Out of this world

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Out of this world

By: Coco Sajdieh

Table of contents ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Introduction Planets and how they were formed Major characteristics about our planets What are planets made of What is the average temperature of our planets How long has our planets been in our solar system What are the top 2 planets that are popular Conclusion Work cited

This is a picture of the planet earth this is the main planet and this is the planet that we live on.

Introduction Expert researchers say that there are MANY things that you can learn about your planets. Scientists say that there are many different characteristics about how long our planets been in our solar system many characteristics about the planets for an example ´´Scientists say that the planets that are far away from the sun is freezing like there icy and just freezing cold and the planets that are the closest to the sun they are the warmest or even the hottest planets.´´so this is the main thing about our planets in our solar system.

Planets and how they were formed Scientists say that the spinning disc of dust that formed the Sun and all of the planets, however the planet's hydrogen and helium that made up all of the planets. however, over time the planetesimals continued to collide and join together to form the planets. the disc to form the planets is called the solar nebula. Did you know that are planets are attracted by the gravity? Additionally, over a few million of years chunks have merged together and there was about 10 to the power of 9 objects called the planetesimals. The accumulation of material to form planets in this way is called the accretion. Did you know that the larger the objects are it is about the same size as the moon?

Did you know most planets contain moons

Major characteristics about our planets !!!!!!!

Experts say that the planets are the most unique thing in our solar system, however, planets have many and very interesting facts about themselves. The first thing that is major about our planets is that planets the side of the planets faces are the coldest and the other side is usually very hot or very cold. Did you know that some of our planets are slightly larger than the earth? Next Saturn, Jupiter Uranus, and Neptune are the only ones that are the outlier that means that they are the biggest terrestrial planets. Our terrestrial planets have very rocky faces and they are enclosed relatively shallows atmosphere.did you know that we are super small and super icy. Most of our planets sizes are formed by a combination of gases and they become denser and hotter as you get closer to the core.

What are the planets made of ? Experts say that people define earth as the dark bodies that orbit the stars, However, you can see our 8 planets in the night sky because of our reflection of our planet. Additionally, planets are not just solid they are made up of trapped helium and water so it's not solid at all. Scientists also say that that planet in our solar systems is called the ´´gas giants.´´scientists also say that the tiny blue dot is earth!!!!!. Other planets in our solar system are also made up of trapped helium, water, and finally hydrogen. Naca says that planets are really unique and have a lot of characteristics about them.

Fun fact:did you know that the gas giants that are in our solar system are Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and finally Uranus.

What is the average temperature of our planets Scientists say that people define earth as the dark bodies that orbit the stars, However, you can see our Scientists say that the planets that are really far away are really chile and that the planets that are closest to the sun are either hot or really warm. The scientist also says that the planets that are really far away are very icy and freezing and really cold. Did you know that the planets that are really closest to the sun are toxic or even molten? Did you know that Uranus is the coldest planet in our solar system? However, the planets that are ordered from the hottest to the coolest surface temperature that ranges from venus to Neptune of venus and mercury for being too far away from the sun. scientist say that the planets temperature values reflect of the planets that are degree Celsius. Scientists say so many things about our planet's average temperature and there are so many things about our planets that people or scientists know about.

Fun fact:Did you know that the planets can only go up to 460c on a regular basis.

How long has our planets been in our solar system Scientist says the coolest things and the most interesting things. Did you know that our planets have been in our solar system for 4.6 billion of years? scientists discovered that the planets are 4.6 billion of years that means that they are really old. However 4.6 billion of years ago the solar system was formed by a cloud and that is when the planets were processing after the solar system was forming. Did you know that scientists say that 4.6 years ago from a gravitational collapse of a giant interstellar molecular cloud? There are so many things that you can learn about how long our planets been in our solar system.

My conclusion Scientists also keep on saying that there much much more to discover about our planets in our solar system. However, there are a lot of things to learn about and did you know that there are millions of facts about our planets in our solar system but some people like scientists do not know that there are that many of interesting facts about our planets. Planets are really amazing and really cool and have interesting facts about themselves.

Glossary ● Gas giants:A large planet of relatively low density consisting predominantly of hydrogen and helium ● Experts (scientists):A person that studies or have an smart knowledge of one or more of the natural or physical sciences. ● Hydrogen:Hydrogen is a nonmetallic element that is the simplest and lightest element of all of the other

● Helium:A chemical element of atomic number 2 ● Processing:To perform a series of a chemical

Works Cited Study.com, Study.com, study.com/academy/lesson/characteristics-of-the-solar-system.html. Study.com, Study.com, study.com/academy/lesson/characteristics-of-the-solar-system.html. Google Search, Google, www.google.com/search?q=how+long+has+our+planet's+been+in+our+solar+system&spell=1&sa=X&ved=0ahU KEwjS5LGLoIzfAhXLmIsKHQX0DV0QBQgoKAA&biw=1600&bih=1089. “Planets and How They Formed.” Parallax and Distance Measurement | Las Cumbres Observatory, lco.global/spacebook/planets-and-how-they-formed/. “Planets and How They Formed.” Parallax and Distance Measurement | Las Cumbres Observatory, lco.global/spacebook/planets-and-how-they-formed/. Powers, Jason. “The Characteristics of the Eight Planets.” Sciencing.com, Sciencing, 23 Apr. 2018, sciencing.com/characteristics-eight-planets-8332488.html. “Space Environment.” How Does Gravity Work in Space?, www.qrg.northwestern.edu/projects/vss/docs/space-environment/2-what-are-planets-made-of.html.

Work cited “Space Environment.” How Does Gravity Work in Space?, www.qrg.northwestern.edu/projects/vss/docs/space-environment/2-what-are-planet s-made-of.html. Williams, Matt. “What Is the Average Surface Temperature of the Planets in Our Solar System?” Universe Today, Universe Today, 19 Apr. 2016, www.universetoday.com/35664/temperature-of-the-planets/.

About the Author Coco sajdieh is a student at exploris middle school. She is currently in 6th grade and loves to learn. She is great student and loves to explore. She likes to challenge herself and have fun. She takes her time to be great at everything she does.

Summary of my book Do you want to know about how long our planets has been in our solar system?Well if you read this book it will answer your question.This book is a very interesting and fun kids book and you will get all of your information of planets in this book.

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