken his promise to have no

relationship and I had witnessed mutual

further contact with his mistress.

concern for each other's wellbeing. He looked grim and said little except to Receiving news that the wife had discovered

admit the continuing infidelity. He then

her husband was secretly meeting his

said he would not leave home except

mistress was a bombshell.

to settle his affairs. He would even surrender all the digital devices he used

She had confirmed her suspicions with a

to communicate with others. In short,

"painfully forced" confession on his part. He

he seemed to offer to put himself under

then promised not to do it again and said

"virtual house arrest".

he would fix everything. This last part had a sinister tone about it.

The wife's response was not one of elation or even anger. She felt rather sad and

In the past when he felt there was nothing

helpless. She wondered if he really loved the

he could do to make things better, he would

other woman. If so, she would grant him a

say something like, "It’s better that I am

divorce as she could not live with a constant

not around." When I tried to clarify what he

fear of another woman in the wings. He

meant, he was evasive. I finally asked him if

rejected her offer and said again that he

he meant suicide, and he nodded.

would settle everything in due time.

We scheduled a face-to-face counselling

It was then that I asked to speak with him

session soon after my email exchange with

privately. After some time, he admitted

December 2023 Methodist Message 27

A good man, but ...

that since he could not make anyone who

not and would not let his infidelity go, I

matters to him happy—his wife, his adult

asked him to give it some time and see if

children, his siblings, and even the other

she might surprise him with her response.

woman—he should either end his life or

Was I too quick in saying that he is a good

just disappear.

man? After all, his moral failure was evident at least twice.

After some silence, I told him, "You are a good man." I then added, "You did not

His wife concurs with my assessment

intend to hurt anyone when you started the

that her spouse is fundamentally a "good

affair, but you did. But because you are a

man". Yet, he is also a flawed individual.

man of values and principles, you want to

His strong ego cannot reconcile this

do all you can to fix it."

incongruity—that despite his robust values, which includes not abandoning his family,

He felt that since he could not erase

there is also the fact that he chose to do

the pain he caused, he could perhaps

something that hurt them deeply. This

make some amends in a financial way.

contradiction is what my client is grappling

He had worked hard and achieved much

with. It is as if he is confronting a dark part

financial success, enabling him to provide

of himself with which he is at odds.

well for his family and extended family too. He planned to wind up his overseas

This confrontation of the different aspects

business dealings, liquidate his assets and

of the self is a crisis that many of my

distribute the proceeds. At this point of

clients encounter. This encounter is an

marital crisis, all he could think of was to

important part of the change process.

throw money at the problem.

It begins with acknowledging the truth of the various parts of ourselves. We

I appealed to him to reconsider as death

can be rather complicated, sometimes

would cause his loved ones even greater

even contradictory, and flawed. If we

distress. I also pointed out that he himself

find ourselves in such a situation, it may

knew that any financial gain from his

help to have an open conversation with

untimely death would not ease their pain

someone who can help us confront and

nor anger. Although he felt that his actions

resolve this contradiction and experience

were beyond forgiveness and his wife could

the grace of forgiveness.

Senior Manager

Property Administration To apply and view other Employment Opportunities at MCS, visit sg/contact-us/mcs-employmentopportunities/ Alternatively, send your resume to

Benny Bong has over 40

years of experience as a therapist, counsellor and trainer. He also conducts regular talks and webinars. Benny has helmed MM’s You & Your Family column for more than 16 years and is a member of Kampong Kapor Methodist Church.

Rev Tay Li Ping is currently

pastoring at Christalite Methodist Chapel. Trained as an Industrial-Organisational Psychologist before becoming a pastor, Rev Tay is particularly interested in the intersection of Psychology and Theology. She is married and has five sons.

Koh Ai Jin is a registered

clinical counsellor with extensive experience in marriage and family counselling, mental health concerns and psychological trauma. She runs her own practice and currently serves as Vice-President of the Association of Christian Counsellors (Singapore).

Need advice? Scan the QR code or visit to submit your question. Due to space constraints and repetition of topics, we may not be able to feature all questions submitted.


Should I maintain confidentiality for a relative's problem when she is 18 years old? Recently, my wife's cousin's 18-year-old daughter got into some trouble relating to fraudulent transactions, sex scams, etc. and called me for legal advice. After giving her

Benny says Dear Dr Who, Like many professionals, we are mindful of observing a code of ethics that seeks to protect the interests of the clients and professional. It sounds like you related in the best interest of your relative by offering her some information that might be helpful to her. You were also careful to advise her to engage another fellow professional that can assist her.

some preliminary advice and linking her up with a lawyer friend to represent her in the case, she asked me not to tell anyone, especially her parents, of her situation. While I tried my best to encourage her to be upfront and honest with her parents, she refused. Should I tell her parents what happened or maintain confidentiality and hope that she tells them herself?  Dr Who

The situation you now find yourself in is whether to breach the confidentiality of your relative by alerting her mother of the circumstance that she is in. This clearly violates the most common practice of privacy of information. It also does not appear that there are legitimate grounds to reveal what she told you. On the other hand, since you did not relate to your relative as a professional client, the protection of professional confidentiality

December 2023 Methodist Message 29

does not apply. Having said this, her query appears to be one of a sensitive nature and I think that she will be embarrassed and hurt if you reported on her to her parents. I would advise her to consider the possible distress of her remaining completely silent. Should you notice that your relative is becoming severely distressed by the troubles she is in, you may intervene, this time as a concerned relative.

Dating & Marriage

Hubby doesn't value date nights

does not plan and make time for you, why not take the initiative and date him instead? Be considerate of his availability and his interests. Such moves towards verbal and emotional intimacy may send alarm bells ringing for some men. They may be tongue-tied or not know how to express themselves. If something is troubling them but they have not worked it out themselves, they may not be ready to talk about it. This may seem odd to some spouses who value just the opportunity to talk about things even if no solution may be presented.

My husband doesn't value date nights

Another possibility to consider is whether

and never puts in effort in planning. He

your spouse's indifference is because he

remembers his appointments with his

is harbouring some resentment against

colleagues and friends but nothing about

you. Perhaps, there has been some

us. Whenever I bring this up, he flares

unhappiness over an issue that was not

up. I'm tired of the marriage. Should we

resolved to his satisfaction. His rebuff of

divorce?  Kolo

your request could be his way of showing you his displeasure over the matter. Ask the Lord to reveal if there is some way that you may have offended him and then ask for his forgiveness and make amends. If these suggestions do not work, do consider seeing a counsellor to talk about your options.


The guilt from having aborted my child stays with me A few years ago, I discovered that I was

Benny says Dear Kolo,

pregnant with my second child. In the fourth month of pregnancy, the scans revealed that there were developmental issues with my baby. An amniocentesis

Thinking of divorcing your spouse because

confirmed the likelihood of genetic

he seems to ignore you and takes you for

conditions that would lead to physical and

granted is a rather extreme response. This is

learning disabilities. My husband and I

not to minimise your concerns. I know that

were devastated and did not know what to

you yearn for more intimate connections

do. We sought counselling and even went

and deeper conversations. When we become

for healing prayers. Our family members

"invisible" to our spouse, the hurt and pain it

advised us to terminate the pregnancy

causes can be profoundly felt.

as the long-term care needs of the child would be tremendous. On the other hand,

It is good that you have spoken to your

my Christian friends encouraged us to

spouse about this. His flaring up as a response

keep the baby and to trust God for the

may indicate that he has a lot on his plate and

future. In the end, I chose to terminate the

not that he is indifferent to your needs. If he

pregnancy as I was already caring for my December 2023 Methodist Message 31

At The Well

first child and did not have the capacity

will forgive us of our sins and purify us from

or resources to care for a disabled child. I

all unrighteousness. Similarly, Romans 8:1

know the Bible is against abortion. Even

assures that there is no condemnation for

though what happened is in the past, I

those who are in Christ Jesus and have been

still struggle with a sense of guilt. Would

forgiven in him.

God have wanted me to keep my child? Or would he understand that I did not have

Cleansing from sin does not absolve us of

the ability to care for a disabled child?

the consequences of sin, however. In the

How do I come to terms with the decision

case of abortion, this can include lingering

I made?  Feeling Guilty

sadness and regret. But know that you are not alone in struggling with these consequences. You may find it helpful to connect with the resources provided at and


My father-in-law is different at church and at home My family lives with my in-laws. My father-in-law is a well-loved member of a Methodist church and is always in good

Li Ping says Dear Feeling Guilty,

spirits in public. But at home he has a terrible temper. When he is in a bad mood, he shouts at the family, calls his wife "stupid" and causes the rest of the

It sounds like you struggle with whether you

family to walk on eggshells to avoid being

made the right decision and wonder if you

the target of his outbursts. The rest of the

may feel less guilty if God understands the

family see it as normal and don't think he

decision you have made. May I suggest that

can change at this age. Do you have any

it is possible to confess that what you did

suggestions as to how I could lead him to

was against God’s will (i.e. a sin) and still find

change and improve his relationship with

freedom from guilt and condemnation?

his family?  Son-in-Law

I stand with you in agreeing that the Bible is against abortion. Although abortion is not explicitly mentioned, Scripture speaks of the sanctity of all human life that is created in God’s image (Genesis 1:27) and that God knows each individual he created, even before they were born (Jeremiah 1:5). The Methodist Social Principles affirm that life begins at conception and that abortion is not subscribed to except on medical grounds, such as when the mother’s life is in danger. The first step to freedom from guilt is to confess your sin to God. 1 John 1:9 promises that if we do, God is faithful and just and

32 Methodist Message December 2023

Li Ping says

perfectionist behaviours. Since starting

Dear Son-in-Law,

primary school, the demands of school

If you have a good relationship with your

to daily meltdowns—hours of screaming,

father-in-law, engage him in conversation about his thoughts and feelings about his behaviour and relationship with his family members. Do so from a place of curiosity rather than judgement. If you sense openness or a hint of a desire for change, go deeper to explore with him how to do so. If he is defensive or closed, you will need to use

have escalated such behaviours, leading self-harm and incessant erasing and rewriting. However, in school, he is a model student! The whole family's life has been put on hold, and we are centred around keeping him calm and safe. I feel this is not fair for his older siblings whose needs may have been sidelined. I've considered taking him out of school, but

indirect methods.

many say he will outgrow this behavior.

Firstly, if you attend the same church, enlist

 Exhausted

Will he? How can I manage things better?

the help of church friends that he respects and would be open to listening to. This may need the agreement of other family members attending the same church due to the sensitivities of revealing his home

Ai Jin says Dear Exhausted,

life to others. When you mentioned that he is a model Secondly, model respectful behaviour in

student at school, are you saying that he

your own interactions with your wife and

behaves better at school? If so, I wonder

children. It may be that your father-in-

why? While it could mean that he is capable

law is repeating family patterns that he

of some self-control, I suspect that he

himself was exposed to. Your own example

could be holding in emotional stress. The

signposts a different way.

home becomes a safe place to release the repressed emotions that have been built up

Thirdly, help your father-in-law improve his

from facing various challenges at school.

mood—and the overall culture of the home

The meltdowns are a sign that his emotional

—by engaging him in activities that you

and psychological capacity is overwhelmed

know he enjoys. Research shows that doing

by external demands, and he has limited

so improves one's mood more than doing

coping resources, unable to self-soothe and

nothing or suppressing the bad mood.


Fourthly, pray! Only God can change a man’s

If this is affecting the family, it seems to

heart. Pray for God to intervene and ask

indicate a level of severity to the issue at

other family members to pray along with

hand. As you mentioned that your son may

you. This may also lead them to be open to

have some inherent sensory issues, may

hope for change and be willing to join you in

I recommend you seek consultation and

influencing him to do so.

assessment from a child psychologist or child counsellor to ascertain what may be


My son has daily meltdowns from sensory issues

happening and learn intervention strategies that could help him. Meanwhile, support him to find healthy ways to manage his stress, such as going outdoors to play, going for a swim, or engaging in activities that he

My son struggles with some sensory

enjoys; provide downtime and encourage

issues, and exhibits inflexibility and

short naps in case he is tired.

December 2023 Methodist Message 33




Amelia Leo is a Programmes Executive at the Methodist School of Music. She worships at Fairfield Methodist Church with her husband Joshua and daughter Faith.

The Christmas witness "Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!" ~ Psalm 133:1


n a time when many societies and churches

Expressions of our unity in Christ may be

are plagued by division and strife, Christian

powerfully used by God. Hence, at the

unity is not merely good and pleasant, but

Methodist School of Music, musical groups

an imperative that acts as a powerful witness

such as the Methodist Festival Choir (MFC)

to an unbelieving world. Every Christmas,

are important. Established in 2013, MFC

in a rare outward display of unity, Christians

members come from 22 Methodist churches

around the world gather—regardless of their

and several other denominations. They

denominational or theological differences—

express Christian unity in a way Methodists

for one common purpose: to celebrate the

are known for throughout the world—

birth of Jesus Christ.

through singing.

The power of such a single-minded

Apologetics and reasoning find little

gathering cannot be underestimated.

headway among non-believers these days,

Before being arrested and crucified, Jesus

but stories, music and art continue to move

himself prayed for all believers, "that they

hearts. With this in mind, we invite you to

may all be one … so that the world may

a nationwide gathering of Methodists this

believe that you have sent me" (John

December, to witness the redemptive story

17:21). The fulfilment of Christ's prayer was

of God told through music and song by the

then partly seen in Acts, where the early

MFC! For in our gathering, the world may

believers "were together and had all things

believe in God.

in common" (Acts 2:44), and as a result, had "favour with all the people" (Acts 2:47). Their unity also led to spiritual growth, for

MFC 10th Anniversary

"the Lord added to their number day by day

And He Shall Reign

those who were being saved" (Acts 2:47). Earthly manifestations of Christian unity also give the world a glimpse of heaven. When King Solomon dedicated the Temple, "the glory of the Lord filled the house of God" (2 Chronicles 5:14) when the priests, musicians, and singers praised God in unity. In Revelation 7:9-12, John records a vision of "a great multitude … from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages", worshipping God in unity.

Come join us for two evenings of worship by the Methodist Festival Choir that explore God's grand story of Creation, the Fall, Redemption and Restoration. - 6 Dec (Wed) 8.00 p.m. to 9.30 p.m., Wesley Methodist Church - 9 Dec (Sat) 6.00 p.m. to 7.30 p.m., Trinity Theological College Admission is free.

For details, visit https://www.

December 2023 Methodist Message 35

Walking alongside you with compassion and care


For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38–39


Angela Zhou worships at Fairfield Methodist Church. She serves as a Sunday school teacher and is also a member of the governance committee. / Photo courtesy of Angela Zhou

An invitation that changed my life within this community that I discovered the boundless love of God being shared so freely, and where I placed my faith in our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. It was also during this camp that I met Morgan, who would later become not only my boyfriend during our time in junior college but also my husband and the father of our beloved sons, Elijah and Elias. Reflecting on the journey that led to my profession of faith in the Lord, I am certain it was guided by the Holy Spirit. For two years preceding the camp, I found myself inexplicably drawn to the mug adorned with FFMC's logo Angela and Morgan Zhou, with their sons, Elijah (left) and Elias (right)


that Mrs Chow used. Even as a newcomer, I was graciously invited to FFMC's Jubilee anniversary dinner in 1998, an event that remains vivid in

n December 1997, at the end of my fourth year

my memory as a beautiful testament to the

in secondary school, Mrs Chow Yook Wah,

community's generosity and love for God’s

my accounts tutor, extended an invitation and

people. As we celebrate FFMC's 75th Anniversary

generously sponsored me for Fairfield Methodist

this year, I am humbled and profoundly grateful

Church's (FFMC) youth camp—an event that

for God's unwavering faithfulness and goodness

profoundly altered the course of my life. During

throughout this remarkable journey. What began

this camp, I received a heart-warming reception

as a simple invitation to a camp has transformed

from several members of the youth ministry,

into a beautiful testimony of a life transformed by

particularly those from the Girls' Brigade. It was

his grace and love. To God Be The Glory!

Kopi kakis by Lau Peng Leong, Yen Tun I and Zachary Yong

December 2023 Methodist Message 37

SOUND OF ART | THE ART OF CHRISTMAS 21 – 24 December, 1.00 p.m. – 8.00 p.m. daily i12 Katong, Level 1 Atrium, 112 East Coast Road, S428802 Details on For enquiries, call 8846-4844 or email Sound of Art brings back the community event, The Art of Christmas, this year at i12 Katong. Through music and art— languages which transcend boundaries—discover the true origins of Christmas. Come view Dominique Fam's hyperrealistic depictions of Jesus' birth as well as various faith-inspired artworks that encourages reflection on the reason for this festive season. Participants can look forward to: - A Christmas Concert on 22 December, at 6.30 p.m. by local musicians and churches - Art tours and ways to encounter God through art - Mallwide treasure hunt - Many prizes and vouchers to win Organised by Sound of Art

ULTIMATE TRAINING CAMP (UTC) 2023 27 December, 8.00 a.m. – 30 December, 10.00 p.m. Centre for Performance Transformation, 159T Jalan Loyang Besar, S506927 Register by 10 December via Registration fees as follows: Students:

Individual: $190 per student

Group (of 2): $300 per group

Working adults:

Individual: $300 per adult

Group (of 2): $540 per group

The Ultimate Training Camp is a high intensity sports camp experience designed for competitive athletes* to let them discover how to live and compete from a biblical perspective. Participants will learn: - How to integrate faith and sports through five biblical principles and interactive sport sessions; - How the gospel impacts their sport and life to transform them from within. *Only for competitive athletes aged 16 to 49, current members of school teams, club teams and national teams. Organised by Athletes in Action Singapore, a Cru Singapore ministry

COMPANIONS IN CHRIST LEADERS' TRAINING 25 – 26 January 2024 (Thursday & Friday), 9.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m. daily Wesley Methodist Church, 5 Fort Canning Road, S179493

Disciple Agency - Singapore

Register by 28 December via link. Details on https:// $200 per person (early bird rate of $180 applies till 15 December). Fees include lunch, leader’s guide and training materials. The Companions in Christ (CIC) series offers a powerfully transforming small group experience that builds spiritual practices within congregations, helping participants be more fully open to God and to one another. Course description - Be trained to lead a 28-week course which offers small group experience in spiritual formation - Learn classic spiritual practices and develop new daily patterns - Deepen relationship with God and with the group - Help build spiritual companions in Christ and support one another on this spiritual journey Organised by Disciple Agency

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